1992, 03-02 Permit: 92001178 Remodel, AdditionSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASETINGTOi'199260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct. and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law rill -minting construction, oras a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT PROJECT NUMBER= 920011 78 APPLICATION 3 - a - 9a, DATE VOID ISSUED PERMIT DATE::'- ti :/02/92 AGF:::.: Gi er.redE.1E.1!..1i..)i.:lh de tit df di'*di'rh dk'it"it'd@* ****t** PERMIT I..I 1".'.. 'i i"i Fl .. ..iN **rr It a; *** *x ............... .. .. .. .4..x. ae :re m��rr m: �re.�•; :rr er �re e•;,!' 1 SITE STREET— 7812 N CENTER RD PARCEL'07542-091 ?> ADDRI::.,S;S'::: SPOKANE WA 99212 PERMIT USE= INTERIOR REMODEL. . COVERED PATIO ADDITION PLATO= 000716 PLAT MAME= ELECTRIC RAILWAY SUBURBAN HOME BLOCK= LOT= ZONE= OR -7 - DIS:'t.. _ AREA= 00+3:767 F'A=F WIDTH= iii DEPTH= 1 & (.'1 Bi...DGS'= 1 4 f;14f11.Ir—JC. i WATER DIST = OWNER= TOrNF S;S, STEVE: STREET= 291 ::= N CENTER Ei:F\ RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 992 PHONE= 509 974 44 TACT NAME= STEVE TOPNES PHONE NUMBER :::: ... Eti.J:i:i._:i:I:NG SETBACKS: FRONT= 35 LEFT= 47 RIGHT= 47 REAR== NA .)cdi..i6.Y#.;@;@.k..u..y:.y:ryi:d4iriu.ii.*)t' ikir';r:i4'3':v., if***H* BUILDING PERMIT 1t'*'.ii'.iE#d('* ri'.p: .i(-0i'r('i. h:i(.ii'.* ifir CONTRACTOR= OWNER PHONE= NEW= ., DWELI UNITS= RE( PARKING= REMODEL= OCC1..J1- . LD:::' 16 E9 FT= O H AN D:ECAI-'-= ADDITION= CHH .F.:E: OF BLDG HG1= STOWS 112 SPRINKLER= N CRITICAL MAT:= N DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE C'f;t FT VALUATION CCTV DECK R- VN 112 7 i.a„t'rv. RE'MI —Ei... R--7, VN 17'',00, ::TEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE:: AMOUNT REES):D'':ENTIAL.. VALUATION Y 189 STATE SURCHARGE — COUNTY SURCHARGE ...... ..• �i4 df i{.d;.}�;(;F dr di��if}.; �ii�di�di�di d•: di�n��reux�dr tr #*dE d4 u'# PLUMPING PERMIT nir *tr yr yr v: sr *m: i(. CONTRACTOR= OWNER ITEM DESCRIPTION TOILETS SINKS SHOWERS PATH TUBS KITCHEN SINKS DISH WASHERS CLOTHES i WASiiER UTILITY SINKS ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS PHONE=: QUANT T. T'r FEE AtifILlN 4,00 6.00 '1 6:00 b.l)i7 40 a°*9ri1*.iE ii..ti.**s; * dr ti'*dt'*di'di'd!'*vi PAYMENT SUMMARY * iH(a•*-*.*** is1(1('1('da :u.4;..1,i P R f..l (.: I_• i. tit' it 'iii d( PAYMENT DATE_ 03/O2/.2 TOTAL AL. DUE,IU. T TYPE L.LJf,B1NG i'F.P:'t=a'T RECI..Li•' T n 1358 :.00 TOTAL PAID= FELE:: AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID i'ED BY: ...CUIN L_AR. ON E:.11 BY JOHN L_ARSON PAY1'II::i MOUNT 52 281 a . CI LI T NG O('1 00 .***,,No.*********)(:**).) �RJ k'(_4didjF)ki44;14P9"Mi driPTF'k