2012, 04-25 Minutes
11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org
Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Conference Room
April 25, 2012
Committee Members Present: Committee Members Absent: Others Present:
Michelle Rasmussen, Chair
John Whitehead
Jay Grissom
Tom Danielson
Patty Bischoff, Recorder
1.Convene Meeting: Chair Michelle Rasmussen convened the meeting at 11:10 a.m.
2.Minutes of January 11, 2012: Consensus to approve the minutes as presented.
3.Election of Committee Officers: By unanimous decision, Michelle Rasmussen was elected to Chair again,
Tom Danielson was elected Vice-Chair for the first time, and Patty Bischoff was elected Recorder again.
4.Accident Prevention Plan:
We need to move forward on the APP prepared by Argus for Public Works, and prepare it for approval from
the new Public Works Director (who will be replacing Neil Kersten)PP.
Committee members will review and give input next time we meet.
5.Safety Concerns:
There were no safety concerns to report at this time.
6.Employee Training:
a.John informed us that n a trial basis, and
he is trying to purchase online training. But at this time, each individual employee would have to pay the fee
at time of training, and we would want to access training with an open account instead and be billed,
possibly with a P.O. process. John is working with Finance for a solution.
b. We had a discussion regarding whose responsibility it is to refill the kits. Patty refills the kits
Roxanne Crafton uses at City Hall. Jay will check the kit in the Permit Center that Mary May used to do.
7.Other Issues:
a.Tom conducts weekly tailgate safety meetings with his crew. He has a different topic each week, and
everyone signs an attendance-type sheet.
b.Because of work schedules, it was decided to try meeting times at 4 p.m., but still keep them on
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:38 a.m.