1975, 11-25 Permit: L2163 ResidenceForm 370R -Bldg. Code SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 992C1 Land Use or Structure Permit y Zone AgricAll-turst-Subur-tain Own er.-....Rensam-Cons trAic tion Address. Architect Address ContractorRafista...constrAietion Address.... RES IDENT I AL N UMBER L 216 r Pro pe rlty Address.....Fawc_. Permit for R es deace „.- 43-arage-ettaene41--basemen-t f 1 ni shed -Nr.---91.6--V-1-nes-Roed, -Spoke-au-6 Phone-- -924-2 Phone -99206- Location_parcoi. .No . 29541...1n22.;._. North ..90_4....o.f. _Let._151...;._.51.0ick. ._ z ; .. ctiester...h,rratir.......mintourff Zoning -set -tacks: Front -yard -of -at- 1 -east E5-',- -V-- side -yard, -10.1 -for - 2 • story- buiti-nd , .1 -54 - fit nktnlystreets- and- 251---ree r yards -;-.-howeve_E6---$ trertnletr' - sot-bock-v-1ft - rev -trod -by- -Zan i ng- --- ----- Ord ifilifi al 4 a I Ati i Bldg. Zone I.. "gre 116-ZOgrAa- a if ' 119 '!t0 W3A81r143 ilnd rirre C°66° --S • a. . wage .. septtc... St° r je5... Rooms Material_frame 26.1 x42 -P - Dimensions. 261..x44.." 2Frr4ep6lace_._2.._-_ H ea tirlg SYsterl--- -ette- of.:, is ...Val u at on ..14.7.i_000_woo..... .22J1261._. Iota I Sq. Ft . 9 -A--2 baths Basement fofoundation_ _cncrete, .Chi mney_ Certificate of Occupancy Issued for -see-above .---p-lumb-leig-S- heat fill-. ;era tits- are --req dired-.--. - Etch- --ste-ge--of Remerkszons-truct ion -mu st-have -- In spect-tee s-e-11-1-eU - for- ;---ss -required- by- ell.--COunty--Code- requ irements . F1nal--.4nspectlen .rtist---be -eel ltd. -fori--u parr templetien. -thel---pri-or to-- ocupeacy--ef-resIdenee. NOTE: .0-,-K:-.-BV..f-l-ar Itiest-C-omeissi on -6-- set:d eet-to-fitesting-set-- ------. -- --- beck - requi-rements---of -- the.. plat-- et -record .: ---4 0-,---Hurisi . THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the build ing or land us. for WI lel th e PFTl I le lessee:I stall corelorre in 1111 respects to all the oridi nances of the County of Spokane. regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and nay Pe revoked at ere d inte upon the violation cg a n y oi the precisions of lei 1 ordinances. or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of si g ns the Ire n000 must oleos IS tale signs where 6 irecad by County Dff Idols a rd shall remove the said I Ig n at the expiration of the perm it unless regularly renewed, This permit will be good only for commencement of wor lc within six months, and the entire completion thereof within_1... .. from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authcried by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires November 25 , 1976 El -......1..#11 Fee Paid $ 62.00 mac Date Issued_ 11 25175 Building INSPECTOR L. F OWN' ION 2. STEEL yttecci ///1,444);(—r # .. tea..,.terw0 00)1.0/41.4r d74 , c 117.4-o?= - /iia, , .. tt -a t i 4 � � - a we. •tom ' '.''isoart3t.-, '__ .I"O% OW, - 'x CISMOM 4 /P1 1 tom,'r T'N#��lii1� 3Q 3000 c Y1110..M UN ! i/tu43 MAYO,* • tiarre'9 lo bns.t 1. FIREPLACES .... 8. GARAGE ..,. ,t ......� 9, N ATN i0, MISC. ....Kfs.S.._ !P.-rftit 04 lamp gill#100104166,.., -kor 441,6 ott- 04 . • .s' b .44.4..14 a