2008, 01-30 minutes 1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY EMPLOYEE SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Conference room January 30, 2008, 11:00 a.m. Committee Members Present: Committee Members Absent: Others Present: Cary Driskell, Chair Nik Bentley Bing, Vice Chair Chris Bainbridge, Recorder Lisa Combs Jennifer Papich Brian Moat Carolyn George 1. Convene Meeting: Approve Meeting minutes of December 19, 2007 After Cary Driskell opened the meeting, there was consensus to approve the minutes as drafted. 2. Welcome New Committee Member Carolyn George As employer-selected member Trish Burns-Hart no longer works for the city, it was felt appropriate to have a representative from Public Works as a committee member, and everyone welcomed Carolyn George to the committee. 3. Safety Concerns: Chris mentioned an incident report concerning unsecured items at CenterPlace and it was determined that we should inquire to see if there is proper indemnification language in the standard CenterPlace rental agreement. It was mentioned that the rooms are normally locked, but in this instance the people renting the facility stated they did not want doors locked. The mention of CenterPlace brought up other safety concerns, such as unattended children running through the facility. Recently a threatening voice-mail was left on the main telephone number, and Bing reported that the police are investigating. The subject of use of voice-mail, e-mail or other means to notify all staff of safety matters was again briefly discussed. The idea of notifying everyone via e-mail from a remote site was mentioned, and Bing said the technology exists to do such notification. Concerning Spokane County and Spokane City recently closing due to weather, the idea was brought up of drafting a policy to address these concerns including identifying who Regarding CPR training including getting the needed prescription for the AED, Jennifer mentioned that the Red Cross might be of assistance, and she will follow up on that. Chris said she will follow up on getting the Accident Prevention Policy formally approved outside this committee, if such is necessary, and that this policy should be included in the personnel manual. Bing said he continues to work on cost and needed materials for a network panic system. 4. The much appreciated hand sanitizers from Zee Medical are now located next to the kitchen sink. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Safety Committee Meeting Minutes 1-30-08 Page 1 of 1