1978, 01-17 Permit: M4598 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING COD pro ert .Adtlress --- %p R \ E DEPARTMENT RESIDEPlT1AL NUMBER �u{� A. 5 9 8 �.4 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 # r, �`�,\�k ERGREENg\ C�19 t Land Use or Structure Permit. p av residefioi raoer�' `'deck attached Group I Type ZoneSingte Family Res. Permit for ..... ( HomeworkEast 15306--11 14-Spokaner.-..-J]ETz 924-9719 Owner Inc.+ Address Phone Architect Address ) C - ' — r k'�-1\0� Phone Contrafr�ftcal� property 26f42 1503. yardofai least Early a ddtttonat inimuII irinnp- Setae Addre ni.LJWU BiJf setybarct Location: P rp Number of -for --2- story bulidingg,y15' flanking streets anti --25' reat yards are requtred, or -nein, if -required - by Zoning, Building and/or Fire Codes. Smoke detecter(s) required. A-1/hr-rated-fire-wall- separation required between residence and garage. a .: Bldg. Zone 3 106t*132t sena Septic frame ',Fire Zone Siie of Lot ge Const 2211 ..$49,0011-00- Stories ODimensions 26 X70 --Tot -S :-��tgg..._,_-:--..:- - Valuatio..: Rms 7 BathsiRR 2 Basement PartFoundation _ concrete Chimney 41 "IPITeDlace. . 1 Hit Mal— elec f.a3 Type of Roofing COMP Ee Finish T-1.11-- --...- 11 1 w,i1 Finish1/2" m¢TAGE Certificate of Occu anc Issue for See move --plantbing -and heatif9-- e1_•m-acre-requtred`t e Remarks OF CONSTRUCTION LIST HAVE INSPECTIONS CALLED FOR, A$ REWIRED BY CODE. MUST CONFORM - TO Ali COUNTY CODE REQUIREMENTS. FINAL INSPECTION-: MUST SE CALLED _FOR, 1W01i rC0t4J .EftON AND PRIOR TO OCCUPANC Y OF RESIDENCE. Call -4564675; prior to 10:00 a.m. f®F-e1T-in!*tions. rfis.tAl ,1 THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the build, ng or land use Inc which the permit is Issued spalI conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane. regulating the construction. use a nd occupancy of buildings in Spokane County. and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the pr? isions of f said old inan ces, m failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. 1 ---. . je,Ilr: , np In consideration of the Issuance of the permit for the erection of stens the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the StSigahe espi ration of the permit unless regularly renewed. year • This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within from this date; after which -time this permit will be void. January 17, 1979 Authori� � Fee Paid $ IIdi1-• official r LDING CODE DEPARTMENT , Permit Expires By 53.00 UKDate Issued 1/17/78 , - Building INSPECTOR e • _t? beciith t.t.; VICI-ASI STEEL snori eat %G bedtsar 10 s-iprsr SI to Infix, tiff iwilhoprtitt ivrIlirfr0Ver0q1" 'far vitt: tiOrt. erd‘f A • • Yttlipin ts sea nsibbA. zasibbA 3003 0111131.11U6 YT1UO3 314/1/4092 • > ar:•:ee natiniNeW ,ert6ioq2 mcos19t II 118 banal SfifinniZ 10 seU and .00 vititasi eget V .noS.. _ SIM Deese% 11111Tribia • 0. mi to.; .E3111.-tmat r moll • . emir 'ft IN ear** poirtiort ,t!r• :14.0 f . bh pewit/god .1Q .t snrI .90 .sbI8 s8 f 88m1398 . 2m9 _ q1110.13 . gnitooR to 9civT ?ts3iiiti93 "KO VINOPZI/A11.7.ta Ot.111 I'S olanemt 0 291it:12 1' iJiN936i . 4.! .yeriftlifia 011"rirr, 1.1tshr..91,304 .'•ism9z i 161041.0d naiovelianci 13 . 111.110311101 • -.3003 VI 1001111031 .0011.1111A3 I 101iVi ARIMLIM.10.13t*-1101121401 JA011 41)1101011 i ;it .141 00:0I .1111r4111 tiro istslitiliabi t KAP% 1/1* OT BOUM to •fneO2 set Is erzeseibis ode 11, of assess', llo MI snots*, 11.4. boossi nl 1101441 ed. n0Ind Tu1 odu bet' .To Atielloe *TO }ant (n3041160 um., a& said Wools a, pikfloi gm ... i.,,wib,. bfg1.1•011 ftet lo VI. to nollelol, and noqu rail ego It lutic-..I .0 Tun b• . Itovo3 Iimann•0 n i *eetblied ,1, VIIIKU000 est 00 .., OM -AMMO *MS an 'MI op 0•1111o0 1 lj !ow on11010 Wet It* 114m101. 01 b., eqq, do /Moto 1a o.vliol eekeek br itel gy.omg, I g ; tpig ef gig, '0 gpw05 vd iirsetib ow* mase else sit sae q Nun on,..14 xf: Eqpt 10 .PitNI,* solt lel 1,•1.l ok As •Ir SOUL se, /0 nol1aultilt moo 01 estop.' tiniumel ere-rc testoes .At 4 eel/suet* . ntrt/hv Tossed/ noitslq siltns ,9boo ,adtrthin xis ;Mill", 'how to tosensortsnwrob tot vino boos sd Illw /Immo sidT TP13MTAA930 3003 aIaiJ.ia i atom •lotiLIP, .biov sd Illw timisq skit smolt dew ,.fls [stab aid/ molt tart It1 ram& va • . _ .... .....leitqx3 1i171191 Pt MI hoe 0W1lik1 gm 00.0 t 9160 bis9 591 b9..1221 ROT0392)1; • 1