2007, 10-23 minutes
1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org
Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Conference room
October 23, 2007, 11:00 a.m.
Committee Members Present: Committee Members Absent: Others Present:
Cary Driskell, Vice Chair
Chris Bainbridge, Recorder
Tim Klein
Karen Parson
Trish Burns-Hart
Jennifer Papich
Brian Moat
Greg Bingaman (Bing)
The October meeting of the Employee Safety Committee began at approximately 11:00 a.m.
1. Approval of Minutes. It was moved by Trish Burns-Hart, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the
August 22, 2007 minutes as drafted. Chris reminded the committee members that there was no meeting last
month so that employees could attend the September 19 Pandemic Training at CenterPlace.
2. Resignation of Chris Berg from Committee
It was noted that Bing was selected to replace Chris Berg. Rather than elect a chair today, it was
determined that Chris Bainbridge will send out a notice to all employees about openings on the committee,
and that after voting tabulations have been finalized, a chair will be elected at the next meeting. Chris
Bainbridge mentioned that according to the WACs, individuals who are employee-selected hold a term of
one year, which ends this November, and that individuals may serve more than one term.
3. Safety Concerns:
a. Building Safety issues: parking lot.
Tim mentioned that he has witnessed what appeared to be Alton employees driving cars through the
parking lot at high speeds as they apparently test car brakes. Tim will talk to Ken Thompson about this to
ask Ken to speak to WEB Properties about this matter, as well as the idea of placing hash marks in front of
the side doors leading to the parking lot (especially on the west side) as a safety measure to increase the field
of view so that people are not constantly walking between parked cars to get back and forth to the permit
center. Trish said she will talk to Carolbelle about getting mention of this in the next employee newsletter as
g said it
was determined that is not needed at this point. Tim mentioned there has been some inappropriate activity in
the parking lot, there is no security checking after hours as WEB Properties does not want that expense, but
that Tim will also mention parking lot security to Ken Thompson.
Safety Committee Meeting Minutes 10-23-07 Page 1 of 2
b. Personnel Safety issues: panic protocol; noise
Chris mentioned the amount of constant low noise in the server room where contractual employee
Dave sits. It was decided that Bing will offer Dave earplugs.
that the Seniors should rely on the large medical kits purchased from Zee Medical, and that those smaller kits
could be used in vehicles or elsewhere. The defibrillator in the senior lounge was also discussed, including
lack of proper AED training and no medical prescription. Karen said she will talk to Mike Jackson about
what to do with the AED, as without a prescription or properly trained personnel, the AED should not be
used. Brian said he can put a tag on the AED much like those tags seen on fire extinguishers, indicating the
unit has been checked monthly. Trish said she will contact AWC regarding the requirements for the AED,
and Karen and Trish will talk to Mike Jackson as well concerning the AED.
Bing said he will bring further information regarding panic protocol, to the committee at a later date.
c. Safety Training Opportunities.
It was mentioned that Community Development may have upcoming training opportunities for
opportunities as well. Bing said he will check around for a local trainer.
4. Visitors in the Workplace
a. Purchase of necessary materials for tracking/signing in visitors
Chris mentioned that she brought this topic to the Wednesday Management meeting, and there was
no consensus for us to make any purchase, or require badges or signing in of visitors. It was their consensus
only, as it appears there are numerous times when a member of the public enters through that door.
5. Other issues.
As there were no other issues to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
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