1977, 10-10 Permit: M3666 Roof LineRESIDENTIAL NUMBER M SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 3 6 6 6 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Property Address ceitt-*a 1.620. 4. Land Use 'or Structure Permit v '- 2 csk.. :gcne ---)firietatiic-,anourbanpemitior thaersg„..„ mull, 11 -Tripe \,) tilleilatitMAIMDUI -- Owner-Gel:WW1-Z=8r Address Athote___ Idaho. 03801 Phone_ir1g/t25$ Architect Address -- toper Contractor...$gme Address Same, 8.3801 --- ' ----c-- - Phone Location. Parcel Number„me 08544-0430 Pati-of-E-BlOck-32. Opportunity. S. 1j A4ATIM4161) c ,..r ..... ..., \ -812' exc.-S.-80' of N. 150'. Existing building r)m wifti I a _ , • Bldg. Zone Tire Zone. a. Size of Lot...el:pas/21.: anassiv+ konst fraile.jmn. .: Sewage -.. Stories 1.Dimensions 401450' approx TotalSq. Ft.-.12eXcirillt--1291-Valuation$3400;00 re • i ,- Rms../4..dWIRR Basement Foundafion Chimney Firep ace IHtg. System 3 Type of Roofing Ext. Finish Int. Wall Finish __Thedial2 • Certificate of Occupancy Issued for .each stage of construction and/or remodoTIWOUit have inspections Remarks.called_fort_as_required*-code. Nust-conform-to-all-tounty-Code-requiregontur , _ FiriaLinspection_regaited.--tall--466-3675,--priorto-lOttatarlortnitiffecti9ns. 3aARAO ,1 THIS PERMIT Is granted upon the express condition that the In Id ng or land use fcr which the permit is issued shall conform h le all respects to all the ordinancei loi,theifsu nty of Spokane. regulating the construction. use and occupancy of bu ildi ngs in Spokane County, and rn ay ny be revoked at atime upon the violation of any of the provision s lard. brRIninces, or lailure •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration el the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said ign at the ere' ration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six m6nths, and the. entire completion.thereof within p.$13ar L from this date; after which time this permit will be void. October 10. 1978 /-• Authorized by BuildirreffeitrSt111NnOrblARTMENT Permit Expires 16.00 met 10/10/77 Building! _r5 INSPECTOR Fee Paid $ Date Issued 10 -3/ 77 nr, q, • tr M A38MUTA JAITi43G II31 ttil* „! hA �r5go19 . lot trio 1. Snit - t .441b1 i fed A , f 'k) ftkuivNa LAMING 10610 t...f,..Vtoutregit" • TVI3MTAA930 3003 oolcutU8 YTYiUO3 311A)1092 IOM noir IfinW .srsllog2 <noa19t1cl M I18 *019q 9luf)uut2 10 9ei1 bnsJ -ono " -a-- -Rj _001073 2 si ADA . _ s . •-siamt_ ' enwo _2zsibbA. .2291 Abel_.... _.. irk _wiastiirx� 11_3_14 :31t4 i G4$1114 L.ledfnuil IsDis9-noueaol .-• *3.....11f i--ts --,Z , r•, FINAL ; s'ii- f2no:J 5gsvia2 -- 1' td to ssi2 =. an sr: snaS . �l►�%tti.. '�iA17i f bbl8 F p2 IsToT . '= li P ,. i.noi2nsmlC f es- ot2 .sae oiiI ... _ 49nmudO ._` mioR.._...... Tnsms?e8 .- A.A! 2r6 CHIMNEY.. 1irl� II6W .tnl- riztni� , l ni?Dell .g sgtT . 'SUM! as,l 1Y'1T#an.IM TO 'WO 11300. infi bsuul q)nsouaJO to 9T63it11193 FiREP1ACES )3 O iusi rtis-W-aftetasa.Ses1 lo11<"If 1as . -osf. il0. i,; •s;7AA fla3 . 110w--00* s.t..h, n ?. GARAGE 3. HEATING wto .! vas 16 nn •A• noqu emir ins le bellows sd ran boa .ttnra"• ontt.g: ni tgnlbud to orlsquf..,o Ana eu ••i•sttro) .At Asitacpe• on.i yq^a:.sgas Ila nr mmtno11et1 bsuetl 11atop sell OUP* s.+ stn Anel so p.ibitu11 sell tarn Isaias setups 00. nags bllnp e' -11/143q a sell It nple brie srU Avonnob a»AM IMP bUe sell aelg tion an', m1'411.11)1* blas Ali* rlgmoa of bewsgga as inch; la atolhl gag 401 *tisk fo n,llae» etr •al iimleq O. In orao,1 se, 1a nonslsblteo, 11 .b.r.ann Ilia.uae, aonlne •3mm oft 10 mm�srut nidtiw toes-ntelgmoo eiiins set/ bns ,aritnbm xis nrtttiw'how fo Mornsanammtni o, lot vino boot' sd illw tisq elttT MTAA9 b4Si1aiiTUA .blov ed Iliw Nmaq ahlS emit Aaidw lofts istsb suit molt ®tri 601 *eats. Aora392n1 a.tbf fel! Ye _- .-- .28i1gx3 firms(' 11V1‘01 sop 00./1 .bsueat else ......... t bis9 eel