1978, 10-06 Permit: N0501 Inspect• INSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR NSE W SET BACKS TYPE OF WORK FINAL INSPECTION: DATE '0 to -26 -n% 10 Zro REMARKS: QMA1'\ . "I L-811,-,-,N.-i.lefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 RESIDMIAL NUMBER "1 PillOuril— —1 , -- SPOKANE- COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT tine Dr Structure Permit '''0! Property Aclaress..yanyTa4..g. 7196 -- - 13) Group../.. Type y ... .. Zoneagyaaaltura .suburban Permit for anidence .1 . Owner.... Rage: -van pa3,70 Address ow .52.2i ijobendc..Drin .. , . . ...Phone 928,4816.... ArchlEng Address Phone Contractorra. pane Ea. Ltd. Address .. game* lipakalat1"wil 1,2°4 .v_ Phone.....926-936 Location. RoaTuaIRWWicifF7i445 . .. Pa rcei 12531...2202....Tract .0..0.....fraect -Piet-.78.06 t4sanitadev ..." : bites titan 'ail -yrayartr-Idaadi- troat-yard.-atat-lactat- 53,'-- from -an of--rd--r/i,-or- 25"- Iron- -- I troat--y/bre --abithavor- to groater*- - Flemblag - a -45A - -alla--et-rd- riev--or -131- trom-pit -- I la, --rbieborar-to- graateri -olds- raid--3*--tor- It dytadbad -cmd- ao -allay; e' --nor r;,- d-lir ant-tdda-for-drivarayryban irge ..j. hire Gone. .3_ __ Size or Lot. 8,04 it 1.9,... • a • e .sesis Eon striates_ 1 Stories ..1. .Dimensions __ __ 24' -x .361 . ... Tot- Sq. Ft._ 8911 ... . Val uation...838.00040. - -. 1 Rms...3....BathsiRR. . 1 ....Basementtuts .Founclanon . O . Chimney . 'replace iD ... Htg, System. ElacBrIrmas...2.B.. Type of Roofing..compoation...... Ext. Finish . alai . Int Wa Fin Certificate of Occupancy Issued fors...above._ .itaitudans op ..n.ro. .Pluabing aad Beating permit Remarks required.- -Owls. dataatar(4- required. .. STAGE . - COMTBOOTION. KIST .11aVE. IIISPEO... . t ?TOM -ORLIED--Rd -RROIRIE. -31-410DE, VET TO .aLL 1118150110, IRIST-St CALLED EU -UPON -COILDLIFt -MWANDS .0P. RESIDENCE.. _CAW . . 436:1675..ona--day.-la.-adranaa- tor -all .rit'F" ..:...:#4: .„ _requirad..... Pt feat . ..... 51,110.4VRI itittng,MIt=1:Z "r in.„°,,Vd in 4n '::: r .47 n; hill the per II IS c? (AO farm in all repasts to all the ordlnences of the County el on the !Potation 01 any of Ole provisions OS laid Prallnerisee. Sr failure el plans as approved, to comp!, with Said oidlnences MI' be! eked s where directed by County 0111chte end shell Inman tat Said sign el the ...plastids al the PM11111111.5 fftg.tnarir Wowed, This permit will be good only for cornmen eme t of Months, and the entire completion thereof within 1 _zest from this deter after Which time this permit 11 e VOIdfA Authorized by Building Official BUILDINGCODE DEPARTMENT I , 1 Permit Expires ..gteptioberr 3,4.,...1979:. • . By. ,i.5fier,Lr n ' INSPECTOR Fee Picl:;$:,_ 459/93 dab [it; Issued Counii Eta-at1...C, V. Omala, 9/14%78. See S.P. 08-036.