1973, 11-27 Permit: K3333 Remodel, Renewal of J4938e SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit Property Address NUMBER K 3333 Frederick, East --1-I015 Group I Type V ----Zone Agricultural -Suburban Permit for Renewal...Ariserlslonb4411u(50 Owner ThoGras--P-,.-Darcy Address East--11815._,__,_„�.. Phone. . Architect Address �A'T625"" Contractor....S�, Address Phone Phone Location Parcel -kta.--O954I-O1-13.----108--12„-'B1e+ek'.1'i-tlirabeau Ranch -Addition. 14in"4tmict1-set-backs: Frena..yard..of..-at..least_25%..side--yard..of...at_least--S'-,"-10. tar _2..story-buildi y..15' flanking streets..and..25' rear atards..are.reGu4red. rt Bldg. Zone 1 Fire Zone 3 Size of Lot -..7S! -X140” f\ -"l` ` xSewage' - a t' Sories Material-fr tie Dimensions 201X20'Total S r�Ft —�- 1 Q 400 Valuation"" .. Rooms Basement Foundation...concrete Chimney Fireplace Heating System Certificate of Occupancy Issued for Ch8ngtng.-carport--to..garage,renewal- -and 1s1oa- eq X; 49- a Remarks-...EACH..STAGE..OF--.Call'iSTRUL72ON :ot3--RENT IDELING--MUS - HAVC...INSPECT'IONS - CALLED -FUR -f -AS- RE— QUIRE11.01.001)E..._.MUST-.COftORPi--TO-.ALL--COURTY-C©DE--RES�1{IREMENTS-. FINAL-INSP€-CT-ION,;RE4 1Rfo. CALL. 456-3675. _•..__ - THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all Ihe'ordinances of the County of failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. Spokane, regulating the construction, lite and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any -time-upon violation' of any or'the -Oros islons of said ordinances, or In Consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the o expiration f the permit on less regularly renewed. • from this date; after which time this permit will be void. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within -..a -"yt+ar Authorized by Building Official BUILDI• NG,CODE DEPARTMENT.. Permit ExpiresNovember 27, 1974 By Fee Paid $6.00 we Date Issued 11127/73 Building INSPECTOR 9138MU -*rani eembbA \fisgoi9 L FOUNDATION T3013MTAAc130 3003 °maJmU8 YTVI000 31IIA)1042 1O +icignirI sW ,9nerlog2 ,?ozystisl 11 118 f�mysg 0111bbUiIZ 10 saU bn6J -H.�,.... ,ot 10199 f #8'll01i., A snDI V .... - . sgyT 3/4/1 it-as1bbP ..2xetbbA .. *wee .. mnnw0 samba ,a;; ..'obsiinoO f, j ,Tr -49•11-7,41.4•41- u� . noiisaoJ sitti lllt�' `-r tet-:..; ...i r. '�0 a - - `rl l s •sa kites 11.Jrart_biwil 4.- LATHING •. ,::. , FINAL....... I .� 1K/. i. rns1P,y2 gnite,H . son1nm 3... CHiM: Y ...... . d.. •�A1t iL .lretl ins- > se +r t.... i1 Ikea. t !I ' -ioJ to ssi2...snoS mil.... 1....enoS .gbI8 aioT- '..,_,enoiensr<u0 . . ._ 111111111".16119/8M vsnmirf0......sarogigik...noiisbnuo1 .. .. inemses8.... . . zmoofl __.., 'fora 4... .101 beim( y:vnsqu330 M etsai'lfle" - r beAdOos dd 16 :13-11$111113 -.U* CT 16111111113: TtUI(..3 431111 1 'rot -330 JAI ie X3I. n?�, '�'T fLTT'f lih f7 tine p laitW 0...0 .t bu,i b ,1..41/ ends Wee sill *nig serer .44r4y. i. �+ir�llii�Ttiwl- .1,111 eatirnom xla nhiiiw >1w+w w trtlrn+Nlymmoi lot gine noog sd mw tlrni i attiT -......._. ..._.��_.�� • R's!' 'i4 : h -Tr!" ria" '0.MISC