1977, 08-04 Permit: M2644 ResidenceKANECOUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT I (� RESIDENTIAL. NUMBER M 2 U 4 4 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington_99201 p) Land Use or Structure Permit --'Property 'Property Address...N.-3OI8�Eder-t gonad --Ro s--- Group 1 Type V Zone Agrttultural--Suburbatwermit for rea#dente.—. gar.-artd- neck- attsctied owner._.Eronk..1.....Scalern Addiess:-.E...1804.. ttyitr , " —NJ -ill -4 328 Architect Address -- A\ t '\ \„\ t.. Phone - ntractr&tderG.Conttruction--Company Address wins _gs28g\ "t \ \ \N plme,4p, nE ocation: Parcel Number 07542-1411. Lot--9_.aril..the S1.-of-Ito(--B'"17%G 1 y-�3rGhsrd-AYe Add. I.i.nt ((oohing..set-backs---fromt..etl-property-lines. !=tont--yard-af-a.t least gral.--0Adeiyerd--of - .at..least...5.'..1.0' for.... 2..story--building.--IS' flanking--streets•-and-•261-rear-,yerrdlare--re- .qutred__or...more.l,...i.f...required--by--Zoning,--Bu1-ldlng-and/or--Etre-Codes. Smokeidetector$s}a .required,._a_1/hr.-rated--.frig- matl--sepat-ation--required-between- i idenc :ant grarage': Bldg. Zone.-_..i_Fire Zone 3'Size of Lot...t$regular Seu4age..00ptic Const frame p` Stories S.EDlmensions 26!)(361 201x20* Total Sq. Ft }436 Valuations$ .. Gfl0 Rm6 . Baths/RR 1 Basement..fuel.-Foundation—Carigrete Chimney ---- Type of Roofing... Ext. Finish Wood Int. Wall Finish..;{jrl-1, Bdrms 2 Certificate of Occupancy Issued for seg..above..--EAG#1--STAGE-4F-CONS'IRk1GTIUN3_P1ySt:.NAitE._INSPEttIti -tALL€[ Remarks_F©ft :.AS --RE WIRED-$Y--CODE---must-CONFORJ44{?--ALL-COUNTY7C DE--REWIREMENTS.--FINAL--IN- SPECTION--,41ST--BE.rCALLED-.FOR, UPO4i--COMPLETION.---RID--PRI1}R--111- PAi1CY--OF-RESIdYEN6 iAGAL1. 456-3675,---prier-to--10:-00--e-a. Plumbing --and -hating persfts-eretrequirer---. . t tuT41U ' THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land, use for which the permit i issued "shin' ion o`i renin all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane. regulating Inctconstruction, useand occupancy of buildings in Spokane, County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances !Alin? In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the' grantee 'must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remnvd�ire+sai dign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. . This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within..l...ar from this date; after which time this permit will be void. - Permit ExpirepOLISt 4, 1978 Fee Paid $.40.00. -/RIC Authorized„by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT By =' - r Date Issued..5/4f77 Building we A!r: �._. INSPECTOR i • •10 3-003 01110J1U0 YTMUO3 3VIANCORB otgoidesW ,sns)loq2 ,nomettel. .11 118 ••_„‘ 91U/)U112 10 ezU bn6J ._9roS. L. i — rtIOROANN be, .44 .:,,. ,P.,.:., ...., 4 't , it STEEL - 4 ... : . triefsat ....I )(aril tbnwl) 3. FRAMING 11 eebibbA .• •Josti,1)1A -- usibbA - Vows%) atAt33rtises2. int 1 ealltom - ,.444.11•,./44*.bets,.t..Sal.. .1,00-SMITO. .. tedibull Is* noi1sx) 4. LATHINn , iter"---..1901--Vorstwili frit aril sitad-tal - ----------!-,. ta•-emiliort--:°U-..istbitud rots I .v81_1_0 4'.._ 0 9111.00- inn•lAbriii-Wiebilig- frodati id beritapos It ..inscsit..10311. 5. FINAL •...........__-_. ... ... ....... .. tatimPrOspri estiovisom flaw inn total latki .a....kintemeri. "---.-,--- Isherrit toJ to osi?. i •snoS 911I.. end .bi8 •I •rP If toT sissies aacteasznotensmiiiiii . abnot2 • . CliIMNEY....._... - "7------...."41r.... ter(' ri3 Iliefleelle- florisbnuaR !tit 1n9mea8 1 ._ 881arits8 . &mg eye* heirtil lisW 1.1 . how ..deinil tx3 . 1.80•gnitoofl to sqyT I. FIREPLACES _____ .. ,.:, ...... ' 'illit •1111.29Art swa,.... Awed., me. lot beuzal lnsqb-430 to stoidis3 • ..si-aibifiriinvitt Art it -1111111111114.-TION .3693•- Yll 111111110111-M- 4104 vhsrneR 3, GAR44._ _ 44111130 if -11111114 111101 4111111111111NO3 NM AO RILLIA3 -IS TUN 111031111 eics 0001 0 left, filtat0411$ I. HEATING •SYSTEM _ to 01063 ell•- - •Mimi a1limtel rift dabWo ist Iwo 040 101011,1 Off/ tam no ,.4,00 fr.,411X. .41 nalW b.,n.,41 Ma" 4.141 10 41100111410 bls, it say./ sra 1., 016 'a n04:‘ Jai+ s-; a.au Imul 104 11 taalavel .4 vsem boa .ittiwo3 ons4008 estotttool to van/44320 Isas 041 ,n0117slIsnC0 .at gnOwasol *mkt? tall Is ailittlris64801, Nth ita,01140 slas03 ret bruilb 01•11* lailt bog wit .& t. ootnom*41 Imp .0 asitas19 sal to, amyl 101 10 .44 to molecrnbiano) besseima OK °sal i• 111 tintiss .41 to noiyaliqo .01141111.11410 11..x,qmoo 41 tit•ourp so vivo la *twist tooteds noit.1qmoo elan, Wiz ,arttnbm xi a nititivi *,ow to tnomoonommoo lot xiao boo g 9d Hw timioq &MT T113MTRA930 3003 011113.111;8 :siJt110 gnibiiu8 yd besilorltuA .blov od Div, Waist' lift omit tiairlw tette 'stab sieft molt boraczyl • v8 4 "RI 4° taigulkliqx3 sirmag MAO beueef 9180 3010.40,011 b:69 9$i 9 g10.414