1990, 03-06 Permit: 90000737 Wood StovesSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY .W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 4509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application Is true 'and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction. or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 90000 737 DATE= 03/06/90 90 E'AGE= 01 REVISED PERMIT INFO 1{'#•af#atT:'YtIf'1i'1lYt•JlJl'Y:§.;1•'Jtjt'1[:1tlEll'lf)['Jl'•iF!{* PERMIT INFORMATION X$*-X-Yarri*at•atac'atx', 'l.'ae'x'ai'***###*'*•'** SITE STREET= 2625 S DISHMAN MICA RD PARCELO= 29544--0500 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= (2) LIr)OD,S'TO'VES PLATO= 000392 PLAT NAME::::= CHESTER HIL..I...S ADD. BLOCK= LOT= FJ ZONE= AGSLIP DISTO= E: AREA= 00000000 (-/A_- F WIDTH= 108 DEPTH= 200 R/W=:: s: OF rtL.DGS=: 41 DWELLINGS= 1 (OWNER= DUMe';W ,& REI:NHARDT STREET= 2625 S DISHMAN MICA RI) ADDRESS- SPOKANE WA 99206 PHONE= 509 927 9134 CONTACT NAME= DEBRA OR F A1.JL PHONE NUMBER= 509 t>)'YI BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT' NA LEFT= NA RIGHT= NA REAR== NA ii.it.#.h..p.:h#4#4#4ai-a{au)f?e**.*)t'444Y'*, **x* MECHANICAL. PERMIT ii'4h:at#it.#.4#i..tt..h..k..k..tt#Y** * ii..tt.#.p. CONTRACTOR= FALCO GARDEN CENTER INC: PHONE= 509 926 891i STREET.: 9310 Ir: SPRAGUE AV ADDRESS::: SPOKANE WA 99206 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT PROCESSING FEE WRODSTOVI:::/:1 NS'Ii::R'T' 2 Cid #' # .D...*..)(..)..)(..* * ll..)1..4..1. *YAT. *.h..h.:R. * it..)t..)t..k..)l. PAYMENT SI IMMARY '* # il" - * *.tt..II..M. * i+: * #'A' * )l•'A' * )t")t $.M. )t..ft. *:*.k. Y. PAYMENT DATE 0,:3/05/90 03/06/90 03/06/90 RECEIPT4@ PAYMENT AMOUNT 944 944 957 50.00 50.00- 75.00 0.t00—.75.0t0 TOTAL DUE= .00 TOTAL. PAID== 75.00 PERMIT TYPE FF:E:: AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWIN(. MECHANICAL.. PRMT 75.00 75,00 .00 75.00 7'500 .00 PROCESSED BY: JULIE SHATTO PF't:I:NTEI) BY: JULIE SHATTO .')*teibi'4"44....$#*$n?Y')i')e#'.pi.ft'.le'4')i* 9. 4"4iai'ai'##a. THANK YOU ai'###"4'#.#ai"k"4''4'#. Y'#"X$ 4$:rt..$'.jt a i** SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY .W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 ,Y ;(509)456-3675 • I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said perm it/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PPOJEC7 N1.111I'+E:R=:: 9000073..r DATD::::: 03/05/70 PAGE= (: 1 ISSUED D'' I'i:f!' iI 1131313i'3('3O13 i'#3i11),)3136*iii hi it 31 i4 riitl 3,43('3( PERMIT .INF( HON 31 * 3i rr 11)1.11)13 i :1.31- * 3i 3131)1 i1.h. 9(..)4 :* * 31.)1.)1.)1)1 Lv:ITI- STREET= 625 ,t' 'D I,S-IE'AN MICA RD F'ARf':P1.t=:: '544-050:1 ADDRES -:.< e.q,- ADDRf::S "== ,SPt'IKANE WA 95206 PERMIT USE= WOODSTOVE FLAT, 000362 PLAT NAME= ('1-iiST ER H:i:i..LS ADD BLOC' =: L..(:i'i':::: 8 ZONE, 11GSl if{ 3;1:1;'1":x::::: AREA= 0000r0000 F/A= F WIDTH= 11)2 v (.ii PI...I.'%.r2.:::. :II:7)IJI-.I...I...I.I.It,.. ' �'::r 1 (3 iNE STREET:- ADDRESS= ih:I::ET:-r lDDRES„::: Dt,JMAW & REINHARDT DI,`?HiIAN MICA RD I::. IATA 992(6 (:(JN(A': r NAME= r :.:<f:'A OR PAUL BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= NA I Ef-'_t.::.: PHONE= 509 r "cr:3 ", PHONE NUMBER= . RIGHT= P!(1 PEAR= NA 313(3(*3i..)i....3..A.;r...X.X.X.A........*.....y..k.3+d11 , '1-sF)4x x- x 3i' 1 •ii::CH{=1't`(:I:(:Al. PERMTT .r.)i.........m.nx:3t .�.. INC PHONE== 509 7r", R'?i i ' j( '3 313(. 3t. 3..3.:3..3.36.3..3. (:;(:)iiR,f^IC1(JR== FAI..CO GARDEN :ENTERINC S'IRIi::fi:T= 9310 4. t.l-'RAt, 1i1,1':. ADDRESSSPOK( E WA ITEM I)E:'St:::P: PROCESSING >'ING WOOD," i'ti\- I:: / 1 NS ERT QUANTITY EEE AMOUNT 25,00 25.00 31:.3.3 36 31..3..3 3(..jt. 36.3. 3............3..ti..3..*; PAYMENT DATE 03/05/90 TOTAL.. DUE= P>dR34.1:.(. TYPE MECEIANICAL.. F'RM'I PRnf::E RE:D B ': JUL IE SI'IATTi1 PRINTED BY: JULIE MATTO r—I'rayMv:N'r Ul' Ari' 3'v: P: 1,; * 3311('....'3 '3 i1 11 p: It 1111 3'34 * 1('1111313'1( Y'MI NT Ai'IP(.INT A00 50.:00 y(),!)0 r't i4 01.1 E, 1.. ..,1: r1:=: PAID' (1+•1(iII1'41 .._i50.0 ) . $'i'hi 3,i'll" 1•i P: 14' )4..11. 3i: 3131' 3( li; 9f )1 yi'3Vi')hll''14' 1¢'3 3S 1(''11 'li 3 P: 'N: 3*.. 'A' 1 "i (-3 it. you ENG; 00 .00 ;At )13(h)('U''3E3@"'ni 3131'.,)4/313136.3.31.