1989, 10-17 Investigation Code Violation/6 N- /43.0 INVESTIGATION WORKSHEET /U. ! ., DateC7C.T0€(Z h, I C(e Address N GRA-19cr 2cL FILE # Parcel No. Occupant ISc)Z- O (009 OAQ L SEI3 t C --R Zone Phone Address S 0I Nature of Investigation ❑• Building 0 Fire ❑ Code Compliance Describe Status Date W . H OBI LE HoME Acrid 14 10/1 9-E'-90 Prosecutor/Date 4 -9- 96 - Nnn F7K1At/ Dead/Date P0 -11D -Fl 1 -SI LC -7 C -i hj/7 /0.26 49 .20 r'eswno.; Svndl se — ,90 74- y IOIa-7 1 Wlu-_ CALL. ,5-io-S7 // �J . .27,1/ e..iorA , 4e,--) 41/1./ 4 V- /ii•90 AO ft?on ems. (/ Sen!/ /0 /7//o,coey- 43100 Ow/VC/z- C&L4cet - gici5.:" Na MAWE7- _TGJ_.._.. _-. ... _. d. ,wrtera WANot M e. y,. . W ILL. e pcc. w//Al 2tiiEEkS (-7i'0 nn po cess Anol at- AO7 o/ i Qr rJ \NNInvestigator: Recheck Date E►= - ktiO0 /cam S S • Spokane County Department of Building & Safety JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR CODE VIOLATION REFERRAL TO Prosecuting Attorney's Office Ron Arkills, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney FROM: Department of Building and Safety Jeffrey E. Forry, Senior Building Technician DATE:}^%QIC 91 890 The Department of Building and Safety is requesting appropriate legal action in the following matter: ADDRESS: N. )30D 0,442,0 •4 -a OWNER'S NAME: CALL SeNi rrcp PARCEL NO.: 17550 -oto9 OWNER'S ADDRESS: Fl O / 9901(o DESCRIPTION OF CODE VIOLATION: mo `III((. - 5It G E LAJ(1 MOP>10E Noy✓r_ CODE SECTION: -305(.4:)‘,2,*,_ DATE OF FINAL NOTICE: lo - 2(0 - Violation (does) (deer -riot) represent an immediate threat to life -safety or public welfare. REASON FOR NON-COMPLIANCE: DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY RECOMMENDED ACTION: �€N31> I Q2oP2iPc(e (oAL No IFIpn-(onJ SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: (FMCS CoeQePoicsoeNce Please note for copy: Legal Property owner: NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE. WASHINGTON 99260.0050 • TELEPHONE (509) 456-9675 S P O K A N E DONALD C. BROCKETT OFFICE OF PROSECUTING ATTORNEY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY April 18, 1990 Mr. Carl Senter North 1322 Grady Road Spokane, Washington 99016 Re: NO FINAL INSPECTION Dear Mr. Senter: County -City Public Safety Building W. 1100 Mallon Avenue Spokane, WA 99260-0270 (509) 456-3662 SCAN 272-3662 Jeffrey Forry, of the Spokane County Department of Building & Safety, has contacted our office regarding an alleged violation of Section 305(d) of the Uniform Building Code in connection with the single -wide mobile home located at the above address. Specifically, it is alleged that that mobile home has been occupied without an approved final inspection. Please be advised that a violation of the Uniform Building Code constitutes a misdemeanor. As such, it is punishable by up to ninety (90) days in jail, a fine or up to $500.00, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Please take immediate steps to obtain the required final inspection. Your failure to do so within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter may result in a complaint being filed against you for a violation of the Uniform Building Code. lw CC: Very truly yours, Ronald P. Arkills, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Jeffrey Forry, Building & Safety Department 0 Criminal anion County -City Public Safety Building W. 1100 Mallon Avenue Spokane, WA 99260-0270 (509) 456-3662 SCAN 272-3662 Civil Division W 1115 Broadway Spokane, WA 99260-0270 (509) 456-5764 SCAN 272-5764 Family Law Department W 601 Mallon Avenue Spokane. WA 99260-0270 (5091 458-2486 SCAN 272-2486 FraudlDrugs Unn N. 721 Jefferson Spokane, WA 99260-0270 (509) 459-6416 SCAN 272-6416 JAMES• EMADO CAM Oeputy CLARK 0 COIWELL Chef Criminal Deputy 5enl0r Attorneys uorrn v Barnum •Obert B Bider MKnae4 C Derrlpsty Wraku A Gesuger Patricia A Thompson Otputles Dannette W 81111 RoNb 0 Arkills Tames l Barlow De00y K Bart Jenrette A BOharskI Pamela I gyMy Paull Ctxrellus Salvatore F COM Pannec Dougherty Jona 0 Pntal Micheli A Hint D Chrism Hann 10110 Grasso EOwa00 Hay Arthur K HayaYR Dav100 HeXlean Joel 0 Hatpin Steven 1 4Mn Nem 04 000135 snare. t rottkamn Mark A la mlnger Carolyn c loumun Mento A Mar Marylln Mocken5turm Steven J Nash Dens 1 ashes William H Reeves M vlrginia ROCkwood Charles E Rdu Jr Paul E Smith James 0 Sweetser Steven 1 ruCker Stanley l Waltz Juvenile Department W. 1208 Mallon Avenue Spokane. WA 99260-0270 (5091456-6046 SCAN 272-6046 • S P 0 FC At,EC O V 1V T DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY • •A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .I AMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR October 26, 1989 DENNIS M SCOTT, DIRECTOR MR. CARL SENTER North 1322 Grady Road Spokane, Washington 99016 RE: No Final Inspection - North 1322 Grady Road Second Notice Dear Mr. Senter: A recheck of our files indicates that no arrangements have been made to correct the situation; i.e., no final inspection on the single wide mobile home located at the above -referenced address. As stated previously, a final inspection and approval are required prior to occupancy. Therefore, we must require that notification be received by this office as to the time frame needed to resolve this matter immediately, or this entire matter will be forwarded to the Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's Office for appropriate legal action. Should you have any 'questions, please contact me between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., weekdays. Sincerely, (/ raj -Jeffrey E. Forry Senior Building Technician JEF:rmd WEST 1303 BROADWAY SPOKANE. WASHINGTON 99260-0050 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4703 5 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JAMES L MANSON, DIRECTOR . October 16, 1989 MR. CARL SENTER North 1322 Grady Road Spokane, Washington 99016 DENNIS M. SCOTT. DIRECTOR RE: Final Inspection - North 1322 Grady Road Dear Mr. Senter: A recent visual inspection indicated that the single wide mobile home with covering and room addition located at North 1322 Grady Road, parcel number 17552-0609, has been occupied without an approved final inspection. It should be noted that Section 305(d) of the Uniform Building Code requires that there be a final inspection and approval on all buildings and structures when ready for occupancy or use. We are therefore, requesting that you contact this office immediately to schedule this inspection. • Should you have any questions, please contact me between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., weekdays. Sincerely yours, fwd Jeffrey E. Forry Senior Building Technician JEF:rmd WEST 1303 BROADWAY SPOKANE.WASHINGTON 99260-0050 (509)456-3675 /A FAX (509) 456-4703 April 7, 1989 Spokane County Department of Building & Safety MR. & MRS. CARL SENTER North 1322 Grady Road Greenacres, Washington 99016 RE: Final Inspection Requirements Dear Mr. & Mrs. Senter: JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR This letter is in reference to our conversation on March 31, .1989. After talking with the department's energy code specialist, I was informed that additions do not qualify for the incentive program. The letter you received states that the building components you selected will comply with the Northwest Energy Code. The following items will need to be completed for a final inspection on your new addition: 1. One 10 CFM fresh air vent will be required in the new bedroom. This will allow fresh air into the bedroom as needed and is a code requirement. 2. In the crawl space, re -attach any insulation that has falls from the joist cavities. Then a moisture barrier needs to be applied to the bottom of the floor joists. 3. I noticed that the siding is in contact with the ground. Something should be placed between the wood siding and the ground to prevent capillary action. 4. The door exiting the new bedroom needs to be weather stripped if not already done. A set of steps will need to be in place at the time of the final inspection. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Jeff Forry or myself at 456-3675. Sincerely yours, 7 •Z Kevin D. Myre Building Inspector KDM:jas WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 •0050 • TELEPHONE (509) 456-3675 ♦) Uist4 ..ID.O: Z07 ._ give.1 1)0. I"755 -a— 0609 011 s oc 0