2012, 01-11 Minutes 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY EMPLOYEE SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Conference Room January 11, 2012 Committee Members Present: Committee Members Absent: Others Present: Michelle Rasmussen, Chair Mary May John Whitehead Aaron Clary Patty Bischoff, Recorder 1.Convene Meeting: Chair Michelle Rasmussen convened the meeting at 11:06 a.m. 2.Minutes of October 12, 2011: Consensus to approve the minutes as presented. 3.Accident Prevention Plan: a.Our draft for the Hazardous Chemical Communication Program policy and L&I statement is pending review and approval by City Manager Mike Jackson. b.Shane Arlt in Public Works is updating the evacuation map for the new maintenance facility and will give it to Michelle for the APP. John will then send it out to all employees. c.Mary suggested the APP be sent out to all employees on a yearly basis. 4.Safety Concerns: John informed us that L&I rates went up dramatically due to multiple factors; however, we still have very good rates. Field employees will notice the difference the most in their paychecks. John is working on a recommendation he will present to Mike Jackson regarding lowering L&I medical expenses for the City in the future. 5.Employee Training: a.. John is working on it. It will be mandatory for employees who deal with it on the job, but optional for other employees. b.. John will send to us committee members the training materials from the L&I web site, and we will discuss this training at our next meeting. c.. We should address this for training in the spring. d.John informed us that the L&I training on the web is no longer available. We will use our contacts to locate a training that covers how to avoid workplace violence, how to de-escalate the behavior, and what to do when it occurs. A possible option would be to partner with Community Colleges of Spokane to create our own training. 6.Other Issues: We will send out an email to all employees asking for volunteers to serve on the Safety Committee. Michelle, John, and Patty indicated they will continue serving. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:34 a.m.