1991, 12-04 Permit: 91008378 MechanicalSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 13,+3 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that l have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me ormy agenttocompilesaid permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to giveauthority to violate orcancel the provisionsof anystate or local•lawregulating construction, oras a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PRO JECT NUMBER= 0008378 ._ISSUED PERMIT_-: - DATE= 12/04/9f PAGE=- Oi R � �i ara >f aett� xxtta�tt PERMIT INF"ORMATION'�������>���ua�����i�����tt���u�� SI TC 7STRE"E.T== 9803 E CROSSBOW .0 T PARCEL '= 20543 i 2i ? .. _ A)3I')RESSw SPOKANE WA 9'r'` 06 i~'E-RMIT •USE=:. GAS:WATER HEATER, HEATING EQUIPMENT, &, PIPING' (2) PLATi= 00:.'. 6 PLAT NAME= SHERWOOD F�ORE::S.T'. (WHISPERING PI BLOCK= ? LOT= . 12 ,c ONE =-_ Si= R. _ DIST =__ AREA= OOOOOOOO F /A= -F�"- WIDTH= DEPTH=�R/W- =r• OF' BL_DGS= 1- -4 DWELLINGS= i WATER DIST DWNER= BL_AIR,�. BRYAN_ PHONE:: STREET= 9803 E CROSSBOW CT ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA:99206 CONTACT NAME= KTU HEATING- _.. Pi-IONE -Ni..lM_BE R== 509'467 4000 BUILDING _SETBACKS,: FRONT= N/A LEFT===. N/A FLIGHT= N/A. READ N/A � tt � air �i viii tt �i i MECHANIC AL PERMIT C Ili TttACTt`'1Fi=:: K T U OF SPOKANE - PHONE= 509 4&7 4000 STREE::T'==:_88 E:: WEST VIEW AVE • - - . ADDRESS= SPO ANE _Wry W08_ IT'E::ivSS"VESC%IPTION- - QUANTITY- F'"E::E" AMOUNT .__._..____—-_._...__..__._._.___ — .__._._.__..__. _..__________ F:'ROCESS-ING FEE . __ Y _ 25.00 GA:a . WATER HEATER i. _. i o . 00 GAS HTG EQUIPX i O0, 0Q0>BTii i i2.,00 GAS F'IL'ING ' 2 2,.00 rkr:u x xhai� �ctt �i r>Ftt ......F'A'r'7'rC:NT SUMMARY . y PAYMENT6ATE. F l=.i.E=`.C4-` a F`AY�iF..NT , AMO UNT - _ 12/04/91 9204 . 49.00 TOTAL..QUE-- ... .00 TOTAL PAID- 49.00 PERMIT , TYP; F"EE" AMOUNT +AMO#. NJ PAID, AMOUNT OWING; MECHANICAL f:'RMT 49.00 49.;00 .00 4900 4900 .00 PROCESSED BY: aDOMIT1`O ICH, ROBIN F:'F":IN.TE::D BY: ' DOMETROVJ:CH, ROBIN �3,aett;h�a;>�f�rtt�:tt�ib�ia� THANK YOUxxtt�rtt�r>ktta�;rat�i�tt