1976, 09-29 Permit: L5627 Garagee
811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201RESIDENTIAi. '-)
Land Use or Structure Permit Pr°aeSe��iNote:Gayttdu-to Swtictac nnflition•.
Group .1. Type V Zonesgricuttutal..Stb.. -. Permit for....Garngee,...private--datachcd,-no-- reial
use allowed in this shine.
Owner Scott Nessmier Addressl1816 E. rredertck,--Spo ,99206—Plume 928-4059
Architect Address Phone
Contractor.Scatt..Mesestr Address11816-$...Eredsrisk,.Spa-----.99206-2--Phone 92$-4059
Location....PA L..0..-U9541,4O342Lott.-6.--Blk.3*--Nitehortt--Zanch-.Additirm.--- NiNtlet3-: ONING--S2TShACK9a
FRO29..P fLs Frout-.ytd..-of--at-.teaat--29!,---aide..-yard' oE--at..letsOt--5!-,-1Qt for -2 -.story --building,
1.5, flenkiasg..etxessts--ere4requi ed,--or..asuse.-.if--required-bp= soaicte, -builds --and/ear- -itis-codas .
and 25' rear yards are required
as Bldg. Zone..1 Fire Zone..3 Size of Lot $51...x.j400 , , Sewage...}M,
• MaterialFtaa2s Dimensions 26!...x-.301 Total Sq. Ft.."7S0 zA Valuation.$3,.500.O0.
• Rooms 1 Basement$on. .FoundatioCoucrate Chimne0A. Fireplace...NA..Heating SystemNA
of Occupancy Issued folGtftrage--+*-tllstached.---EAG'1 ..Jit'AG$..O.Li..isONSTBUi:Y7.OFi.-LAiST--IiAVE..YNSE'.$CPILLi5
INSPECILONS-.91,091 ...CALL--4561.3575...PalOA.TO..10:30-
A ljhr rated fire wall separation required between residence and garage.
',:�jirtla w\t
THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is Issued shall conform in all respects to all the o,d finances of the County of
Spokane. regul at,ng the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane Co u nty, and may be revoked at any time upon the vi a lotion of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or
failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances.
In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Ufficials and shall remove the said sign at the
expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed,
This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereoftwithin..i-.loat.
from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by Building Official
Permit Expires..9/29/1.7
Fee Paid $.24AQ go-- Date Issued..9/=9/.76
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