2002, 10-09 Variance Letter of ApprovalS P O K A N OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER October 9, 2002 Sandy Christensen 13308 E. Heroy Avenue Spokane, WA 99216 C O U N T -y- MICHAEL MICHAEL C. DEMPSEY, CHIEF EXAMINER RE: Letter of Approval for VE -15-02, Variance request from setback requirements; Parcel No. 45031.4404, 13308 E. Heroy Avenue Dear Applicant: On October 9, 2002, a public hearing was held on your application for a variance to allow the addition of an attached garage to an existing residence, 19.5 feet from the lot front line along Heroy Road. At the conclusion of the hearing, I indicated that I would approve the variance, subject to the conditions of approval listed in the Staff Report, and possible minor revisions to the site plan. I have decided to modify Planning condition #4 to state as follows: 4. The applicant shall develop the proposed garage in substantial conformance with the site plan of record submitted on August 13, 2002, subject to compliance with conditions of approval and regulation standards. The proposed garage shall be located at least 16.5 feet from the lot front line adjacent to Heroy Avenue. All aspects of the concept and proposal shall be binding on the development. Minor variations, to be approved by the Director of the Division of Planning/designee, shall only be allowed to meet regulation standards and conditions of approval. Any other modification must be presented to the Hearing Examiner for review and approval at a public hearing. This oral approval is subject to the entry of formal written findings, conclusions and decision consistent with this letter. I will not be adding any new conditions of approval. The appeal period will run from the date such written decision is entered. Sincerely, (62. -rd - Michael C. Dempsey Hearing Examiner c John Pederson, Division of Planning Jim Millgard, Division of Planning v' Jeff Forry, Division of Building and Code Enforcement THIRD FLOOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260-0245 PHONE: (509) 477-7490 • FAX: (509) 477-7478 • TDD: (509) 477-7133