1994, 12-09 InvestigationINVI S'I'IGA'I'ION WORKSHEET l I) A' I' I: Lk-Yi'V�,�.Q/j 91116p-/ F I LEII 71 ADDRESS 1 CP l - l �' • ricG2_ PARCEL NO. 45-D9 I A 6/L ZONE OCCUPANT(i `Ta—e% S'VL4-i- PHONE ADDRESS CVIAQ\ //[Zet q • NATURE OF INVEFIGATION BUILDING FIRE CODE COMPLIANCE DESCRIBE p - — wry- ..z - STATUS RESOLVED/DATE D/DATE \ -13ROSECUTORD.A- AFFIDAVIT Date Comments a -144) / L�-{-‹4 - . i)//,7-, A/,/ -e2//6,- «d/,�//---- ,r( ;/_ /.2//./9 7 drib LQYI ic, r 1 /a/ i.s fq y ymiaii i an/ /2//s-/fr ph, el, x/ py. d /4 e rdL aN ; 111, // y4 / ,ch -it /vtP /0,J,-, _ /d. // 4 late .v/"N 2 AIA---r . !J /! sof1'. P Ai k►1.e,, c8-.,/4_ 1�4f4y 711.0,,e- Cdf/4 . L /4/n10,- ' C p 1 11"%✓e4 Investigator: I) C_6 ; TO—. Recheck Date: DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS JAMES L. MANSON, C.B 0 , DIRECTOR Todd & Molly Shaw 11619 East Grace Avenue Spokane, Washington 99206 A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DENNIS M. SCOTT, P.E., DIRECTOR December 9, 1994 RE: Permit Requirements - 11619 East Grace Avenue Dear Mr. & Mrs. Shaw: Our district inspector reports that a carport is being constructed on your property located at the above-mentioned address, Spokane County Parcel No. 45091.9516, and, in checking our records, we are unable to locate a valid permit. A building permit is required under Section 301 of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by Spokane County. Should our records be in error, or should you have any information that would otherwise be helpful in resolving this matter, please contact us as soon as possible. If a permit has not been obtained, Section 304(e) of the Uniform Building Code requres tha an investigation fee be charged whenever any work for which a permit is required has commenced without first obtaining the permit. The intent of this letter is to waive the investigation fee, provided you take appropriate to obtain a permit within ten (10) days of the date of this letter. A recheck of our files will be conducted immediately following the time frame specified above. Your attention to the above will negate the need for further action. Please contact this office as soon as possible in order that this matter may be resolved. Ou office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday - feel free to contact us eit in person at the address below or call 456-3675. acn Sincerely, William C. Benish Plans Examiner WCB:fmh c: Jim Tinner, Building/Fire Prevention Inspector WEST 1026 BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 ' (509)456-3675 FAX (509) 4564703 n er x 14c g 199 ' x x x re -to v . t✓u RE: Permit Requirements - x 1/1) ? ' G/acC / Dear x: et care or /s let.,9 Our district inspector reports that E9 haw—ei1 (per/constructe•/ astab.tiMagasit on your property located at the above-mentioned address, Spokane County parcel number x, and, in checking our records, we are unable to locate a valid permit. A building permit is required under Section 301 of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by Spokane County. Should our records be in error, or should you have any informatio ®(/ chat would otherwise be helpful in resolving this matter, please ( contact us as soon as possible. If a permit has not been obtained, Section 304(e) of the Uniform Building Code requires that an investigation fee be charged whenever any work for which a permit is required has commenced without first obtaining the permit. The intent of this letter is to waive the investigation fee, provided you take appropriate action to obtain a permit within ten (10) days of the date of this letter. A recheck of our files will be conducted immediately following the time frame specified above. Your attention to the above will ne•ate the need for further action. Please contact this office as soon as possible in order that thi- matter may be resolved. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday - feel free to contact us either in person at the address below or call 456-3675. Sincerely, G S-en±:ir -hiding Technician JEF:ts 0 :dg uofabzlsanul :Ag pa4senbau A,L f 747:aq.2Q 0 0 a w rt H- 0 REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION XS33VS 73 ONIG'IIng / 1 TOPS 9 FORM 30023 LITHO IN U S A SIGNED ; RETURNED YOUR CALL WANTS TO SEE YOU CAME TO SEE YOU ' TELEPHONED (UM1/110GEBtA W MESSAGE) FOR frlr' t6d/S/74 DATE rajir cy TIME /I: 0(7 N %/)Do -c).44-4/ ?Cti RUSH , SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL CALL AGAIN LPLEASEUALU V :;uednoo0/2auM0 r o > il 0 a rr F,, a c d 0 REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION RLL33VS 3 DNIQ'IIfl a 1 TOPS 9 FORM 3002P LITHO IN LEE A SIGNED/ J MESSAGE WANTS TO SEE YOU RETURNED YOUR CALL CAME TO SEE YOU _. TELEPHONED DATE .j•//(Li TIMMY nA 1\ Nk N. ' T RUSH SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL CALL AGAIN PLEASE CALL '. C e