1992, 03-20 Permit: 92001647 SewerSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W: 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certifythat I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition. I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel yQ rovisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I „::: _1E T NUMBER= 9200.1647 di..yn iii i;.:,g.g. ********X ii: k' yi" .... ir. APPLICATION J ., ZO — / a DATE ISSUES} PERMIT DATE.:::. 03/20 /92 PAGE= ii*ii PERMIT INFORMATION ,i:',aaiao SITE STREET== 1816 S FAWN ADDRESS= Sr j,<.ANE. WA 9;y-04 If:"Itii:ET tl;aii:.::: SiiEuiliEi? t:; taNNE(:'T':U.?;d -- C; Tz;rii'u`ud i•I..f.:rl r' : F.yi.. i. PLATt= Ft L_ij:'I<: AREA= 4 OF E. :, PIAT NAME= CHESTER TERRAC:F:: ADD LOT= ZONE= UR—. DI F/rr= F WIDTH= 100 DEP S =:: i454 DWELLINGS= i WATER: DIST. .-_.n co iair,-i!?.i=: i,: if i611' ;i. OWNER= t/1:C;(.JE . F:F'III..I.1:r' STREET= 3806 S FU1W:J:I:SH RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 F , ::.. i:.. /, ^ 927 7433 5 i:ONTACT NAME= PHILL.IP R. V):C;IJE PHONE NUMBER= 50c; BUILDING "rr�-_ ACKKE. FRONT= N/A LEFT= N/A RIGHT= N/A REAR- N ,. .._ ,lir=+' ii ?ii 'iii Pi iii'ii' df dk'ik dir ii. di"hr"**************XX J tL le ':..,':... ii, yi..y¢ {i; .ya.yi. is .i:.:q I^.. n "n,)i 'P: yt'ii��ii"y8 di:.)i. -0i 'ii. h q,. CONTRACTOR= VIGUE .> SONS CONSTRUCTION STREET= 119ii E:. STH AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE-: WA 99''C8 ITEM DESCRIPTION PrcOCEING FEE I:EIi tiNf CT ION PHONE= 50— 927 :4.....; QUANTITY FE::EE r'';M0LJi'y'f 0 00 ***it*** ***Y vi aii'i{.it"tt'k1'i: ii..ii..ii..3riii'ri'ri'ri' 3* PAYMENT SUMMARY i**3*'u'iia*ii.ii..ii..;i.ii.v..E.li...i'.ii)'ii'ii)ii PAYMENT DATE ) RECI::::E.P T : PAYMENT AMOUNT 03/20/92 1 892 .S0 , 00 TOTAL DUE .00 TOTAL PAID== . 00 PER IT TYPE FEF AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT 0WING SEWER PERMIT 50,00 55.00 •i5i6, 50 .00 50,01) .00 ESSE::l3 rt\ pfliirTi:'i1+.':ECI-i, F<:I:NTI:::ii BY: .JI.II..I:E:: SHATTO SEW: R S TI.J UTILITIES TO iN E{i,_i:I:i..( :i:'tNFORNAT):CJN :I: iii i;iENT ( .V56 • A a AF'Pi.._S:'r=trvT is POSTi r[i J IIF.' PIED CA “OU UTI'. THE, :.,. TE AN') COR 10 OtHLP . CIvE 7:Rri I , fa. PIPS. NC WATER L..:I:NF:':, [: F1 "y 'j ii -I "ri,' ri Fti Ei: f::1 .St. CHECK EEj r'Fi .l: OR THEY "r 'ii: F:' i'I.'rr1F; AND (.INfIR ' iiiiiir;. CALL. ..,_. ! OR i.:J,�a�'r'_(.-f 1. i_i :,i. ?; HOUR I'd tta't :i.l i:E E{itE t;N Li :{: i'ir CIONNEL; i'l:iri'i TO INSE.IR THE_ S Ei W r= P MAIN Lk '>i' ;;..x.'a.>r' * * dr oii * di. **X** Xio-)8n` Cif: r. i; *'n'a "MNK YL.idii#iE imn iuyi.ir r: it- X