1991, 07-22 Permit: 91004384 Furnace, Piping, ACSPOKANE COUNTY Pg;_PARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 • I certify that 1 have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regula_ ting construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction r ' SIGNATURE OF DATE CATIO7_7 OWNER OR AGENT E'F;f1._ii::C T.- NIJ :€E:R=: 91004304 . is ',:(.II:::1) PERMIT . DATE., 0 ai':p:N:33')3i'9i333i)i'di3i'di'3v'33i'3fdi'3i"***ii3i3E#3f di' F'I::,GMij .II:�..•.MAl InN ti'vH@3E3i'3i){'3i)i:)i***3:3i3i'N: �? .�. i� I 1-1 iz. ,., ...:31.. . STREET= 61 r.. J N I"E-l..T �i 1iD PATCE:i.ii== 1..,°:44.._11 4 •,w .1 ' ADDRESS=- SPOKANE WJq t:"'::2..0 - . PERMIT USE=: GAS I-URNAt.:E::., F''IPINF,.. ,• ;::,;'L: PLAT:::_ 00 0637 PLAT NAME= --DOBRA'VEC i i T I ADO. BLOCK= 1 LO .i._d:CirdE_=:: AGSUB 1,F':'r =' .(REA= 00000 000. F/A F _WIDTH= IDTH= DE_P EH.H_:: til- BLDG-= i 0 DWELLINGS= i WATER DIST ::_ OWNER= HERRICK, MIKE-. PHONE:'. 509 926 6!564 STREET= 6ri9-N !-[1.T;S EST; - ' ADDi'l=::>S=: SPOKANE WA 99206 _ . CONTACT NAME= BARTONS BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= NA 3iii'u"a: 3i * 3i ii. 33>i 3{'3i'3 --'3i'33{ 3' 3i'3i'3i'3i'3i'3F 3'3i3i "PHONE NUMBER=: LEFT= NA RIGHT=: NA REAR= NA 'I Fi. II_F, ,, PERMIT '33i'$i*****3 A'A3'3')i V.'R''I4 '!kR'.P*;k Yl ;l3'iP CONTRACTOR= BARTON ETEATINi:r ,w A.' _ NU STREET= 11 iii'f E MANEI'".1..l..1: f''VE:. 4003 ADDRESS= SPOKANE -WA 9' -- - ]:TEM DESCRIPTION E( F?OCE:SS]: i'4C; FEE GAS H T i:. I::: ra U i. F < Y'.'''0 , i:? 0 ¢i ; PTU %.1 GAS PIPING “P P CONNI:TIONE : 0-3 TC1FiS ::3Y 3,t 3)-3<3 )i'31. FERMI MECHANI 3(.* i8 )r; 3i..i@ .)S 'ri' A' * *')i"ri' iiri'ri ri..n: r':.ni A Y f'! E:. l`% i PAYMENT- DATE pECEr.1=:TM. PAYMENT AMO'iNi 07/22/91 ,4910 50,00 `_;r?,00 T' TYPE: •FEF: AMOUNT ' AMOUNT -PAID AMOUNT OWING: - C 11_. PRM( 50.00 ` 0.00 .00 , 50.00— :,- (1,00 • 00 1:)IJANTITY 9 C" PHONE= r,7 r 922 ?000 iAE<t. 3<1x3<•**ri..A.....'g ....... TOTAL.. DUE= To -r 1_ PAID= PROCESSED BY: JULIE SHATTO PRINTED EY: JULIE SEEATTO.- 331; #• 3i 3 i4 3i 3{ 3<3<3<3<3< * -ii 3i' 3i 3* 3< 3i # 3f 3 * 3 3i 3{ THANK YOU .3. .3..31:. 3: ti. 3*:3-31i3i 3i' rt ****,1.** * 1i• 3i.