1992, 07-13 Permit: 92005182 Furnace, PipingSPOKANE COUNTYtnEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 13Iva BROADWAY AVENUE SROKAI1 E, WASHINGTON 99260 : (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. l understand that the issuance of this permit/a•• tion and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel t oviswns of any al law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction SIGNATURE OF / APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE / PROJE:c'iNUMBER= 9'2005182 ISSUED PERMIT i=';.".,fail:-- ti . L:_1r..-) 3:.-xi*-ii'ii.:ri.'tf d+.'le 3e'ii' 3:3e'i*"kk'+*3e PERMITINFORMATION ➢xn a*anx:x---X->l"7i3i3e ri.a.x. e e SITE:: STREET= 924 pJ:E{ T` RD FAE C: Ei..n== 4517141506 ADDRESS= SPOKANE i'4(4 ,. 206 PERMIT USE= GAS FURNACE -- PIPING PLATO= 0009R 7 PLAT Nr;ME== (: i:O:IA SUB Bl_ V :. TP: OF: P BLOCK= LOT= ZONE= UR --s , C'' AREA= F/A= F WIDTH== h':' DFP i'H= 121 I OF I31...:Dt:;S== 4 DWELLINGS= i WATER DISC _.. OWNER= KIij:i_E:, FLORENCE STREET= til }'4 N 1 ' i...T. RD ADDRESS= S=:. SPOKANE:. i:3;"i 99206 PHONE= 509 922 5844 CONTACT 1'iFliiiii::::: FLORENCE 1<]:N LEE PHONE NUM E:.E<-:: :50? BUILDING 51::.1 I'itlt.a- : FRONT= NA LEi:i=' 1 == NA RIGHT= NA REAR- pill 5,'t-4.4 1;:p.u'3idpi3i'of3i'k'ii'3i'la'*Yi'ii'3e.p).k..j{..p}**3e3'i'hi'hi'ii3i:$:'x 3i MECHANICAL AL.. PE:.RM)T "ie 3e v:a"bi:➢i.) diLi'n: 'hi'A" 3i—itr ii•• * ie i; )k CONTRACTOR= CU4rJFR ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT PROC:ESS:ING FEE 25,00 GAS HT%n i QUIV ' 5J,00i_3iBTiU G A ,S PIPING 1 1400 3393c33ir3rikdr33i3d—ikrx;kdPAYMENT SUMMARY nx.. PHONE, -y GO PAYMENT DATE 07/1a/92 TOTAL. DUE:= PI:::I'?i`•S:I: T TYPE:: FEE'. AMCitii• MECHANICAL PRM' tCEESSEED BY: WENDl:::i_; Gi..i)RIA E'itTN1'E::Ii BY: WEi:NDEL..., GLORIA RE::C'E::IPT;I: 5380 •00 TOTAL PAID= ;t ,00 T AMOUN_(. PAID ANC ii)NT OWING "30400 400 30.001 ,00 XX35##h: 7i -it iti 31'.'ii'3e ii'de ii'3e I. T AMOUPJ.T. 33.0G _1800 30400 ➢: THANK YOU 'h'3i:*3i3i 3t P: ir: 'le 3l"A' A' }: P: H"A 3t'h: i'. h'P"a' ii' ia'n"R'