1977, 06-22 Permit: M1972 Residence7-7 SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT RESIDENTI& NUMBER m 1 72 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Property Address --------- CE14TER ... DPjV_r.V --- ........ ­T� ........... land Use ov Rvacwve pa Group _1 -------- Type.. V ..... ---- Zone ... --- AgMcu-ttural --- Sow4beft-Ribrmit for. _g ----- ......... ............. Owner r : M _ddre§s, -.x .....---Ph,one W . ....._..... ------------------_-_- -Phone..: ...............Architect.....-- ------- --------- ------ -•-•- __--_----- -Address.... ... ...... "' ontractor----AM-_j*&trje$---..Address- PKdFe. A..4w8(j) Location: ., Parcel Number..._19.60.07D --- L _46- rmum --- zonto --- sat ........ ot sleek q 40 -red' tortsy U1 ------------------------------------------------- 2 ................... -fire-va-1 1--seP801,60on--required between - 131d' ------- )Fire Zone..- ---- _Size of Lot... --------- Const - W ----------- ------ wage.-.- r -a---- g. Zone.. - 41 Sq t ---�so----- 1,933r ftn Stories----- ----- D i men sio n s-2-7- kn.21. ------- 1__� ------- 2-1-1994it-_ --------- --- Total S F h Htg: System - Rms .... & ... Baths/RR-2 --------__--Basement f1j.1-1, .... Foundation r "Crelts ---------- Chimney---- -Fireplace._ -------- ---------- ----- Type of Roofing.--- --- Finish--., . ------- Int. WPrFinish--.- ---- ----- ----------- �ARILAR r ta-i Certificate oi'Occupancy Issued for__,jft._0 equ _fiw. _EArx --- ST91 -- Remarks- -- --- C"4&1MtjC. _T_ I �01(_-", U8,T_ HAVE ISP E -C MS .. C-ALtW'--FOR-i--AS--R.EWIRED--BY --- CODE— ST CAL, upow-cmOL:Eylo� ------------------- AW--,PR-IOR---TO--OCCUPANC-Y--OF- ------- ...................... - ----------- --------------- e �e ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ................................................................. ---------------------- ...................... ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- -------- -----------------------------........... ................................. --------------­-- _ ---------------- t e"I THIS PERMIT is granted upon the expffss condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinaries of the of `Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said Vdinances, or• failureof plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances., In considerationof the Issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where diraed—by—Cou nty­0ffI'6IAMn hall remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly r:ct renewed, This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof with n.1 Vlit_, from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by Buil Og,-O,f.f,icial�-6'OILDING-C-E)E),E-DEPARTMtN.T. Permit Expire B .. ... z.,� WNE-22 ...... I if, ; ... -978 ---------------- y Tl� ..................... T. INSPECTOR.,,,-,-. Building FeePaid $------------- -------------- Date Issued ------------- ---------------------------- iv,�l.., • :r 9nori�._, 22aibUA vii9C!01"1 lirntP o e2 nG,r , i.c.J 1!:1 .s.l'...'ll�ly ,Ilrll::.•IJ ra • STEEL.9nbrici 2°16!7A. l r.. „MI t t , dr..�i_; i _ 4 n J ..f2no0 .ogst.vsz• .. ;oJ•!o ssi2 ,,7o1 9tiR , 3nea ,; (1 tt p� S T • �9 J 1 F�N+AL, ntattst.;IF.V IR p2 isjol yi %'. t•,,- i.:.,,. • !i2 -�.--J_i3ei2l(9 .G#H . 9a61gsili .---' enmir10 nGtl6JnU0l 4119 il° 6 r AFl2tii6u a;1?� 6 :2GN'(MFi:II d ini3iisW tnl �.ri inR ix3= _...- --- ni3oc; 'o snvf c t b u2 ! varsquaa0 7o sisal :i~ 3 i .f _br. j e.. r zi e ,"tL :� i. 2Ti16TIiI16:: .., . LS 5 :: :i.t ............................ I 1• C n h .7 Y1 �� r :1..,:, i.j rv-' ,,.;1� 8. 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