2006, 12-13 minutes 2nd meeting1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org
Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Conference Room
December 13, 2006,11:00 a.m.
Committee MembersPresent:Committee MembersAbsent:Others Present:
ChrisBerg,Chair None None
Cary Driskell, Vice Chair
Chris Bainbridge, Recorder
Trish Burns-Hart
Jennifer Cusick
Tim Klein
Brian Moat
Karen Parsons
The second meeting of the Employee Safety Committee began at approximately11:10 a.m.
1. Committee members approved the November 16, 2006 meeting minutes.
2. Election of Vice-Chair and/or Recorder: (Chris Berg was previously elected as the Committee Chair.)
Cary Driskell was elected as vice-chair, to serve as Chair in the absence of the Chair
Chris Bainbridge was elected as recorder, and with committee members’ concurrence, agreed to act in
that capacitythrough the 2007year.
3. Bulletin Board Discussion: Committeemembersagreed that Chris Bainbridge should post the posters on
the bulletin board. Brian mentioned that he will move forward to acquire a bulletin board for CenterPlace,
and will put it in an appropriate place.
4. Accident Prevention Program: Discussion centered on the need to get the plan finalized and begin
orientation for all staff. Chris Bainbridge will work to finalize the Accident Prevention Program and through
Senior Management, start to schedule safety orientations. Chris Bainbridgementioned that Ken Thompson
is our Risk Manager and she asked for the Committee’s recommendation to include Ken on this Committee.
TheCommittee members concurred, andChris will contact Ken to informhim of the Committee’s desire for
him to be included on this committee.
5. First Aid Kits: Contents, Responsibility, Classes: Chris Bainbridge will check with Zee Medical about
havingour first aid kits property stocked and maintained; as well as Zee Medical’s ability to present training
for various safety-orientedclasses, including first aid and CPR classes.
6. Personal Protective Equipment: Chris Berg stated that he is working on a list of needed equipment.
7. Facility Security: Chris Berg explained that there are numerous facility areas in need of security and
mentioned the need to have controlled public access, key code for all doors, and doors with generic signs.
He will explore these further and report back at a subsequent meeting.
8. Training: Discussion of several areas to acquire additional materials included the WSDOT Library (Tim
will get a list); the generation of a quarterly calendar listing the training (Jennifer will begin work on draft
calendars);WEB Properties (Brian will check with themif to determine if they have evacuation or other
Safety Committee Meeting Minutes2006, 12-13Page1of2
building safety training). Trish mentioned that WCIA is sending her a list of possible training classes, and
she contacted a representative in the Fire Department who stated their willingness to give training also.
9. It was agreed that future meetingswill be heldon the second Wednesday of each month, beginning at
11:00 a.m., schedules permitting.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 p.m.
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