PC APPROVED Minutes 08-27-15 Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall, August 27,2015 Chairman Stoy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. Ms. Heath took roll and the following members and staff were present: Kevin Anderson Cary Driskell, City Attorney Heather Graham Marty Palaniuk, Planner Tim Kelley Deanna Horton,Administrative Assistant Mike Phillips Susan Scott Joe Stoy Sam Wood Elisha Heath, Secretary of the Commission Commissioner Wood moved to approve the August 27, 2015 agenda. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against, the motion passes. Commissioner Wood moved to accept the July 9, 2015 minutes as presented. The Commission approved minutes with a vote on the motion of seven in favor, zero against. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Kelley reported he attended the Traders Club Meetings. Commissioner Wood attended the Painted Hills Preservation Association meeting, as well as the Spokane Home Builders Association Government Affairs Meeting. The other Commissioners had no reports. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planner Marty Palaniuk reported the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) has been approved by the Department of Ecology and will take effect September 4, 2015. October 1, 2015 the city of Rockford is holding a short course on local planning 6:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. at the Rockford Council Chambers. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. COMMISSION BUSINESS: Study Session CTA-2015-0005 Proposed Amendment to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures, Table 17.80-1 — Permit Type and Land Use Application; SVMC Chapter 18.20 Hearing Examiner, Section 18.20.030 — Powers and Duties; SVMC Appendix A,Definitions. Planner Marty Palaniuk gave a presentation to the Commission outlining the proposed amendments to SVMC 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures, Table 17.80-1 Permit Type and Land Use Application; SVMC Chapter 18.20 Hearing Examiner, Section 18.20.030 Powers and Duties; SVMC Appendix A, Definitions. These are amendments to the SVMC to provide consistency and reflect changes in the SMP. There is some code compliance housekeeping included in this amendment. Within Appendix A staff deleted the shoreline specific definitions from the development code. If one of the definitions were to change staff would only need to update one document. Mr. Palaniuk listed the definitions that had been deleted. The proposed amendment will also modify Chapter 17.80, Table 17.80-1, which is a table of all the permits the City processes, and clarifies what type of permit applies to each land use application. The SMP establishes the process for the following permits: a shoreline letter of exemption; a shoreline conditional use permit; a shoreline variance; and a substantial development permit. Additional language will be added to the end of this section to call out any procedures and processes within the SMP that may also apply to the permit. Within the table: • added a shoreline letter of exemption; • deleted shoreline permit exemption, a dock permit; • added a shoreline conditional use permit, a shoreline nonconforming use/structure review, and shoreline variance to the table in Type II permits. 08-27-15 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 2 In Section C if anything in the SMP applies to a specific permit as far as processing then that protocol will be followed One area would be under decision, when one of these permits is issued it is subject to Department of Ecology review. The amendment will also modify Chapter 17.90 Decision and Appeals which calls out to whom the shoreline permits will be appealed. There are proposed changes to the code enforcement section. Commissioner Stoy asked if the Shoreline Hearing Board is the Hearing Examiner or if it is a different entity. Mr. Palaniuk replied that it is a different entity. The amendment calls out the specific permits that will be reviewed by the Shoreline Hearing Board. This amendment also modifies SVMC 18.20.030 Powers and Duties of the Hearing Examiner. Staff removed the conditional use permits from the SMP from matters that the Hearing Examiner will hear and add shoreline letter of exemption. Commissioner Kelley asked if the approval authority for a permit is determined by type; is this information from an old or new procedure. Mr. Palaniuk replied the approvals are the way it is right now and will remain the same. The addition of Shoreline Permits to Type II is the only change. Mr. Kelley asked if these permits will be approved by the Department. Mr. Palaniuk stated that is correct but any shoreline permit will require Department of Ecology review and they have the opportunity to return it to the City or approve it. Commissioner Wood inquired about the logic behind the Hearing Examiner no longer hearing shoreline conditional use permits and variances under the shoreline master program. . Originally the Hearing Examiner under the former SMP heard shoreline conditional use permits. It was decided that a public hearing was not required for that approval since it goes through the Department and then on to Department of Ecology, which has a public comment section. Mr. Driskell stated this was done to streamline the process, and not duplicate the process. Mr. Wood clarified the Hearing Examiner's decision on conditional use permits would not be binding because Department of Ecology could change that ruling. Mr. Wood asked for clarification of administrative approval and department approval. Mr. Palaniuk clarified that administrative approval would be done with the Senior Planner and Department approval would be done by the Department Director. Commissioner Graham asked about when the opportunity was for public comment period on shoreline conditional use permits. Mr. Palaniuk responded a notification is placed in the official newspaper. Commissioner Stoy asked why the Hearing Examiner would need to hear the appeal of a building permit. Mr. Driskell clarified citizens need to have the ability to appeal the determination or issuance of a building permit if they felt it was issued in error or they are opposed to the building, they need an avenue to challenge it. . They would appeal that to the Hearing Examiner and they could appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision to Superior Court. Commissioner Anderson asked if it was possible to recommend approval of the amendment tonight since it is housekeeping issue. Mr. Palaniuk clarified that it is a proposed amendment to the SVMC which requires a public hearing; it could not be moved forward then. The public hearing has been noticed for September 10. Mr. Driskell further clarified the need to follow the stated process. Commissioner Wood asked if the conditional use permits outside the SMP will still be heard by the Hearing Examiner. Mr. Palaniuk stated this portion of the SVMC is not being changed. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Nothing presented. ADJOURNMENT: There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. 1,0 , � '� Joe Stoy, Chairperson Date signed \aC-A07gi(L Elisha Heath, Secretary 08-27-15 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 2