03-037.00 Lehman Brothers: CenterPlace Project Finance UnderwritingLEHMAN BROTHERS SPAN KL'AM VICz ?9I!SIDICNT May 13, 2003 Mr. Lee Walton City iVlanager City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, Washington 9920E Re: Engagement i_:etter City of Spokane No. CO3-37 Approved: May Malley Contract 13, 2003 'Chis engagement letter ((he "Engagement Letter") is dated as of May . 1-3, 2003,)y and between the City of Spokane Valley, Washington (the "City") and Lelunan Brothers Inc. ("Lelurian"). WHEREAS, the City intends to issue approximately $7,000,000 of Limited 'rax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003 (the `Bonds") to finance the constriction of a community center to be known as CenterPlace at vlirabeau Point (the "Project"); NVUE-ItEAS, the City anticipates it will receive revenues from the Spokane Public Facilities District; Wasliington (derived from the 0.1% sales/use tax extension tinder R.CW 52.14.043, the 2.0% hotelhnnotel tax extension tender RCW 36.100.040, and the 0.33% sales/usc tax rebate from the State of Washington under R.CW 52.14.390) that will be sufficient to pay all or sonic of tine debt service on the Bonds; WHEREAS, the City wishes to engage the set -vices of Lehman to develop a plan of finance, secure bond ratings, obtain bond insurance (if cost-effective), assist in the preparation of the City's disclosure document, and purchase tine City's Bonds; and WHERE -"AS, the City and Lehman desire to enter into this Engagement Letter pursuant to which Letunan will provide such scn ices, all in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the. mutual covenants set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Fngae,ement. The City engages Lehman to act as investment banker and underwriter for the financing of the Project. 2. Acceptance and Duties. Lehman accepts its engagement to serve as the City'.-, investincnt banker to assist with accomplishing the Project's financing. In that capacity, Lehman agrees to perform the following duties: a) advise and consult with the City regarding the plan of finance for the Project; LEHMAN L'KCYM[rRS ING 701 FIFnt AVENUE SUM 7101 SCATME. WASHINGIUN 4J109.7016 306144 Sail FAX M- 333 3317 5KEArr53LE IMAAWM c Engagement Letter Page 2 of 4 b) prepare, with the assistance of the City, any communications necessary to carry out the financing plan, including rating agency, bond insurer and/or investor presentations; c) prepare, in consultation with the City and its bond counsel, a public offering memorandum and such other offering/disclosure documents and communications that are either necessary or appropriate (the "Offering Documents") in connection with carrying out. the financing plan; d) serve as sole undetAvriter of the Fonds, contingent upon the results of due diligence on the City and the Project, the negotiation of it satisfactory definitive underwriting agreement, including customary representations, warranties, covenants, indemnities, contribution and conditions, and other conditions precedent; e) coordinate all efforts in connection with and related to the financing with the City's bond counsel, and other members of the City's finance team; and 0 provide advice regarding the investment of Bond proceeds and other Project funds. 3. Term of Engagement. The term of Lehman's engagement shall extend to the date of closing of the Bonds (the "Closing"). Subiect to the City's obligations described in Section 4 below, the City or Lehman may, at either's discretion, terminate this agreement at an earlier date. Compensation and Reimbursement of l=ees and Expenses. a) Lehman Compensation. i ) If Bonds are Issued. If the Bonds are issued, Lehman shall be paid for its services at Closing through an underwriter's discount on such Bonds. The underwriter's discount will be negotiated at the time Lehman offers to purchase the Bonds from the City and will be based on it proration (based upon principal amount) of the fee negotiated between Lehman and Spokane County, Washington (the ",County") for the purchase of the County's Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds issued to finance the Spokane County Fair and Expo Center improvements. Lehrnan's fee shall be not less than 0.5% nor more than 0.75% of the principal amount of the Bonds, plus expenses as described in 4. b) below. 2) if Bonds are not Issued. If the Bonds are not issued for any reason, the City shall not be liable to pay Lehman for any of its services. b) Reimbursement of Ext)enses. In addition to paying Lehman the compensation describes! in 4. a) above, the City shall reimburse Lehman for all of its reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred pursuant to the terms of this Engagement Letter. 5. Information. i.n connection with i.:ehman's engagement hereunder, the City shall furnish Lehman with any information concerning the City and/or Project reasonably available to the City that Lehman reasonably deems to be necessary or appropriate in connection with the services required of it Engagement Letter Page 3 of 4 under this Engagement Letter. The City further agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to provide .Lehman with access to the City's elected and appointed officials, staff, agents, accountants; counsel, and other advisors for such purpose. The City represents and warrants to Lehman that all such information concerning the City and the Project, prepared .and provided by the City will, atthe time the same is provided, be true and accurate in all material respects and will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or om.il to state a material tract necessary in order to make the statements therein not misleading in light of the circumstances under which such statements are made. The City acknowledges and agrees that l chnian will be using .and relying upon such information supplied by the City and its elected and appointed officials, staff, agents, accountants, counsel; and other advisors in connection with the development of the plan of finance and the marketing of its Bonds, together with other public available information concerning the City and the Project. 6. Modification of Enunwernent Letter. No alteration or variation of the terms of this engagement Letter shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto. 7. Governing Law/Venue. This Engagement Letter shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. S. Assignment. This Engagement Letter shall not be assigned by ally party without. (lie prior written approval of the other parties. 9. Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Engagement Letter shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Engagement Letter, which shall remain in full force and effect. 10. Counterparts. This Engagement Letter may be executed in one or more counterparts, together which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 111. Notices. All notices to the parties, unless othetnvisc requested in writing, shall be sent to the following parties, addressed as follows: The City The City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue Spokane, Washington 99206 Attention: Lchman Lehman Brothers 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 7101 Seattle, Washington 98104-7016 Attention: Sean Keatts, Vice President Engagement. Letter Pace 4 of 4 W W- l'NFSS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Engagement Letter to be executed by their duly authorized officers and representatives as oi'the day first above written. Sincerely, 1. UI iMAN URO 11i -,RS 1.\'C. Z� By. \C'Z� Sean Kcatts Vice President AGREED AND ACCEPTED CI'T'Y OF SPOKA.NF VALLEY, WASB-WGTON David Mercier City Manager