2015, 06-02 Study Session MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington June 2,2015 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Dean Grafos, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director ABSENT: John Hohman, Community Development Dir. Bill Bates, Councilmember Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Bates. It was moved by Councilmember Pace, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Bates from tonight's meeting. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-012, Gambling Tax—Mark Calhoun After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded, to approve ordinance 15-012 amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code 3.25, gambling tax. After Deputy City Manager Calhoun went over the background of the ordinance, Mayor Grafos invited public comments. No comments were offered. There was brief discussion among Council about the reduced revenues, as well as a comment about not knowing what the State Legislature will do concerning future shared revenues. Mayor Grafos suggested this matter be brought back again in another year. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 2. Proposed Resolution 15-004, Support of North/South Corridor Name Change—Mayor Grafos It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Resolution 15-004, supporting the name change of the North/South Corridor to the Thomas E. Foley Corridor. Councilmember Pace said he will vote against this as he feels this is not the scope of this Council and is not a benefit to our citizens. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Grafos, Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Councilmembers Hafner, Higgins and Wick. Opposed: Councilmember Pace. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Bid Award,Houk-Maxwell-S into Street Preservation Project—Steve Worley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to award the Houk-Maxwell-Sinto Street Preservation project, #0220 to T. LaRiviere Equipment and Excavating, Inc., in the amount of $339,647.83 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. After Public Works Director Guth explained the background of the project and bid, Mayor Grafos invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: Reappoint Liz Beck to Tourism Promotion Area Commission—Mayor Grafos Mayor Grafos recommended the reappointment of Liz Beck to the TPA for a three-year term. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to confirm the Mayoral appointment of Liz Beck to the Council Study Session:06-02-2015 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council:06-23-2015 Tourism Promotion Area Commission for a three-year term from June 1, 2015, through May 31, 2018. Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. NON-ACTION ITEMS: 5. Comprehensive Plan/Citizen Site Specific Amendment Requests—John Hohman Director Hohman explained that the goal of tonight's meeting is to obtain concurrence, or not, on these Citizen Action Requests (CARs); he said the Public Participation Plan was brought to Council in January, and one of the goals is to identify issues early, so we are trying to get public participation early in the process, and one way to do that is to open this process to any citizen, property owner, or interested individual who wants to submit an application; said the process is split into two categories with tonight handling the site specific citizen-initiated requests, and at next week's meeting to address the text and overlay amendments. Mr. Hohman said that tonight's focus is on specific requests for several parcels, and that they have tried to consolidate those into several easily discussed items. He explained that as these CARs are reviewed, he will look to Council to indicate which of these to include now and what to perhaps include in some future amendment process. As noted in Mr. Hohman's handout summarizing the "Citizen Amendment Requests," there are three options: what to include, what to exclude, and what to defer to a future annual comp plan update. Further, Mr. Hohman explained that there will not be a future adoption of the individual amendment requests, as they won't be acted upon until the major components are in place; he said these CARs may be considered as pro and con in the broader decision of the update; he asked that Council not make a judgment, but more that this would be a matter of what we should study in the future, what the scope of work should look like for the next phase of this project, and what Council wants staff to bring back as part of the Update process. Councilmember Pace asked if it is possible to include in the process, something to prevent a change to property without the property owner's knowledge. Mr. Hohman replied that we will do what we can to make sure the property owner is aware, and he gave the example of a County comprehensive plan update years ago for the Ponderosa area which made it more dense than anything else in the surrounding areas, which he said caused a lot of anxiety. Mr. Hohman said staff will work to make sure property owners affected will be notified, adding that having their approval is a more difficult process as it is too early to speculate what those changes, if any, might be, and said it might hamper the process if we asked for each individual property owner's approval. Councilmember Pace stated that he does not like making changes without the property owner's approval. Councilmember Wick asked if what Council would be looking at concerning the CARs, is also an opportunity to look at the larger surrounding area, and he gave as an example, along Nora. Mr. Hohman concurred and said staff is aware the office zone in that area is not working well. Mr. Hohman noted that there are numerous possibilities for Council to consider such as changing zones up or down, changing development regulations, and consolidating zones. Mr. Hohman stated that no fees are associated with these requests, and Council could also decide not to take any action at all; but if a CAR were deferred, Mr. Hohman said he would seek legal's opinion as to whether an applicant would have to reapply and/or pay a fee, or if such deferred CAR would automatically be included on the next future comp plan docket. As Ms. Barlow went through her PowerPoint presentation, she mentioned that the staff report analyzes the CARs requests against the input themes or focus themes, so the report indicates whether the CAR is consistent with those themes. She also noted that these are just the site-specific applications and not the text amendment and overlay zones, which she explained, will come before Council next week, followed by Council's final decision of the CARs at the June 23 meeting. After brief Council discussion, Mr. Jackson noted that no action is scheduled for tonight's meeting, and that staff can formulate a motion for a future meeting based on Council's consensus. Ms. Barlow explained that for each CAR, Council could include in the Comp Plan Update analysis, defer to a future comp plan update, or not include in the Comp Plan Update analysis. After Ms. Barlow's review of each CAR, there was Council consensus to include them all for future discussion in the Comp Plan Update, with Deputy Mayor Woodard disagreeing with moving CAR 2015-0010 through 0011 Council Study Session:06-02-2015 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council:06-23-2015 forward. It was also determined that the specific CAR that was withdrawn won't be included but the nature of the request will be included. There was some additional discussion on CAR 2015-0016 with Councilmember Wick asking to look at the other parcel in the field below, and Council concurred. Council asked about the individual property owner's input concerning CAR 2015-0020, and Ms. Barlow said she would check the minutes to see if other property owners expressed their feelings on these parcels. Director Hohman said that task could be included in the next contract scope; that when they put together the scope for preparation of the draft comp plan and development regulations, staff will have a better idea of when this can come back to Council again; said there is a lot of work to accomplish, and it would likely take three months or more; adding that many of these issues will need focused study. Mayor Grafos called for a recess at 7:50 p.m.; he reconvened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. 6. Initiative/Referendum Process—Cary Driskell City Attorney Driskell said that interest had been expressed regarding the powers of initiative and referendum in our City, which is a non-chartered code city. Via his PowerPoint presentation, he gave a general explanation of the powers and processes dealing with initiative and referendum, and gave examples of each; and said our City adopted those powers in 2005. After his presentation, Councilmember Pace explained that he has asked for this information in association with the truck issue, and having a no-truck parking in residential areas. Mr. Driskell said he feels those are police powers typically reserved to the Council, and as such,are typically not subject to initiative. 7. Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)—Eric Guth After Public Works Director Guth went over his PowerPoint presentation explaining the Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan projects, there was Council consensus to bring this forward next week for a motion consideration. 8. Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos Concerning interviewing candidates for temporarily filling Councilmember Bates' position, Mayor Grafos said he feels all eighteen applicants should be interviewed, and Council concurred. After Council discussion about when to hold the interviews and how many meetings to hold for that purpose, June 10`x' was suggested as the interview date. It was also determined to limit each interview to fifteen minutes, to permit each candidate a minute or two of those fifteen minutes, for self-introductions if desired; and that the meeting(s) would be video-recorded. The meeting date for the nomination and selection process was discussed, and Councilmember Wick mentioned the possibility of having two Councilmembers absent at the June 23`d meeting as they would be attending the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) conference. Mr. Jackson suggested the specific date could be determined later, if needed, and Council expressed a desire to hold that meeting June 17th. Mr. Jackson noted that the City Clerk would send Council a copy of the process; and that the process could be built into the governance manual later; and that the dates will be confirmed and communicated to Council as soon as possible. 9. Information Only Items: (a) Department Reports; (b)Montgomery Ave Street Preservation Bid These items were for information only and were not reported or discussed. 10. Council Comments—Mayor Grafos—There were no Council Comments. 11. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson -There were no City Manager comments. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. A ,.> Dean ra os,Mayor ristine Bainbri gty Clerk Council Study Session:06-02-2015 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council:06-23-2015 2 9 ��s� Citizen Amendment Requests This information will be discussed at tonight's (6/2/15) Council meeting. Staff will receive direction from Council on each of the map amendment CAR's and return on June 9 for motion consideration. The text amendment and overlay CAR's will be discussed at a later date and will follow the same process. 1. Move to include —These CAR's will be considered as requests which warrant analysis in the Legislative Comp Plan Update under the City�s` : Mineral Resource Lands, Multi-Family Zones, Office Zones, Industrial Lands and/or to the Public Input themes developed and adjusted based on input from the public; Community Character, Economic Opportunity, Housing, and Transportation. These CAR's can serve as specific examples which will aid in broader discussion of the Legislative Comp Plan Update. There will not be future adoption of individual CAR's; rather, they will be part and parcel of the Legislative Comp Plan Update. It is generally understood that the individual requests may not be acted upon until the major components of the Comp Plan Revision are in place. The CAR's may be considered both as pro and con in the broader discussion of the Comp Plan Update. No judgment (positive or negative) is passed on the CAR's at this time. g�G 2. Move to .eny—Council does not desire to carry these CAR's forward as part of the Legislative Comp Plan Update. 3. Move to defer— In the opinion of Council, these CAR's requests may have merit to be considered at a later date during a future Annual Comp Plan Update. g June 9th, 2015 COPY City Council of the City of Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, Washington RE: CAR-0015-0010,0011, and 0020 Dear City Council Members, The above noted CAR all relate to the area between Pines and Evergreen, north of 4th and south of the old railroad right-of-way. The intent of these CARs is to amend the Comprehensive plan changing the current MF-1 Medium Density designation to a MF-2 High Density designation even though the current designation already meets the intent of a transition between commercial and [ow density areas and, between the two options above, has the opportunity to be compatible with all the development shown in your aerial view. My neighbors and I realize that areas must be allocated to allow growth. The key, and one of the reasons you Members sit on this Council, is to determine the right growth that does not degrade the future of the existing development and it's owners. Degrading the future of existing development and it's owners is not the"Valley Way". Those of us in this room that remember the two feet of snow that fell overnight just a few years ago,those of us that remember Ice Storm, those of us that remember the summer of'74, the winter of'72, of'68, those of us that remember praying with our classmates for President Kennedy to survive the day, and praying with our families later when we were finally told he did not, do not need to be explained what the"Valley Way" is. Others that do not have over 50 years of life in the Valley may not understand the struggles we've gone through over the decades leading up to incorporation. They may not understand that what finally pushed incorporation through was the annexation threat by the City of Spokane. We all knew that the City of Spokane would never understand the"Valley Way". So we incorporated, and elected this body to represent us. You Members sit in those chairs not to represent incoming business, but to represent the individuals and families that live and play in our beautiful city, a city of growth surpassing all others in the area. That uncommon growth is for a few reasons, but the most prevalent is the"Valley Way". For this is a city in which two feet of snow overnight does not find us huddled in our own homes, but brings us all together, and has the neighborhood driveways, mailboxes, and fire hydrants all clean of snow before the first plow hits the streets. Because of the"Valley Way", no one in my neighborhood that I knew of was cold even though power was out following ice storm. Because of the"Valley Way", neighbors know each other, laugh with each other, and at times, cry with each other. I hope that all of you have had a chance to drive down 4th and see the new development that sticks out like a sore thumb, the development owned by those responsible for these CARs, the development that has already received numerous complaints your Planning staff has had to address or is addressing. Page 1 of 2 .......z..,..,„;,—,__... That development, so new it's not shown on your aerial view, must meet the current MF-1 medium designation requirements(as it was permitted by Planning staff), but only if most or possibly all of the land yet undeveloped on the north end of the property becomes green space. There might be some of you that would consider a split, of an amendment with high density to the north and medium density to the south of the area being discussed. Council Members can make their own conclusions as to why the developer chose to build as close to the existing homes as he thought he could get away with, although the developer himself has boasted to me why. Council Members can decide for themselves how Planning staff would permit such a development that many might consider as having an obvious disregard for the existing homes around it. Or why Planning staff decided to include pictures in the information packet regarding these CAR and presented to the Planning Commission, later forwarded to the Council, that were taken from vantage points several hundred feet away providing little example of most of the existing homes. But should the Council provide opportunity by splitting the area, thus creating a non-compliant development right at the start, that opportunity might encourage a similar attitude in others, an attitude contradictory to the"Valley Way". Many of my neighbors have worked most of their life on their homes. I've put in 22 years, and I could be considered a"newbie" compared too many of my neighbors. 22 years of weekends, of nights after a long day's work, 22 years of taking the worst house on the block(as many of my current neighbors can attest)to far from that. Those of us that understand the"Valley Way"will not discount the efforts off those that have come before us, we will not discount the centuries of aggregate weekends that our neighbors have invested in their homes, nor will they degrade their futures. The primary objective in determining proper growth is to maintain the"Valley Way", respect the investment of existing development, and continue the environment that made this place a special place, "...where individuals and families can grow and play...". It is in such communities that business thrives, but the individuals and the families come first. With that objective it's easy to see that the current MF-1 designation allows multifamily development that at least comes close to the existing neighborhood. An MF-2 designation which would allow, with density bonuses, over 30 units per acre, around 2.5 times the density, would not have the same opportunity for compatibility. I respectfully request that the Council Members not include CAR-0015-0010, 0011 or 0020 in your motions regarding amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Thank you, James `JJ"Johnson V 13224 E. 4th Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Former Member of the Citizens Advisory Committee to Pasadena Park Former Mechanical Engineering Advisory Member, CCSS Former American Heart Association Volunteer Former Spokane Valley Girls Softball Coach Former Valley Partners Second Harvest Food Bank Volunteer Page 2 of 2 Citizen-Initiated Amendment (CAR) Request Locations - April 15, 2015 Montgomery Ave Mansfield Ave Knox Ave Indiana Ave SR 90 eb N t- Mission Ave i i. I m �� CAR rCAR 15-001 o / 115-001 9' Oto HDR 1 0 La I O to C j SR 9p Wb o c ir rt 0 B- Broadway Ave CAR 15-002' _ g CAR 15-003-� a 2 = N LDR to •'-!LDR to HDR) CAR 15-00161 3 CMU j to — MDR to HDR)-),\ CAR CARI15-0017y m° ValleywayAve� 1/ Me 15-0013 ' 1 Oto NC ._ el :� L -- R- - u CAR 15-004-007' \ - -0to HDR a te„`.--c iCAR15-00201 Sprague Ave Oto CMU \ ss "'[IC \\\\\\\\ Ppp\e�ay \� - MDR to HDR;�,\� __or NC \ CAR 15-00141 �� \���' Appleway Blvd rLLa ��\ 0015 \V ICAR 15-0012' ' Legend Fourth Ave ! I LDR C_ I HDR to CMU / o Comprehensive Plan !CAR 15-010-0011 l 2 Ei category Eighth Ave i MDR to HDR___.), > Mixed Use Center(MUG) CK w D Corridor Hoed Use(CMU) o CC Low Density Residential(LDR) 0 Q U 6 < Medium Density Residential(MDR 3 16th Ave High Density Residential(HDR) w� i. a1tese Office(o) Rq Neighbahwtl Commeraal(NC) -)30. Community Commercial(C) slu Regional Commercial(RC) 24th Ave e2> P 25th q a LigCI)ndustrial(LI) m CO Heavy Industrial(HI) Stiokane '(`/7 Park/Open Space(POS) 4000 •alley Water nodes(WH) 32nd Ave & 'a — a15