15-002.01 Inland Asphalt: Sullivan Street Preservation 6-002.0 SFo`kaxie ••00Va11[eyt CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 15-002 PROJECT: Sullivan Rd St Preservation CONTRACT DATE: 5115/2015 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Inland Asphalt Company CIP NO: 188 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order pertains to Bid Schedule: A The existing diameter of conduit sweeps accessing existing signal junction boxes is not large enough for the new vehicle detection loop feeds. This Change Order pays for installation of new sweeps and associated curb and sidewalk work at the following Sullivan Rd locations:34+00 RT,42+75 RT and 44+95 RT. The sweep and JBox adjustment work will be paid by Force Account procedures. item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total CO-1.1 Remove Cement Concrete Curb&Gutter LF 10 $ 11.45 $ 114.50 CO-1.2 Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk&Drwy Appr. SY 7 $ 12.45 $ 87.15 CO-1.3 Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter LF 10 $ 18.00 $ 180.00 CO-1.4 Cement Concrete Sidewalk SY 7 $ 31.00 $ 217.00 CO-1.5 Force Account Sweep install and J Box adjustment CALC 1 $ $ 2A84.73 Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): $ 3,083.38 PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days:_45 Revision By This Change Order: Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 0 _ Total Revised Contract Working Days: 45 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 894,884.00 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER -__ $ 894.88400 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER .... $ 3,083.38 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLU NG THIS CHANGE ORDER ----�~-.,..- —~ $ 897,967 38 'it) CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: y2,405—The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment un. �3'-rms of Section 1-04.4 of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: G�i�'''9? T DATE: 6 •2g-/,j Project Manager APPROVED BY: J � DATE: C /2 y// ,// Public Works Director APPROVED BY: /04 DATE: City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Plan Sheets 14&15.revised 6-23-15 showing CO-1 work Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,PW Project File.Project Inspector.Finance Department COSY Form 9?5(2014