2007, 11-14 minutes 1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY EMPLOYEE SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Conference room November 14, 2007, 11:00 a.m. Committee Members Present: Committee Members Absent: Others Present: Cary Driskell, Vice Chair Jennifer Papich Chris Bainbridge, Recorder Nik Bentley Trish Burns-Hart Brian Moat Greg Bingaman (Bing) Lisa Combs 1. Approve Meeting minutes of October 23, 2007: It was moved by Bing, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the minutes as written. It was also noted that future minutes will be approved via consensus rather than formal motion and vote. 2. Welcoming of New Committee members: a. Lisa Combs was welcomed to the committee. It was noted that Nik Bentley was unable to attend. b. Election of Committee Officers. There was consensus for the following appointments: Chris Bainbridge nominated Cary Driskell as Chair; Trish Burns-Hart nominated Bing as Vice Chair; and Trish nominated Chris Bainbridge as recorder. 3. Safety Concerns: a. Building Safety Issues: parking lot. Cary Driskell mentioned that he became aware of a conversation on October 25 with Ken Thompson and a representative from Web Properties concerning Alton employees allegedly testing car brakes by driving fast in the parking lot; and that Web Properties said they will take care of that safety issue. It was also mentioned that Carolbelle will include articles in the next employee newsletter concerning parking lot safety concerns. Bing mentioned there will not be a need for a designated loading zone, but does want to pursue the striping so that people walking from the main building to the permit center will have greater visibility, and cars will have better visibility of pedestrians trying to cross the parking lot. b. Chris Bainbridge mentioned she received an article from Scott Wallace regarding a publication concerning a final rule on worker visibility, which will become effective November 24, 2008, and that Chris will attempt to gather additional information in the future for possible employee training opportunities next spring. It was also mentioned that safety training issues will be further addressed after the holidays. 4. MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureau): there was mention of the article included in the Safety Committee packet, and it was determined that appropriate notice will be placed on the safety bulletin board. Bing mentioned the idea of having hand sanitizers in the first aid wall stations, and/or located at the Safety Committee Meeting Minutes 11-14-07 Page 1 of 2 copy machines, in the kitchen here and at CenterPlace, in the senior center, and at all front desks. Chris will contact Zee Medical to determine costs, and/or purchase hand sanitizers at the local store. 5. AED: The lingering issue of the AED was mentioned, and it was determined that we should not use the device without proper training and appropriate prescription. Brian will attempt to get the device tagged and tested monthly. 6. Other issues: Items for consideration after the first of the year include training, panic systems for here and the new city hall, and emergency and disaster training, including researching a reverse 911 system. It was also mentioned that Spokane County is our emergency management contact for disasters, but having our own training on how to deal with potential problems that occur in the work place should be beneficial. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m. Safety Committee Meeting Minutes 11-14-07 Page 2 of 2