2007, 12-19 minutes
1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org
Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Conference room
December 19, 2007, 10:30 a.m.
Committee Members Present: Committee Members Absent: Others Present:
Cary Driskell, Chair Jennifer Papich
Bing, Vice Chair Brian Moat
Chris Bainbridge, Recorder
Lisa Combs
Nik Bentley
1. Approve Meeting minutes of November 14, 2007
There was consensus to approve the minutes as corrected, showing that Cary Driskell was aware of a
conversation held between Ken Thompson and a representative of Web Property; rather than that Cary spoke
with a representative of Web Property.
2. Discussion: Replacement of Committee Member (Employer-selected) Trish Burns-Hart
After brief discussion of the opening for an employer-selected member to replace Trish, that a representative
from Public Works would be appropriate, and that Chris Bainbridge spoke with Neil Kersten and Carolyn
George, there was consensus to accept Carolyn George as the employer-selected committee member to
replace Trish Burns-Hart.
3. Safety Concerns:
Chris mentioned receipt of several incident reports, including a police officer who injured his leg or ankle
and may have broken it when he slipped on the ice at the Police Precinct. Cary said he will check to see if
the Senske Contract covers them doing maintenance of the sidewalks at the precinct building, including
removal of snow and ice. It was mentioned that the slip did not occur on the sidewalk but in the parking lot,
and that the report was sent to WCIA, and that the incident would or should be covered by
Nik suggested it might be a good opportunity to include in the next employee newsletter, about the dangers
of leaving equipment on after hours, and that employees should make a special effort to be sure all portable
heaters are turned off when they leave for the day. In addition, lit candles are a potential fire hazard. It was
mentioned we will likely have written standards on these issues once we get into our new City Hall.
The parking lot and sidewalk condition was mentioned including that plowing is great but there are many
areas which could use some de-icing.
Discussion on potential training issues, including the AED at CenterPlace will likely wait until later this year;
including scheduling any evacuation drills, and training for all employees on evacuation procedure, when to
leave, when to stay, whether to lock doors, etc. It was also mentioned there is a need to have our APP
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Safety Committee Meeting Minutes 12-19-07 Page 1 of 1