1991, 12-05 Permit: 91008409 MechanicalSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane,County to proceed with processing., In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand.that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to . give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law'regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. ` . SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PRO,Fi:• OT NUMBER= 91000409 'ISSUED F•'F"%MIT :-DATE" i 2i'0..":i/9i . PAGE= Oi ii 3i .h � ra.• •it •ii• � •u ii• � 3i ii •k •a• � �: •ii• 3r # � �i• �• •k •tt �+:• •>k ii• F'' E:: iirS I T' I !� F C) Fti i'i A T.I: CI �E ..:.,� •tt •a h• •ii � tt � �i �: it• •h if a �• � jc # •ii •tt• 3i• �: 9i• $E •tt #.• ii.ii• _ = SITE STREET= 9706 E- CROSSBOW CT- _, PARGEL..O=?0543--i ; G6 .. APDRESS= SPOKANE::_ WA 99206 PERMIT 'USE-: HEATING'EQUIPMENT NT & PIPING, PLATO= 00236 PLAT -NAME= SHERWOOD FOREST (WHISPERING P11 ..BLOCK- 2 --LOT= 6 IONE-: -UNK .-DISTO= _F AREA= 00000000. Fi A, F . WIDTH= DE: P TH= F/W= : OF BLDGS-- i ;,DWELLINGS= i. WATER DIST,V, OWNER=:WELLS. ROBE RT PHONE= 509 926 ;3r,'04 STREET=97063-CROSSBOW CT _ ADDRESS= SPOKANE : WE1..5'S 206 . 'CONTACT NAME= SEARS/BARTON- PHQNE NUMBER" y61 0? i i r i:� BUILDING SETPACKE:' FROINTw N/A LEFT= N/A- F :i.GHTn N/A RE.ARn N/A ***********!**************-MECHANICAL- PERMIT CONTRACTOR - SEARS 1=HONE= 509'489 1170 S T RE:.E:. I= I'' O BOX 3707— 37Ci r - ADDRESS—SPOKANE ADDRESSw• -SPOKANE WA_'9922Q ITEM M I?E:SCRI PT ION � QUANTITY. FEE.AMOUNT PROCESSING" FEE 25.00 {SAS HTG EQUIP(i 00; G00>BT.0 _._ __ _.. i 12.00 ..GAS PIPING.- ... _ _.._. - i f.00 -- .00--PAYME PAYMENT . nlT PAYMENT DAME F E::C::EIPTO PAYMENT AMOUNT - 12/05/91 T OTAL_ "SUE=, Ao TOTAL.,. PAIM 3000 PE::FtirMET' TYPE: FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID - AMOUNT OWING-- . - - ME.CHANICAI._ PRMT38.00 38.00 .00 ?8.00 3%00 .00 . l"ROCESSED BY: DOivi'[TROVICH,--ROB -N _. _ ..._.. PRINTE::D BY: DOMITR VICH, ROBI-1N,.:: •� k.:,i..� b• � �ti h x �i •x � �: � �• �: � r� � �i ri: � �• h �• �• •;r •� •tt• •� •tt ai• - 'I' Fd A �! k Y O tJ - � •� xi � •x •x• ai• � •u �• .h � �: �: � tt• tt �c �;• �• � � •n ri• � ai •x �• � �• x •�