1992, 10-01 Permit: 92008304 ShopSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS - W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE,.WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that l have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/a phcation is true and correct. and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing In addition. 1 have read and understand the INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not I understand t giveaut iolate orcancel the prolssQns of an state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating co SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR A nce of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to PROJECT NUMBER= 92008304 **************1 di:9t APPLICATION DATE ISSUED PERMIT DATE= 10/01/92 PAGE= = r; ti****PERMIT I'.itHI .' f#ie iidmidi§e didi1f )e+ri dP di—)im: hu SITE STREET= 14603 E: i";RACE:. AVE: ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA '920 PAE CEL_ o:=:: 45091.0 51 4 PERMIT USE= DETACHED 2 --STORY SHOP PLATO= 001641 PLAT NAME= MIRABEAU RANCH BLOCK= 5 LOT= 14 ZONE= UR— , R S;ISi';i:== AREA i);00000u rl:= F WIDTH= 9t, :/i F'TH:: 44th R%W ;: (:11'' t?L.TjGS'= 2 DWELLINGS= 1 WATER DIST' i:E?'v'TN OWNER= PHILLIPS RON i?TREE''== 1 1 [,t+; r:: GRACE AVE 1DS;E'tE:;xi.::= SP;II!rlitE idyl 99 0e PHONE== 509 927 093A 09 27 0 _e S E: NUMBER 5 r':1'36 CONTACTCONTACTNAME=r:::= RON PHILLIPS PHONE BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 90 LEFT= 44 RIGHT':::: 10 REAR::: 10 .))p.)(.:hdh.ll.9i..u..k..h..**ii.....h..)i.u.ipii..h.:ni .u.:ri.:n)%iidi'ii.......) BUILDING PERMIT i4** y.......';h'L)***B;4.u'4f..)t.:0")1.. CONTRACTOR., FH]: i._i...7.F, t. HOMES STREET=: 116103 E:: GRACE AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE ''IH 992106 NEW= x. DWEL..L. {]NITS== BLDG W X D __ REQ PARKING== PHONE:::: 509 92 r' 0936 REMODEL= ADDITION:::: CHANGE (IF USE= OCCUP. L0== BLDG HGT:'= 12 Si3NLES 36 SQ FT= 864 SPRINKLER= N OHANDICAP== CRITICAL MAT= N DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE SQ FT VALUATION SHOP M--1 VN 864 6912.00 2ND FLOOR M-4 VN 864 6912,00 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUATION Y 153.00 STATE: SURCHARC;EC. Y 4,50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Y r.!?4 **di'*')i'JE )i'di** dr***de ie *di. dd:,p di.:,E dE.yi..yg.yE.y(_y@ PAYMENT ..i. SUMMARY ?EiEi£ 1)*7i—kdi' Ae')i'1.''dM i as * * -*X *id.'if PAYMENT DATE RECE1E'TB: 10/01/92 8426 TOTAL DUE= PA?MENT AMOUNT 185.'04 .00 TOTAL PAID= 185.04 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 185.04 185.04 .00 185.104 .185,04 .00 PROCESSED BY: JUL, PRINTED BY: JULI SHAT" T'O SHAT TO :*41. 3i )l' )t' H 9F X )l.....R..A..)i .){..)t. X- X * fX) ) .)I .)t—), 1) ik:, THANK YOU ai A. If if kdtdtit ft: .yt is ii'$ii SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS 'rte c\W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE r SPOKANE? WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/a, plication is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction. oras a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating tion SIGNATURE OF /j APPLICATION �1 OWNER OR AGED �� y� - DATE /c/ =2/— PROJECT NUMBER- 92008304 REVISED PERMIT INFO DATE, 10/7.1/92 *****+.iiii+i****ii*i*ii+'+e*ii*****.**. PERMIT INFORMATION n'u+l'*'hii'ii'Y:'****+i';iiiiiii+i' SITE STREET= 11603 Iii GRACE AvE ADDRESS= SPC.IKANI: WA 99206 PERMIT T U iE.= DETACHED SHOP FARCEL0- 45091,0514 001641 PLAT ;vririE::= MIRABEAU RANCH d?i..l.)CK= I] Lot = 14 ZONE- UR -3...) Ar .l .; I AREA= 00000000 F/A= F WIDTH-' 90 aiE:PT OF Bi_DGE= 2 0 DWELLINGS= = i WATER DIST -- It' 1I OWNER= PHIL.LIPS, RON STREET- 11603 E GRACE AVE ADDRESS- SPOKANE WA 99 Oc:, 140 PHONE- 509 927 093 CONTACT NAME= RON PHILLIPS PFIONF: NUMB ER:::: 509 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT=:: 90 LEFT_, 49 F<:I: t:. Fi'T=:: 5 "r-'I::AR:::. 5 .. **ilk �ti• ii �li..li..p:. *.yi..ii..h:� �i4 *� i� �ii. di..ii..ti..ii di �ii� * ii ii� )i• �ii• i4 ii• Ir it * * ii I;: t,l a: i..,Pj .p (., Ei. hti ri .i. �� mmna—u CONTRACTOR== PHILLIPS HOME, STREET= 11603 E GRACE:. AVE ADDRESS== SPOKANE:, WA 99206 NEW X DWELL UNITS= BLDG 14 X 0 = REO PARKING== PHONE- 509 927 0936 REMODEL= ADDITION= CHANGE: OCCUR, I_D= DLDG HGT== i2 ST '4 X 40 SQ FT- 960 SPRINKLER= N xHANDI.E::ni-= CRITICAL TIC::Ai_ MAT= N DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE SC. FT VALUATION --------- SHOP it .. i VN 960 7480.00 QUANTITY FFE AMOUNT SIDi: NI IAL 'VALUATION Y 99.00 ATE: SURCHARGE i 4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Y 17.82 **•*•*•*•y4.R•y'••jR.p'•*••A•*.R•*•*•R•'*'****A..k:******'* PA I NEIVT .S1.1HlMARY**..*.*.*.*.*.*..**.+i..*..*..*.*.*.*. ITEM DESCRIPTION PAYMENT DATE RECEIPT* PAYMENT AMOUNT 10/011192 8424 185.04 TOTAL DUE::.: 63.72 TOTAL PAID= i85.04 PERMIT TYPE: FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT F'A:ED AMOUNT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 121.32 i :21 .3<" .00 1 1 32 1':1.32 .00 PROCESSED BY PRINTED BY JULIE JULIE: SHAT TO SHATTO *ll'**It.*..p..R•.'*'*:*'*..y(.**.*..*..h..A.*..it*********** THANK you *..*****'****f.* **'*'$:'*:*'ll**R' PAGE- tip trim***;*:* i' n* 0936 -Jtiicn:*''31 ii, Or U 'R1.ES= iPft**ii **it*