2007, 03-21 minutes1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEYEMPLOYEE SAFETY COMMITTEE Spokane ValleyCity Hall, Opportunity ConferenceRoom March 21, 2007,11:00 a.m. CommitteeMembers Present: Committee Members Absent:Others Present: Cary Driskell, Vice ChairChris Berg, ChairCarolbelle Branch Chris Bainbridge, Recorder Tim Klein Trish Burns-HartJennifer Cusick Karen Parsons Brian Moat The fifth meetingof the Employee Safety Committee began at approximately 11:15a.m. 1. Approval of Minutes. It was moved by Cary, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the minutes as drafted. 2. CH2M Hill’s Accident Prevention Program Update –Tim Klein Since Tim was not in attendance, this item will be postponed until the next meeting. We are still waiting to hear any final word on the draft document and our suggested changes. 3.First Aid Kits Update –Chris Bainbridge Chris mentioned that the first aid kits are in and installed, and looking good. 4. Safety Training –Chris Bainbridge th Chris mentioned that the bloodborne pathogens May 14training is coming up fast, and asthis is a free class, we might want to take advantage of this opportunity. It was determined Chris will send an e-mail memo to department directors advising them of this opportunity. Chris Bainbridge and Trish will work on scheduling other training later this spring or summer. 5. Facility Security Panic Protocol –Chris Berg/Bing As neither Chris Berg nor Bing was in attendance, Cary Driskell suggested this also be postponed until the next meeting. Chris Bainbridge mentioned that she brought this topic up with Dave Mercier, who felt this might better be addressed once we have our own City Hall, rather than incur an expense now. The group decided we can make other recommendations after we hear what Chris Berg and Bing have to report, including the idea of having a paging system for any employee who might need assistance. As there were no further topics, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Safety Committee Meeting Minutes 2007, 03-21Page 1of 1