1981, 01-26 Permit: 80B-4608 InspectINSPECTION RECORD 11 OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR TYPE OF WORK - N S E W FINAL INSPECTION: SET BACKS DATE REMARKS: �y UM. APPLICATION/PERMIT- y N Sa8 a both SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT T NORTH .II JEFFERSON r SPOKANE, wASHINaTON932410 r te09l.e6-3e7e APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES - PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES p3• •3001 x.300. 6 •3006 ASB wDDRE35 9��3 /� n2 E ATTACHED C� LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SE 1. l� PARCEL NUM.Eah - trvNEa / onE 6// A •000.E 146062 .3, - see 11-11. F..t noon G 7 9ao6 Soktn 12�p9�BD a �ryTq pp PHONE e-/ 7� 51l. oe Parcel n. CNulllutlon P 647 9. " �•+ woo , vm Cenn -lie-1 sellnkl.red • ° , .. d -U ❑r« Ono ❑ pw•e. 7 ` r,pH81e � ERPHONE lu.nPn Eulldlne Aru In 30. Ft. •8' 'ADDRESS y ZIP SIn Floor UPP.r Floor. .rape Are. 1 .1.1... —.011.1 "6 PROM TO Are. a .ck. n shed u.m. ulfl.. "men Il 9 Nm ❑ wLT. Ill AD•N. ❑ RPL ❑ MV E. No. Be I fles No. Slwue No. Reomr N . al Ow.11lnu 7. 0-. LME. D N.CH. ❑ M.H. ❑ PoOL � OTHER CERTIFICATE �OVFORN If EXEMPTION •k I ` D C e Wo a Enuni. out. uuon tA-1 9. FEES COLLECTED V TIO SOURCE OAS ELECTRIC wATER SEWER Ownerrnip SE COO Q UTILIT.. Ic O Prl.— ❑ I See& E 1 hereby Certify that I have read end a ned this applicsh- and have read the "NOTICL" Innvisluns included On re E!. Side• end know the Hirthto betrue and correct. All pl ovisions of laws and oI dlllances yovel ning this Bulldinp !type of•work will be complied with whether specified herein ur not. The granting of a pal mit does not pre l.il to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions o1 any other state of Ioral law n;yu lily i. struc ion ululhe performance of construction. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECT NS n �� Plombine /a TE OF APPLICATION _ Sl6NAIUHE OF APPLICAIII //AI✓/{y/ Mach. SPECIAL APPROVALS 8PECIAL CONDITIONS: DATE Plen Check SERA