2008, 03-27 minutes 1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY EMPLOYEE SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Conference room March 27, 2008, 11:00 a.m. Committee Members Present: Committee Members Absent: Others Present: Greg Bingaman, Vice-Chair Cary Driskell Chris Bainbridge, Recorder Nik Bentley Lisa Combs Brian Moat Jennifer Papich Carolyn George 1. Convene Meeting: Approve Meeting minutes of January 20, 2008 After Bing opened the meeting, there was consensus to approve the February 27, 2008 minutes as drafted. 2. Safety Concerns Carolyn George mentioned her desire to get a stocked First Aid Cabinet in Public Works now that they are located on the third floor. Chris said she will contact Zee Medical to have them contact Carolyn directly so they can determine the best place for a small cabinet. Chris said she will also check with Chief Mike Thompson of the fire Department concerning fire extinguisher training for this summer. Chris also each new employee, be inserted in the new employee manual, and be explained at all new employee orientations. 3. AED. Jennifer said she submitted the necessary form to the Red Cross for processing the prescription for the AED, and would report back to this committee once that Red Cross prescription has been received. There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:20 p.m. Safety Committee Meeting Minutes 3-27-08 Page 1 of 1