1977, 09-16 Permit: M3302 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 land Use or Structure Permit Gr• oup Type Zone Single Family Res. Permit :, residences •spd decks attached RESIDENTIAL NUMBER M 3 3 0 2 HEROY AVENUE. EAST 13114 Property Address Owner Gary Collins Address Architect Address Phone Contractor...1ia1en--Ruth- 0411 -in Address 2127-.3-,..-Rayw.--99203. Phone 534_2324 -._- Location: Parcel Number0.3541x.43O5 Lot. -5, --EEO k---3,---Ci1Tki.--Add-, Moiat1s--ls 1ing--eet-b cks--fros- al l property.. -Lines. Front- yard. -of --at -last--25', -side yard of at--lesut--5'41e' --for-2--stary au.ilding,...15.'....i1t nki.ng..str.sts aod-..25s re r -yards ere ---required„ -er-sere, if--required-1y ,-� Zon_i.ng,-..Buil.dinq..and/or-.FIre-Codes-. Smoke -detector -4s} -regotrsd. lfhr--rated -fire milt /'-teqtired .betws.n .rssidencs sled- garege. • Bldg. Zone .. -1 Fire Zone 3 -.-Size of Lot 8E'4124' _Sewage.. septic Const . -.(rale Stories.S/E..-Dimensions_ .Wx31' 22'x24- 8x121 desk Total Sq. Ft..._143t Valuation$38 0 • I Rms..4_ ._Baths/RR 1 Basement__._ 1.1.Foundation.__.concrete Chimney.._.! -_-___Fireplace 2 -.Htg. System... fol. E t 11. Type of Roofing comp Ext. Finish 411 Int. Wall Finish .,. : Bdrms..2. s Certificate of Occupancy Issued for $e*. -Ib ve---plumbing-and -heating omits ease Mitt red. EACi'1- SThBf-- RemarksQR..CONSTMUCLIOK.mIST hUIYE--INSPECTIONS-CALL€D- OR A3 -REQUIRED-B-Y--CODE. MtUST -CONFORM TO AU. ---COIN Y AIME.--.REQUIREMENTS._.-FINAL INSPECTION MUST BE CALLED FOR, UPON COMPLETION -AND PRIOR TO OCCUPIAC.Y._OF RESIDENCE... -CALL 456►3676,-prior. to--iOa00 a.m-for- a11---inspectlons.. ------- ---._. 1204 M. Calvin Phone'2®"5397 THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shal Spokane, regulating the construction. use and occupancy of buildings In Spokane County. and may be revoked at any tilne !allure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration .01 the Issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where expiration of the Filmy unless regularly renewed. This permit ill be good only for commencement of work within six months, and t Authoriz from this date; after which time this permit will be void. September 16, 1978 Permit Expires By Fee Paid $ 44.00 mmc Date Issued S/16/77 Building I conform In aII respects to all the ordinances of the County of upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances. or directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the he entire completion thereof within...1.-.year!._ (ficial BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR 6:) M 138MUI orer rte MINA YOM bodaikils stsob1ty 1. tuUNUAIIUN _ ___ __z_ Wreteneriorn ntvib. SOS! .neibbA JAMOIrel Ti43MTAA930 3003 ON! a .111U 8 YTV1U 03 3 VI AXOcia mere notani(lesW ,saiDloq? ,I1o21sil9t 118 • . tinneq inUbinIZio eaU bas.1 .asi argot . V I atrer_. Wittig roe bdif131A ISM otail--4-‘014 ----- - - - 143-1011.41114111,-*betno0 •1101tr IV9311441fit Apdeltut....e.ast thomartiiten unswist baboon joi grII 9111. enol .018 -9(10d9 ----- L104 --vett t -liTifiliotste obits-. it -saw se tru tw411os r4 y, tf-firget-its- ibetivt over.von r VitiesiwatA4-4i-rbrehopri-iit *kat -44644 .000, -leaf ' ..-fiasb %Will 'MON aoransmiCI. ?9,1102 Vh s _936i q- )1mir13 _nolisbneol (fat r Agl.arltge _ 0.. amA -.V- • _ i4r. lioc$1 sayT -NATI • - foillieg baa Oa lot tnav„i p.iacim30 ;Li 928)00193 " • IMP 7: nvFlit.41110 711111111111031111/1111193 1.111tviumoil . ii - 11111-101131141111 An .ammegiteas__.no rermio..tteT -- - ,Itit416 .3aesuas ,vsowlitott rafr .. to. ----- f fi4 tx3 10 y111110.1 1. HD/11nat. 01 E.'.1110.^ .11 n. 7.1 thrift, 414. 1./.14 14. 1.1, 11.11.1 ".... oolb11' odt 1.4. /....• 1,..11.1 ....Ito. 10, one., tui,o,la ri 1.10439 :“..11 10 sond visoiSySiTEMr11 to 00./14loi, ., .blo.. .m eri . .>roo,u.s9n. .1 1 .fl:40 1 ...«...... bit/ Atm ( cam ol 11*.co,4* . elt 4 ',) . .. • *Al Sa IV* bite telt ...root 11.41 boa . Itn.4.:1 .1 bans,,b 114414 140 big. 04, 11084 YI../.1.. aotneli 041 collo to .o Iwo nett 10 :wag 1111 .. V. ',On,* PP< 'r. p. A.ob-rnco .bowener eititiv , .I.14 111111114 1..1 1 `...1111/111.1 ..virt. f.,iiiiiti%Iqqatit noitotqmoo *Woe *At bn4IIthbno xis nidtiw *tow to tnemsanornmao lot lino boos od HI i ti-oisq aidT TO3MTRA93 CI 3d1UJTU IBti!1ii,ituA .biov 9d kiw tiortliq aidi omit dosOw 'sorts ittab aid, molt si4,41 . Int1 .it itied/40 .-.-_.i. 7- .ka zsItqx3 liti1199 130T33(2111 • EOM tiill VAOM 30m 0014 • _ ... . . _ .. bauel 9st3 .Z WO 991.