1991, 10-09 Permit: 91006677 ReroofSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS '• W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260'—' (509) 456-3675 !certify that I have examined this permit/application. state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. l understand that the issuancis permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the pro '• 1 any state or lo laJ,eg construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction SIGNATURE OF � / APPLICATION DG% L / OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 91006677 ISSUED PERMIT DATE== 10/09/91 PAGE= 01 eaeariiac.x.x..ft.k..**** e************** PERMIT INFORMATION*>t*>i'>i*#*#3i*tixkif##kR*ri******* SITE STREET= :.'.409 S EVERGREEN RD PARCEt..:a26543-0101 - ADDRESS::: VERADALE WA 99037 PERMIT USE: RE—ROOF RESIDENCE: PI. -AT:"::::: 002748 PLAT NAME= VERA BLOCK:::: L_f} r-. "ZONE= UR -345 DISH= Fr AIsF.::A:::=/e1=:: A WIDTH= 200 DEPTH= 220 R/W 4 OF P1._DGS- 4 DWEI._I....T.NGS= i WATER DIST =_ OWNER= LARNED, RUSS STREET= 2409 S EVERGREEN RD ADDRESS= VERADALE WA 99037 PHONE= 509 928 582.2. CONTACT NAME= RUSS L-ARNED PHONE NUMBER== 509 928 5822 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= NA LEFT= NA RIGHT== NA REAR= NA * ******* it ti***f )fl**..h.**.%**.*.*.*fl BUILDING PERMIT '******fl******** *****'*xi' CONTRACTOR= OWNER PHONE= NEW= REMODEL= X ADDITION== CHANGE nF USE= DWELL UNITS= OCCUP. LD= BLDG HGT= STORIES= IILDG IA X D = X SO FT= SPRINKLER= N 'REQ PARKING= OHANDICAP= CRITICAL MAT= N DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE - RE—ROOF_.._._. R i VN SQ FT VALUATION --------- 1800.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUATION Y 41.00 STATE: SURCHARGE Y 4,50 COUNTY SURCHARGE Y 6.56 *, t.ii..h..p..}i..h..)<..)1.ii.fi..h..)i.if..}i..*..x..i(. * k..}i fi fe fr fi fe fiat* fi PAYMENT SUMMARY fi.ii..k..}i..}i..R..)<..)x..A.f{..h..)<..)t.ii..p. ii.ik.h..}i..k..A..X ......*i* PAYMENT DATE:: RECEIPT4 PAYME=NT AMOUNT 10/09/91 7490 52.06 TOTAL. DUE= .00 TOTAL PAID= ................._52.06 PE::RMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUIL..DING PERMIT 52:.06 52,06 .00 52.06 .00 PROCESSED BY: WENDEL, GLORIA PRINTED BY: WENDEL, GLORIA **fieri..tiiiiFfif4iififif(fif(frfiiFfifi**** 52.06 THANK YOU fi.fi..}i.}i.3i.ii..k..}i..}tfi'ii'friFif'k'f6it#iFii'iiftfiftiFifii'i4iefEfi'i4di'