1990, 02-16 Permit: 90000570 Shop, GarageSPOKANE COUNTYf-, WENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY 1 ADWATAVENUE SASHINGTON 99260 )456-3675 1 certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the ir,�ormation contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application ai-:j any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or can el the provisions of any state or local law rec,-ulating construction, oras a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction V i SIGNATURE OF �`� APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT -` DATE ( L/ PR0JE"(II' N tJ M BE::r:-:: 9 00570 1)A'T'E::=-ESt• {� ?I 16 l/' 0 I::'A(;1 01 P E IR M :r 'T .:(\ F (31R M r a'T 10 N SIIT" Er #:::E'T- i i G •i 1" 1::i`=iP1RE:: AVE:: I'Ari(:f"1...;1:=: 04544 0203 r 1)1)REVE = SMKANr W(-1 99206 17 i ..!::>4 1,0TAL.. DIJ1--- F' i::: R i411: 'T' (.J S E:: _- 91-101 G A F� -6 G' E T07AL.. 1"AT.1l:= 1'<i ..54 PI...Pij"r— 003022 1::,1.411' NI)ME::- 1,31* t-,ziT.? 1'(:) GRAN1? VII::W ACRES BI...00IC:= :3_ I._0 T':-• Z 0NE':: i (:YR:I: TlT,S'T � -= I=: AREA= F'i A= F �J.T.1?'T'Ei- i '£� S1E::r:'1'h1:- :3n?C) r:: :'W r CIF. lCtl...D(yE= 2 ilWEl._r.IN(YS:= i 00 (:IWW:'R-:: 1'HO E:SON, SHf-) IN PHONE- -• 509 922 'T'REE*T'-- 1 1 £:)i 1 r= r --*M ':T.RE AVE 1)DRE E. 9::- 4'r'(:l1<ANE:. I,JA 99206 (:('INTACT NAiiE::-:: 1tM-tN#::' 1*1--101 E::S0i%1 PI••#ONI". N(.Jibi:t.-31:-R-:: !:5(j9 928 ;tip' 34- B(J:rL_1?1:N(r 1=R0igT= 200 1...E1"T FZIG'Iff - 6 IRE: -AIR 9•i i)txx r): r ;lttuhaihxux x xu r:r ttb:ii W.J7:1...1)1N(Y F'I•:.RMT.1 )ctt tt-X— it- if-x�cxtt# x (.1 NTRr7C'T'OR:-: 0WN1:..F' PH(It4E::-:: r..: < E1 i :(1?EI 1?1?11'0N:: :i: 1-1NYI::: OrU,31: :-- 1? 1#-#_.1... (.JN:r'T'S-- 0(;(:,(-J1=' i...D:::: 1:+1...1?Cv fi(Y1'-:: i�:, ST(ir l:#=:, -:: i B I_.1l (. W ;,' T) .... 60 ;C- :'3 (:j S (R r:' 1'r- i 0 r) (:) RE 6, r:`A1RK 1N(*1- i••1AN1DI:(;F1r':::: SE"(Jal-r;:-: `r4 1iY1?rWIN1'-- i*� 1?1**.S(:"R1:r:'Ta:Cj: -1 (,Rrl(.P T*YPE r:� i::"*(* VAI ...(-JA*T10N :IrEM DES(*'R1'1`'T':r0iq .... ................... _.. -- . _ . .. .. >iJ1NT'1 Y FEI: f)H0JN _ 'T . R1--S1:1?EN'TIoL 1rr1L..(.Jt1T'1CIN Y 1 44..Ot') S'T'ATE::_ 'i.JRC%HARC:E:. '`r` ash 1:50¢ # k..�..)i u s: �• x ;i tt x u• •;r.• x •)t• •u •p: x..N..;r: •;,: � k •r: •>k •tt• •�:• •>k •b: �• �• I'•` Fa'r' f'i L•:: i`•I T �' (+ i''i i'i A r� Y •)f• ar• k �i• �• �: •)i• •x• •;;: �� x ;,; )C• •r: •ri •x..a..k..p; p• y,:• 3# •x• x a{• a�: •)c• �:• P'AYMEN'T DATE: l l -.(::E: C1='T F'AYME.N'T AI•i(:I(. U4 *T 02r``16i90 740 17 i ..!::>4 1,0TAL.. DIJ1--- 00 T07AL.. 1"AT.1l:= 1'<i ..54 P'L'-::RMIT 1'YP'EE::E:: -: F AMr.: UNI' AM(:)(JN•T' I"'A11? O'kMOi.JNT OW1:NG _ _._....._. ....._.._...... _.. _ _.. _. __._.... _.. BUIL_1?1:NCr P'ERM11' _...._ 171 `54 171 ..54 171 54 171 .54 00 F'R C) Cl E 9 9 E D DY : S T E E, 1-•1()I...YK PRIN••rE D BY: }T1 -:fir E:: i••I(:)i--.Yk u:xxx rFxu){ttttxy>x k ;~; >� xa�tt u hn' ('I-IAN1< YOU t�h >� ua �:tt at utttt :ritt� x�xttxtt