1972, 07-27 Permit: J3863 Residenceorm 370R -Bldg. Code SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT F No. J Court House, Spokane, Washington Land Use or Structure Permit 7b -C/ Property Address.tatX...e.04 .p._5..-- 3863 018 Group._.I Type V ZoneAga cultural suburban • Permit for Resisienee-,..garage.-a.ttached Ownerfa!lily Homes AddressSox•_7.-27.,.:Snokensy.-gash. Phonef.A $-.7.222 Architect " ' - `\ - - -lr- Addiess. --- + Phone Contractor..'.Ea ai.ly Ithfi W3' — yv “ L ' - ' ' ` Address.'" - ' ° C ' t Phone Location..P£lrcel.:110.._23544.-jEQ2a Lnt 2.,...111.ock-1:.,...Skyuiew Acras...kidjti.on.. Ilinimuae..set-backs_.. Fr..ont..yartaf.;.at.:.least25':,-side:yard-:of:.athleast 5!.,..1G' for.2 story.hui.ldi.n;, 15' flanking fireeti. and 25' rear. -.yards. are. required. - Bldg. Zone Fire Zone iSize-of Lot 85....$1.5.0'S_Sewage Septi.C-..tankStories. ' .SQl11 Materialf l.'.atti' - -"- ' - 2G.' x25' nimensioni2.4 x3D"24.1.2i2.6!' '1_.Total Sq. Ft. 2224 - Valuation..S21i,5DO..ti1l.. Rooms 5 $ 2 baths Basemerftert \Foundation concrete Chimney Fireplacel Heating System 94S Certificate of Occupancy Issued for.ReS1dente.,...garage..attaChrd'-= when comae -tad. '* :c.') RemarksAEAC-H...S. gE`0F_ CONSTRUCTIQ1f. `tUST.EAVE...1112ECTI1"1S-.C.t1LiER..E011,..AS...REQU1RED JIY.1COL .e. MUS.L..CQi:2Fo.117.--naLLOUNgviCOfEREQUiREtiENTS......PL.lfi IiaG_.7ttr> ..li[ELAN.C,..PER' I_T.S.'-9P,,E..RE9!11115 : Final...i spectinalatst.-ho..cailed...for,..itnnn..irompiitionf-and..prfox.td..nctUnaaci_of..rasidence_ THIS PERMIT is granted upon the' express' concision thsi the building or.�land use for.which the permit'is iisuedeihall conform in allsr�especti' to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane, regulating the construction;, use and -occupancy of buildings"in Spokane:County, and May In revoked at any tins \upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances or failure of laas approved, m eonsY r said orim I with 'd deees. 1 • \ + \--- s In consideration of the iplans, PP P issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee mast place the said signs where directed by County Officials' end shalla the saidpermit sign at the expiration of the unless regularly renewed. . vi year Thls permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within... ... from this date; after which time this permit will be void. July 27, 1973 Permit Expi Fee Paid $4 ifl arc D/,427/72 Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT '` ' u= INSPWCTOR foornms - — • ' //-2- /ra / 2— '" CI 4-elt-'11"al 3, FRAM1N,3 UM*: t a/2e; 2 .61."2 . ' . 7/7 3