1989, 06-16 Permit: 89001752 GarageSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT -OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT HATE pRuuEu; DATE- 06/16/89 :x.:::: li i,: �r. +::.:::. z . a +.. i. ,: v . c , .. •:::,i. ,•.:::: ; F 3 -Y M r, T . ; .5t.: t..�;.. r. r:. ::,;.:;;.:!,.:!�.:!;.:!;..;;.:; :.. �.- !:. �.:�.:.- }E f� i. h sE 7•. 3, y., t.- Y, }! !•.:'. A.:•.:-.::.::!:: r�. :._:". i'i .s. .i. i';! i-. ... 4 i 7 r•7 : .:.'.. It,! :. !-... �•. �•- .'tt �f� �, r .::.. ...................... SITE STREET- :, 12 N FELTS RD ADDRESS= SPOK('NE WA 99206 PERMIT U:r.,!E GARAGE _ 001836 BLOCK - 1: OF BLDGE= PLAT NAME= OPP.TR. 1-34 LOT= • ZONE- AGSUB F/A- WIDTH 150 .E!. DWELLINGS= I OWNER= iii... i?I:: R i ,.: i_;! S F DI -:+}!G' -'AS . - STREET= •r"•ii:'t::Y•..., 10y07 .-. its • aA V + _ ADDRESS= F:•ti'!_,P,..iNr._ WA 99206 NAME- ,. BROS STEEL NUMBER= :YLTDACKS: FRONT= NA RIGHT:,, 30 REAP- 5 .:;.::;. !;, :.:..5:. 5i. ::. i : :. i. 5i. si.:.'.:i..i:. • ..'.. ' ..5 .. i..4'. ', '.l t'' 't• F.1 i.. i•:1 '; j..5,j, u• 3} •.}}'.: ,::n:.5:: {. 3: ai.::i.::i:::L :{j. �.:: :....:. .:.:•.:•. a.:::� :•.:�.:.:7.:::•. !� ;( ?{ ;i Ss, '?::. ti '': i'......-..... _,i t r. i... s? e...... :...: ,. 7.r. . r?{ . ..:. .:......... rk• #i: �i•;r. .. !, r.:t :.:t :, r....... ---....... Cf'iNTPACTOR,, ...... , .... 2066 E LAKEVIEW DR ADDRES:*:- .X.E ORCHARDS WA 99027 . _ REMODEL= DWELL_ UNITS= OCOUP. L... BLDG ..- 12 ... ............ BLDG W - . la .. 24 SG ET= 432 r .•PARKING= e . 'f ,_. .ii. 1 .. y._... , :-. '^..... ;,: i.:. , ,... i...::: r.; I.J '. i-. S .: i ' d. i F�: l_ G; i- A F`i l':., P•dk� -... •17' I• � t•t �: a t .! (:, i •, I-- .... ,... {A; ::. 7':• .... ; •: : � � ;�. :. .... :.. ..::: . . DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE ...I_; FT LAI'4,-iLG. M-1 ${i'•1 432 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY RS ID:1 .": C " _ A : :.: STATE SURCHARGE COUNTY fURCHARGE VALUATION --------- 3024.00 -r.- -f - -a-.**::2 c:,•: 5c:!;.a:.':::::..***]:. .5j. E• .3.N E:i{ ; , EN. ,ai•: ;.. :.. �..q S :.i--! ! •'•1.1E i`i'i E'. , .. .. 06/14/C9 2.164 TO1AL DUE- TOTAL PERMIT (... ! S ' ».. i !-.. !.. AMOUNT .'3! S4i ..:: i PAID 76,52 .;... � .y .,.. )f: .. .. .: :Si' !". r. .. .. .. .': !i: i. .. .. .. .. VA,: .. . . isasearicillallefr wirereraRrWiln 4 JUN -14—'89 1034 ID:BLDG AND SAFETY—SPO TEL NO:509-456-4703 #719 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 IIRQAPWAY AVINIJII BROKAW, WA$WINDTON • • 456-3876 l certify that I haveekaMi d this permit and stallithat INS information oontalned In It end lubmItted by me or my agent to compfle sI d perrn?t Is true and correte, in addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION RECUIREMENTS/NOTICt provieloneinoluded herein and egret to comply with same. All Q1'0110111 of rent and ordlnanolia governing this type of work will be compiled with whether specified 1ereln or rwt, 1 underatend that the lieu ince of thls perrnit and anyitibaeq inopection approvals or Certificate. of Occupancy Shall not be oonstrued to glY• euthOrity to violate or colic& the provisionf any state or lout Lew reguletino Gonsinotlem, or e s warranty of conformantre with the provisions of any state of local laws regulating construct lon SIONATURa OF OWN1A OR AGENT - • • APPLICATION ....1•1•1•11i1M1=11•11. 1,0JE,CT NUMVPNN WATI'M PAGrm 01 3.. • !I: V. 'I': C. a?.. fq.: V 'V.' '11. „ , • • •:••••• .• A 44 1 cy:. 112 h FELT :fa/ :..UKANE WA 'ne, UV.,d GAR:VA PLAt CIPP;TR, r/Pc, r WIDTH- V;V:H,A. !NNER. A;JIERTSON, ni.jf;LA M 1400? E NORcl AVE ::EOKANE WA ::JMTACT t<;ikt"J SIECL BLOC WATT c4f LEr-n NA Fl n544-44') , • • R./W. 40 T.09 924 1557 REVTFW /f.'fylOor...vr...x7A)614,0* 1,!Ev1ELW cCIMMNT INTIXALS --------- P:AN NUTRZI) PWLVAA REVIEW : LOT COVERAE c„,E,......., . tcd (9--1.? ,k, :.--- „,„.,„.,,,, CONTRAcTOk C001( Ii3k0!CONTATING STRET:t:i 20606 E AKEVT. OTV; MNCHejj):::: WA 9Vi'.2'," t'j, PW'Z.LL 1.1N1 6LDGWXDa Ted 966# • .r. 0 REMODELq, 41.11.44h1HCAP.: t',ROUP '1 1YPE VN 9T,17-9P-6Og:ON 131 SDK T. 12; 4,' Cs; 024 I pipc.HH(Im. USEm 1' fi i1. 43? HYDNAN1% N OdS 6E:9T 613,—ST—Nflf