03-028.00 Spokane County Interim Animal ControlS P O K A N E April 3, 2003 Spokane Valley Contract No. CO3-28 Approved: �r� 19" �Oo3 C O U N T Y OFFICE OF COUNTY CO? gSIISSIONGRS FRAvcim— E M. BOXER CW11;F F.X1-* 1,1V1: 01-1-1G:R Mr. Lee Walton, Acting City Manager City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 Re: Inlerim Animal (ontrol Services Dear Lee: VIA F'ACV1MCI_E & MAIL (509) 921-1008 This correspondence is in follow up to your phone conversation with Commissioner McCaslin. In that conversation you indicated that the City of Spokane Valley would be executing the document entitled "Interlocal Agreement for Animal Control Services in the City of Spokane Valley" ("Agreement") with the County on or about April 22, 3003. That is great news. I know that the City will be extremely happy with the manner in which the Animal Control Department provides animal control services. In conversations with Jim Emacio, I have learned that the City adopted the County's Animal Control Ordinance which became effective as of your official date of incorporation. He has further advised that there is some confusion as to whether the City Council intended to adopt the Cat licensing provisions in the County's Ordinance. It is the County's understanding that this issue will be clarified on April 80'. Although the City has not yet executed the Agreement, the County I believes it would be in both our best interests that the County, through its Animal Control Department, continue to provide animal control services as outlined in the Agreement until the City and County sign the Agreement (or one similar thereto). Accordingly, this correspondence is to act as a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") between the County and City. Under the terms of the MOU, the County will provide animal control services, as set forth within the Agreement, commencing on the date of your execution of this MOU and running until both Parties formally execute the Agreement or either Party decides to terminate this MOU on 24 - hours notice. 1116 WFST BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE, WA 99260-0100 • (509) 477-2265 • FLAX: (509) 477.2274 • fboxer@spoknnecounty.org �_ CO3-28 Mr. Lee Walton, Acting City Manager April 3, 2003 Page 2 The County will bill the City a daily fee for providing animal control services. The fee will be calculated by taking the 9 -month figure of $286,083.00 within the Agreement and dividing it by 274 days. This equates to a daily rate of $1,044.10. Billings will occur semi-monthly on the 160' and the last day of the month for the first 15 days and the remaining days of each month. Payments will be due within 30 days of each billing. As provided for in the Agreement, the County will retain all fees and revenues collected in conjunction with providing such Animal Control Services. In executing this MOU, the City affirms the authority granted by the Spokane County Sheriffto the Spokane County Animal Control Director and her Animal Control Officers to enforce the provisions of the City's Animal Control Ordinance as well as applicable RCVh's. I have enclosure a copy of the Agreement as referenced herein. The Agreement, for the purpose of this MOU, will be made a part hereof and incorporated herein. If the provisions of this MOU are acceptable, please execute the document is the space provided for hereinafter and forward the original back to my attention. The County will start providing services upon receipt of a faxed signed copy of this letter. Sincerely yours, FRANICINE M. BOXER Chief Executive Officer Enclosure Reviewed and Accepted this F"j.'11.1:QfL'(J'�lVll�i4fPill)YL'f 07LICW 040303.130C day of _A_i4zL _, 2003. LElfWATff, Ac mg City Manager C O U N T Y OFFICE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FRANQNE M. BOXER. Cly EXECUTIVE OmcER March 28, 2003 Mr. Lee Walton, Acting City Manager City of Spokane Valley 1.1707'East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 R.e:.Interim Animal Control Services Dear Lee: Spokane Valley Agreement No. CO3-28 Approved: April 1, 2003 RECEIVED NAR 3 0 7-0033 City of Spokane Valley This correspondence is in follow up to your phone conversation with Commissioner McCaslin. In that conversation you indicated that the City of Spokane Valley would be executing the Interlocal Animal Control Services Agreement ("Agreeinent") with. the County during the first week of April, possibly on. the .1 or 3`a. That is great news. I know that the Citywill be most happy wi.tfi ttie manner in which 1�Iancy Hill and her department provide animal. control. services. In conversations with Juin Lmacio,.1 have learned that the City adopted the County's Animal Control Ordinance and it will become effective as of your official date of incorporation. Although the City has not yet executed the Agreement, I: believe it would be in. both. the County and City's best interests that the County, through its Animal Control Department, continue to provide animal control services as outlined in the Agreement; except as to any services requiring a commission, until. the City and County sign. the Agreement. Accordingly, pursuant to the terms of this letter, the County would agree to provide those animal. control services set forth. 1.11. the Agreement, a copy of which is enclosed 'those services would not include any activities requiring a commission from the City's Chief of Police. 1116 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE 0 SPOKANE„ W.A. 99260-0100 9 (549) 477-2265 9 PAX: (509) 477-2274 9 fboxer®spokanecounty.org Mr, free Walton, Acting City Manager March 28, 2003 Page 2 Thcse services wotdd be performed i mtil 'both. Parties formally execute the Agreement (to include one similar thereto) or either Pasty decides to te.rmll3ate this letter of Uiderstanding upon 4 -haws notice- A daily The will be charged for providing such serviccs; ft would be calculated by taking the -month fig= of $2'86,053.00 and divide it by 274 clays, ']'h.is would equate to a daily rate of $1,044-10. ]Bib-ngs would occur once the Intexlocal. Agreement is executed, If this prgposal. is acceptable to you, please execute this correspondence xn the space provided for hereinafter and .forward the oxima]. to my attention, Sincerely }ours, :F] AJ. 'E '.1 BOXER bief Executive Officer Enclosure Reviewed and Accepted this 2, day of J& 1 2003, LUEl '. Acting City Mana cr 0AL0uu vaIwa-boxer0332&3DOC