1981, 08-31 Zoning InvestigationProperty Address ZONING •INVESTIGATION SHEET N. 1827 Felts Road Directions (if nec.) Nature of Investigation Illegal fence LA 3.23 Acres File Number 143-381. Date Received 8-31-81 Investigator Taken By Date Resolved / • 2 7 3 Occupant Address Owner C. R. Overland N. 1827 Felts Road Same Address Phone 926-4277 Zip Phone Zip 99206 Complainant Address --CONFIDENTIAL-- Phone Zip Parcel No. 08544-0301 Legal Discription Zoning of Property AS Effective Date 321-53 8-25-44 Sections of Ordinance Applicable Applicable Permit No.'s Previous Violations Non -Conforming Use File !f's 9-8/ /-/-F3 CONTACT RECORD DATE TYPE COMMENTS 54,e atiest_itait_e �_ In( tka Nara' rugs at�A — °► � °j__. #.alluL&1 Cevu -1 tab Door co of ur - lust Eause+ i7 f o��Ltot� ?cu. � 5 S, ott. '1t • 1$ ca.iicol� `.°0 4r outot Dart runt_iiia OA -4 Ckei t1 fS4S FrAMI • w; ira nan'ture W -TB ham. ♦a R a. w M S, [[DR 7- w0 '11 Bu es, c . ob.. - - - •- Fetka • 11144Nce. ---t F . F , ♦ i... S_. ' •. ♦s �. .•.MITT. • 11 • -, Li ... [ '. .. r ! _r�si�..1 �1 �./. � . ' a „fa •• 1 • - • •. l:2 / ui<../i1'l�Ai' ./_f / LM/LI7Trir, /rw — all trilNIIIWWW1 i. U D -.. I. :A i . �.,' .�S. =� 1\Ci�7. �i.Z •. 1. • Qt& OE if 1. . -. • Olnl • o l s ' l�� ..ate, � ea /Gr.�vu, .. ui- ,���. 'i!&-isiti SJ::T.I' 1' fr Y.5) WO V -O tal( 1/Ut.R.• • ./ a.. . b . , ; • • lb (s•4 vvitetto itat • ...!'� ,. . ►o•8 cat UctrauCt 1.44416- 4 1 fi7g Witt ot.t. w� 1 Q.?1y► 0 • 5'. s .. - M 1 I. S. .S r &0L tev Cter DoSSIB'I•#IES OF i4DMty 4 To'eh to 9IAN& 'W !- Win* Win* t on ' ,r►u- ► a Y►�l Co T 6G a Atte iota' VacPaµSE.... (A s It04 D11ticu1-t to D6,*t— �. Ite APta/un tetl� alt. c_W11 Damon wmvis OtivAi a 4' b ti , -. , SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY North 8l1 Jefferson Spokane, WA 99260 456-3675 •In order for this office to undertake.an official investigation regarding an alledged zoning violation in Spokane County, it has been determined by our statuatory legal counsel that we are required to act only upon written com- plaints, unless an immediate hazard exists. Please fill in the information below and return this form to the Spokane County Department of Building and Safety. Your. complaint will be processed as quickly as possible. Unfortun- ately, we cannot accept unsigned complaints. All complainant's names are strictly confidential. If you have any questions, please feel free,to contact this office. Locai ioi Street Address or Road Name: Felts Road (Give directions ifnot street address): i-t'nt - /S' (-ft.-tor 14A 4,/. Frf! f/. %its 2. Nature of Complaint: Due to the extremely high cyclone fence and 10 to 12 -ft. high scrubs, both extending to the street, four near accidents have occurred. There is absolutely no way to see traffic when leaving my driveway. I% feel that if my vision is impaired by the fence and shrubs and an accident should occur, the county has now been notified. If they, for some reason, do not act the res..nsibilit should not be mine. 3. (7K11er or Occupant of Property (If known) : n C111/11-21- 4. ; 1/11T 4. Your name: Ronald L. Schmidt ;dress: 1823 N. Felts Rd. Telephone umber (home): 922-0197 Sicnat7 e; Date: y % T� (P/ SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY BUILDING -PLUMBING - MECHANICAL - FIRE 811 N. JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WA. 99260-0050 TELEPHONE : 456-3675 JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR September 10, 1981 CERTIFIED -RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. C. R. Overland N. 1827 Felts Road Spokane, WA 99206 Dear Mr. Overland: Laws and regulations in our society are, at times, difficult to understand and fully comprehend. This is true of zoning ordinances, which are laws intended to protect and govern the many different uses of land in Spokane County. It is my responsibility, as the Zoning Investigator, when the situation arises, to help resolve conflicts involving the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance. This office has received reports regarding a four (4) and five (5) foot fence located in the front yard of your property, located at N. 1827 Felts Road, Spokane County, parcel number 08544-0301. A recent visual inspection by our field inspector indicated, we believe, that these reports are accurate. Unfortunately, Section 4.17.040 of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance stipulates that, "No fence over thirty-six (36) inches in height may be erected within the required front yard of any lot used for residential purposes." The required front yard setbacks for your property, located in an Agricultural Suburban Zone is, "A minimum of 55 foot setback from the centerline of all roadway right-of-way or 25 foot setback from the existing property line; whichever provides the greater setback from the centerline of the roadway right-of-way." As an alternative to bringing your fence into compliance with the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance, you can apply for a Waiver of Violation, which, if granted might allow you to keep your fence at its present height in its present location. Please contact the Spokane County Planning Depart- ment for further information concerning this Waiver of Violation. Page 2. C. R. Overland September 10, 1981 We are of the opinion that since you have now been informed of the require- ments of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance, a period of 30 days, beginning with your receipt of this letter, should be sufficient time in which to either: 1. Bring your fence into compliance with ordinance requirements as discuss- ed above; or 2. To contact the Spokane County Planning Department with regards to legal- izing this fence through a Waiver of Violation, or other options as that department might indicate, and taking the necessary steps as required by that department in pursuit of these options in a timely fashion in order that your fence be brought into compliance with ordinance requirements. Do not hesitate to act upon this important matter, since a violation of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance is a misdemeanor and does carry a penalty. If you wish to discuss these findings, have any questions, or believe these allegations to be unfounded, please feel free to contact me at 456-3675. Sincerely,Vjik iLt"a# Mark Holman Zoning Investigator MH:gw ( ilI DE? -Or. Ti_: ;`u;:n CF CCLU2Y ::. l;_ :;P `J'ili', t:i:;r1:, I;1,I. Iu:m:':J' OF 1.:,::11)11 Till: ) 1.-.,1aJi A TE CC4 Ufl. Z01iII1u QRDITIm7CT:, ) I'. T: ;i C L 13 T I UT: TITLE IV, 3Y L';I TICPI3 F:1.JICICi1'3, ) MD L.DDITIC:w TO TW: 1,D:T. 13E IT KI;;UL'JS.D by the Board of County Cc nicssienero of Spoinano County of tiro Stet() of t;; ,hinT;ton, that Titlo 4 is hereby oc:endo'1 ns; follows: Section 1, Title 4, entitled, „P n Crdi lance rcf>W ting and liniting the height and bull: of UuildinGs horcafter erected and regslatiti,; and dotorliniaG tho area of urtn, and other open spaces. and roculatinr. a3.0.reatrictinC the location c. Ladds and industries. and the location of baildin;Tt'' odof for-cb cific uses s yYc establin:li.nC the bo to r:arica of districts for said , . gran ATTACIIED 1.Anead Soctlan'4.17.0O by the addltloan of the foll ovlr.v a. If on a corner lot a residence caintainc tho rc;:'lrod front yard ectback from both the front and flanking 3J7ootc, tho roar .;rtJ shall bo that arca includod within a ta; my -five (2:5) foot radius mcarAc:••1 frau the jnnido lot corner. 2. Create a ne:; vection as follows: a. Any cervico Ctation canopy may oxtcnd into the 1'7:Qat or flanking street "yard" areae frovided that the support columns aro located in the ptt'm islands and further provid'cd that n0 canopy shall extend cJ... r than five (5) fact to any property Jiro. b. Drivo-in resterrctsant csrcpies for customer c,11 -::trout parking =vice totreot ..".'i': oxtc nd into t)'? front yard uc'tb _ck arca constructed parallel a .� .. fifteen (15) feet, but no closer tbnn t 'c'ity (20) feet from the front property line. Restaurant canopioc constructed parallel to n H root may come no closer than twenty (20) foot from the honking street pro;,•:'.i' :»• lino. Whenever a restaurant canopy for the off-street customer pilo*. {.s constructed u:,r end:=culari,, to a :Strcot, the Canopy c j extend to within five Y*) ( oot of the rroperty lino. ' i ii n dor i;building C• All other C„120D_C$ [...y ha C:aa:_1,.V $.i C' are;. -��: �::d from tho iiv_: into the front or flanking street yard area net mc,'n ic'£a ton (10) fort. Amend Section 4.17.C9: -O to rood as follows: 4.17.01;0 Fences. No fence over thirty -5i2: (36) ± r: i :'' in height may be erected within the required front yard of any lot used for ''::-idontiri lurposcou No residential foneo shall onceod a height of six (6) f'r::k without first obtaining a variance from tho Board of Adjustment. Corner lots in all zones shall not be n:a pitted to b: any fencing or othar sight -obstruction which constitutor. a hazard to th :i ,'Arching public within the arca designated as the "cloar vic,s tri2nglo". ':ii;,., area can bo determined by measuring eighty (80) feet from the cantor of t.v i'We:sooting structs along the centerlines of each street, then connecting ti;-! .::' ;oirta with a .straight lino forming the hypotenuse of the cloar-vie-J trio r1:., Trees jithin the clear-viow triankle shall have their branches roao' „i .';t the tr:_.k from groumd level to a mir4mum of coron (7) feat abova ground. .`i.. Shrub:: a*thin tha clear -view triangle droll bo maintained no hig:Inr three (3) fret „hove grade elevation or the centerline of tori adjacent . Pen'ity fq, ..2_5., J7J h.r cr_d £cc�ira j. n yir,i cntt _,�: Y:+ .C- :.•: f.r :?s An approvad dovoio-02: t and t..."_ of an application to tha Board of AN or lessee of property cl.e:3iiiea in s c`.all L, ro.- ..' .1 by %'`•. sack �a;ar.�a:r, �- � by rocc.nonda ti on .nc7..O by that o; rice ''n Ad juotme.t t PA33CD 13? • :,C.1:. ' T 113 AZ — Lrifl3CY4 U. camiD Clor!: of tiw Board Doputy (1* Traffic cc?_ ro+ -p an nr y tit cncndtd o'a. ty . _gni; of ^pa?s-:c ..y .... C<c_! a:: c i- :! Zeno, n. ova. Corney Encinr.tr rnd a Y.T.itic- ' Zen iau Ad ju ctor or i c _': e' 12 OF CIN ;"i'.lI'. CCJIITY, dUAHILU U INT CPMMISSIONERS Of SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Ru tAstei=i eBALL W. o. MIEN JACK GERAGHTY 35s esel;ce Win atm/Rome -ie ahmAni (o Teems?) tie in. 'Fronk 540,1 si °, (Fetf') P �®P Mlle lib (6i Attu) 54.? scaszne, eQ r 0077 rlevrsa 1'1' 1NI,fa' p! r t -re Al C,e-- /0ccct2 at/Jintn�y / a3 4 /s eft M�� res/ domUc C!e r/ .ril. O � S ra ' J 0 - c a Ott- /ny fr-?7 V.44)1 £ rrl of nyJ w� l/ L e, a. L /e t /o f� /t 1'% Ai j cyclinuz ?"encc Tast -611/4A. t' 1 l l n c Oh—L..) tax r I J `i ht o, �J al h� r Aar off , �}.� S h -eti rl r ti -F. kilt ia ,_c_ Q e9 CtU ? raQ vr11 V10 Cwr as (L, -rack rt� w work 4S -C- 7613 ►i�r,w ci2�-ofg7 0( W e. fear accid-6;4t Ca h 5-1 fia h�a,t C Ocrn t ¢o ,ran, a s -acne/ � ro L Le w\ o 1�ry 3 AiFeits Ed ka J COIITACT RECORD DATE COMMENTS it a. esikta . t NAdrte �y-te4uDED Wb 0 ►. Iv _ r __L1d +.• , Ivi ► , �.'t, 1 /� II - /7 ars.rma C7 a, 2 i 4_ e -; - Migallff. Ck 1:7 + r..› e I-50-4_ ( (ink ( . F -- October 15, 1981 Mr. C. R. Overland N. 1827 Felts Road Spokane, WA 99206 Dear Mr. Overland: SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY BUILDING -PLUMBING - MECHANICAL - FIRE 811 N. JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WA. 99260-0050 TELEPHONE : 456-3675 JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR CERTIFIED-RETUN RECEIPT REQUESTED This letter is in regards to our conversations of October 13, 1981, and your request for an extension of time in order to bring the fence locat- ed in your front yard, located at N. 1827 Felts Road, Spokane County, into compliance with zoning ordinance requirements. In light of the activity on your behalf in seeking a resolution to this matter, this office is willing to approve your request for a 30 day time extension. By no means is this time extension to be construed as approv- ing the fence as it currently stands. As stated in our letter of September 10, 1981, Section 4.17.040 of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance stipulates that, "No fence over thirty- six (36) inches in height may be erected within the required front yard of any lot used for residential purposes." The required front yard set- backs for your property, located in an Agricultural Suburban Zone is, "A minimum of 55 foot setback from the centerline of all roadway right- of-way or 25 foot setback from the existing property line; whichever provides the greater setback from the centerline of the roadway right- of-way." As an alternative to bringing your fence into compliance with the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance, you can apply for a Waiver of Violation, which, if granted might allow you to keep your fence at its present height in its present location. Page 2. Mr. C. R. Overland October 15, 1981 Concerning the 4 foot fencing, the ordinance does allow for an administrative variance "Not to exceed 1 foot." There are no fees involved with this admin- istrative variance. Enclosed is a request form for an administrative variance. Answer questions numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, sign, date and return the form to this office. Should you have any questions regarding the above options, or what other options, if any, might be available to you to rectify this situation, please contact Mr. Doug Adams of the Spokane County Planning Department at 456-2274. Mark Holman Zoning Investigator MH:gw Copy: Doug Adams Enclosure (1) COUNTY OF SPOKANE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON SPOKANE COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Case No. Date: CERTIFICATEIFIOF APPROVAL.FOR ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE 1. Name: `. :72 `lluLT`Lh�'�/ 2. Mailing Address: /8». 7 FEL1-5 (c.c,4e 2c1/V/.Enr(2. «C I" 3. Legal Description of Property: (� 4. Administrative Variance Requested: 'f I" leo I xV- , <i: �•s.,� �(�I.. vi =1 t:;s.% �• `ice`{f A 1_0 c F 5. Approved by Zoning Adjustor on 6 • 1 COUNTY OF SPOKANE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON J Case No. AP -7.3-27 SPOKANE COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Date: CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE 1. Name: • ` CV ( 12 -LA cl �a-/7s/ Ciel267 2. Mailing Address: AJ lb �7 FFttS le'4€� ��6/.1/1 NG�' - /� �}o 3. Legal Description of Property: 0 4 '7 i2 Act 2 04? (pp `aAlLi% 4. Administrative Variance Requested: i.P-,.�.ca•. 1 V Si' /1- � ct.Qla�dig-Uc.`.i Lie �X �. /.{ko�'tL&l=-L.T5.�CAc.{ Pc. e 5. Approved by Zoning Adjustor on i7 7':31- - 1 ®v�\�O‘G 1 SPOKANE COUNTY SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY BUILDING -PLUMBING - MECHANICAL - FIRE 811 N. JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WA. 99260-0050 TELEPHONE: 456-3675 JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR December 17, 1981 CERTIFIED -RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. C. R. Overland N. 1827 Felts Road Spokane, WA 99206 Dear Mr. Overland: We are in receipt of your request for an Administrative Variance for the four (4) foot fence located along your East property line. Enclosed is a copy of this request indicating approval. Additionally, please note that the Zoning Administrator has stipulated that the remaining portion of fence which is not in compliance with ordinance requirements is to be brought into complaince by January 1, 1983. This would be in reference to the five (5) foot fence located along the front yard portion of your South property line. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact either myself at 456-3675 or Mr. Doug Adams, Spokane County Zoning Administrator at 456-2205. Sincerely, Iliccea_ow____ Ikkfritty Mark Holman Zoning Investigator MH:gw Copy: Doug Adams Enclosure (1) • S F loves. !Ioo( Rah C-{ fe Ac2 �j 177 thtedirCPtAti Na c a tmottirtAmt P2AA69 r� le 0 d ItCarrp k44J1 0^.11.4^t te% 441..0:1Ei tY VlQ C w n . TO //-Ie�/�.!('/ . ,.a. Date /0/ G/ Time 3; t' G W ILE Y®l.1 WERE OUT M Jib, if-'i-P-zzie t,/ of -C`�� ted- Phone No 4!s`.S- 3/3/ '27,-5-- 27,,5TELEPHONED TELEPHONED ,k- PLEASE CALL k WAS IN TO SEE YOU ri WILL CALL BACKvia ■ WANTS TO SEE YOU •' RETURNED YOUR CAW' �� Message ?; 'M• • Arlittilts*Ni;* el .. aipxy _._. O.erator TRANSCRIPT. BRAND No. 01481 A QUALITY PARK PRODUCT d ItCarrp k44J1 0^.11.4^t te% 441..0:1Ei tY VlQ C w n Ci S - Iles, OueStAk -awfri otiovrA-OK R94.4- 060 r- z3z 004E arZ5A14 -5a) ' u ASDPS pi`s a55. U i 0 to _� x` x` 'b1 i u.1P Lei 40/ 4 �. 4j:Q% 7 Pea rzeir L421* trt Hieb` ubme_ � . ckou(5 f �