15-092.00 Avista Electric: Mansfield Connection ProjectL-10289: Electric Service Agreement Aug 28, 2015 7:59:53 AM Job Location: Dear Customer, Enclosed are two copies of Avista's Electric Service Extension Agreement for the above referenced property — one labeled "Avista Original" and the other, "Customer Copy". ESA#:3838 After you have carefully reviewed all documents, please sign and date the documents where indicated, return the Avista Original and your money order, personal check, or cashier's check in the amount of $333.20, if you have been notified that an up -front payment is required, in the envelope provided. Avista will schedule your job as soon as feasible pending 1. Completion of all customer onsite work and/or other obligations, 2. Avista's receipt of its copy of the signed Agreement, 3. If applicable, any required payment. If you prefer to remit your payment via credit card, please be advised that an additional processing fee will apply. Please contact an Avista Customer Service Representative at 1-800-727-9170 extension 4717 for additional information. If you request a copy of the fully executed Agreement, one will be sent to you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter or if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Kelly Donohue CPC Mail Stop: 46 Phone: 509-495-4889 Cell: Page 1 of 11 Run Date: Aug 28, 2015 Work Order # 1000508253 Customer Name: City of Spokane Valley Electric Service Agreement Billtype: Customer Copy This Electric Service Agreement ("Agreement") is made between Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities ("Avista") and the party whose name appear in the signature block below,("Customer") (sometimes, individually, a "Party" and collectively, the "Parties"). The Parties agree that: 1.0 Avista will provide and own the electric distribution facilities necessary to furnish electric service to the Customer at the single point(s) of delivery identified in Exhibit A ("Customer's Premises"). Avista will make every reasonable effort to commence construction of such facilities within thirty (30) days after receipt of a copy of this Agreement signed by Customer, along with the payment of any applicable cost responsibility. Avista will install its electrical facilities using the method of construction it deems appropriate. 2.0 Term of Agreement. This Agreement will become effective when executed by both Parties and remain in effect until permanent service to the Customer has been connected. 3.0 Installation or Modification of Electric Service. 3.1. By signing this Agreement, Customer authorizes Avista or Avista's agent to proceed with work necessary to accomplish the installation or modification of an electric service connection on Customer's Premises 3.2 Customer grants Avista the right to remove or otherwise disturb lawns, shrubs, landscaping, driveways and sidewalks or other improvements on Customer's Premises, as is reasonably necessary, for the purpose of installing, maintaining or removing Avista's electric service facilities, and without any obligation on Avista to restore, repair or reimburse Customer for any resulting damages 3.3 Customer acknowledges that the installation or removal of electric service may result in the disruption of Customer's facilities including, but not limited to, sprinkler systems, septic or sewer systems and underground household wiring and Avista is not responsible for any damage resulting from such disruption. 3.4. Customer acknowledges that in the event Customer requests that Avista install the facilities applicable under the Agreement during adverse ground/construction conditions ("Adverse Conditions") including without limitation, frozen ground due to winter weather, Customer will be responsible for the repair of landscaping and/or other costs resulting from installation during such Adverse Conditions which will be listed as an Exceptional Cost under Exhibit A. 4.0 Avista will extend electric service to Customer's Premises in accordance with its "Line Extension, Conversion and Relocation Schedule" (Schedule 51) filed with the applicable state commission. 5.0 Customer shall be responsible for any preparatory and/or finishing work associated with the electric service applicable under this Agreement and such responsibilities will be described in the "Special Provisions/Scope of Work" section of Exhibit A. All such work must meet Avista's specifications, pass Avista's inspection and be coordinated with Avista's scheduled work. 6.0 Compensation. Customer shall pay Avista the amount set forth in Exhibit A before Avista begins construction. In addition, Customer shall pay any Exceptional Costs encountered during construction and/or changes requested by the Customer. Customer's cost responsibility will be calculated in accordance with and subject to Avista's effective rates, rules and regulations in its state commission -approved tariffs in effect at the time of execution of this Agreement. Customer shall pay Avista for such cost responsibility prior to Avista installing the facilities applicable under this Agreement. Any applicable refunds will be calculated solely by Avista in accordance with such tariffs. 7.0 Customer must notify Avista in advance of the addition of any electric load to allow Avista adequate time to make any necessary modifications to its facilities. In the event Customer fails to provide Avista with the required notice and Avista's facilities are damaged as a result of Customer's increased load, the expenses associated with the repair of any damaged facilities shall be Customer's sole responsibility. Page 2 of 11 Run Date: Aug 28, 2015 Work Order # 1000508253 Customer Name: City of Spokane Valley Electric Service Agreement Billtype: Customer Copy 8.0 Notice of Encroachment. Customer is required to notify Avista in instances where Customer determines that a proposed building project on Customer's property may encroach on or cross over Avista's overhead or underground lines, meters and/or other facilities, prior to starting construction of the proposed project. All costs related to the subsequent relocation of any Avista facilities necessitated by such encroachment will be Customer's responsibility. 9.0 Underground Locates. Prior to doing any required excavating in connection with this Agreement, Avista will utilize the state -mandated one -call service to mark the location of other entities' underground utilities situation on Customer's property. Avista will notify Customer in advance of such excavation and make every reasonable effort to avoid or minimize any dislocation of improvements within Customer's property. However, Customer is responsible for identifying or exposing any underground facilities not located by Avista prior to the start of work by Avista. In the event Customer fails to identify or expose such underground facilities, Customer will be responsible for the repair of such facilities, at Customer's sole expense. 10.0 Easements and Access to Property. Customer authorizes Avista or Avista's agents to do all work necessary on Customer's property to accomplish the installation, operation, inspection, replacement and maintenance (including without limitation, pruning and/or removing vegetation) of Avista's electrical facilities, and if requested by Avista, shall provide, without cost to Avista, easements in a form satisfactory to Avsita, that provide for Avista's facilities to be located over, on, across and/or under Customer's property covering rights-of-way for the installation, operation, inspection, replacement, and maintenance of Avista's facilities. In the event Avista incurs fees to secure permits, right-of-ways, and inspections to access Customer's property, Customer shall reimburse Avista for the actual costs applicable for securing such permits, rights-of-way and inspections. 11.0 Indemnification. Subject to applicable law, Customer shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend Avista, its directors, officers, employees, and agents, from and against all claims, demands, suits, losses, expenses (including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees), and damages ("Loss"), brought against or incurred by Avista resulting from, arising out of, or in any way connected with any act, omission, fault, or negligence of Customer or its employees, agents, subcontractors and suppliers of any tier. the event that any such Loss is caused by the concurrent negligence of both Avista and Customer, including their employees, agents, suppliers and subcontractors, the Loss will be borne by Customer and Avista in the proportion that their respective negligence bears to the total negligence causing such Loss. 12.0 Miscellaneous Provisions. 12.1 Assignment by Customer. Customer shall not assign the Agreement or any right or interest in the Agreement without the prior written consent of Avista. Assignment without Avista's prior written consent will be voidable at Avista's option. No such assignment, with or without Avista's prior written consent, will relieve Customer from its responsibilities under this Agreement. 12.2 Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of the Agreement will not affect any other provisions; the Agreement will be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provisions were omitted. 12.3 Survival. Any provisions of the Agreement that, by their sense and context, are intended to survive performance by either or both Parties pursuant to the Agreement will survive the completion of performance and termination of the Agreement. 12.4 Governing Law and Venue. Any action at law or in equity to enforce the terms of the Agreement will be brought in Spokane County, Washington. The Agreement will be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington excluding any choice of law rules that may direct the application of laws of a jurisdiction other than Washington 13.0 This Agreement consists of the following documents which are (i) incorporated into the Agreement, (ii) listed in the descending order of precedence, and (iii) attached or referenced: this Electric Service Agreement and the Exhibits attached hereto. 14.0 This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall bind any of the Parties, unless reduced to writing and signed by each Party. Page 3 of 11 Run Date: Aug 28, 2015 Work Order # 1000508253 Customer Name: City of Spokane Valley Electric Service Agreement Billtype: This Agreement has been signed by each Party's authorized representative on the date(s) set forth below. Check # Amount $333.20 Previous Extension #: Avista Corporation Job Owner: Kelly Donohue Job title: CPC Phone Number: 509-495-4889 Customer: City of Spokane Valley 3838 Or Other: Customer Copy Page 4 of 11 Run Date: Aug 28, 2015 I. CUSTOMER INFORMATION CUSTOMER, who is a(n): Name: Mailing Address: City of Spokane Valley 11707E Sprague suite 106 Spokane Valley, wa 99206 Phone Number: 5099211000 II. JOB INFORMATION ELECTRIC (Ft.) Overhead EXTENSION (Ft.) Underground ELECTRIC (Ft.) Overhead SERVICE 40 (Ft.) Underground TO SERVE: LOCATED AT: Volts Volts Volts 120/120 Volts EXHIBIT (A) Customer Copy Phase Phase Phase 1 Phase Name of Plat: 2120 N houk or Legal Description: or Location: Construction Contribution Scale III. CONSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTIONS CONSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTIONS CUSTOMER NAME City of Spokane Valley MAILING ADDRESS 11707 E Sprague suite 106 Spokane Valley, wa 99206 WORK ORDER# 1000508253 BASIC COST Length Rate Per Ft Fixed Rate Allowance Totals Service Underground 40 $8.33 $0.00 ($0.00) $333.20 BASIC COST - Total $333.20 SHARE OF PREVIOUS EXTENSION TERMINATION COST: a. REMAINING VALUE b. REMOVAL COSTS c. SALVAGE VALUE TOTAL CONTRIBUTION PREPAID DESIGN FEE NET CUSTOMER COST $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $333.20 These costs are effective through Feb 28, 2016 , provided that the scope and character of the work do not change. Additional exceptional costs encountered during construction and/or changes requested by the customer will be borne by the customer. The maximum amount available for refund per the W.U.T.C. or I.P.U.0 Schedule 051 is Maxrefund. IV. SPECIAL PROVISIONS Customer's Responsibilities UNLESS SPECIFIED BELOW IN SECTION V, CUSTOMER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1.1 Customer warrants that, prior to the start of construction, the grading is or will be within six inches (6") of final grade. The cost of Page 5 of 11 Run Date: Aug 28, 2015 future changes to Avista's electrical facilities to accommodate location or grade changes will be borne by Customer. 1.2 Customer shall not make any changes in location of structures, streets, driveways, sidewalks, alleys or other paved areas shown in any drawings (incorporated into this Agreement by this reference) prepared in anticipation of the work applicable under the Agreement, nor pave any such areas until Avista has installed any necessary underground facilities. 1.3 Customer shall install terminal equipment necessary to attach to Avista's service connection(s) that is accordance with Avista's standards, which will provided to Customer prior to the work being performed 1.4 Customer shall be responsible for providing the required trenching, Schedule 40 grey electrical conduit, backfilling, paving, pavement breaking, boring, excavation, sand cushions, permits and/or other related work to install the underground facilities. All work must meet Avista's specifications, pass Avista's inspection and be coordinated with Avista's scheduled work. 1.5 Customer shall provide vaults, enclosures, concrete pads, handholes, conduit or ducts, and/or equipment protective barriers, 1.6 Conduit 1.7 Customer shall be responsible for complying with all final compaction requirements and codes. V. EXCEPTIONS No Data Available 3838 Page 6 of 11 Run Date: Aug 28, 2015 11+00 CB 3A REPLACE EXISTING INLET STA 38+31.33, 19.54'LT ADJUST RIM RIM=1965.86 IE=1963.42 ADJUST RIM 38+00 35+00 34+00 33+00 32+00 copow CB 1 CONCRETE INLET TYPE 1 MANSFIELD STA 40+25.01, 21.06'RT RIM EL=1968.79 IE=1966.45 ADANDON EXISTING ORYWELL CONCRETE - SPLASH PAD, TYP. IL" CURB INLET TYPE 2, TYP. STA 41+02.71. 20.39'LT MID OPENING EL=1969.79 - DW 2DRYWELL TYPE A RIM EL=1969.29 vv SWALE '8' SEE SHEET 9 CONCRETE - SPLASH PAD, TYP. - N. 50054.97 E. 80721.15 IE=1968.29 g 0 DW 3 EXISTING DRYWELL STA 38+30.30, 14.96'RT ADJUST RIM RIM=1965.97 INSTALL SOLID "STORM' COVER IE=1963.12 STEP ADJUSTMENT RINGS SOUTH TO SPLIT BICYCLE LANE STRIPE CURB INLET TYPE 2, TYP. O STA 42+06.34, 23.27'LT MID OPENING EL=1970.34 LEGEND ASPHALT PATCHBACK BLUE RUG JUNIPER PATCHBACK SOD PATCHBACK GRAVEL PATCHBACK 39+00 REMOVE EXISTING SD PIPE INSTAR 4' IRRIGATION CONDUIT IE 1970 (N,W) CONCRETE HARDSCAPING - - CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AREA I Y 1v 41 ABANDON EXISTING DRYWELL SD 3C 10" DI PIPE L=9.5' G=.0048 SD 3B 10" 01 PIPE L=10' G=.0048 CB 3B CONCRETE INLET TYPE 1 STA 38+40.86, 19.43'RT RIM=1965.91 IE=1964.35 (N) vvv A\wsTA SEE BELOW SD 2A 10' DI PIPE L=30' G=.0048 CB 3C CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 STA 38+38.41, 9.93'RT RIM=1966.11 INSTALL SOLID 'STORM' COVER IE=1963.27 (N) 10=1964.30 (S) - I0=1963.27 (W) ------------ SD 1 10' DI PIPE L=17.5' G=.0048 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING DRYWELL IE=1966.37 DW 1 DRYWELL TYPE A SWALE "A' RIM EL=1966.50 SEE SHEET 9 v CONCRETE SPLASH PAD, TYP. MANSFIELD STA 40+25.48, 39.04'RT HOUK STA 23+92.32, 33'LT I0=1966.37 N. 49975.76 - E. 80651.01 I0=1967.91 SD 2B 10' DI PIPE L=17.5' G=.0206 NO DATE REVISIONS DESCRIPTION 6Y CB 2A CONCRETE INLET TYPE 1 HOUK STA 23+90.83, 22.29'RT RIM EL=1969.24 I0=1966.91 SD 2A 10" DI PIPE L=37.5' G=.0048 v CB 2B CONCRETE INLET TYPE 1 HOUK STA 23+92.32, 15.41'LT RIM EL=1969.41 I0=1966.73 City of Spokane Valley �L_� Deporlmenl of Public Werke 1���8 ®dA44[t88Ak��e 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 �ey SPOKANE VALLEY, WA. 99206 (509) 921-1000 30 15 30 60 DRAWING TIDE SCALE MANSFIELD CONNECTION FEET STORMWATER PLAN CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 PROJECT M. SCALE 0156 1'=30' OATS 6/4/2015 1111 OF 01PROV06NT STORMWATER 0E00RED BY: RPR CHECKED 6Y: KLK DAWN RY: RPB REVI5ID BY: SM91 DRAWING 14. 11 01 14