1997, 08-28 Permit App: 97006598 BreezewayPROJECT NUMBER=97006598 PROJECT NUMBER= 97006598 ****** APPLICATION DATE= 08/28/97 PAGE= 01 APPLICATION DATE= 08/28/97 PAGE= 01 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ****** PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT SITE STREET= 312 N FARR RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PARCEL#= 45173.1004 PERMIT USE= BREEZEWAY OVER EXISTING SLAB 16 X 24 PLAT#= BLOCK= AREA= # OF BLDGS= OWNER= STREET= ADDRESS= 001835 11 PLAT NAME= LOT= F/A= # DWELLINGS= BIEBER, WILLIAM 312 N FARR RD SPOKANE WA 99206 OPP.TR. 1-354 2 ZONE= UR -3.5 A WIDTH= 1 WATER DIST CONTACT NAME= TIM BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 130 LEFT= 16 DIST#= DEPTH= = MOAB F R/W= 40 PHONE= 509 922 4862 PHONE NUMBER= 509 922 4862 RIGHT= NA REAR= NA ****************************** REVIEW INFORMATION ***************************** DEPARTMENT BUILDING COMMENTS: BUILDING COMMENTS: HEALTHDIST COMMENTS: REVIEW REQUIREMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED SETBACK REVIEW REQUIRED INCREASE IN LOT COVERAGE est. 0-s/ 97 ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT ******************************* CONTRACTOR= OWNER NEW= DWELL UNITS= BLDG W X D = REQ PARKING= REMODEL= 1 OCCUP. LD= 16 X 25 SQ FT= #HANDICAP= DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE or. ROOF COVER R-3 VN PHONE= ADDITION= X CHANGE OF USE= BLDG HGT= STORIES= 375 SPRINKLER= N CRITICAL MAT= N SQ FT VALUATION 375 1687.00 9 PROJECT NUMBER= 97006598 APPLICATION ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE= 08/28/97 PAGE= 02 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUATION Y 55.00 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Y 12.10 STATE SURCHARGE Y 4.50 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 71.60 .00 71.60 71.60 PROCESSED BY: BURRIS, ROBIN PRINTED BY: JOHN LARSON .00 71.60 ******************************** THANK YOU ************************************ AUG -27-1997 14:27 7 4 eta 26 Al e- )o- REc4RD F: /ivtET' 1 1 1 1 H Sewola system designed far a bedrooms only. 4 3/� ,i 4),L • 4 TOTAL P.01 Please make sure that the following items are shown on the proposed plot plan: o 1. Direction NORTH a 2. General topography (slope) and drainage characteristics o 3. Roads and driveways O 4. AM surface water ❑ 5. Cuts and banks ❑ 6. Property lines and boundaries o 7. Existing and proposed buildings ❑ 8. Easements (utility, drainage, etc.) ❑ 9. Wells and water lines (existing and proposed) ❑ 10. Any neighboring wells closer than 100 feet to your property line ❑ 11. Proposed and existing septic system and 100% replacement area. O 12. Dimensions/locations of all items o 13. Location of approved testholes ITEMS TO CONSIDER: 1. Disposal system needs to be located with easy access for pumping the tank and maintaining the drainfield. 2. Perforated drainfield pipe shall be at least: a. 5 feet from property lines and easements b. 10 feet from buildings and water lines c. 100 feet from any source of water which includes wells, springs. ponds. streams. 3. Draintield shall consist of at least two laterals or runs of perforated pipe. 4. There must not be more than 100 feet of drainfield pipe per lateral or run. 5. All perforated drainfield pipe shall be Installed level. or drop no more than one inch per 100 feet. Ends must be connected if possible. 6. Do not place drainfield pipe under area where vehicles pass or large animals stay. 7. Watertight pipe shall extend at least 4 feet from the septic tank to the edge of the drainfield trench or Ieachbed. 8. The perforated drainfield pipe must be at least 4 inches lower than the watertight pipe leading out of the septic tank. 9. The septic tank shall be at least 5 feet from any structure or property line. 10. If you are installing your own system. please pick up a copy of the RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SPOKANE COUNTY. Spokane County Health District Environmental Health Division Room 402, West 1101- College Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 324-1560 b 0 " APPROVALS by Spokane County Health District: O Drainfield feet O Leachbed sq.feet O Trench width• inches O Maximum trench depth O Minimum trench depth U Cap fa1 inches of cover O Total gravel required under the perforated pipe: inches O Five gallons of water are required for 'D" Box inspection. Comments: DIRECTIONS TO SITE: - I. Is the property size the same as shown on the Assessors map or plat map? Oyes Ono 2. If Dot, wbat land use =ice bas or will take place? 3. Has Ibis land use action (certificate of exemption, aggregation, segregation, etc.) been filed with the Assessors office? Oyes ONo Signature of owner_ Designer — _ Date LW APPL.#: SITE ADDRESS: CONVENTIONAL Call (509) 324-1560 for inspection before covering. If you cannot instaU this system according to this approved plan, you must call the office at (509) 32a-1560 to discuss BEFORE THE INSTALLATION. Signature Date TRENCH CROSS SECTION • TOPSOIL 12-24" ROUND SURFACE SIMS= e, N OM CRAM na�cY.m+mr WOWS p 1 • a+CHES 111.0.011 ww1 rs ttnttErIc "ot+: 4 INCH PERFORA1ED DRAIN PIPE. DRAINHOLES FACED DOWNWARD. ON CENIFR• • For teachbed, see map view 4or piping detail. NOTE: All gravel must be % to 2% -inch diameter washed gravel Site Plan 1, /01 NI h 4 1 - ., , 4DRESS /.7 ZONE' ' FRONT; IAI FLAN zdf 3 _s-- 4 1 PA'i ' INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: ❑ All roadways, driveways & easments ❑ Distances from center of roads, right of ways, private roads & property lines O All existing & proposed buildings ❑ Underground utilities ❑ North arrow O Septic tanks & wells