2015, 07-07 Study Session MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington July 7,2015 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Dean Grafos, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard,Deputy Mayor(via phone) Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Recreation Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Pro Tem John Hohman, Community Dev. Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. It was noted that Deputy Mayor Woodard was attending via telephone conference. 1. Governance Manual—Chris Bainbridge City Clerk Bainbridge and City Attorney Driskell discussed the various proposed changes throughout the Governance Manual. Council agreed to the following changes: page 12 new section about placing items on an agenda; page 13 under telephone conference, clarifying that at present we only have the capability of handling one telephone number per meeting; page 18's clarification of the motion "call for the question" as well as the clarification of process for reconsideration on pages 19 and 20; and the proposed changes on pages 23-28 for the selection of Mayor, and process for appointing a permanent Councilmember as well as a temporary Councilmember. Concerning the new section on page 13 about tax rate changes, Councilmembers appeared to be split on the need for that section; and there were other comments concerning some of the aspects of appointing and selecting a permanent and temporary Councilmember, including the voting process. It was decided to schedule a Mayoral appointment to include Councilmember Pro Tem Gothmann on the Governance Committee, and afterwards have that committee meet again to further discuss the manual and then bring the issue back before Council for approval consideration. A motion consideration will be added to next week's Council agenda for appointment of Councilmember Gothmann to the Governance Committee. 2. Transportation Improvement Board(TIB) Call for Projects—Steve Worley Mr. Worley went over the TIB Call for Projects and the suggested projects. After brief discussion, Council agreed staff should submit all projects for TIB Grant consideration. There was also brief discussion about the Opportunity Elementary project and Deputy Mayor Woodard asked if 11`h Avenue would qualify for CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funds, and Mr. Worley said he would have to research that. When Mr. Worley asked Council if they had any other projects they would like considered in this process, no other projects were suggested. 3. Public Works Project Updates and Progress Report—Eric Guth Public Works Director Guth's progress report included an update of numerous construction projects, such as the Argonne Road Corridor Upgrade, Mansfield Avenue Connection, Sullivan West Bridge Council Study Session:07-07-2015 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council:07-28-2015 Replacement, Appleway Trail University to Pines, and numerous street preservation projects, as well as sidewalk projects, storm drain retrofits, the update on the decant facility, and bridge maintenance for Barker Road bridge and Sands Road Bridge. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked about an area which appears to be buckling after a hard rain,just past Cherry before going around the corner on 24°i, and Mr. Guth said he will look into that. Councilmember Pace asked about the Appleway Trail and noted there are no signs or accesses to businesses and apartments, and no landscaping. Mr. Guth explained that some signs have been erected directing people out to the commercial area to dine, explore and shop as well as to direct people to businesses on Sprague; he said there is no access from the apartments as he was not sure that was envisioned unless we partnered with the apartments in that regard, adding that they tried not to fence the area so it would remain accessible; said the landscaping idea is to have a more natural look, and that the plan has been to do more improvements later as funding becomes available. Mayor Grafos stated that the infrastructure is in but this is a work in progress; it is a lineal type of park which can be a little confusing, but we will continue to move ahead. Mr. Jackson added that there is a certain amount of money available for the projects, but we were just awarded $1.8 million toward the Trail; said that Public Works is working on other grants and we might be able to use some of those other funds for trail enhancements; and said we need to let people know that this is the first phase and other enhancements will be coming in the future. 4. Parks & Recreation Project Updates and Progress Report—Mike Stone Parks and Recreation Director Stone's progress report included information on a variety of projects, programs and services, including Browns Park Sand Volleyball and Hoopfest Court, Edgecliff Park Shelter, Park Signs, Valley Mission Pool Tank, summer programs including the aquatics program and the pool opening day free swim, free summer outdoor movies, Fun Fridays in the Parks in July, their very popular Summer Day Camp, CenterPlace, and that July is National Parks and Recreation Month. Mayor Grafos called for a recess at 7:40 p.m.; and reconvened the meeting at 7:51 p.m. 5. Community & Economic Development Project Updates and Progress Report—John Hohman Community Development Director Hohman's progress report included information on the master plans, permitting, committees and regional meetings, business development and marketing. Mayor Grafos suggested as a type of information piece, to compare our utilities, such as water usage, garbage, property taxes, sewer costs, with the City of Spokane, as a factor for people when they are considering moving to the area. 6. Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos Councilmember Gothmann asked about the property north of Sullivan Park which was discussed at the Workshop, and of Council's opportunity to evaluate the information to determine whether we want to buy some or all of that acreage; and said there is a deadline of August to respond. Mr. Jackson said that item will be added to the Advance Agenda pending list. 7. Information Only Items The items of (a) Mullan Road Street Preservation; and (b) Stormwater Call for Projects were for information only and were not reported or discussed. 8. Council Comments—Mayor Grafos Deputy Mayor Woodard thanked Council for allowing him to be telephonically connected to tonight's meeting. 9. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson Concerning the legislative process, Mr. Jackson reported he has been informed by our lobbyist Mr. Alex Soldano that AWC (Association of Washington Cities) indicated that about $4 million in direct Council Study Session:07-07-2015 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council:07-28-2015 allocations will be distributed due to increased gas taxes over the sixteen years of the initiative, and Mr. Jackson explained that our share of that direction allocation would be about$250,000 a year. 10. Executive Session: Pending Litigation It was moved by Councilmember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into Executive Session for approximately thirty minutes to discuss pending litigation, and that no action would be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into executive session at 8:25 p.m. Mayor Grafos declared Council out of executive session at 8:43 p.m., after which it was immediately moved by Councilmember Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed, to adjourn. Dean rafos,Mayor ATTES/ -ChriIL.. /3- Christine stine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session:07-07-2015 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council:07-28-2015