1990, 10-08 Permit App: 90005213 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 90005213 DATE= 10/08/90 PAGE= 01 5215 C5cL,-s..1 1) APPLICATION *****•ri***********%**it•*******4** APPLICATION •**4•************************ l3f***• SITE STREET= 11103 E FRONT LN PARCEL_;L== 16543-0327 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= RESIDENCE. - NWEC PL..AT0= MOFPUD PLAT NAME MO1=PLJD BLOCK= LOT= 9 ZONE= UR -52 DIST0= E. AREA= F/A= F WIDTH= 38 DEPTH= 69 R/W= 24 0 OF HI_DGE= P DWELLINGS= 1 OWNER= TUPPER INC PHONE= 509 928 1991 STREET= 12929 E SPRAGUE AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 CONTACT NAME= VICKI PHONE NUMBER= 509 928 1991 RIGHT= 4 REAR= 10 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 20 LEFT= 1 **.**.****************•**•*****•*** REVIEW INFORMATION *****•*•********#**•***•*•***** DEPARTMENT REVIEW COMMENTS APPROVAL COMMENTS BUILDING ENERGY PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED *****ts**•*********************** BUILDING PERMTT **************************** CONTRACTOR= TUPPER INC REALTORS PHONE= 509 928 1991 STREET= 12929 E SPRAGUE AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 NEW= X REMODEL= ADDITION= CHANGE OF USE= DWELL UNITS= OCCUP. LD= BLDG HGT= STORIES BIM W X D =• 36 X 33 SQ FT= 1022 SPRINKLER= N REQ PARKING-, 4HANDICAP= CRITICAL MAT= N DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE SQ FT VALUATION GARAGE: M-1 VN 440 30130.00 RESIDENCE R--3 VN 1022 44968.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUATION Y 408.00 STATE SURCHARGE Y 4.50 COUNTY SURCHARGE Y 65.28 ***************************** PLUMBING PERMIT ****************************** CONTRACTOR= TUPPER INC REALTORS STREET= 1 2929 E SPRAGUE AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 PHONE= 509 928 1991 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT TOILETS 2 12.00 SINKS 2 12.00 SHOWERS 1 6.00 BATH TUBS 1 6.00 KITCHEN SINKS i 6.00 DISH WASHERS 1 6.00 CLOTHES WASHER 1 6.00 ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS 1 6.00 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 477.78 .00 477.78 PLUMBING PERMIT 60.00 .00 60.00 537.78 .00 537.78 t'50.00 PROCESSED BY: FURRY, JEFF PRINTED BY: FORRY, JEFF ******************************** THANK YOU **•**********•*************•******** PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUILDING'PERMTT 477,7F3 7477.7G .00 `14413 PLUMBING PEF;M SPOKANE COUNTYFDEPARTMENTsOF(BUILDINGS .00 W: 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE 79 .00 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON/9926b PROCESSED BY: FORRY JEFF (509)456-3675 s.. . Ind co rect1 andeexaminedSpthis ka a County too r cee tFwithhprocessin . contained on, 1itave read submitted my agentcompile OUIREMEN S/N is true and correct. and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same, AlI provisions of laws ar)d ordmerses govemin8 thisctype of work,wdbbe. complied withAvIrther speed tack** herein or not. I'u nderstand that the issuance of this permd/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall' not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 90005213 DATE= 50/09/90 ENERGY COPY PAGE= 02 *****************3i•**#*3i•***** ENERGY INFORMATION *#**#***************** SITE STREET= 11103 E FRONT LN ADDRESS== SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= RESIDENCE - NWEC PARCEL..:= 16543-0327 NEW= X REMODEL= ADDITION= CHANGE OF USE= ENERGY CODE= NWEC UTILITY= MODERN APPROACH= COMPONENT COMPLEXITY= ***#363':** ****# DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE. SQ FT GAF;Af.;F..-•----- M -i VN 440 RESIDENCE R--3 VN 1022 ********•*** ENERGY CODE PLAN REVIEW ******3e******************•* RES/COM= R ***# CEILING, FLAT: CEILING, VAULTED: WALL: WALL, BELOW GRADE: FLOOR OVER UNC, SPACE; SLAB FLOOR PERIMETER: R --49A R-22 R-30 DOORS MAX. U. -VALUE: GLAZING MAX U -VALUE: GLAZING MAX AREA: AIR LEAKAGE SYSTEM: SPACE HEATING SYSTEM: 0.22 0,44 )i1 STBASEBOARD COMMENTS: NHRV:INTEGRATED SPOT & WHOLE.. HOUSE SYSTEM SIZE (3 150% DESIGN LOAD = 6.5 KW #*ai**•IE***#***#***#*#*#*#****##*4*****###***#****#**�t•**.#•##*#*#***#*####*****#* HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE FINANCIAL INCENTIVES AVAILABLE FOR THE STRUCTURE D 'Si +':....: • 1 THIS PERMIT, AND THAT THE ENERGY CONSTRUCTION MEASURES FOR WHICH THE INCE .: I_ T+E .PAID ARE A Ito( UIREMEIdT 01- THIS r• 1 THAT THE- STRUCTURE MUST RECE..• .. .. APPROVAL BY JUNE'" 'F_ ) RECEIVE AN INCENTIVE: PAYMENT. I ALSO UNDER T - t; THF BONNEVILLE POWER_-AD'a• MINISTRATION NOR SPOKANE COUNTY 1 'PANTIES AS TC) ACTUAL ELECTRICAL_ SAVINGS TO BE REALIZED 0' THER EXPRE.SSE. 1 IMPLIED WARRANTY CON-- CERNING THE MATERIAI ' _OYED IN THE CONSTRUCTIOTHE STRUCTURE. I HAVE BE- 1VISED OF AND INTEND TO COMPLY WITH THE NORTH _ NERGY CODE REPU NTS PERTAINING TO FORMAL_DEHYDE.. EMISSIONS STANDARDS FORTURAI. '0NENTS AND HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF EXHIBIT 9(A) WHICH DESCRIBES 'ESEREQUIREMENTS, APPLICANT DATE AUTHORIZED OFFICER ***********#*****#************** THANK YOU #******************************** Spokane County DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY West 1303 Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 456-3675 PARCEL NUMBER: 451630338 INFORMATION WORKSHEET STREET ADDRESS: E 11103 Front Lane CITY/STATE/ZIP: Spokane WA 99206 SUBDIVISION: Moffitt Court P.U,D, BLOCK: LOT: 9 ZONE: R21 DISTRICT: E LOT AREA: 2,622 F/A: 1 WIDTU:38 DEPTH: 6q R/W: 74 4 OF BUILDINGS: 1 ii OF DWELLINGS: WATER DISTRICT: Modern OWNER: TUPPER INC. PHONE: 509 — 928 — 1991 MAILING ADDREss: East 12929 Sprague, Spokane, WA 99216 CITY/STATE/ZIP: Spokane, WA 99216 CONTACT: Ken Tupper PHONE: 509 — 928 — 1991 SETBACKS: — FRONT: 20 LEFT: 1 RIGHT: 4 REAR: 10 PERMIT USE: *********************************IIA***************************************** BUILDING INFORMATION CONTRACTOR LICENSE NUMBER: TIIPPFIR179DC CONTRACTOR: TUPPER INC. PHONE: 509 — 928— 1991 MAILING ADDRESS: sante as above ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: Design Alliance PRONE: S09 — 378 — 7096 MAILING ADDRESS: NEW: X REMODEL: ADDITION: _ CHANGE OF USE: DWELL UNITS: 1 OCCUPANT LOAD: BUILDING NGT: STORIES: 1 • BUILDING DIMENSIONS: 36 X 33 (WIDTH X DEPTH) SQ. FT.:_ 1n REQUIRED PARKING: 2 d IHANDICAP: _ SPRINKLERED:_ CRITICAL MATERIAL: MAIN FLOOR 1,022SQ.FT. BASEMENT none SQ.FT. GARAGE 440 SQ.FT. DECKS !__ SQ.FT. MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Information Worksheet JOB STREET ADDRESS: E 11103 Front Lane CITY/STATE/ZIP: Spokane, WA PARCEL NUMBER: 45163 0338 OWNER: TUPPER INC. PHONE NUMBER: (509)928-1991 MAILING ADDRESS: E. 12929 Sprague (Street) CONTRACTOR: GOLD SEAL MECHANICAL INC. LICENSE NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: Spokane, WA 99216 (City/State) (Zip) MAILING ADDRESS: E. 5524 Boone (Street) MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION GOLDOM290L4 (509)535-5944 . Spokane, WA 99212 (City/State) WORKSHEET/FEE SCHEDULE NUMBER X EACH OF UNITS UNIT DUCTWORK SYSTEM WOODSTOVE/INSERT • GAS WATER HEATER • HEATING EQUIPMENT"<100,000 HEATING EQUIPMENT +100,000 GAS PIPING (EA OUTLET) BTU BTU .. . REFRIG 1-100M BTU (NOT A/C, ORHEAT PUMP)., REFRIG 101-500M BTU REFRIG 501-1,000M BTU REFRIG 1,001-1,750M,BTU REFRIG +1,750M BTU HEAT PUMP & AIR -CONDITIONER HEAT -PUMP & AIR CONDITIONER HEAT PUMP "& AIR"CONDITIONER HEAT PUMP.& AIR CONDITIONER HEAT PUMP & AIR CONDITIONER VENTILATING FANS EVAPORATIVE COOLERS 0-3 TONS, 3-15'TONS, 15-30:TONS 30-50TONS. +50 TONS TYPE I HOOD (PER 12' OR 12' TYPE II HOOD CLOTHES DRYER RANGE GAS LOG PTN. OF HOOD) MISCELLANEOUS (NOT COVERED ELSEWHERE) UNLISTED GAS APPLIANCE <400,000 BTU UNLISTED GAS APPLIANCE >400,000 BTU USED APPLIANCE <400,000 BTU USED APPLIANCE >400,000 BTU AIR HANDLER <10,000 CFM AIR HANDLER >10,000 CFM • no, no nu,. no .no no ., no, no yes" na ves' yes no nn nn no n no no no (Zip) = AMOUNT x$10.00 = x 25.00 = x 10.00 = x",12.00 x.-15.00 = = x"12.00= x,20-00 = x25.00 = x-35.00 = x 60.00 = x.'12: 0C.. = x:20:00 x:25.00 X("35:00— x.,60.00 ("35:00=x60.00 = x 10.00,= x 10.00 = x50.00 = x 10.00 = x 10.00 = x 10:00 = x.10.00 = x 10.00 = x 50.00 = x100.00 = x 50.00 = x100.00 = x 12.00 = x 15.00 = NOTE: MINIMUM 'PERMIT FEE IS $35.00 SIGNATURE SUBTOTAL PLUS: PROCESSING FEE + $ 25.00 EQUALS: TOTAL PERIMIT FEE DUE Spokane County Department of Building and Safety West 1303 Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 456-3675 JOB STREET ADDRESS: PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Information Worksheet E 11103 Front Lane CITY/STATE/ZIP: Spokane, WA OIJt1ER: TUPPER INC. MAILING ADDRESS: E. 12929 Sprague PARCEL NUMBER: 45163 0338 PHONE NUMBER: (Street) CONTRACTOR: GOLD SEAL MECHANICAL INC. LICENSE NUMBER: (509)928-1991 Spokane, WA 9921E (City/State) PHONE NUMBER: MAILING ADDRESS: E. 5524 Boone (Street) GOLDOM290L4 (509)535-5944 Spokane, WA 99212 .,(City/State) (Zip) PLUMBING WORKSHEET/FEE SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF FIXTURES X EACH FIXTURE' AMOUNT TOILETS SINK'S SHOWERS BATH TUBS KITCHEN SINKS DISH WASHERS GARBAGE DISPOSAL CLOTHES WASHER UTILITY SINKS - ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR SItNKS BAR SINKS ROOF DRAINS LAWN SPRINKLER SEWAGE EJECTOR WATER SOFTENER URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN x $6.00'= x- 6.00 = x. 6.00 = x 6.'00 x 6.00 = x..6.00 = x::,-6..00 x 6.00.= x' ;' 6: 00; _ x;,6.00 = X' 6.00 = x,6.00 = x--6.00•= x 6.00.= x 6.00 = x 6.00 = x 6.00 = NOTE: MINIMUM PERMIT FEE I5,$35.00 SIGNATURE SUBTOTAL PLUS: PROCESSING FEE + 25.00 EQUALS: TOTAL PERMI'1 FEE DUE _ Spokane County Department of Building and Safety West 1303 Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 456-3675 ---FF2-05-19? 11:20 1E1:HEALTH SPO e - 5a! 3 TEL 1,•lO:94582243 59olkane County Health District: West 1101 College Avenue Spokane, WashIngton 99201-2095 January 31, 1992 Darlene Richmond Spokane, WA 99206 Dear Darlene Richmond: #636 P01 it You have elected to receive this radon detector and to pursue monitoring of your home which was built under the requirements of the Northwest Energy Code. The radon detectors and the evaluation of such detector are provided by the Bonneville Power Administration at Bonneville's expense and at no cost to you on a "one detector per dwelling unit" basis. The pursuit of radon reduction measures or additional detailed monitoring is your responsibility and is at your expense. The following procedures shall be used in the installation and handling of your radon detector: 1. The radon detector shall be placed in the dwelling in accordance with the following guidelines: (a) Remove the detector from the aluminum packet. (The detector package may be hung with the detector tag as long as it does not shield the detector itself. Leave the blue tape intact, Retain the circle tape to cover the monitor opening at the end of the monitoring period.) (b) The detector shall be placed in a centralized living space, such as Living room, dining room, kitchen, den, family room, or hallway, etc. (c) The monitoring location shell be on the first floor of the dwelling completely above grade level. (d) The detector shall be hung on the wall, placed on an open shelf, or suspended from the ceiling 4 feet to 7 feet above the floor, away from windows and doors, and away from possible drafts from heating or cooling vents. 2. At the time the radon detector is placed in the dwelling, the date should be written on the tag where indicated, denoted as Section 1. Administration 456-3630 Pm911411 Health 456-3613 Environmental Health 456-6040 AIDS Program 458-2580 - Clinlc 456-3640 V5ol Statistics 456-3670 laboratory 456-3667 AIDSNET Region 1 459.6415 An Equal Opportunity Employer FEB -08—'92 11:20 ID:HERLTH SPO NO:94582243 14636 F02 Page 2 Redon,Detector Similarly, the date of removal shall be written in Section 4 of the tag. DO fill out the monitor tag blanks pertaining to starting and ending dates. DO NOT fill out the remainder of the tag. This area is for agency use only. 3. The radon detector shall remain in place for at least three months during the period September through March, but should not remain in place longer than 12 months. 4. When the monitoring period is completed, the radon detectors shall be placed back in the aluminum packet that they carne in. The top of the foil packet shall be folded over and taped or held shut by similar means. If the foil packet has been lost, then wrap the detector in heavy aluminum foil to help reduce additional alpha particle contamination during shipment. Mall or deliver the radon detector with the tag to the Spokane County Health District. 5. At least once a month, the Health District will submit all detectors received from consumers to a processing agency. Results will be returned to the Health District, ar.d you will be notified by a "radon results notification letter". For more information, please call 456-6040. Sincerely, ENT\XI 3,ENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Dactyl E. 'W• , A.S. Assistant/D rector 005501b1' c: George Webster, Spokane Property Development, City Hall Marty Robinson, Energy Code Coordinator, SC Building h Safety