2003, 01-03 Permit: 03000033 SewerSite Information Project Information Site Address: 1023 S CENTER DR Project Number: 03000033 Inv: 1 Issue Date: 1/3/03 SPOKANE, WA 99202 Permit Use: SEWER CONNECTION - DRYLINE ONLY Parcel Number: 45193.0708 Subdivision: BEVERLY HILLS 01 ST ADD Block:6 Lot: 8 Zoning: GA General Agriculture Owner: COZZA, SHAWN M Address: 1023 S CENTER DR SPOKANE, WA '99202 Building Inspector: MARC STRAUB Water Dist: Right of Way Contractor: UNKNOWN Applicant: H & S CONSTRUCTION 11817 E. VALLEYWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99206 Contact: H & S CONSTRUCTION 11817 E.'VALLEYWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99206 Setbacks - Front: Left: Right: Permits CONST IN ROW -SEWER Group Name: _Project Name: License #: UNKNOWN $10.00 Phone: (509) 926-8964 Phone: (509) 926-8964 Rear: Total Permit Fee: $10.00 FOR RIGHT OF WAY INSPECTIONS CALL'- , t (509) 477-3600 ENGINEERING Server Connection Permit Contractor: H & S CONSTRUCTION i License #: HSCON** 123KF SEWER CONNECTION -__1 i $85.00 PROCESSING FEE $15.00 Total Pennit Fee: $100.00 FOR SEWER INSPECTIONS CALL (509) 477-3604-UTILITIES'830-'5.001 PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY , Call for inspection prior to cover. ONE WORKING DAY NOTICE REQUIRED. Contractor or applicant is to field locate and confinr the elevation and position of sewer stub prior to any other excavation. Sewer stubs are to be checked prior to connection to ensure that they have acceptable grade and are clear and unobstructed to .the main sewer. Sewer lines should be constructed-to,,allowfor gravity flow from the lowest level of the structure. This permit must be presented to the job,siie'mspeeior for ventication.'.To locate buried cables gas piping, water lines, etc. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG, (509)456-8000. STATE LAW RCW 19.122 REQUIRES THAT PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION THE "CALL BEFORE YOU DIG" CENTER 13E NOTIFIED. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG AT LEAST 2 WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE, (509)456-8000. Total Fees AmountPaid AmountOwinLr $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Processed By: SHATTO, JULIE Printed By: WENDEL, GLORIA Payment Summary Tran Date Receipt # Payment Amt 1/3/03 29 $110.00 Page 1 of 1 PERMIT FILE