ZE-1A-71 - SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING & PLANNING File No.: ZE-1A-71 Name of Plat: Chanqe of Candtions Parcel No(s). 45182.9144, .9145 Project Planner: _ Acreage: 8 acres Number of lots: Fire District: 1 School District: West Vallev, Water District: Spokane Countv # Project Description: Chanqe of Conditions to ~ nreviouslv approved zone chanqe to allow for the constructio~~ ~f a commercial buildinq APPLICANT (MFORMATION: Owner(s): ~ VY'~ Phone: (Wl ( ~ ~ (H1 ~ Fax: ~ Applicant: Paul Allison! r~9~ Pnone: (1M 509-747 a~~ ~ 0~~ W. Riverside, Suite 1500 (H) 509-924-2868 ~ Spokane, WA 99201 Fax. ~ Project Phone: (W) Contact; {H~ Fax Surveyor; Alian E. Gay Phone: (W) 1230 Front St (H) ~ Spokane, WA 99202 Fax: APPLICATION STATUS: Pre-Conference Date: 11/2/99 Date Application Submitted: 12/9/99 Caunter Camplete Date: ~1/°I/°~ Technical Review Date: / / ~ 9 -f9 , ~ Determination of Completeness Dates: {ncomplete C~'-~,~ Complete ~ Mailing Dates for: Notice of Application:~-~ ~~~PA:.~'3~ ~(JDNotice of Hearing Legal Ad Sent: Hearing Dat Decision: Approved,~ Denied ~ y- ~ ~r~ Decision Appeafed: Yes L No • Appeal Hearing Date: Ap~2al Decision: Confirmed Decision ~ Overturned Decision C~ Preliminary Plat ! Ein~ing Site Plan Expiratio►~ Date: Extensions: ~ Application Processing Notes: ~ , MAPPIN~: Title Notices: Com~lnte~.~ ^ D?±e: Off;cial Zoring Map Amended: u Date: ~ FINAL: ~ ~ 00 Final Plat Recorded: [ N (date) (date) (date) (date) C~ Y revised 9126197 # Of LOtS # Of LOtS # Uf LOtS # Of LOtS ~ ~ F-.+ r ~ o ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ .r t~-:_ ~ DOCUMETI~ S118NBTTAL , _ . _ : _ .w~. ,~r~ ~ ~...,r ~ i - .~,,,a. 1 I ~ li - G ~ ili i ~i i ~ ~ i  ~ I~° 4479949 P~151240Q ~ 10;5M M PI /NN1NP N Rf1 ftfl Cnnkanp f n WA TITLE NOTICE FILED BY Spokane County Division of Planrung 1026 West Broadway Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 477-7200 Pazcel No Port.ion of 45182 9145 Lega1 Property Owner Ronald A and Linda J Sahnow, PO Box 13388, Spokane, WA 99213 Spokane County has taken a land use regulahon acrion regardulg the below-descnbed property and the followmg notice has been required to be filed That portion of the W'/z of the SW '/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW '/4 of Section 18, Townslup 25 N, Range 44 EWM, descnbed as follows Begin at the SW corner of the SE'/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 18, thence N 01°00'48" E, along the West luie of the SE '/a of the NW 1/0, a distance of 142 52 feet to the North line of the South 142 50 feet of sasd NW 1/4, thence S 89°55' 11" E, pazallel wnth South luie of said NW 1/a, a distance of 30 00 feet to the True Point of Beguuung, thence continuing S 89055' 11" E, a distance 197 22 feet, thence N 39°44' 15" E, a distance of 101 18 feet, thence S 89055' 11" E, a distance of 41 00 feet to the East line of the W'/z of the SW 1/4 of the SE %a of said NW '/4, thence S 01°07'04" W, along said East luie, a distance of 192 93 feet to a pomt 27 50 feet North of the South lme of said NW 1/a, thence N 89°55' 11" W, parallel vvith said South line, a dlstance of 280 84 feet to the beguuung of a curve concave to the Northeast with a radius of 20 00 feet, thence Northwesterly, through a central angle of 90°55'59", an arc distance of 31 74 feet to the end of curve, said end being 30 00 feet East of the West lme of the SE 1/4 of said NW '/a, thence N 0 1°00'43" E, along said East lme, a distance of 94 69 feet to the True Point of Beginrung Srtuate in the County of Spokane, State of Washuigton NOTICE IS GIVEN TO ALL PARTIES WITH INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY Division of Planrung File No ZE-1 A-71 4479949 o 10 55A ~1512440 2 2 , II IIIIII CO PIANNING N $4 QO Sookane Co WA Authonty Spokane County Hearmg Examiner Pnor to the issuance of any bullduig permrt or certificate of occupancy for any buslduig on or any use of the property descnbed herein above, the applicant, heus, assigns or successors-in-interest shall comply vvith Chapter 4 16A, Aqwfer Sensitive Area Overlay Zone, of the Spokane County Zoiung Orduzance and/or Secnon 14 706, Aqiufer Sensrtive Area Overlay Zone of the Zoning Code of Spokane County regarding protechon of the Spokane aqusfer Release of tlus Title Notice can only be accomphshed through the authonty of the Spokane County Division of Plammng or rts successor by recorduig of a"Trtle Notice Extmgwshment" based upon a finding that such release should occur BY SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF PLAIVNING Name F cine Shaw Trtle Pl r Signature _ ky"") Date 4T) .4 : 4479948 10,511512000 ~ 10 54A M PIlNN1N(` N Sfl M Rnnkana ('n WA TITLE NOTICE FILED BY Spokane County Division of Plannmg 1026 West Broadway Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 477-7200 Parcel No Portion of 45182 9145 Legal Property Owner Ronald A and Linda J Sahnow, PO Box 13388, Spokane, WA 99213 The parcel of property legally descnbed as That port.ion of the W%z of the S W 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 18, Township 25 N, Range 44 EWM, descnbed as follows Begm at the SW corner of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Secnon 18, thence N O 1°00'48" E, along the West luie of the SE ~/4 of the NW '/4, a distance of 142 52 feet to the North line of the South 142 50 feet of smd NW '/4, thence S 89°55' 11" E, parallel vvith South luie of smd NW '/4, a distance of 30 00 feet to the True Pomt of Beginning, thence contmtung S 89°55' 11" E, a distance 197 22 feet, thence N 39°44' 15" E, a distance of 101 18 feet, thence S 89055' 11" E, a distance of 41 00 feet to the East line of the W'/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of smd NW '/4, thence S O 1°07' 04" W, along said East luie, a distance of 192 93 feet to a point 27 50 feet North of the South l.ine of sald NW '/o, thence N 89°55' 11" W, parallel vvith said South line, a distance of 280 84 feet to the begmrung of a curve concave to the Northeast vvith a radius of 20 00 feet, thence Northwesterly, through a central angle of 90°55'S9", an arc distance of 31 74 feet to the end of curve, sald end being 30 00 feet East of the West luie of the SE 1/4 of smd NW 1/a, thence N O 1°00'43" E, along sald East line, a distance of 94 69 feet to the True Pomt of Beguuung Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washuigton is the sub9ect of a land use action, unposmg a vanety of conditions, by the Spokane County Heanng Examuner on April 20, 2000 File No ZE-1A-71 is available for inspection and copying in the Spokane County Division of Planiung t ~ ^s 4479948 ~ 05~15J2000 o10 54A ~ `rn_ai eNatMr__ a 4n M cnnkano_rn_B , Release of this Trtle Notice can only'be accomplished through the authonty of the Spokane County Division of Plaruung or its successor by_recording of a"Title Nonce Extingwshment" based upon a findmg that such release should occur BY SPOK:ANE COUNTY DIVISION OF PLANNING Name Francine Shaw Trtle Planner 40 IA FTIZ Date Signature L Z . SPOK;ANE COUNTY HEARING EXAIVIINER RE Change of Condihons in the existing ) FINDINGS OF FACT, Urban Residennal-22 (UR-22) Zone, ) CONCLUSIONS UF LAW, Apphcant Paul J Alhson and Ewuig M ) AND DECISION Micken ) File No ZE-1 A-71 ) I SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL AND DECISION Proposal Appucanon for a change of conditions to a 1975 rezone of approxunately 24,000 square feet of land, for the development of offices in the existing Urban Residenhal-22 (UR-22) zone Decision. Approved, subject to condihons II BACKGROUND/FTNDINGS OF FACT A. General Informahon • Apphcant Paul J Alhson, Randall and Danskin, P S, 601 W Riverside Avenue, Suite 1500, Spokane, WA 99201, and Ewing M Micken, 6116 North G Street, Spokane, WA 99208 Property Owner Ronald A and Linda J Sahnow, P O Box 13388, Spokane, WA 99213 Srte Locabon Generally located along the north side of Broadway Avenue, approximately 150 west of Ella Road, in the NW '/4 of Section 18, Townslup 25N, Range 44 EWM Legal Descriphon Porhon of Assessor's tax parcel no 45182 9145, as more panccularly descnbed in the "Panco New Legal" submitted by Sunpson Engineers, Inc on 12-9-99 in Plamung File No ZE-1A-71, except for the westerly 149 2 feet thereof that compnses Assessor's tax parcel no 45182 9144 Zoning Urban Residenhal-22 (UR-22) zone Such zoiung is subject to the condihons of approval of the rezone approved on 5-22-75 m County Planrung File No ZE-1-71 The srte is also located inside the Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA) Overlay zone and the Public Transportation Benefit Area designated by the County Zorung Code Comprehensive Plan. Urban category The property is also designated inside the ASA, the Pnonty Sewer Sernce Area and the Urban Impact Area designated by the Plan IUGA• The srte is located uiside the mtenm urban growth area boundanes designated by the County pursuant to the State Growth Management Act HE Finduigs, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1A-71 Page 1 I Environmental Review A Deternunation of Nonsigiuficance was issued by the County Division of Planning for the applicahon on March 31, 2000 Site Descriphon The site is 24,016 square feet m size, irregular in shape and flat in topography The property is undeveloped, except for some existuig penmeter fencing Snrrounding Cond.ihons. Broadway Avenue adjacent to the site is designated as a Pnncipal Artenal by the County Artenal Road Plan maps Such road is unproved to 4lanes in the vicuuty, has curb and sidewalk on both sides, and street hghtuig along the south side Ella Road 1s considered a Local Access road, and has curb and sidewalk along rts east side Interstate 90 is located approxunately one-third nule north of the srte Park Road west of the srte is designated as a Pruicipal Artenal, and Vista Road to the east is designated as a Collector Artenal A road project is currently underway to wnden the I-90 freeway to 6lanes in the vicuuty, and to construct a freeway overpass for Park Road over the freeway The srte is bordered directly on the west by Assessor's tax parcel no 45182 9144, a 17,158 square foot parcel zoned UR-22 that extends between the site and Ella Road Such parcel is owned by the owner of the current srte, and is improved vvith a smgle-story, 3,646 square foot office building that serves as a contractor's office The land lyuig north of the srte is zoned UR- 22 and is developed wrth several apartment bwldings A 14 acre parcel zoned UR-3 5 and developed for a single-family residence is located directly east of the subject property The land lyuig east of such parcel consists of more land zoned UR-22 and developed for apartments, and a 4 acre parcel zoned UR-3 5 and developed wnth a single-fanuly residence The land lymg west of the srte and Ella Road, along the north side of Broadway, is currently being cleared for future development Such land is owned by West Valley School Distnct, and is apparently bemg developed in conjunchon with the pubhc nuddle school wluch hes clirectly to the north, on land zoned UR-3 5 Such future development srte mcludes a 2-acre parcel located at the northwest corner of the intersecnon of Ella Road and Broadway Avenue, wluch was rezoned to the UR-22 zone in 1990 for development of offices See decision dated 5- 25-90 in File No ZE-12-90 The future development site also includes a 75-foot wide stnp of UR-3 5 zorung lyuig adjacent to such parcel to the west, and a 2-acre parcel zoned UR-221ying immediately west of such UR 3 5 zomng Such 2-acre parcel was rezoned to the Residenhal Office (RO) zone m 1979, for the development of offices, under the now expued County Zontng Ordinance Such RO zonuig was re-designated to the UR-22 zone in 1991, pursuant to the Program to Implement the County Zoiung Code See decision dated 7-19-79 in File No ZE-66- 79 The land lying south of the subject property is zoned UR-3 5 and developed with single- family homes on vanous sized lots, except for a non-confornung msurance office located at the southeast corner of the intersechon of Broadway and Ella A number of the homes lyuig along Broadway to the south and west appear to be in a state of decline Further to the south, east of Ella along the north side of Alla Road, is a 65 acre site that was rezoned to the Urban Residenhal-12 ([JR-12) zone by the Exanuner in 1997, for development of 4 smgle-fanuly homes See decision dated 9-9-97 in File No ZE-31-97 Suigle-fanuly residences are found along the south side of Broadway west of Ella Road, and along both sides of Ella Road south of Broadway The southwest comer of Broadway and HE Findsngs, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1A-71 Page 2 / r Ella was rezoned in 1983 to the RO zone for the development of offices under the County Zomng Ordinance Such zoiung was re-designated to the UR-22 zone in 1991, pursuant to the Program to Implement the County Zomng Code See decision in File No ZE-13-83 The land 1}nng adjacent to such zonwg is zoned UR-3 5 Further to the west is a UR-22 zone, on land wluch was rezoned in 1984 to the RO zone under the County Zomng Orduiance, for the development of offices See decision dated 12-13-84 m File No ZE-20-84 A 14acre parcel zoned UR-7 and developed with a manufactured (mobile) home park is found south of the UR-3 5 zorung located along the south side of Broadway Avenue, west of Ella Road Some light industnal uses on land zoned Light Industnal (I-2) are found west and south of the UR-7 zone A Neighborhood Busmess (B-1) zone developed vvith a convemence store is located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Broadway and Park Road to the west Zoning Htstory of Srte The site was uunally part of an 8-acre parcel lyuig west, north and northeasterly of the current site Such parcel was rezoned to the Multiple Family Suburban (MFS) zone of the now expued County Zomng Ordnance in 1975, for the purpose of developmg a day center care and playground on the current site and the current owner's adjacent ownerslup to the west, and a 65-urut apartment complex on the remai.nder of such parcel Vanous conditions were unposed on such approval, including condinon #4, wluch reqtiured that the 8- acre parcel be developed in substantial conformance vvith the approved srte plan, includuig that not more than 65 apartment uruts be built on the parcel, that structures on the parcel penmeter not exceed one story in height, and that townhouse uruts witlun the parcel mtenor not exceed 2 stones in height See Board of County Commissioners decision dated 5-22-75 in File No ZE-1- 71 In 1978, the parcel l}nng duectly west of the current srte was rezoned to the Residential Office (RO) zone for the development of a smgle-story, 5,175 square foot office build.ulg A building permrt was issued in 1987 for construction of such office building See decision dated 8-31-78 in File No ZE-24-78 Effecrive January 1, 1991, the zorung of the site, the adjacent ownerslup to the west, and the remauider of the 8-acre parcel developed for multi-family residences to the north was re- designated to the UR-22 zone, under the Program to Implement the Spokane County Zorung Code The Program to Implement was part of a county-wide effort to convert the old zones of the Zomng Ordmance to the new zones of the County Zomng Code, using the Comprehensive Plan, the old zone and other factors as a guide As a conditton of the new zorung, the Program to Implement specifically preserved any condrtions of approval and site planning unposed through a previous rezone of a reclassified property, to the extent such con(hhons were more specific or stncter than the development standards of the new zone The County appends the old rezone file number and a symbol ("C") next to the new zone designanon on the official zorung map, for each site affected by such old rezone condihons See County Resolunon No 85-0900, Program to Implement, p 3 "Contractual Condinons", p 9"Cross-over Schedule II", and p 10 footnote #3 Descriphon of Current Project. The apphcation for a change of condrtions seeks to delete condition #4 of the 1975 rezone unposed in File No ZE-1-71, to allow expansion onto the current site of the exishng office use located on the current owner's adjacent parcel to the west, HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1 A-71 Page 3 through a urufied srte plan The site plan of record subrmtted on 1-20-00 illustrates a 1,596 square foot add.inon to the existing building on the parcel located to the west, with approxunately two-thirds of such addihon extendmg onto the current site Such build.uig would have a maxunum height of 19 feet The srte plan also illustrates a second office builduig of 3,485 square feet located m thhe easterly portion of the current site, also with a maxmum height of 19 feet The site plan iUustrates the planned installahon of a new 6-foot lugh sight-obscunng fence along the extenor penmeter of the site The UR-22 zone reqtures a 6-foot lugh sight- obscunng screen only along the east boundary of the site, where rt is adjacent to UR-3 5 zonmg Zoiung Code 14 622 365 The srte plan appears to illustrate 20 feet of Type I landscapmg along the frontage of the site wnth Broadway Avenue, and 5 feet of Type I landscaping along the east boundary of the site adjacent to UR-3 5 zonuig, as reqwred by Zorung Code 14 806 040 The site plan illustrates the proposed office expansion and new office buildmg on the site setback 55 feet from the centerline of Broadway, equal to a distance of 27 5 feet from the exishng property luie County Engineenng and County Planiung requested that a future acquisition area for road nght of way of 22 5 feet be estabhshed from the ex.isting property line of the site County Planning requested that building setbacks for the site be measured from the future acquisition area luie, which would requue that the proposed buildings be placed 75 feet from the centerlme of Broadway Avenue, equal to a distance of 47 5 feet from the existing property hne B. ProceduralInformahon• Applicable Zoning Regulahons Spokane County Zomng Code Chapters 14 402, 14 504, 14 622, 14 806 and 14 810 Site visit: Apn117, 2000 Hearing Date and Locahon Apn119, 2000, Spokane County Public Works Builchng, Lower Level, Commissioners Assembly Room, 1026 West Broadway, Spokane, WA Nohces• Mailed March 28, 2000, by applicant Posted Apnl 1, 2000, by appucant Pubhshed March 31, 20002 by County Compliance The legal reqturements for pubhc nohce have been met Hearing Procedure. Pursuant to County Resoluhon Nos 96-0171 and 96-0294 Testnmony• Francine Shaw Scott Engelhard Division of Planrung Division of Engineering 1026 West Broadway 1026 West Broadway Spokane, WA 99260-0240 Spokane, WA 99260 Paul Allison 601 West Riverside Avenue HE Fmduigs, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1 A-71 Page 4 Spokane, WA 99201 Items Nohced Spokane County Generalized Comprehensive Plan, County Zomng Code, County Code, County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction and County Guideluies for Stormwater Management County Artenal Road Plan maps and County official zorung maps for vicuuty of site County Resolution Nos 99-0261 (revismg Road Standards), 97-0874 (revismg mtenm regulanons for County IUGAs), 97-0321 (adophng urtenm regulations for County IUGAs), 96-0294 (Heanng Exarnmer Rules of Procedure), 96-0171 (Heanng Examiner Ordinance), and 85-0900 (adopting Zomng Code, and Program to Implement Zorung Code) Final land use decisions referenced m this decision and in Staff Report Items in Record• The record mcludes Planrung File Nos ZE-1-71 and ZE-1A-71, the site plan of record and staff report m File No ZE-24-78, the items taken nohce of by the Examiner, the electroruc recorduig of the 4-19-00 pubhc hearmg, and the documents subnutted at the pubhc heanng III FINDINGS OF FACT & CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/ LAND USE ANALYSIS A AnDroval cntena The County Heanng Examiner Ordinance authonzes the Heanng Examiner to grant, deny or grant wrth such condihons, modlfications and restnchons as the Examiner finds necessary to make a land use applicahon companble wrth the Spokane County Generahzed Comprehensive Plan and development regulanons See County Resolution No 96-0171, Attachment "A", paragraphs 7(d) and secrion 11 Development regulanons include, vnthout limrtation, the County Zomng Code, the State Environmental Pohcy Act (SEPA) and the County's Local Envuonmental Ordinance (chapter 11 10 of Spokane County Code) The County Zomng Code references change of conditions apphcarions, but does not estabhsh specific cntena for approvuig such apphcanons Zomng Code 14 504 040 requues that an applicahon for any sigruficant change to the site development plan approved for a pnor rezone, or to change the condihons of approval unposed on a pnor rezone, be approved by the Heanng Body followulg a public heanng Zomng Code 14 402 120 references change of condihon apphcarions related to a pnor rezone Smce a change of condihons appucahon modsfies a pnor rezone achon, the cntena for approvuig a rezone is generally apphcable Section 14 402 020 of the Zomng Code authonzes amendments to the Code based on any one of six (6) grounds, vvithout differenhating between amendments to the zonulg text of the code and amend.ments to the official zonuig map Zomng Code 14 402 020(1) authonzes the Code to be amended if rt is " consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is not detnmental to the pubhc welfare " Zomng Code 14 402 020(2) authonzes a Code amendment where "[c]hanges in econonuc, technological, or land use conditions has occurred to warrant modificanon of this Code " These are the most relevant cntena for considerahon of a change of conditions apphcation Zomng Code 14 100104 states that Code provisions shall be interpreted to carry out and unplement the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and the general plans for physical HE Fmduigs, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1 A-71 Page 5 development adopted by the Board of County Commissioners Zomng Code 14 100 106 states that when the Zomng Code conflicts with the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted plans and regulations of the County or other regulatory agencies, the more restnchve provisions shall govern to the extent legally pernussible and the Zorung Code provisions will be met as a muumum The Comprehensive Plan itself indicates that it should be used as a reference source and gulde for making land use decisions See Comprehensive Plan, p 2 The "decision guidelmes" set forth in the respechve sechons of the Plan are to be used as a gRUde to deternvne whether or not a particular proposal should be approved, cond.itioned or derued In considering a rezone apphcahon, Waslungton case law generally provides that (1) there is no presumption in favor of the rezone, (2) the applicant for the rezone must prove that conditions have substantially changed m the area since the last zoning of the property, and (3) the rezone proposal must bear a substannal relationship to the pubuc health, safety or welfare Parlcridge v Seattle, 98 Wn 2d 454, 462 (1978), and Bjarnson v Katsap County, 78 Wn App 840 (1995) General conformance wnth a comprehensive plan is usually required before a rezone can be approved Cahzens for Mount Vernon v City of Mount Vernon, 133 Wn 2d 861, 873 (1997), Cathcart v Snohomash County, 96 Wn 2d 2019 211-12 (1981) Some cases have dispensed wnth the changed cucumstances requirement where the rezone closely unplemented the pohcies of the comprehensive plan Bjarnson v Kitsap County, supra , Save Our Rural Environment v Snohomish County, 99 Wn 2d 363, 370-371 (1983), and Tugwell v Kittatas County, 90 Wn App 1, 83, 951 P 2d 272 (1999) Waslungton case law indicates that where a comprehensive plan conflicts with zorung regulations, the provisions of the zorung code vvill usually prevail See Weyerhaeuser v Pierce County, 124 Wn 2d 26, 43 (1994), and Cougar Mt Assocs v Ktng County, 111 Wn 2d 742, 755- 57 (1988), and Nagatani Bros v Commzsszoners, 108 Wn 2d 477,480 (1987) A change of conditions is not a rezone, because it does not change the actual zone of the properiy However, a change of condihons apphcanon may sigruficantly affect conditions of approval, as well as the pernutted uses, location of buildings, landscapmg, conditions of approval and other features in a site development plan, approved m conjunction with a pnor rezone A changed condition applicahon may be justified by the same changes that supported the onginal rezone, as modified or supplemented by more recent changes that have occurred in the area B The nrooosed change of condihons. as condihoned, bears a substantial relationsluD to and will not be detnmental to the nubhc health, safetv and eeneral welfare, generallv conforms with the Comnrehensive Plan, and comtilies wrth the Snokane Countv Zorune Code and other annlicable develonment resularions HE Fmduigs, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1 A-71 Page 6 1 Anplicable Comnrehensive Plan nohcies The site and the land lying north, west and east of the srte is designated in the Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan The land lying southwest of the subject property, south of Broadway and west of Ella Road, is designated m the Industnal category The Staff Report subnutted by the Division of Planrung found the apphcataon to be in general conformance wrth the Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan The Urban category is mtended to provide the opporturuty for a"citylike" environment, includuig a vanety of land uses served by a lugh level of pubhc facihties and services It is pnmanly a residential category of single-family, two-family, multifamily and condomuuum buildmgs, along with neighborhood commercial, hght mdustnal, and public and recreattonal facihties The Urban category reconunends a residenhal density (net) range of 1 to 17 uiuts per acre Comprehensive Plan, Secnon 1 The Urban category states that the more intensive uses such as hght industnal and neighborhood commercial should be located near the heavily traveled streets, with the less intensive uses such as residennal isolated from the noise and traffic Major commercial uses, heavy industnal uses, nurung and intensive farming uses are not considered compatible wrthm areas of the county designated Urban Urban development is recommended in areas havmg adequate power supplies, water, samtary and storm sewers, and school and fire services, provided the other pohcies of the Urban category are met Comprehensive Plan, Decision Guidelule 1 1 1 Sidewalk facihhes are recommended along artenals connectuig residenhal azeas wrth commuiuty facihnes andlor commercial areas Decision Guideline 15 3 Paved streets, street lights, underground uhlrties and pubhc sewer are strongly encouraged in such category Decision Guideluies 13 3, 15 3, 15 4, 15 5 The Urban category recommends that land use proposals idenhfy and mltigate sigruficant adverse impacts on existmg utilities and traffic systems, and conform to apphcable plans, policies and regulations adopted for such facilities Decision Guideluie 16 1 The Urban category discourages residential areas in lugh noise azeas, such as m the vlcuuty of auports, railroads and freeways Objecnve 15 d, Decision Gundeline 15 6 The Urban category recommends that buffering and/or landscapmg be used to mitigate the chfferences between proposed developments and existuig uses Decision Guidelmes 15 1 and 15 2, and Objecnve 15 a The structure height and arclvtectural character of a proposal relarive to that in the surrounduig neighborhood are to be considered in detemurung whether the proposal vvlll change the existing land use character m a negative manner See Objecnves 15 e, Decision Guideline 15 8 The Transportanon section of the Comprehensive Plan contains the County Artenal Road Plan (ARP) and vanous pohcies for development of land uses along pubhc roads Comprehensive Plan, Section 21 Such policies are implemented pnmanly through chapter 9 14 of the County Code and the County Standards for Road and Sewer Construchon adopted by the County The ARP estabhshes a desued nght of way vvidth of 100 feet for Pnricipal Artenals, and recommends that structures along such artenals be set back at least 35 feet from the nght of way HE Findulgs, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1A-71 Page 7 The ARP recommends that nght of way width be acquued along County artenals consistent wrtli the full width recommended by the ARP, even though actual construction withun the nght of way may be accomphshed in phases over tune Such acquisinon of nght of way is to be accomphshed through methods such as dedication, imposing conditions of approval, purchase and other means Long term implementation of such nght of way acquisinon policy is to be faciutated legally through adophon of official road maps by the County, with short term unplementation accomphshed through adopnon by the County legislahve authonty of annual Six-Year Road Programs Comprehensive Plan, p 238-240, 245 and 253 Decision Guideline 21 13 recommends that the review of land use proposals include provisions for the extensions, ahgnments and adequate nght of way acquisinon for designated artenals Decision Guideluie 21 17 states that proposed development should be reqiured to dedicate needed nght of way, or to widen, or assist in vvidenuig, existulg transportation facilhhes, vvith such proposals confornung to estabhshed road design cntena and o~'icial maps Decision Guideline 21 18 recommends that structures along artenals be set back from the road nght of way as ind.icated in the ARP classificanons Decision Guideluie 21 1 13 2 Consistencv of nroiect wrth ComDrehensive Plan and development reQUlations The site is currently zoned Urban Residenhal-22 (LTR-22) Such zorung is subject to the rezone condinons unposed by the County Heanng Exammer Committee m File No ZE-1-71, to the extent such condrtions are more restnchve or specific than the restncnons and development standards of the UR-22 zone See County Resolunon No 85-0900, Program to Implement the Spokane County Zorung Code, and Donwood, Inc v Spokane County, 90 Wn App 389, 957 P 2d 775 (1998) The purpose and mtent of the UR-22 zone are set forth m Zorung Code 14 622 100, as follows The purpose of the UR-22 zone is to set standards for the orderly development of residenhal property in a manner that provides a desarable laving envaronment that is compatable with surrounding larad uses and assures the protection of property values It is intended that this zone be used to add to the vanety of housing types and derisitzes, and as an implementation tool for the Comprehenstve Plan Urban Category General charactertsttcs of these areas include paved roads, publac sewer and water, accesstbtlity to schools and labraraes, and a full lane of public servaces includang manned fire protectaon and publac transat accessabzlity OfJ`ices are permttted in the UR-22 zone in order to provtde some of the service needs generated by htgh-intensity land uses The highest densaty residenttal zone, UR-22 ts tntended primanly for multiple famaly dwellangs and is usually located adjacent to major or secondary arterials It as used as a transitaon between low or medium density multiple famaly uses and intensave commerctal or low tntensity tndustrial uses and to provade for higher density housang in locataons close to employment, shopptng and major transportahon where movements of people can be handled efficiently and with least overall adverse tmpact HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1 A-71 Page 8 The pnmary zorung in the area is UR-22 and Urban Residenhal-3 5(UR-3 5) Offces are a permitted use in the UR-22 zone Schools at all levels are allowed in the UR-22 zone, and schools through the juruor high level are allowed in the Urban Residenbal-3 5(UR-3 5) zone Multi-farruly dwellings are prolubrted in the UR-3 5 zone, but are allowed in the UR-22 zone at densities of 22 wuts per acre, or up to 27 uruts per acre for certam bonus factors such as pubhc sewer Zorung Code Secnon 14 605 040, Chapter 14 622, and 14 820 As indicated m the Staff Report, the srte is served by a lugh level of pubhc services, includmg public sewer and water, and pubhc transit The project consntutes "fill-in" development, as recommended in the Urban category, since rt is located between and in close proxirruty to at least 2 developed geograpluc azeas, havmg densines and land uses wluch conform to the Comprehensive Plan categones designated for such areas See Decision Guideluie 1 1 1, and Comprehensive Plan Glossary, defuution of "fill-in development" The project is located along a busy Pnncipal Artenal, a location preferred by the Urban category for neighborhood commercial development, includuig the proposed office use of the site The proposed office use also unplements the UR-22 zone, since it is located along a Principal Artenal and will provide services to the lugher densrty mulh-family uses located nearby There was no public opposinon expressed toward the project A letter of support was received from the owner of the apartment complex located north of the site, wluch sold the subject property to its current owner See Exhibit A, and testYmony of Paul Allison The applicant also teshfied that the owner of the smgle-family property lyulg east of the srte, Glona McPhee, had expressed oral support for the project As mdicated in the Staff Report, the design of the project takes into consideration the adjacent residenhal properties to the north and east The proposed office builduigs are one-story, and wnll be surular to the eacistmg buildmg to the west in design The proposal is buffered from the residennal properties by requued landscapmg, and/or reqiured or proposed sight-obscunng fencing The apphcant did not oppose the Division of Plann.mg's request for 6-foot high fencuig along the north property luie of the srte, as a means of providing a buffer for the multi-fanuly housing located to the north The Division of Planrung condihons of approval also incorporate condltions (2)(a-e), (3) and (4) of the Board of County Commissioners' onguial approval in File No ZE-1-71, wluch provide addihonal mitiganon The applicant requested that the requuement for the installation of 5 feet of Type III landscapmg along the frontage of the site be waived in heu of installahon of a berm along the south side of the proposed bu.ildings Such berm would be a conhnuance of the berm located adjacent to the office bwlding located on the adjacent ownerslup to the west Zorung Code 14 810 200 authonzes the Division to admuustrahvely approve alternate methods of compliance than those prescnbed by the Zomng Code, provided that such alternate method is demonstrated to be at least equivalent to that prescnbed in the code and it is not inconsistent with the conditions of approval Zotung Code 14 810 200 The Panco budduig located to the west has an attractive appeazance, and the Exanuner would not be opposed to the use of sunilar berming on the current srte m lieu of the proposed landscapmg The Exammer vnll therefore allow tlus issue to be handled admuustranvely HE Finduigs, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1 A-71 Page 9 The applicant also requested deletion of the future acquisinon area (FAA) requirement requested by County Engineenng and County Planning, wluch would reqLUre the apphcant to set the proposed buildings on the site back an additiona120 feet from the front setback locahon illustrated on the site plan of record The apphcant contended that the County had not established a need for such set aside, and pomted out that ehrrunation of the FAA requirement would allow the proposed buildings to be constructed along the same buildulg line as the existing building located to the west See discussion of FAA under "Project Descnprion" above The applicant also requested relief from the FAA reqwrements under admuustrative excephons authonzed by the County Zorung Code to reqtured building setbacks measured from future acqu.isrtion areas estabhshed under Chapter 14 710 of the County Zorung Code See Zonmg Code 14 506 020 (11-13) However, such excepttons do not apply because the FAA requested for the project is based on the poucies of the Artenal Road Plan, not on a FAA established under chapter 14 710 of the County Code, pursuant to adoption of an artenal road map as an official control See Zonulg Code 14 710 020 Broadway Avenue is currently unproved to 4lanes, two in each direction The exisring nght of way adjacent to the srte is 55 feet The 1999 County Standards for Road and Sewer Construchon specify a nght of way of 64 feet, plus border easements for sidewalk and drauiage, for a 4-lane Principal Artenal Such prescnbed nght of way width mcludes a 56-foot roadway width, and an additional4 feet on each side of the road for curb, etc See 1999 County Standazds for Road and Sewer Construchon, p 159 18 (Table 3 02) and Sheet A-1 of Standard Plans County Engineeruig testified at the pubhc heanng that the County has no plans to widen Broadway Avenue in the foreseeable future, and that the need for a center tum lane cannot currently be justif'ied along this section of Broadway due to the relahve lack of high volume traffic generators, such as i.ntense commercial development See testunony of Scott Engelhard No official road map, Six-year Road Program or other long range road program uivolving tlus section of Broadway Avenue has been adopted by the County, wluch would justify dedication of addihonai nght of way along the frontage of the site, or the requested set aside of nght of way To avoid an unconstrtuhonal takuzg, recent U S Supreme Court and Washuigton State cases require that there be a rahonal nexus between apphcable development regulanons and a road dedication requirement based thereon, and also that there be "rough proporhonahty" between the ded.icahon requirement and the impact of the development The FAA setback proposed for the project is not a requirement for ded.ication, but does restnct builduig construction on a portion of the srte until such area is needed for future road construction At most, the County could argue for an addinonal FAA setback based on a half nght of wndth of 32 feet for Broadway Avenue adjacent to the srte, using the specified wndth under the County Road Standards for a Pnucipal Artenal as a gwde T}us translates to a front setback of 25 feet from such mcreased nght of way along Broadway, or 55 feet from the current center hne of Broadway Avenue, under the UR-22 zone See Zorung Code 14 620 325 (1) The site plan of record already dlustrates the proposed buildsngs located 55 feet from the centerline of Broadway Avenue Further, County Engineenng has mdicated no need to expand the existing 4-lane section along Broadway Avenue to a 64-foot road secnon Under these circumstances, the Examiner finds no jushficahon for the FAA requirements requested by the County, and has deleted the correspondmg condihons of approval HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1 A-71 Page 10 The Staff Report indicates that the apphcant may be reqwred to install addrtional landscaping on the adjouung development to the west, pursuant to the 50% rule contained in Zomng Code 14 806 020 (2) The Staff Report also examines parlung, maximum builduig coverage and development standard requirements of the Zonuig Code lookulg on the current site and the srte to the west as one development The Stormwater Urihty sechon of the County Uhlines Division requested that the adjouvng site be required to comply with current stormwater regulahons, in the same manner as the current site, pursuant to the 50% rule contained in paragraph 9 14 020 (7) of the Spokane County Code A dramage report was prepared for the project See Office Site Drasnage Report dated 10-19-99 The Examiner has added a condrtion uldicaring that the issues affecting the srte to the west will respechvely be handled admuustratively by County Planrung and the Stormwater Uhhty As resolved above, no deficiencies wrth regard to the project's compliance wrth development regulahons have been estabhshed m the record The project has been cond.ihoned for comphance wrth the development standards of the UR 22 zone and other apphcable provisions of the County Zonulg Code, and the recommendahons of the commentmg pubhc agencies No pubhc agencies objected to the DNS issued for the proposal by the County Division of Plammng The proposal will not have more than a moderate effect on the quality of the envuonment, and the Examiner concurs vvith issuance of the DNS The procedural requirements of chapter 43 21 C RCW and chapter 11 10 of the Spokane County Code have been met C Conditions m the area have sufficientlv chanLyed in the area smce the site was last zoned to justifv the nronosed chanee of condihons, as conditioned In applyuig the changed circumstances test, courts have looked at a vanety of factors, includuig changed public opuuon, changes m land use patterns m the area of the rezone proposal, and changes on the property rtself The Zomng Code references changes in "econonuc, technological or land use conditions" as factors that will support a rezone Spokane County Zorung Code Section 14 402 020 (2) Washmgton courts have not required a"strong" showing of change The rule is flexible, and each case is to be judged on its own facts Bassana v County Commissaoners, 70 Wn App 389, 394 (1993) As stated previously, recent cases have held that changed cucumstances are not requn-ed if the proposed rezone unplements pohcies of a comprehensive plan The above analysis indicates that the project, as condihoned, generally conforms with the Comprehensive Plan Substantial changes have occurred m the area smce the srte was rezoned in 1975 to justify the change of condrtions Tlus mcludes the 1978 rezone of the adjouung parcel to the south for offices, development of the adjouung parcel for offices in 1987, the current owner's acquisihon of the srte in 1996, designanon of Broadway Avenue as a Pruicipal Artenal, the extension of pubhc sewer to the area, mcreased residennal densines in the area, rezones of properties lyuig west of the srte for office use, and designation of the site wlthin the County's mtenm urban growth area boundanes HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1A-71 Page 11 IV. DECISION Based on the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the apphcahon for a change of conditions is hereby approved, subject to the condihons of approval of public agencies stated below Any cond.itions of such agencies wluch have been added or sigruficantly revised by the Heanrig Exammer are ttalacazed Failure to comply with the conftons of tlus approval may result m revocation of tlus approval by the Heanng Exanuner This approval does not wauve the apphcant's obhgation to comply with all other requirements of other agencies vrnthj unsdicnon COUNTY DIVISION OF PLAN1VING 1 All cond.inons unposed by the Heanng Exarniner shall be bmd.ulg on the "Apphcant", which term shall include the owner(s) and developer (s) of the property, and theu heirs, assigns and successors 2 The zone change apphes to the followuig real property a portion of County Assessor's tax parcel no 45182 9145, as more panccularly described in the "Panco New Legal " submitted by Sampson Engrneers, Inc on 12-9-99 an Planning File No ZE-1A-71, except for the westerly 149 2 feet thereof that comprises Assessor's tax parcel no 45182 9144 3 The proposal shall comply with the Urban Residenhal-22 (LTR-22) zone, the Aquif'er Sensihve Overlay zone, and all applicable provisions of the Spokane County Zorung Code, as amended 4 The proposal shall comply with the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance, as asnended 5 The apphcant shall develop the subject property m accordance with the site plan of record submatted on January 20, 2000, eaccept as modi, fied to comply with conditions of approval and development regulahons Mu1or vananons may be approved by the Director of Planrung/designee, pursuant to Sectzon 14 504 040 of the County Zoning Code as amended All vanations must conform to the regulahons set forth m the Spokane County Zomng Code, and the onginal intent of the development plans shall be retauied 6 Approval is requued from the Duector of the Division of Plamung/designee of a specific hghting and sigrung plan for the descnbed property pnor to the release of any building pernuts 7 Parking areas shall be unhghted except that dnveways, walkways, and landscaped traffic islands may be illuminated by low-intensity lighhng on standards not exceeding ten (10) feet in height 8 Duect light from any extenor area hghting fixture shall be posinoned, placed, constructed, sluelded and used so as not to illununate directly any building or structure or portion thereof on an adjacent lot containuig a bwldulg or structure used as a residence HE Finduigs, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1A-71 Page 12 4 9 All land areas not occupied by bwldings, parkmg, and cuculation shall be landscaped, planted and maintained m an appropnate turf, shrubbery and trees and as requued by Chapter 14 806 of the Spokane County Zoiung Code, as amended 10 A specific landscape plan, plantulg schedule and provisions for the mauitenance acceptable to the Director of Plannmg/designee shall be subnutted with a performance bond or other swtable guarantee for the project, pnor to release of any builchng permrts Landscaping shall be uistalled and maurtained so that sight d.istance at access poults is not obscured or unpaired 11 Off-street parlang facihnes and connecting roadways/dnveways shall not occupy any area within 5 feet of an adjouung residential zone outside the project 12 A six (6)-foot lugh sight obscunng fence shall be constructed along the north and east property lines The fence height shall be reduced to three feet inside any frontlflanking street yard 13 Any porhon of the project site that is to be occupied or traveled by automobiles shall be maintained in a hard surface 14 The design, locahon and arrangement of parlaxig stalls, dnveways and parlang lot landscapmg shall be in accordance with the Spokane County Zoning Code, as amended 15 Provisions shall be made for fire hydrants in accordance with the reqturements of the Fue Marshall 16 A unafied sate plan has been submTtted for the szte and the adjoining ownershap to the west Applicahon of development standards of the UR-22 zone to such adjoining ownership under the provisions of the County Zonang Code shall be determrned admintstratively by the Davasion of Plannrng 17 The Division of Planrung shall prepare and record with the Spokane County Audrtor a Title Nohce notYng that the property in quesnon is subject to a vanety of special condinons unposed as a result of approval of a land use action This Trtle Nonce shall serve as public nohce of the conditions of approval affecting the property m queshon The Title Nohce should be recorded vvithm the same tune frame as allowed for an appeal and shall on be released, m full or m part, by the Division of Plannmg The Title Nohce shall generally provide as follows "The parcel of property legally descnbed [ ] is the subject of a land use action by the Spokane County Heanng Exa,miner on Apn120, 2000, unposing a vanety of special development condihons File No ZE-1A-71 is ava.ilable for uispection and copying in the Division of Plannuig " 18 Any division of the subject property for the purposes of creatuig additional lots/parcels shall be reviewed by the Duector of the Division of Planrung/designee for comphance with the Spokane County Subd.ivision Ordinance and all other apphcable development regulahons, as amended HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1 A-71 Page 13 1 19 The apphcant shall contact the Division of Bwlduig and Code Enforcement at the earhest possible stage in order to be uiformed of code reqiurements ad.mmisteredlenforced as authonzed by the State Bwlcimg Code Act Design/develapment concerns include addressing, fire apparatus access roads, fire hydrant flow, approved water systems, bi,ulding accessibihty, construction type, occupancy classification, existing extenor wall protection and energy code reqturements 20 A filed aviahon easement satisfactory to the Felts Field Auport Board andlor other air traffic control agency shall be provided pnor to the Division of Plammng sign-off on a builcimg pernut 21 The Division of Plammng shall file with the Spokane County Auditor, wlthin the same hme frame as allowed for an appeal from the final disposition, includuig lapsmg of appeal penod, a Trtle Notice, wluch shall generally provide as follows "Pnor to issuance of any building permit for any buildmg or any use on the property descnbed herein, the apphcant shall be responsible for complyuig with the provisions of the Zonulg Code for Spokane County, Chapter 14 706 (Aquifer Sensihve Area Overlay Zone) The property which is the subject of tlus nonce is more panccularly descnbed as follows [ 22 If tlus land is subsequently the subject of a bindmg site plan, mmor adjustments to the zonulg boundanes may take place, based upon muior road alignment or lot boundary adjustments at the hme of filing of the final bindmg srte plan Revised legal descnprions, vvith a surveyor's stamp/seal, representative of the zonuig boundary adjustments, sha11 be subnutted to the Division of Planrung COUNTY DIVISION OF ENGINEERING Pnor to release of a building permrt or use of property as proposed 1 Access permits for approaches to the County Road system shall be obtauied from the County Engmeer 2 A parkuig plan and traffic circulahon plan shall be subnutted and approved by the Spokane County Enguieer The design, location and arrangement of parkuig stalls shall be m accordance with standard engmeenrig pracnces Paving or surfacmg, as approved by the County Engmeer, will be reqtured for any portion of the project wluch is to be occupied or traveled by velucles 3 Roadway staudards, typical roadway sechons and drainage plan reqturements are found in Spokane County Resoluhon No 99-0265 as amended and are apphcable to this proposal 4 No construchon work is to be performed withm the existuig or proposed nght of way unhl a permit has been issued by the County Engmeer All work within the public road nght of way is subj ect to mspechon and approval by the County Engineer 5 The applicant should be advised that there may exist urihties either underground or overhead affectmg the apphcants property, including property to be dedicated or set aside future acquisinon Spokane County will assume no financial obliganon for adjustments or relocanon HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1 A-71 Page 14 regarding these utilrties The apphcant should check wrth the applicable unlihes and Spokane County Engineer to determme whether the applicant or utihty is responsible for adjustment or relocation costs and to make arrangements for any necessary work 6 The applicant shall grant apphcable border easements adjacent to Spokane County nght of way per Spokane County Standards COUNTY DIVISION OF UTILITIES 1 A wet (uve) sewer connection to the azea-wide pubhc sewer system shall be constructed A sewer connection permit is required Commercial developments shall subnut histoncal and/or estimated water usage pnor to the issuance of the connecnon pernut m order to estabhsh sewer fees 2 The apphcant sha11 submit expressly to Spokane County Divrsion of Utihhes, "under separate cover", only those plan sheets showuig sewer plans and specifications for the pubhc sewer connections and facihnes for review and approval Commercial and uisntutional developments shall subnut lustoncal and/or estunated water usage as part of the sewer plan subrruttal 3 Sewer plans acceptable to the Division of Utihnes shall be subirutted pnor to the issuance of the sewer construchon pernut 4 Arrangements for payment of apphcable sewer charges must be made pnor to issuance of sewer connecnon pemut Sewer charges may include special connechon charges and general facihhes charges Charges may be substanhal depending upon the nature of the development 5 Any water service for this project shall be provided in accordance with the Coordinated Water System Plan for Spokane County, as amended 6 Stormwater Utilaty The current edinon of the County Guadelanes for Stormwater Management shall apply to the subject property The adjoining ownership to the west may be subject to complaance with such regulations, pursuant to Spokane County Code 914 020 (7) SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT 1 Connechon to the Spokane County pubhc sewer system and to Spokane County Water Disfinct No 3 is requued SPOKANE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO 3 1 The applicant is advised that Spokane County Engineenug may prolubit accessuig the exishng water maun m Broadway Avenue through the recently installed asphalt pavement Altematively, water and fire protecnon service may be available from an existuig water main m Ella Road, dependent upon the requued fire flow HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1A-71 Page 15 e - SPOKANE COUr1TY AHlt POLI.UTION CONTROL AUTHORITY 1 All apphcable au polluhon regulanons must be met DATED this 20`b day of Apnl, 2000 SPOK;ANIE COiTNTY HEAItING E R / c 1-1 4'010t~ CL 1Vhchael C Dempsey, WSBA #8235 NO'ITCE OF FINAL I)ECISION ANI) NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Pursuant to Spokane County Resoluhon No 96-0171, the decision of the Heanng Examiner on an apphcation for a change of condirions apphcanon is final and conclusive unless wnthin twenty-one (21) calendar days from the issuance of the Examiner's decision, a party wrth standmg files a land use pehnon m supenor court pursuant to chapter 36 70C RCW Pursuant to chapter 36 70C RCW, the date of issuance of the Hearing Examiner's decision is three (3) days after rt is mazled Tlus Decision was mailed by Certified Masl to the Applicant on Apn120, 2000 The date of issuance of the Heanng Exammer's decision is therefore Apn124, 2000, counhng to the next business day when the last day for mailmg falls on a weekend or hohday THE LAST I)AY FOR APPEAL OF TMS IDECISION TO SiJPEItIOR COURT BY LANID USE PETITION IS NIAY 15.2000. The complete record in this matter, mclud.ing this decision, is on file dunng the appeal penod with the, Office of the Heanrig Examuner, Third Floor, Public Works Building, 1026 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington, 99260-0245, (509) 477-7490 The file may be inspected Monday - Fnday of each week, except holidays, between the hours of 8 00 a m and 4 00 p m Copies of the documents in the record will be made avaalable at the cost set by Spokane County HE Finduigs, Conclusions and Decision ZE-1 A-71 Page 16 3 TY OF RECORD NOTIC . Date: y ~ ~mV . ~f Application No. -Zr Projeci/Applicani Name ~(A~ 116) J CG (Check one) I would like to be on record in [j~ FAVOR ❑ OPYaSITiON ❑ NEUTRAL Do you wish to TESTIFY at ttiis hearing' Y E S - ❑ NO ) Your ri3me: (please print) J71Z . .,k d d TeSS: v - t 6-y et V ew .Sl el .,,r(street) yC~ (.~,GF , . i;citti-!st3te,'ZIPj PARTY OF FECORD NOTICE Date: Application iNo. 2-R-Ik-71 ProjectlApplicant Name P,60~ (Check one) T would like to be on record in ~J FAVOR ❑ OPPOSITIOti ❑ NEUTRAL Do you wish to TESTIFY at this hearing? ❑ YES ~ N 0 Your name: (piease print) Address: .rr ~S eet) r . (city/statelZIP) PA__ OF RECORD NOTI . Date: ✓Application No. 44 Lf: - A,;7 Project/Applicant Name f (Check one) I would like to be on record in FAVOR OPPOSITI4N ❑ NEUTRAL Do vou wish to TESTIFY at this hearing? N YES ❑ NO nwa w Your name: (please print) Address• . \ (city/state/ZIP) Rece) ved al- q',91oa I~.~^ ~ ~ u,~ ~ ~ ~~ed BRAD-M, INC. t ~atd A- It Sw clo #460 - 2609 Granvtlle Street Vencouver. B C V6N 31-13 Tef (644) 738-5422 Fax (604) 738-6789 April 5, 2000 RONALD ANL1 LYNDA SAHNOW c/o PANCO CONS1'RUCTIO[V INC E 7903 Broadway PO Box 13388 Spoicane, Washington 99213-3388 Oear Srrs Re; Public Heering Land Use Application #2E-1 A-71 7093 E Broadway Avenue* Spokane With respect to the above referenced, this Ietter is sent to provide our support for the Land Use Appiication and if appropriate, you may uso this letter at the hearing on April 19, 2000 Our property is directly North of your property and adjoinrng therefore, your proposals directly affecx our apartment complex at 916 N Eila, known as Park Place Apartments, We look forward to the redeveloprnent of your site and consider it, once complete, to be a welcome improvement to the neighborhood Unfortunately, ! am unable to attend the hearing and hope this letter will assist you Yours truly, BRAD-M, INC Per 8rent D Harris Director BDH/ks GX ~ ~ APR 05 2000 11 57 604 ?38 6789 PAGE 02 ~ 1 1 STAFF REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER . " File ZE-1A-71 DIVISION OF PLANNING SPO&Al-.T, COUINUY HEARING DATE: April 19, 2000 at 9:00 a.m. FILE ZE-1A-71 PROJECT PLANNER: Francine Shaw, Senior Planner PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A request for a Change of Conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office building in lieu of an apartment complex. Proiect Data Project Location and Address: The site address is 7903 East Broadway Avenue. The property is generally located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Ella Road and Broadway Avenue in the NW %4 of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM., Spokane County, Washington. Parcel Numbers: The unified site development plan submitted for review by the Hearing Examiner includes tax parcel 45182.9144 and a portion of 45182.9145. The proposed Change of Conditions applies only to that portion of tax parcel 45182.9145 included within the property boundaries of the unified site development plan. Please see Land Division Status below for more information. Applicant/Agent: paul Allison, Randall and Danskin, P.S. 601 W. Riverside Avenue, Suite 1500 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 747-2052 Owner: onald and Lynda Sahnow P.O. Box 13388 Spokane, Washington 99213 Phone Number Unknown Comprehensive Plan Designation: Urban (U) Zoning: Urban Ftesidential-22 (UR-22) Existing Land Use: The west 149.2 feet of the subject site is completely developed and is occupied by a single story 3,646 square foot contractor's office, a paved off-street parking lot, and landscaping. The east 131.64 feet of - the project site (the portion of the project site that is subject of the Change of Conditions request) is currently undeveloped. . Surroundin Zonin and Land Uses: • North: Land located immediately north of the project site is zoned Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and is also subject to the Conditions of Approval for underlying zone reclassification for which the proposed Change of Conditions is being requested. Further north of the proposal, north of Cataldo Avenue, land is zoned Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5). Land use north of the project site includes an apartment complex, Centennial Middle School, and single family ~ residences. • South: Zoning designations of land located south of the proposal include Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5), Urban Residential-7 (UR-7), Urban Residential-12 (UR-12), Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and Light Industrial (I-2) to the southwest. Land use south of the project site is primarily single family residences on medium density lots. An insurance office and a day care facility are located south of the proposal along the south side of Broadway Avenue. • East: Land located immediately east of the project site is zoned Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5). Various commercially zoned properties are located further east adjacent to the Argonne/Mullan corridor. Land - use east of the project site is primarily medium density single family development which transitions into various commercial land uses running north/south along the Argonne/Mullan corridor. • West: Land located west of the proposal is zoned Urban Residential-3.5, Urban Residential-7 (UR-7), Urban - Residential-22 (UR-22), Light Industrial (I-2) and Neighborhood Business (B-1). Land use located immediately west of the project site includes a large vacant field that appears to be recently graded for future development. Vehicle and equipment storage is occurring on this field. Further west land use transitions from single family residences on medium density lots to commercial and industrial uses. Known Land Use Proposals and Recent Recent land use actions that have been approved for ' Project Approvals in the Area of this development within the vicinity of the project site Project include the following: • PE-1 864-99/ZE-3-99/PUDE-1 -99, the approved ' Preliminary plat of Frazier Estates PUD. The proposal includes a zone reclassification from Suburban Residential-1 (SR-1) to the Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) zone, a preliminary plat and Planned Unit Development Overlay zone for the purpose of subdividing approximately 39.23 acres into 110 lots and common open area tracts for the development of single family residences. • ZE-6-98; an approved zone reclassification of approximately .94 acres from Urban Residential- 7(UR-7) to the Light Industrial (I-2) zone for the _ purpose of developing equipment rental, storage and a caretaker's residence. • ZE-12-90; an approved zone reclassiflcation from the Agricultural Suburban (AS) ione established pursuant to the now expired ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 2of10 . Spokane County Zoning Ordinance to the Urban - Residential-22 (UR-22) zone consistent with the current Spokane County Zoning Code for the ~ purpose of developing two single story office ` buildings, each at 10,000 square feet in area. • SP-1144-97/ZE-31-97; an approved zone reclassification from Urban Residential-3.5 (UR- 3.5) to Urban Residential-7 (UR-7) and final short plat for the division of .7 acres into four tracts for the development of single family residences. • SP-1205-99; approved preliminary short plat for the division of 1.3 acres into four tracts for the development of single family residences. • SP-1002A-94; an approved final altered short plat for the division of approximately .7 acres into - 2 tracts for single family residences. - • SP-989-94; an approved final short plat for the division of 1.4 acres into 4 tracts. Additional zone reclassifications have been approved primarily to the business zones along the Argonne/Mullan corridor for commercial development. The Argonne/Mullan corridor is located approximately'/. mile east of the proj9pt site. Land Division Status: The subject site was created through an approved i Certificate of Exemption for a minor lot line adjustment pursuant to Section 12.100.110(1d) of the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance on May 11, 1999 (project file no. CE-179-99 A & B). The Certificate of Exemption recognizes the project site a legal building lot and exempt from subdivision requirements as identified in RCW 58.17. _ Shoreline Desi nation: Not a licable Water Purveyor: Public water service will be provided by Spokane County Water District No. 3. Sewage Disposal: The project site will be served by Spokane County's public sewer system. Fire District The project site lies within Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 1. School District and nearest K-12 The proposal lies within the West Valley Schoo) schools: District No. 363 i Nearest Arterial and Distance: The project site is bordered along the south property line by Broadway Avenue and along the west property line by Ella Road. Broadway Avenue is the arterial located nearest to the proposal. Broadway Avenue is designated as a principal arterial by the Spokane County Arterial Road Plan with a planned right-of-way width of 100 feet. The existing right-of- . way width along the frontage of the project site is 27.5 feet measured from the centerline of Broadway . Avenue. Nearest Parks and Distance: The County park facility located nearest to the proposal is the Park Road Pool. The pool facility is ' located approximately '/z mile west of the project site. Neighborhood Association: Not applicable ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 3 of 10 ~ • This proposal is located inside the IUGA. • This proposal is located inside a Public Transportation Benefit Area (PTBA). Spokane Transit Authority Routes 15 and 17 provide service to the site. • This proposal is located outside the 1000' notification boundary of designated Natural Resource Lands. GMA/Critical Areas Aquifer Recharge Area: The subject site is located inside both the Priority Sewer Service Area (PSSA) and the Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA) Overlay zone. ; Fish & Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas: ~ Not applicable ' Floodplain: Review of FIRM indicates the site is located in Zone C and outside any 100 year flood plain. Geologically Hazardous Areas: ~ Not applicable Wetlands: ~ Not applicable SEPA 0 DNS issued on March 31, 2000 0 Comment period ended on April 17, 2000 ❑ Appeal period ends the same time as the appeal time frame for the proposed land use action ~ expires. ❑ No appeal filed to date I Noticinq Published: The Notice of Hearing and DNS were published in the Spokesman Review legal section on March 31, 2000. Mailed: The Notice of Application and the Notice of Hearing were mailed to taxpayers/owners of property located within 400 feet of the boundaries of the subject site on February 16 and March 31, 2000 respectively. Site Posted: The deadline for the applicant to post the site was March 31, 2000. 1724 Compliance Dates Application Accepted as Counter Complete: December 9, 1999 Date the Determination of Completeness was issued: February 3, 2000 Date Notice of Decision is Due: June 2, 2000 Reviewina AQencies A total of 12 agencies were notified of the proposed Change of Conditions. Final comments were due April 5, 2000. Agencies Notified Response Date Agencies Notified Response Date ' Received ~ Received I Received ~ Received 1 Division of Engineering ~ Yes January 6, Fire Protection District Yes January and Roads 2000 No. 1 ~ 12, 2000 - Division of Yes ` December Spokane County Air January 4, Engineering/Developer 30, 1999 Pollution Control Yes 2000 Services Authority Division of Utilities ' Yes January Spokane County Water Yes March 27, 10, 2000 District 2000 ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 4of10 i Division of Yes January 6, WA State Department of No Utdibes/Stormwater 2000 Transportation Spokane Regional Health Yes March 31, Droision of Building and Yes March 30, Distnct 2000 Code Enforcement 2000 Boundary Review Board No WA State Department of No Ecology Resaonses from Aaencies of Interest Comments received from the agencies of interest are pnmanly in the form of recommended conddions of approval Resaonses from the Public No letters of comment were received from the,public However, a phone call was received from Mr Ray Webb (928-3688) supportmg the proposed Change of Conditions Description of the Site The project site is located at 7903 East Broadway Avenue, more specifically at the northeast comer of the mtersection of Ella Road and Broadway Avenue in the Spokane Valley The property is approximately one acre in size, rectangular m shape and flat in topography The west 149 2 feet of the proJect site is currently developed with a smgle story 3,646 square foot ofrice buildmg, off-street parking and landscapmg The east 131 64 feet, which is subject of this Change of Conditions request, is cuRently undeveloped An existmg six (6)-foot high cyclone fence, with slats is located along the north property and along the north/south zornng boundary line that bisects the proJect site A three (3)-foot-high board-on-board sight-obscunng fence is located along the south property line of the east 131 64 feet of the site This fence increases m height to six (6) feet along the north and east property Ime for this portion of the site Broadway Avenue borders the south property Ime and Ella Road borders the west property line of the project site Broadway Avenue is a paved four lane, two way pnncipal artenal Broadway Avenue includes curb and sidewalk on both the north and south sides of the street Overhead transmission lines and street lighting are provided oniy on the south side of Broadway Avenue Ella Road is a paved two way two lane local access street Curb and sidewalk exist along the east side of Ella adjacent to the subject sde No street lightmg is provided along Ella Descnption of Surroundina NeiQhborhood The neighborhood surrounding the project sde includes a mix of land uses but is developed primanly with multi-famdy and single family residences Centenrnal Middle Schooi is located northwest of the project site An insurance oice and day care facility are located south of the proposal, on the south side of Broadway Avenue Further west land use transitions mto commercial and light industnal development To the east, land use transitions into vanous commercial uses that border the Argonne/Nlullan comdor Backctround The site plan of record submitted to the Division of Planrnng on January 20, 2000 encompass0.es a single tax parcel created through Certrficate of Exemption frle no CE-179-99 (A & B) and is subject to conditions of approval for two (2) separate zone reclassification approvais (project file no s ZE-1-71 and ZE-24-78) The project sde initially was part of a larger eight (8) acre site situated between Cataldo and Broadway Avenues, east of and adjacent to Elia Road On September 2, 1971, the Board of County Commissioners approved the zone reciassification request (proJect file no ZE-1-71) from Agncultural Suburban (AS) to Multiple Family Suburban (MFS) zone for the purpose of developmg a 65 unit court apartment complex and day care center Five conddions of approval were placed ZE-1A-71 Staff Report - Apd119, 2000 Pubiic Heanng 5 of 10 on the development One in particular (#4) limits site development to be m substantial conformance with the °approved plot plana which illustrates the 65 unit court apartment complex A second zone reclassification (project file no ZE-24-78) was approved by the, Board on August 31, 1978 for the west 149 2 feet of the project,site The zone reclassification requested a change from the Multiple Family Suburban (MFS) zone ongmally established on September 2, 1971 and as per project file no ZE-1-71 to the Residential Office (RO) Zone for the construction of a single story 5,175 square foot office buildmg A budding peRnit was issued on February 23, 1987 for the existing office building On January 1, 19991 the zoning category of the project sde crossed-over to Urban Residential-22 (UR-022) when the now expired Spokane County Zoning Ordinance was replaced with the (new) Spokane County Zonmg Code consistent wdh the Program to Impiement The property owners, Ronald and Lynda Sahnow, are now requesting a Change of Conditions to the initial zone reclassffication (project file no ZE-1-71) to delete conddion #4 in order to construct an office buildmg in lieu of apartments and expand the existing office use on the on the east 131 64 feet of the project site The applicant agrees to compliance with all other condrtions of approval for file ZE-1-71 Staff Analvsis Comprehensive Land Use Plan The project sde is located in the Urban (U) category of the Comprehensive Plan, inside the Urban Impact Area (UTA) and withm the Intenm Urban Growth Area established for Spokane County pursuant to RCW 36 70A, the Growth IVlanagement Act (GMA) The Comprehensive Plan identfies the Urban category as the most diverse land use category within Spokane County Urban areas are mtended to provide the opporturnty for development of a "city like" environment including various land uses and intensive residential development Public facilities and services such as water, sanitary sewer, stormwater controls, police and fire protection, schools, public transit and refuse collection can be found in Urban areas Utilities provided m Urban areas include electricity, telephone, gas and cable service Urban areas are the most intensely developed of all Comprehensive Plan categones and are pnmanly developed wdh residences consistmg of smgle family homes, duplexes and apartments/condommwms ranging in densrtykfrom 1 to 17 dwellmg unds per acre Urban areas do allow intensive land uses such as neighborhood commercial and light industnal when they are located near heavily traveled streets Least mtensive uses, such as single-famdy residences, will be isolated from the noise and heavy traffic Often apartments/condommiums will act as a transitional use located between single-family residences and the more intensively developed areas Neighborhood commercial land uses are small scale retail and office uses providing local facilities to serve the everyday needs of the surroundmg neighborhood and are typically implemented by the Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and Neighborhood Business (B-1) zones Due to the vanety and mix of land uses and activities withm Urban areas there are few land uses that would be mappropnate 11Aany uses require screening or other performance standards to increase compatibddy befinreen dissimilar land uses ZE-1A 71 Staff Report-April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 6of10 The proposal demonstrates consistency with the detailed defindion of the Urban category in that the site is located adjacent to Broadway Avenue which is identffied by the Spokane County Artenal Road plan as a pnncipal artenal, the highest traffic movement thoroughfare regulated by Spokane County Public utildies and services are available to serve the site and mclude pubtic water and sewer, paved streets, electncdy, telephone, gas, cable services, schools, parks and libraries Manned fire stations, medical facildies, and post offices are also available The Decision Gwdelines identified m Section One, the Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan, are used to determine if a proposal shall be approved outnght, approved with conditions or denied When reviewing the Goals, ObJectives and Decision Guidelines of the Urban category, there are few that address neighborhood commercial development A descnption of the applicable Goals, Objectives and Decision Guideline and an analysis of how the proposal does or does not demonstrate compliance with said policies are provided below o Goa/ 15, Objectives 15 b&c, and Decision Guidelines 151, 15 3-5 encourage a healthful and p/easmg environment in the County's residential areas through the use of buffenng techniques (fencing and /andscaping), the use of underground utdities, paved streets, street lightmg and sidewa/ks Development,of the proJect site is required to provide buffenng includmg landscapmg and/or fencing along the most easteriy property Ime where the adjacent zone is Urban Residentiai-3 5 (UR-3 5) and where parking abuts a residentialiy zoned land Irn addition, landscaping is required along street frontages and within any parking lot that contams twenty (20) off-street parking stalis or more (Ptease see Sections 14 622 365, 14 802 220(8) and Chapter 14 806 of the Spokane County Zoning Code ) The Division is also recommending a six (6)-foot-high sight-obscunng fence be constructed along the east and north property Imes (reduced to three feet withm the required front/flanking street yards) This fence will serve as an additional buffer to adJacent residential development The site plan of record does itiustrate landscaping along the east, west and south property lines Addifional landscapmg may be required as per Zone Code Standards Utitities are available to serve the sde Most are existing below grade and within adjacent public rights-of-way However, overhead transmission lines provide electncdy to the development Road improvements have been requested by the Division,of Engmeenng mcluding a stnp of land 22 5 feet m width to be set aside along the east 131 64 feet of the site fronting Broadway Avenue to assure the planned nght-of-way width of Broadway Avenue (100 feet) is achieved The construction of curb and sidewalk is not bemg recommended as these features exist in the vicirnty of the proposal Conddion of approval D as required per zone reclassification approval ZE-1-71 prohibds the lighttng of the parkmg area but does ailow lightmg standards no more than 10 feet in height to illummate dnveways, walkways and landscaped traffic islands This conddion of approval shall remain m effect for the development of the srte • Objectnres 15 e, 15 f and Decision Gurdeline 15 8 emphasize that when a neighborhood expenences pressure for change in character, such change shall be permitted upon appropnate revlew Appropnate review mc/udes consideration and possible mrtigation negarding building height m relation to height of structures located nearby and whether new structur+es wdl have a positive or negative impact upon the neighborhoods architectural character Although zornng trends wdhm the immediate vicmity of the proposal have been pnmanly for residentiai development, changes have occurred that may support a change of conditions and the development of an office structure on a site previously approved for construction of apartments ZE-1A•71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 7of10 Broadway Avenue has been upgraded from a secondary artenal, as it as estabiished in 1971, to a Prmcipal Artenal, Spokane County's designation for the highest traffic movement comdor(s) The west %Z of the sde is developed with an office structure The proposed change of conditions in essence is for the expansion of the office complex onto the east'/z of the site Also, since the indial zone reclassification in 1971, Spokane County has adopted a Comprehensive Plan that supports limited commercial activity wdhin Urban areas when they are located adjacent to artenals The Comprehensive Plan recommendation is further caRied out m the Zonmg Code, which specificaily states professional offices are permitted wdhin the existmg Urban Residentiai- 22 (UR-22) zone The design of the site and proposed office structures appear to take into consideration impacts to adjacent residential development The proposed ofrice structures are limited to one story consistent with residential development located north, east and south of the project sde No architectural character has been established withm the surrounding neighborhood that wouid be adversely impacted by the construction of the office structures rf they replicate the character of the existmg office structure on the west portion of the site • Goa! 1 6, Objective 16 a and Decrsion Gwdeline 1 61 recommend an orderly pattem development should be established between developed and undeve/oped areas and shou/d be m conformance wrth County p/ans, pol►cies and regu/ations The proposal can confonn to all applicable County plans, policies and regulations if the proposal , is developed as conditioned To summarize the above noted discussion, the Comprehensive Plan references neighborhood commercial actNdies as bemg appropnate in Urban areas when these land uses are located adjacent to heavily traveled streets (artenais) and when they are designed to be compatible wdh adjacent residential development The proposed Change of Conddions for the construction of an office complex m lieu of an apartment complex does meet the intent of the applicable Goals, Objectives and Decisions Guidelines of the Urban category when taking into consideration recommended conddions of approval and other mdigatmg measures Zornng Analysis The purpose of the UR-22 zone is to set standards for the orderly development of residential property m a manner that provides a desirable INmg environment that is compatible with surrounding land uses and assures the protection of property values It is intended that this zone be used to add to the vanety of housing types and densities, and as an implementation tool for the Comprehensive Plan Urban Category General charactenstics of these areas include paved roads, public sewer and water, accessibility to schools and libranes, and a full Ime of public services inciudmg manned fire protection and public transd accessibility Offices are permitted m the UR-22 zone in order to provide some of the service needs generated by high-intensity land uses The highest density residential zone, UR-22 is intended to be used partly as a transdional zone between low or medwm density multiple-family uses and intensive commercial or low intensity industnal uses and to provide for higher density housmg in Iocations close to employment, shopping and major transportation routes where movements of people can be handled efficiently and with least overall adverse impact The subJect sde is currently zoned Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and demonstrates consistency with the purpose and intent of the UR-22 zone, whether developed with apartments or office buildings Design The site plan of record received by the Division of Planning on January 20, 2000 illustrates a rectangular property approximately 945 acres in size, an existmg office structure, off- street parking area and landscaping on the west %Z of the site The site plan also illustrates a ZE-1A 71 Staff Report - Apnl 19, 2000 Public Hearing 8of10 proposed one story 1,596 square foot expansion of the existmg office structure and a new office structure one story in height and 3,485 square feet in area located 20 feet from the east property Ime Landscaping is dlustrated along the east, west and south property lines m conformance with Zoning Code development standards One issue that vnll be discussed dunng the public heanng for the proposal involves the 22 5 foot wide Future Acquisition Area (FAA) along Broadway Avenue recommended by the Division of Engmeenng to implement the Artenal Road Plan and required building setbacks The Spokane County Zornng Code requires buildmg setbacks to be established from the FAA (see Section 14 710 300 of the Zonmg Code) The site plan of record illustrates the proposed office buildmg and office expansion five (5) feet from the FAA whereas the Zornng Code requires a setback of 25 feet from the FAA In event the Hearing Exammer cannot offer relief to this Code standard, the applicant can either revise the site development plan to illustrate compliance with the required setback or make application for a vanance to deviate from the4 standard A vanance reqwres a public heanng and may be approved by the heanng Examiner if the applicant can demonstrate a hardship as defined within Section14 404 080 of the Zornng Code, Vanances Buildrngs Footpnnt Area and Site Coverage The foot pnnts of the existmg and proposed office buildings equates to a total foot pnnt area of approximately 21 9% of the sde Total Floor Area 8,727 square feet IVlaximum Structure Height Proposed One story and 19"-OA Building Se$backs Proposed Reauired Front yard (Broadway Avenue) 5 feet from FAA 25 feet from FAA Flankmg yard 180 + feet 25 feet from the property Ime Side yard (east) 20 feet 20 feet (due to landsaping) Rear yard (north) 47 feet 15 feet Parking The zonmg code requires the mmimum of five (5) off-street parking stalis or 1 stalt per 350 square feet of gross floor area 25 off-street parking stalls area reqwred and 27 have been identfied as "provided" on the sde plan of record Required Buffering/Landscaping Techniques The Spokane County Zoning Code requires a 20-foot-wide stnp of Type I landscaping to be mstalled along the east property Ime and a five (5)- foot-wide strip of Type III landscapmg along the property Imes fronting Broadway Avenue and Eila Road The landscaping shall not be located withm the Future Acquisition Area (FAA) Along the north property line erther a six (6)-foot-high sight-obscunng fence or five (5)-feet of Type I or II landscaping shall be installed to buffer the parking area from adjacent residentially zoned property Because the parking lot contams over twenty (20) off-street parkmg stalls, the parlcrng lot shall aiso be landscaped If proposed site improvements exceed 50% of the assessed value of sde improvements existing on site, then the five (5)-foot-wide stnp of Type III landscapmg identifed on the site development plan shall extend along the full vndth of the site frontage along Broadway Avenue and Ella Road Other Si$e Plan Considerations The sde plan submitted for review by the Hearing Examiner is general in nature Detaiied review to determme compliance wdh all Zoning Code regulations and conditions of approval is recommended to be admmistrative and to occur at the Budding Permit stage ZE-1A 71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Headng 9(of 10 Staff Summarv , As conditioned, the proposed ofrice expansion and construction demonstrates consistency with the applicable Goals, ObJectives and Decision Guidelines of the Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan The development of the site as illustrated on the sde plan of record does not comply wdh the setback requirements from the Future Acquisition Area (FAA) nor the requirement that landscapmg be located outside the FAA However, all other development standards have been or can be met without extreme revisions to the site development plan Attachments A Maps o Vicinity Map v Site Plan • Comprehensive Plan a Zonmg B Condibons of Approval C Agency Comments ZE-1A-71 Staff Report - Aprii 19, 2000 Public Hearing 10 of 10 / ATTACHMENT A MAPS VICINITY MAP SITE PLAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP ZONING MAP ~ ~ ll ~It~~~,u.~~.~~~„u~~u~►tN~ui~,.~.. 1 ~.~.~~I11~• ~~S V ~1~ /~1111 ~t111111ft1f~1~11 t•. ...ti•{'• ■ 1 "r'vR i ~ ~ , , , . ra ~ 0 l g f m ~ t Si ~r 3 ~ ~ do s r~ r• ' in on ~ yII v~a•rc~~- *r, a S ra B' ~ 1 4 , ! y 1 ~lr R. ~ 1,~7 I~ p ' ~4oad ~ ~ ~ ~ fg~b ~ Qt ~r ~n i ^ ~ Fiw ~ a c 30 ' ow . . 1 ~ . kAan v J AN 2000 ~~~1 ~ J PIJ~NN1N~s ~g~x in ` ~ . SI'fE PLF. D ~ o ! /`CIn►ITY pE RECOR „ o51- ~ ~ , sy~.,E S. Ur- r~.. 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UT L ~.C Stf1C '1 1 ~XI~'.~~ S~ ~I _ ~'r~~ .'fr~K,..~ L`. } 3CC p ~ f y ' ~a~ . ~ oT:.4 a • ~ :t.• ~ ~u` a , ( r _ ~ b f• ~ "Y°,~ip, . ~ , .r~ ' •1tis ~ ~ • ~ L ' , ^ ~ ~ - . , ~ .irR't'~.:t~. _ _ , - M1 rcxs(alt? y~..r+ • • W ~ • ~ W A c. • 1 ~ ~ ~ j • s it.a*6 r~ K,~•..-av •!4il~: •.c. •'r~~' w,w . . 5 ~ 1 do ~ ~ _ ! ZE-1A-71 Comprehensive Land Use Plan , ~ Elffil I I I I I t I~I G o ~ ~n U«rit HIM FrT-TFI]i i ~ i ~ ~ rUTFI= ~ rcJ Ril7ni - ~ . - A~ij ~ _ ~ F-T=_ ~ ~ . ~ ~ • t _ _ I . T'i Fh-~ ~ - r ~ , -r- - Tva Li - ~ ~ - - I~ . C ~1 I + ~ ~ ~ ~ "WE , <4 ~ 0A ~ I ~ • ~ E= ~ ~ Sl1Ujeut rtupUrij/ WI(illfl UTA. l l l l l Subject Property within PSSA. Subject Property within ASA. Loil%% •b Un- ~ Existing . . U, • . ~ 1 ~ . • ~ • ' ~ . • r R.3. . , I ~ ~ r + m . , ~ .5 • ~ ,y T ~ IRr~ ~ Y•~. ``w~r 7M ` • ~ * ~ R . . , . R. . ~ . 2 U~-i ~ 1•2 u-• ~ 1•2 ~ i u - • 1-3 ~.2 ~ ~ _ ~ . • R- U ~ 1~ 3 ,5 , 1 ' 1 ~ ~ i - (~►5..~ . r 1-3 - ~j ning ' ► t . r_.:ctiYtQ ~ ii ATTACHMENT B CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL . ~ RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF ~ l APPROVAL FOR ZE-1 A-71 , DIVISION OF PLANNING spomlecou~Iy 1. All conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner shall be binding on the "Applicant", which term shall include the owner(s)of the property, heirs, assigns and successors. 2. The zone change applies to the following real property: (See project file, CE-411-99"B") 3. The proposal shall comply with the Urban Residential-22 zone(s) and all other applicable Zone Code regulations, as amended. 4. The proposal shall comply with the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance, as amended. 5. The applicant shall develop subject property generally in accordance within the concept presented to the Hearing Examiner. Variations, when approved by the Director of the Division of Planning/designee, may be permitted, including, but not limited to building location, landscape plans and general allowable uses of the permitted zone. All variations must conform to regulations set forth in the Spokane County Zoning Code, and the original intent of the development plans shall be maintained. 6. Approval is required by the Director of the Division of Planning/designee of a specific lighting and signing plan for the described property prior to the release of any building permits. 7. Parking areas shall be unlighted except that driveways, walkways, and landscaped traffic islands may be illuminated by low-intensity lighting on standards not exceeding ten (10) feet in height. I 8. Direct light from any exterior area lighting fixture shall be positioned, placed constructed, shielded or used as not to illuminate directly any building or structure or portion thereof on an adjacent lot containing a building or structure used as a residence. I 9. All land areas not occupied by buildings, parking, and circulation shall be landscaped, planted and maintained in an appropriate turf, shrubbery and trees and as required by Chapter 14.806 of the Spokane County Zoning Code, as amended. 10. A specific landscape plan, planting schedule and provisions for maintenance acceptable to the Director of the Division of Planning/designee shall be submitted with a performance bond or other suitable guarantee for the project prior to release of building permits. Landscaping shall be installed and maintained so that sight distance at access points is not obscured or impaired. 11. Off-street parking facilities and connecting roadways/driveways shall not occupy any area within 5 feet of an adjoining residential zone outside the project. 12. A six (6) foot high sight-obscuring fence shall be constructed along the north and east property lines. The fence height shall be reduced to three feet inside any fronUflanking street yard. 13. Any portion of the project site that is to be occupied or traveled by automobiles shall be maintained in a hard surface. 14. The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls, driveways and parking lot landscaping shall be in accordance with the Spokane County Zoning Code, as amended. 15. Provisions shall be made for fire hydrants in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Marshal. 16. The Spokane County Division of Planning shall prepare and record with the County Auditor a Title Notice specifying a future land acquisition area for road right-of-way and utilities. The reserved future acquisition area Title Notice shall be released, in full or in part, by the Division of Planning. The notice should be recorded within the same time frame as an appeal and shall provide the following: a. At least 22.5 feet of reserved future acquisition area for road right-of-way and utilities, in addition to the existing and/or newly dedicated right-of-way along Broadway Avenue. NOTE: The County Engineer has required no new dedication. b. Future building and other setbacks required by the Spokane County Zoning Code shall be measured from the reserved future acquisition area. c. No required landscaping, parking, '208' areas, drainfield or allowed signs should be located within the future acquisition area for road right-of-way and utilities. If any of the above improvements are made within this area, they shall be relocated at the applicant's expense when roadway improvements are made. d. The future acquisition area, until acquired, shall be private property and may be used as allowed in the zone, except that any improvements (such as landscaping, parking, surface drainage, drainfield, signs or others) shall be considered interim uses. e. The property owner shall be responsible for relocating such "interim" improvements at the time Spokane County makes roadway improvements after acquiring said future acquisition area. 17. The Division of Planning shall prepare and record with the Spokane County Auditor a Title Notice noting that the property in question is subject to a variety of special conditions imposed as a result of approval of a land use action. This Title Notice shall serve as public notice of the conditions of approval affecting the property in question. The Title Notice should be recorded within the same time frame as allowed for an appeal and shall only be released, in full or in part, by the Division of Planning. The Title Notice shall generally provide as follows: The parcel of property legally described as [see legal description in project file] the subject of a land use action by a Spokane County Hearing Examiner, imposing a variety of special development conditions. File No. ZE-1A-71 is available for inspection and copying in the Spokane County Division of Planning. ZE-1 A-71 Recommended Conditions of Approval 2 of 3 i 18. Any division of the subject property for the purposes of creating additional lots/parcels shall be reviewed by the Director of the Division of Planning/designee for compliance with the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance and all other applicable local, state and federal ordinances and development regulations, as amended. 19. The applicant shall contact the Division of Building and Code Enforcement at the earliest possible stage in order to be informed of code requirements administered/enforced as authorized by the State Building Code Act. Design/development concems include addressing, fire apparatus access roads, fire hydrant flow, approved water systems, building accessibility, construction type, occupancy classification, existing exterior wall protection and energy code requirements. 20. A filed aviation easement satisfactory to the Felts Field Airport Board and/or other air traffic control agency shall be provided prior to the Division of Planning sign-off on a building permit. 21. The Division of Planning shall file with the Spokane County Auditor, within the same time frame as allowed for an appeal from the final disposition, including lapsing of appeal period, a Title Notice, which shall generally provide as follows: "Prior to the issuance of any building permit for any building or any use on the property descdbed herein, the applicant shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of the Zoning Code for Spokane County, Section 14.706 (Aquifer Sensitive Area Overlay Zone). The property which is the subject of this notice is more particularly described as follows: . . . " 22. If this land is subsequently the subject of a binding site plan, minor adjustments to the zoning boundaries may take place, based upon minor road alignment or lot boundary adjustments at the time of filing of the final binding site plan. Revised legal descriptions, with a surveyor's stamp/seal, representative of the zoning boundary adjustments shall be submitted to the Division of Planning. ZE-1 A-71 Recommended Conditions of Approval 3of3 j! ATTACHMENT C AGENCY COMMENTS Rr:r SP0KA1ti - - - SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTEROFFICE MEIVIO (iVRRENT PLANnIIIVG p1V1~ ~'rJ DATE March 31, 2000 t/ TO Francine Shaw, Senior Planner, Spokane County Division of Current Planning FR4M Donaid T Lynch EHS II - EHD, SRHD "30-4 SUBJECT ZE-1A-71 (Ailision) Pubiic water and public sewer are required for this action We offer no additional comment pianrnng Itr1 SpOKAh1E CDUN7Y 1NATER D1STRiCT No 3 Pa box 11187 • Spokane Washingtvn 99211-1187 (509) 536-0121 • FAX (509) 534-3760 r~ - - -_4 ~UINTV MaR 2 9 March 27, 2000 Ms Francine Shaw, Senior Pianner 1026 11Vest Broadway Avenue Spokane, 1111A 99260-4240 RE FILE # ZE-1A-71 Dear Ms Shaw I have aftempted to review the prvject praposed above, which is Iflca#ed within the water service boundaries vf Spokane County Water District # 3 However, I am unabte ta provide substantive comment on the proposal because the conceptual scte plan do~s not address public water or fire pratection services to the property Spokane Count}r Engineers may prohibit accessing the exis#mg water main m Broad,'Ivay Avenue throuah th~ recen;1y installed Qspnait pavement Alternatively, water and fire pratection serv:c~ may be ava:lable from an existing uvater main in Elfa Road dependent upon the requirEd fire flow !f yau have any questions or comments relating to this proJect, pfease contac# me at 536- 01 ?'I Sincerely Yours, Ce i~ck eral Manager PC Randali & Danslan, P S, lVir Paul Allision, 601 W RNerside Avenue, Ste 1500 Spokane, VtlA 9;9201 , ~1 ~ I I I ~ Shavv, Francane - - - - - . m - - _ - - From Davis, Tom B&P 5ent Thursday, March,30, 2(}00 8 25 Al1A To Shaw, Francine Subject ZE-1A-71 i , COMMENTS FROIV! THE DIVISION C)F BUILDING AND CODE ENFURCEMENT ; a The applicant will need to apply and be issued'the,appropnate bwiding permit from this Office i i i i ~ I Page 1 Shaw, Francane From Hemmings, Bill Sent Thursday, December 30, 199912 24 PM To Shaw, Francine Cc B&P Ihard, Scott; Kimball, Sandy, Sims, Brenda, Miller, Kathenne, Darrell, Virginia, Davis, Tom Subject ZE-1A-71 - Paul Allison 12-30-99 I received the above referenced application on December 30, 1999 I have no comment at this point m bme ~cP~ ~e~rr.cKaga. Page 1 f 01/12/00 WID 09 05 FA% 509 892 4125 SPOHANE VALLEY FIRE DEPT ~-P4 PI.ANNING " ~1002 SPOKANE VA"EY FIRE pEPARTMEiVT • ~ Spokane Counfy Flre Orsfrict` 1 10319 EAST SPRAGUE AvE o SPOKANE Wa 99206-3676 o 09) 928-1700 o FAx (504) 892,4125 R. Pari kurnpPides C'MAP January 12, 2000 Francine Shaw Department of 6uilding & Planning 1026 W Broadnray Spokane, WA 99260 RE Change of CondittQns ZE-1 A-? 1 ~ r Dear Ms Shaw- The Spokane Valley Fir'e Department has no objecbons to this chan8e of conddions 11Ve wi(i have requirements at pre-constructiont permd time 4iller f Fire fnspector KM/dc ~ ~ ` . To FRANCINE SHAW (Bwiding & Planning) cc From JIM RED (Utilities) Date 0111012000 Subject ZE-0001-71 Stage Technical Review Phase Chg of Conditions, ZE-1A 71 ss09 A wet (live) sewer connecton to,the area-wide Public Sewer System is to be constructed Sewer connection permit is required Commercial developments shall submit historical and or estimated water usage pnor to the issuance of the connection permit m order to establish sewer fees ss92a Applicant shail submit expressly to Spokane County Division of Utilities "under separate cover", only those pian sheets showmg sewer plans and specificabons for the public sewer connecbons and facilities for review and approval Commercial developments shall submit historicai and or estimated water usage as part of the sewer plan submittal ss12f Sewer pians acceptable`to the Division of Ublities shall be submitted pnor to the issuance of the sewer construcbon penrnt ss15a Arrangements for payment of applicable sewer charges must be made pnor to issuance of sewer connecbon permit Sewer charges may mciude special connecbon charges and general facilities charges Charges may be substantal dependmg upon the nature of the development ws01 Any water service for this proJect shall be provided m accordance with the Coordmated Water System Plan for Spokane County, as amended 60 " V l 14N-04-00 09 55AM FROM-SCAPCA - T-921 P 03/06 F-702 SPOKANE COUIUTY ~ AIR POIIUnON m w. o K A N E CONTROI AUTHOAITY WFST 1101 COLtEG6 SUITE 403 o SPOKANE WA 99201 •(509) 477-4727 Fax 15091477 69213 Date. ~ Ll - O d To: Q Mr. Jeff Forry tX-1116s. Francine Shavv Spo6cane County Division of Buitdings & Planning 1026 W. E3roadway Ave. Spokane, IAdA 99260 From: IVIr. Charles E. Studer Re: SCAPCA REQIJIREIRAEIVTS FOR: File fVo. Z E - 1.4- ? I Proponent!lProject Name: P4 NC 0 ~J4.w ❑ (Re4uest for Cotnments on Z ❑(Commen#s on Hearings E.xaminer Public lWleebnq on R C] CComments on De mnietation of Nonsiqnrfcance Issued on ~ . o The Spokane County Arr PoQudon ConiVoJ Autrtonty (SCAPCA) +nras farmed wwer the auttanty olthe 1987 Ctean A,rAct ot Washtngion (RCM TAat Act required coundes, I►ke SpaWne County to actrvate loca/ air palaan ocnbd agenc.a& To meet fhe requuements of that Act, SCAPCA adopted regulatfons to oontml the emisslons of eir conrsmin8nts if►om soui+ces wrlhrrl Spokane County Poftns of Spokane County &l to meei tederal bea/th standards 1bt parficulate em,ssrcns (dusr ano smoke) and carbon monouride lYumerous strateyAes have been imptemented to reduce gw poputicrr emissros.s so that we can improve air quallty and meet ftahh standanJS. Folkwmg rs a I'rst of convams/fssues thet at ainJqJmum, need to be addressW for MPased projecm Additivnal comments inay mult after mae dete►Jed informatron ol tAe pnWct is suppffod SCAPCA encoames proponentg io oontact therr offices ai 1101 West Co!lege Spokane WA 99201 for addftml mfon»aYon The foilowing conditions are relevant tio proposed projeck • Harvesbng of tmber creates si{vicut4ural debris Consistent wdh Statie polraes and reguladons. ahematn►es to bummg should be exammed The prefetred aitemate disposal medhods in the following otder are, stash producflon mmima.abon, slash utilrzabon, non-bummg disposal and silvicuttural buming If bummg is the only reasonable disposal method then it must be done m accordance wRh alt appitcable regulaUons, and oonducted 1n a manner that minnnaes smoke releted nuisances and air potluton impaets m Washington State RegulaUon 173-400-110 requires that a Nobce of Construcbon and Appiication tor Approval be submitted to and approved by our Agency pnor to the construcuon, instailaton or estabirshment of an air poltution source it is possible that the follownng air pollution sourees may be preserot at the pPOposed facility ~ One or more gossil fuei (natural sas, propane, butane, diesel, fuel oil, or was% o61) Qr wood burning hea4 sources Platucal gaslpropane/butane burning boilers, heatmg unfts, or hot s +P dG~dKtb~~01~1.~t eoMMr~7s ao~ J,p►N-04-00 09 55AM FRON-SCAPCA c I T-921 P 04106 F-702 ~ water heaters, or combinations thereof, with a total heat input of 46000,000-Btuslhr are required to appty for a P9otiee of Construction. Other units am required to appty for a AIOC when the total heat input exceeds 400,000 Btus/hr iw mdditton, addDttonal mquieenents such as contro[s ior Nitrogen Oxide emisslons (IdOx) ared sour+ce testmg tnay be nequie+ed aiepending upon the siae of th• uniL =o- One or tnore Stand by Generators SCAPCA requires a Nodce of Construction for all Stand by Genee~ators that are Pated geeater than or equal t0 600 mechanlcal horsepowrer d375 Kilovdat#sy • There ane numerous businesses that are allovued in a commee+cial and industrial zaning that are a1r polluUon sources. Sefore any business is established at the site, SCAPCA should be contacted to detePmine if a No4ice og Cottstruetion is required. A eopy of this letter shoul[9 be qiven to each neenr tensnt m All air pollubon regulations must be met • Air polluGon regutattons require that dust emrssions dunng demoltdon, oons4ruc.tion and excavabon projects be cantratted This may require the use of vat+er sprays, tarps, spnniders or suspension of acbvrty during certain weather condmcns Oiaul roads should be treated snd emissions from the transfer cf eatthen mafienal must be controlled as weil as emissbns trom all othet oonsdvcdon nelated acbvi6es. • SCAPCA strongly recommends that alt traveled surtaces (i e ingress, egress, pahang ambas, aocess roads) shou[d be paved and kept clesn to mmimae emissions. • RAeasures must be faken to avoid the deposMon ot drt and mud trom unpaved surFaces orto paved surFaoes If tracking or spills occur on paved surfaces, measures must be taken tmmediately to dean thase surtaoes • SCAPCA Regulabon I, A►fide N may require re9isMon wdh this agency depending upon the type of business that may be esfiabCshed at the srte. An approved Notice of Construcdon sOces to meet tfiis requirement 0 SCAPCA Regulabon 1, Artde VI, and SCAPCA Regufabon II, Arttcle N, address air pottutron emissbn standards All emission standards must be me4. • Debns generated as a result of this project must be disposed of by means other than bummg (i e oonsbvcdon waste, vegeta6ve vwaste etc.) m An asbestos sunrey must be done by an AHERA oerbfied inspector pnot to derno!'fion or renovatrcn of buiiding(s), to detertnme d asbestos-containmg matenal is prexnt at 4he sfte Demolrton and renovation pra1ectsa must oomply witfi the requirements of, CFR 40, Part 61, Subpart M, S'CAPCA Regutaaon I, Arbde, tX & Arbde X Secbon 10 09, and Washmgton State ReguMons (WAC 2W-62, -651 &-155) [Votice of Intent to Perfomt Asbestios Removal ancUor DemoCdon funns are avadable at the SCAPCII office Asbestos-sontaming matertal must be removed in acxordance writh Federal, State, Local regulatms and dispcmed of at a rmnsed facildy • Qepending upon the type of busmess or equrpment estabfished an sft some objecbonable odor3 msy r+esult from thrs project. SCAPCA's regulabons sfate dhat efiecbre controi apparatus and measures must be used to reduoe odors to a minimum • All solid fuel bummg devcoes (fireplaoes wood stoves, pe(let stoves, et+c.) must comply wrth local, state, and federal rules and regulations Fireplaoe emtssion standards became effectve January 1, 1997 New fireplaces must be gested and iabeled in acxardance unth procedunes and ctrberia speafied in the UBC Standard 31-2 SCAPGA OZequlation 1 Artiete VUl Section 8 90 does not alRow the insWIatian af non-eeftrfed solid ittel puminQ efed6ees In aty nevu er exisbn4 bulldirg or strueture, uWess the solid fueLburnin4 deviee Is a cook stobe. flnplace. or furnace as defined 6il SCAPCA Regulation I Aetiete VIIIf Section 8.03,, or a non eertified solid guei buminq deviee dvhlch has been rendered permanen4lv lneperable. e If the proponent or anyone else has questions conceming the above, please contac# Charles E Studer (509) 4T7-4727 ext 107, Apnl AABler ext 105, or Kelle Ygeland ext. 106 at SCAPCA's office dunng the hours of 8 00 am & 4 30 pm, iVlonday qhrough Fnday Failure to mee¢ SCAPCA requdagons may result I» de/am closuse and civid andlor edeninal sanctions. CLEAP! AIR IS UP TO AL.L OF CIS PAGE 2 • e*tM ~ ME M OR AND V M DATE January 6, 2000 ~f TO Francine Shaw, Division of Bu~l g ang FROM Katheruie~Miller, E I T and Vir ' arell, P E,Stonnwater Utthty RE ZE-1A-711 Change of condrtaons CC As part of the change of conditions reguest, we recommend that this land-use acction be required to conform to the current road and drainage standards for the new construchon If the proposed addition exceeds 50% of the assessed value of the property, then the 50% rule applies The rule, requires that the enbre site be brought up to current drainage standards Thank you for the opportunity to comment . K 1StormlKathenne\DESIGN\ze1a71 doc { C OFFICE OF THE SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER k 1026 W Broadway Ave, Spokane, WA 99260-0170 (509)477-3600 Fax (509)477-2243 A E s►XX,~..7c«,baY "ENGINEER'S CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL" TR ZONE TO Spokane County Buiiding and Pla ning :,pa FROM Division of Engineenng & Roads ca ~z DATE January 6, 2000 PROJECT UR-22 CHG OF COND NEW PLOT PLAN FILE # -ZE-0001A-71/ ) Hearing Date @ Review Date Sponsor/Applicant FRANCINE SHAW Section Township Range 18-25-44 Planner FRANCINE SHAW Technical/Review Date (01/06/200 @ 2 15) The Spokane County Engineenng Department has reviewed the above referenced application The following "Conditions of Approval" are submitted to the Spokane County Planning Department for inclusion in the "Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order/Decision" should the request be approved Prior to release of a building permit or use of property as proposed 1 Spokane County Engineering has no objection to the proposed Change of Condition 2 Access permits for approaches to the County Road System shall be obtained from the County Engineer 3 A parking plan and traffic circulation plan shall be submitted and approved by the Spokane County Engineer The design, location and arrangement of parktng stalis shall be in accordance with standard engineering practices Paving or surfacing as approved by the County Engineer will be required for any portion of the project which is to be occupied or traveled by vehicles 4 Roadway standards, typical roadway sections and drainage pian requirements are found in Spokane Board of County Commissioners resolution 99-0265 as amended and are applicable to this proposal 5 No construction work is to be performed within the existing or proposed right of way until a permit has been issued by the County Engineer Ali work within the public road right of way is subject to inspection and approval by the County Engineer CC Applicant P:kUL J ALLISODI Engineer/Suro e ~or Planner =R.A.,VCiV7. SFzAil ~0 P'0/ 1 MvV rr1- k 10,hv-71-11AA10// -6 -00 'W r t 7 Page ` 2 01/06/200 OOOlA 6 The County Arterial Road plan identifies Broadway Avenue as a 100 foot Pnncipal Artenal The existing right of way width of 27 5 feet measured from centerline is not consistent with that specified in the plan In order to implement the Arteriai Road Plan it is recommended that a strip of property 22 5 m width along the Broadway Avenue frontage be set aside in reserve This property may be acquired by Spokane County at the time when Artenal Improvements are made to Broadway Avenue 7 The applicant should be advised that there may exist utilities either underground or overhead affecting the applicants property, inciuding property to be dedicated or set aside future acquisition Spokane County will assume no financial obligation for adjustments or relocation regarding these utilities The applicant shouid check with the applicable utilities and Spokane County Engineer to determine whether the applicant or utility is responsible for adjustment or refocation costs and to make arrangements for any necessary work 8 The applicant shail grant appiicable border easements adjacent to Spokane County Right of Way per Spokane County Standards END SPOI.- E COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILD AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I haveexamined this permit and state that the mformatlon contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct In addition I have read and understand the NOTICE provisions mcluded herem and agree to comply with same All provisions ot laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not The grantmg of a permit does not presume to give authonty to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance ot construction SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION 3/t OWN ER OR AGENT DATE I ~F~ ;1 f L rcA { f fPi _ C E L NI tl~F-r-r... ay~ ? 1 x 3 C F, 0i ~ K,~ 0~ " -ITi= ~ ~ FFi - 7 F kj y 1-i f P- ~ r :F 0 ~01 N'r- ~ L 1)f} 1 c); Al 6 IFINE-= i7i r 1, i- t' REa"f - 1 1 , 1" c, - 1- W t t i f Fi ~ ~ ~y DIi E Fi- i ~ Z _L D 4Y_` ► cf' 1 1..1 i i !xl CxEl t - t" A1.E t' (`t { Li1 T I's. ! t ~ 1 f I ! i F f I N- 9 OV 'v wiK l- I~ F tl ~01 3-:!)5 39 ~ it1 J#lfR r-- r F 01- AM- t.ai A 141MF= F140ME B 'J II "a 3'lJ t- ~.~Z f f-tA C~ " F Iqj ~ ~7 I_EFT- k13 P ('L H - I o Fir t rk=- F;iTFLJ ' ,jr` OI., t f ejTT0N 1js --j i F TN ri D F F A F."t`M FN i rA ri't- C~C- k rF W ~0 ri M l ."J TH Oi tT lj~{(It ff ~~~TL~3Ni'-- ~i SACET~ ' F L_t-31~ 'T E U 't ~J T t17 D ~i7~' 3~ ..~EF w kP" 19102.1 3 MS p, Y a N Cz rrOtZulr~S ?~G,+~fl '?.~ZO S~oQ c.x~ 2 tL t~t-t.EQ~-L~ ~3~{ yy~ Ly~ C OUN7' ; ENG I a1FER NF~ rOLJNTY ~1i~ P E~U~`~t"H 670`14)a C P~t~1 /~YPRp 1 IJE l SO1`! 2. f 23/8"7 COUNIY ENCY ; NF_'EF DRAINAGE FI_~N REQ' W/1 ~ ~~A a -1 0 110 5 f~m w ~ F~~~~~~~~~~ TAf_ HEA~~H Nr-_W OR ADDtYTOr~AL WAs t~E WAzrR ~ 7 0 21 0'j J E F CLILiN1Y FL.)NNTNG L1NF LA't T ED/ ~FGRF-f-,ATFr) F ~'t 1F f= is f j' 870a'06 JEP' ~ C'OuN TY F L AN~~a~rNY L ra r) _ A 64`' ~T • ,~9/r 71k7 ~.O(JN-rY I ~.AN~rNc s x7 F rl_ ~aN r~~~1 E1 R~.~u~.~~_~ ~ ~~,21v6 ,~~F J~>e ,I (a mr~ -0lf87djP, ✓ C` 0l 1NTY U1 11 t Tr F wl f N FFi T ORITY vEWE~'~: A! : I_ #3 f tf 0 t~ 1 FF ' x -z3 -07 A 1 No. 75 362 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ZE-1-71 ) IN THE MATTER OF CHANGING THE ZONING ) MAP FROM AGRICULTURAL SUBURBAIV TO ~ R E S O L U T I O N MULTIPLE FAMILY SUBURBAN ON PROPERTY j LOCATED IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 25 N. RANGE 44, E.W.M., SPOKANE COUNTY, ) WASHINGTON. ) The above-entitled matter coming on regularly for hearing before the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, on this day, and it appearing to the Board that the Spokane County Planning Commission has qiven due notice of the hear- ing on the matter in the manner and for the time provided by law; that said Planning Commission has held a public hearinq as required; and that the said Planninq Commission concurs in the plan to zone the following described property as: MULTIPLE FAMILY SUBURBAIV: The NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4; the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4; the N 1/2 of the South 20 rods of the East 6 rods of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4; all in Section 16, Township 25 N., Range 44, E. W. M., Spokane C ounty, Wa shington . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID, that the above-deacribed property be, and the same hereby is zoned under the classification of MULTIPLE FAMILY SUBURBAN as defined in the Zoninq Ordinance of Spokane County, adopted August 25, 1953, as amended. AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that any development on the above-described property shall be subiect to the followinq conditions: 1) Improvements of the advertised property along Ella Road and Cataldo Avenue. (Improvements shall include curb, sidAlk, paving to existing oil, and drafnage control. ) 2) a. Off-street parking facilities and connecting roadways shall not occupy any area within 5 feet of an adioining Agricultural or Reaidential Zone outside the apartment proiect area. b. A screen forty-two (42) inches in height shall be provided along the periphery of any off-street parking facility or connecting roadwaya adjoining a residentfal or Agrlcultural Zone. Such screen shall be constructed of ornamental masonry. The Director of Planning may approve a planted screen or ornamental fence in lieu of said ornamental masonry wall. c. Any portion of the proi ect which i s to be occupied or tcaveled by automobiles shall be maintained in hard surface paving. d. Parkinq areas shall be unlighted except that driveways, walkways, and landscaped traffic islands may be illuminated by low intensity lighting on standards not exceeding ten (10) feet in height. e. The desiqn, location, and arrangement of parking stalls and driveways shall be fn accordance with standard engineering practlces; planting strips or landscaped traffic-islands may be required by the Director of Planning for parking lots which contain more than 20 parking stalls. . (b'`(x14lCl'15 E?t~~s+ 4- Sl, a ~ . r , 3) All land areas not occupied by buildings, parking and circulation shall be landscaped, planted and maintained in appropriate turf and shrubbery. If the proiect is developed in states, this requirement shall apply as each succeeding area is developed, 4) The property shall be developed in substantial conformance with the "approved plot plan", i. e., 1) the apartment proi ect shall not contain more than 65 units on the advertised area, 2) structures on the perlmeter of the project shall not exceed one story in height; 3) townhouse units toward the interior of the proiect shall not exceed two stories in height. 5) Provisions shall be made for fire hydrants in accordance with the requirements of the Valley Fire Marshal. PASSED BY THE BOARD THIS DAY OF , 1975. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON L.c%~ t-a-j~ C ATTEST: VERNON W. OHLAND Cler t e Board . By: ~Deputy This is to certify that this is a true and correct ci'~ 0 Resolution No. passed by the rd this day of 1975. By: ~ Deputy I hereby certify that I have posted the above changea and revisions on the Zoning Map in the Building Codes Department, and do further certify that the zone classification change is the same as described above and shown on the attached map. SIGNED: DAT ID : -2- ~ 76 1176 NO. UWT WASHINGTON. BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMM SSIO,NERS g POKAN CO y wes a 4- ~ c-e~,4- f ~ ~d ZE-24-78 ~ Ic r ~ SU S I1V THE NLATTER OF CHANGING THE ZONING Da-}- 0 MAP FRO M MULTIPLE FANlILY SUBURBAN TO ) R,S O LtU T O N a 0h,1 41pe RESiDENTIAL OFFICE OAT PROPERTY LOCATED ) IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 25 N. , RA E E W M PO E ~ ~TG 44, . . . , S KAN COUNTY, 'A_ ~ WASHINGTO N . ) ~ ~C Lil- The above-entitled matter coming on regularly for heacing before the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, on this day, and it appearing to the Board that the Spokane County Planning Commission has given due notice of the hearing on the matter !n the manner and for the time provided by law; that said Planning Commission has held a public hearing as required; and that the said Planning Commission concurs in the plan to zone the following described property as: RESIDENTIAL OFFICE: The Souch 142 , 5 feet of rhe west 179 , 2 feet of the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 18, except County Roads, in Section 18, Town- ship 25 N., Range 44, E.W. M. , Spokane County, Washington. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the above-described property be, and the same is zoned under the classification of RESIDEATTIAL OfFICE as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of Spokane County, adopted August 25, 1953, as amended. AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED That any development on the above-described property shall be subiect to the folZowing conditions: 1) The County Engineer's 4ffice has requested the following: Notai All required improvements shall be built to meet or exceed minimum County constructlon etandards, a) Applicant shall obtain approval for on and off-site drainage and access plans before issuance of building permits. 2) The applicant shall comply with tules and regulations of the Health Distcict in providing for adequate sewage disposal. All necessaty Health District permits shall be obtained prior to building permit issuance. 3) Mains and hydrants to he installed, in accordance with the Spokane County Fire Marshal's requirements. 4) That a Final Declaration of Non-Significance be signed by the Board of County Commissioners. n~s s all be in substantial conformance ~vith the plot plan on file. 5) ITT~T cQ . 6 ) A landscape pl showing specific detafl and accomPaniefd1by a performance bond shall be approved by the County Zoning Administrator prior to building permit issuance. (con td . ) a _ (~d 4o L)A- PY*c,--\ cJ c~ ik- .2 . ZE-24-78 (contd,) 7) That the provisions of SEPA's Notice of Action purauant to 43 , 21, c.080 R.C,W, and the Board of County Commissioners' Resolution #77-1392 be accomplished by the applicant within thirty (30) days of formal action by the Board, as instructed by the Planning Department staff, S) Interior drivewaya and parking areas shall be paved, 9) That, if after one year from the date of the Planning Commission's actfon, the, applicant has not recelved flnal adoption of the zone change, the appiication is void. PASSED BY THE BOARD THI3 6j/ DAY OF , 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOATERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Nl~RRY.M LARi~ED. rm~. RAY W CHRISTENSEN JCnRf C ISOPET ATTEST: VERNO , OHLpiND Cler the Boa BY: Deputy I hereby certify that I have posted the, above changes and revisions on the Zoning Map in the Building Codes Department, and do further certify that the aane classffication change fs the same as desccibed above and shown on the attached map o O ~ SIGNED: DATED: -2 - ,I Appilcation # Auditors' Recording # CER7iFICATE OF EXEMPTIOtU Ti#fe No#tce Spokane County Division of Burlding and Piannrng 1026 W Broadway Ave Spokane, WA 99260 Existing "parent►, tax parcel number(s) SrtE address or fronfage road name 2& A-;> Public road IK Private road 0 Private driveway 0 Auditors recardmg # Le9al descriPtion - Section lr TawnshRp k) Range 44L51N119 contmued on back Tatal existing acreage < <'t 5-,4'~ New property size C), Current zoning uiz~ z~ Camprehensive Plan category J'. (Wo~) ? ~ Name of applicant I )Pf-t-(- (s 6--l Phone Number (home) MaiIing add ress 4 0 / tJ VC4 Vrr-.s r cO-C ,~c ~ 71-r- ! 5b_0 Ci#y -Ceer State (AAPr- Zrp ~ ot 1 certify that I as owner or authonzed agent have examtned this document and s#ate that the mfarmation con#amed in it and submttted by me or my agent to campile said document is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with procassmg In addrtion, I have read and understand the provisions cantained herein and agree to comp(y with them I understand that the issuance vf this exemption js not intended ta veriiy that adequate provisions have been made far drainage ways, potable water suppfies, raads and sanitary wastes Any subsequent approvai b e o this exe shali not be construed to give authonty tv violate or cancel the provisions of any state or lo I la ~ Appricant Date ~ Staff Use 4nly Thrs Certifcate of Exemption issued pursuant to section Qf #he SMort Subdivisrvn requirements for Spakane Couniy and RCW 58 17 rs rntended to indicate if the property as descrlbed is exempt from the State and Local Subdivision (aws which regulate the sale, lease vr transfer of ownership of property and rs sublect to the following conditions andlvr findings 1 MOTtCE T4 PURCHASER - Th:s piece of property may no# have appropriate provisions for potab,e uvater supplres (dnnicing water), sanitary wastes (septic tank or sewer), dramage ways, streets or road, alleys or other publfc ways Spokane Gounty is nvt responsible for making pravis+ons for the abave-stated items If this property is served by a pnvate road, Spokane County is not responsible for improving ar mamtarning said prwate road 2 For property created via this exemptian, the appficant shall file a Segregation Application with the County Assessor pflor to the issuance of a building permit 3 Th,s Certifrcate of Exemption is for and shaU run with the land, and shall be applicable ta the applicant owner, heirs, successocs or assigns 4 The use of this prvperty must conform to the Zoning Code 5 The toliowmg conditions shail afso app[y contlnued on back The required rnfvrmatron has been submitted to the County Engineer By Qate A APPROVED L7 DEN[ED Divistan of Enginesrtng I By ` Date ``1 Vivision & Planning RELATED FILES Receipt # lviaiss ..mwm... Application # , Auditor's Recording # ~ Legal description - continued The W xh of the SW 1/4 of the SE ~fa of the N'VV V40f Section I 8, T 25N , R 44 E W 1VI EXCEPT that portion descr'bed as follows Begm at the SW corner of the SE 1/4 of the NW a of Sechon 16, thence N 01°00'48"E, along the West line of the SE %of tbe NW'a, a distanve of 142 52 &et to the North line of the South 142.50 feet of said NW V.6, thence S 89°55' 11"E, paraUel wlth South Lne of said NW '/a6 a dLstance of 30 00 feet to the True Pomt of Beguinmg, thence contuiuing S 89°55'11"E a dLstance 19722 feet, thence N 39°44'15"E a dLstance af 101 18 feet, thence S 89°55' 1 l, "E a distance af 4100 feet to the East !me of the W% of the SW 1/4 of the SE Ya of said NW V4, thenee S 01°07'04"W, alvng said F.ast hne, a distance of 192 93 feet to a pomt 27 50 beet North of the South ]iae of said NW '/a, thenoe N 89°55'11"W, parallel with said Soutb bne, a dLStance of 289 84 feet to the beginnmg of , a eurve coneave to the Nortbeast with a radius of 20 00 feet; thence Northwesterly, through a centnal angle of 90°55'59", an arc dLstancc at 3174 feet to the end of curve, said end being 30 00 feet Eest of the West hne of the SE o of said NW 14, thence N 01000'43"E, along sacd East luie, a distance of 94 69 feet to tbe True Point of Beginning AISO EXCEPT Broadway Avenue, Cataldo Avenue, a.nd Ella Road TQGE'IHER WITH the NE a of the SW 'la of the SE y4 of the NW 1/4 0# said Section 18 EXCEPT Cataldo Avenue ALSO TOGETHER WITH the East 132 00 feet of the SE ~/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of ' the NW o of said Sechon 18 , EXeEPT the South 165 00 feet thereof tiS E .S Suuate m the County of Spokane, state of Wshington Comments / Condifions 10rrI96 / ~ Application # Auditors' Recording # CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Title Notice Spokane County Division of Buildjng and Planning 1026 W Broadway Ave Spokane, WA 99260 Existing uparent" tax parcel number(s) 9 `'I Site address or frontage road name Public road t8 Private road 0 Private driveway 0 Auditors recording # Legal descriPtion - Section ~ TownshiP 25 /V Ran9eLk'i lOM contlnued on back Total existing acceage 14-~ New property size r. 37 Current zoning t1 ~-~'Y Comprehensive Plan category (wo~)7 4 7 - Z/t!57i-,-, Name of applicant P011,0 JPhone Number (home) ~ Maiiing address 66 t GJ City 3 e ~~h-,.jL State (A4 Zip Ici -)-t,l I certify that I as owner or authorized agent have examined this document and state that the mformation contained in it and submrtted by me or my agent to compile said document is true and correct, and authonze Spokane County to proceed wifh procassing In addition, I have read and understand the provisions contained herem and agree to comply with them l understand that the issuance of this exemption is not mtended to verify that adequate provisions have been made for dramage ways, potable water supplies, roads and sanitary wastes pny subsequent approval based on this exemption shail not be construed to give authority to violate or cancef the provisions of any state or local la ~ - Applicant A ~ Date ~ .r. ' Staff Use Only This Certificate of Exemption issued pursuant to section IW of the Short Subdivision requirements for Spokane County and RCW 58 17 is intended to indicate if the property as described is exempt from the State and Local Subdivision laws which regulate the sale, lease or transfer of ownership of property and is subJect to the following conditions andlor findings 1 NOTICE TO PURCHASER - This piece of property may not have appropflate provisions for potable water supplies (dnnkmg water), sanitary wastes (septic tank or sewer), drainage ways, streets or road, afleys or other pubiic ways Spokane County is not responsible for makmg provisions for the above-stated items if this property is served by a private road, Spokane County is not responsible for improvmg or mainta;rnng said private road 2 For properly created via this exemption, the applicant shail file a Segregation Application with the County Assessor pnor to the issuance of a bwldmg permit 3 This Certificate of Exemption is for and shall run with the tand, and shall be appiicable to the applicant owner, heirs, successors or assigns 4 The use of this property must conform to the Zonmg Code 5 The following conditions shall also appiy continued on baclc The required informatron has been submitted to the County Engineer BY Date On►~sion f Engi eenng ~ APPROVED ~ DENIED BY Date s roision ~~fd 8~ Planning ~ RELATED FILES Receipt # 3 6 kp 12i10196 Application # , Auditor's Recording # Legal descrrption - continued PANCO NEW I.EGAL T'hat portion af tbe W jf of the SW 2/4 of the SE ~/s of the NW %of Section 1$, T 25 N, R 44 E W M described as follows Begin at the SW corner of the SE 2/4 of the NW V4of Sectian 18, thenoe N 01°00'48"E, along the Wesi line of the SE 1/a of the NW ~/a, a distance of 142 52 feet to the North lme of the South 142 50 feet of said ,N'W Y4, thence S 89°55'11"E, parallel with South hne of said NW a distance of 30 00 feet to the True Pouit of Beginning, thence continuuig S 89°55'11"E a distance 197 22 feet, thence N 39°44'15"E a distance af 101 18 feet, thence S 89°55' 11 "E a dtstance of 4100 feet to the East luie of the 'UV% of the SW 1/4 of the SE 4 of said NW %a, thence S 01°07'04"W, along satd East line, a dsstance of 192 93 fect to a pouZt 27 50 feet North of the South line of said NW 1/4, thence N$9°55'11"W, parallel with said South line, a dLstance of 280 84 feet to the begmnmg of d curve concavc to the Northeast wrth a radius of ZO 00 feet, thence Nortbwesterly, through a central angle of 90°55'S9", an are distance of 3174 feet to the end af curva, said end being 30 00 feet East of the West lme of tha SE of sald NW'/a, thence N 01°00'43"E, along said East lme, a distance of 94 69 feet to the True Pomt of Begmnmg Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington Comments / Conditions ' 100196 j f . . . Ll ~N i ~ J ~lP ~ . 1.~ ~ . - . ~ 3 ~ 1 . ~ ~ • . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ - 1 ' ~ ~ ~ F,6 ~ t• ~rr 'i• ~ i$ r . a . ~ ~ . Parcel: 45182.9145 Owner: SAHNOW, RONALD A & LYNDA A CoOwner Ovmer Address PO BOX 13388 SPOKANE WA 99213 Site Address 916 N ELLA RD SPOKANE Legal Description 18-25-44 W1l2 OF SW1l4 OF SEt/4 OF NW1l4 FJ(C S142.5' OF Wt 79.2' & NE114 OF SIN1M OF SE1/4 OF NW114 & N112 OF S20R OF E8R OF SW114 OF SE1/4 OF NW114 EXC RDS I , I Notice: This is not a legal document. Data depicted on this map is general & subject to constant revisian. It is intended for reference use only. Legal documents should be obtained ftom the appropriate agency. ZE- IA-l Parcei: 45182.9144 Owner: SAHNOW, R A 8 L J CoOwner: Owner Address PO BOX 13388 SPOKANE WA 99213-3388 USA Site Address 7903 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE Legal Description 18-25-44 S1425OF W179.2' OF W112 OF SW114 OF SE1l 4 OF NW114 EXC RDS Notice: This is not a legal document. Data depicted on this map is general & subject to constant revision. It is intended for reference use only. Legal documents should be obtained ftom the appropriate agency. ZF,- IA'`1 . 1 , : . • _ . ~ . _ , - - , . . . . ' . . . - . . - _ - • , - . . r'- . : • ' - . . " , . . -t.\."1.. > , . . The Spokesman-Review ' 1 LEGAL NOTICES 1 LEGAL NOTICES 1 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES ~ LEGAL NdTICES t- ~ IN AND FOR THE DETERMINATION OF IN AND FOR THE " COUNTY OF SPOKANE NONSIGNIFICANCE •"DNS" CDUNTY OF SPOKANE AOVERTISEMENT FOR BIO ~ CALL FOR BIDS • WAS 197•11•970 anE Section. IN RE THE WELFARE OF: 11.10.230(3) SPOKANE IN RE THE WELFARE OF: ~ In aecordance wfth tltle 70, Chepter 0lfla of County Commisslonns Ambtr DanNlt ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE Tammy Boobn 44, Section 14 0} the revised code of Spokana Courtly, WashMeon CASE N0. 99J•01116-6 . lor the State of Washington, Public CASE N0. 00-7-00089•1 FILE N0: ZE-1A-71 ; : 459-5082 Hospital Distrfct Ml, Kitfibs County Nodce is heroby gfven that the PROPOSAU STATE Of WA3HINGTON T0: -r'J~ 2~ hereby gives publlc notice of the BoaN of County Commissioners o( STATE OF WASHINGTON T0: A request fora change o(conditions All Patemal Intercsts need for matet(als and work fw Spokane Counly, Washington wlll Raymond White & to a previously appraved zone re- 459 le no. ZE-1-71) to AND T0: ALL UNKNOWN 459-5119 ronst►„~ u,at confortns to all recefve sealed blds up to 10:45 , Ail Patemal Interesa clessilkatio~ lfl appiicable pub8c works reQuire- o'cixk a.m., on Tue:day, Ap~1I allow the constnictfon ol an ~ce PATERNAL INTERESTS AND ~ ments includi~ the requirement to 1Bth, 2000 at the Offke o( !M AND T0: ALL UNKNOWN canplex fn Iieu ol an apertment TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, rthwest Bivd. .7~llte #20~ PATERNAL INTERESTS AND comDIex pay prcwailing waga. As allowed by Bw►d of County Commlulonen, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, HEARING DATE b TIME: I. NOTiCE OF HEARING ~ code, the ho'spllal hereby Irnites 1116 W. BrosdwayAvenue, County ADr1I 19 2000 p 9:00 e.m. ~ 1.1 You are given notlce that a '6715 tenders oi e construcUon Wd to be Courthouse, lf! Floor Spokarn I. NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT, Dependency Pettdon has been i include a contact hone number ~ upon drawings and sifiu- WA 99260-0100. Bid dpening wlli 1.1 You aro given notice thet + . Paul Alllson with Randell and filed wlth thb court on or sbaut p tlons that meet the requ rements be held 11:00 o'clock a.m. In the Petitlon lor Permanent Tertnina• Danskin, P.S., 601 W. Rhrorside, the 7th day ol September inelude a eontact phone number; contained In lhe Contract pocu- Commissioners Hearing Room at tlon of Parental Rlghts was filed Sulfe 1500, Spokene, WA 49201, 1999, in whicfi ft Is all thsl ments supplied by the District. The the Spokane County Public Works wlth this court on or about the (509) 747-2052 . the sbove-named t IIE Is i proJeci's total estimated construt• Bullding, 1026 W. Broadway Ave- 20th day ol Januery, 2000, In ADDRESS AND LOCATION: dependent. tion cost is One Hundred Seventy- nue, Spokane, Washlrtgton, aRer e which It is alleaed that lhe The sltc adErns3 !s 7903 E. Broad- 1.2 A Hearing will be hetd on ~ five Thousand Dollars, and Zero last call }or Wds, all bids will be conditions whfcli orlginally way Avenue. The stte Is Qenerally Dale: Wednesday, Apr11 26, Cents ($175,000.00), excluding opened and publicy read aloud for caused an adludicatton of do- located at the noAheast comer of 2000 rior to publieation with washington State Sales Tax. The the Improvement projed: pendency In tfifs matler on the the intersection ot Ella Road and st Time: 9:00 a.m. ~ • on SaUSun or Holidays. DiScdct ~e^^~ tre dBnt a~+~ 18th day of December, 1998, . BroadwaY Avenue in the NW U4 of ihe estlmeted cortslructlan cost at COUM1f ROAD PROJECT N0. continue to exlst and that It Is Sectlon 18 Township 25 Y., Range AT: JUVEN LE JUSTICE CENTER, an tlme riar to five days of the 2840 - work provides for the Im• roper for this court to erter an 44 EWA~, Spokane County, WEST 208 MALLON ~ y P ~rder Permanently Terminsting Washlngton. AVENIE, SPOKANE WA day, 6pm for Friday final date for submisslon oi bids. prov ement Vall~y CoupMt Shp 3, pe~ntal RlQhts. LEAD AGENCY: 99201-2091 Sealed bids will be recdved by in Sections 19 and 24 In Township 1.2 A Hearing will be held on Spokane County Dlvlsion ot (509) 477-4742 Public Hospltai District N1, Kittftes 25 North, Rnnge 44 E.W.M. by the Date: Friday Mey 5, 2000 at Bultdlng Plennfnp 1.3 The purpose ot the hearfng Is to ~ Thursda 5~P m County to► a fized stipulated lump constructionofstamwaterdra(nsge Tirne; 2:00 p.m. DETERMINATION, heer and consider evidence on. 6pm for Sa't~J stB GenerolContrectforLindecap- control, cement concrote curb, Qub The lead agency for thisproposaI the pelitlon. ! Un In and essocleled work tor the ton, and sldewellcs, •sphell coo- ATt JUVENII,E JUSTICE CENTER, s determineQ that It does nol 1.4 Ths p~Utlon doee begin ~ f Frida 4 m constnicNon oh cRte pavemenl, cement concrote WEST 1208 MALLON nro a prot~eWe slanlllcsnt edvene process whlch, II lhe cfilld le ; y, p ° pevemenl intersectfons, traHic slg- AVENUE SPOKANE WA Impact on the envlronmenl. Thls lound dependent mty rnsult In KfTTITAS VALLEY nal systems, UaHic pavement mark• 99201•20b1 declslon was made aner revlew of a permenertt te►minetlon of the ~ 4pm day prior COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Ings and irtigatlon systems and (509) 477-4742 ' completed envlronmantal checklist parent-child rolaUonahip. lANDSCAPING other wak, and Wat Spngw and other Informetion on fib wlth ` 4n 1„m daY PriOr ELlEN58URG, WJISHINGTON Sanitary Sewer No. 001 • Packap 1.3 The purpose ot Ihe hearing ts to the lesd agency. This Information is II. SUMMONS TO APPEAR Call for deadlines s, lhis Publlc Worka Pmlect Is (or heu and consider evldence on evallabie to the publlc an request. 2.1 You are SUMMONED TO PuClfc Hospital District 01, Kittitn the consiructlon, ot • Imately 1he Petltlo~ . ThIs DNS b Ifwed under WAC APPEAR at tha hearlnQ al lha Call for deadlines County (dba Klttltas Valle 600 Ifnear feet ol 1 inch, 500 1.4 The petlti~t, II granted, wlll 197•11-340(2)1 ltx lead sgenty tlme and plece indialed. • Y rult In nent t ermination wlll not act on thisproposa 1 lor at Community Hospftaq will recelve linear feet of 8-inch, 1000 Unear ~~}pahtld relatlonship. least 15 deys from tf~e date fswed. HI. ADVICE OF RIGHTS seaied blds from quelifted controc• feet of 6-Inch, and 6001inear teet of COMMENTS REGARDING THIS 3.1 You have the rlQht to calk to a tors ONIY unUl 4•00 p.m., Aprll 4-Inth grevfty sewer plpe; 7 cores tl. SUMMONS TO APPfAR ONS MUST BE SUBMITTED NO lawyer and will not hrve topay` 24, 2000 at 603 South ChesMut end rnnnedlon to exlstlnQ sawer 2,1 You are SUMMONED TO LATER THAN 4:00 P.M. APRIL for one if you cannot atlord it. Street, Elimsburg, Washington, manholes; 2 taps and connectlon to APPEAR st the hearing et the 17 2000 IF TNEV A~2E IN- 3.2 A lawyer can {ook et the Social ' 98926. This flnal date for submis- exfsUng Ilve 8-Inch PVC sewer plpe• dme and plece indluted. TENDED Tb ALTER THE DNS. ALL and Legai flles In your cese, lalk anotN auiomonn Eac!+ ACd'!;;r±l slon Ot bld5 IS nOt less lhan 14 day4 2 taps and connection to exlsUn g~ COMMENTS SHOULD BE SENT TO to your caseworker, lell you from the dale of First publlcatlon. Hve 541rxh RCP sewer pipe; 30 III. ADVICE OF RIGHTS THE CONTACT PERSON USTED ebout the law help you under- une ver ~ar 3.1 You have the ri t to talk to e BELOW. stand ~ur rights and help you 0 5.70 1.60 Bids receiveG efter 4:00 p.m. will co~nectioris to existfng capped sew- Bh not be accepted. Bids will be er stubs for extenslon; appurte- lawyer and will not heve topay RESPONSIBLE OFfICIAL: • at Ula opened and publicly rcad aloud nances; sheet and property restoro- 1a one If you cannot attord it. Froncine Shaw Senia Planner, (or , Q a.9Q 1.60 immediately after the specilied lion; and other related work imrolv- 3•2 A tawYer can look at the Social Gerry Gemmilr Interim Director, WITNESS THE HONORABLE NFJ1l-. ~ closing tima. Bidders and other Ir~g thefollowingapproximatequan• and legaifl4esinyourcase,-tnik . Spokene Co. D{vlslon of Pianning, RIELLY JUOGE Of SAID 1UVENIIE . Q 1Q.~2 1.2~j interested paRies ere imrited to be tities: to your caseworfcethEtell you 1026 W. BroadwsyAve. Spocene, COUR~ AND THE SEAL Of SAID ~ . about the law, p you WA 99260-0050 509/d77•7200. COURT HEREUNTO AFFIXED THIS B. understsnd your rights and help APPEAL• 201h DAY OF Merch, 2000. .QQ 1l.~j'2 ~.'~j presant at ttu openin C.R.P. No. 2840 • Vailey Couplet you at trial. The determination may be aa Bid must be to perlorm work for a Stsee 3 pealed up to end Iuding the THOMAS R. FALLQUIST, .'rJ0 15.00 1.25 fixed stipuiated lump sum that WITNESS THE HONORABLE NEAL appeal deadlineof thefinaideclsbn COUNTY CIERK • acludes Washirtgton State Sales Mobllizallon - 1 L.S.; Clesring b RIELLY. JUDGE OF SAID JWENILE on the proposed actlon. Contecc the By TANYA PAUPST, Deputy Clerk _ .68 16.20 1.14 Tax. All bids must be accompanied ' Grubbfng - 1 L.S.; Remwal o( COURT, AND THE SEAL Of SAID Dlvision of Planning ta appeaf SP8198 by a bid 6ond In en amount not less Structure • anC ObsUuctlon - 1 COURT HEREUNTO AFFIXED THIS ptotedUfES. 061467 .68 16.20 1.14 than 5% ol the totsl bld made L.S.1 Rosdway ExcavaUon Incl. 22nd bAY OF March, 2000. UATE ISSUED: Merch 31, 2000 o placement on Virtual paYable to PuDlfc Hospital Dlstrict Haul - 73,288 C.Y.; Embenk- SP8247 dl, Klttitas County. ment Compactbn • 33,184 C.Y.; THOMAS R. FALLQUIST, 1249e0 hrip://www.spokane.net Precast Drywell Type B- 55 COUNTY CLERK _ nn.com OuesUons ero to be directed to the Fach; Metal Frame Type 1 and By TANYA PAUPST, Deputy Clerk ~N AND FOR THE ' • . Archilect o1 RecoM: Grate Type 1- 60 Eath= Metel SP8253 _ • number) 135678 COUNTY OF SPOKANE , Frome Type 4 and Solid Cover • , 95 per line, per day The Berger Pertnership 53Eech;CatchBasinTypel•65 ' IN AND FOR THE IN RE THE WELFARE Of: ~ 2021 Minor Enst Eachc PVC Sewer PIpe 10 In. Mkhael Tucker i Seattle, WA 98102 Diam - 2,047 LF.; Soll Sealant • COUNTY OF SPOKANE Matthsw Tucker (208) 325•6977 1.60 Acro; Crushed Surfacing IN RE THE INELfARE OF: ~SE N0. 00-7-00085-8 IN AND FOR THE Base Courx - 13,579 C.Y; Ce- Repacca yyright L 00.7-00086-6 COUNTY OF SPOKANE Bid daumenb may be examined at ment Conc. Pavement 14 Day CASE N0. 00•7-00050-5 STATE OF WASHINGTON T0: IN RE THE WELFARE OF: the Architect's Office, Landscape 0.75 Ft. Section • 6,685 S.Y.I Michael Tucker a Rose HIII Architect's ONice and Kittites Valley Asphatt Conc. Pavement CL "A' STATE OF WASHINGTON T0: All Patemal Inte~ests CASE NO. 99•7-00249-3 • Community Hospital beginning at 0.17 Ft. Depth - 64,886 S.Y.; Valerie Ctaig and 8:00 a.m, on Aprfl 3, 2000 and Asphatt Conc. Pavement CL. "A" Ronald Wright ' AND TOc ALL UNKNOYVN • STATE OF WASHINGTON T0: thereafter during ananged working 0.33 FL Deplh - 12,865 S.Y.; PATERNAL INTERESTS ANO Dowdy Hill & TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, l Patemal Interesb J1 ; houn, Bfd documents may also be Asphall Conc. Pnvement CL "E" AND T0: ALL UNKNOWN N examined at the (ollowing plen 0.33 Ft. Depth - 43,104 S.Y.; PATERNAL INTERESTS AND our new, low rate of oN $7.70 cenlers: Seedlng. Fertlllzing, and Mulch- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, I. NOTICE Of HEARIN4 AND T0: ALL UNKNOWN y In - 10 Acre; Tempaary Water I. NOTICE OF HEARING 1.1 You are gven noUce thet a PATERNAL INTERESTS AND Yaklma Plan Center, Yakima Po IutloNErosion Control • 1 Est.; Dependency Petltion has been TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, Contractors, Cement Concrele Curb T pe B- 1.1 You aro glven noUce U1at a fi~ With thts crouR on or about Jirtual CIaSSifeds iflCluded. Assoc(ated General. Petition for PermanentTennina- the 20th day of January, 2000, i. NOTICE OF HEARIN(3' Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle 20,280 L.F.; Plastlc tripe • tion ot Parontel Righb was flled 1.1 You ero glven notlce that e Associated Subcontroctors, Tacoma 35,465 LF,; Grlnding ta Plastic with this caurt on or about the In whlch il !s sllsged ihat the pependency Petitlon hns been $VERTISING Constructlon Data & tVews, Stri 4 Inch Widlh - 5,000 LF.; 14th day of January 2000, in a b ove • n s m e d c h I I d I s fil~ With this court on w about dependerrt. Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Tra c Signal Olsplay end Detec- whfch ft is all that the - the 22nd day of february gpo►iy~ tfon System - ILS.; T gn g y 1.2 A Hearing w111 be held on rottic SI el condltions whlc orl Inali 2000, In which it !s alleged tha{ s1.00 per day, P8r 8CI Date: Tuesday, AprN 25, 2000 Trl-Clty Conslructlon Counell, Interconnect System - 1 L.S.r ceused sn adjudtcetlon 01 de- at Tlme~ 9:00 a.m. the above-named c Ild Is Kennewick ' TraHfc Control Labor • 1 Est; pendeocy In this matter on lhe dependenL Spokane ConstrucUon Council, Cement Conc. Sidewalk - 12,702 lOth day d Oecember 1998, pT: JUVENILE JUSTICE CENTER, 1•2 A Hearing w111 be held on Spoknne S.Y.; Cement Concrete Approech conGnue to exist and t;at tt Is WEST 1208 MALLON Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2000 per day ~a~-scAw, Seattte - 2,616 S.Y.; Chafn Unk Ferxe prope r tor this court ro enter sn AVENUE, SPOKANE WA at Tlme: 9:00 s.m. , Associated Bu(Iders and Type 1- 3,920 L.F.; Modular Ort1e► Pe►manenty Tertninating 99201•2091 Coniractors, Spokane ' Black Retaining Wall - 850 S.F. Parentnt Righta. (509) 477-4742 AT: JUVENILE JUSTICE CENTER, assifcations. Eastside Plan Center, Bellewe ' and olher Items ol work. 1.2 Dat~eFrlday, A+pril 28, 20 0 at 1.3 The purpose of the hearing la to qvEENUE 0SP01(AALNE WA ' Snohomish County Plan Center, Tlme: 2:00 p.m. hea► and conslder evidence on 99201-2b91 , Everett Wat Sprague Santtary Sewer No. the DetiGon. Construction Market Data, Kirkland 001 - Pxkses 2 1.4 The petition does begin a (509) 477-4742 AT: 1UVENILE JUSTICE CENTER, process which, It the cfiftd Is . 1•3 . The Durpose of the headng Is to ► Wenatchee Construction Councfl, WEST 1208 MALLON o{ und dependent may rcwlt {n ` hear and consider evidence on Wenatchee Mobilizatian • L.S.; Core b Con- AV EN U E S PO KA N E W A ~ the tition. . „ _ _ ~ i., permanent termmaUon of the , , ~ Pe . .A + DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE - "DNS" WAC 197-11-970 and Secrion 11 10 230(3) SPOKANE ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE FILE NO ZE-1A-71 PROPOSAL A request for a change of conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (file no ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office complex in lieu of an apartment complex HEARING DATE 8 TIME April 19, 2000 @ 9 00 a m APPLICANT Paul Allison with Randall and Danskm, P S, 601 W Rwerside, Suite 1500, Spokane, WA 99201, (509) 747-2052 ADDRESS AND LOCATION The site address is 7903 E Broadway Avenue The site is generally located at the northeast comer of the intersection of Ella Road and Broadway Avenue in the NW %4 of Section 18, Township 25 N, Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Washington LEAD AGENCY Spokane County Division of Building & Planrnng DETERMINATION The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment This decision was made after review of a completed environmentai checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This information is available to the public on request This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11- 340(2), the lead agency will not act on this proposal for at least 15 days from the date issued Comments regarding this DNS must be submitted no later than 4 00 p m, April 17, 20001 if they are intended to alter the DNS All comments should be sent to the contact person Iisted below RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL Francine Shaw, Senior Planner, for Gerry Gemmill, Interim Director, Spokane Co Division of Planning, 1026 W Broadway Ave, Spokane, WA 99260- 0050 509/477-7200 APPEAL The determination may be appealed up to and inciuding the appeal deadline of the final decision on the proposed action Contact the Division of Planning for appeal procedures DATE tSSUED March 31, 2000 P 1 r C01 IICATION RESULT REPORT ( MAR 29 2' ~ ? 56AM ) * * * TTI SPK CNTY BLDG&PLANNING FILE MODE OPTION ADDRESS (GROUP) RESULT PAGE 905 MEMORY TX 94595156 OK P 3i3 REASON FOR ERROR E-i) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-2) BUSY E-3) NO ANSWER E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION ~ ! ~ ~ , - ~ F' C)o IC A, IST IE C3 LJ N "Y' . _`y , PLANNING A DMMN OP 7= PUNttC WORKS DIPaRnMOrr CAV Cba& Dke= FAX PAGES TO FOYLOW: Z DATE March 29,2000 T0: Diane Tboffi FROM: Wanda. Clark RE Legai Notice fox DNS f6z`ZE.1A-71 and Notice of Public Hearing for Apr1119, 2000 Flease pubush the followuig Iegal nofiScs#pu~iA your Marah 3 1 , 2000 legal ad and bill the Division of Cusent Planning. Please let me lnow if you have ffiy qwestions. You cu reach me at 477-7220, ~ Thank you - DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE - "DNS" WAC 197-11-970 and Section 11 10 230(3) SPOKANE ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE FILE NUMBER ZE-1 A-71 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL A request for a change of conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (file no ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office complex in lieu of an apartment complex APPLICANT Paul Allision with Randail and Danskin, P S. 601 W Riverside, Suite 1500, Spokane, WA 99201, (509) 747-2052 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL The site address is 7903 E Broadway Avenue The site is generally located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Eila Road and Broadway Avenue m the NW % of Section 18, Township 25 N, Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Washington LEAD AGENCY SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF PLANNING DETERMINATION The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency This mformation is available to the public on request This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2), the lead agency will not act on this proposal for at least 15 days from the date issued (below) Comments regarding this DNS must be submitted no later than 4 00 p m, Apri117, 2000,1f they are intended to alter the DNS All comments sbould be sent to the contact person listed below s RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL By Francine Shaw Title Senior Planner Spokane County Divislon of Planning 1026 W Broadway Ave ~ Spokane, WA 99260-0050 (509) 477-7 0 DATE ISSUED h A fl , 2000 SIGNATURE ap1~~1VIII~TI~ ~ING IIVVIRC~J1VI~l1'AL QONCERNS ARE WII~OOME AT 'II-EE G APPEAL OF 171IS DETERMINATION, after rt becomes final, may be made to the SPOIC:ANE COUNTY DIVISION OF PLAIVNING, lst Floor, 1026 W Broadway, Spokane, WA 99260 The appeal deadlme is ten (10) calendar days after the signing of the decision to approve or disapprove the project This appeal must be written and the appellant should be prepared to make specific factual objections Contact the Division of Plannmg to assist you wrth the specifics for a SEPA appeal This DNS was mailed to 1 WA State Department of Ecology (Olympia) 2 Spokane County Division of Engmeenng, Transportation Engineenng, Scott Engelhard 3 Spokane County Divtsion of Engineering, Development Services, Bill Hemmings 4 Spokane County Division of Uhlities, Jun Red S Spokane County Stormwater Utility, Brenda Suns 6 Spokane Regional Health Distnct, Steve Holderby 7 Spokaue County Drvision of Building and Code Enforcement, Tom Davis 7 Spokane Couoty Air Pollution Control Authorrty 8 WA State Boundary Review Board, Susan Wmchell 9 Fire Protection District No 1 10 West Valley School Distnct 11 Spokane County Water District 12 WA State Departrnent of Transportation, Mark Rohwer SPOKANE ENVIRONNIENTAL OR,DINANCE SE CTION 110 10.230-1^ RECEIVED SPOKANE COUNIY DEC 0 91999 DMSION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING l ~ SEPA ENvIxorrYlErrral. CxECxUsT WAC 197-11-960 Spokane Environmental Ordinance Secuon 11 10 230(1) PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43 21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental unpacts of a proposal before making decisions An environmental unpact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment The purpose of this checkhst is to provide informaaon to help you and the agency identify impact from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid unpacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is reqwred INSTR UCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS This envuonmental checkhst asks you to describe some basic informatcon about your proposal Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts or your proposal are sigruficant, requinug preparauon of an EIS Answer the quesuons bnefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best descnption you can You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge In most cases, you should be able to answer the quesuons from your own observauons or proJect plans without the need to hire experts If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply" Complete answers to the quesuons now may avoid unnecessary delays later Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zorung, shoreline, and landmark designations Answer these quesuon if you can If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on di$erent parcels of land Attach any adcLuonal isiformation that will help descnbe your proposal or rts environmental effecu The agency to which you submit this checkhst may ask you to explaun your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determinuno i{ there may be significant adverse unpact USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NON-PROTECT PROPOSALS Complete this checkhst for non-pro)ect proposals, even though quesuons may be answered "does not apply " I~i 1 ADDTTION, complete the SUPPLENiEiNTAL SHEET FOR NON-PROJECT ACTIO\ S(pan D) For non-project actions, the reEerences in the checkhst to the words "pro)ect," "apphcant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographlc area," respectively Spokane k.nvironmental Ordinance Checklist Page 2 of 21 A BACRGROUND FIIY/PROJECT No 1 Name of proposed project, if appLcable PANCO Office Additions 2 Name of appLcant Paul J Allison & Ewing M Micken, Agents for Ronald A. Sahnow & Llnda J Sahnow, owners 3 Address and phone number of apphcant and contact person ` Paul J Allison, 601 W. Riverside, Spokane, WA 99201, Attorney, 747-2052 Ewine M Micken. 6116 N G St-rppt,,Sp,czkAne..,._WA Q9308Arch,fipr+-_ 4 Date checklist prepared Decenber , 1999 5 Agency requesung checklist Spokhne Cdunty Division of Bu3lding & Planning ~ 6 Proposed tuiung or schedule ('includuig phasing, if appLcable) The owaer would like to proceed with the construction of the project as soon as possible bpokane bnvicunmental Ordinance Cnecklist Page 3 of 21 A BACKGROUND (conunued) 7 a Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further act-tviry related to or connected with this proposal) If yes, explauz No The entire proiect consists of ,9A01na-'to the existin.g PANCO office building and the construction of a new office building b Do you own or have options on land nearby or adjacent to this proposal) If yes, explain Ronald Adnd Lzwnda J Sahnow own the property at the NE corner of Broadway and " Ella where the existing PANCO office buildzng is located This checklist treats that parcel and the newly acquired property as a single parcel 8 List any envuonmental informauon you know aboLt that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal tJe are not aware of anv environmental ?nformation rela~Pd to this nrovosal 9 Do you know whether apphcations are penduig for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal) If yes, explaui We are not aware of any other applications that are pending in any way related to this proposal 10 Lfst any government approvals or pertruts that wJl be needed for your proposal, if known We are not aware of any approvals or permits that will be needed for this proposal except for the elimination of certain conditions of the UR-22 zone and the building permit ~ 1~ G'~lch {~c.J mt ~ Spokar:c hntizroncnental Ordinanee t ~ P ~ f? 1 4 AU ~ ~ ~r O~ A BACKGROUND (continued) 11 Give a brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to descnbe certaui aspects of your proposal You do not need to repeat those answers on thss page The proposal is to add an addition to the existing PANCO office building The addition would be 40 feet east and west by 41 feet north and south Also a new office building 41 feet east and west by 85 feet north and south would be buiTt on the eastern part of the property ~ 12 Location of the proposal Give sufficient informauon for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and secuon, township and range, if known If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundanes of the site(s) Provide a legal descnpuon, site plan, vicinity map, and topograpluc map, if reasonably avulable While you should subnut any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans subnutted with any pernut applicauon related to this checklist The proposed development is on the north side of Broadwa,y Avenue in the block east of Ella Road The existing PANCO office building is on the northeast corner of Broadway and Ella The prvject is immediat&ly east of that The address of the - PANCO office building is 7903 E Broadway No new address has been assigned to the proposed new building 13 Does the proposed acuon lie witlun the Aquifer Sensiuve Area (ASA)~ The General Sewer Sernce Area.) The Pnonty Sewer Sernce Area.) The City of Spokane.) (See Spokane County's ASA O-,erlay zone Atlas for boundanes) The provosed action, we believe. does 13P thin th Aullifer Sensitive Area and the General Sewer Service Area It is served by a sewer in Broadway It is not within the City of Spokane , . ~ . t-b~ ZE ~ IA--71 , Spokane Environmental Ordinance Checklist Page 5 of 21 Evaluation For Agency Use Only TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT B ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1 EARTH a General description of the site (circle one flat ll~ng, hilly, steep slopcs, mountainous, other b What is the steepest slope on the site (approxunate percent slope)) There is no significant slove c What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, ~ muck)) If you know the classificauon of agncultural soils, specify them and note any pnme farmland Typical gravel valley soil d A.re there surface indicauons or history of unstable soiLs ui the mamediate vicunty) If so, descnbe cNo 5C', f ~c~ pi f rms ! b-C6 e Describe the purpose, rype and approximate quanuties of any filling or grading proposed Indicate source of fill _Qnly-,minimal grading will be req~jrgA_ No f,17 wi11 be rpauired f Could erosion occur as a result of clearuig, construcuon, or use) If so, generally descnbe pa/ No l ~ C ~e r cr7 0 ,k so~ /IS (Gtd~vchal op-" ~ Spokaue Environmental Ordinance Checklist Page 6 of 21 Evaluation For Agency Use Only B ENVIRONMEIVTAL ELEMENTS (Coatmucd) g About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after pro)ect construction (for erample, asphalt or buildings)) 64 5% h Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any None There is no need indicated 2 AIR a What rype of eriussions to the air would result from the proposal (i e, dust, automobile, odors, industnal, wood smoke) during construction and when the pro)ect is completed) If any, generally describe and give approxunate quanuues, if known Dust from construction and auto emissions will be present during construction to a very slight extent After construction none except for a few more auto trips to the site b Are there any off-site sources of eriussions or odor that may affect your proposaP If so, generally descnbe No ~ om ~ ,eel~~4 ~ ~ to m +Y~ c hh c Proposed measures to reduce or control emcssions or other impacts to air, if any None ~ ~Com 1~~~hc~ ~v p C-Cuil r6f . uhCVA Con I c I r f~ ~ ~ Spokane Environmental Ordinance Checklist Page 7 of 21 Evaiuation For Agency Use C)nly B ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS (Continued) 3 WATER a Surface 1) Zs there any surface water body on or m the irrunediate vicuuty of the site (includmg year-round aEnd seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)) If yes, descnbe t^~~~ J type and provide names If appropnate, state ~crhat srream or river it flows into Q.~ ~ ~ q'hete is nb °surface water C ~ S l~~ 2) Will the project requ3re any work over, in, or ad)acent to (withu3 200 feet) the descnbed waters) If yes, please describe and attach avaalable plans No 3) Esumate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed uY or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected Indicate the source of fill matenal None 4} Wil1 the proposal reqcure surface water withdrawals or diversions? Grve a general description, purpose, and approxunate quanuties if known No 5) Does the proposal lie withui a 100-year floodplam) If sa, note Iocauon on the site ~lef,,~ Cul plan ~ 1vo f,>H (160 ~ f n 3 ge 8 of? 1 Spakane Enuironmenta.l Ordinance Checklist Paa Evaluation For 'Agency Use Only B ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS (Continued) 6) Does the proposal involve any clischarges of waste materials to surface waters) If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of dsscharge No ~ b Ground 1) Will groundwater be withdrawn, or will water be d.ischarged to ground water) Give general descnption, purpose, and approxunate quantities if known No ri ~ US70 d~ loto ~ nl 2) Descnbe waste material that will be chscharged into the ground from septic tanks o~ other sanita cil~ry Descnbe the general size of the SYstem, - ~ -b~ ry waste treatment fa the number of houses to be served (if appLcable), or the number of persons the system(s) are ex.pected to serve The property is on a sewer which will be utilized appropriately 3) Descnbe any systems, other than those designed for the disposal of saaitary waste, installed for the purpose of discharging fluids below the ground surface ('Includuig systems such as those for the disposal of storm water or drunage from floor drauis) Descnbe the type of system, the amount of material to be disposed of through the system and the types of matenals likely to be d.isposed of ('including matenals which may enter the system inadvertently through spills or as a result of fire fighung L~ o activrties) xe Pt None ~ cs~ ~ Spokane Environmental Ordinance Checklist Page 9 of 21 Evaluation For Agency Use Only B ENVIRONMENTAL ELFMEIVTS (Con(iaued) 4) Will any cherrucals (especially orgaruc solvents or petroleum fuels) be stored in above- ground or underground storage tanks) If so, what types and quaatities of matenals wi11 be stored) No 5) What protective measures will be taken to ensure that leaks or spills of any cheaucals stored or used on site will not be allowed to percolate co groundwater (thu includes measures to keep chenucals out of disposal rystems descnbed in 3b(2) and 3b(3)) UQie are called for c Water Runoff ('including storm water) 1) Descnbe the source of runoff ('including storm water) and method of collecuon and disposal, if any (include quanuaes, if known) Where will this water flow) Will this water flow into other waters) If so, descnbe There will be approvriate swales and drvwP11.-;1_ ThP minimal rinoff will not flow into other waters 2) Will any cheuucals be stored, handled or used on the site in a lorauon where a spill or leak will drain to surface or groundwater or to a storm water disposal system discharging to surFace or groundwater) ~yol/~! o~J(~ ~ i e !1 ~ ~ r 3) Could waste matenals enter ground or surface waters) If so, generally descnbe ~ U l• h6 -65 No ~ Spokane Environmental Ordinance Checklut Page 10 of 21 Evaluation For Aoency Use Only B ENVIRONMENTAI. ELEMENTS (Continued) d Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water unpacts, if any (if the proposed action Les anthin the Aauifer Sensitive Area be especially clear on explanations relating to faciLues concernuig Secuons 3b(4), 3b(5), and 3c(2) of this checklLst) vp(n I ( ~p C-4 Appropriate swales and drywells t/h kc-%" C-ou Yn ~ ~ds ot, ~ ~ co, 4 PLArrrs , S U 1 ` ..a Check or cucle types of vegetauon found on the site deciduous tree alder, maple, aspen, other evergreen tree fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs rass ~ ture crop or grain wet soil plants cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants water lily, eelgrass, milfod, other other types of vegetation b What kuid a.nd amount of vegetation will be removed or altered~ The existing wild grass and weeds will be removPj and nlantings installed in accordance with the plans which are apart of this application c List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site ~~.~l~~C ~ None ~ cv, C maps I ~c~lca N 01~~ re~ d Proposed landscaping, use of nauve plants, or other rneasures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any PK14- Lanscaping as shown on the plan l ) ~ rs r ~1 C4~s ~ 2>i i Co(le. j9 - ~b Spokane Environmental Ordinance Checklist s~ Pa; e 1 I of 21 Evaluation For _ Agency Use Only B ENVIRONMENTAL F:LIEME1*47S (Conhnued) 5 ANIMALS a Circle any birds and anunals wluch have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site birds hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other mammals deer, bear, elk, beaver, other fish bass, salmon, trout, hernng, shellfish, other b List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site C~~ Nonp-- Ius ih y ~e c Is the site part of a rrugration route) If so, eYplaun ,4 Not thatrthat we are aware of ` d Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any None are considered aunropxiarP_ 6 ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a What lands of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs) Descnbe whether it will be used for heating, manufactunng, etc Electricity and gas b Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties) If so, generally describe No Spokane s 7 Environmental Ordinance Checkl Page 12 of 21 Evaluatton For Agency Use 4niy B ENVIRONMENI'AL ELFMENTS (Contrnued) c What kinds of energy conservativn features are included ui the plans af thfs proposal) List other pro osed measures to reduce or contrvl energy unpacts, if any The buildngs will have appropriate insulativn, 1(C~~ (0-1k, ~ wi ~ C~ NMEIV'TAL HF-ALTH 7 ENvzRo , ~ a Are there any environmental health hazards, mcluding exposure to toxlc cherrucals ~ that could occur as a result of this ~ nsk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, r proposal) If so, descnbe No 1) Describe special emergency services that nught be requ.ued. None 2} Pragosed rneasures ta reduce or cantrol environmental heahh hazards, xf any Nv environmental health hazards are pxesent b Noise 1) What types af noise exist in the area whYCh may affect your project (for example traf~ic, equipment, operauon, other)) There is traf f ic on Broadway, 11ght traf f icc on Ella None will affect this prvject 2} What types and levels of noise would be created by or assoraated with the project on a short-term or a lang-term basis (for example traffic, construcuon, operation, other)> Indicate what hours nvise ,would come from the site There will be minimal noise from tra fi as nPOp1 P come and ~o during normal business hours , Spok e 13 of ? 1 ane Environmental Ordinance Chec ~ Pab Evaluatian For Agency Use Only B ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS (Continued) 3) Proposed measure to reduce or control noise unpacts, if any N°np- I a~~ ~d 9 ~ n~ Wd I ed 8 LAND AND SHORELNE USE C5 (qhl' )`~Q r ~e a What is the current use of the site and adjacent properues, p~~,/~ The P CO o f e U:.~' 1 AN f ic buildj.ng is located on rt~P ~~TAstp,art e€ the s~e Immediately to the east is a sinele fami ly dT1p lzna.aad t-e "L-9) ~ the Northwest is an apartment complex I"~ y b Has the site been used for agnculturO If so, describe No c Descnbe any structures on the site ~ None T~ C~ ~ bro f1- d r~1 Will an y structures be demoLshe& If so, which~ (~ST~ No d led ot) e What u the current zoning classification of the sitO uu?? r ~ t~2Cn ~ c6Y149~ I ~ Z i•'~ ~ _ ~ ~ Spokane Envsronmental Ordinance Checklut Page 14 of 21 Evaluation For Agency Use Only B ENVIRONMENTAL ELFMENTS (Coatinued) f What is the current Comprehensive Plan designauon of the sitO Ilrban g If appLcable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site) Not applacable ~ h Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensiuve" area.) If so, specify lia - i Approximately how many people would reside or wark m the completed project) 50 ~ Approaumately how many people would the completed project displace) NoneT k Proposed measures to avold or reduce displacement unpacts, if any Not applicable 1 Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible wrth existing and projected land uses and lans,Amd-fi aLandscapin~ as on the site plan ~ Spokane Environmental Oranance ~ ~ Page 15 of 21 Evaluation For Agency Use Only B ENVIRONMEN?AL ELEMENTS (Continued) 9 HOUSING aY Approxunately how many uruts would be provided, if any) Indicate whether lugh, nuddle, or low-income housing None b Approximately how many uruts, if any, would be eluYUnated.) Indicate whether high, rruddle, or low-income housing None c Prosed measures to reduce or control housing unpacu, if any Pne 10 AESTHETICS a What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not sricluding antennas, what is the principal extenor building matenal(s) proposed.) 19 f eet b What views in the 'unmediate vicuury would be altered or obstructed) None c Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any ' None ~ ~ , ► lst IA 7 ~ Page 16 of 21 Spokane Environmental Ordinance Chec 1 E ~ Evaluation For Agency Use Only B ENVIRONMENTAL EI.EMENTS (Contiaaed) 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a What type of hght or glare will the proposal producO What tune of day would it mainly occur) NQrmal l.ights from office windows during normal business,hours , ~t ~ r-,-q Tc-veh ~ ~ ~ N+e b Could light or glare from the fuushed Project be a safery hazard or interfere ~vith w I/1 . ! I views? i-q ~.~p No i C c What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal) None Koeq ~ AAcmw1 16 cq ~d3 d Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare unpacu, if any None 7 q~96 Al E~~e ~ 12 RECREA?ION +S1 S 1aP 1 ~ p~ a What designated and uiformal recreatlonal opportuniues are in the immediate vicuufty~ School recreational field is being developed immediately west o t~ Ella and north of Broadway q D/cg• tc~c C)JL ~ zo,~ &0 i~b-~' b Would the proposed pro)ect displace any exlsung recreational uses~ If so, descnbe No 1A .~o 71 Spokane Envuonmental Ordinance Checklist Page 17 of 21 Evaluation For Agency Use Only B EIWIRONMENI'AL ELEMENTS (Continued) c Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreauon, including recreation opportuniues to be provlded by the project or applicant, if any NQne 13 HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservauon regmers, known to be on or next to the site) If so, generally describe ~ No b Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of histonc, archaeological, scientific or cultural unportaace known to be on or next to the site There are none c Proposed measures to reduce or control impacu, if any None 14 TR.ANSPORTATION a Identify pubhc streets and highways serving the site and descnbe proposed access to the elusting street system Show on site plans, if any Broadway immediately to the south of the project as shownoon the site plan b Is site currently served by pubhc transit) If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop) Yes STA stops at Broadwav and Ella *s Spokane Envlronmental Ordinance Zeilst A "'o Page 18 of 21 Evaluation For Agency Use Only B ENYIRONMENTAL EI.EMENTS (Continued) c How many parking spaces would the completed pro}ect havO Hotiv many would the project elinunate) There are now 15 parking spaces There will be 12 new spaces No Ry~i/t-v ~r parking spaces will be eliminated ~ A& ~e~~ v ~U i ci1 Will the pr ~ perm,+- d oposal require any new roads or streeu, or unprovements to exusting roads ~ 1 ue~~- or streets, not including dnveways) If so, generally descnbe (indicate whether public • or private) No < e Will the project use (or occur in the immechate viciniry o fl water, rail, or au t Nansportation.) If so, generally descnbe f How many vehicular tnps per day would be generated by the completed project.) If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur Approximately 50 Between 7 30 and 9 00 a m and between 4 30 and 5 30 p m g Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any ~r 15 PUBLIC SERVICES a Would the project result in an increased need for pubhc services (for example fire protecaon, poLce protecuon, health care, schools, other)) If so, generally descnbe No •~s Spokane Environmental Ordinance h t IA mm 7 Page 19 of 21 Evaluatiort For Acency Use Only B ENVIRONMENTAL EL.EMLNTS (Conbnued) b Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacu on public services, if any None 16 UTILITIES a Circle utihties currently awulable at the sit electnciry,-~atural g(water ~efuse ~ (Vern, telephone, saiutary sewer, septic system, other . ~ b Descnbe the utihties that are proposed for the project, the utihty providuig the service, and the general construcuon acuvities on the site or in the unmediate vicmity which nught be needed No new utility services are required Avista supplies electricity and gas Spokane County Water District #3 supplies the water Vallev Garbage provides the refuse service US West provides telephone service.. Spokane Coutty provides sanitary sewer C SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, swear under the penalry of perjury that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge I also understand that, should there be any anllful nusrepresentation or willful Iack of full disclosure on my part, the aQencv may withdraw a.ay detenrunation of non-significance that it nught issue in reliance upon this checkllst Date 11 / 11 / 99 1 Proponent Paul J A114on Propone (Please type or pnnt) Signature) Address 601 W Riverside, Suite 1500 City, State, Zi Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (509) 747-2052 Person completing the form Paul J Allison Date December , 1999 , Phone (509) 747-2052 ~ ~ c • s.~ ~ Spokane Environmental Ordinance Checklist Page 20 of 21 ing to law,irul thereurelte actlon of a~ent or deceoenCs escate arc res) ana couecung Koyal L.opiey was a resident ot Nasco, WA tor the Board of Trustees of Lake Pend requir~ 10 ~~"t their ciaims within ceram(c figurines. He loved trav- > - la~ Retrieve~, t~ tee. f0 R(4) months after the date of the over 50 years and the widow of Call to identif~ Orellle Schod Dlstrkl No. 84, eonner id working on eneal~! „ opr Elsworth S. Blackie" Mann County Ideho that the annual ichool firet p"blication o1 tnis Notice, « said IHILL VALLEY FUN- • MONEY near M trustee electlon will ba held on clalms will be forever barred. Gaims , who died in 1990. She owned 466-7'320. Tuesday, May 16, 2000. Gndldstes must efther be presented ro the under- 40ME, S. 1400 PINES and operated Murte's Beauty Internsted In tiun~ s declaratlon o1 f~~e~d°wiih uu C~~rk o Sthed~rtd, or charge of arrangam 6i26 HENJUM, Leslle B. (A~e 77) • Shop out of their Pasco home for candldacy must le not later than 5:00 p.m. on Apr1i 14, 2000. Bom on June 8, 1922 in Cayu- many years. She attended 23 TELEP Cha~lotte Bisnop, AdmlNStrator beauty school in Spokane and c/o Rami Amaro ga, ND, to Bert and Tina Hen- worked at sho sPOrcnn Onr~ those gualfffed aectas rosiding • um. Entered into rest March ps there before in Trustee Zone No. 5 rrqY deci~rs AKOf~ 1Of Charlotte Bishop fl1NERALS 1 fT18friege "Auntie Murl" was ~0f ~ candld for a 2one No. 5 trustee Ramsden b Lsrons . 27, 2000 ln SpOkane, his home' „ to meet you. ° 700 Ironwood Drive, Suite 301 for 56 years. Les Jolned the the beloved other mother" of Enter Free Trii positb". The p"`p0'° °f "id el'cUO" p0 Box 1336 h@f deceased youn er sisters snau be to e~ect one aus~ee who ~ CCCs on July 12, 1937 then t< , AMAZING IN resides within Trustee Zone No. 5, to ur d'Alene ID 83816-1336 children: Shirle ~ ~ ~ry~ In the National duard. Y P~ip ps and . serve tor a rtod of tnree yeara trom Telephone: (208) 6645818 yq , Eflflst2d in th@ A►my O(1 Febfu- husband, Bill of Otis Qrchards, 3-90o-a07•20 Feuimile: (208) 664-5884 SP8172 che date or he annual meetlnQ of the o:i,sa a 10, 1941, Immediately en- WA, Judy Gross and husband, min.. 18+. Sc schooi aisv►ct next faiowinQ the ry Vance of Priest River, ID and uitimste ~Porteiecuon. . . tenng the Army 164th IntanUy R H O N E, F l o y d A. (Age 84) - Tom Mic hae ls an d wi te, Jenny 1• 9 0 0• 8 9 6J 1 Trustee Zona No. 5 fa moro ~eneraly . 'Company I. Les was awarded Entered into r e s t March 28, of Boxborough, MA. , She was 18 Serve-' described as tdlows: several medals for his service 2pp0 in Spokane, his home tor also much loved b her late during World War II, including the st 15 ears. Mr. Rhone Y -TRU~TEE ZONE N0. 5• Sand M USDA • FOREST SERVICE the Bronze Star. He was honora- ~ y husband's nephew and wife, 24 pHNOU pa was born on July 11, 1915 in Cla and Roberta Mann of south of Pine and east of Bayer ICaha PanhandN Natlonsl Fonsb ~ 14, 1945a atdBxtes Hosm alr Cherokee, lowa, to John and ~ y Cwur a'Nens Rtwr Ran r Distrkt Pasco and b her cousin and Declantion of CandidaCy must be sno.noo. co~ri, fa,no p Cora Rhone. He was a mail THE DEP ° Les workeG tor Columbia Uht• wife, Glen and Marge Birchmier nied w~en cne cb~ of ~ne eoam a _ B carrier b trade and served over- NATURA Trustees not later than 5:00 p.m. on rne coeur d'nlene Rtver Ran r Ing for over 35 years, starting as y ' of Pinehurst, ID. Grandnieces ttie fifth Frid prior to the day o1 DIsU1ct of the Idaho Panhandle r~a seas in the U.S. Army during and ne hews include Scott ay w, j, a metal pollsher, working with yyyy II from 1942 101945. He P Sec cia election. fxh dcelantion of candb tional Foresb. In ca,junction with the- a~-:'•~.:,;~=~•rs•:~ Dale and the crew as the super- Phipps, Jerry and Tom Smith complel dacy must bear ths name of tne Raky Mountain Research Statlon is visor of tool and dielmainte- attended Centenary Unlted and Christine Erickson of Spo- d~ec~lardsatloi~ d und d~rls m}~ade and ~n ¢ a ~a perimen~i Fore6st DUENAS, Maria C. e 77) nance. Les • enjed huntin member Methodlst of EaChurch and was a{~ne, Troy Phlpps of Boring, ~ ~ pt►on creek Ex ~ 8les Aerie #1, the OR, Julie RobeRs in Seatt~e, 26 LEGAL bear the si ~ature of no less thsn tive The study area Is I(mitetl to che Ssnds Born December 10, 1 22. In fishfng, and while n Noxon, M, V.F.W., 'and Hilfyard, Corbin Tricia Cha II of The Wood (5) xnool atstrlct elsctors resident of Creek dralns~e ana conststs of 80 ana, Guam, passed away ti a good game of pool at Toby's. and Sinto Senior Centers. Mr. ~ 21 camp- td ~t `,s~d~n~e of whlch the candt- W~ ~ roraodrromrnris~udy adjat'cent~to yyA CShe is u0rvl~ed bs heraso~i ffr at FinnY na's on tthe he banks Rhone Is survived by his son and Ra dy~ Smith,ndcur entMarsta- Ba~ Sanda Croek. No harvestln~ would ~ ~ daughter-in-law, Rod and ~ioned in Japan and Greg Mi• As Aed by Idaho Code, Sacuon bke plsce In rlpa~lsn MWta ereas. and dau ter-In•law, udy and of the Clark ork River. Les was Barbaro Kent of Columbla, SC; chaels in San Clemente, CA. A* DIVORC co~unted unls ald~e4ci ratbn o~lantenet The ernironmentat anst is wui pe Tammy Duenas, two grand• a Iffetime member of the VFW, a daughter, Barbara Vander Weil Memorial Service will be held in * 30.000 n children, Danlel and Jaclyn past member of the Sons of hss been filed with the DlsUltt Clerk completed and svalleble fa public of $pOken@; SiStEf•in•law, $150/5250 Duenas, all of Colbert, WA; NorvvaYthe EagI8s Lodge Aerie Mar Rhone of Sloux Falls, SD; Spokane at North Hill Christian pe fndlcating that the rson deslres the revlew by late May 2000. The public ~ ~ ChurCh on Saturday, April 1 at 326r3600 ottica ssix nd ►s ie$ai~quaiiaed to as- is Invited to provlde comments a brothers and sisters-in•law, #2, and the A yerican Legion. nine nIl umerous nirece • 1:00 p.m. LAUER FUNERAL yyyyyy,dlV sume the duUes o~scnool trustee H feentiry concems. Commenb on the Cristobal C. and Juanita G. . He is'suMved b his wife of 55 rand elected. The decleratlon of intent pf a po~d study should be submittfld Duenas, Ricardo C. and Ruth A. ears, Dolores, at home; four g HOMEof DEER PARK, WA is in writo-ln candldate shall be tlled nol May 12, 2000. For turtherintorma- Duenas; sisters and brothers-in- • children Vicki Gorman and her and nephews. He was preceded.s charge of arrangements. Memo- W►ly}ly.bank later tnan five (5) days Deton ths dey on, contact Steve Batemen at the law, Carmen D. Perez Isabel D. husband Dan, Ken Hen fn death by his beloved wife, rial donations may be made to pennls M. of Nxtlon. Fernan Ottice ot the Coeur d'Alene , 1um, Twyla; brother, Harold Rhone; the donor's charity of choice. :801 w. Rtver Ranger Dtstrict, 2502 E. shar• and Tomas F. Mendfola, Eliza Dennls Hen'um and his wife, sisters, Vera Doherry and Virgie 13564B Dated this 30th day of March, 2000. man Avenue, Coeur d'aene idsta p. Cruz; sisters-in-law, Catalina Gayle, and ~onna Helnen and Hansen. Funeral Services will ot the Bosrd d Tn,stees o3814, iel 1e Fria (t0P O 6Bo 0ia; , L Duenas Ana F. Duenas, , her. husband, Dennis, all of under oroer ~ held at 1:30 p.m Friday, !s/ Man,er» Shaw, Clsrte SP8210 Suverton Idaor83867, tekaho~e Antonia B. buenas, all of Guam, Spokane; 11 grandchlldren, March 31, 2000 at H. ~RITAGE SelI YOUI~ SerViCe r 1 O 10111977 (208) 566-5136. 5P8250 Estella D.'and Bernabe V.R. Donnle Dunnell Mlke Dunnell, FUNERAL HOME, 508 N. lia.1~ Pau l ino o f Spo k ane, W A; an d Noreen Rene 6horashy, Rick GOVERNMFNT WAY, SPO- • numerous nieces and nephews, Henjum, Dennis Gorman, K,qNE with interment to tollow • Preceded in death by her par- Theresa Bumham, Stephanie at Fairmount Memorial Partc. ( ents, Jose C. and Concepcion C. Shart, Ka lene Black, Michael \ Friends may pay their respects ROI Duenas, four brothers, Jesus, Henjum, rue and Dvlan Hei- Thursday Noon to'6 p.m. Fn NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING JOSe, Eduardo and Alfredo Due- nen, 11 great-grandchildren; day 8 a.m. to Noon. Memonal . Spolun. Counry H~ad~ Ezamin~r NOTICE OF PueuC SALE nas and slster-In-law, Juliana R. brother, Gordon HenJum of Fin- contributions may be made to - l~nds ror Apri119, 2000 Ouenas, brothers-In-law, Frank ley, WA; four sisters, Agnes Centenary United Methodist " 9:OOA.M.•ZE-1A-71,AroQuesttaa P~~RflnarxLlCoro.,hoWard D Perez and Jesus P. Guz. Gronbeck and Irene Anderson, Church, 1012 S. Freya, cMnQe of conditbns to a prevlously • securlty Intemst In 1M tdtowing Maria was a resident of Spokane both of Oakes ND, Inez Holman Spokane, WA 99202. epproved ione roclassifitaGon (file no. equlpment, wm roroclose the riehts fw 24 years. She was a member of Fargo R D, and Shirley 108193 IE-1J1) to illow the rnnstructbn ol of the dabta and ofier to sell "AS Is, of St. Augustlne Cathoflc Church Krogen oi Moorhead, MN; 30 an oHke complex In Ileu of an iipart• WHERE IS" ta cuh to the nlphest and St. Jvseph Catholic Church Neces and nephews. Preceded mentcomWa. The propsrty Is louted bkJder at Westem Peterbllt, E 6214 (~lbert). Maria was a member in death by sisters, Bonnle and - at 7903 E. 8roadway Avenue. The Broadway Spolune, WA 99212, sibe ~s Qenenn i«a~ea .t tne nonn- r~i 3~000 at 10:00 AM. (1) ~~e Sodalfty of Mary and Ruth, and brothers, Norman, east cwner d~he Intersecpon of Elta ~gg ; peterbllt 378, S/N i°~Hena Cathedral Choir. She Was Lyle, and Willls. Visitation wil) LETASPECIAIIST LET Rad and Braadway Avenue In the 1xPFD29X2JD259186 and (l) ~18 ExeCUtive SeCretery of the be held et Rlpllttger Funefel 355 ~IT 355 ~I Nw V. of Section 18 Townshlp 26 N., ,1999 AI pl ne Lo8ger, S/N Guam Leglsleture 8nd Treasurer Home on Friday, March 31st, Renge a4 EwM. §pokane County, 1M91s2o2axsla2o13. of the Government of Guam tor between 8 AM and 8 PM. A w Washln¢con. A DNS was Issued on Creard Merch 31 , 2000. Tne ~NS comment 35 years. Maria was a major Furtera l S ervice wi l l b e he l d . pariod ends April 17 2000. AppH- Thls equipment B aveffeWe fot contributor (0( the fT1u5iC81 Saturday, Apfll 1, 2000 8t SPRING CLEAi canL• Psul AlllsOn wi~h Randall and i~~i~ bYa p p dntmen t, b y all- PAYMENTPRIOA I hatc h fng aer: Uanskln P.S 601 W. Riverslde, I~ 6►lmsted at: organ at St. Augustine Cathollc 10:00 AM at the Chapel of TO PUBUCn'rION ?27-OSO`~ Sutts ldoo S Ecane wA 99201, • 800-333• 4998 or; Church in memory of her par- Flowers, RIPLfNGER FUN- Rpuind In tt~is claumutwe (509) 7 aY- 2~2. Sa K C onbct: eme l l a t: ag r lms U d(B?pacwr.cam e n t s. V i g i l S e N i c e w i l l b e h e l d E R A L H O M E, N 4305 D/ V I- .147430 Biue s p r uce LaFronclna Shew, 5onlor Pl+nner, Friday, Marth 31, 2000 at 7:00 SION. Interment t0 follow at up, trec b shr "~!iZ ~ - tion, pwr rekin 509/477-7200. PACCAR ftnanclal Corp, reearves P.M. at HENNESSEY•SMlTH Spokane Memorfal Gardens Brick, blxk retaining waus, chimn sp~tnkkr ropai the riQht to scapt of reject any and p~/NERAL HOME, 2203 N. CgR18t@ry. repalr. FRE'E EST. Glen Landry Con~ 10:30A.M.• NOHEARINGATTHIS a11 b{ds. PACCAR Finencial Corp. DIV/SION. Funeral Masswfll be gle~mlco9l ilbo7e Pg, HEARTHST TIME. also reserves the right to bid. ~ 869-8549455•5924 SP8189 Celebrated Saturday, April 1,. HENOERSON, James - Passed 003657 PNne shruhs, 1:30 P.M. • NO HEARING AT THIS 052420 2000 at 10:00 A.M. at St. ' away March 30, 2000. Sur- , aerete, rake i ~ert., 1 hee fert - TIME. . Augustine CathoUc Church, 428 ,.•t vlved by his wife of 57 years at ~ REMODELING~, bathroom, basement, customers. Fr All publk hesrings sro tonductad in W. 19th Ave., Spokane, WA. the home, Clara Henderson; one Wlndows doors decks (ence. lhe Commiss(oner's Assembl Room, ReVerend Msgr. Robert A. Pear- . son and daughter-in-law, James Repair, klfgobc073D2 9287044. CNan•Up, Po Puaic wuks Btd~ 1026 v eroad• son, Celebrant. Interment Holy ' Gary 'and Kathy Henderson, 003052 ctulck s way, spokena, a Faciuties are Cross Cemetery, 7200 N. Wall, S kane WA: one dau hter and KITCHEN•BATHS-DECKS TLC Lswn c ohvslcalb accessible fw Indivfduals ~ g SAVE S on Cabinets, Doors, Win- with dlsabllitles. Hearin win ~ THE DEPARTMENT OF suokane, WA. Memorial conVi- , son-in-law, Sharon and Rick eo~, Tile. thompbio8ont 220-6294. GREG's vni conducted accordin to he procr buGons may be made to the Fancher, Spokane, WA; two u<o+eo Sprin ciear,-L- Curos sdapted in ountv Res. 96 NATURAL RESOURCES, American Cancer Socie 900 ~INDSAY, Joyce M. (Aee 93) . roco-~~ling, z2 ty, grandchlldren; three great- e' ~ 0294. Appeals. Ineludtng SEPA NORTHEAST REGION N. Map le Ste. 200, Spokane, Entered into rest February 6, andchildren; one sister, Ellen 42 rs. In trade. Big or ,mail jobs, SPRING IS HEr appeals, mey be taken Pursuant ro wi►i be holding severai one-day yyA 99201 or American Heart 2000, in Spokane, her home ~mith, Bremerton, WA. Funeral we do ~~a11. InstalU RestretcfVRepatr. InB~ weekiy n wi~ll~B9en6e-0raliY lbe a reports forlndspeMc- s ~t~s o~ne FiLo orest na Flsh ~a~ation, 140 S. Arthur Ste . siRCe 1944. JoyCe was bom on Service Saturday, April 1, 2000 ~RRY•CR302LT 467•3747 es4 Yalley/liW November 11, 1906 in Cando, 133315 tlon 7 dsys betore the hearin week• EmeRency Rules. Thesa one-day ses- 6~0, Spokane, WA 99202 or at 1:00 P.M. at Audubon Park CqRPET INSTALLATION CHET'S days hom 8:oo-a:0o, 1~'t6 W. slons are ac no-cost, no iunch Sacred Heart Medlcal Center, ND to Thomas and 6race Lind• United Methodist Church 3908 ~s e Sm, Re ir. Immed. servlce Pawer Broadway, lst iloor Permlt Center vlded. The sessl«~s wm start at 0~ 101 W. 8th Ave., Spokane, WA •~Y: She was a volunteer for the N. Driscoll at Garland. Rev. NG~tdRAl•oaC9, Eric, 466•8081 cl~n•ui bWe dlr~~Wgop4~77~72Ws r~ct. Satue~atA6n0i~ey~ aslo~llows: 99204. Civil Defense Corps during Herb Parrlsh, officiating. BALL KEYIN'SCARPETServ(ce,carpe~v~iny,t L1uBn~lns Sn~ Y p T 1oaea. WWII in Spokane, and worked 7207. Coples can be obtalned at Center, N 222 Havana,~pokane• 6 DODD fUNERAL HOME - install, sales,repair 28 yrsexp Qual- ohot~ costs. Thls notfu ts to S+turd April Sth. The Northwesi • es a clerk at the Pay Less NORTH~ 5100 W. WELLESLEY Ity work. icevincs•dOlbo 535-8129 QUALIi fnlarm nterosled paAla aewt tne Ni lrolnln Center, iocated in IMBLER, Ila N. (Age 97) - Drugstore downtown for over 30 AVE., m charge of anange- 01e049 Ciesnup, Po~ haaring and to Invite oral snd wrltten Adyyls; Frlday,fprll 141h Cedars Inn Passed ew0y MarCh 28, 2000, years. She also attended West- ments. Interment Fairmount i`' ' 17'Ie ` shNb/tree pfO testimon at the hearing. Wrltten 1 Apple Way (H 97/20 south SufviVBd by Six daughters, •minster Presbyterian Church. Memorial Park, RANEY Concrete Llc RANEY110Pa ~t. weekly m comrrknts sre acceptea prior to tne sccess eo o►canogan, ana saeurday. Alberta Frederick, Valle~ord, Jo yce is survived by her brother, 136671 h e i n g. e n d w r t tte n c o m e n t s t a A p ril 2 9 t h, u s l c k c h o o l, l o c a t e I n G a r a& e f l o o rs. D r l v e, W a l k, P a U o, K E N' S t SP~kane Counb Divislon of Plannlne Cuslck. . Please contact Northeast WA, May COrley, Orange Park, Gerdld Undsey of Naniamo, BC; Gry Walks 8 Approaches. Site Prep. b 5' wide rear b 1026 W. Broadway, Spokene 99260- Rooon Forest Pracdces et (509) FL, Eva Sherer, Albany, OR, . SisterS, Evelyn Wetzel of Kent, BECKHAM, John H. - Passed concrete Remaval. 467•0596 922•3356 or ~ 0220, A ttn; ( Inse rt ► F i a # rn S ta n 6 8 3- 7 d 7 a t o s lgn up, u sesting ts Virginia Llndsay, Splrit Lake, ID, OH, Lois Burge of Calgary, AI- away March 25, 2000. Sur- 036209 * G a 5 u►wr CWfIDCU. S 38269 Ilmlted. os8Z9e3 genna Llndsay, Spirit Lake ID, berta, and Faye Simpson of New vived by two daughters, Beverly ~~,~':a~p~ „y sprin pean-~~ Oarlene R. Lincoln, Elk, ~MA; Westminster, BC; numerous Thompson, Deer Park, WA, Basements, h~'►chens, a~ iFs, ndditions ~ree ~snn,b r, CITY OF SPOKANE WASHINGTON numerous grandchlldren, gteat- niaes, ne hews, and cousins, Janet Dean, Seattle, WA; one Mmbr s•tter eu. eunau lai Nw mowinQ. gsla . CALL FOR PAYMENT OF CONSOLIDATED grendChildf@f1, nieces and f1@- including PoYce Ba don of Sp,- son, 1@ Beckham, $Pkane l^t Re1s. SIMON WAY & Co. . , *+Mslmonwco26D7. 991•1880 # 1076 OFF : LOGL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONOS hews. Preceded in death by kane. She was preceded WA; 33 grandchildren; umer- 133913 Power PUR9UANT TO RCW 34.45.050 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY ger husband of 38 years, John death by her brothers, John and ous great-grandchildren and ( HOtvEr po OF SPOKANE WASHINGTON CAILS FOR THE PAYMENT OFTHE FOLLOWING W. Imbler in 1959 and a san, Allen Undsay; and sister. ItteZ great-great-Brandchildren; one R d~ e wau s T~ CONSOUDATED LOCAI tMPROYEMENT DiSTRICT BONDS APRIL 15, 2000. 1ohn Imbler, Jr. A member of Savage. A Memorial Service will sister, Pearl Keogh, Spokane, New & o1d const, remodels patcnes POW T Lamont Community ChUrCh. b2hBldat11:00a.m.,Saturday, WA. Preceded In death by hi5 complete dryw all srvcs. h~mbr BBB. FREEESTIMA g.L I D SERIAL N0. RATE DATED MATURI~ Graveside Service Saturday, April 1, 2000, at Westminster wife of 63 years, Verna BeCk- 489•3897/993•8554 rbwals055mm up & remwal Aprfl 1, 2000'at 1:00 P.M. at Presb erian Church, 2705 W. ham in 1993, and a son, RobeR 119356 ~3144 BONDS 45•48 7.125ox 4/15/91 4/15/zoo3 Greenwood Memorial Terrace, Boone PastorSandra Brockwa Beckham in 1992. Graveside NoHAVENS ORYWAL~ 25 yrs of q~uaiity. * SPRING ~ Y fob too sma11. ree est. Val~r cell power rake, $Interest will cease to accrue on these bonds April 15, 2000. Pastar Charles Inks, offtciating. officiating. A private graveside services previously held. BALL ph 710-1470. Lic #HAVEND113183. mowing aane BALL & DODD FUNERAL service took pface at Fairmount & DODD FUNERAL HOME • r "282' AAarch 27' 2000 HOME - SOUTH, 421 S. Memorial Park. HERITAGE NORTN, 5100W. WELLESLEY ~~mmMresiVdent ef &l &reael~rsg Btert lize~9~t /sNALE SCIUCHETTI DlV/SION ST., in charge of FUNERAL HOMEwas in charge AVE., in charge of arrange- ttaco*•o15ia 482-7988 Landscaping. CITY TREASURER SP8239 arrangements. of arrangements. ments. 081135 136617 , 071495 106116 . ~ ~ Notice of Public Hearing Spokane County Hearing Examiner Agenda for April 19, 2000 9 00 a m- ZE-1A-71, A request for a change of conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (file no ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office complex in lieu of an apartment complex The property is located at 7903 E Broadway Avenue The site is generally located at the northeast comer of the intersection of Ella Road and Broadway Avenue in the NW % of Section 18, Township 25 N, Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Washmgton A DNS was issued on March 31, 2000 The DNS comment penod ends April 17, 2000 Applicant Paul Allison with Randall and Danskin, P S, 601 W Riverside, Suite 1500, Spokane, WA 99201, (509) 747-2052 Staff Contact Francine Shaw, Senior Planner, 509/477-7200 10 30 a m - No hearing at this bme 1 30 p m - No hearing at this time All public heanngs are conducted in the Commissioner's Assembly Room, Pubiic Works BIdg,1026 W Broadway, Spokane, WA Facilities are physically accessible for individuals with disabilities Hearings will be conducted according to the procedures adopted in County Res 96-0294 Appeais, including SEPA appeals, may be taken pursuant to Res 96-0171 Staff reports and files wiil generally be available for inspection 7 days before the heanng, weekdays from 8 00-4 00, 1026 W Broadway, 1 St floor Permit Center West Questions or special needs may be directed to 509/477-7200, ext 7207 Copies can be obtained at photocopy costs This notice is to mform interested parties about the heanng and to invite oral and wntten testimony at the heanng Written comments are accepted prior to the heanng Send wntten comments to Spokane County Division of Plannmg, 1026 W Broadway, Spokane 99260-0220, Attn (insert File # or Staff Contact) P 1 COMP CATION RESULT REPORT ( MAR 29 21 7 56AM ) * * * TTI SPK CNTY BLDG&PLANNING FILE MODE OPTIOM ADDRESS (GROUP) RESULT PAGE 905 MEMORY TX 94595156 OK P 3/3 REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-4) NO F E-3) NO ANSWER ACSIMILE CONNECTION i S F O K A N E ~ C3 U w T''Y' PLANNING A DNISICN OF MO PuN.tC WOIW DWaxrWM-rr GarY Ober& Du+e= FAx pAGES ro FoLLOvv: Z DATE March 29,2000 TO Diane Thom F'ROM. Wanda. Clark RE Legal Notice fox DN'S far ZE-IA-71 and Notice af Public Hearing for Apn119, 2400 Please pubush the followmg legal nobficatipOA your N'iarGh 31, 20001egal ad sad bill the Division of Cuaent Planning, Please let me lnow if you have any questions You can reaGh me at 477-7220. T'hank you PUBLIC NOTICE PACKET ACKNOWLEDGMENT I picked u e Public N tice ulformation regarding Division of Plaruung File No ZE-1 A-71 on this~ ay of 2000 The public hearing is scheduled for Apnl 19, 2000 at 9 00 a m I acknowledge the following information is included in the packet that I received ~ Public Hearing Nohce Instructions v Memo to Title Company ~ Title Company and Applicant Certification ~ Assessor's Maps wnth 400' Boundary - n-w ML& VUQ~~uj~, ~ Notice of Public Heanrig/Vicuuty Map/Site Plan Reducrion (Mail out a113 naizes) ~ Memo to Mortgage Holder/Lender (I acknowledge I must fill one out for each property affected by a mortgage) ~ Sign Requirements and Instructions 'N'N4 SEPA Infonnation for Sign (Red Supplement) ~ Affidavrt of Mailing ~ Affidavit of Postuig Note: Legal notice must be provided per attached instruchons no later than: April 3, 2000 The above completed informanon and ezhibits shall be returued to the Division of Planning at least 2 days prior to the Public Hearia scheduled for April 19, 2000. pRINTE DATE~ ATURE \ . c =t NUTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SPOKANE COUNTY HEARING E R TO: All interested persons, and owners/taxpayers within 400 feet YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THE LAND USE APPLICATION LISTED BELOW, AS FOLLOWS Application File No ZE-1A-71, A request for a change of conditions to a previously approved zone reciassification (file no ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office complex m lieu of an apartment comptex Hearing Date and Time April 19, 2000 @ 9 00 a m Place Commissioners Assembly Room, Lower Level, Spokane County Pubiic Works Building, 1026 West Broadway, Spokane, Washington Owner Ronald and Lynda Sahnow, P O Box 13388, Spokane, WA 99213 Applicant Paul Allision with Randall and Danskin, P S, 601 W Riverside, Suite 1500, Spokane, WA 99201, (509) 747-2052 Address and Location The site address is 7903 E Broadway Avenue The site is generaliy Iocated at the northeast comer of the intersection of Ella Road and Broadway Avenue m the NW'/ of Section 18, Township 25 N, Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Washington Comprehensive Plan Urban Zoning Designation Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) Environmental Determination A Determination of Nonsigrnficance (DNS) was issued by the County Division of Planning, as the lead agency on March 31, 2000 The comment period ends April 17, 2000 Related Permits n/a Division of Planning Staff Francine Shaw, Sernor Pianner, (509) 477-7200 HEARING EXAMINER PROCEDURES Hearing Process and Appeals The hearing will be conducted under the rules of procedure adopted in Spokane County Resolution No 96-0294 All interested persons may testify at the public hearing, and may submit written comments and documents before or at the heanng The Heanng Examiner may limit the time given to speakers A speaker representing each side of the issue is encouraged Any appeai of the Hearmg Exammer's decision will be based on the record established before the Hearing Examiner, pursuant to County Resolution Nos 96-0171 Environmental appeals will foilow the same procedural route as the underlying action All heanngs will be conducted in facilities which are accessibie to persons with physical disabilities Inspection of File, Copies of Documents A Staff Report will generally be available for inspection seven days before the heanng The Staff Report and application file may be mspected at the Spokane County Division of Planrnng, 1'` Floor Permit Center, Public Works Building, 1026 W Broadway, Spokane, WA 99260-0220, befin►een 8 a m and 4 p m, weekdays, M-F, except holidays Copies of documents will be made avatlable for the cost of reproduction If you have any questions or special needs, please call the Division at (509) 477-7200 Send written comments to the Spokane County Division of Planning, 1026 W Broadway, Spokane, WA 99260, Attn Francine ShawlZE-1A-71 Motions must be made in writmg and submitted to the Spokane County Heanng Examiner, 3"d Floor, Public Works Building, 1026 W Broadway, Spokane, WA 99260-0245 ( i ~ ZE-IA-71 Site Development Plan , , , . ~ d!! Ii~ ..e_ ~ . • ~ a ~ts r u.•~ • - . . . . ~i~q ' AC~O ~ ,O : • 4 t~ • / ~Gm rJy - r.~.rw+~c..wc. ~~.w~ e..~i~~ i .:~I• .r. Y•~, w~.s~~+.rnm.~r.~¢ i . . : r... a.., t . . . a i i Tre..~~ . ~ .Sl~ i I oft a1 Ffoy irs~ Ra.w1 ~IjJartafn < ~~o jy~ ~ b•~KO. 1' r+- ►~wY4~f~ohorl~~~~1 t7_„ ~ 1' • Mvey R ~1GCCl pa fM1 ~ ~ I , 4 t%M=J' ~ I ~ ~ f ry _t-a.a . C~:~~•.:.~C. ~\FN / ~ ~-tr .a'aai./w~~ ' ~ `'J f ')r~ ' t Ipt:i'' - c ' / / a~• _ L i p: ,~'1 ~ i , ~ ! ; ' I ; - ol 'T'r ' . i ° ' •f: ~r , ~ • ~ . + : , ~ , ~ . ~ ~ . ~-A Sr00f T- :F 1~.. ~ C= ' ~ ~ '~{r'. J • , u:~..s,~ I~ . n~a~.f~: r.-a ~ i - • 6 r u t ~ . ~'..r . .....c,t..;..r c T~ _•'.;7t-~ ~•x,n ~,1r-:. ~ ~ . ~ . ~ - 4&r_~11-•~.Y7 t~M+.~~ij_ ' 'I I ♦ 4 •~.ls)~ ~ . y~ ~ " \ ~ i~ ♦ ~ ~ ~ ~ c=1 7[~o.ic~.alfL'~ IFF{Q,/~ ~ y~ z ~ '~~1~~r ~ ~PTlt.__`:._/~ EL~VQ Q %L ~L~Cq,~T PH iI ~J / ~ ' ~ w., nc ~~i~o"~ r~`~~„~' ~ ii n W i • ~ . . a ' , . ;e.4.M+"am~~~w.eoL 1 7-"`~'~'~- •1~~ . _ . y ~ :1~~~=i ~1 , / ~.it~. . - a'A- :~IE :~r~ t/T..'~'[ MStM.1: C►~. s1-c~ ~=~•-ri- ~ ~ ~ • _~c.--~..~~ , r,..: t~~~ : 1.IM'' ~ ~ . ~ • i _ • i • ~ • ~ • • ~ • ~ i ~ ~bti ~ ~ ~ f- % - t•. i ~ •as,.tr. a.r :%y~ -~J- M• iA, ~ R zWr.' ao i.ca, rs%~••.i: , J; - BR4ADw4Y QV c ^n ►a.:.: ML..,~.c n►.cr s - r , ~ 51TE PLAN +cen.rc Ot -t.. eerc.v....sa _7:-~(:~/l:=.i • ~N~.. ■Moee• T.C. . ia, or .o.er ic C . O.C. .~O• a„ ~ • OIIIa:iwal iJ~aa 1, - 20'-0' ~ i T.A. . nr or aa~%,: ~\~-•J' MRR GROUND COVCR i Y • f U ~ ! a EJ . iL " •o Ci ~ % ; ~ _ wrt: row »css .i ~~j ~ I I • I -o rrre t- eee ssra sw+ ~ ` • ~ ~ ~ ! . 1 - EROAC)'Zt / ~ ~ ~ • . ~ ~ ~ • ~'7 -INII'i N1AF ~ . ~set st-c vc" TTf7 1 LATSGAPE DTL.- U . ~~_o• Site Devclopment Plan ! ` ZE-1A-71 t Vicinity Map ~ - ~ ~ - - y ~ 1 I ~ I1111111111111~1'llllllll~lllllllll S LiptivcS VL " I•, ~~"~1~~~ I b 111 ~~~1 Lihfbetv ,e- fl 2 vt ~ Eai I ~ I ox , 12 ~ - I Kn , ~ --m,x m ■ _ ~f~ ' ~ Missicm t3 ~ S1011 / axwe"'r~~ v ~ MaA I z ~ . Sf S' Vla ^ r U s ~ ~s cc . Nmw ~ ~i _ coda* " ~ - E ' fidd ~ D 'rtgCidd E ~ • < 4, o* I . y ` 7 Valky Wyy pvL YAQWx V .Y Hin 14 ra ue I ~Ip~,~ CS ~ t 6 4th I 4 qth U. I I I ;t- 19 I iim '--1='h 4 I ~ • ood Aiv, RI e h ~IE f C~ ~ 5 30 I 9 2 9 1~ G 26 Scale : 1 inch - 2333 ft 02/14/00 Vcinity Map ~ • S P O K A N E O U N T Y 0 .r~r CURRENT PLANNING A DNISION OF THE PUBL.IC WORKS DEPARTMENT Gary Oberg, Director MEMORANDUM TO: Spokane County Division of Engineering; Scott Engeliiard, c/o Sandy Kimball Development Engineering Services; Bill Hemmings Spokane County Division of Utilities; Jim Red Spokane County Stormwater Utility; Brenda Sims Spokane Regional Health District; Steve Holderby Spokane County Division of Building & Code Enforcement; Tom Davis Fire District No. 1 Spokane County Water District #3 , FROM: Francine Shaw, Senior Planner DATE: March 221 2000 SUBJECT: Review and comments for the hearing of April 19, 2000 at 9:00 a.m. FILE ZE-1A-71 DESCRIPTION: A request for a change of conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (file no. ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office complex in tieu of an apartment complex STR: 18-25-44 APPLICANT: Paul Allision with Randall and Danskin, P.S., 601 W. Riverside, Suite 1500, Spokane, WA 99201, (509) 747-2052 Note that the application and maps were previously circulated to your agency. Please review and return any comments to me by April 5, 2000. Attachments: Notice of Public Hearing 1026 W. BROADWAY 0 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260-0220 PHONE: (509) 477-7200 9 FAX: (509) 477-2243 • TDD: (509) 477-7133 NOTICE UF PUBLIC HEARING SP+OKANE C(1ZTNTY HEARING EXANIINER TU: All rnterested persons, a.n.d owners/taxpayers wYthin 444 feet YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THE LAND USE APPLICATIUN LISTED BELUW, AS FOLLUV4'S Application File Na ZE-1A-71, A request for a change of conditions #o a previously approved zone reclassification (file no ZE-1-71) to allowr the construction of an office complex in lieu of an apartment complex Hearing Date and Time April 19, 2000 @ 9 00 a m Ptace Commissioners Assembly Room, Lvwer Level, Spokane County Public Works Building, 1026 Wes# Broadway, Spvkane, Washington C)wner Ronald and Lynda Sahnow, P 0 Box 13388, Spokane, WA 99213 Applicant Paul Allision with Randall and Danskin, P S, 601 W RiVerside, Suite 1500, Spokane, WA 99201, (509) 747-2052 Address and Location The site address is 7903 E Broadway Avenue The site is generally Iocated at the northeast camer of the intersection of Ella Rvad and Broadway Avenue in the NW %d of Section 18, Township 25 N, Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Washington Gomprehensive Plan Urban Zoning Designation Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) Environmental Determination A Determination of Nonsignifcance (DNS) was issued by the County Divisron of Planning, as the lead agency on March 31, 2000 The comment penod ends April 17, 2000 Related Permits Na Divisian of Planning S#aff Francine Shaw, Sernor Planner, (509) 477-7200 HEARING EXAMINER RROCEDURE5 Hearing Process and Appeals The heanng wNll be conducted under the rufes of procedure adopted in Spokane County Resolution No 96-0294 Afl rnterested persons may testify at the public hearing, and may submit wntten comments and documents before or at the hearing The Heanng Examiner may iimtt the time giVen to speakers A speaker representing each side of the issue is encouraged Any appeai of the Hearing Examiner's decision will be based on the record established before the Heanng Examiner, pursuant to County Resolution Nos 96-0171 Environmental appeals will follow the same procedurai route as the underlying action All heanngs will be cvnducted in facilities which are accessib(e to persons with physical disabilities Inspectron of File, Copies of Documents A Staff Report will generally be available for inspection seven days before the hearing The Staff Report and application file may be inspected at the Spokane County Division of Planning, 1'I` Floor Permrt Center, Public Vl/orks Buiiding, 1026 VII Broadway, Spokane, WA 99260-0220, between 8 a m and 4 p m, weekdays, M-F, except holidays Copies of documents will be made availab[e for the cvst of reprvductEOn If you have any questions or special needs, please call #he Division af (509) 477-7200 Send wntten comments to the Spokane County Division of Planning, 1026 W Broadway, Spokane, WA 99250, Attn Francine Shaw1ZE-1A-71 Motions must be made in wnting and submitted to the Spokane Gvunty Hearing Examiner, 3`dFioor, Public Wvrks Buiiding, 1 026 W Broadway, Spokane, WA 99260-0245 TITLE COMPANY CERTIFICATION AND APPLICANT CER'I'IFTCATION TITLE C4MPANY CERTIFICATION I do bereby certify that the following Lst of names and addresses, consisting of the attached pages, has been prepared from the Spokane County Assessor's or Treasurer's most current computer records, is to the best of my knowledge correct, and is current within thirty (30) days of today's date I also certify I have provided loan numbers, if possible, when the owner is listed as a finance c mpany ~ ~ igned by ~ S Date : For (Title Company) .APPLICAN'I' CERTIFICATION I, the appLcant or agent for the appLcant, have verified the attached ownership list with the attacbed Assessor's map(s) and find that all tax parcel numbers withi.n 400 feet of the pro)ect site, including owned or optioned Iand as shown on the Assessor's map(s) ha e been listed by the Title Company Signe b ._r-- Date Z L C' a P Prikd N e , PI-I L1S o~ File No 2- ~ ~ ~ - 7 9 ZONE CHANGE rrtday, February II, 2000 Parcel Taxprryer Info Owner Info Site Address 45182 9035 MCPHEE GLORIA MCPHEE GLORIA 8001 E BROADWAY AVE 8001 E BROADWAY AVE 8001 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99212-2742 SPOKANE WA 99212-2742 Legal 18 25 44 SE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SEC 18 EXC E8 R OF S20 R 45182 9037 MCPHEE GLORIA MCPHEE GLORIA 8001 E BROADWAY AVE 8001 E BROADWAY AVE 8021 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99212-2742 SPOKANE WA 99212-2742 Legal 18 25 44 E8 R OF S10 R OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 45182 9038 BIRNEL THOMAS R BIRNEL, THOMAS R 8507 E TRENT AVE 8008 E MARINGO DR 8103 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99212 SPOKANE WA 99212-1819 Legal 18 25 44 S122FT OF W125FT OF W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NW1 /4 45182 9039 EAGLEBURGER NOEL D EAGLEBURGER N D 905 N RAVALLI CRT 905 N RAVALLI CRT 811 N DORN RD VERADALE WA 99037-9560 VERADALE WA 99037-9560 Legal 18 25 44 N60FT OF S182FT OF W125FT OF W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NW1/4 45182 9040 MUNDELL JASON & SHELLY MUNDELL JASON 8 SHELLY 815 N DORN CRT 815 N DORN CRT 815 N DORN CT SPOKANE WA 99212-3701 SPOKANE WA 99212-3701 Legal 18 25 44 N75FT OF S257FT OF W125FT OF W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NW1/4 45182 9041 GARRICK DAPHNE D GARRICK DAPHNE D 819 N DORN CRT 819 N DORN CRT 819 N DORA RD SPOKANE WA 99212-3701 SPOKANE WA 99212-3701 Legal 18 25 44 N75FT OF S332FT OF W125FT OF W112 OF SE1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NW1/4 45182 9042 FAIRCHILD DANIEL P 8 DOREY L FAIRCHILD DANIEL P 8 DOREY L 11323 E 11TH AVE 11323 E 11TH AVE 903 N DORA RD SPOKANE WA 99206-2837 SPOKANE WA 99206- Legal 18 25 44 N75FT OF S407FT OF W125FT OF W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NW1/4 45182 9043 IVES RONDA R IVES RONDA R 907 N DORN CRT 907 N DORN CRT 907 N DORN CT SPOKANE WA 99212-3703 SPOKANE WA 99212-3703 Legal 18 25 44 N75FT OF S482FT OF W125FT OF W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NW1/4 Page I oj6 Parcel TtiYpayer Lro. U►~~1~~lf!/t). 45182. 9119 WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DIST # 363 WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DIST # 363 2805 N ARGONNE RD 2805 N ARGONNE RD 7803 E BROADV^d-=0' SPOKANE WA 99212-2245 SPOKANE WA 99212-2245 Le~al 18 25 44 E15FT OF W1/2 OF E1/2 OF S10AC OF Gt~',✓ Li~)T W60FT OF E21/2AC OF S10AC OF L2 OF NW1/4 45182.9122 WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DIST # 363 WEST VALLE'f SCi-iuOL UISl 9 3G3 2805 N ARGONNE RD 2805 N ARGONNE RD 1 ~'f=.~-'l'~~~~~~L`~~;'' ~l~`~'~ I SPOKANE WA 99212•2245 SPOKANE WA 99212-2245 Legal 18 25 44 E130FT OF S170FT OF W1/2 OF E1/2 OF GOV L2 IN NW1 /4 EXC E15FT 8 EXC S20FT 45182.9123 WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DIST # 363 WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DIST # 363 2805 N ARGONNE RD 2805 N ARGONNE RD 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOKANE WA 99212-2245 SPOKANE WA 99212-2245 l,egal 18 25 44 W1/2 OF E1/2 OF S1OAC OF L2 IN NW1/4 EXC E130FT OF S170FT & EXC E15FT 8 EXC S20FT 8 EXC W75FT OF N150FT OF S 170FT 45I b'2.9135 WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DIST # 363 WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DIST # 363 2805 N ARGONNE RD 2805 N ARGONNE RD 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOKANE WA 99212-2245 SPOKANE WA 99212-2245 Legal 18-25-44 E2 1/2 ACR OF S10ACR OF LT 2 OF NW1/4 EXC W60F T 45182. 9144 SAHNOW, RONALD A SAHNOW, R A & L J PO BOX 13388 PO BOX 13388 7903 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99213-3388 SPOKANE WA 99213-3388 . Legal 18-25-44 S142.5' OF W179.2' OF W1/2 OF SW1/4 OF SE1/ 4 OF NW1/4 EXC RDS 45182. 9145 BRAD-M, INC SAHNOW, RONALD A& LYNDA A 460-2609 GRANVILLE ST PO BOX 13388 916 N ELLA RD VANCOW BC V61-131-13 SPOKANE WA 99213 Legal 18-25-44 W1/2 OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 EXC S142.5' OF W1 79.2' 8 NE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 & N1/2 OF S20R OF E8R OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 EXC RDS 45182.9147 SCHOOL DIST 363 WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DIST #363 PO BOX 11739 PO BOX 11739 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOKANE WA 99211-1739 SPOKANE WA 99211-1739 Legal 18-25-44 PTN OF GOV LT 2 IN NW1/4 LYG SLY OF FOL DIS LN; BEG AT A PT ON W LN OF ELLA RD 130FT S OF N LN OF SD LT 2 TH W3 70FT TH S52DEG 54MIN 34SDS W290.40FT TH W605FT TO E LN OF P ARK RD TERMINUS OF SD LN EXC S205FT OF W425FT LYG NLY OF S10A CRES 8 EXC S10ACRES Puge 2 oj 6 Parcel Taxpayer Info Owner Info Stte Address 45183 0147 RICHTER DEWAIN L RICHTER DEWAIN 904 E PARKHILL DR 904 E PARKHILL DR 710 N DICK RD SPOKANE WA 99208-8766 SPOKANE WA 99208-8766 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD PTN OF LTS 485 BLK 21, W1/2 OF LT 4 EXC S2/3 & EXC N51 75' & LT 5 EXC S213 & EXC N51 75 & N7' OF S1/2 OFN2/30FW1/20FLT48NTOFSI/20FN2/30FLT5BLK21 451830148 WISE ALVILDA WISE ALVILDA E 706 N DICK RD 706 N DICK RD 706 N DICK RD SPOKANE WA 99212 2748 SPOKANE WA 99212 2748 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD PTN OF LTS 4&5 BLK 21 S1/2 OF N2/3 OF W1/2 OFLT4EXCN7'&S1/20FN2/30FLT5EXCN7' DEFERRED TAX DUE TO STATE OF WASHINGTON 45183 0243 OLINGER JAMES D 8 JANNETTE OLINGER JAMES D 8 JANNETTE C 4912 N SIPPLE RD 4912 N SIPPLE RD 8024 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99212-1717 SPOKANE WA 99212-1717 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD E100FT OF N1/2 L1 622 EXC ST 45183 0244 MILLER ROBERT J MILLER ROBERT J 8020 E BROADWAY AVE 8020 E BROADWAY AVE 8020 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99212-2743 SPOKANE WA 99212 2743 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD PT OF L1-2 B22 N1/2 EXC E100FT L1 8N11 2 EXC W43 75FT L2 EXC ST 451830246 WOODS LEROY G WOODS LEROY G 603 S FELTS RD 603 S FELTS RD 8004 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99206-6952 SPOKANE WA 99206-6952 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD PT 1-2-3 B22 W43 75FT OF N1/2 L2 &E2 25FT OF N1/2 L3 EXC ST -f5183 0247 O ROURKE JOSEPH P O ROURKE J PMUGHLIN R 8 J 14407 E VALLEYWAY AVE 14407 E VALLEYWAY AVE 8002 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99216 SPOKANE WA 99216 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD NE1/4 EXC E2 25FT L3 B22 EXC ST 45183 0251 MARLOW LEONARD F 8 SU-MEI MARLOW LEONARD F 8 SU MEI 9611 E TRENT AVE 9611 E TRENT AVE 7901 E ALKI AVE SPOKANE WA 99206-4219 SPOKANE WA 99206-4219 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD ALL L6, W1/4 L7 B22 45183 0256 WYLEY DIANE M WYLEY, DIANE M 8003 E ALKI AVE 8003 E ALKI AVE 8003 E ALKI AVE SPOKANE WA 99212-2730 SPOKANE WA 99212 2730 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD E1/2 L8,W38FT L9 B22 Page 3 of 6 Parcel Taxpayer Info Owner Info Site Address 451830259 KENNEDY JAMES RBDAVIDBVICKt KENNEDY JAMES R/SHAWNA R 619 N DICK RD 619 N OICK RD 619 N DICK RD SPOKANE WA 99212-2790 SPOKANE WA 99212-2790 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD PT OF 1-9-10 B22 N100FT EXC W38FT L9,N1 OOFT L10 45183 0261 SEEMANN LARRY SEEMANN ETUX L 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 7906 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD PT OF L5 B22 EXC E24 5FT & EXC S115FT EXC ST 451830266 SEEMANN SHARON J SEEMANN L 8► S 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD S50FT OF W1/2 L3 & S50FT OF LOTS 4& 5 B2 2 45183 0267 PFTIZER ARTHUR E PFITZER ARTHUR 709 N DICK RD 709 N DICK RD 709 N DICK RD SPOKANE WA 99212-2790 SPOKANE WA 99212-2790 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD S1/2 OF LT 1 EXC S105 73FT OF E103FT 8 S 1/2 OFLT28S1/20FE1/20FLT3ALLINBLK22 45183 0268 MAYER WILLIAM C MAYER WILLIAM C 707 N DICK RD 707 N DICK RD 707 N DICK RD SPOKANE WA 99212-2790 SPOKANE WA 99212-2790 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD S105 73FT OF E103FT OF LT 1 BLK 22 45183 0269 SEEMANN ETUX SEEMANN ETUX 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 706 N ELLA RD SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 SPOKANE WA 99212 2741 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD THE W 100FT OF THE S 115FT LT 5 BLK 22 45183 0275 SEEMANN LARRY R 8 SHARRON SEEMANN PAUL C 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 7905 E BROADWAY AVE 721 N ELTON SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD TR A OF SP94989 AUDiTORS #4185644 BK 15 PG 24 BEING A OF W1/2 LT 3, LT 4 & E112 LT 5 BLK 22 45183 0276 SEEMANN PAUL C SEEMANN PAUL C 7926 E BROADWAY AVE 7926 E BROADWAY AVE 720 N ELTON SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD TR B OF SP94-989 AUDITORS #4185644 BK 15 PG 24 BEING A OF W1l2 LT 3, LT 4 8 E1/2 LT 5 BLK 22 Page 4 of 6 Parcel Taxpayer Info Owner Info Srte Address 45183 0277 SEEMANN LARRY R 8 SHARRON SEEMANN PAUL C 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 704 N ELTON SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD TR C OF SP94-989 AUDITORS #4185644 BK 15 PG 24 BEING A OFW1/2LT3, LT48E1/2LT5BLK22 45183 0278 SEEMANN LARRY R 8 SHARRON SEEMANN PAUL C 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 7906 E BROADWAY AVE 705 N ELTON SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 SPOKANE WA 99212-2741 Legal HUTCHINSONS ADD TR D OF SP94-989 AUDITORS #4185644 BK 15 PG 24 BEING A OF W1/2 LT 3 LT 4& E1/2 LT 5 BLK 22 45183 0281 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY SPOKANE JOHNSON SUSAN A PO BOX 4130 7921 E ALKI AVE 7921 E ALKI AVE SPOKANE WA 99202 SPOKANE WA 99212 Legal HUTCHINSON ADD TR'C' OF SP97-1144, AUDITORS FILE #4200811, BK 15 PG 33 45183 0282 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY SPOKANE BURTON KARON D PO BOX 4130 7923 E ALKI AVE 7923 E ALKI AVE SPOKANE WA 99202-0130 SPOKANE WA 99212 Legal HUTCHINSON ADD TR'D' OF SP97-1144, AUDITORS FILE #4200811, BK 15, PG 33 45183 0301 ERICKSON DANIELA P ERICKSON DANIELA 709 N ELLA RD 709 N ELLA RD 709 N ELLA RD SPOKANE WA 99212-2749 SPOKANE WA 99212 2749 Legal HOLL ACRES ADD L1 61 INCL N1/2 VAC ST S OF 8 ADJ 45183 0302 BATZ MRS THEODORE BATZ PAULA C 623 N ELLA RD 623 N ELLA RD 623 N ELLA RD SPOKANE WA 99212-2749 SPOKANE WA 99212-2749 Legal HOLL ACRES ADD L1 BZ INCL S1/2 VAC ST N OF & ADJ 451830405 SEEMANN LARRY R 8 SHARON J SEEMANN LARRY R & SHARON J 7816 E BROADWAY AVE 7816 E BROADWAY AVE 7816 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99212-2739 SPOKANE WA 99212-2739 Legal BROADWAY VIEW SUB L1 EXC ST 45183 0406 HOLST KEALIE ISEMINGER R B/FARRIS K A 7808 E BROADWAY AVE 7808 E BROADWAY AVE 7808 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99212-2739 SPOKANE WA 99212-2739 Legal BROADWAY VIEW SUB L2 45183 0407 SCARPELLI RALPH SCARPELLI, RALPH 1569 DEERFIELD DR 1569 DEERFIELD DR 7724 E BROADWAY AVE SAN JOSE CA 95129-4708 SAN JOSE CA 95129-4708 Legal BROADWAY VIEW SUB L3 Page 5 of 6 ~ Parcel Taxpayer Info Owner Info Site Address 451830408 ABBS OLLIE P ABBS D A 8 O P 7716 E BROADWAY AVE 7716 E BROADWAY AVE 7716 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE WA 99212-2737 SPOKANE WA 99212-2737 Legal BROADWAY VIEW SUB L4 451839601 OLINGER JAMES & JANNETTE OLINGER J D 4912 N SIPPLE RD 4912 N SIPPLE RD 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOKANE WA 99212-1717 SPOKANE WA 99212-1717 Legal CIRCLE J MOBILE HOME PARK HOLL ACRES ADD & 18-25=44 LT 2 B LK 2& LT 1 BLK 3 HOLL ACRES ADD AND PTN OF N676 5FT OF GOV LT 3 IN SW1/4 OF 18-25-44 W OF HOLL ACRES ADD & LYG S OF BROADW AY VIEW SUB EXC W488FT M/L Page 6 oj6 ~ FILE NO ZE-1 A-71 I)ECLARATION OF 1VlAAIg,ING I, TERRI MILLSPAUGH, under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washuigton, do hereb,y declare I am a crtizen of the Umted States of America and over the age of 18 years On the 16th day of February, 2000, I caused to be deposited m the Unrted States mail at Spokane,, Washingtan, vvith correct Uruted States postage affixed, a true and correct copy of NOTICE OF APPLICATION, a copy of wluch is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to the recorded real property owners and/or taxpayers as shown on the Spokane County Assessor's records as of the 11 h of February, 2000, who have been found to own or pay taxes on property adjacent to the applicant's/agent's owned, controlled or under-option property,,and addirionally parcels adjacent to any pnvate access easement road The notices were addressed to those individuals and sent to those addresses indicated on the attached list, incorporated herein by reference Dated at Spokane, Washungton, tlus 16' of February, 2000 , TERRI LSP UGH , ~ HD-DECLARATION OF MLG MSTR y7 ~ NOTICE OF APPLICATION ~ TYPE Iil ~ Af DiVISION OF CURRENT PLANNING SPOKAT~kE COUWY This Notice of Application is being provided to affected agencies and owners/taxpayers of property located within 400 feet of a proposed land use application received by the Spokane County Division of Current Planning. This notice is to advise you that the land use application may affect you and to invite your comments on the project. Written comments may be submitted by any person regarding this project and the environmental review (SEPA) process. All comments received by March 1, 2000 will be considered by the project planner prior to preparation of a staff report and recommendation of a decision to the Hearing Examiner. Comments will continue to be welcomed up through the public hearing. The project file may be examined between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays, in the Current Planning Division of the Public Works Building, 1' Floor Permit Center West, 1026 West Broadway, Spokane, Washington. If you have questions, you may call the project planner at the phone number identified at the end of this notice. Please reference the PROJECT FILE NUMBER(S) in all your communications. PROJECT FILE NUMBER: ZE-1A-71 PROPERTY OWNER: Ronald and Lynda Sahnow P.O. Box 13388, Spokane, WA 99213 Phone number unknown CONTACT PERSON: Paul Allison with Randall and Danskin, P.S. 601 W. Riverside, Suite 1500, Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 747-2052 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A request for a change of conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (file no. ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office complex in lieu of an apartment complex. PROJECT ADDRESS AND LOCATION: The site address is 7903 E. Broadway Avenue. The site is generally located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Ella Road and Broadway Avenue in the NW'/4 of Section 18, Township 25 N., Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Washington. DATE APPLICATION SUBMITTED: December 9, 1999 DATE DETERMINATION OF COMPLETENESS: February 3, 2000 Type III Ntc of App/rev 10-8-97 Page 1 of 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Urban EXISTING ZONING: Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) ADDITIONAL PERMITS: In order for the project to be developed as proposed, additional permits must be obtained including but not limited to building permits, sewer connection permit, and access permit. ADDITIONAL STUDIES REQUESTED: No additional studies have been requested by the agencies of jurisdiction. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS: Review of existing development regulations, existing zoning and typical recommended conditions of approval and/or mitigating measures indicate the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) threshold determination will likely be a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: The proposed project shall comply with the regulations and development standards identified in the Spokane County Zoning Code, Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance, Uniform Building Code, Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction, Spokane County Guidelines for Stormwater Management and the regulations of the Spokane Regional Health District. ~ ACTION: This project is subject to a future public hearing. You will be receiving a Notice of Hearing which will be issued a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing. A written report, including a staff analysis of the project and recommendation of decision, will be available for inspection approximately seven (7) calendar days prior to the public hearing. Participation in the public hearing is encouraged. A copy of the Notice of Decision issued by the Spokane County Hearing Examiner which identifies the findings of fact, conclusion, decision and appeal rights will be provided to those individuals who testify at the public hearing and will be available to all others upon request. ATTACHMENTS: Please find attached a vicinity map and a site development plan for your review. REVIEW AUTHORITY: Francine Shaw, Senior Planner Spokane County Division of Current Planning 1026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, Washington 99260-0050 (509) 477-7200, extension 7218 Fax: (509) 477-2243 Date Issued: February 4, 2000 Date Mailed: February 16, 2000 ~ (ym - Signature: ~ , _ Type III Ntc of App/rev 10-8-97 Page 2 of 2 ZE-1A-71 Site Development Plan _ _ ; R flt~o ~'EU / , ` •1 Y . j~ m11~M1~ ' ~»'L~7•. ~ lOfLL ~I17~~.1. -I ~ aLrt: 'aY .NS ACtO PrMrYM~G~./~P 3e~te -"'wr nIo.AFr 31 srrr wtq i , larwlsc_OMMw . • M1M tl~ rj%,• ~i _'~.a~ i'O r".eit_ , _ . . ui t ~ h~.• .o•.~:o ~r W a1Fmq5osdlboirw! S ~•e . ft ~er~pm ~ ' + / ~ : ~ ' ~~y . N ON-C_ M1rtwMGC~SnoNwW~w~~~1 f7_]• ~ ~v`~'~ ' R ►7WCtl (naq f) I - v y ~.~.y:J~ • ' J ~ . . e•:~ , ::1c. % t ~ q~.~ i r ~►n, ~ iw . ~ jr ~ . ° i ~ . , i S~/i~-~c~[t.-uc. }'C~' ~<<~ , ' . ( I 1 I ~ ~ w: /~a 4i I.Ti- rvsv~u / ! , i• ~ ~ F,~„ nR'e•~ ~ ~ ,n~~-~; ~ ~;L OIP:.~.7 PY•O~L i Y , t , 2 ~a ~2NC_fu'rO1L3i;•FT L A WJL~n .•r+ iT~~~ \ (1 ~ '1 ~ r ! • •1 F ~ . . ~ ~ t ~i ' ~ ' mL •Q•~yr II_ ' / I I . , . ~ ~ .I• 1 ~ TK:c~e~ . . •i'~~-' - I i~ Vn~,^1r? 1 1- 7- nR,Q ' ~ _ ~ ~ •.~17M~ 6LGG Q l\, ! T [.t~' ~rx__, -errv~~.~ ! Phif EXI51'~~I.DG. 1 f~H II A}~/ ~ i~•~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ '~iiL 5T- ,'~iGJf ~p• '~'ncx~c~5o~ , ~Fzxi • ~rrtr=.o.~~:'r-' W . } ~ ! dw -M*~ ►u ~ms(~L un~, ~cr n-o's ' ~ ~a..~- v7rj --r J l:~ 7° _ ~ ~ • ~ s~ i 1•.~ ~ i ai• ~T ~ :xlE ..r 'ft~r~ i~nr.~: jpy~ ~7 _ _ bf . ~j~ _ - - J- i~' _ ~•.,,~rr. a.,~ a :'i:-~ ~J_`-- - - ~ R a~Sf' s+!c-A'S rr_ _ c: 7c'7•1.7., , J , BROADWQX AV t 2~". • ~ G , ~ , Fck~<iNG Ft I G I;E!:'L nn ►Or=: iR.-,stt rlHC! i' I~ 1 Rpr" R• Tr, a6 ~cs: w aa ~U V •M""s t.e. "n or . 51TE PLAN ..C...a,ao.N.. J 7 R r' ~ . 20' - o fMlClra1 45ApL iiwIS . ww ~ r.~. . tor nr Lr ~ - • MRR O~OpNO N11Lw r _ ta• " Y • J .=.I OL j a LlJ I ` ~ ~T• •u ~ ~ N, ' ! I E .O nre I - Sea sire / --I 7T I •1 ` PLAN 1-~--- gR~?~10'H~r ~ 9 , i . - ------I - T ~ i ~ 1 • \ I N I IY N1~,F --,'VQ`E - S[C SITC PLAN - - -4- T"m i ~ LQNUSGAPE CJTL, 1,.• • 1~_~• ~ Site Development Plan . ZE-1A-71 Vicinity Map I V ~~I ~ II 1 ,I fl ~ ~ % T rl ( 11~ ~ IIII II 111'I I11~ ~ ~I ' ( ~1~~~11~ ~~I11 Y~ II~~~~11'll'~1111111~111111111~ . I I II ' _ ~ . (j r ~ ~SL r pfjYtf ~ ~Iri~i~li~~~i~~~~.~~il•I IT" I tr - - ~ J'` i ~ `\1 -P,,gO 2 Llh&rtv ~ wn ~ • a-~ , _ ~ \ r u I I ~ \ Maiata I 1~~ Mant& ~ t RomaY Mont I tnomerv ~ u " Kn )i K°°x 12 S lbra 3 . ~ ~I ~,ALQL~:• ~ y ~ ~ 3 ugta ~ Misvun M atw • ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ vC( ~ ~S' Si _ Siolo._ ~ nin ~r I U ~ S4= ~ - ~ Des~ ~ ~d , do Cmal~ a„ ~ ~ r cb ~ I v ~ S 'ngfidd ~ Sjjdj field -AlkL 7 ~ t Ncs~o* ~ ~ ~ J I y~ 3 Valiry Wq PvI. in oq S 'Main~ 14 mwn 'v ide ~ e "wae Swague r £ ~ 4tl1 y~ i ~ - JULWA l(Uh 19 b I I ~ N o I n N ~ I sooa 15111 3 ~ - ~ - ~ - - - - ~ ~ - r - ~ V f p ~ rF .'~0r1 f ~ I 5 ~ 30 I n~~ 2 9 2s Scale : 1 incti - 2333 h 02/14/00 Vcinity Map C(X _0-~ TYPE III TECHNICALLY COMPLETE STATUS (DETERMINATION OF COMPLETENESS) SPOKANE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT As per the Administrative Rules to implement ESHB 1724 Spokane County Board of Commissioners Resolution No 96-0293, as amended File Number ZE-1A-71 Permit Application Description A request for a change of conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (file no ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office complex in lieu of an apartment complex Owner Ronald and Lynda Sahnow Address P O Box 13388, Spokane, WA 99213 Phone Unknown Contact Person Paul Allison with Randall and Danskin, P S Address 601 W Riverside, Suite 1500, Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (509) 747-2052 Date of Submission of Application Information December 9, 1999 Date of Issuance of Counter Complete Status December 9, 1999 YOUR APPLICATION IS Technically comp/ete The required components of an application are present and are judged by the review authonty to be sufficiently professionally and technically accurate to aliow the processing of the application Ail fees have been paid This is your Determination of Completeness Smce your application is Judged technically complete, foliowing is a preliminary determination of consistency, in compliance with 010 C of these regulations (a) Type of land use Professional, business and medical ofrices are a permitted use within the existmg Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) zone (b) Level of deve/opment The proposal does not impact residential net densities Therefore, "level of development" is not applicable to this proposal (c) lnfrastructure The site will be served by a public water and sewer system The Division of Engineering is recommending a 22 5-foot wide strip of tand to be set aside as Future Acquisition Area for improvements to Broadway Avenue All other necessary infrastructure shall be provided in accordance with local, state and federal laws and regulations (d) Character of developmenr The site plan of record illustrates a unified site plan for the development of existing and proposed office buildings The site development plan encompasses sites that are subject conditions of approval for fin►o separate land use actions The land use actions entail a zone . Technically Comple.tatus (Determination of Completeness,, %,,antinued reclassification of the west eacA half of the site to Urban Residential-22 (UR- 22) for the development of offices (project file ZE-24-78) and a zone reclassification of the east wecA half of the site to Urban Residentiai-22 (UR- 22) for the development of an apartment complex (ZE-1-71) The requested change of conditions applies only to the east werA half of the site which is currently limited to the development of apartments (i) Numencal or other quantifiable performance standards The required five (5)-foot wide strip of Type I I I landscaping located adJacent to Broadway Avenue is within the Future Acquisition Area (FAA) Staff is aware if the applicant's desire to contest the need for FAA at the public hearing If the Hearing Examiner accepts the argument and eliminates the need for FAA, the site development plan is acceptable However, if the Hearing Examiner rejects the argument, the required landscaping shali be located outside the FAA as per Section 14 710 320 of the Zoning Code This may have senous impacts to the design of the site as it is currently proposed (ii) Promotes and does not substantially conflict with narrahve standards The proposal is generally consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Decision Guidelines of the Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan and the Purpose and Intent of the Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) zone (iii) Includes preparation, completion and approval of required studies, plans or determinahons No additional studies, plans, or determinations have been required for this proposal other than the standard application submittal requirements (iv) Methods of determining compliance to ensure that m►tigat►on measures will be accomplished Prior to the release of any building permit for the site, a site development plan shall be reviewed for compliance with all conditions of approval for the proposal No final Certificate of Exemption shall be issued until all required site improvements have been made REVIEW AUTHORITY Spokane County Public Works Department Division of Current Planning (MS-P) 1026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 Phone (509) 477-7200 Fax (509) 477-2243 Division Contact Francme Shaw, Sernor Planner Date Issued February 3, 200 Signature ~ Y TYPE III TECHNICALLY COMPLETE STATUS (DETERMINATION OF COMPLETENESS) SPOKANE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPART NT As per the Administrative Rules to implement ES 1724 Spokane County Board of Commissioners Resolution No -0293, as amended File Number ZE-1A-71 Permit Application Description A request for a change f conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (file no ZE-1 ) t Ilo the construction of an office complex in lieu of an apartment complex Owner Ronald and Lynda Sah Address P O Box 13388, Spok 213 Phone Unknown Contact Person Paul Allision th R nd I and Danskin, P S Address 601 W Rive ide, u 1500, Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (509)747- Date of Submission of Ap a I orm ecember 9, 1999 Date of Issuance of Cou p te Statu cember 9, 1999 YOUR APPLICATION IS Techrncall y com The required co nts f an on are present and are judged by the review authority o be su icientl of ionally and technically accurate to allow the processing o a lic fees have been paid This is your Determination of Co ple n ince your appiication is Judged technically complete, I wing i a pr li ary determination of consistency, in compliance with 1 the g ions (a) T p o n use fe sional, business and medical offices are a permitted wit n e exis an Residential-22 (UR-22) zone ~ (b) L of eve/o en he proposal does not impact residential net en ie Therefore, "level of development" is not applicable to this proposal (c) In ras cture The site will be served by a public water and sewer system The ivision of Engineering is recommending a 22 5-foot wide stnp of land to be t aside as Future Acquisition Area for improvements to Broadway Av nue All other necessary infrastructure shall be provided in accordance w Iocai, state and federal laws and regulations (d) haracter of development The site plan of record illustrates a unified site lan for the development of existing and proposed office buildings The site development plan encompasses sites that are subject conditions of approval for fin►o separate land use actions The land use actions entail a zone . ~ Techrucally Complete htatus (Deternunahon of Completeness), L,ontinued reclassification of the east half of the site to Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) for the development of offices (project file ZE-2478) and a zone reclassification of the west half of the site to Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) for the development of an apartment complex (ZE-1-71) The requested change of conditions applies only to the west half of the site which is currently limited to the development of apartments (i) Numerical or other quantifiab/e performance standards The required five (5)-foot wide strip of Type III landscaping located adJacent to Broadway Avenue is within the Future Acquisition Area (FAA) Staff is aware if the applicant's desire to contest the need for FAA at the public hearing If the Heanng Examiner accepts the argument and eliminates the need for FAA, the site development plan is acceptable However, if the Hearing Examiner rejects the argument, the required landscaping shall be located outside the FAA as per Section 14 710 320 of the Zoning Code This may have senous impacts to the design of the site as it is currently proposed (ii) Promotes and does not substantially conflict with narrative standar+ds The proposal is generally consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Decision Guidelines of the Urban category of the Comprehenswe Plan and the Purpose and Intent of the Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) zone (iu) Includes preparation, comp/etion and approval of reqwred studies, plans or determinations No additional studies, plans, or determinations have been required for this proposal other than the standard application submittal requirements (iv) Methods of determining compliance to ensure that mit►gation measures will be accomplished Prior to the release of any building permit for the site, a site development plan shall be reviewed for compliance with all conditions of approval for the proposal No final Certificate of Exemption shall be issued until all required site improvements have been made REVIEW AUTHORITY Spokane County Public Works Department Division of Current Piannmg (MS-P) 1026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 Phone (509) 477-7200 Fax (509) 477-2243 Division Contact Francine Shaw, Senior Planner ~ Date Issued February 3, 200 Signature ~ A~ S P O K A N E P C O U N T Y CLIRRENT PI'AMNING A DMSION OF TI-IE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARIMENT Gary Oberg, Duecbr MEMORANDUM DATE Januazy 25, 2000 TO Division of Engineenrig and Roads - Transportation Enguieenng, Scott Engelhard, c/o Sandy Kimball Divis2ou of Engmeeruig and Roads- Development Services, Bill Hemmings Division of Uhlities - Informarion Management, Jum Red Division of Utilrties - Stormwater Utdrty, Brenda Suns Spokane County Division of Long Range Plantung, John Mercer Spokane Regional Health Distnct, Steve Hoiderby Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authonty Spokane Transrt Authonty, Chnstine Fueston Spokane County Fue Distnct No 1 Spokane County Water Distnct No 3 WA State Department of Ecology, Heidi Renz FROM Francme Shaw, Seruor Planner RE Revised Site Development Plan for ZE-1A-71 Enclosed is the revised srte development plaa for the above-referenced proposal Revisions to this plan include the identification of Future Acqu.isition Area, corrected landscapmg type, nght-of-way wndths of both Ella and Broadway, building height m feet and stones, and other clanfying uiformation Please replace the site development plan circulation to your office on December 29, 1999 vvith the enclosed plan No comments are bemg requested as the revisions should not unpact your previous response If you have any questions, you may contact me at 477-7218 Attachment wc Copy w/o attachment to Paul Allison/Ewing NLcken Allan E Gay, Surveyor 1026 W BROADWAY • SPopKANE, yyqSHINGT'pN 992b0-0220 PHONE. (509) 477-7200 9 FAX (509) 477-2243 0 TDa (509) 477-7133 a~3 ~r ~ S P O K A N E C O U N T Y BUILDING AND PLANMNG A DNLSION OF TI-E PUBLIC WORKS DEPARZ'NWNT james L Manson, C B O, Du+ector Gary Oberg, Director MEMORANDUM DATE: December 29, 1999 TO Division of Enguieeruig and Roads - Transportation Engmeering, Scott Engelhard, c/o Sandy Kunball Division of Engineenng and Roads- Development Services, Bill Hemmmgs Division of Utlhties - Information Management, Jun Red Division of Utilrties - Stormwater Utility, Brenda Sims Spokane County Division of Long Range Planiung, John Mercer Spokane Regional Health Distnct, Steve Holderby Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authonty Spokane Transrt Authonty, Chnstuie Fueston Spokane County Fue Distnct No 1 Spokane County Water Distnct No 3 WA State Department of Ecology, Heidi Renz Spokane County Division of Building & Plannmg, Laune Carver FROM Francine Shaw, Senior Planner '*00' RE ZE-1 A-71, Change of Condinons to a previously approved Zone Reclassification to allow for the construction of commercial bwlding in place of an apartment complex TECHMCAL REVIEW MEETIlNG Januarv 6, 2000 at 2•15 P M DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING 1" FLOOR PLANlKING LIBRARY Please revlew the above applicahon and use the attached TECHNICAL REVIEw MEETING Fo1tM for your comments The Division of Buulding and Planrung encourages you to attend tlus meeting The sponsor and representanve have also been invrted to attend tlus meetmg If you cannot attend, please forward three (3) copies of your review comments on the attached form to me for the meeting The attached TECEMCAi. REvlEw FOxMs vvill be given to the sponsor at the meehng and mcluded in the Division of Building and Planrung file Thanks for your cooperation If you have any questions about the applicahon, please contact me at 477-3675 NOTE The Division of Buitding & Plammng vnq now be circulating comments for SEPA C6ecklist at t6e time of technical review T6is will be the only time you will be able to comment regarding t6e SEPA C6ecklnt for this project c Paul Allison/Ewing Micken,40 l W Riverside, Surte 1500, Spokaue, WA 99201 Applicant , Allan E Gay, Surveyor, 1230 Front St, Spokane, WA 99202 Attaehments Technical Review Form, Project Applicahon, Site Plan, SEPA Checklist 1026 W BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260-0050 PHONE (509) 477-3575 • FAX (509) 477-4703 9 TDD (509) 477-7133 Spokane County Drvisaon of Buildmg & Planning Technacal Review Mectimg Meeting Date and Time January 6, 2000 @ 2 15 p m Project File No ZE-1 A-71 Project Location 7903 E Broadway located in the W 1/2 of Secnon 18, Township,25 N, Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Waslungton Comprehensive Plan Urban Project Descnpnon Change of Conditions to a previously approved Zone Reclassificarion to allow for the construction of commercial building in place of an apartment complex Parcel No(s) 45182 9144, 9145 Apphcant - Paul Alhson/Ewuig Micken Project Planner Francine Shaw TECHNIcAL REvIEw MEETnvG SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING Date Department , Department Contact Person Acrion ZE-1 A-71 Change of Conditions to a previously approved Zone Reclassification to allow for the construchon of commercial builchng in place of an apartiiient complex TECHNICAL REVIEW MEETING JANUARY 6, 2000 @ 2 15 P M 1Vote• The followulg uiformanon is to provide the proposal sponsor wnth pnmary agency comments to assist the sponsor and a1d the processmg of public heanng rtems heard before the Heanng Exarruner The followuig uiformation does not provide a complete or bmding final review of the proposal This will occur only after the proposal is accepted and placed on the Public Heanng Agenda The acceptance of the annlication aad schedulinE of the annlicanon on the Pubhc Heanng Agenda is the pnmary function of tlus meeting A secondary function of this meering is to provide a nreluninarv review of the apphcation This wnll provide a forum for the sponsor and other departments of what to expect as standard development conditions and design recommendations The comrnents received are based on a prelurunary review of the apphcation form and srte plan by the Departments and Agencies wluch have been cuculated the uiformation (not all agencies/departments have been contacted--only those who have been deternuned to have pnmary interest 1 a Does the applicahon (or can the development) meet requuements to be placed on the Public Heanng Agenda? ❑ YES ❑ NO b If no, what is laclculg9 c Public Heanng Schedule Hearuigs before the Heanng Exammer are scheduled upon determination that the applicarion is complete Items will be scheduled for the first available public heanng 2 After a prelinunarv review of the avvlicahon what "Condihons of Approval" would be requued of the development? (Attach conditions if necessary) SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING CIIANGE OI+ CONDITIONS T+`OR A PREi VIOUSLI' APPROVEt D ZONE CIIANGE Dale Application No . Namc Of ApplicandRcpresentntivc PAUL J ALLISON / EWING M MICKEN Mailing Address 601 W RIVERSIDE A`/E , SUITE 1500 Cily SPOKANE Stale WA Zip 992m_ Phone (509) 747-2052 (Watk) (509) 924-2868 (I-Iome) CxisUng Zone Classification irn 22 C Date E~cisting Zone Classification Establislied May 22, 1975 Leg11 Descnption of Properly See attached Section 18 Township 25N Range 44CWAi So«rce of Legal Charles Simpson, Simpson Engineers, Inc Parcel No 45182 9144, 45182 9145 PROPOSED CHANGE OI+' CONDTTIONS Reference specific "Condition(s)" of ortginal approval (Cite the appltcable condihon from the 1'mdings and Order of the Iiearing ExAminer Committee's public hearing) Resolution No 75 362 in ZE-1-71 adopted May 22, 1975 applicable to a nertinn nf p nr(u1PY'fT AttAPI1LSA certain candj tions' copy at arhPd - Give tletniled explnnation of request for cllnnge in stnttis of tlie proposal tJe request a change as to condition "4" approvinp- the alot nlan aubmikted herewith and 8lZOWiilE tih@ CO^Qt''!!^tinn nf OiIITtIP7' f91 hiiilriinaa aa chnam on said p,]ot_p1 an . 1 f developmenl of the site wtll be chnngecl substantinlly Uy tliis request, or the pronetly hns boundartes different llian origtnally proposed, a revised development plan must Ue submitted 601 w. RivP_rniAp ~E~ Snn ~ no're of Applicant or Agent Address if differeilt than Applicant ~ Spokane, WA 99201 RECEivEa SPOKANE COl..1NTY itev 8193, Sani D E C 0 91999 A1ViSI0N OF BUILDING AND PLAIVlV1MC ' ~L , ~ OFFICE SITE DRAr~iAGE REPoRT At Panco Construction Offices 7903 E. Bro$cflway Avenue Spolzane, Washington Prepared For PANCO CONSTRUCTYON Spokane, WA By TECHCON, INC. East 1230 Front Avenue Spokane, WA 99202-2148 Tel(509) 536-0406 - Fag (509) 536-0565 • Professiona! Engfineers,& Cerhfied Envu-onmental SpecialLsts ~ Project Managers ~-01 Q.v oF wAsyf ~ ~ , CO 2919Y ~ ~S~ON ~G AL ~O-/9►.q~ EXPIRES 7-//' O/ - - _ 7F- .A ~ I)ItAINAGE 1ZEPORT PANCO CONST][2LTC'TION 7903 E. BltOAi)WAY SPOKA1oTE COUNTY, WASHING'TON Proposed unprovements to the PANCO Construchon srte at 7903 East Broadway Avenue tngger the need for storm water runoff disposal improvements by Spokane County regulation The calculanon sheets following this narranve include details of the analysis showmg that the proposed drainage improvements are adequate to control runoff on the site for a 10-year event, and safely discharge runoff for larger events at a rate equivalent to or less than the discharge rate in the pre-developed condinon for the site Key assumptions made for the site include assuming that the soils are Gamson gravely loam with an effechve permeabilrty equal to or greater than one mch per hour (1 0"/hr ) Another key assumption is that the mtensity-durahon-frequency (IDF) curves for the site conform to the IDF curves for Spokane as published m Chart 34 of the Washuigton State DepartYnent of Transportahon (WSDOT) Hydrau.hcs Manual The two new drainage areas vn the development both include only new asphalt parkmg and dnve areas An existtng eastern dramage area mcludes the existuig metal roof and new metal roof for a new addition to the exishng building The drauiage areas are shown as "Main Dra.uiage" for the more north-easterly drainage, "SE Dramage" for the new dramage area in the southeast porhon of the site, and "Exishng Drainage" for the exishng dramage area on the west end of the site on Plan Sheet A1 The SCS TR55 methodfanalysis was performed using SMADA software produced by the Umversity of Central Flonda In both of the swales, the controlhng volume requuement is denved from the Spokane County Requuement for a mimmum of %z" of ramfall runoff in a maximum depth of 6" retained in the swale area Both of the swales meet or exceed Spokane County's muumum reqwrement for 208 mfiltrahon area and on-site storage volume The existing hydrologic condirions for the new porhon of the site are pre-developed The calculated peak runoff for the pre-developed srte, using the SCS method, follows Q=(P - 0 2S)2 /(P + 0 8S), where Q= runoff in cfs, P= total storm rainfall, S= potential abstraction m inches S =1000/CN -10 CN = curve number In this case, the CN = 70, since the soil group is Gamson, an "B" hydrologic soil The land use is approxunately the same as pasture m fair condihon, thus the 70 rating d r , S= 4 29 P= 3 04 inches in 24 hours for,a 100 year stonn Q= 1 030 inches over the site The site drainage basin for the newly developed portion of the site is approximately 0 51 acres, since the drainage is bounded on the north by an apartment complex, wluch has its own drainage system, on the east by another adjacent development, on the south by Broadway, and on the west edge by Ella Therefore the total pre-developed runoff from a 100 year event is predicted to be 1,911 cubic feet For the peak runoff, the hydraulic length is 139 feet, wluch equates to an equivalent area of 0 51 acres Using the Type II storm curve, the estunated peak runoff for a CN70 is 0 77 cfs/m of runoff This equates to 0 79 cfs allowable peak runoff for the 100-year event For a 10 year storm, P= 2 12, and Q= 0 287 mches over the site, therefore theAallowable peak runoffis 0 22 cfs for a 10 year storm The predicted peak discharge amount is 0 cfs for the site, unless a runoff-over- ice conditton develops that fills over 570 cubic feet of storage, in wluch case up to 0 47 cfs would be discharged from the site ♦ Panco Office Addition 7903 E Broadway for Panca ConsUuction Alan E Gay P E Croil Engineer Ewing M Mtcken Architect TechCon, Inc 19-Oct 99 Sde Hydrology Study Design to 10 year storm (for review by Spokane Co Pub6c Worfcs) Use conservative 5 min intensrty i= 3 2 irdhr Oisposal Capacity Ganison Gravely Loam Esbmated Tnie Irdiltration Capacity q= 1 (Nhr Ratlo of Uq 32 Maximum Storage Depth 6 In 10 year, one hour intensity 0 6 inmr 10 year 24 hour totai 2 12 In Type A dryweU capacity 4 33 FEET 0 3 cfs 54 45 cf Type B drywell capacdy 8 67 FEET 1 cfs 108 91 cf Main Basin (Orains to Swale In Northeast comer of site) Roof Impervious Area 0 (sheet metal roof) Asphalt Area 6801 Other Impenrfous 560 Total Improved Impervious Surface Area 7361 square feet Utllize biofiltratlon swales (grassy) for disposal Assume antecedant saturated soii condibons Udl¢e Spokane County Type A drywells for overflow Indude storage volume of drywells as weil as dryweli infiltratwn capacity Availabte Grassy Area 4884 square feet Planned Depressed Infiitrabon Area Swale Areas 600 square teet cultivated surfece depth sq R. acres Addidonai available infiltraBon volume on side slopes 0 600 0 013774 Assume 31 slopes 02 6636 0015234 3 feet wtde strip around depression 04 7272 0016694 Swale Edge Area 05 759 0017424 336 square feeL 112 available for storage 06 7944 0018237 168 square feet credit 08 8652 0019862 Total Available tor infiltrahon 1 936 0021488 768 square fee = 384 00 0 Total Required Under County Standard 283 375 ft3 OK Hydrology Check Rahonal Method SCS Method Peak Runoff 10-year stonn Q=CIA 24 hour storm Impervious SurFace C 09 Tc = 4 0 minutes Pervious Surface C 04 Total Area 0 281107 acres 10-year intensity 3 2 iNhour Area Impervious 7361 square feet SCS curve No 83 Area Pervious 4884 square feet 10-year 24 hour storm Peak Q 0 63 cfs 212 inches SCS Type II Storm Hqhyd-A-1 Panco Offlce AddiUon 7903 E Broadway for Panco Canstructlon Alan E Gay P E Gvd Engineer Ewing M Micken Anchitect TechCon, inc 19-Oct 99 Peak Infiitration Rate 1 iNhour SCS 100 Hydrograph Pernous Surface nvn-swale 4116 square feet simulate capaaty of drywells as Peak Q, perv non swale 0 75 foot diameter orfices 0 12 cfs Infiltrabon capacity perv non swale Capacdy is adequate 010 cfs Hydraulic Capacity of Drywells is 03 Hydraultc Capacity of Grass Inflltrabon is Peak Q remainder 0 02 cfs total 0 32 0 53 cfs Peak flow 0 22 cfs OK Slivale Infiltratron Capacdy Is Peak Level<= 10 feet? Yes 0 02 cfs Peak level= 0 68 teet Drywell Capaaty 0 30 cfs Storage Required + Drywefl, 5 mtnute Storm 63 97 cubic feet Storage Ava(lable Slaale Oniy 384 00 cubic feet OK Peak Runoff 100-year stonn (5 minute) 100-year iMensity 51 in/Faur Peak Q 100 cfs 176 23 cubEc feet OK SouthEast Basin (Drains to Swales on Either slde of Drneway) Roof Impernous Area 1125 (sheet metal roof) north 3140 Asphatt Area 1680 Other Impervious 6825 Total Improved Impervious Surface Area 6627 5 square fest Uhl¢e biofltratton swales (grassy) for disposal Assume antecedant saturated soil conditlons Utllae Spokane County Type A drywells for overflaw Include storage volume of dryweUs as well as drywell infiltradon capacdy Availabie Grassy Area 2470 75 square feet addltional pervious 0 square feet total pernous 2470 75 square feet Planned Depressed Infiltratan Area Slnrale Aneas 77 93142 square feet culBvated surface depth sq R acres AddiUonal available infiltredon volume on side slopes 0 7793142 0001789 Assume 31 slopes 02 1079314 0002478 3 feet wide ship around depression 04 1379314 0003166 Swale 05 1529314 0003511 175 0686 square feet 112 avatlable for storage 06 1729451 000397 87 53429 square feet credit 08 2129726 0004889 Total Available for Infiitrabon. 1 253 0005808 72 25885 R3 Total Requlred Under County Standab 70 ft3 OK Hydrology Check Rabonal Method SCS Method Peak Runoff 10-year stortn Q=CIA 24 hour storm Impernous Surface C 09 Tc = 5 3 minutes Pervious Surface C 04 Total Area 0 208867 acres 10 year intensrty 3 2 iNhour Area Impervious 6627 5 square feet SCS curve No 88 Hqhyd-A 2 Panco Office Addihon 7903 E Broadway for Panco Construc6on Alan E Gay P E Civd Engineer Ewng M Micken Architect TechCon, Inc 19-Oct 99 Area Pervious 2470 75 square feet 10-year 24 hour storm Peak Q 0 51 cfs 2 12 inches SCS Type II Stonn Peak infiltration Rate 1(n/hour SCS 100 Hydrograph Pernous Surface non swale 2398 491 square feet slmulate capaGty of drywells as Peak Q perv non-swale 0 75 foot diameter orrfices 0 07 cfs Infittratron capacity perv non swale Capacity is adequate 0 06 cfs Hydraulic Capacity of DryweOs Is 0 30 Hydraulic Capacity of Grass Infiltration is Peak Q remainder 0 01 cfs total 0 31 0 46 cfs Peak flow 0 25 cfs OK Swale Irfiltratlon Capacity Is Peak Level<=10 feet? Yes 0 01 cfs Peak level = 0 93 feet Drywell Capacity 0 30 cfs (TYPE A) Storage Required 5 minute Storm 44 82 cublc feet Storage Available Swale Only 72 25885 cubic feet OK Peak Runoff 1 QO-year storm (5 minute) 100 year intensity 51 in/hour Peak Q 0 81 cfs Storage Required 5 minute Storm 135 81 cubic fest NG 12" Swale Only 190 04 cubic feet OK Existing West Basin (Drains to Drywell on east end of exlst, Paricing) New Roof ImpervIous ~ 798 (sheet metat rooQ Asphalt Area 6300 ExisNng Other impernous 2183 ExisUrtg Total Improved Impenvious Surface Area 9281 square feet Ubl¢e Spokane County Type A drywelis for overflow include storage volume of drywelis as weQ as dryweil infiltradon capacity Hydrology Check Rational Method Peak Runoff, 10-year storm, Q=CIA Impervious Surface C 09 Pervious Surface C 04 10-year intensdy 3 2 iNhour Area Impervious 9281 square feet Area Pervlous 0 square feet Peak Q 0 61 cfs Peak Infiltratlon Rate 1 irdhour Drywell Capacity 1 00 cfs (TYPE B) Additional Storage Required 5 mmute Stortn •115 91 cubic feet OK Peak Runoff,100-year stonri (5 minute) 100-year intensity 51 inlhour Peak Q 0 98 cfs OK Hqhyd A 3 Panco Office Addibon 7903 E Broadway for1Panco Construcbon Alan E Gay, P E, Civil Engineer Ewmg M Micken, Architect TechCon, Inc 19-Oct-99 1 Roof Drainage-E end exst budding Total Roof 798 sq ft Dram single pipe to exst drywell TC 2 minufe Raional I 3 2 inches/hr, 10-yr storm 4 6 inches/hr, 50-yr storm C 09 Q10 0 053 cfs Q50 0 076 cfs Drain pipe to Drywell 35 LF 24 inch min bunal Crown up 985 ie 9816667 Crown dowr 97 5 fe 9716667 s= 0 029 ft/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch plpe req 0 322 cfs OK Drain pipe to Drywell 17 LF 24 mch mm burial Crown up 975 ie 9716667 Crown dowr 954 ie 9506667 s= 0124 ff/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch pipe req 0 669 cfs OK 2 Roof Drainage-SW New bwlding Total Roof 1125 sq ft Drain single plpe to exst drywell TC 2 minute Raional 1 3 2 inches/hr, 10-yr storm 4 6 inches/hr, 50-yr storm C 09 Q10 0 074 cfs 050 0107 cfs Drain pipe to Juncbon 37 LF 24 inch min bunal Crown up 975 ie 9716667 Crown dowr 954 ie 9506667 Hqhyd-B-1 S Panco Office Addition 7903 E Broadway for Panco Construcbon Alan E Gay, P E, Civil Engineer Ewing M Micken, Architect TechCon, lnc 19-Oct-99 s= 0 057 ft/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch pipe req 0 453 cfs OK 3 Roof Drainage-E&NNew building to S dryweli Roof, this pc 3140 sq ft (East side) Drain two roof sections to new drywell TC 2 minute Raional I 3 2 inches/hr,10-yr, storm 4 6 inches/hr, 50-yr storm C 09 010 0 208 cfs 050 0 298 cfs Drain pipe to Comer 37 LF 24 inch min bunal Crown up 97 5 ie 9716667 Crown dowr 966 ie 96.26667 s= 0 024 ft/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch pipe req 0 297 cfs OK Drain pipe to Junction 47 LF 24 inch min bunal Crown up 966 ie 9626667 Crown dowr 954 ie 9506667 s= 0 026 ft/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch pipe req 0 304 cfs OK Combmed Drain pipe to Drywell 10 LF 24 inch min bunal Crown up 954 ie 9506667 Crown dowr 93 35 ie 9301667 s= 0 205 ft/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch pipe req 0 862 cfs OK Hqhyd-B-2 TR-55 QOAKSHEET 3 Time of Concentration or Travel TYme ro]ect Panco Construction A+ddli By AEG Date 0-18-99 ocation 7903 E Broadway Checked Date ircle One Present Developed ircle One Tc Tt through subarea otes 3pace for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet Inlcude a map, schematic, or description of flow segments KEET FLOW (Applicable to Tc only) Seqment ID SWasphalt 1 Surface Description (table 3-1) asphalt 2 Manning's roughness coe#f n (table 3-1) 02 0 3 Flow Length, I, (total L<= 300 ft) ft 157 9 10-yr 29-hr rainfall, P2 in 2 1 0 5 Land slope s ft/ft 0 019 0 6 Tt = 0 007(nL)^ 8/P2^ 5 s^ 4 Compute Tt hr 0 0665 0 0 0665 HALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW Segatent ID swale edge 7 surface Description (paved or unpaved) qrass 8 Flow I,ength, L ft 3 9 Aatercourse Slope, s ft/ft 0 3333 0 D Average Velocity, v(from figure) ft/s 1 0 1 Tt = I,/(3600V) Compute Tt hr 0 0008 0 0 0008 HANNEL FLOW 3egment ID 2 Cross Sectional Flow Area, ft^2 0 0 3 Wetted Pers.meter, Pw ft 4 Hydraulic Radius r= a/Pw ft 5 Channel Slope, s ft/ft 0 0 6 Manninq's rouqhness coeff n 0 7 V=1 49 r^2/3 s^1/2 / n Compute v ft/s 0 0 8 Flow Length, L ft 9 Tt = I,/ (3600V) Compute Tt hr 0 0 0 0 Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt add Tc in steps 6,11, and 19 hr 0 067 \clients\panco\main1t55 txt SMADA 6 0 for Windows - Watershed Informat Watershed Total Area (acres) 0 2811 Impervious Area (,acres) 0 1690 Time of Concentration (min) 9 0 % Impervious Da.rectly Connected 92 00 Additional Abstraction Over Pervious Area (inches) 0 10 Over Impervious Area (inches) 0 01 Infiltration Characteristics Max Infiltration Capacity (in) 999 00 SCS Curve Number for Fervious 61 Initial Abstraction Factor 0 20 e \client\panco\mainl shd ti Watershed Hydrograph 025 ~ 020 Flow 015 . (cfs) ~ 0 10 - 005 ~ 0 00 ~ - - - - 0 ~ 1'0 15 10 2~5 Time (hours) Hydrograph Type SCS 100 ~ ograph Time Time Rain C Rain ltration Excess Excess Outfl (hr) HHMM (in) (in) (in) (in) (cfs) (cfs) 0 250 00015 0 004 0 009 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 500 00030 0 006 0 010 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 750 00045 0 006 0 017 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 002 1 000 00100 0 006 0 023 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 003 1 250 00115 0 006 0 029 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 004 1 500 00130 0 006 0 036 0 000 0 003 0 009 0 004 1 750 00145 0 006 0 042 0 000 0 003 0 009 0 009 2 000 00200 0 006 0 048 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 009 2 250 00215 0 006 0 055 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 004 2 500 00230 0 006 0 061 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 009 2 750 00295 0 006 0 067 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 009 3 000 00300 0 006 0 073 0 000 0 003 0 009 0 004 3 250 00315 0 006 0 080 0 000 0 003 0 009 0 004 3 500 00330 0 006 0 086 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 004 3 750 00345 0 006 0 092 0 001 0 003 0 004 0 004 4 000 00400 0 008 0 101 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 4 250 00415 0 008 0 109 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 9 500 00430 0 008 0 118 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 9 750 00445 0 008 0 126 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 5 000 00500 0 008 0 134 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 5 250 00515 0 008 0 143 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 5 500 00530 0 008 0 151 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 5 750 00545 0 008 0 160 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 6 000 00600 0 008 0 168 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 6 250 00615 0 O11 0 178 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 006 6 500 00630 0 O11 0 189 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 006 6 750 00645 0 010 0 199 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 7 000 00700 0 O11 0 210 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 7 250 00715 0 010 0 220 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 7 500 00730 0 O11 0 231 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 7 750 00745 0 O11 0 242 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 8 000 00800 0 010 0 252 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 8 250 00815 0 013 0 265 0 006 0 007 0 008 0 007 8 500 00830 0 015 0 279 0 007 0 008 0 009 0 008 8 750 00845 0 015 0 294 0 007 0 008 0 009 0 009 9 000 00900 0 015 0 309 0 007 0 008 0 009 0 009 9 250 00915 0 017 0 325 0 008 0 009 0 O11 0 010 9 500 00930 0 017 0 342 0 008 0 009 0 O11 0 010 9 750 00945 0 019 0 361 0 008 0 010 0 012 0 011 IO 00 01000 0 019 0 380 0 008 0 010 0 012 0 012 10 25 01015 0 021 0 401 0 009 0 012 0 013 0 012 10 50 01030 0 025 0 926 0 O11 0 014 0 016 0 019 10 75 01045 0 032 0 458 0 014 0 017 0 020 0 017 11 00 01100 0 038 0 496 0 017 0 021 0 024 0 021 11 25 01115 0 099 0 590 0 020 0 029 0 028 0 025 11 50 01130 0 055 0 594 0 029 0 030 0 034 0 030 11 75 01145 0 218 0 613 0 098 0 121 0 137 0 081 12 00 01200 0 580 1 392 0 257 0 323 0 366 0 229 12 25 01215 0 092 1 485 0 038 0 059 0 061 0 173 12 50 01230 0 059 1 593 0 024 0 035 0 090 0 106 12 75 01245 0 046 1 592 0 019 0 029 0 033 0 099 13 00 01300 0 038 1 630 0 015 0 023 0 026 0 032 13 25 01315 0 031 1 661 0 012 0 019 0 022 0 026 13 50 01330 0 027 1 688 0 O11 0 017 0 019 0 022 13 75 01345 0 023 1 711 0 009 0 014 0 016 0 018 19 00 01900 0 021 1 732 0 008 0 013 0 015 0 016 14 25 01415 0 019 1 751 0 007 0 012 0 013 0 014 19 50 01430 0 017 1 768 0 006 0 O11 0 012 0 013 14 75 01445 0 015 1 783 0 005 0 009 0 010 0 012 15 00 01500 0 015 1 798 0 005 0 009 0 010 0 O11 15 25 01515 0 015 1 812 0 005 0 009 0 O11 0 O11 15 50 01530 0 013 1 825 0 005 0 008 0 009 0 010 15 75 01545 0 013 1 837 0 005 0 008 0 009 0 009 16 00 01600 0 013 1 850 0 005 0 008 0 009 0 009 16 25 01615 0 013 1 863 0 005 0 008 0 009 0 009 16 50 01630 0 013 1 875 0 005 0 008 0 009 0 009 16 75 01645 0 010 1 886 0 004 0 007 0 008 0 008 17 00 01700 0 010 1 896 0 004 0 007 0 008 0 008 17 25 01715 0 010 1 907 0 004 0 007 0 008 0 008 17 50 01730 0 010 1 917 0 004 0 007 0 006 0 008 17 75 01745 0 010 1 928 0 009 0 007 0 008 0 008 18 00 01800 0 008 1 936 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 007 18 25 01815 0 008 1 945 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 18 50 01630 0 008 1 953 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 18 75 01895 0 008 1 961 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 19 00 01900 0 008 1 970 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 19 25 01915 0 008 1 978 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 19 50 01930 0 008 1 987 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 19 75 01945 0 008 1 995 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 20 00 02000 0 006 2 001 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 20 25 02015 0 006 2 008 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 20 50 02030 0 006 2 014 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 20 75 02045 0 006 2 020 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 21 00 02100 0 006 2 026 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 21 25 02115 0 006 2 033 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 21 50 02130 0 006 2 039 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 21 75 02145 0 006 2 045 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 22 00 02200 0 006 2 052 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 22 25 02215 0 006 2 058 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 22 50 02230 0 006 2 064 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 22 75 02245 0 006 2 071 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 23 00 02300 0 006 2 077 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 23 25 02315 0 006 2 083 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 23 50 02330 0 006 2 089 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 23 75 02345 0 006 2 096 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 24 00 00000 0 004 2 100 0 001 0 003 0 003 0 009 24 25 00015 0 000 2 100 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 002 24 50 00030 0 000 2 100 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 001 2 100 0 847 1 207 1 207 Totals for Watershed in inches over 0 28 acres Rational Coefficient = 0 597 Peak Flow (cfs) = 00 22 e \clients\panco\mainl hyd 0 Stage Storage Weir 1 Q 2 Q Discharge (ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) ( fs) (cfs) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 90 0 01 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 01 0 00 0 00, 0 00 0 60 0 01 0 01 0 00 0 01 0 80 0 01 0 09 0 00 0 09 1 00 0 02 0 33 0 00 0 33 Weir Numberl Type Circular Orifice Equation Q = C*A*2g^ 5*H^n Weir Invert (ft) 0 50 C 0 60 n 0 50 Orifice Diameter (ft) 0 75 e \clients\panco\raainl pnd .3on d Routin g 0 25 - - - I ' 0 20 II ' fl FlOW 0 15' - - - ~ - Pond_Flow In II (cfs) 1 I 4 t0 ' ~ - ~i 11 1 yl 005 - - _ ~ - -T - ; ; - Pond Flaw Qut ~ r---- - - ~ - T-- - - ~ 0 40 ` 0 ~ 1'0 1`5 10 25 , Ti11e (hfours) ~ ~ f~ ~ I Time Inflow Outflow Stage Storage (hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ac-ft) 0 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 i as o 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 i so 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 9 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 9 25 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 450 001 000 000 000 475 001 000 000 000 500 001 000 000 000 525 001 000 000 000 550 001 000 000 000 575 0O1 000 000 000 6 00 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 6 25 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 6 50 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 6 75 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 7 00 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 7 25 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 7 so ooi aoo 000 000 7 75 o oi o 00 0 00 0 00 s 00 0 oi o 00 0 00 0 00 s as o oi o 00 0 00 0 00 8 50 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 8 75 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 9 00 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 9 25 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 9 50 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 9 75 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 10 00 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 io Zs o oi o 00 0 00 a 00 io so o ai o 00 0 00 0 00 io 75 o aa o 00 0 oi o 00 ii 00 0 02 0 00 0 oi o 00 11 25 0 02 0 00 0 03 0 00 11 50 0 03 0 00 0 05 0 00 11 75 0 OB 0 00 0 13 0 00 12 00 0 22 0 00 0 90 0 O1 12 25 0 17 0 02 0 62 Q 01 12 50 0 11 0 09 0 68 0 O1 12 75 0 05 0 09 0 67 0 O1 13 00 0 03 0 03 0 65 0 O1 13 25 0 03 0 02 0 63 0 O1 13 50 0 02 0 02 0 62 0 O1 13 75 0 02 0 O1 0 60 0 O1 14 00 0 02 0 O1 0 58 0 O1 19 25 0 O1 0 O1 0 56 0 O1 19 50 0 O1 0 00 0 54 0 O1 19 75 0 O1 0 00 0 52 0 O1 15 00 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 Ol 15 25 0 O1 0 00 0 50 0 O1 15 50 0 O1 0 00 0 49 0 O1 15 75 0 O1 0 00 0 48 0 O1 16 00 0 O1 0 00 0 47 0 O1 16 25 0 O1 0 00 0 46 0 O1 16 50 0 O1 0 00 0 46 0 O1 16 75 0 O1 0 00 0 45 0 O1 17 00 0 O1 0 00 0 44 0 O1 17 25 0 O1 0 00 0 43 0 O1 17 50 0 O1 0 00 0 42 0 O1 17 75 0 O1 0 00 0 41 0 O1 18 00 0 O1 0 00 0 40 0 O1 18 25 0 01 0 00 0 39 0 O1 18 50 0 O1 0 00 0 38 0 O1 18 75 0 O1 0 00 0 36 0 O1 19 00 0 O1 0 00 0 35 0 O1 19 25 0 O1 0 00 0 34 0 O1 19 50 0 01 0 00 0 32 0 00 19 75 0 O1 0 00 0 31 0 00 20 00 0 O1 0 00 0 30 0 00 20 25 0 00 0 00 0 28 0 00 20 50 0 00 0 00 0 27 0 00 20 75 0 oa o 00 0 25 v ao 21 00 o ao 0 00 0 29 0 00 zi 25 a 00 0 00 o 22 a 00 ai sv a oo a ao o ai o 00 ai 75 o oo a aa o 19 0 oa 22 oa o oa o ao o is o 00 22 as o 00 0 00 a 17 o 00 Zz 50 a oa a 00 o 15 o ao 22 75 0 00 0 DO 0 19 Q 00 23 00 0 00 0 DO 0 12 U 04 23 25 0 00 0 00 0 11 0 OQ 23 50 U 00 0 DO 0 10 0 00 23 75 0 00 0 OQ 0 08 0 OD 29 00 0 00 0 00 0 07 0 00 24 25 0 00 Q 00 0 05 4 QO 24 50 0 00 0 40 0 03 0 00 24 75 Q 00 0 00 0 01 0 00 Max 0 22 0 09 Q 68 0 01 Initial Pond Volume 000 000 ac-ft + Total Inflow Volume 000 028 ac-ft Total Outfl.aw Volume 000 004 ac-ft Total Percolation Volume 000 029 ac-ft Final Pond Volume (stage) 000 000 ac-ft Final Pand Volume (calc) 000 OOd ac-ft Difference (error) 000 000 ac-ft e lclients\panco\mainl rte TR-55 WORKSHEET 3 T )f Concentration or Travel Time Pro3ect Panco Construction 1 ion By AEG C___ 10-19-99 Location 7903 E Broadway Checked Date Circle One Present Developed Circle One Tc Tt throuqh subarea Notes Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet Inlcude a map, schematic, or description of flow segments SHEET FLOW (Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID N access 1 Surface Description (table 3-1) asphalt 2 Manning's roughness coeff n (table 3-1) 02 0 3 Flow Length, L(total L<= 300 ft) ft 60 9 10-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 2 1 0 5 Land slope s ft/ft 1 75 0 6 Tt = 0 007(nL)^ 8/P2^ 5 s^ 9 Compute Tt hr 0 0045 0 0 0045 SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW Segment ID swale edge 7 Surface Description (paved or unpaved) grass 8 Flow Length, L ft 3 9 Watercourse Slope, s ft/ft 0 3333 0 10 Averaqe Velocity, v(from figure) ft/s 1 0 11 Tt = L(3600V) Compute Tt hr 0 0008 0 0 0008 CHANNEL FI,OW Segment ID 12 Cross Sectional Flow Area, ft^2 0 0 13 Wetted Peruneter, Pw ft 14 Hydraulic Radius r= a/Pw ft 15 Channel Slope, s ft/ft 0 0 16 Manning's roughness coeff n 0 17 V=1 99 r^2/3 s^1/2 / n Compute V ft/s 0 0 18 Flow Length, L ft 19 Tt = Z(3600V) Compute Tt hr 0 0 0 20 Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt add Tc in steps 6,11, and 19 hr 0 005 e \clients\panco\set55 txt SMADA 6 0 for Windows Aatershed Informati Watershed Total Area (acres) 0 2089 Impervious Area (acres) 0 1520 Time of Concentration (min) 0 3 $ Impervious Directly Connected 25 00 ' Additional Abstraction Over Pervious Area (inches) 0 10 Over Impervious Area (inches) 0 01 Infiltration Characteristics Max Infiltration Capacity (in) 999 00 SCS Curve Number for Pervious 61 Initial Abstraction Factor ,0 20 e \clients\panco\se shd . Watershed HydrogaPh _ 025. 020 Flow ° 15 (Cfs) 010 005 0 00 . . - lis 10 25 0 ~ 10 Time (hourzi) Hydrograph Type SCS 100 ograph Time Time Rain C Rain ___ltration Excess Excess Outflvw (hr) HHMM (in) (in) (in) (in) (cfs) (cfs) 0 250 00015 0 004 0 009 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 500 00030 0 006 0 010 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 750 00095 0 006 0 017 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 001 1 000 00100 0 006 0 023 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 001 1 250 00115 0 006 0 029 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 001 1 500 00130 0 006 0 036 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 001 1 750 00145 0 006 0 092 0 002 0 001 0 001 0 001 2 000 00200 0 006 0 098 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 2 250 00215 0 006 0 055 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 2 500 00230 0 006 0 061 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 2 750 00245 0 006 0 067 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 3 000 00300 0 006 0 073 0 005 0 001 0 OOI 0 001 3 250 00315 0 006 0 080 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 3 500 00330 0 006 0 086 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 3 750 00345 0 006 0 492 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 4 000 00900 0 008 0 101 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 9 250 00415 0 008 0 109 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 9 500 00430 0 008 0 118 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 4 750 00945 0 008 0 126 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 5 000 00500 0 008 0 139 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 5 250 00515 0 008 0 193 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 5 500 00530 0 008 0 151 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 5 750 00545 0 008 0 160 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 6 000 00600 0 008 0 168 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 6 250 00615 0 O11 0 178 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 6 500 00630 0 O11 0 189 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 6 750 00645 0 010 0 199 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 7 000 00700 0 O11 0 210 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 7 250 00715 0 010 0 220 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 7 500 00730 0 O11 0 231 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 7 750 00745 0 Oll 0 242 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 8 000 00800 0 010 0 252 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 8 250 00815 0 013 0 265 0 010 0 002 0 002 0 002 8 500 00830 0 015 0 279 0 012 0 003 0 002 0 002 8 750 00895 0 015 0 294 0 012 0 003 0 002 0 002 9 000 00900 0 015 0 309 0 012 0 003 0 002 0 002 9 250 00915 0 017 0 325 0 014 0 003 0 003 0 003 9 500 00930 0 017 0 342 0 014 0 003 0 003 0 003 9 750 00945 0 019 0 361 0 015 0 003 0 003 0 003 10 00 01000 0 019 0 380 0 015 0 003 0 003 0 003 10 25 01015 0 021 0 401 0 017 0 004 0 003 0 003 10 50 01030 0 025 0 926 0 021 0 005 0 009 0 009 10 75 01095 0 032 0 458 0 026 0 006 0 005 0 005 il 00 01100 0 038 0 496 0 031 0 007 0 006 0 006 11 25 01115 0 044 0 590 0 034 0 010 0 008 0 008 11 50 01130 0 055 0 594 0 041 0 019 0 012 0 012 11 75 01145 0 218 0 813 0 145 0 079 0 062 0 062 12 00 01200 0 580 1 392 0 289 0 296 0 299 0 299 12 25 01215 0 092 1 485 0 036 0 057 0 048 0 098 12 50 01230 0 059 1 543 0 022 0 037 0 031 0 031 12 75 01245 0 048 1 592 0 017 0 031 0 026 0 026 13 00 01300 0 038 1 630 0 013 0 025 0 021 0 021 13 25 01315 0 031 1 661 0 O11 0 021 0 018 0 018 13 50 01330 0 027 1 688 0 009 0 018 0 015 0 015 13 75 01345 0 023 1 711 0 008 0 016 0 013 0 013 14 00 01900 0 021 1 732 0 007 0 019 0 012 0 012 14 25 01915 0 019 1 751 0 006 0 013 0 O11 0 O11 19 50 01430 0 017 1 768 0 005 0 O11 0 010 0 010 14 75 01445 0 015 1 783 0 005 0 010 0 008 0 008 15 00 01500 0 015 1 798 0 005 0 010 0 009 0 009 15 25 01515 0 015 1 812 0 005 0 010 0 009 0 009 15 50 01530 0 013 1 825 0 004 0 009 0 007 0 007 15 75 01545 0 013 1 837 0 004 0 009 0 007 0 007 16 00 01600 0 013 1 850 0 004 0 009 0 007 0 007 16 25 01615 0 013 1 863 0 004 0 009 0 007 0 007 16 50 01630 0 013 1 875 0 009 0 009 0 007 0 007 16 75 01645 0 010 1 886 0 003 0 007 0 006 0 006 17 00 01700 0 010 1 896 0 003 0 007 0 006 0 006 17 25 01715 0 010 1 907 0 003 0 007 0 006 0 006 17 50 01730 0 010 1 917 0 003 0 007 0 006 0 006 17 75 01745 0 010 1 928 0 003 0 007 0 006 0 006 18 00 01800 0 008 1 936 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 18 25 01815 0 008 1 945 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 18 50 01830 0 008 1 953 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 18 75 01895 0 008 1 961 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 19 00 01900 0 008 1 970 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 19 25 01915 0 008 1 978 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 19 50 01930 0 008 1 987 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 19 75 01945 0 008 1 995 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 20 00 02000 0 006 2 001 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 004 20 25 02015 0 006 2 008 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 009 20 50 02030 0 006 2 014 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 20 75 02095 0 006 2 020 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 21 00 02100 0 006 2 026 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 21 25 02115 0 006 2 033 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 009 21 50 02130 0 006 2 039 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 004 21 75 02145 0 006 2 095 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 009 22 00 02200 0 006 2 052 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 004 22 25 02215 0 006 2 058 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 004 22 50 02230 0 006 2 064 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 004 22 75 02245 0 006 2 071 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 009 23 00 02300 0 006 2 077 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 004 23 25 02315 0 006 2 083 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 004 23 50 02330 0 006 2 089 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 004 23 75 02345 0 006 2 096 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 009 29 00 00000 0 004 2 100 0 001 0 003 0 003 0 003 24 25 00015 0 000 2 100 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 2 100 1 105 0 961 0 961 Totals for Watershed in inches over 0 21 acres Rational Coefficient = 0 974 Peak Flow (cfs) = 00 25 e \clients\panco\se hyd . Staqe Storage 'Weir 1 Qt " 2 Q Dzscharge ('ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) fs) (cfs) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 5,0 0 0}0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 80 0 00 0 09 0 00 0 09 1 00 0 00 0 33 0 00 0 33 Weir Numberl Type Circular Orifice Equation Q = C*A*2g^ 5*H^n Weir Invert (ft) 0 50 C 0 60 n 0 50 Orifice Diameter (ft) 0 75 e \clients\panco\sacs pnd . Pond Routing 0 2s 0 20 ' I' i~ F10W 0 15 Pond Flow In (cfs) ~ i 0 10 - ~ - ~i 005 4 I ~ i Pond Flow Out ~ 0 00 , ~ 0 ~ 1'0 1'5 10 25 Time (hours) r ~ Time Inflow Outflow Stage Storage (hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ac-ft) 0 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 1 25 4 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 1 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 1 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 25 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 250 000 000 020 000 2 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 3 75 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 4 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 9 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 4 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 9 75 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 5 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 5 25 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 5 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 5 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 6 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 6 25 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 6 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 6 75 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 7 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 7 25 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 7 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 775 000 000 020 000 8 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 8 25 Q 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 650 000 000 020 000 8 75 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 9 00 0 00 0 00 0 24 0 00 9 25 0 00 0 00 0 21 0 00 9 50 0 00 0 00 0 21 0 00 9 75 0 00 0 00 0 22 0 00 10 00 0 00 0 00 0 22 0 00 10 25 0 00 0 00 0 23 0 00 10 50 0 00 0 00 0 29 0 00 10 75 0 00 0 00 0 25 0 00 11 00 0 O1 0 00 0 28 0 00 11 25 0 01 0 00 0 31 0 00 11 50 0 O1 0 00 0 37 0 00 11 75 0 06 0 04 0 63 0 00 12 00 0 25 0 24 0 93 0 00 12 25 0 05 0 06 0 68 0 00 12 50 0 03 0 03 0 61 0 00 12 75 0 03 0 02 0 58 0 00 1300 002 002 056 000 1325 002 001 055 000 13 50 0 02 0 O1 0 54 0 00 13 75 0 O1 0 O1 0 53 0 00 19 00 0 O1 0 O1 0 53 0 00 14 25 0 O1 0 O1 0 53 0 00 14 50 0 O1 0 Ol 0 52 0 00 14 75 0 O1 0 O1 0 52 0 00 15 00 0 Ol 0 O1 0 52 0 00 15 25 0 O1 0 O1 0 52 0 00 15 50 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 15 75 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 16 00 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 16 25 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 16 50 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 16 75 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 17 00 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 17 25 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 17 50 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 17 75 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 18 00 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 18 25 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 18 50 0 01 0 00 0 51 0 00 18 75 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 19 00 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 19 25 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 19 50 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 19 75 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 20 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 20 25 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 20 50 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 , a# 75 o 00 0 00 o so 0 00 21 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 21 25 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 21 50 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 21 75 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 22 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 22 25 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 22 50 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 22 75 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 23 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 23 25 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 23 50 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 23 75 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 24 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 29 25 0 00 0 00 0 98 0 00 24 50 0 00 0 00 0 46 0 00 Max 0 25 0 24 0 93 0 00 Initial Pond Volume 000 000 ac-ft + Total Inflow Volume 000 017 ac-ft Total Outflow Volume 000 012 ac-ft Total Percolation Volume 000 005 ac-ft Final Pond Volume (stage) 000 001 ac-ft Final Pond Volume (calc) 000 000 ac-ft Difference (error) 000 000 ac-ft e \clients\panco\se rte RANDALL & DANSKIN, P S ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS 1500 BANK OF AMERICA FINANCIAL CENTIIZ I.EITH D BROWN (WA ID) 601 WFST RIVERSIDE AVENUE PAUL J ALLiSON (WA) AMHONY G GRABICKI (WA, ID) SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99201-0653 ROBERT T CARTER (WA, N OR) PETER J GRa►B1CK! (WA, ID TX) TELEpHO1VE (509) 747-2052 OF COUNSE[. ROBERT P HAILEY (WA, ID CA) TELECOPIER (509) 6242528 DAV1D A. KULLSCH (WA, CA) MICHAEL J MYERS (WA, ID) DOIVALD K QUERNA (WA, P CAROLEL ROLANDO(WA) RECEIVED CD RANDALL(1885-]96;~ DOUGLAS J STDDOWAY (WA, m IV1) F B DANSKIN (1884-1971) LAUREL H SIDDOWAY (WA, ID IV~ SPOf\I`1N E COUNW A A LUNDIIV (1974-1976) MICHAEL L. WOLFE (WA. CA) G I.. ICWER (1918-1988) dAN 11 2009 January 7, 2000 BUiLQiNG /iND COGr ENFORCEMENT Blh Ms Francine Shaw Division of Buulding & Plaruung 1026 W Broadway Spokane, Waslungton 99260-0050 Re ZE-1 A-71 Our File No 32371 Dear Ms Shaw Enclosed are copies of the vanous deeds by wluch Brad-M acquired trtle to the property which was tax parce145182 9145, a portion of which was sold to Ronald A and Lynda A Sahnow It is my understanduig that at our next meeting you will clanfy the zone wluch must be nohfied of the public heanng I understand that you will give me a map wluch shows the parcels, the owners of wluch must be notified of the pubhc heanng Very truly yours, RANDALL ANS , P S ~ ~ 4 Pa J ~ P Enc Three Qwt Claun Deeds dated December 6, 1996 Qurt Claun Deed dated November 16, 1998 cc Mr Ron Sahnow (w/o enc) Mr Ewing 1Vlikken (w/o enc) \323711Shaw01 dl 01/07/00 FRI 14 20 FA% 5t'^ '47 2781 FIRSIT AMERICAN TITTF rSl Q002 . t'd ~Ilben t~dod r~alt~d to a r 4Nb0 a~ ~L~ aeoM rm IL It*~ ~s • aY aao sut: OWt CiBbEi D6Bd TfiB 0lNNTOR(8), PARK FLAC6 PARTMM. ae pu and ps amWaifta of a pmumip OmAft nNea co wAcasM1376(l)(4 0eed02731v- a sml ponalwme~ Porewovmoa hmfweamMacase mnoax RCW ffi-43 O10, wtnroya aod gait de~s to ~M. INC. l~ A~ona ooapor~to~. ~o o~~fdeb tlR~ par ams t~0~) ~ m me fauowp~g ~ iai e~te. r~ m tlte ego* of kdm BEaro of WedUagtoa toomr ldm eU ou aqWed d!o of ta potixW tbeift 9ee aMoiOd bkBB'A°AF r#ftwnmda apnt 19aW Daed "I i'sCGM .19 96 Dd9et~xP en • Pd . bp iq Ps~ sraU oP wnMaTM )u ~ COUIRY OF Wt1A'{'OWi! } OaftftpmtmiFjlpiwedbofbtem ,m0m o l➢~,Oef~R ' tmemm m b d,o Wvidwltrl Qan~ed 6+ ead rb wtae~ed Hft f Publl~. m~f m~ mo SdW aiAU~ me lbneg~a8 am0 ~o~ ~ ~ ~d s~4 p~f q~'ed._ daaod dm aa8 e~ htelba fite and Yoh~lry ~t eoA dad.4r ~o to ~~C ~a af 9ml~b! u~ t~d pe~o me~om me~latm6 ~t o~mpoaa me ~oa~o4e~ ~ ormpkmFwbumoo. QM umn roy am aod ot~clol u~ dd~ ~ey ~ ~ax m Qe ~a bree snd ~~a ap4 dao~ cf aM ~ OCO~O~. ~tf ~i011f~Dfld~mp~0 d~C1DmC~ ,10 m0 00 o1d11a~ Om~ 1QI~t1~ t~ 6.ama~ m a~e ~e dQ~a~ ~t me ~sl al~ed b0~a w+POnoo sa~a~we p~ e~~ o! ~o p~i Yhea Pt11ce1~p. eado~t~f d9~edmt~r~yt+r Rossry iA& lo Md Por dro 90do Ot N►e~iqooo. ~ u th~s ~I~~.~ 0► ppR~i laAoyAddle ia tnd for mt Sltcef wob~ m ~ ~ ~~m , ~ Order GB Da8c=ptzott s 1996 5065051 ,Page 1 0:e 2 Cameat • 01/07/00 FRI 14 20 FAX bC^ "17 2781 FIRST AMERICAN TIT' °!"S1 0003 . . ~ A08~ i l~A96 01.6Y Led Oftlam ~ r 7~lB~ffSTlLtI.FOP~BS'OU1l1~►~1~'QI~ THROTTN880!lIf~RA~lQVA9l8~~71~B~Qti►AR1'l~II~tBeG'~ION 18 rou►i~m► s! btoMfl 3tAx~l3 44 P 1~ ►WM.. 01 MRANB CMlHt'!t wi►WtiM aOfiw 71ID Ww $0 fM VUBMI., lIKD (+JlCSF'! 97l8 M0RO SQ A88'! TliBMM AM AKCBPr To SOVf N 779b vw 7li~P/1M Lvw[ 7jMsOIJtJi jW.9 mY OPmw65F 1T9.3r881'mmw, nLS~ Bycc~O'[1iAT A0~1 CONv~Y'~'l~0 BPDxAt~ t~i'PY.8YD~1 {18C~OR~SD JVL~' R 1~ tA~DMR IWotMs PD,8 NO 31lE21C, 1IMH08TgLAB'lQUAMCFMSOVMWMQUMMaF'lIMMMMABTOMMQP7ti8"MM9aWrQUAM~ a7' w7'tOAf 38, 41aWMW 21 HQM itNNOa 44 NAb'f. W-AQ.. tN WOMS CN11Y WA81lMM McCv7 t=Nott'IA 30 =r 7ffwW TM$Atr7 332pB84 CWMaD'lMABAST atlAW'eA t7PTt1880MW8BT QUA"=OP7tMSOUti1RWQ=TnOP't'RB lqai1'KQMM 01 'nDN 18. S09YN=:s lIS4M, RANOBI4 BASi' W.09.. Di POOCAM CO11Y WA6lmi1MOlI MnP'1' M S0{T!S ldS FBW 1~ ~Oxdex ~~arcriPtuan 1996 406509I iDaga 2 of 2 Canoteat ~ 0004 01/07/00 FRI lA 21 FAg 5C" '47 2781 FIRST A~RICAN TIT"c rSl Whs,~ roa~ded at~te do 4QBSa~ i Ace~. ~o e. a~ 0it cuy oa sm ..Q oqn cteM dad QCr 1~ W9ft5==pmda4 ~dlr+fided cacmy4gkt per oest OBS) b=d fa *0 MOMq$ deNalboa 1+ed ess% 1{ood ta tbe OoM al9paM Sto o! Wabbto0. opim a+lth al! afta ev*ed a ot tk pone thootm 3W MFted RHN °g° by idWew mob e pt ~l Dased 3)&G • mC ~odset~c ITA,S flF WASOMM , STAn OP WASHUMON COUNTitOPWRAMM ou a►4~qrP~+~r~~~ ,~me 68 a~ ~r Phaoc. a .~a tbr ~ 90~ sn~n m bo dm io0~~ de~rlbee m rmd vW a~aoea~d dm p aomm~ai~6 tad wannn. pm~a0yr ahbb aae tore~uWg uaauom. tad idc~ed t~u tdm ~ to tee ~a m ba A~e the~e~a ef i- ofgn~d tAa ttm~ w bbth~ 6~e0 ~od taohmatly ~t eao ~0.6ot ~0 _ Qtc~ mQ ~att e+a~ O~e u~r aad ~om t~eln no~aoel. ~06~ I~e~.~odfd~awle~odtim~d Oo~pmoeffimbtOm WVBN ow ow Imap md oeb1 teal 00 ew of R~ee ~nndro~r ~~ddmnatq~daupm+~a. ~~eoNlwd ~~i v~lcoea OA ~~Dd ~nt be ie e~dro~ m , l9- e,m~+diet~d~sa.m~~od~tum~atl~eed ~b+rooo~y~e ml a[ pit vmpaw" ~ a~ ba~ emdo~t ~p ~~~e dU a~d ya* NOep PuW in aa4 ibr dia 8aae o! v~adiova reaftas sdinguwa Wbmz Cuaw ammmwa. ~ *=oft ZMAJ Ita~ey~o w~aa~ e ~ oiw~ i,eddos~ at ~ tk~ oa bbr I d 4 ~ N n At JU n.1996 prder C8 Descrzptzan 1995 4065055 Page 1 of 2 C4=Mu*r 01J07/00 FRI 14 21 FAg 5,"" _47 2781 FIR9T AbtERICAN TIT' *'S1 1@005 ~ f• • - P00M~ . p ~ p~ 119~ ~t MBfW.PWi6., Yf LYVL%n WYi1ffHW7YMM OM"M IW •MMW 20 NO=r M 44 MmiiFP RWw ii~r7wmpm MMM = HOM dY mr VMWZUP INY OifCwr•itp swmf17s swI~~ Ap OALi1f .UM YV4M i`J gm mmvw i17i ma logwR T narWCatQVeYW'MgWAWCM1" 6Y DWU00MMltl1.lt 9 I9ktNRAW01Wn At,8o MMWM0 M M,81to 873021C N0~7~8ABT,~~'~'~8 ~OtI~T 4vA~ ~?~~1~'~A6TffitOYTHS~O~ op Wwom 26 NaM wM ea enff,V.ae.. ~ ~ MWff WAiU"M axcgff Ma Ho~ar~so MrTHSUoF nMsnss in~ss aMrns ~ QUa~aaVsaa$au~'4U~~~s ~QVOMopIIM L%m44Ws►.WJ4. v1VWMcofflnr.aM=MM, sxcs~r rees~ur~ ~e~ ~at ~ ~jprder C'33 Descriptzoa 1996 4063055 Page 2 of 2 Comw**tt 01107/00 FRI 14 21 FAX 51-"'47 2781 FIRST AMERICAN TIT' ^S1 a406 ~ ~Whm aeooddes ~ to N~ a oeMM ~ 40860~8 ~ r Addm - 1 of~ W ~go ~ ~t OW od 80m Quit COaim Deed Um M,4NmoaO. aWGtcwE. MoaM= cwu, am a ooto~ao =we%aea, tW aa !o oomwmam at ma aowadoa eE a~ ~RC 10a~ ft md omw mddmft, ooW~t spd q* CMN w► $RAM. Di1C,. fed Afl~= gntgnauti 4ikM ~ ~ ~ ~c ~ ~e a de om~► ~s 8a aAar" MU OaG Ep Wom mmh opotAw4 Daad i ~ . to-L By si0a B~GCKAL ~ ~.1AQ~. r'~'~ ~3 seo0oi~s~ ~ ~ . ~ , srAW as wADU,oM , Y ~ COMMarVXAn= ~ oot~ro~ onmbaigpmom14~~ome~ ~mae ~ 10 d. ~i 80~ 1~o to bb b ild~Q da~rRreO ~f ~ae wbo a~oeooed ft rFM tQ0 ta1o" lamzmnf, atd ubwe*d . pinwm l~QCd ~d in100 ~B h~N~ ~RA VQ~ CI Cm! dLO~. ~t d10 Id SBII~'6AL ~ II4C.. Qy ~d0fppei{~ mf1 WOS tAa 0'Al~Oi~ ~ t~I. ~~ONADW tomm 104 ft d0 c'BVeN uM aW hod md otFkW md 0 dpt af mom in a etn +00 "4reiw ea mod ot dm sorpnsw% ibr ghe awmd parp=ft*=Mbwoa atM ~ b~me oope"~ ~ ~ od0~~o Vbm M AbM ~.h~d ~~~I~iMlQQm d9yaady~r NWry hbib ¢1 o0 !ft ft sm ef WktkoM taft 01 Bet*= W6um Z1w* 91de~qpm~ ip1~.t11AY~ a ~r coosau~aoo S~d~ ~ ~~m~ Bom o~~isn~os ~ ~~m~ Ji~ 7lt~ t896 Orc?cx CB Descsipf.son 1996 9065056 Page 1 oiE 2 Cconmut 01/07/00 FRI 14 22 FAX 5"" '47 2781 FIR9T AbtERICAN TIT' ^'"S1 0007 i v • . IL ' Liu r1A8~8? 8At PQ~ 1i~~lJ~W88i~ ~B~Q'~A84~p~1g8~8W8~ t]aAW~tIIO 6~f.'~lOp 18r Z~O~ilBRiP ~S NOBSlL RJ1~ Q4 Bf 44'~. W~. Q~Q~1 EMM WE W88'r a8 EW"MM"W, JIE1D ffit~B4T'Y'~ N087~! 30 i~ ~ AL~D ~T T~$80Vr87~! i98B~'!~ Ali~ 'B~DCi~c ~ BOlAB v~! ~ OP ~ WB~y' ~7Ai F89~'i~EO~ AL60~?Q~0'14iAT i0R~4RiCQDiVB~B91Y~ ~~}BtAuN'~'T~8Yn8W P~JULYO. ioBB. i1~AVDfl03! 8 =.8 ND "mm 7'~BIQDR7~?~ Q1NBf0~TQ{~q~~~6~O~~OFS'~N~,QOA~A OP sOCMON 18.lum' ;8 w8o iUlRm4t8A61f.". 21 Stamm . B►A8~i6Rt00~1 OICmT~im"030m7'mw" 7'~ 8A8T l~ P8B'~' ON'~ ~A8'[ QRiJIR1'~OT9~ aA~ ~ QVAR'~t~ ~ DiO~I~TaUAB~T~.IIit88Cl~ 1a►7V~~ BAIQt~M~Ai~. ~~~fTY WA~lQtQf~+~ BZiCBPI tb8 ~0~'x IQd P~'1"~A order c.s Demaxipt.f.on 2996 9065056 Page 2 of 2 Caa~ent 01/07/00 FRI 14 22 FAZ 5"" '47 2781 FIR9T A3IERICAN TI7T'- ~S1 [M008 ~ r • V1lW fo+' Recwd ad Aeqtrg4 oCt G. JENN1S 4RCHMt ANb l1S=A't'OS. pS Af"1'ER RECOKO1iC ddAIL M C) p8WS ARG'HO! AMD ASSOCYA7'0. pS 1BDD ]a~es Serm BolEittg,bmo. Washingeon vBw 0f 3 RW.wxcdR TM 3a19 a 000 solane Ga b iQt1IT CI.AxM D1,ED cmator- PaRK Mace pAtgrNMsHlr cromfa DRAr,.M nvc LrWd L7me'lpttan THB 11M!' HAL.F pP THL SVUTHti1►ESi' QUAR7ER 01; TH8 SOlJ'fRgW QUARTER d$ THB NOR7NWW QUftiRTCR IN SECT10N 16. 7'DWNSHtP 23NORTN. RAMGS 44 EAS1', W M.. lIY SPOKANE cvuiaTY wasHIvaTM AWWnor'& Tos **Md lD 045182 9149 RetOeace NnL oC DM=Wb Aemwd ae Au!Wmad.. IQJA , TH$ OP 4N'lt7it. PARiC PLACB AAMERSHiP. v pVt attV Ifl CtnlqldCCis1iDD Of a paUiC!$hip dLSSWuttap. doe9► igftbyr comray Md qUti elmae to BRAd M GRAN'rEE. att its rlgbt iltle aW ttrterco to ttsc rz1 estaoe dr.ncM6ed at &Lltlblt 'A' allashed lmv. stfuakd in thc Caurty of 5pokaw. State ot WLqhington liFF rRE!MT "A" A'1'7'AC'M HEW-d AND BY TH1S RMOX11CE ZNCOfGPQRA7'$p NEREM A5i TNdUGlf FL'I.i.Y SET FOR7'H. ~ ri m ; rax PaRcEi, 140. 45191-9145 ~ ~ 0 bATEU th1! doy n[ Q~ ~ ~4IAPLdl • - ~ .r ~1 ~ ro 6 4 ~ 0 to m '9 Qu►1 C'fam bead 1'e;e tilf s ~ A N ~ ~ prdes C8 Deaarspt:dn 1999 9295108 Page 1 of 3 C=mm°'at 01/07/00 FRI 14 22 FA% 5"" '47 2781 FIAST AbfERICAN TIT"' ^S1 Q009 . ~ p 42l~10a~ tt~1B 1~ gt op ~Ili3~ ~il T~ 1pS ~ $iD QD 8ootm ~ m STATE OP WASHLtrtdTQlv ~ )a9 Comy o[ WHA'rCOM ) vu tEb d&W pereonatly Wpcar-cd M1CHAEi. p1ULtANt ta m$ tcaawa ta og thC Indlviduat clcmibcd M lm3 wbo cumtad thw wilhio and Mnegatng tastsunm. mtd erimwtedged tZtat he aigand tLt ame am 6is [res and voluotwy act md doW tartha um and ~urpou tbmtn mmlonid. Glvett unww nry trsad and oRkW sanl thiS day Of • 1~ 4 ~ e NaraxY auBUc mod rur *c s,atc oe `1ArashiaM Mkimg at eetls»ghom My appolatmaa eapneas Nvvwnbsc to 1M °essy~A lg ~ V liK7Y r i` pVr.Jv ~dg w~ • Xpl~ , ~ a : f1un tlaun fkeJ EPagc ~r i Order Cw Drescxsptzoa 1998 4295108 Page 2 of 3 Cb~nt 01/07/00 FRI 14 22 FAX 5" -47 2781 FIR9T AMERICAN TIT -~S1 0010 ' , ' j , 1 111941 410 ~ i111,1. tg AU4t ti iJ D Q "U W SRekm :a 1l E1ICHmT1' °A" THE WES'f' HALP pP 'I'R8 SOVTHWBST Qi1ARTrR flF THE SdUYHEASr pUARm Op y'E3IS N0ATHWEST QUARZ'ER tN 5EC'1'tdH iB. T4WA19HIP 29 NoRTN. ItANOB 44 F.AST. W M. IN SPpKANE L•OUN'rY. WASHiN07'ON. EXCE" 'f'!t6 WeW 30 PEW' 7MRBOF: ANd F.XCEi+? THY! NpkM 30 PU7' THEiiEOF: AYD F.XCEPT THE Splj7H Z'yl+S pBHT THEREDP; AN!! BXCEPF THE bOL1TH 142.9 F88T OF TN$ WBN! 174 1 P66T Z'HEREOP. ALSO EXC6PT'1N0 7'HA7 pO1i7iON COr1WyW 70 SPOKAIK$ COUNTY. SY DP.W ilECORbaL' JULY 9, 19fO, t1140ffit AUbfTQR'S FILB NO. 3y3221C THE A10ZtYNBAST QL1ANYHR OF THE SpU7HrV$S1' QiJARTBR OF TN8 SOMBASj' QUAtt'TFA OP THE NO1i'tHWfi.4[' QUAEt'CER OF mECP]oAt 38. TCWN5NiP 25 AtOkTH. RAwoe 44 EAsT. wM.. nv sroicaNE CovNrtt. wASHnvaToN EccEgt THE NoRTH 30 FM rxEREOF THE sAsr 132 iM aF THE sotrrHEAn auAXM op THE satmHwesr OuAxTER or THE sotttHLast QuARTe oP THE PfrnsTHWgSr QvARrMt, rH sMcrtDN ls, ?OWtrt5H1P aS lqpRTH ItAN(3E 44 EA3T. W M fN SPOKANE COUNTY ti1VA5NtNGTON. EXCF.PT THE SpU7H 105 FEBT TliEagpF QR Clastr tked Pagv 3 ut 3 prd+er C3 peocrzpticosss 1998.9293108 Page 3 af 3 Coxm=t PP, FPP*_ ,or SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING CIIANGE OF CONDITIQNS TC)R A PItLi VIfJUSLY APPRC}VED ZUNE CHANGE : Date q ~ Applleafion No Z2_' ~ k& Name Of ApplicantlRepresentativc PAUL J ALLISON / EWING M M22CKEN MaiIing Address 601 W RIVERSIDE AVE , SUITE 1500 CiCy SPOKANE State W&` Z1p 99201 Phone (509) 747-2052 (Woik) (509) 924-2868 (Hoine) Exxsting Zone Classification UR 22 (3c Date Existing 2one Classification Established rzay 22, 1975 Legal Description of Property see attached Section 18 Townslup 25N Range 44EW Sotuce of Legal Charles Simpson, Simpson Engineers, Inc Parcel No 45182 9144, 45182 9145 PRC)POSE, D C"HA.NGE OT CONIlITIONS Reference speeific "Gondrttvn(s)" of artginal approval (C1te the applicable condition fiom the rindiilgs and 4rder af tlie Hearing Examcner Committee's publ2c hearing) Resolutlon No 75 362 in ZE-1-7I adapted May 22, 1975 appllcable to a nortian of hP ~nrnpprtu nttnchec~ certain conditians" ca v a acbPd _ Give detailed explanation of request for change in stattis of the proposal We request a change as to condition "4" approving the plOt plan submltted ' herewith and allowinQ the eonstructiorL-pf r-o m r a 1 hi i 7 ,,,gg a,~ cbr%=„ on sa.id p1_ot p1 an _ I C cievelopment of the site will be changed substantially Uy this request, or the propei ty has Uouiidaries different than originaliy proposed, a revised development plan must be submitted 601 W. 1vPrs -iciP ~~lsnn i n re of Appllcant oi Agent Address if dtfferen than Applicant Spokane, WA 99201 RECECVED SPC7KAfVE COUfVTY ~ Z E DEC 0 9 1999 I~ev $I93, sam DMSION QF BU!!JDlNG AND pLUMINQ J w AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVID that any development an the above-described property shall be subiect to the following conditions: 1) Improvetnents of the advertised property alonq Ella Road and Cataldo Avenue. (Improvements shall include curb, sidAlk, pavinq to existinq oil, and drainage control. ) 2) a. Off-street packing facilities and connecting roadways shall not occupy any area within 5 feet of an adioininq Aqricultural or Residential Zone outside the apartment proiect area. b. A screen forty-two (42) inches in height shall be provided alonq the periphery of aay off-atreet parking facility or connectinq roadways adjoining a residential or Agricultural Zone. Such screen shall be constructed of ornamental masoncy. The Director of Planninq may approve a planted screen or ornamental fence in li.eu of said ornamental masonry wall. c. Any portion of the pro j ect which i s to be occupied or traveled by automobiles shall be maintained in hard surface pavinq. d. Parkinq areas shall be unliqhted except that drtveways, walkways, and landscaped traffic fslands may be illuminated by low-intensity lighting on standards not exceedinq ten (IO) feet in height. e. The design, location, and arrangement of parking stalls and driveways shall be in accordance with standard englneering practices; planting strips or landscaped traffic-islands may be required by the Director of Planning for parking lots which contain more than 20 parkinq stalls. . 3) All land areas not occupied by buildinqs, parkinq and circulation shall be landscaped, planted and maintained in appropriate turf and shrubbery. If the project is developed in states, this requirement shall apply as each succeeding area is developed. 4) The propecty sha11 be developed in aubstantial conformance with the "approved plot plan", i.e., 1) the aparttnent project shell not contain more than 65 units ~QANAJIon the advettised area, 2) structures on the perimeter of the project shall not exceed one atory in height; 3) townhouse units toward the interior of the proiect shall not exceed two stories in height. 5) Provisions ghall be made for fire hydrants in accordance with the requirements of the Valley Fire Marehal. RECEIVED SPOKANE COUNTY „s" no" • ' DEG09 1999 ZE IA 1 plV[SION OE 6UlLDlNG AND PLANNING . , ~F,1A1"I • APR-15-1999 14 32 SIMPSON ENGINEERS 509 926 1323 P 04/04 ~ r + ~ ibimpson Gn9ineen, Inc., C~A~~~ E~7 PSON RICHARD L SIMPSON CIVIL ENGINEERS AIVD LAND SURVEYQRS CHARLES E SIMPSON FOt11mED 1948 Lrcencee in Uljeshrrrgron a,td Idaho N 909 Argonne Road Spokane, WA 99212 (509) 826-1322 Fax 926-1323 PANOO NLW LEG►AL That portLOn of the W ih of the SW V4 of t6e SE Y4 of the N'W of Section 18, T?,5 N, P. 44 E W.M descrlbed ss follows Dcgin at the SR/ wrner of the SE ~1a of the NW 1/4 of Section 18; thence N O1°00'48"E, alottg the West line of the SE 1/4 of the NW Y4, a dLstance of 142.52 feet to the North tuie of the South 142 50 feet of said NW V4, thence S 89055'11"E, parallel with South line of satd NW V4, a distance of 30 00 feet ta the True Point of Beginning, thencc cominuuig S 89°5S'11"E a distance 197 22 feet, thence N 39°44'15"E a dLstance of 10118 feet, thence S 89°55' 11 "L a dLstance of 4100 feet to the East luie of the W% of the SVY ~/a of the SE ~/a of smd NW thence S 01°07'Q4"W, along said East luie, a distance of 192 93 feet ta a poiat 27 50 feet North of the South luYe of said NW tbenoe N 69°55'].1"W, pazallel with saiLd Sovth lme, a dutance of 280 84 feet to the begmnmg of a cwve concave to the Northeast with a raduis of 20 00 feei; thence Northwesterly, through a central a,nsle of 90°55'S9", an arc ciistance of 3174 feet ta the end of curve, said end bemg 30 00 feet East of t6e West hne of the SB V4 of said N W%4; thence N U 1°00'43 "E, along said Fast lne, a distance of 94 69 feet to tbe True Pazat of Begmnmg Situate tn the County of Spokane, State of Washmgton ~ tius F ~ ~ ~ pE•+L~xO E1IRI$ 7,1T199 RECEIVED SPOKANE COUN DEC 0 91999 TOTAL P 04 DMSION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING APR-15-1999 14 32 S I MPSON ENG I NEERS ' 509 926 1323 P 04/04 t ~ CLAREiVCE E S(MPSON a5impson GNIneens, nr• 1901-1987 RICHARO L. SIMPSON CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LANQ SURVEYQRS CHARLES E SIMPSON FounmEo Ieas Llcenced in Wasfunglbn and kaho N 909 Arganne Road Spokane, WA 99212 (509) 926-1322 fax 926-1323 PAvoo rrEw L~GAL That portwn of the W lh of the SW V4 of tbe SE 4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 18, T 25 N, k 44 E W M descrbed as follows 13egm at the SW caorner of the SE ~/a af the NW Y4 of Secaon 18, thenoe N 01°00'48"E, along the West line of the SE 1/4 of the IVW '/a, a dstance of 142 52 fieet to the North tine of the South 142 50 feet of said NW V4. thence S 89°55' 11"E, parallel with South Ime o# said NW V4, a distance of 30 00 feet ta the True Point of Beginnmg, thencc cominuing S 89°SS'11"E a distance 197 22 feet, thenCe N 39°44'15"E a dxstance of 101 18 feet, theace S 89°55' 11 "E a dLstance oF 41.00 feet to the East lme of the VV 3A of the SW ~/a of the SE V4 of said NW thance S 01°07'04"W, along said East lme, a distance af 142 93 feet ta a point 27 50 feet North of the South luYe of said NVV'/a, tbenoe N 89°55'] Z"W, parallel with sazd South llne, a dLstance of 280 84 feet to the begnnmg of a curve cancave ta the Northeast with a radius of 20 00 feet; thence Narthwesterly, through a central angle of 90°55'S9", an arc distance of 3174 feet to the end of curve, said end being 30 00 bet East of tbe West luie of the SE a of said NW ~/4, chence N 01900143"E, aloag satd East lne, a dLstauce of 94 69 feet to tbe True Pomt of Beginnmg Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Waslungton ~ F ~lh ~ ~ `11'_p; ~~GTST~;'".f',y►... JNINMdId ONV JNIOllf18 A0 NOISUIIQ E"wNs''"899 66616 0 3 30 Z -R E 1A 71 TOTAL P 04 A1Nflao 3N`dN0dS C]3Al303b 10/28/99 THL 10 21 FA$ 509 "-I" 2528 RANDALL.B.DANSI{IN - 10001 RANDALL & DANSKIN, P.S. 601 West Riverside Avenue, Suite 1500 Spokene, Washington 99201-0653 Phone (509) 747-2052 MEMORANDUM To - Spokarle County FROM• Ronald A Sa.hnow and Luida J Sahnow DATE: 10/28/99 ItE A poitaon of 18-25-44 W I/2 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Tax parce145182-9145 and 9144 We recently purchased a porhoa of the property included in parcel 45182-9145 We already owned parce145182-9] 44 We have been advised fhat parce145182-9145 is 2oned UR-22 wnth conditions We hereby authonze Paul J A1lison, attorney, and any member of the f~um of RANDALL & DANSKIN, P S, to represent us in all matters related to this property including lts zonuig and the conditions of the zomng, and to take on our behalFany acnon which he deems ap ropnate wnth regard to the zowng of such propexry I ` , Ronald A Sahuow ~ ~ RECEIVED SPOKANE COUNTY A DEC 0 91999 Z E ,.e aw DIVlS10N OF BU11DlNG AND PLANNINC OCT 28 1999 10 23 509 t24 2528 PAGE 01 ~ ~y r~r ( J 1.t002 ~.140a"i ,I , . ~ 2.a514 .l"f+~ l74;, w,I? - uu 1i7U f~ ,;k ' ' 2 0609 2.0610 2.D513 ~,05~ J I Y _ ` ' .~62a j _ - _ 2.Ob~5 2 - U53(1 . t1709 1 - . - f d 1.1007 i 2• 915 3 _ _ 6 - • - , 2.9127 2.0515 2.0526 ~ - _ ';~i~, ~ ,s- ~'•~fi13 't•Ob14 2•{J611 2•~516 p_ ~ . ' ~ ' r~ ; 2•652 7•6fi26 2.06Z7 2.4628 _ 26 1.0720 1.pF11 2.0523 65 1.1(~06 3 ~a ; ~ ' / i - , r - - \ / , . . . - . . '~k . `4.~ . , . i . ~ ~ . , ~ . . ~ - . , J' , ' - ~ ~ .~_~rrl:m rs~sd'^dr"y~-~ ~ ~ ~ 7 - - - , ~ _ _ _ ~ ~ • - _ . _ . _ n ~ _ _ _ . ~ aw p ~ ~ ~ _ . - - - i , ~ sOdfSE Baone 800(48 ~ ~ - _ ~ ~ - ~ ~ . ; ,-~r. . . . ~~...i o '~~.i; _ . . :r~ , f~ . _ . ~ , ~ ~ i . one , Boone ~2.0713 > i) - - = ' - , ~ - . - . . . ~ : ~ , - , 2~",~r ~ - - ~ - ° _ 2 gl I1 2 • O T I ~ ~ _ ~ _ 1~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ ; 3 ~ ~ ~ . r . - - . . .,1 " , . 2.963I 2~903Q '2.912$.3i30 2.9133 2 9142 p.0710 2,0~06 2.OT05 2.O104 2.OT43 , , _ . , - , ~ _ ~ . - i - 0743 1.0907 ~ . . - ~ = - _ ~ ' ~ . _ _ - . _ _ _ 2•OTI 2•Oll4 , ; ; h~ i' : 4 ~ i''~ , , - - ~ "",i ' ~t~11 ~~,ji,~~~~~. , - _ r -f ~a ~1 , . T _ , 2,902~ ~ _ - : ~ 1 . 0906 1 . C! ~ : 2 9 3 ~4~ _ , ` _ ~ = ~ 2 . 01 ~ I 2 . Q rOT ~ . 2. 9136 U~ ` r" c ~ - ° - _ ~ _ - 2.9l34 2,9~a3~ 2.0709 s~! _ ' , . ~ , . 2 . ~,11 J I ~ Q 2.0709 I.0908 ~ a , ~ ~ , ` ~ = f = , 2.0712 ~ ~.O108 ~ ~ e ~ ~ _ : - _ ~ e s m ti3 5~ ~9 ' ~ UK-3.5 ~ f ~ . ~ r~~w••r~ _ ~ r--~►.aat-tir~-~r~ne~-~ ~ 7 z.asas z.asoa a.~vo1 2.1004 ~ ~ 2~9141 ~ 2.0819 ~i i 7 1.0921 ~ 2.9141 I , , 7 ' 2,Q$20 ~ 2,I . 2 O80 4fl2 2 IOD3 ~ q ~r ~io ~elli Add • 1 3.~. 48 m 1.0910 I~ ` ~,.t~ i , _ _ . _ z.a o . _4 L•. ` 2.sopr 2,9017 . ti- w - _ , r , .081~2•081~ 2.OB16 2.0811 2.9D23 2.90F2 2.9021 2.9020 ~.9019 ~ ~ ~ WA5 . /J F,_, 2.0821 2 Od2 ~ 2 91 T OF " 1.0922 ~f ~ , 2,9fl1fi ~ ~ ~ t•: , 2,9016 ~ ~ o SP-100?-94 , . . , , - ~ d~ • , CataAdo Ceteldo o~ ~ Y , YJ Cataldo , ~ ~ 9 • ~ 4~e1 2.091 2.0904 ' 1.I607 ~ .1 ~ 48 ' ~ ~ `-R~' . ° 2. 9645 2.9139 2. 913 • ~75-~J , ~ ~ ~ ~ . 5 . ~ ~ 11~ 090' .090' _.4903~ , ~ L1~+~ ~ 2.asi ~ . UR 3.~ 56 59 sa,a ' 2.0905 1.1608 1.1606 _ r~ fMPIRE5 t ~7~A F 2=904~ 2 . . , .1 ~ 1 147 ' 1.1604 . „ 2.U9( 2.9043 { } 2.0906 1.16+0 r , , ~ 2 • 9132 + • ~a . UR 2~17iC ~~ier ~ :~y . . z.saaa R~ • _Z.si~~ ~~1~ z.asc ~:r~~s • ~ ~ I z.9o4z _ 2.0907 1.1609 1.1605 ~ 2.0913 ' ~ , 2.0308 ~ ~59 2.0909 b; ~ ~ m c 2,9448 2.O~C ~1t14A ~ _ • z.soai ~ 7 _ p ~v W ~ 2.090 ~ 66 79 ~ S6 59 ~ t a I.~i~3 ~ , 1~3 2, 9040 ~r 9.; f 2.4012 • 2.911~r 2.9P35 , 2,9Q10 ~ 2.9035 2.Q91 1.1611 ~ 2.0914 " ~ 1.1513 ~ 2,9033 2.9051,2.9050 '•,1142 ~ o i ~ J~ 2. 09! 2 2. D911 ~ ~ 0911 ~ I r~ 2.901 I ~.912~ ~22 y ~ 2.9D3T ~ 2. I 44 ~~j, 2. 9038 ~.09I; i , ~.Ildl ~ ~ 2,0915 1.1612 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - n , ~ ~ ~ ,c ---~e u : _ . . y ~ , . , < . •r x ; ° }S'~'~~ a~l~ Y ~ " _ _ . # <; : - _ _ _ : , ' ; , ---E~ r.f I v. ~ ` .5 f ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ r I ~ i ~ , ~ ► ~ 1 Se~-T~nsh Ra Z(~NING CLASSIFICATI N 114 Section Unes Q5 ~ ~ N4RTH ~ Lvng Plat Dutline A-11'.A M - - F►R-S EA - . ■ UR 3.5 [JR 22 S B-1 I-1 MZ Sh~rt P'Ist putiine a ~ - BPS iBinding Site Plan► Outline )utline 4 IV ~PP~'~ bY~ _ _ ` UR-7 SR-1 ; SRR. 2 GA B-2 I 2 ~;~g FZ MHP (Manf. Home Park~ Outlme Qutline 1111 ~ ~ H~oncal Lon,g F~at 4utline a _ UR-12 SR~1l~ RS RR~~10 B- 3 I-3 Revrsinn Ikite: ~ l97 - Msp area t►t 'i Parcel: 45182.9145 Owner: SAHNOW, RONALD A& LYNDA A CoOwner: 3p > tet.u i I I8 L090 Owner Address 4518) 9171 q 181.90 0 451 5162 9133 ,5 82 g 5~82.071 82'0 ~0 5?4~ $2-0 3 451829175 182.90 1 4 182.91 5182.011 I 0906 PO BOX 13388 SPOKANE WA 99213 829 182.071 0707 451810709 131 ovu 451819136 ~S SZ.9 et 51810134 162.011 0108 Site Address ~ 916 N ELLA RD SPOKANE 45182.0808 45187.0801 187.100 2 10 45182.9141 181092 I ~ 45181 ,0801 51e2.081 451820820 isz io 182i00 1.0910 Legal Description 45187 9017 091 I 45 81.0 1143 82.J 182 82.9 3 gQap' 81 45 0 819 ~51819016 18-25~4 W112 OF SWt/4 OF SE114 Of NW114 EXC S142.5' OF W1 5182.0821 +s az o 13 {1~ oa 64 19 a , 79.2' & NE1/4 OF SW1l4 OF SE114 OF NW1I4 & N1/2 OF S20R OF 5 gl ~ ~ 4 te3AV 181.16 ~5162.9116 182904 t E8R OF SW1l4 OF SE114 OF NW114 EXC ROS ~~ti• ~~4:~ q 82.91 q-0 ~ a2.o 518 .1606 I 451 20 24 162.09 S 181.160 I 1819 451819017 18109 6 I 181 161 182 904 IBl 648 4 182.09 p ' ~ 182.90A 45187.0913 4 182A9 8 ~x~'~`~~''" 9009 • ,J' ' ~ 187.904 4 181.09 9 ~ ~ ~I'81 1611 18790~1 P~' 4 181.09 X~ 45 2.9 50 45181.4035 4 82.9 l 45 82.9 19451879135 182 4 182.09 451829012 45187,9123 4 82.0 7~ 182.09 5162.90 ~ tia 181903 45 82.9 24 4 182.91 4L 451630129 183.01 1E1.04 l 0 45193.0147 4 183.0 4 8 0 4 l87.0? 183.0 45183.0117 4 183.04 I 4 18304 9 4 18304 4 183.04 S 183 OII 5183 053 4 183.04 0 4 18704 64 163.04 6 / 183.02 I 51 3 246 45183.0148 45184.0409 45 83.0 7 ~5183.OI I5 4 183.03 1 4 183.0 45184,0110 8 84S163.02614 183.07 6 45187.0116 4 183.07 9 ~ 5183013 45184.0114 4 18303 2 45 834~5 83.0 81 45183.0259 4 183 0132 45183.0117 183.01 45184.0115 183.0131 45163.9601 ~ 5183 015 3.0 0 4 183.02 6 4 183.07 4 83.0 y45 3 0 .45 63.0 ~ 51 '011 183.0 14St4SI 3~ 58 183.01 4~ 83.OI 1 1 .0 ~S 1 45 30 9 4 8302 Notice: This is not a legal document. Data depicted on this map is general & subject to constant revision. It is intended for reference use anly. Legal documents should be obtained from the appropnate agency. Parcel: 45182.9144 Owner: SAHNOW, R A & L J CoOwner: at.u/14 45181.D90 I ~5 g~ 0 3 451&t. 4~~2.9133 J 87 071 ~ 82 D 6 45 82.0 04 Owner Address 451E19175 45182.9171 ~ 4 187.90: 0 45 10 Si82.071, a 1 0906 PO BOX 13388 SPOKANE WA 99213-3388 USA 182 90 1 4 ~ia~ 9i ~_a~ 9 8701I 07~ I81090 4i181 9116 4~SISIAT09 ~ SiteAddress et i1819134 87D11! 0708~ 45181.0801 t 162.IOG 2100~ 45187.9141 181.092. 7903 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE +siaz oaos 5187.081 ~182 1 Q 182100' 1.0910 45181.0801 ~S187.0810 45182.9017 181092 ! Legal Description ~ 1p I I 5'$2 9 3 a si +$2 9 4 18-25-44 S142.5' OF W179,2' OF W1l2 OF SW1l4 OF SE114 OF 15181.0821 82,5 8740;; 83 a I12 D8 6 g~ 4 a 0 45l87 9016 NW114 EXC RDS 45 sJ$ a 182.0191.16 451829176 181904i~ 879119.y ~0 01 82.0 518 J606 ~ I 451 2.0 14 181.09 c, 181,1601 187904 451819097 18209 6 181 161 i 151829145 182.904I 4181.09 ~ 182 MB 01 ~ k 4Sib2.09134 18209 B 9049 • 4 187,09 9 1 PR*t8lldll 4 481.09 45181.9035 ; 82 9ti512.91~50 ' 15182 9 135 I 4' `82.09 a 451819017 45182.9123 45 819 45182.09~] 4; 182.09 5182.90 I _ 45 81.9 21 4~152.91~ dwa~ : ~ ' ~ 45183.0I29 ~183A1. tlla/.M l 4' 1830 183.042 q 45183.0171 I 4183.0 4 1 ~ 1083. 04b9 ~183 04~1 ~ 183.0~ i5 15181 )057 4 183.D4 49~183M~t 4S1630~6 4 18307, t 246 45183.0148 45194.0409 T845183.02674JI83 IB3,0 34518Z.0147 ~183,01,1 45 8304) ~ ~ ~ ~ 45183.0125 4183.03 11 , ` 01~~8 ~~51 830128 45164A~ID 4 l83 D. 45l&6.011~ 4,183.0jJ9 45 q 183.0132 5183.0131 4 183.0 2 451830 ~3.0 81 45183.0159 45183.0137 ~01+ 45161.0415 183A l33 I 45163.9601 d5183 .01 q551 30 80 4 183.02 F 183.O1 45 30 .45 83.0 51 ~Q41 I ~ 1 ~163AA 74Sg i183.01 834 83,01 ~ 0~5 ~ ~ { 83.0~~ ~ l 45 3.0 9 i ' I Notice: This is not a legal document. Data depicted on this map is general & subject to constant revision. It is intended for reference use only. Legal documents should be obtained from the appropriate agency. a _ - i~ ~ • SPOKANC COUNTY DIVISION Of= (3UILDING AND PLANNING SU(3MITTAL CI-fCCI<LiST ZONC RL=CLASSIFICATION TI IC ITCMS CFICCI<[D 13[LOW MUST L3[ aUDMITTED WITH YOUR APPLlCATION PRCLIMINARY CONrCRCNCC Id-9-901 bw TTl.I Cf ICCF<LIST ~:JC11 Id`~+ ~ rU~ ~ SUannl AT10N FORM C~~ ~ ~~:I:./' v APPLIC Submit compieted appifcation on the alkaclied form wtth all signature blocks comnleted ~ Asscss R's SccTioN MnPs ZM - /10 SLibm Qc2d onies of current County Ac,sebsor mans siiaw+ng tlie suuJect property o~illined in red adJacent proparty owned or urider opttion to the owner or sponsor (indicate acijacent rroperiy with a red daslied line) Acilacent incltides property focated across roads and rivers, etc Assessor maps are availabie at the County Assessor's Office and must be ctirrent (less t1ian 30 clays olci) at the time of submtttal Platted (1"=200') ancl rocinge ('1"=400') parcel nlaps must be obtained, as yoLt may neod botli sets, depending on your property location The mans are used for legai notitlcatlon vf property owners within 400 feet of the boundary of the totai contiguous ownersliln ancl/or controllecl property (silown in recf) Label antl sliow in red line the 400 (oot boundary fro►n the totai conliguous ownership Z ZONING SCCTION MAP otc- C~ l ~ l SubmI I opy of the officiaf zoning map with the boundary of the proposecl zone change s) indicated m red, wlth the proposed zoning labelecl on the properly The zoning boundary shall be stamned bv a iicensed lancl survevor Copies of ofiicial zoning maps are obtainable from ilie County Division of Building anci Planning (The written legal clescrip(ion(s) on the appircation form ancl the zoning bounciary(s) shown on the map shall coincide, veriffed hy the surveyor's stamp) Note Tho property does not Ilave to be sLirveyecl at tliis time Tlie map stamped by a licensed land surveyor verifles the wrltten legal clescription for the proposecl zone change is accurately mappeci on tiie zoning inap ~ CNGINCER'S SECTION MAPS 'yIj -1" Id-7-(?? tom Submi 2 urrent copses of the sectio,~ map(s) sliowine~ the sui~Ject property outlined in reci C irlc;er section maps are availahlEt at the CoLinty Cngineer's office ~ ZONING PLnN AND10R SITC PI.AN k.-~ ~ 0 ~ SLibn it J iueline copies of the developnient pro{aosal diawi1 to scale and ~1 zonuig Plan/s r~lan redLIctIon (4 1/2" x 1 1" or 'l1" x 17") indicaling the following inforiration +n a cleai and concise mannm a Scale of drawing, noriii arrow, dimensions of the site bounci~ries ancl area in snuare feet or acres, corporation, firm or irc{tviclual preparing tlie stte plan --with clate anci ci smal{ vicinity man b Tfie following clrata in table fori-n 0i7 the site nlan i: <isting Lone(s-) Propesed Gone(-s) I pcres or 5q -n (3uiicling informalion ' ~ ~ ~ Z-EJL , s ~ ZONE RCCLASSIFICATION CI-1CCKLIST P,-ige ? oI 3 c Indicate the following 1 fndicate nght of way width and names of streets adjacent to tiie site 2 Existing buildings and other improvements, indicate which ones are to remain, whtch ones are to be removed 3 Proposed buildings and dimensions 4 1 leight of all builclings, structures and signs 5 Access polnts and driveways G Proposed or existing easements providing access to the site 7 Interior circu{ation patterris 8 Parlung areas and spaces J Bui{dSng setbacks to property {ines, and to center Iine of adJacent private and public roads 10 Type and location of landscaping, fencing, ligfiting and signage ~ PUD PLAN AND NARRA?IVE Submit a PUD plan and narrative wliich meets tiie requirements o Secti n 0 140 of Spok Count oning C ca The P \1a s includ ui ing elevn nd oc ion ne n rr~t e sh inc de a etai d scri ion the seci D pian and is a de crl tion o ho tlie P D eets urpose intent Section 14 70 ~I~O S attache UD Che t Worksheet U ENVIRONMENTAL C1-iCC}<LIST O./b Id / W A completed environmental clleclclist is required for all zone changes, planned unit cievelopments and suhciivision requests Short plats, binding site plans and other land use applications may require a checl<last inder SEPA rufes unless exempted by WAC 197- 11-800 Note if previous environmental checl<list exists for the property, it may be aclequate to address environmental issues ~ OL SLIDC ND L ATOR MAF' St b it to 1 sii es f tli pr e sit ar~ adja nt rrou ding ro e N mber the sii e to oi cicle itf iocat r map w ich s ws from w er and i iich irec ion the sli s we aken ~ COUNTY DIV{S{ON Of BUILDING AND PLANNING FCCS ZONE RECLRSSIt=ICATION (Due at apptication acceptance meeting) 1=rom any zone to tlie EA or GA zone $ From any zone to the RR-10, SRfI-5, sRr.-2 and SR-1 zone $ d From any zone to the SR-1/2 and UfZ-3 b zones $ ~ zone to the RS, UR 7, UR-12 and UR-22 zones $ 1 0 LU From anY ! From any ione to the B-1, B-2, and 13-3 Zones $ From any zone to tho I-1, I-2 and I•3 zones $ Fro►n any zone to the Mining zone $ From any zone to any zone not listeci above $ Q102 Cnvironmental Checltlist $ ~ Zero Lot Line T ~ lAJ ' ~ CC Oliier 4nn ~ Z ~ ~ Emw 1A . e ~ - ZQNE'RECLASSIFICATION CHECI<LIST Pa6e I o( 3 PLANNCD UNIT DEVELOPMENT Pieltiminniy PUD $ Cfiange of Conditions Stte nlan review with pubiic hearing $ ~ „ ~ TUTAL ~ . . , , DUEATSUBMITTAL t//0THER G4JERNMENTAL Pi20CESSING FCES The County Engrneer, County Regional Nealth District and County Division of Utilities typically charge fees in con unction wfth your proposal Please contact these departments for thetr current fee schedu es for yoLir proposal (These fees are due at the time the departments sign your anplication) ❑ REGIUIRED PUBLIC NOTlCC (See attached notice requirements) ❑ OTI-IER EXH1I31TS OR APPLICATIONS Date Planner I1cZ(1rIE SUtSM►1TA1. CIItCKLIST 1<JS 4 07 Z Elm IA 71 ~ t . . . ~ SPOKANE COUNTY ~ DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING i~ PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE W IllI lU W PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE FOR ❑ PLAT 0 SHORT PLAT O BlNDING SITE PLAN ❑ TEMPORARY USE ❑ VARIANCE ❑ CONOITIONAL USE ❑ ZONE CHANGE 4d'CHANGE OF CONDiT10NS ❑ OTHER ~ PROJECT /NFORMAT/ON . Applicant ~6u 1 A Applicant's Address Parcel number(s) Property Owner(s) Project location & address ~ ~ , Generai proJect description nc-~~ n ~ ~ d . Type of Access Proposed land use i Sewage Disposal Method , Proposed no of lot ~ Proposed zone (if rezone) T Site size S/TE /NFORMATION Existing Zone Comp Plan Categary Fire District o Schoot District ~ Water Distria ct Neighborhr eqd Assoc , %i- n ti. ~v . ~ C~~~~ ~ Roadwa Y Cl ss~ at~on(s) PSSA inside outs~de O A A ins e utsrde C~ UGA inside outside a Joint Planning Area? Yes ❑ No If yes, which cIP/town? if Environmental or cultural resources? Yes O No yes, which type? Designated shoreline area? Yes a No QYi~yes, which designation? Affected by floodplain? Yes a No w"00- Z E a ~ 7 A-_ ge 1 of 3 Pre-conference form revised 3/99 . ~ SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING It PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE Within 1000' notification boundary of designated Natural Resource Lands9 Yes No CR/TICAL AREAS I Wetlands? Yes 0 No V Q Category 1(200 foot minimum buffer) U Category 2(150 foot minimum buffer) C] Category 3(75 foot minimum buffer) U Category 4(25 foot minimum buffer) a Unknown Comments 11 Fish and Wiidlife Habitat? Yes 0 No Q-'~ Priority Habitat Specres ~ III Water bodies? Yes ❑ No ~ 0 Type I(250 foot mmimum buffer area) C] Type 2(100 foot minimum buffer area) C1 Type 3(100 foot minimum buffer area) U Type 4(75 foot minimum buffer area) 0 Type 5(25 foot minimum buffer area)* ' No buffering requirement for Type 5 streams wfien there is no connection to Type 1 2 3 or 4 streams Comments / IV Geologicatly Hatardous Areas? Yes 0 No ~ If yes, indicate type of hazard(s) O A slope of 30% or greater a Erodrble soils U Hydraulic factors (i e existing on-site surface and groundw2#er) ❑ Prone to landsliding El Area of uncompacted fill Q Unstable areas due to rapid stream or stream bank erosion Comments PRE-CONFERENCE SU/LlMARY Planning Issues landscaping, buffer areas, land use compatibility, traffic etc ) ynwn `X> Special project requirements (plans, studies, permit, etc ) General comments ~ . ~ aW ~ ~ ~ ` ~-i Page 2 of 3 Pre-conference form revised 3/99 ~ . SPOKANE COUNTY ;_I D IVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING ~ PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WWIIWW Handouts provided , - AGENC/ES TO CONTACT A check mark indicates those agencies you are encouraged to contact regardmg your proposal rSpokane County Public Works ❑ Division of Building and Pianning 477-3675 a Division of Utilities 477-3604 Sewer/Water Resources Storm Water a Diwsion of Engineenng 477-3600 Drainage Transportation 0 Division of Long Range Planning 477-2294 a Spokane Regional Health District 324-1560 a Spokane County Parks 477-4730 a Department of Transportation 324-6000 C.r Department of Ecology 456-2926 0 Department of Fish and Wildiife 456-4082 O Fire District No 0 °Water Oistrict No a Other Agencies I, the applicant, acknowledge receipt of and understand the content of this document and submittal checklist Date Staff Planner ~ Date ~ Amount Paid Receipt No ~ k , Al 7'm L Page 3 of 3 Pre conference form revised 3/99 • y ZONIlNG AND LAND USE FEES RECEIPT INFORMA'I'ION Date: File Number..- Parcel Number: Name: Phonc Number. _ Cf ~ . C~ ~ . PaL 4 Company Name (if applicable). Address: City/State/Zip • , FEE ORMATION ITEM DESCRIPTION ITIEM (Multiplied by # (equals total) NO. AMOIJNI' of items ~ o r01-0// $ Z~ F, ~ • ~ 1(x). . ~ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE > S ~ By: Tr:insacrion No. `T'99 - n ~ n! - _ ~ - - ~ ~ SpoKANE COUN 1 I' DIVISION OF BUILI3,umG AND PLANIVING • 1026 W. BROADWAY • SroxAvE, WA 99260-0050 (509) 477-3675 S1TE INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION Site Address: 7903 E BROADWAY AVE Project Number: 99010659 Inv: 2 Issue Date: SPOKANE, WA 99212 ermit Use: Change of conditions- ZE- 1-71 Parcel Number. 45182.9144 Applicant: PANCO CONSTRUCTTON Subdivision: RANGE Phnne: (509) 922-0600 Zoning: UR-2 Urban Resideatial-22 Address: P.O. BOX 3765 Owner: PANCO CONSTRUCTION SPOKANE, WA 99220 Address: P.O. BOX 3765 Contact: Paul Allison Phone: (509) 924-2868 SPOKANE, WA 99220 11315 E. 44th Inspector: SR INSPECTOR Spokane, WA 99206 Water Dist: i_TNKNOWN Setbacks - Front: Left: Right: Rear: - PERMIT(S) Zolt e Ch an~e Contractor: License ENVIItONMENTAL REVIEW $75.00 ENGINEERS MISC REVIEW $50.00 CHANGE OF CONDITTONS 1E+05 $1,072.00 UTIL.IT'IES REVIEW $100.00 Total Permit Fee: $1,297.00 PAYMENT SUMMARY Page 1 of 1 NOTES PERMIT By: WRIGHT, RAE Tran Date Receipt # Pavment Amt 2/09/1999 10793 $1,297.04 Total Fees AmountPaid AtnountOwing $1,297.00 $1,297.00 $0.00 ~ ~ IVOTICE It is the responsibility of the permittee, not Spokane County, to see to it that the use described on the front of this permit complies with applicable codes • and requirements and that required inspections are requested. Failure to request required inspections and obtain the necessary approvals prior to progressing beyond the point where inspections are required may necessitate removal of certain parts of the construction at the owner's/permittee's expense. At a minimum, the following inspections ARE REQUIRED by Counry Code: 1. FOOTING - when forms and reinforcement are in place and prior to placement of concrete. NOTE: This inspection includes review of the structure's setbacks from property lines. Minimum setbacks are established by County zoning regulations. Typically, side and rear yard setbacks are measured from property lines, while setbacks for yards abutting streets are measured from the property line or the center line of the roadway right-of-way, whichever provides the greater setback from the center line of the roadway right-of-way. Curb lines and fence lines are not necessarily indicative of property lines. In some residential areas, the Counry can own as much as 20 feet of right-of-way between your property and the actual improved street/curb. The responsibility to comply with applicable setback provisions lies solely with the permittee -neither Spokane County nor its authorized representatives assume any responsibility for the verification or location of your property lines. Please verify their location prior to locating your structure. Failure to properly locate the structure may require its relocation at the owner's/permittee's expense. 2. FOUNDATION - when forms and reinforcement are in place and prior to placement of concrete. (Blocking for a manufactured home is required to be inspected prior to the installation of skirting.) 3. FRAMING - after all framing, bracing and blocking is in place, and prior to concealing. 4. INSULATION - prior to the installation of drywall. 5. PLUMBING - after rough-in, before covering, and final. 6. MECHANICAL - rough-in of piping, before covering, metal chimneys before concealment, and final. 7. FINAL - when complete and prior to occupancy andJor use. Please provide 24 hours notice. NOTE: In addition to inspection of the structure, this inspection includes review of site improvements (typically depicted on the approved site plan) required by ordinance or as a condition of approval of this permit. Items such as the installation of fire hydrants, fire department access, on-site drainage ("208 swales"), road improvements, parking, and landscaping are common requirements of a permit/site plan which must be compteted prior to final approval of a building or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. In addition to the above any plumbing or mechanical systems or materials which would be concealed by framing, drywall, concrete, etc., must be inspected prior to cover. Check with the department for "special inspections" in conjunction with commercial projects. CALL 477-3675 FOR INSPECTIONS. TO INSURE PROMPT SERVICE, PLEASE GIVE 24 HOUR NOTICE. YOUR INSPECTOR IS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES, PARTS OF YOUR PROJECT MAY REQUIRE INSPECTIONS FROM OTHER AGENCIES: • Road cuts for utilities or drives, Division of Engeering & Roads • Sewer connection, County Division of Utilities 477-3600 477-3604 or State Department of Transportation or City Public Works Department 456-3000 625-6300 • On-site waste disposal system, Spokane Regional Health DisVict • Electrical wiring, State Department of Labor and IndusVies 324-1560 324-2640 • Construction in a flood plain, Division of Engineering & Roads 477-3600 EXPIRATION Unless otherwise noted, this permit will be considered null and void by limitation of the work authorized by the permit if not commenced or is stopped for a period of 180 days, unless a written request for an extension of the permit is received and approved by the Building Official prior to expiration. At a minimum an inspection should be requested at least once every 180 days to assure the validity of the permit. A permit may be renewed within one year of the date of expiration for one-half the original fee, subject to certain limitations -please call us if you have any questions. M15TAKE5? If you think we've made an error in processing this permit or in conducting inspections pertaining to it, or find erroneous information in the permit, please bring it to our attention immediately by filing a written request for correction within 10 working days of discovery. All such requests should be directed to the Division of Building and Planning at the address found on the face of this permit. I certify that I am the owner or am authorized by the owner to make this application and that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances goveming this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating consVuction or agreement conceming this property, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE \ / ~ • . Spokane County Public Works Department Divison of Building & Planning Receipt Receipt Number: 10793 Customer Number Projects Full Proiect Nbr Inv Nbr Fee Amt Inv Anri Owing PAID Pmt 99010659 2 $1,297.00 $1,297.00 $1,297.00 $1,297.00 Total: $1,297.00 $1,297.00 $1,297.00 $1,297.00 Miscellaneous Items Total PAID: $1,297.00 Tender ~e Clteck Acct Balance CC Nbr E~ Dale TENDERED Check1 2568 1,297.00 Total TENDERED: 1,297.00 Over / (Short) $0.00 Change $0.00 Notes: Tran Date / Time: 12/09/1999 3:06:01 PM By: FHintz Logon User: gwendel Station: GWENDEL Override By: ~ , . , Printed: 1210911999 3:06:35 PM I'agp 1 of 1 • ZONING AND LAND USE FEES r RECEIPT INFORMATION Z EDate: File Number. Parcel Number: -d-- Name: Phone Number: Company Name (if applicable): Address: ~q fh City/State/Zip , - FFE I'tirT'C~I~.~1_~TIC)=~ 11LNI vESLIUPIJpN IT~~S (IMultiplieci by ~ (equals tot:,1) NO. AMOUNT of items -3 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE > S R By: ' Transaction No. T99 -l~ •~G~ _ ecei~t No. ► . . s Spokane County Public Works Department Divison of Building & Planning Receipt Receipt Number: 9770 Customer Number Projects FuJI Project Nbr Inv Nbr Fee Amt Inv Amt Owing PAID Pmt 99010659 1 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 V-1 Total: $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 Miscellaneous Items Total PAID: $36.00 Tender ffe Clreck Acct Balance CC Nbr Exp Date TENDERED T Check1 2621 36.00 Total TENDERED: 36.00 Over / (Sfiort) $0.00 Change $0.00 Notes: Tran Date / Time: 11 /03/1999 12:03:13 P By: GWendel Logon User: gwendel Station: GWENDEL Override By: ~ F ~ JA I ~i ~ - ' S Cl)~ ~ 4.~ cc~c~--~~~I Printed: 111031199912:03:39 PM Page 1 af 1 M , FILE NO ZE-1 A-71 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss County of Spokane ) (Prurt Name 0q,,, J ~"GL is o~ ) being first duly swom on oath, depose(s) and say(s) I am a crtizen of the Umted States of Amenca and over the age of eighteen years On the 2193'1'p~ day of Hpac# ^ 2000, I personally deposited in the Unrted States mail at vcnth sufficient postage prepaid, a true and correct copy of the PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, a copy of wluch is attached hereto and incorporated hereul by reference, to the recorded real property owners and/or taxpayers, as shown on the Spokane County Treasurer's records as of the day of 2000, who have been found to own property within a four hundred (400)- foot penphery of the applicant's (and/or lus/her agents) owned, controlled or under-option property The notices were addressed to those individuals and sent to those addresses indlcated on the attached list, incorporated herein by reference In the event an address was not available in the official records, I used the current local telephone directory to attempt to locate a vaiid address Notices to property owners and/or taxpayers adjacent (or directly acFOSS a street or road) to the proposal (including land owned or optioned) by the applicant andlor lus/her agent) were by CERTIFIED MAIL as indicated by the attached certified mail receipts Signa ~ - - - - ~ Date ~ 1~1 Signed and sworn to before me this ~8 c day of %9-61~ , 2000 . ~~"el ~ ►1 O~~~~on p~o~~~ NOT Y PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE~'F WASHINGTON ~ JTResiding at ~P~ I<P+N ` NOA~yN ~ pUB LIC ~ My appointment expues ~-Is- 0 o G ~j~'O~ FILL OUT TARY AND RETURN TO 1MSION OF PLANNING ) FILE NO ZE-1 A-71 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) PAUL J ALLI SON , being first duly sworn, deposes and says At all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the Uruted States of Amenca and over the age of eighteen years On the 1st day of April , 2000a~personal~y~posted~siga s}as required in the Spokane County Subdivision/Zorung land use regulations at the following location(s) in Spokane County On the North side of Broadway approximately 260 feet East of Ella facing Broadwa,y , ` ~ . S e of Applicant or Agent il 4, 2000 Date Signed and sworn to before me this 4th day of April , 2000 ' ,`,ull~~ ~ S~ston ~Jo~ ~ v NOTAR j, N, RY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STAT OF WASHINGTON Z PU6LIG = , Z ~y 9Gp ~~',~0 Residing at Spokane ~-IZi~ 1'111iii\My appointment expires e-1 S - 00 (APPLICANT FILL OUT AND SIGN BEFORE A NOTARY AND RETURN TO THE DIVISION OF PLANNING) FILE NO ZE-1 A-71 TITLE COMPANY CERTIFICATION AND APPLICANT CERTIFICATION TITLE COMPANY CERTIFICATION I do hereby certify that the follownng list of names and addresses, consishng of the attached pages, has been prepared from the Spokane County Assessor's or Treasurer's most current computer records, is to the best of my knowledge correct, and is current vvithin thirty (30) days of the Apnl 19, 2000 hearing date I also cerhfy I have provided loan numbers, if possible, when the owner is listed as a finance company Signed by Date (3 O-I M ~ / . For CUJ`i, T. (Title Company) APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I, the applicant or agent for the applicant, have venfied the attached ownership list wrth the attached Assessor's map(s) and find that all tax parcel numbers within 400 feet of the project site, including owned or optioned land as shown on the Assessor's map(s) have been listed by the Title Company Also, I certify that all property immediately adjacent to the proposal locataon (including any property immediately across a street or road from the proposal and such property as may be owned or o the owner/applicant and/or his/her agent) has been mailed CERTIFIED ~ PP;IKTFED ArLL lSon~ #*C# Z1 ~ 8Signe~d b Date ~ - ~ _ r . 1.1002 ~ - - ' ° ` ~ ~t~ ~ 4~ : r d I.1D01'~ ~ - w 1 2.0514 - J r' ~ ~Z~_ _a~.i_°_- W z.n • icC► 1 r - . 6as , ~ . _ ;r ~ ~ 2 4610 _ 2•0513 ~ - J62a 2 ~ 05 2.0530 1.0709 l - ` ~ 2•d625 , f ~ ~ . _ ~,~Y = , ~ ~.io~r ~ ~ ~ 3 _ - 2-9 ~ `-=j - ~ - - r . ~ ~ _ `~~'3'E'~ .9127 . 2.0515 D526 ;26 1.0720 ~ : ~ ~=i#.,.~~~,.~~:._ 2 2 0613 "e.061 . 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"6"' Subject Property s,within UTA. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Subject Property within PSSA_ • • • • 5u6ject PrQperty witliin A5,,'+,. . , la~1Y1'~i ~`~iu~■~ ~ . ~ - • . , , . 1 ~ _ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ s ` • ! • ~ • ~ ~ ■ ~ . . ~ ` ~ • ~ ■7 v =~n{i ~ ~ ~1 ~ • ~ ~•I ~ r I ' ~ - i • , 1 U~-3.5 , -3 1 - 103' _ _ ' • ■ ~ ~ r Y . ~ ~ r. . r . . I . ' ~i • 1-2 u~-~ , . ~ 1 • ,-3 ~ r 1_2 1-3 ~ 3 5I~ ~ Br ~ ~ ~ . ZE^1A.-1 `1 ~ . 1lieinity Map . ~ ~ ._..r~..~....... . j ~"9.~,~t ry'ryk ~+~131ff/~f~~~l1111111t[Cillli f, ~ RJ~Y ~ ~~11~~~~i~y.~.~.T1•1 I !'1'1'lll!'MI lfl~+il+~ ~~G f i i ~ ' 3 I f titaMtC Lv..,y - I A ~ • ~ ~ t ~ t(~gc ~ 12 ~ bi IC s~ s: ! ~ ~ • - ; ~ ~ ~ a ~ - ~.at~ ~ f i. .f ~ ~ . Y14e ~ R ~7 a V30rWwt p- Q 14 4~S`° ~ ~ . , . • ~i '~i F - r--r-: J . c,i El ° } ~ ~ , a~ ~I .a ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ P 1 ^.r Sth _ ~ ~ I 24 7 h ~ J .,c I , ~:11 ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ .,,~i,~ s yN i.~ ~ 1 ~ ArA ~ 1+ ' • ~ 1~• ! F + G 20 y 30 26 ~ ~ t- ~ <,zak: 1 inch - 2333 ft 02114100 'Ifcirity Niap ti SPI~lRG4NE COUNIY JAN z ~/f. 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HEARING DATE: April 19, 2000 at 9:00 a.m. FILE ZE-1A-71 PROJECT PLANNER: Francine Shaw, Senior Planner PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A request for a Change of Conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office building in lieu of an apartment complex. Proiect Data Project Location and Address: ~ The site address is 7903 East Broadway Avenue. The property is generally located at the northeast comer of the intersection of Ella Road and Broadway Avenue in the NW % of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM., Spokane County, Washin~ton. Parcel Numbers: The unified site development plan submitted for review by the Hearing Examiner includes tax parcel 45182.9144 and a portion of 45182.9145. The ~41 ~'N proposed Change of Condibons applies only to that lF'R' portion of tax parcel 45182.9145 included within the property boundaries of the unified site development ~ - plan. Please see Land Division Status below for more information. Applicant/Agent: Paul Allison, Randall and Danskin, P.S. 601 W. Riverside Avenue, Suite 1500 Spokane, WA 99201 ~ (509) 747-2052 Owner: Ronald and Lynda Sahnow P.O. Box 13388 Spokane, Washington 99213 Phone Number Unknown Comprehensive Plan Designation: Urban (U) Zoning: Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) Existing Land Use: The west 149.2 feet of the subject site is completely developed and is occupied by a single story 3,646 square foot contractor's office, a paved off-street parking lot, and landscaping. The east 131.64 feet of the project site (the portion of the project site that is subject of the Change of Conditions request) is I ~ currently undeveloped. l f Surrounding Zonin.9 and Land Uses: - • North: - ' Land located immediately north of the project site is zoned Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and is atso subject to the Conditions of Approval for underlying zone reclassification for which the proposed Change " _ _ ~ - of Conditions is being requested. Further north of the proposal, north of Cataldo Avenue, land is zoned Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5). Land use north of the project site includes an apartment complex, . : _ - Centennial Middle School, and single famity - , - - residences. • South: Zoning designations of land located south of the proposal include Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5), Urban Residential-7 (UR-7), Urban Residential-12 : - (UR-12), Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and Light : - Industrial (I-2) to the southwest. Land use south of the - project site is primarily single famity residences on _ medium density lots. An insurance office and a day `care facility are located south of the proposal along the south side of Broadway Avenue. • East: Land located immediately east of the project site is zoned Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5). Various commercially zoned properties are located further east adjacent to the Argonne/Mullan corridor. Land use east of the project site is primarily medium density single family development which transitions into various commercial land uses running - north/south along the Argonne/Mullan corridor. • West• Land located west of the proposal is zoned Urban ~ Residential-3.5, Urban Residential-7 (UR-7), Urban Residential-22 (UR-22), Light Industrial (I-2) and Neighborhood Business (13-1). Land use located immediately west of the project site includes a large vacant field that appears to be recently graded for - future development. Vehicle and equipment storage - is occurring on this field. Further west land use transitions ftom single family residences on medium density lots to commercial and industrial uses. Known Land Use Proposals and Recent Recent land use actions that have been approved for Project Approvals in the Area of this development within the vicinity of the project site Project include the following: • PE-1864-99/ZE-3-99/PUDE-1-99, the approved _ Preliminary plat of Frazier Estates PUD. The proposal includes a zone reclassification from Suburban Residential-1 (SR-1) to the Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) zone, a preliminary plat and Planned Unit Development Overlay zone for the purpose of subdividing approximately 39.23 acres into 110 lots and common open area tracts for the development of single family residences. • ZE-6-98; an approved zone reclassification of approximately .94 acres from Urban Residential- 7(UR-7) to the Light Industrial (I-2) zone for the purpose of developing equipment rental, storage and a caretaker's residence. • ZE-12-90; an approved zone reclassfication from the Agricultural Suburban (AS) zone established pursuant to the now expired ZE-1A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 2 of 10 i ~ - Spokane County Zoning Ordinance to the Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) zone consistent with the current Spokane County Zoning Code for the purpose of developing two single story office buildings, each at 10,000 square feet in area. • SP-1144-97/ZE-31-97; an approved zone reclassification from Urban Residential-3.5 (UR- 3.5) to Urban Residential-7 (UR-7) and final short plat for the division of .7 acres into four tracts for the development of single family residences. • SP-1205-99; approved preliminary short plat for the division of 1.3 acres into four tracts for the development of single family residences. • SP-1002A-94; an approved final altered short plat for the division of approximately .7 acres into 2 tracts for single family residences. • SP-989-94; an approved final short plat for the division of 1.4 acres into 4 tracts. Additional zone reclassifications have been approved i primarily to the business zones along the Argonne/Mullan corridor for commercial development The Argonne/Mulian corridor is located approximately 3/. mile east of the proaect site. Land Division Status: The subject site was created through an approved Certificate of Exemption for a minor lot line adjustment pursuant to Section 12.100.110(1d) of the I Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance on May 11, 1999 (project file no. CE-179-99 A & B). The Certficate of Exemption recognizes the project site a legal building lot and exempt from subdivision re9uirements as identified in RCW 58.17. Shoreline DesiQnation: Not applicable Water Purveyor. Public water service will be provided by Spokane County Water District No. 3. Sewage Disposal: The project site will be served by Spokane County's public sewer system. Fire District The project site lies within Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 1. School District and nearest K-12 The proposal lies within the West Valley School schools: District No. 363 Nearest Arterial and Distance: The project site is bordered along the south property line by Broadway Avenue and along the west property line by Ella Road. Broadway Avenue is the arterial located nearest to the proposal. Broadway Avenue is designated as a principal arterial by the Spokane County Arterial Road Plan with a planned right-of-way width of 100 feet The existing right-of- way width along the frontage of the project site is 27.5 feet measured from the centerline of Broadway Avenue. Nearest Parks and Distance: The County park facility located nearest to the proposal is the Park Road Pool. The pool facility is located approximately'/z mile west of the project site. Neighborhood Association: Not applicable ZE-1A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 3of10 ~ f • This proposal is located inside the IUGA. • This proposal is located inside a Public Transportation Benefit Area (PTBA). Spokane Transit Authority Routes 15 and 17 provide service to the site. • This proposal is located outside the 1000' notification boundary of designated Natural Resource Lands. GMA/Critical Areas Aquifer Recharge Area: The subject site is located inside both the = Priority Sewer Service Area (PSSA) and the Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA) Overlay zone. Fish & Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas: ~ Not applicable Floodplain: Review of FIRM indicates the site is located in Zone C and outside any 100 year flood plain. Geologically Hazardous Areas: ~ Not applicable Wetlands: ~ Not applicable SEPA 0 DNS issued on March 31, 2000 0 Comment period ended on April 17, 2000 0 Appeal period ends the same time as the appeal time frame for the proposed land use action expires. ❑ No appeal filed to date Noticinq Published: The Notice of Hearing and DNS were published in the Spokesman Review legal section on March 31, 2000. Mailed: The Notice of Application and the Notice of Hearing were mailed to taxpayers/owners of property located within 400 feet of the boundaries of the subject site on February 16 and March 31, 2000 respectively. Site Posted: The deadline for the applicant to post the site was March 31, 2000. 1724 Compliance Dates Application Accepted as Counter Complete: December 9, 1999 Date the Determination of Completeness was issued: February 3, 2000 Date Notice of Decision is Due: June 2, 2000 Reviewinq AQencies A total of 12 agencies were notified of the proposed Change of Conditions. Final comments were due April 5, 2000. , Agencies Notified Response Date I Agencies Notified Response Date Received Received Received Received Division of Engineering Yes January 6, Fire Protection District Yes January and Roads 2000 ~ No. 1 12, 2000 Division of Yes December ; Spokane County Air January 4, Engineering/Developer 30, 1999 ~ Pollution Control Yes 2000 Services Authority Division of Utilities Yes January Spokane County Water Yes March 27, 10, 2000 ; District 2000 ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report-April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 4of10 ' Division of Yes January 6, A WA State Department of No Utilities/Stormwater 2000 Transportation Spokane Regional Health Yes March 31, Division of Building and Yes March 30, District 2000 Code Enforcement 2000 Boundary Review Board No WA State Departrnent of No Ecology Responses from Aaencies of Interest: Comments received from the agencies of interest are primarily in the fonn of recommended conditions of approval. ResQOnses from the Public: No letters of comment were received from the public. However, a phone call was received from Mr. Ray Webb (928-3688) supporting the proposed Change of Conditions DescriQtion of the Site: The project site is located at 7903 East Broadway Avenue, more specifically at the northeast comer of the intersection of Ella Road and Broadway Avenue in the Spokane Valley. The property is approximately one acre in size, rectangular in shape and flat in topography. The west 149.2 feet of the project site is currently developed with a single story 3,646 square foot office building, off-street parking and landscaping. The east 131.64 feet, which is subject of this Change of Conditions request, is currently undeveloped. An existing six (6)-foot high cyclone fence with slats is located along the north property and along the north/south zoning boundary line that bisects the project site. A three (3)-foot-high board-on-board sight-obscuring fence is located along the south property line of the east 131.64 feet of the site. This fence increases in height to six (6) feet along the north and east property line for this portion of the site. Broadway Avenue borders the south property line and Ella Road borders the west property line of the project site. Broadway Avenue is a paved four lane, two way principal arterial. Broadway Avenue includes curb and sidewalk on both the north and south sides of the street. Overhead transmission lines and street lighting are provided only on the south side of Broadway Avenue. Ella Road is a paved two way two lane local access street. Curb and sidewalk exist along the east side of Ella adjacent to the subject site. No street lighting is provided along Ella. Descriqtion of Surroundina Neiahborhood: The neighborhood surrounding the project site includes a mix of land uses but is developed primarily with multi-family and single family residences. Centennial Middle School is located northwest of the project site. An insurance office and day care facility are located south of the proposal, on the south side of Broadway Avenue. Further west land use transitions into commercial and light industrial development. To the east, (and use transitions into various commercial uses that border the Argonne/Mullan corridor. BackQround: The site plan of record submitted to the Division of Planning on January 20, 2000 ~ encompasses a single tax parcel created through Certificate of Exemption file no CE-179-99 (A & B) and is subject to conditions of approval for two (2) separate zone reclassification approvals (project file no.s ZE-1-71 and ZE-24-78). The project site initially was part of a larger eight (8) acre site situated befinreen Cataldo and Broadway Avenues, east of and adjacent to Ella Road. On September 2, 1971, the Board of County Commissioners approved the zone reclassification request (project file no. ZE-1-71) from Agricultural Suburban (AS) to Multiple Family Suburban (MFS) zone for the purpose of developing a 65 unit court apartment complex and day care center. Five conditions of approval were placed ZE-1A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 5of10 ij on the development. One in particular (#4) limits site development to be in substantial conformance with the °approved plot plan" which iilustrates the 65 unit court apartment compiex. A second zone reclassification (project file no. ZE-2478) was approved by the Board on August 311 1978 for the west 149.2 feet of the project site. The zone reclassification requested a change from the Multiple Family Suburban (MFS) zone originally established on September 2, 1971 and as per project file no. ZE-1-71 to the Residential Office (RO) Zone for the construction of a single story 5,175 square foot office building. A building permit was issued on February 23, 1987 for the existing office building. On January 1, 19991 the zoning category of the project site crossed-over to Urban Residential-22 (UR-022) when the now expired Spokane County Zoning Ordinance was replaced with the (new) Spokane County Zoning Code consistent with the Program to Implement. The property owners, Ronald and Lynda Sahnow, are now requesting a Change of Conditions to the initial zone reclassification (project file no ZE-1-71) to delete condition #4 in order to construct an office building in lieu of apartments and expand the existing office use on the on the east 131. 64 feet of the project site. The applicant agrees to compliance with all other conditions of approval for file ZE-1-71. Staff Analvsis: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: The project site is located in the Urban (U) category of the Comprehensive Plan, inside the Urban Impact Area (UTA) and within the Interim Urban Growth Area established for Spokane County pursuant to RCW 36.70A, the Growth Management Act (GMA). The Comprehensive Plan identifies the Urban category as the most diverse land use category within Spokane County. Urban areas are intended to provide the opportunity for development of a "city like" environment including various land uses and intensive residential development. Public facilities and services such as water, sanitary sewer, stormwater controls, police and fire protection, schools, public transit and refuse collection can be found in Urban areas. Utilities provided in Urban areas include electricity, telephone, gas and cable service. Urban areas are the most intensely developed of all Comprehensive Plan categories and are primarily developed with residences consisting of single family homes, duplexes and apartments/condominiums ranging in density from 1 to 17 dwelling units per acre. Urban areas do allow intensive land uses such as neighborhood commercial and light industrial when they are located near heavily traveled streets. Least intensive uses, such as single-family residences, will be isolated from the noise and heavy traffic. Often apartments/condominiums will act as a transitional use located between single-family residences and the more intensively developed areas. Neighborhood commercial land uses are small scale retail and office uses providing local facilities to serve the everyday needs of the surrounding neighborhood and are typically implemented by the Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and Neighborhood Business (B-1) zones. Due to the variety and mix of land uses and activities within Urban areas there are few land uses that would be inappropriate. Many uses require screening or other performance standards to increase compatibility between dissimilar land uses. ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 6of10 * The proposal demonstrates consistency with the detailed definition of the Urban category in that the site is located adjacent to Broadway Avenue which is identified by the Spokane County Arterial Road plan as a principal arterial, the highest traffic movement thoroughfare regulated by Spokane County. Public utilities and services are available to serve the site and include public water and sewer, paved streets, electricity, telephone, gas, cable services, schools, parks and libraries. Manned fire stations, medical facilities, and post offices are also availabfe. The Decision Guidelines identified in Section One, the Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan, are used to determine if a proposal shall be approved outright, approved with conditions or denied. When reviewing the Goals, Objectives and Decision Guidelines of the Urban category, there are few that address neighborhood commercial development. A description of the applicable Goals, Objectives and Decision Guideline and an analysis of how the proposal does or does not demonstrate compliance with said policies are provided below. • Goal 1.5, Objectives 9.5.b&c, and Decision Guidelines 1.5. 1, 9.5.3-5 encourage a healthful and pleasing environment in the County's residential ar+eas through the use of buffering techniques (fencing and landscaping), the use of underground utilities, paved streets, street lighting and sidewalks. Development of the project site is required to provide buffering including landscaping and/or fencing along the most easterly property line where the adjacent zone is Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) and where parking abuts a residentially zoned land. In addition, landscaping is required along street frontages and within any parking lot that contains twenty (20) off-street parking stalls or more. (Please see Sections 14.622.365, 14.802.220(8) and Chapter 14.806 of the Spokane County Zoning Code.) The Division is also recommending a six (6)-foot-high sight-obscuring fence be constructed along the east and north property lines (reduced to three feet within the required front/flanking street yards). This fence will serve as an additional buffer to adjacent residential development. The site plan of record does illustrate landscaping along the east, west and south property lines. Additional landscaping may be required as per Zone Code Standards. Utilities are available to serve the site. Most are existing below grade and within adjacent public rights-of-way. However, overhead transmission lines provide electricity to the developmerrt. Road improvements have been requested by the Division of Engineering incfuding a strip of land 22.5 feet in width to be set aside along the east 131.64 feet of the site fronting Broadway Avenue to assure the planned right-of-way width of Broadway Avenue (100 feet) is achieved. The construction of curb and sidewalk is not being recommended as these features exist in the vicinity of the proposal. Condition of approval D as required per zone reclassification approval ZE-1-71 prohibits the lighting of the parking area but does allow lighting standards no more than 10 feet in height to illuminate driveways, walkways and landscaped traffic islands. This condition of approval shall remain in effect for the development of the site. • Objectives 9. 5. e, 9. 5. f and Decision Guideline 1. 5. 8 emphasize that when a neighborhood experiences pressure for change in character, such change shall be permitted upon appropriate review. Appropriate review includes consideration and possible mifigation regarding building height in relation to height of structures located nearby and whether new structures will have a positive or negative impact upon the neighborhoods architectural character. Although zoning trends within the immediate vicinity of the proposal have been primarily for residential development, changes have occurred that may support a change of conditions and the development of an office structure on a site previously approved for construction of apartments. ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 7of10 , e Broadway Avenue has been upgraded from a secondary arterial, as it as established in 1971, to a Principal Arterial, Spokane County's designation for the highest traffic movement corridor(s). The west'/ of the site is developed with an office structure. The proposed change of conditions in essence is for the expansion of the office complex onto the east'/ of the site. Also, since the initial zone reclassification in 1971, Spokane County has adopted a Comprehensive Plan that J' supports limited commercial activity within Urban areas when they are located adjacent to arterials. The Comprehensive Plan recommendation is further carried out in the Zoning Code, which specifically states professional offices are permitted within the existing Urban Residential- 22 (UR-22) zone. The design of the site and proposed office structures appear to take into consideration impacts to adjacent residential development. The proposed office structures are limited to one story consistent with residential development located north, east and south of the project site. No architectural character has been established within the surrounding neighborhood that would be adversely impacted by the construction of the office structures if they replicate the character of the existing office structure on the west portion of the site. • Goal 1. 6, Objective 9. 6. a and Decision Guideline 1. 6.1 recommend an orderly pattem development should be established between developed and undeveloped areas and should be in conformance with County plans, policies and regulations. The proposal can conform to all applicable County plans, policies and regulations if the proposal is developed as conditioned. To summarize the above noted discussion, the Comprehensive Plan references neighborhood commercial activities as being appropriate in Urban areas when these land uses are located adjacent to heavily traveled streets (arterials) and when they are designed to be compatible with adjacent residential development. The proposed Change of Conditions for the construction of an office complex in lieu of an apartment complex does meet the intent of the applicable Goals, Objectives and Decisions Guidelines of the Urban category when taking into consideration recommended conditions of approval and other mitigating measures. Zoning Analysis: The purpose of the UR-22 zone is to set standards for the orderly development of residential property in a manner that provides a desirable living environment that is compatible with surrounding land uses and assures the protection of property values. It is intended that this zone be used to add to the variety of housing types and densities, and as an implementation tool for the Comprehensive Plan Urban Category. General characteristics of these areas include paved roads, public sewer and water, accessibility to schools and libraries, and a full line of public services including manned fire protection and public transit accessibility. Offices are permitted in the UR-22 zone in order to provide some of the service needs generated by high-intensity land uses. The highest density residential zone, UR-22 is intended to be used partly as a transitional zone between low or medium density multiple-family uses and intensive commercial or low intensity industrial uses and to provide for higher density housing in locations close to employment, shopping and major transportation routes where movements of people can be handled efficiently and with least overall adverse impact. The subject site is currently zoned Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and demonstrates consistency with the purpose and intent of the UR-22 zone, whether developed with apartments or office buildings. Design: The site plan of record received by the Division of Planning on January 20, 2000 illustrates a rectangular property approximately .945 acres in size, an existing office structure, off- street parking area and tandscaping on the west'/z of the site. The site plan also illustrates a ZE-1A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 8 of10 t w proposed one story 1,596 square foot expansion of the existing office structure and a new office structure one story in height and 3,485 square feet in area located 20 feet from the east property line. Landscaping is illustrated along the east, west and south property lines in conformance with Zoning Code development standards. One issue that will be discussed during the public hearing for the proposal involves the 22.5 foot wide Future Acquisition Area (FAA) along Broadway Avenue recommended by the Division of Engineering to implement the Arterial Road Plan and required building setbacks. The Spokane County Zoning Code requires building setbacks to be established from the FAA (see Section 14.710.300 of the Zoning Code). The site plan of record illustrates the proposed office building and office expansion five (5) feet from the FAA whereas the Zoning Code requires a setback of 25 feet from the FAA. In event the Hearing Examiner cannot offer relief to this Code standard, the applicant can either revise the site development plan to illustrate compliance with the required setback or make application for a variance to deviate from the standard. A variance requires a public hearing and may be approved by the hearing Examiner if the applicant can demonstrate a hardship as defined within Section14.404.080 of the Zoning Code, Variances. Buildings Footprint Area and Site Coverage: The foot prints of the existing and proposed office buildings equates to a total foot print area of approximately 21.9% of the site. Total Floor Area: 8,727 square feet Maximum Structure Height Proposed: One story and 19"-0". Building Setbacks: Proposed Required Front yard (Broadway Avenue) 5 feet from FAA 25 feet from FAA Flanking yard 180 + feet 25 feet from the property line Side yard (east) 20 feet 20 feet (due to landsaping) Rear yard (north) 47 feet 15 feet Parking: The zoning code requires the minimum of five (5) off-street parking stalls or 1 stall per 350 square feet of gross floor area. 25 off-street parking stalls area required and 27 have been identified as "provided" on the site plan of record. Required BufferinglLandscaping Techniques: The Spokane County Zoning Code requires a 20-foot-wide strip of Type I landscaping to be installed along the east property line and a five (5)- foot-wide strip of Type III landscaping along the property lines fronting Broadway Avenue and Ella Road. The landscaping shall not be located within the Future Acquisition Area (FAA). Along the . north property line either a six (6)-foot-high sight-obscuring fence or five (5)-feet of Type I or II landscaping shall be installed to buffer the parking area from adjacent residentially zoned property. Because the parking lot contains over twenty (20) off-street parking stalls, the parking lot shall also be landscaped. If proposed site improvements exceed 50% of the assessed value of site improvements existing on site, then the five (5)-foot-wide strip of Type III landscaping identified on the site development plan shall extend along the full width of the site frontage along Broadway Avenue and Ella Road. Other Site Plan Considerations: The site plan submitted for review by the Hearing Examiner is general in nature. Detailed review to determine compliance with all Zoning Code regulations and conditions of approval is recommended to be administrative and to occur at the Building Permit stage. ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 9 of 10 i N Staff Summarv: As conditioned, the proposed office expansion and construction demonstrates consistency with the applicable Goals, Objectives and Decision Guidelines of the Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan. The development of the site as illustrated on the site plan of record does not comply with the setback requirements ftom the Future Acquisition Area (FAA) nor the requirement that landscaping be located outside the FAA. However, all other development standards have been or can be met without extreme revisions to the site development plan. Attachments A. Maps • Vicinity Map • Site Plan • Comprehensive Plan • Zoning B. Conditions of Approval C. Agency Comments ZE-1A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT A MAPs ViCINITY MAP SITE PLAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP ZONING MAP e1 ~ tcar :.i A . - ~,~.~•11I1' {11 ~j11l' • 1 { lt~ tIt11111~s~r~.~~~►tt111111/111Ii~~.l" 1'~.,~~~~~.►,~ 11'~ t y ~i~~{~1111 tl 1711f111~t1.i~t1 II~~~~f1~~~~~11'~~~~ . CS ' tv ~ s i ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ► 5 ~ ' a-~ ty°. ~ 3 r A ~ tg510n ~g' ~ x' ' = a ' ~ r vAis~ ~ C s ~ ~ , u s; se ~ ~ ~ . 57 ~ L V ~ r~►d ~,a* < ' ~ ~ 3 ~ w ' ' _ kf~ y"' 31 a taue~ . F ` wy wg"y , 14 ' t~~ i 1 • ~y 19 ~ . ~ , J p ~ '3oodr s ' ~ `SIr~ ~ y ' • s u a ~ 29 4 ~ R 06 6 ^ 3O 1 1\ ■ RECE~~our~n SppKANE ~ " ~ JAN 2 tl 200~ ~ ;v DMgtO GIfAR~t1T PIJ~NNINQ K ~ a~a►-_ St1E PLF,N vK1{VIT ~ w,~,~....~-r .....«+f • a,. ti.~►t ~f RC1i0t~~ ~ 'a O ' : =r ~ t~ ' ~ a__.- ~ : . • ~n. 4 K , ~ ~~~~n. 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I~~IN YMM , . t.~. • 10~ W NI'ytl SITE PLAN . . . 1r ZE-1A-71 Comprehensive land Use Plan ~ ~ . L '[11 lk"l 11111 1 H x C O O ~ LO . X . I i I y ~ I . ~ fFFFF] m I • ~ I I 1 - I 3 I ~ ~a i I ~ I c I -M~ 1- W-- HA N ~ 3 I PT-1 LO~ ° El 7 [E 51 v - 1 , [1111 EIL . [EEH ~ • . I ~ '9 I ~ ► ~ I . . I~i ~ ~ F~, : I I I Scale : 1 inch - 1250 ft 02l14/00 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Subject Property within IUGA. A-A A-- - Subject Property within UTA. l~~ l l Subject Property within PSSA. A A A' Subject Property within ASA. ►~xi!Sting . . ~R • u ~ ~ u ' • . ~ 1 ' ' . . 1 ' . 1 ~ • ~ R- 1 • - . i.- ~ tjR'3'5 1-2 - ~ i . ~ ► _ . . 5 ~ ~"2 R u l 1 • ~ r~~ ' 4 ~ jyR.3.5 , -3.5 1- t ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ` ~ ~ 'Ft'3 • ~ a ~ . . 22 • , " r.,,,~ ~ . LUR.a • . ~ ~ . U-~ . 1-2 • r ~ 1 ~7 ~ ' ~ ' ~ ►-2 V . , 4 ~ . . ~ 1.3 ~'2 . 1-3 ~ ~ 2 R- ~ 0 3. ~-l 3 1 t ' t , - t / I / . ~ w 3 ` B►'3 . -7r%nin~ I ATTACHMENT B CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ~ REC4MMENDED CONDITIONS OF ~ APPROVAL FOR ZE-1 A-71 . ii A~U DMSION OF PLANNING SPOKX*kE COUISUY _Z: - i . a;"t.ra.;'• . ~ , y~4i:~ . -i . ~ , . . . . _ _ - . . - . _ . . . - . _ . " - ~ 1. All conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner shall be binding on the "Applicant", which term shall include the owner(s)of the property, heirs, assigns and successors. 2. The zone change applies to the following real property: (See project file, CE-411-99°B") 3. The proposal shall comply with the Urban Residential-22 zone(s) and all other applicable Zone Code regulations, as amended. 4. The proposal shall comply with the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance, as amended. 5. The applicant shall develop subject property generally in accordance within the concept presented to the Hearing Examiner. Variations, when approved by the Director of the Division of Planning/designee, may be permitted, including, but not limited to building - location, landscape plans and general allowable uses of the permitted zone. All variations must conform to regulations set forth in the Spokane County Zoning Code, and the original intent of the development plans shall be maintained. 6. Approval is required by the Director of the Division of Planning/designee of a specific lighting and signing plan for the described property prior to the release of any building permits. 7. Parking areas shall be unlighted except that driveways, walkways, and landscaped traffic islands may be illuminated by low-intensity lighting on standards not exceeding ten (10) feet in height. 8. Direct light from any exterior area lighting fixture shall be positioned, placed constructed, shielded or used as not to illuminate directly any building or structure or portion thereof on an adjacent lot containing a building or structure used as a residence. 9. All land areas not occupied by buildings, parking, and circulation shall be landscaped, planted and maintained in an appropriate turf, shrubbery and trees and as required by Chapter 14.806 of the Spokane County Zoning Code, as amended. 10. A specific landscape plan, planting schedule and provisions for maintenance acceptable to the Director of the Division of Planning/designee shall be submitted with a performance bond or other suitable guarantee for the project prior to release of building permits. I Landscaping shall be installed and maintained so that sight distance at access points is not obscured or impaired. I i 11. Off-street parking facilities and connecting roadways/driveways shall not occupy any area within 5 feet of an adjoining residential zone outside the project. 12. A six (6) foot high sight-obscuring fence shall be constructed along the north and east property lines. The fence height shall be reduced to three feet inside any front/flanking „ street yard. 13. Any portion of the project site that is to be occupied or traveled by automobiles shall be maintained in a hard surface. 14. The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls, driveways and parking lot landscaping shall be in accordance with the Spokane County Zoning Code, as amended. 15. Provisions shall be made for fire hydrants in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Marshal. 16. The Spokane County Division of Planning shall prepare and record with the County Auditor a Title Notice specifying a future land acquisition area for road right-of-way and utilities. The reserved future acquisition area Title Notice shall be released, in full or in part, by the Division of Planning. The notice should be recorded within the same time frame as an appeal and shall provide the following: a. At least 22.5 feet of reserved future acquisition area for road right-of-way and utilities, in addition to the existing and/or newly dedicated right-of-way along Broadway Avenue. NOTE: The County Engineer has required no new dedication. b. Future building and other setbacks required by the Spokane County Zoning Code shall be measured from the reserved future acquisition area. c. No required landscaping, parking, '208' areas, drainfield or allowed signs should be located within the future acquisition area for road right-of-way and utilities. If any of the above improvements are made within this area, they shall be relocated at the applicant's expense when roadway improvements are made. d. The future acquisition area, until acquired, shall be private property and may be used as allowed in the zone, except that any improvements (such as landscaping, parking, surface drainage, drainfield, signs or others) shall be considered interim uses. e. The property owner shall be responsible for relocating such "interim" improvements at the time Spokane County makes roadway improvements after acquiring said future acquisition area. 17. The Division of Planning shall prepare and record with the Spokane County Auditor a Title Notice noting that the property in question is subject to a variety of special conditions imposed as a result of approval of a land use action. This Title Notice shall serve as public notice of the conditions of approval affecting the property in question. The Title Notice should be recorded within the same time frame as allowed for an appeal and shall only be released, in full or in part, by the Division of Planning. The Title Notice shall generally provide as follows: The parcel of property legally described as [see legal description in project file] the subject of a land use action by a Spokane County Hearing Examiner, imposing a variety of special development conditions. File No. ZE-1A-71 is available for inspection and copying in the Spokane County Division of Planning. ZE-1A-71 Recommended Conditions of Approval 2 of 3 18. Any division of the subject property for the purposes of creating additional lots/parcels shall be reviewed by the Director of the Division of Planning/designee for compliance with the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance and all other applicable local, state and federal ordinances and development regulations, as amended. 19. The applicant shall contact the Division of Building and Code Enforcement at the earliest possible stage in order to be informed of code requirements administered/enforced as authorized by the State Building Code Act. Design/development concems include addressing, fire apparatus access roads, fire hydrant flow, approved water systems, building accessibility, construction type, occupancy classification, existing exterior wall protection and energy code requirements. 20. A filed aviation easement satisfactory to the Felts Field Airport Board and/or other air traffic control agency shall be provided prior to the Division of Planning sign-off on a building permit. 21. The Division of Planning shall file with the Spokane County Auditor, within the same time frame as allowed for an appeal from the final disposition, including lapsing of appeal period, a Title Notice, which shall generally provide as follows: "Prior to the issuance of any building permit for any building or any use on the property described herein, the applicant shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of the Zoning Code for Spokane County, Section 14.706 (Aquifer Sensitive Area Overlay Zone). The property which is the subject of this notice is more particularly described as follows: . . . " 22. If this land is subsequently the subject of a binding site plan, minor adjustments to the zoning boundaries may take place, based upon minor road alignment or lot boundary adjustments at the time of filing of the final binding site plan. Revised legal descriptions, with a surveyors stamp/seal, representative of the zoning boundary adjustments shall be submitted to the Division of Planning. ~ ZE-1A-71 Recommended Conditions of Approval 3 of 3 A _ . . . . . . . - r1VCtVl. Y ~.VfiClfVi CrV I 6 • • • C~rf~ •"'.`1 Sp0KAN-- SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT I:: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION A~R ' INTEROFFICE MEMO " CURRENT PLM"C` ~j I - DATE: March 31, 2000 tZ TO: Francine Shaw, Senior Pianner, Spokane County Division of Current Planning FROM: Donald T. Lynch EHS II - EHD, SRHD SUBJECT: ZE-1A-71 (Allision) Public water and public sewer are required for this action. We offer no additional comment. planning.ttA ~ _ . ~ . , C` . + SPOKANE COUNTY WATER DISTR1CT No. 3 P.D. Box 11187 • 5pokane, Washington 99211-1187 •(509) 536-0121 • FAX (509) 534-3760 . , ~ L. M An March 27, 2000 Ms. Francine Shaw, Senior Planner 'i 026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260-0240 R~: FILE # ZE-1A-71 uPar N1s. Shaw: I have attempted to review the project proposed above; which is located within the w-cter service boundaries of Spokane County Water District # 3. However, I am unabie to provide subsi2ntive comment on the proposal because the conceptual site pian doo-s not adaress aublic water or fire pratection services to the praperty. SpokanE CGi!;-:f jl Engineers may prohibit access:ng the existing water main in Broadway Avenuc th; ouch t~%-, reccr„iy installled asphait pavement_ Alternatively, wa±er and fire protection s? : may be avaiiable irom an existing water main in Ella Road dependent upon the required fire flow. !f yau have any questions or comments relating to this project, please contact me at 536- 0 121. Sincerely Youirs, Ty ick e rr21 Manager PC: Randall & Danslcin, P.S., Mr. Paui Allision, 601 W Riverside Avenue, Ste 1300 Spokane, VIA 99201 I . • ~ l. ~ Shaw, Francine From: Davis, Tom B&P ?p Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 8:25 AM To: Shaw, Francine Subject: ZE-1A-71 , COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF BUILDING AND CODE ENFORCEMENT: • The applicant will need to appiy and be issued the appropriate buiiding permit from this Office. Page 1 . Shaw, Francine jf From: Hemmings, Bill Sent: Thursday, December 30, 1999 12:24 PM To: Shaw, Francine Cc: B&gPelhard, Scott; Kimball, Sandy; Sims, Brenda; Miller, Katherine; Darrell, Virginia; Davis, Tom ~ Subject: ZE-1A-71 - Paul Allison 12-30-99 I received the above referenced application on December 30, 1999. I have no comment at this point in time. OW qew~, I Page 1 ~ , . i ✓ ~ i"~/• 01/12/00 FVED 09 : 05 FrLI 509 892 4125 SPV"NE V A1.1-cY r1xE DEYT Pi..rllNuvlNG 19002 . • - : r . . ' sPOKANE vALLEY FiRF DEPARTMENT Spokane Counfy Flre District l 10319 EAST SPRAGUE AVE. SPOKANE. WA 99206-3676 o (509) 928-1700 • FAX (509) 842-4125 , R. Pai Hurmphriss Ch16! January 12, 2000 Francine Shaw Department of 6uilding & Planning 1026 W. Broadway Spokane, WA 99260 RE: Change ot Conditions ZE-1 A-71 Qear Ms. Shaw: 7he Spokane Valley Fire Department has no objections to this chan8e of conditions. We wi{I have requirements at pre-consttuctivn/ permit time. 4ni ,r , - F ire f nspector KMldc '46161 ~ _ To: FR.ANCINE SHAW (Building & Planning) CC: 11: ' From: JIM RED (Utilities) Date: 0111012000 Subject: ZE-0001-71 Stage: Technicai Review Phase: Chg of Conditions, ZE-1A-71 ss09 A wet (live) sewer connection to the area-wide Public Sewer System is to be constructed. Sewer connection permit is required. Commercial developments shall submit historical and or estimated water usage prior to the issuance of the connection permit in order to establish sewer fees. ss12a Applicant shall submit expressly to Spokane County Division of Utilities "under separate covee', only those plan sheets showing sewer plans and specifications for the public sewer connections and facilities for review and approval. Commercial developments shall submit historical and or estimated water usage as part of the sewer plan submittal. ssl 2f Sewer plans acceptable to the Division of Utilities shall be submitted prior to the issuance of the sewer construction permit. ss15a Arrangements for payment of applicable sewer charges must be made prior to issuance of sewer connection permit. Sewer charges may include special connection charges and general facilities charges. Charges may be substantial depending upon the nature of the development. ws01 Any water service for this project shalf be provided in accordance with the Coordinated Water System Plan for Spokane County, as amended. ~ ~ , 1 r ~ AN-04-00 09:55,AM FR0WSCAPCA T-921 P.03/06 F-702 . ~ ~ ` SPOKANE COUNTY ~w ~jA~ 17 AlR POIIU?lON ' f ~ S P p K A N E CONTROI AUTHOflITY WFST 1101 COItEGE. SUITE 403 • SiOK/►NE, wA 99207 •(504) 477-4727 fax (509) 477-4878 Date: LI-O d To: C] Mr. Jeff Forry tff,Ms. Francine Shaw Spokane County Division of Buiidings & Planning 1026 W. Broadway Ave. Spokane, WA 99260 From: Mr. Charles E. Studer Re: SCAPCA REQUIREMENTS FOR: File No. a E ' IA- '7 / , - Proponent/Project Name: P4 NC D/w~ ~ ❑ (Reauest for Comments on 1 ❑(Comments cn Hearings Examiner Public Meetinq on ~ ❑~crn ents on Qe emnina ~on of Nonsignificance Issued on ~ z o Z = The Spokane County Air Pollution Control Autnoiity (SCAPCA) was lormed under the authority of the 1987 Clean Air Act of Washington (RCV19. TAac Acr required caunties, like Spokane Cavnry, to activate iocal air pollution cantrnl aQencies. To meet he rsquiremenls of that Act. SCAPCA adapted regulatiws to conuol the emissions of air conceminants 90m sources within Spoksne County. Potions of Spakane County fail to meet ledera/ health standards 1cr Partxufsfe em;ssicns (dm and smcke) and carbon monozide. Numeraus strategie$ have been !mplemeMW ta isdtx@ eir Porlufian emiss;ons so that we can improve air quality and meet hea/rh standaros. . Fo!lowing ;s a frst of concemMssuas that, ar a minlmum, nead to be addressea 1br proposed projects, Additianal comments may resu/t after mors detailed infarmation of 1tie pvoject /.s scrppi"red. SCAPCA encouragos pnoponents to conract their offms at 7101 West College, Spokane, WA 99201 for adddionaJ iidcrmetion• The following conditions are relevant to proposed project • Harvesting of timber creates silviculwtal debris. Consistent with State policies and regulaoons, altemauves to buming should be examined. The prefened altemate disposal methods in the following order are; s(ash I production minim¢ation, slash utlization, non-buming disposal and silvicuttural buming. If buming is tfhe only reasonable disposal method then it must be done in accordance with alt appfirable regulations, and canducted in a manner that minimizes smoke related nuisances and air potlution impacts. • Washington State Regulation 173400-110 requires that a Nodce of Construction and Application for Approval be submitted to and approved by our Agency prior to the construction, installation or establishment of an air pollution source. ft is possible that the following air pollution sources may be present at tha proposed facility: ~ One or more fossil fue! (natural sas, propane, butane, diesel, fuel oii, or waste oil) or wood burning heat sources. Natural gas/propanelbutane bumin9 boiJers, heating unfts, or hot I s c'~+1++id+~l~R~'01~~~''fiaL cC1wMEnTS oo- f - ~ ~ ~ ~V / ~ V L/V" ~ ) ! ~ ~ I . ~~a.J ~ ! ' • r ~ JAN-04-00 09:55AM FROM-SCAPCA ~-w- T-911 P.04/06 F-702 . ~ . ~ water heaters, or combinations thereof, with a total heat input of 41000,000 Btuslhr ir,e required to appty for a Notice of Consttuction. Other units are requjred to appiy for a NOC when the total heat input exceeds 400,000 Btus/hr. ln addition, addltional requirements j: such as controls for Nitrogen Oxide emissions (NOx) and source testing may be required depending upon the size of the unit. ~ One or tnore Stand by Generatocs. SCAPCA requires a Notice of Censtruction for all Stand by Generators that are rated greater than or equal to 500 mechanlcal horsepowcr (373 Ki lowatts). • There are numerous businesses that are allowed in a commerciat and Industrial znning that are alr pollutlon sources. Before atry business is established at the site, SCAPCA should be cantacted to detemnine if a Notice of Construction is requfred. A copy of this letter should be Qiven to each new tenant. • Ali air pollution regulations must be met • Air poflutien regulations require that dust emissions dudng demolitien, construction and excavabon prvjeds be contrvfled. This may require !he use vf water sprays, tarps, sprinfders or suspensron of sctivitY during certain weather conditions. Haul roads should be treated and emissions from the transfer of earthen material must be cantrolled as well as emissions from all other constrvction refated activities. • SCAPCA strangly recommends that alI traveled surtaces (i.e. ingress, egress, partdng ar+eas, access roads) should be paved and kept clean to minim¢e ertis.sions. ~ Measures must be taken to avoid the deposition of drt and mud from unpaved surFaces onfio paved surfaces. (f tracking or spills occur on paved surfaces, measures must be taken immediatety to dean tttese surtaces. • SCAPCA Reguiatien I, ArticJe IV may require registration witFt this agency depending upon the type of business that May be esiabGshed at the sde. An approved Notice of Construcbon suffice,s to meet this requirement • SCAPCA Regulation I, Article V!, and SCAPCA Regulation II, Arbcle N, address air po(Iution emission standards. All emission standards must be rnet • Debris generated as a result of this projed must be disposed of by me,ans other than buming (i,e, oonstruction waste, vegetative waste etc.). • Art asbestos survey must be done by an AHERA certified inspectar prior to detrbl'rtion or renovation of building(s), to determine if asbestos-containing material is present at the sfte. Demolition and renovation projects must comply witfi tfie requirements of CFR 40, Part 61, Subpart M. SCAPCA Regu{ation I, Artide UC & Artide X Sectien 10.09, and Washington State Regutations (WAC 29"2. -65, & -155). Notice of lntent to PerfOrm Asbestos Removal and/or Demo(ition forms are available at tfie SCAPCA office. Asbestos-wntaining mafieriat must be removed in acoordance with Federal, State, Local regulations and dispased of at a licensed faality. • Depending upon the type of business or equipment established on site, some objecdonable odors may result from this project SCAPCA's regulations state that effiective control apparatus and measures must be used to reduce odors to a minimum. • All solid fuel buming devices (fineplaces wood stoyes. Pe«et stoves, etc.) must comply with koca1, state, and federal rules and tegulations. Fireplace emission standards became effedve ,lanuary 1, 1997. New fireplaces must be tested and labeled in accordance with procedur+es and ctlteria specified in the UBC Standard 31-2. SCAPCA Requlation 1 Article Vfll Section 8.10 does not allow the installation of non-certified sord itsel bumina devices 1n anv new or BYistinq bulldinq or structure, ur}tess the saltd fuel burning deviee is ;a cook stove. fireotace. or furnaee as defined by SCAPCA Regulation 1 Artiele V1I1, Sectien 8.03, or a non certified solid fuel burnin4 device whlch has been rendered pertnanetttfy inoperdble. • It the proponent or anyone else has questions conceming the above, please contact Charfes E. Studer (509) 477-4727 ext 107, Apnl Miller ext 105, or Keile lrgeland ext 106 at SCAPCA's office during the hours of 8:00 am 8 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Failure to meet SCa?CA reaulations may result in delays, closure and civil and/or criminal sanctions. CLEAN AlR IS UP TO ALL OF US PAGE 2 , , ~ , ~"C~~~ i ~~C~-~ c~ ~ ~ ~~~~c~ ~.~''~CC~~? : , ~ ~ . M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 6, 2000 - TO: Francine Shaw, Division of Buil ; g and P $ FROM: Katherine Miller, E.I.T. and Vir ~ arrell, P.E.;Stormwater Utility RE: ZE-1A-71, Change of conditions CC: As part of the change of conditions reguest, we recommend that this land-use action be required to conform to the current road and drainage standards for the new construction. If the proposed addition exceeds 50% of the assessed value of the property, then the 50% rule applies. The rule requires that the entire site be brought up to current drainage standards. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. K:1St0rmlKatnerine'1)ESIGN\2e1 a71.CO: _ . _ , - ~ • OFFICE OF THE SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER 1026 W Broadway Ave, Spokane, WA 99260-0170 (509)477-3600 Fax (509)477-2243 "ENGINEER'S CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL" TR ZONE TO: Spokane County Building and Pla,ning Depa en FROM: Division of Engineering & Roads DATE: January 6, 2000 PROJECT: UR-22 CHG OF COND NEW PLOT PLAN F1LE -ZE-0001A-711) Hearing Date: @ Review Date Sponsor/Appiicant: FRANCINE SHAW Section Township Range: 18-25-44 Planner: FRANCINE SHAW Technical/Review Date: (01/06/200 @ 2:15) The Spokane County Engineering Department has reviewed the above referenced application. The following "Conditions of Approval" are submitted to the Spokane County Planning Department for inclusion in the "Findings of Fact, Conclusions and OrderlDecision" should the request be approved. Prior to release of a building permit or use of property as proposed: 1. Spokane County Engineering has no objection to the proposed Change of Condition. . 2. Access permits for approaches to the County r2oad System shall be obtained from the County Engineer. 3. A parking plan and traffic circulation plan shall be submitied and approved by the Spokane County Engineer. The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls shall be in accordance with standard engineering practices. Paving or surfacing as approved by the County Engineer will be required for any portion of the project which is to be occupied or traveled by vehicles. 4. Roadway standards, typical roadway sections and drainage plan requirements are found in Spokane Board of County Commissioners resolution 99-0205 as amended and are applicable to this proposal. 5. No construction work is to be peROrmed within the existing or proposed rignt of wGy until a permit has been issued by the County Engineer. All work within the pubfic road right of way is subject to inspection and approval by the County Engineer. CC: ;polica::t PzU! J rL LT :i._i Ercineer/Sur; e-; o: P_a.^.r.e= =~=_:C~_•;~ S ~.:r I 1 n. ~f L . I I • , ' t y Page 2 O1J06/200 OOOlA 6. The County Arteriai Road plan identifies Broadway Avenue as a 100 foot Principa! Arterial. The „ existing right of way width of 27.5 feet measured from centerline is not consistent with that specified in the p{an. In order to implement the Arterial Road Plan it is recommended thCat a strip ofi property 22.5 in width along the Broadway Avenue frontage be set aside in reserve. This property may be acquired by Spokane County at the time when Arterial Improvements are made to Broadway Avenue. 7. The applicant shou{d be advised that there may exist utilities either underground or overhead affecting the applicants property, including property to be dedicated or set aside future acquisition. Spokane County will assume no financial obligation for adjustments or relocation regarding these utilities. The applicant should check with the applicable utilities and Spokane County Engineer to determine whether the applicant or utility is responsible for adjustment or relocation costs and to m2ke arrangements for any necessary work. 8. The applicant shall grant applicable border easements adjacent to Spokane County Right of Way per Spokane County Standards. END ! T ~ - _ . _ . 1 1 'STAFF~:~REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER , " . Fite ZE-1A-71 ~ DIVISION OF PLANNING ` ~f; " . S~rL'F y'" . • ' ' PO1\~ COUISUY ~ ^ ~ - - - HEARING DATE: April 19, 2000 at 9:00 a.m. FILE ZE-1A-71 PROJECT PLANNER: Francine Shaw, Senior Planner PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A request for a Change of Conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office building in lieu of an apartment complex. Proiect Data Project Location and Address: r The site address is 7903 East Broadway Avenue. The property is generally located at the northeast - comer of the intersection of Ella Road and Broadway rtw~-~~~ IMEN 7 - - - Avenue in the NW of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM., Spokane County, ~ Washin~ton. Parcel Numbers: The unitied site development plan submitted for review by the Hearing Examiner includes tax parcel . 45182.9144 and a portion of 45182.9145. The r-- * q~. = proposed Change of Conditions applies only to that i. PRO~ portion of tax parcel 45182.9145 included within the P r o e b o u n d a r i e s o f t h e u n i f i e d s i t e d e v e l oPm e n t ~ P rtY - plan. Please see Land Division Status below for more information. Applicant/Agent: Paul Allison, Randall and Danskin, P.S. 601 W. Riverside Avenue, Suite 1500 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 747-2052 Owner: Ronald and Lynda Sahnow P.O. Box 13388 ~ Spokane, Washington 99213 - Phone Number Unknown Comprehensive Pfan Designation: Urban (U) Zoning: Urban Residentia!-22 (UR-22) Existing Land Use: The west 149.2 feet of the subject site is completely developed and is occupied by a single story 3,646 square foot contractor's office, a paved off-street parking lot, and landscaping. The east 131.64 feet of the project site (the portion of the project site that is subject of the Change of Conditions request) is currently undeveloped. . 1 i Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: % • North: Land located immediately north of the project site is - = zoned Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and is also - ; subject to the Conditions of Approval for undertying - zone reclassification for which the proposed Change - - _ : of Conditions is being requested. Further north of the proposal, north of Cataldo Avenue, land is zoned Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5). Land use north of - the project site includes an apartment complex, = Centennial Middle School, and single fami(y residences. , • South• ~oning designations of land located south of the ~ proposal include Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5), Urban Residential-7 (UR-7), Urban Residential-12 (UR-12), Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and Light Industrial (I-2) to the southwest Land use south of the project site is primarily single family residences on medium density lots. An insurance office and a day - care facility are located south of the proposal along the south side of Broadway Avenue. • East: Land located immediatefy east of the project sfte is zoned Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5). Various commercially zoned properties are iocated further - - : east adjacent to the Argonne/Mullan corridor. Land - use east of the project site is primarily medium density single family development which transitions into various commercial land uses running jL~~ - - • north/south along the Argonne/Mullan corridor. • West: Land iocated west of the proposal is zoned Urban Residential-3.5, Urban Residential-7 (UR-7), Urban Residential-22 (UR-22), Light Industriai (1-2) and Neighborhood Business (B-1). Land use located T° x immediatelY west of the project site includes a large h(~.~ vacant field that appears to be recently graded for future development. Vehicle and equipment storage is occurring on this field. Further west tand use transitions from single family residences on medium density fots to commercial and industrial uses. Known Land Use Proposals and Recent Recent land use actions that have been approved for Project Approvals in the Area of this development within the vicinity of the project site Project include the following: • PE-1864-99/ZE-3-99/PUDE-1-99, the approved Preliminary plat of Frazier Estates PUD. The proposal includes a zone reclassification from - Suburban Residential-1 (SR-1) to the Urban : Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) zone, a pre{iminary plat and Planned Unit Development Overlay zone for - the purpose of subdividing approximateiy 39.23 acres into 110 lots and common open area tracts for the development of single family residences. • ZE-6-98; an approved zone reclassification of _ approximately .94 acres from Urban Residential- 7(UR-7) to the Light Industrial (1-2) zone for the purpose of developing equipment rental, storage I and a caretaker's residence. . ZE-12-90; an approved zone reclassification ~ from the Agricultural Suburban (AS) zone established pursuant to the now expired ~ ZE-1A-71 Staffi Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 2 of 10 . ~ Spokane County Zoning Ordinance to the Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) zone consistent with the current Spokane County Zoning Code for the purpose of developing two single story office buildings, each at 10,000 square feet in area. • SP-1144-97/ZE-31-97; an approved zone ' reclassification from Urban Residential-3.5 (UR- 3.5) to Urban Residential-7 (UR-7) and final short plat for the division of .7 acres into four tracts for the development of singte family residences. • SP-1205-99; approved preliminary short plat for the division of 1.3 acres into four tracts for the development of single famity residences. • SP-1002A-94; an approved final altered short plat for the division of approximately .7 acres into 2 tracts for single family residences. • SP-989-94; an approved final short plat for the division of 1.4 acres into 4 tracts. Additional zone rectassfications have been approved primarily to the business zones along the Argonne/Mullan corridor for commercial development. The Argonne/Mullan corridor is located approximatey'/. mile east of the project site. Land Division Status: The subject site was created through an approved Certificate of Exemption for a minor lot line adjustment pursuant to Section 12.100.110(1d) of the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance on May 11, 1999 (project file no. CE-179-99 A& B). The Certificate of Exemption recognizes the project site a legal building lot and exempt from subdivision Filot 9uirements as identified in RCW 58.17. Shoreline DesiQnation: applicable Water Purveyor. Public water service will be provided by Spokane County Water District No. 3. Sewage Disposal: The project site will be served by Spokane County's public sewer system. Fire District 1 he project site lies within Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 1. School District and nearest K-12 The proposal lies within the West Valley School schools: District No. 363 Nearest Arterial and Distance: The project site is bordered along the south property line by Broadway Avenue and along the west property line by Ella Road. Broadway Avenue is the arterial located nearest to the proposal. Broadway Avenue is designated as a principal arterial by the Spokane County Arterial Road Plan with a planned right-of-way width of 100 feet The existing right-of- way width along the frontage of the project site is 27.5 feet measured from the centerline of Broadway Avenue. Nearest Parks and Distance: The County park facility located nearest to the proposal is the Park Road Pool. The pool facility is located approximately'/~ mile west of the project site. Neighborhood Association: Not applicable ~ ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - Aprit 19, 2000 Public Hearing 3of10 I . • This proposal is located inside the IUGA. • This proposal is located inside a Public Transportation Benefit Area (PTBA). Spokane Transit Authority Routes 15 and 17 provide service to the site. • This proposal is located outside the 1000' notification boundary of designated Natural Resource Lands. GMA/Critical Areas Aquifer Recharge Area: The subject site is located inside both the Priority Sewer Service Area (PSSA) and the Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA) Overlay zone. Fish & Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas: ~ Not applicable Floodplain: Review of FIRM indicates the site is located in Zone C and outside any 100 year flood plain. Geologically Hazardous Areas: ~ Not applicable Wetlands: ~ Not applicable SEPA ❑ DNS issued on March 31, 2000 ❑ Comment period ended on April 17, 2000 ❑ Appeal period ends the same time as the appeal time frame for the proposed land use action expires. ❑ No appeal filed to date Noticinq Published: The Notice of Hearing and DNS were published in the Spokesman Review legal section on March 31, 2000. Mailed: The Notice of Application and the Notice of Hearing were mailed to taxpayers/owners of property located within 400 feet of the boundaries of the subject site on February 16 and March 31, 2000 respectively. Site Posted: The deadline for the applicant to post the site was March 31, 2000. 1724 ComQliance Dates Application Accepted as Counter Complete: December 9, 1999 Date the Determination of Completeness was issued: February 3, 2000 Date Notice of Decision is Due: June 2, 2000 ReviewinQ AQencies A total of 12 agencies were notified of the proposed Change of Conditions. Final comments were due April 5, 2000. Agencies Notified Response Date Agencies Notified Response Date Received Received Received Received Division of Engineering Yes January 6, 'Fire Protection District Yes January and Roads 2000 - No. 1 12, 2000 Division of Yes December ~ Spokane County Air January 4, Engineering/Developer 30, 1999 Pollution Control Yes 2000 Services ~ Authority Division of Utilities Yes January Spokane County Water Yes March 27, 10, 2000 ; District 2000 ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 4of10 Division of Yes January 6, ~ WA State Department of No Utilities/Stormwater 2000 Transportation Spokane Regional Health Yes March 31, Division of Building and Yes March 30, District 2000 Code Enforcement 2000 Boundary Review Board No WA State Department of No ~ Ecology Responses from Aaencies of Interest: Comments received from the agencies of interest are primarily in the form of recommended conditions of approval. Responses from the Public: No letters of comment were received from the public. However, a phone call was received from Mr. Ray Webb (928-3688) supporting the proposed Change of Conditions Description of the Site: The project site is located at 7903 East Broadway Avenue, more specifically at the northeast comer of the intersection of Ella Road and Broadway Avenue in the Spokane Valley. The property is approximately one acre in size, rectangular in shape and flat in topography. The west 149.2 feet of the project site is currently developed with a single story 3,646 square foot office building, off-street parking and landscaping. The east 131.64 feet, which is subject of this Change of Conditions request, is currently undeveloped. An existing six (6)-foot high cyclone fence with slats is located along the north property and along the north/south zoning boundary line that bisects the project site. A three (3)-foot-high board-on-board sight-obscuring fence is located along the south property line of the east 131.64 feet of the site. This fence increases in height to six (6) feet along the north and east property line for this portion of the site. Broadway Avenue borders the south property line and Ella Road borders the west property line of the project site. Broadway Avenue is a paved four lane, finro way principal arterial. Broadway Avenue includes curb and sidewalk on both the north and south sides of the street. Overhead I transmission lines and street lighting are provided only on the south side of Broadway Avenue. Ella Road is a paved two way two lane local access street. Curb and sidewalk exist along the east side of Ella adjacent to the subject site. No street lighting is provided along Ella. DescriQtion of Surroundina Neiahborhood: The neighborhood surrounding the project site includes a mix of land uses but is developed primarily with multi-family and single family residences. Centennial Middle School is located northwest of the project site. An insurance office and day care facility are located south of the proposal, on the south side of Broadway Avenue. Further west land use transitions into commercial and light industrial development. To the east, land use transitions into various commercial uses that border the Argonne/Mullan corridor. BackQround: The site plan of record submitted to the Division of Planning on January 20, 2000 ~ encompasses a single tax parcel created through Certificate of Exemption file no CE-179-99 (A & B) and is subject to conditions of approval for two (2) separate zone reclassification approvals (project file no.s ZE-1-71 and ZE-24-78). The project site initially was part of a larger eight (8) acre site situated between Cataldo and Broadway Avenues, east of and adjacent to Ella Road. On September 2, 1971, the Board of County Commissioners approved the zone reclassification request (project file no. ZE-1-71) from Agricultural Suburban (AS) to Multiple Family Suburban (MFS) zone for the purpose of developing a 65 unit court apartment complex and day care center. Five conditions of approval were placed I ZE-1A-71 Staff Report -April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 5of10 . i on the development. One in particular (#4) limits site development to be in substantial conformance with the "approved plot plan° which illustrates the 65 unit court apartment complex. ~ A second zone reclassification (project file no. ZE-24-78) was approved by the Board on August 31, 1978 for the west 149.2 feet of the project site. The zone reclassification requested a change from the Multiple Family Suburban (MFS) zone originally established on September 2, 1971 and as per project file no. ZE-1-71 to the Residential Office (RO) Zone for the construction of a single story 5,175 square foot office building. A building permit was issued on February 23, 1987 for the existing office building. On January 1, 19991 the zoning category of the project site crossed-over to Urban Residential-22 (UR-022) when the now expired Spokane County Zoning Ordinance was replaced with the (new) Spokane County Zoning Code consistent with the Program to Implement. The property owners, Ronald and Lynda Sahnow, are now requesting a Change of Conditions to the initial zone reclassification (project file no ZE-1-71) to delete condition #4 in order to construct an office building in lieu of apartments and expand the existing office use on the on the east 131. 64 feet of the project site. The applicant agrees to compliance with all other conditions of approval for file ZE-1-71. Staff Analvsis: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: The project site is located in the Urban (U) category of the Comprehensive Plan, inside the Urban Impact Area (UTA) and within the Interim Urban Growth Area established for Spokane County pursuant to RCW 36.70A, the Growth Management Act (GMA). The Comprehensive Plan identifies the Urban category as the most diverse land use category within Spokane County. Urban areas are intended to provide the opportunity for development of a "city like" environment including various land uses and intensive residential development. Public facilities and services such as water, sanitary sewer, stormwater controls, police and fire protection, schools, public transit and refuse collection can be found in Urban areas. Utilities provided in Urban areas include electricity, telephone, gas and cable service. Urban areas are the most intensely developed of all Comprehensive Plan categories and are primarily developed with residences consisting of single family homes, duplexes and apartments/condominiums ranging in density from 1 to 17 dwelling units per acre. Urban areas do'allow intensive land uses such as neighborhood commercial and light industrial when they are located near heavily traveled streets. Least intensive uses, such as single-family residences, will be isolated from the noise and heavy traffic. Often apartments/condominiums will act as a transitional use located between single-family residences and the more intensively developed areas. Neighborhood commercial land uses are small scale retail and office uses providing local facilities to serve the everyday needs of the surrounding neighborhood and are typically implemented by the Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and Neighborhood Business (13-1) zones. Due to the variety and mix of land uses and activities within Urban areas there are few land uses that would be inappropriate. Many uses require screening or other performance standards to increase compatibility between dissimilar land uses. ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - Apn'1 19, 2000 Public Hearing 6of10 ~ The proposal demonstrates consistency with the detailed definition of the Urban category in that the site is located adjacent to Broadway Avenue which is identified by the Spokane County Arterial Road plan as a principal arterial, the highest traffic movement thoroughfare regulated by Spokane County. Public utilities and services are available to serve the site and include public water and sewer, paved streets, electricity, telephone, gas, cable services, schools, parks and i~ libraries. Manned fire stations, medical facilities, and post offices are also available. The Decision Guidelines identified in Section One, the Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan, are used to determine if a proposal shall be approved outright, approved with conditions or denied. When reviewing the Goals, Objectives and Decision Guidelines of the Urban category, there are few that address neighborhood commercial development. A description of the applicable Goals, Objectives and Decision Guideline and an analysis of how the proposal does or does not demonstrate compliance with said policies are provided below. • Goal 1.5, Objectives 1.5.b&c, and Decision Guidelines 9.5.1, 1.5.3-5 encourage a healthful and pleasing environment in the County's residential areas through the use of buffering techniques (fencing and landscaping), the use of underground utilities, paved streets, sfreet lighting and sidewalks. Development of the project site is required to provide buffering including landscaping and/or fencing along the most easterly property line where the adjacent zone is Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) and where parking abuts a residentially zoned land. In addition, landscaping is required along street frontages and within any parking lot that contains twenty (20) off-street parking stalls or more. (Please see Sections 14.622.365, 14.802.220(8) and Chapter 14.806 of the Spokane County Zoning Code.) The Division is also recommending a six (6)-foot-high sight-obscuring fence be constructed along the east and north property lines (reduced to three feet within the required front/flanking street yards). This fence will serve as an additional buffer to adjacent residential development. The site plan of record does illustrate landscaping along the east, west and south property lines. Additional landscaping may be required as per Zone Code Standards. Utilities are available to serve the site. Most are existing below grade and within adjacent public rights-of-way. However, overhead transmission lines provide electricity to the development. Road improvements have been requested by the Division of Engineering including a strip of land 22.5 feet in width to be set aside along the east 131.64 feet of the site fronting Broadway Avenue to assure the planned right-of-way width of Broadway Avenue (100 feet) is achieved. The construction of curb and sidewalk is not being recommended as these features exist in the vicinity of the proposal. Condition of approva) D as required per zone reclassification approval ZE-1-71 prohibits the lighting of the parking area but does allow lighting standards no more than 10 feet in height to illuminate driveways, walkways and landscaped traffic isfands. This condition of approval shall remain in effect for the development of the site. ~ • Objectives 1. 5. e, 9. 5. f and Decision Guideline 1. 5.8 emphasize that when a neighborhood experiences pressure for change in character, such change shall be permitted upon appropriate review. Appropriate review includes consideration and possible mitigation regarding building height in relation to height of structures located nearby and whether new structures will have a positive or negative impact upon the neighborhoods architectural character. Although zoning trends within the immediate vicinity of the proposal have been primarily for residential development, changes have occurred that may support a change of conditions and the development of an office structure on a site previously approved for construction of apartments. ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 PubGc Hearing 7of10 1 Broadway Avenue has been upgraded from a secondary arterial, as it as established in 1971, to a Principal Arterial, Spokane County's designation for the highest traffic movement corridor(s). The west % of the site is developed with an office structure. The proposed change of conditions in essence is for the expansion of the office complex onto the east'/ of the site. Also, since the initial zone reclassification in 1971, Spokane County has adopted a Comprehensive Plan that supports limited commercial activity within Urban areas when they are located adjacent to arterials. The Comprehensive Plan recommendation is further carried out in the Zoning Code, which specifically states professional offices are permitted within the existing Urban Residential- 22 (UR-22) zone. The design of the site and proposed office structures appear to take into consideration impacts to adjacent residential development. The proposed office structures are limited to one story consistent with residential development located north, east and south of the project site. No architectural character has been established within the surrounding neighborhood that would be adversely impacted by the construction of the office structures if they replicate the character of the existing office structure on the west portion of the site. • Goal 1. 6, Objective 1. 6. a and Decision Guideline 1. 6.1 recommend an orderly pattem development should be established between developed and undeveloped areas and should be in conformance with County plans, policies and regulations. The proposal can conform to all applicable County plans, policies and regulations if the proposal is developed as conditioned. To summarize the above noted discussion, the Comprehensive Plan references neighborhood commercial activities as being appropriate in Urban areas when these land uses are located adjacent to heavily traveled streets (arterials) and when they are designed to be compatible with adjacent residential development. The proposed Change of Conditions for the construction of an office complex in lieu of an apartment complex does meet the intent of the applicable Goals, Objectives and Decisions Guidelines of the Urban category when taking into consideration recommended conditions of approval and other mitigating measures. Zoning Analysis: The purpose of the UR-22 zone is to set standards for the orderly development of residential property in a manner that provides a desirable living environment that is compatible with surrounding land uses and assures the protection of property values. It is intended that this zone be used to add to the variety of housing types and densities, and as an implementation tool for the Comprehensive Plan Urban Category. General characteristics of these areas include paved roads, public sewer and water, accessibility to schools and libraries, and a full line of public services including manned fire protection and public transit accessibility. Offices are permitted in the UR-22 zone in order to provide some of the service needs generated by high-intensity land uses. The highest density residential zone, UR-22 is intended to be used partly as a transitional zone befin►een low or medium density multiple-family uses and intensive commercial or low intensity industrial uses and to provide for higher density housing in locations close to employment, shopping and major transportation routes where movements of people can be handled efficiently and with least overall adverse impact. The subject site is currently zoned Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and demonstrates consistency with the purpose and intent of the UR-22 zone, whether developed with apartments or office bui[dings. Design: The site plan of record received by the Division of Planning on January 20, 2000 illustrates a rectangular property approximately .945 acres in size, an existing office structure, off- street parking area and landscaping on the west'/z of the site. The site plan also illustrates a ZE-1 A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 8of10 ~ proposed one story 1,596 square foot expansion of the existing office structure and a new office structure one story in height and 3,485 square feet in area located 20 feet from the east property line. Landscaping is illustrated along the east, west and south property lines in conformance with Zoning Code development standards. /i One issue that will be discussed during the public hearing for the proposal involves the 22.5 foot wide Future Acquisition Area (FAA) along Broadway Avenue recommended by the Division of Engineering to implement the Arterial Road Plan and required building setbacks. The Spokane County Zoning Code requires building setbacks to be established from the FAA (see Section 14.710.300 of the Zoning Code). The site plan of record illustrates the proposed office building and office expansion five (5) feet from the FAA whereas the Zoning Code requires a setback of 25 feet from the FAA. In event the Hearing Examiner cannot offer relief to this Code standard, the applicant can either revise the site development plan to illustrate compliance with the required setback or make application for a variance to deviate from the standard. A variance requires a public hearing and may be approved by the hearing Examiner if the applicant can demonstrate a hardship as defined within Section14.404.080 of the Zoning Code, Variances. Buildings Footprint Area and Site Coverage: The foot prints of the existing and proposed office buildings equates to a total foot print area of approximately 21.9% of the site. Total Floor Area: 8,727 square feet Maximum Structure Height Proposed: One story and 19°-0'. Building Setbacks: Proposed Required Front yard (Broadway Avenue) 5 feet from FAA 25 feet from FAA Flanking yard 180 + feet 25 feet from the property line Side yard (east) 20 feet . 20 feet (due to landsaping) Rear yard (north) 47 feet 15 feet Parking: The zoning code requires the minimum of five (5) off-street parking stalls or 1 stall per 350 square feet of gross floor area. 25 off-street parking stalls area required and 27 have been identified as °provided" on the site plan of record. ~ Required Buffering/Landscaping Techniques: The Spokane County Zoning Code requires a 20-foot-wide strip of Type I landscaping to be installed along the east property line and a five (5)- I foot-wide strip of Type III landscaping along the property lines fronting Broadway Avenue and Ella Road. The landscaping shall not be located within the Future Acquisition Area (FAA). Along the north property line either a six (6)-foot-high sight-obscuring fence or five (5)-feet of Type I or 11 ~ landscaping shall be installed to buffer the parking area from adjacent residentially zoned property. Because the parking lot contains over twenty (20) off-street parking stalls, the parking lot shall also be landscaped. If proposed site improvements exceed 50% of the assessed value of site improvements existing on site, then the five (5)-foot-wide strip of Type III landscaping identified on the site development plan shall extend along the full width of the site frontage along Broadway Avenue and Ella Road. Other Site Plan Considerations: The site plan submitted for review by the Hearing Examiner is general in nature. Detailed review to determine compliance with all Zoning Code regulations and conditions of approval is recommended to be administrative and to occur at the Building Permit stage. ZE-1A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 9of10 . ~ Staff Summarv: As conditioned, the proposed office expansion and construction demonstrates consistency with the applicable Goals, Objectives and Decision Guidelines of the Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan. The development of the site as illustrated on the site plan of record ; r does not comply with the setback requirements from the Future Acquisition Area (FAA) nor the requirement that landscaping be located outside the FAA. However, all other development standards have been or can be met without extreme revisions to the site development plan. Attachments A. Maps • Vicinity Map • Site Plan • Comprehensive Plan • Zoning B. Conditions of Approval C. Agency Comments ZE-1A-71 Staff Report - April 19, 2000 Public Hearing 10 of 10 ~ I ATTACHMENT A ~ . ~~,S VICINITY MAP SITE PLAr•a COMPREHENSIVE PLAtv PV1A(' ZONING MAP no1~~ 11~;~ N~ Nletl ~J~ r' ' ~ ~ o --~►f`:C ~ ,u M ~ ~ ~ , m 4~ , e`~ „ai~~,~- ♦4 t)1d1~-~ ^ tA un111rKl _ ~ , ~~"'.r ` - ~Ct' ~ ~rdfi = n~~~ ~'"p~a ` - ~.--;~~;x, " _ ` + oi4+ ~lie1Y • 4 ~ ' !S ~ c,yc t = ~ ~ A ~i~~r`Rk~ i v~ " c. d V ~ \ ~y a ~u W . ~ir`4 Cal N'wuz -Ow d 3 ~ O we r , ~ 3 ~ 11310~ ■ ~ _ _ 11 ' ~s RECEIv ouN'~ , ~ . SPpMNE C ~ ~ J AN (1 2000 . iJ ~yy a •~f " PiMI{3OMSlOK 1- UfiR~Ni P1~ tn , • ~ U- • SITE PIF.N I`'j ~,r..,.. v~C~ri►TY ti~a~- , OF REC4RQ y„~.,.~ y ~ • 's:.~e p 1 I ♦ ; ~ ' ~ ~~••r`V1 ~r ~~t~r ♦ .~•W~ ✓~r,..~+~~+~ ~ , - +y 1 ~ ~ "r-..~r . ~ , . ~j• p~ ~~s~~ . L •ilA~`,~'~ \ ~If~ ~ ~ yI . 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O~•~~ ~ 4r _ _ ; ~„~,;;a-» y- - , ~ - ` . ~ ~ '1 ~ • - W ,1 ~ ' t-` ---^"._.--..s+'~~ ~ / t ' ♦ - ~ . . / .r'~'~ ~f- t- ~w~ ~ t ~ -1 ~~i 1 ( ':'I +~...a•. g~a.~. ~ , . y' R, L~M~ ~ ` ' ~11-w ~ 2 YI~ . ~ ~)'(L • ~ ~I' . - WA A ~ :~y~ ~t~ ~ ~~lt , ; >r~sl~ ~l_ r~;p( V.t tr.~ i "v . t.~ r N~ !,t t! t P~~ Y a w+a ~ 1 ~t : ~~fIR. /fNµ~~wwY •.t. • M0"o ~ p~ ~ ~ Kr~ ~ ~ q~111N\ W~M . !M M ~►wM~t ~ S11F PLAN • ~ i e ~ A\ ' ZE-1A-71 Comprehensive Land Use Plan ,y m ~z ~ w Il~~` 4H 1 1 J TEE utcti ET~ LJL ~ I a_~ m ~ • ~ u a ~ ~ C ~FITTM i W 1 m . ~ EIT- . . ► 1 I TI --F-M U I H I. ~ ~ - ~ L?`o* C ~ A V,1 v TF i.L i~ E ~ ti flm ~i A - ~ - - E DF~ M ,s[ v FTA ~ i ► ~ , E E=A HHR~~ LLL-1 I • 9 ~ . ~ . ~ ' . . . PI , ~ ; . Scale : 1 inch - 1250 fi 02/14100 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Subject Property within IUGA. A-A 'a- - Subject Property within UTA. 1~ l Subject Property within PSSA. ~A Ar-9& Subject Property wittiin rISA. LC_ Ir„ , r►g Z°ning . 1 J ' r • T ~ y~ Y . ~ j . ~ ~'~~~f ' • • . . 1~ . . UR. . ~ . ~ IJR-3.5 1.2 s ~ U . R- R• 5 ~ • ~ , . ~ .Z 1-2 UR.3•5 ~ 7 + 5 , .3•5 ~ ~ . I - - s UR'22 : . ,_,_..r. . I - ` U 3 ~ ' ~ . uR_7 i 1'2 .2 . ~ ~ UR-7 ~ 1-Z 1-3 : . ~ ^ . ►-2 1-3 ~ 1-2 . R. . 5.~ ; . ! UR- ~ , ~ 35 3 ,5 IlP L ~ 1-3 t B.3 B.3 . 1-3 . ~ . ATTACHMENT B CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ~ ' . . . . y_ . . _ `l":. ' .Y- . . _ ~ RECOMMENDED CONDIT(ONS OF r, ~ l APPROVAL FOR ZE-1 A-71 . - .!3> _ _ - •1"- - - _ ~ Aa, . . _...>....._._~_~zs....r ~ DMSION OF PLANNING . SPOKAI*,kE COUI'-UY ' . - . • . . - . . 1. All conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner shall be binding on the "Applicant", which term shall include the owner(s)of the property, heirs, assigns and successors. 2. The zone change applies to the following real property: (See project file, CE-411-99AB°) 3. The proposal shall comply with the Urban Residential-22 zone(s) and all other applicable Zone Code regulations, as amended. 4. The proposal shall comply with the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance, as amended. 5. The applicant shall develop subject property generally in accordance within the concept presented to the Hearing Examiner. Variations, when approved by the Director of the Division of Planning/designee, may be permitted, including, but not limited to building location, landscape plans and general allowable uses of the permitted zone. All variations must conform to regulations set forth in the Spokane County Zoning Code, and the original intent of the development plans shall be maintained. 6. Approval is required by the Director of the Division of Planning/designee of a specific lighting and signing plan for the described property prior to the release of any building permits. 7. Parking areas shall be unlighted except that driveways, walkways, and landscaped traffic islands may be illuminated by low-intensily lighting on standards not exceeding ten (10) feet in height. 8. Direct light from any exterior area lighting fixture shall be positioned, placed constructed, shielded or used as not to illuminate directly any building or structure or portion thereof on an adjacent lot containing a building or structure used as a residence. 9. All land areas not occupied by buildings, parking, and circulation shall be landscaped, planted and maintained in an appropriate turf, shrubbery and trees and as required by Chapter 14.806 of the Spokane County Zoning Code, as amended. 10. A specific landscape plan, planting schedule and provisions for maintenance acceptable to the Director of the Division of Planning/designee shall be submitted with a performance bond or other suitable guarantee for the project prior to release of building permits. Landscaping shall be installed and maintained so that sight distance at access points is not obscured or impaired. 11. Off-street parking facilities and connecting roadways/driveways shall not occupy any area within 5 feet of an adjoining residential zone outside the project. 12. A six (6) foot high sight-obscuring fence shall be constructed along the north and east property lines. The fence height shall be reduced to three feet inside any frontJflanking street yard. 13. Any portion of the project site that is to be occupied or traveled by automobiles shall be maintained in a hard surface. 14. The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls, driveways and parking lot landscaping shall be in accordance with the Spokane County Zoning Code, as amended. 15. Provisions shall be made for fire hydrants in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Marshal. 16. The Spokane County Division of Planning shall prepare and record with the County Auditor a Title Notice specifying a future land acquisition area for road right-of-way and utilities. The reserved future acquisition area Title Notice shall be released, in full or in part, by the Division of Planning. The notice should be recorded within the same time frame as an appeal and shall provide the following: a. At least 22.5 feet of reserved future acquisition area for road right-of-way and utilities, in addition to the existing and/or newly dedicated right-of-way along Broadway Avenue. NOTE: The County Engineer has required no new dedication. b. Future building and other setbacks required by the Spokane County Zoning Code shall be measured from the reserved future acquisition area. c. No required landscaping, parking, '208' areas, drainfield or allowed signs should be located within the future acquisition area for road right-of-way and utilities. If any of the above improvements are made within this area, they shall be relocated at the applicant's expense when roadway improvements are made. d. The future acquisition area, until acquired, shall be private property and may be used as allowed in the zone, except that any improvements (such as landscaping, parking, surface drainage, drainfield, signs or others) shall be considered interim uses. e. The property owner shall be responsible for relocating such "interim" improvements at the time Spokane County makes roadway improvements after acquiring said future acquisition area. 17. The Division of Planning shall prepare and record with the Spokane County Auditor a Title Notice noting that the property in question is subject to a variety of special conditions imposed as a result of approval of a land use action. This Title Notice shall serve as public notice of the conditions of approval affecting the property in question. The Title Notice should be recorded within the same time frame as allowed for an appeal and shall only be released, in full or in part, by the Division of Planning. The Title Notice shall generally provide as follows: The parcel of property legally described as [see legal description in project file] the subject of a land use action by a Spokane County Hearing Examiner, imposing a variety of special development conditions. File No. ZE-1A-71 is available for inspection and copying in the Spokane County Division of Planning. ZE-1A-71 Recommended Conditions of Approval 2of3 18. Any division of the subject property for the purposes of creating additional lots/parceis shall be reviewed by the Director of the Division of Planningldesignee for compliance with the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance and all other applicable local, state and federal ordinances and development regulations, as amended. 19. The applicant shall contact the Division of Building and Code Enforcement at the earliest possible stage in order to be informed of code requirements administered/enforced as authorized by the State Building Code Act. Design/development concems include addressing, fire apparatus access roads, fire hydrant flow, approved water systems, building accessibility, construction type, occupancy classification, existing exterior wall protection and energy code requirements. 20. A filed aviation easement satisfactory to the Felts Field Airport Board and/or other air traffic control agency shall be provided prior to the Division of Planning sign-off on a building permit. 21. The Division of Planning shall file with the Spokane County Auditor, within the same time frame as allowed for an appeal from the final disposition, including lapsing of appeal period, a Title Notice, which shall generally provide as follows: "Prior to the issuance of any building permit for any building or any use on the property described herein, the applicant shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of the Zoning Code for Spokane County, Section 14.706 (Aquifer Sensitive Area Overlay Zone). The property which is the subject of this notice is more particularly described as follows: . . . " 22. If this land is subsequently the subject of a binding site plan, minor adjustments to the zoning boundaries may take place, based upon minor road alignment or lot boundary adjustments at the time of filing of the final binding site plan. Revised legal descriptions, with a surveyor's stamp/seal, representative of the zoning boundary adjustments shall be submitted to the Division of Planning. ZE-1 A-71 Recommended Conditions of Approval 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT C !tr`77 \'/^`J G !1A OlTrii y ' . . • Cr, rf•`.r'l SPOKAi`~ sPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTEROFFICE MEMO #7 CURRENT PtANNING DATE: March 31, 2000 TO: Francine Shaw, Senior Planner, Spokane County Division of Current Planning FROM: Donald T. Lynch EHS II - EHD, SRHD SUBJECT: ZE-1A-71 (Allision) Public water and public sewer are required for this action. We offer no additional comment. planning.Itr\ .i C. . f . . SPOKANE COUNTY WATEtZ DISTfzICT No. 3 P.O. Box 11187 • Spokane. Washington 99211-1187 •(509) 536-0121 • FAX (509) 534-3760 ~ , ~ ~1 .~'L. , J,) MA R ~ c iVlarch 27, 2000 _ '~~a 1.,-• ~.'1:•: ~1: Ms. Francine Shaw, Senior Planner 10-26 West Broadway Avenue 5pokane, WA 99260-0240 Fcc: FlLE # ZF-1A-71 Gear Ms. Shaw: I have attempted to review the project proposed above; which is located witnin the water service boundaries of Spokane County Water District # 3. However, I am unable to provide substantive comment on the proposal because the conceptual site plan does not adaress public water or fire prctection services to the property. Spokane County Engineers may prohipit access;ng the existing water main in Broadway Avenue th; ouch the recer►;!y i►Sta!{ed Gspnalt pavement. Alternatively, water and fire protectian may be availabfe from an existing water main in Ella Road dependent upon the required fire fiow. !f ycu have any questions or comments relating to this project, plzasz k-lontact me at 536- 0 12- 1. Sincerely Youirs, y ick ei cr21 Manager PC: Ftandaii 8~ Ganskin, P.S., Mr. Pauf Allision, 601 W Riverside Avenue, yte 1500 Sookane, 4~/A 53?p1 r .i ~ Shaw, Francine From: Davis, Tom B&P Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 8:25 AM To: Shaw, Francine Subject: ZE-1A-71 . COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF BUILDING AND CODE ENFORCEMENT: • The applicant will need to apply and be issued the appropriate building permit from this Office. Page 1 Shaw, Francine From: Hemmings, Bill ~j Sent: Thursday, December 30, 1999 12:24 PM To: Shaw, Francine Cc: Engelhard, Scott; Kimball, Sandy; Sims, Brenda; Miller, Katherine; Darrell, Virginia; Davis, Tom B&P Subject: ZE-1A-71 - Paul Allison 12-30-99 I received the above referenced application on December 30, 1999. I have no comment at this point in time. i iel qeticMior.ga. Page 1 J , O1/12/00 WED OS:OS F_~ 509 882 4125 SPOK~tiE VALLEY FIRE DEPT PI.ANNING -~002 I - , , . m ' SPOKANE VALl.FY FIRE DEPARTMENT Spokane County Flre DWct 1 10319 EAST SPRAGUE AVE, • SpOKANE. WA 94206-3676 9 (509) 928-1700 • EAX (509) 892-4125 , R Pat Humphriss CTllef January 12, 2000 Francine Shaw Department of 6uilding & Planning 10261N. Broadway Spokane, WA 99260 RE: Change oi Conditions ZE-1 A-71 r Dear Ms. Shaw: The Spokane Valley Fire Department has no objections to this change of conditions. We wi(I have requirements at pre-construction/ permit time. 4ni - ' Fire lnspector KM/dc -i 1 ~ ~ • ( C ' ~ r To: FRANCINE SHAW (Building & Planning) CC: From: JIM RED (Utiiities) Date: 0111012000 Subject: ZE-0001-71 Stage: Technical Review Phase: Chg of Conditions, ZE-1A-71 ss09 A wet (live) sewer connection to the area-wide Public Sewer System is to be constructed. Sewer connection permit is required. Commercial developments shall submit historical and or estimated water usage prior to the issuance of the connection permit in order to establish sewer fees. ss12a Applicant shall submit expressly to Spokane County Division of Utilities "under separate cover', only those plan sheets showing sewer plans and specifications for the public sewer connections and facilities for review and approval. Commercial developments shall submit historical and or estimated water usage as part of the sewer plan submittal. ss12f Sewer plans acceptable to the Division of Utilities shall be submitted prior to the issuance of the sewer construction pennit. ss15a Arrangements for payment of applicable sewer charges must be made prior to issuance of sewer connection permit. Sewer charges may include special connection charges and general facilities charges. Charges may be substantial depending upon the nature of the development. ws01 Any water service for this project shall be provided in accordance with the Coordinated Water System Plan for Spokane County, as amended. C6?.,~ ~ ~"/'~~~d J' ~ .~,~-~fyC?!✓ ~ ~ ~ ~ AN-04-00 •09:55AM, FR0M-SCAPCA ~ T-921 P.03/06 F-702 . , SPOKANE COUNTY y Y~ ` AIA POLIUTION ~ ~ ,~A~ s o o~K A N E COINTROI AUTHOAITY WEST 1101 COLLEGE. SUITE 403 • S►OKANF. WA 99207 •(509) 477-4727 fax (505);77-68J3 Date: / - LI-" O O To: E3 Mr. Jeff Forry tXMs. Francine Shaw Spokane County Division of Buildings & Planning 1026 W. Broadway Ave. Spokane, WA 99260 From: Mr. Charles E. Studer Re: SCAPCA REQUIREMENTS FOR: File No. E - '7 / . ProponentlProject Name: 10)4NC D~`~~ . ❑ (Reauest for Comments on ) ❑ lComnnents on Hearings Examiner Public Meetinq on ~ ❑ Co ents on De etmina 'on of Nonsic~nificance Issued on ~ The Spokane County A;r Pollut;on Corrtrol Autnority (SCr4PCA) was formed under rhe aufhority of the 1967 Clean Air Acr of WBShington (RCM. Tnar Act required caunties, like Spokane Covnry, co acrivate ixa/ air pollut;om mr&al agencies. To meet the requirements of that Acr, SCAPCA adopted regtrlatlom to concrol Ihe emissans of air oonraminents trom soutzes within Spo%ane County. Poitions of Spakane County fail to meet ledera/ health atandards fcr paRiculete emiss;cns (dusr anC smcke) and carbon monoxide. Numercws strate9ies have been lmpremented to reduce eu PclJufion emissions so thar we can impratire air quality and meef health srandaros. . Following is a list of concemsrissues thaf, ei a mlnImum, need to be addresseo for proposed prnjects. ACditional comments may resu/t after more detailed information ot tAe pmjecf is stipprred. SCAPCA encourages propanents to caontact their officss at 7101 Wesf Co!lege, Spokane, WA 99201 for addr7ionel irrforrnstion- The follo+ving conditions are relevant to proposed project • Harvesting of timber creates silvicu(tural debns. Consistent with State policies and regulations, aftematives to buming should be examined. The preferted altemate disposaf inethods in the following order are; stash producaon minimization, slash utilizadon, non-buming disposal and silvicultural buming. IT buming is the onty reasonable disposal method then it must be done in accordance with all applicable regulations, and conducted in a manner that minimiaes smoke related nuisances and air pollution impacts. • Washington State Regulation 173-400-11 0 requires that a Notice of Construction and Application for Approval be submitted to and approved by our Agency prior to the construcction, installation or establishment of an air polluvon source. It is possible that the following air pollution sources may be present at the proposed facility: ~ One or more fossil fue! (natural sas, propane, butane, diesel, fuel oil, or waste o'sl) Qr wood burning heat sources. Natural gaslpropanelbutane burning boilers, heating unhs, or hot ~ S ~w1~'dnli~I~~t'c~r~~1►L ccluMErvTS a« ~ 4 d ,;to .~oj /I ~ JAN-04-00 09:55AM FROM-SCAPCA ~ wT-921 P.04/06 , F-TOZ- ~ ~ water heaters, or combinations thereof, with a totai heat input cf 41000,000 Btuslhr are required to appty for a Notice of Construction. Other units are required to appty fior a NOC when the total heat input exceeds 400,000 Btus/hr. In addition, addlttonal requirements such as controls for Nitrogen Oxide emissions (NOx) and sourct testing may be requfred depending upon the size of the unit ~ One cr more Stand by Generators. SCAPCA requires a Notice of Construction for all Stand by Generators that are rated greater than or equal to 500 mechanical horsepower (373 Kilowatts). • There are numerous businesses that are allowed in a comrnercial and industria! znning that are alr pollution sources. Sefore arry business is established at the site, SCAPCA should be contacted to determine if a Notice of Construction is required. A eapy of thls letter should be Qiven to each new tenant • A11 air pollution regulafions must be met • Air polluGon regulafions require that dust emissions during demolition, construction and excavafion projects be controAed. This may require the use of water sprays, tarps, sprinklers or suspension of activity during certain weather conditions. Haul roads should be treated and emissions from the transfer of earthen material must be controlled as weit as emissions from all other oonstruc#ion related activibes. • SCAPCA strangly recommends that al( traveled surtaces (i.e. ingress, egress, parking areas, access roa(Is) should be paved and kept Gean to minim'a.e emissions. • Measures must be taken to avoid the deposition of drt and mud trom unpaved surfaces onto paved surfaces. If tracking or spilis occur on paved surfaces, measures must be taken immediately to dean tfiese surfaces. • SCAPCA Regulation I, ArticJe IV may require registration with this agency depending upon the type cf business that ttlay be estabGshed at the site. An approved Notice of Canstruction suffices io meet this requirement • SCAPCA Regu(ation I, artiicle Vl, and SCAPCA Regulation If, ArWe N, address air poltuution emissicn standards. All emission standards must be met • Debris generated as a resuit of this projed must be dsposed of by means other than buming (.e. constrvdion waste, vegetative waste etc.). • Art asbestos survey must be done by an AHERA certified irlspector prior to dernolition or renovation of building(s), to detennine if asbestos-containing material is present at the site. Demoliticn and renowation projects musi comply with the requirements of CFR 40, Part 61, Subpart M, SCAPCA Regularion t, Artide lX & Artide X Section 10.09, and Washington State Regulations (WAC 296-82, -65, & -155). Notice of Intent to Perfvrm Asbestos Removat andlar Demolition forms are available at the SCAPCA office. Asbestos-wntaining mafieriat must be removed in accofdance with Federal, State, Local regulations and dispcsed ef at a Iicerised faality. • Depending upon the type of business or equipment established on site, some objecdonable odors may resutt from this proJect SCAPCA's regulations state that effective control apparatus and measures must be used to reduce odors to a minimum. • All solid fuel buming devices (fireplaces wood stoves, peftet stoves, etc.) must comply wittt bca1, state, and federal rules and regulations. Firep(ace emission standards became effeciive Januacy 1, 1997. fYew fireplaces must be tested and labeled in accordance with procedures and aiteria specified in the UBC Standard 31-2. SCAPCA Repulation 1 Artlcle Vll1 Section 8.10 does not allow the lnstallation of nan.certified sorid fuet buminq devices in atn+ new or oYistinq 6ulldiriq of structure, unless the solld tuel buminq devtce is a cook stove. fireQlace. or furnace as defined bv SCAPCA Requlation i Article VIIi, Section 8.03, or a nnn certified solid fuei buminq device wfiich has been rendered pernnanecttfy inoperable. • If the proponent or anyone else has questions conceming the above, please contact Charles E. Studer (509) 477-4727 ext 107, Apnl Miller ext. 105, or Kelle Vgeland ext. 106 at SCAPCA's offi ce during the hours of 8:00 am & 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Fa;lure to meet SCA?CA reau/ations may resulf in delays, closLre and civid and/or criminal sanctions. CLEAN AIR IS UP TO ALL 0F US PAGE 2 . ~~~~.~~U ~ ~ C~.~~r ✓ ~ eGl~~/, '/1C'~4l C/ ' . _ ~ - . 1 M E M O RA N D U M DATE: January 6, 2000 TO: Francine Shaw, Division of Buil ; and P ' g FROM: Katherine Miller, E.I.T. and Vir ~ arrell, P.E.;Stonmvater Utility R E: ZE-1 A-71, Change of conditions CC: As part of the change of conditions reguest, we recommend that this land-use action be required to conform to the current road and drainage standards for the new construction. If the proposed addition exceeds 50% of the assessed value of the property, then the 50% rule applies. The rule requires that the entire site be brought up to current drainage standards. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. K:1Stcrm',Kachenne`.DESiGN'i-1 a71 .Coc _ . ' • f . , _ . • _ OFFICE OF THE SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER 1026 W Broadway Ave, Spokane, WA 99260-0170 (509)477-3600 Fax (509)477-2243 ~ 'ee "ENGINEER'S CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL" TR ZONE TO: Spokane County Building and Pla,ning Depa en FROM: Division of Engineering & Roads DATE: January 6, 2000 PROJECT: UR-22 CHG OF COND NEW PLOT PLAN F1LE -ZE-0001A-71/ ) Hearing Date: @ Review Date Sponsor/Applican#: FRANCINE SHAW Section Township Range: 18-25-44 Planner: FRANCINE SHAW Technical/Review Date: (01106/200 @ 2:15) The Spokane County Engineering Department has reviewed the above referenced application. The following "Conditions of Approval" are submitted to the Spokane County Planning Department for inclusion in the "Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order/Decision" should the request be approved. Prior to release of a building permit or use of property as proposed: 1. Spokane County Engineering has no objection to the proposed Change of Condition. . 2. Access permits for approaches to the County Road System shall be obtained from the County Engineer. 3. A parking plan and traffic circulation plan shall be submitted and approved by the Spokane County Engineer. The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls shall be in accordance with standard engineering practices. Paving or surfacing as approved by the County Engineer will be required for any portion of the project which is to be occupied or traveled by vehicles. 4. Roadway standards, typical roadway sections and drainage plan requirements are found in Spokane Board of County Commissioners resolution 99-0265 as amended and are applicable to this proposal. 5. No construction work is to be perormed within the existing or proposed rignt of way until a permit has been issued by the County Engineer. All work within the public road right of way is subject to inspection and approval by the County Engineer. CC . r,gpl icar.~ L;~_ J r=.LI~C`I Ercinee r/Su=-: e•-c= Plazr.e= _ _:C=:•i3 S-:.ii r ~ . ~ N • Page 2 oifo6/2o0 OOOlA 6. The County Arteriai Road plan identifies Broadway Avenue as a 100 foot Principal Arterial. The existing right of way width of 27.5 feet measured from centerline is not consistent with that specified in the plan. {n order to implement the Arterial Road Plan it is recommended that a strip of property 22.5 in width along the Broadway Avenue fron#age be set aside in reserve. This property may be acquired by Spokane County at the time when Arterial Improvements are made to Broadway Avenue. 7. The applicant should be advised that there may exist utiiities either underground or overhead affecting the applicants property, including property to be dedicated or set aside future acquisition. Spokane County will assume no financial obligation fior adjustments or relocation regarding these utilities. The applicant should check with the applicable utilities and Spokane County Engineer to determine whether the applicant or utility is responsible for adjustment or relocation costs and to make arrangements for any necessary work. 8. The applicant shall grant applicable border easements adjacent to Spokane County Right of Way per Spokane County Standards. END ~ ZE-1A71 V'icinitY MaP ° P► ~ • v ~~~~~~~~iUt~~ft tu~" ~ •~~'~i'~ ~ ~ I ~ 1 IIIIt111i1~~~~~•~•....11...111111111~1~~.. ~ ~tlllll ~ 11.1.1 1~1••~~~~~.~.~ ~~~~Il~~~r 11'~~ ~~~~~~tlll'II ~11~~~) I ~ 0 2 1 1 %.t 1 C 1 1 ~ . ~ y ~ ~ 2 ~ I ~ ~ 3 uos +i ~lizsioe ~ m uw ~ ~ S' 0 ~ ' O ~ IaM ~ i ~p4 ~ vrley Wr vV^- - jg ra e ~ ~j~ 14 Main Q N £ F ~ 0 I r3 r u V u ~ I a' 19 ~ tl c l ~ , s I s F M: 1 + ° 5 =a i ~ _ ~ i 3 3 w ^ 1 = 30 26 ~ 02n4r00 V16Nry Wp SPOKANE COUNTY ~ R JAN 2 0 200O ~ . JI ~ ~ CURRENT PUWNING DM510k U ~ FFMI~Ah~ INIT'i Ma[- ~ t ~ •f'YY ~pwmll~ . . . . - N,. S'-!L: W ~ •u . . . . . 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'rW/•YflLO -GUIa PRTi NIiA1711 . , ~ ~ ° ~ ~ U -i C/:) O LL L 'CNUfA' -isJ-C~[p JGiJR~t N F ■ •awtlu~M' . : iW~u ~ • • T~ ~ Mf7T~a IOR TAE66 r! ~ M . . ~aw.nai ~wr~na• .mu ~~er~ou auw. . • . ~ ~ ~ lYP~ I BBB 61TE . ~ ~Q A . . . o J. C, usi -w[l Jv~~~n n rrore~ voa raQes r ~ . ` . I, PGdN g 1 ~ r. •~w wnw' -...~n au.i.u • • • \ ~ ~ TYPE ] B I- SBE 81TE ~ s~sua rw~iro~u •Wrwe wwr~ ~nn+ ~ ~ m 0 PLAN. u rei . . . 1 . ~ cvacwiuf[~ rnmuna . ~ . i ' NOII~qNtAL11 •XOfY C0111~Wt1~ ~ • • ~ ~ . 6 ~ T wriN~CLW hNiTILtlM -C[IqV~M[L . . 0 M~ItlMI~ ipV7lOLILM 'OFAMG~ ILMN~'-~iMOdl GY!! _ d Y NIIW NiLli •P1aL1iN M 1• MRi 1'-1' ~ 0 ! AI~Or •YA11Rf N Mk/RB • • • ` ~ rrnu ~nw~nu -~oxcu rw ~•x.r~r w~ r~.w ~i I.AN ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ r--L 61~ 81T& PG~11 ~~CB 9FT6 PLA[I umm sE ccnu~ - axa wtww ~ur wos urw w u~ nww~et+ _r ~ T iAJ~At Np La1~LYirO U~qtl1iR fr ix[~TJIIO 1'1lIRt IIAS7lI1~W. 1M1 . . ~ ?Y!R I TXPi xXl oa an euun~ve~ iuruc~u • macat ~er~ovso ~ YA Y~ AWIt 10 li 119~ N~1 MC t~IJb W/I rX7 IW~~[iM ~.A1~1G~5CAPE DT LAiV D SC~IP aT ~ ~ . _ ~ ~ j uMl.~► mxsnt~~ ronn - us ~wl sn s'l uMl _ - ~ 'r , _ u~ u~oecwro 4uw Wu i~ n~ov~wo rfrw w umM4elc iatla~ua mir~ 4A%1 99~7J . . , i~s ►~-o• ire~ • i~_a. ~~~.rn.,d,.~a.~w+,~,I~LPCI~~MY}MM~ _ ~ / ~ f 1 ~ ` ' • I ~ ~ ~ r ~r-~-~°•~5.4~~LE•EL.P!(31T d~ ~ ~ G5ic3 ~.F. f~7Tt !li Y . . "~I . s~,~,.~~ ~ • ~..~a~r ~c~ aa . 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I f~HII A(3~J ~ ~ - I 1 ~ ~ I ~ ~Y ,r -~7~ ~ ,~a _~,~;~~~}~Y .Ld.E72'S~'F ~ f 1I Yt rc:.c.,~e. 'i~-.,..~ . , a ~ ~ ~1 3G9~,~~~ R i5`i~o5~. , ~.as,%rrT ~ I ~ I e.M ~ ao ~ ( ~.~u, ~ I , • R ~ , H'~' Y ~ T ! ~ .e~ ' qa f i k ~ 5 R G~- - _ ~,f - - Q I~. ~ ~ 1 ~'~:3, i. ~ r. ~ °_.r5€vr,n .~r~:r,• _ ' , - n ~ Nf~ aCALE I r.:~r,~ua~a7a ~r . / ~~~a,_~ ~.~v~~;~ ~e,~~, ."p°i7ya r~_t,~.l@ il - fi b , unoMl ~ l4'~~"A~D ~V E47ciR 9~,'~5 + ~,r~ ~'I," I,.1 Atir I ~ ry . ' ' - ~ t • p" j: Tr'd_ ,L 1@~t~ U.~_. i'I..2~._1 .+~'~,Tl`L_E.t:=!_ir _ ~~-j V I I ~ ~ ~ - ~ - 4~~ ~ ' . I° , . , _ , • 1 j ° i• '4r,n - .40 ~ SS I ' - . - . . . - . . . . t 1 i~4i - - r - . ~kI~T`~ '..~4 r; 6-;:, _ ~i t,... ~ i - ~ = ~a " _ ~..__..-.e....._ . _ _ _~..a.e.~~ _ . - T ~ _ ._a~-.--__~. ~ - ~ ~ 2+~'l..C, AS PEL' ".fl:-~~_ F 9 i u LC €~lEii=.S QE'L~TA'_`. I:~~i] I~!!J I + 1 WA ~ ~V ~ s an E ► . , w' ~~~7 =F~ ~J~(~~ ~r)~~~~~ ~ FJCTi'~ : E7f~~,7r., F~~l1Ck` L' j L 1~1`1(I lµl ~ ~ tJ L,~ ~:}4'n',r~.K .~k. • T~, ~~~~t~l'~:~c. , f V ~ - ~ ~ Il•, ~ r ~ NITiB$t ?.C, ~ 7pp DF CONCNZT6 + L ~d AI 6.C. 7@(YFT(k1 OF CURB I i ~ • ~~~L LQ~Y 1 - - - - - s UAFG1Ni~L CRA~E ^ ,P I 1 Y I oo'AQD . - ~ ~ . ' 20 _ ~ t,~ ~ FINISH GNApE ~ ~ ,yy , I I T.A, • TOp Oi~ A,9PHALT ~ , ~i ~ ~ ~ arnoir~c iNro~uiiora; ■ CEtffF+4 :►FE dIlL01lG IS OES[GIIEO TO ~ A STAffif UH1T AS CONPLEIEO. CQiff~~1CT11NN SfhiR'1AY5 : N[]51~5 MUST f~ FLI15F1, SLiR-H[515i~VdT, AND Rpt~lOE6 TU ~V BA~II15 p~~,_,;,~;,~r~euu } E,2~ ~pESI~11 Nlp PAQ41UE ~LLL HECESSiRY TCI~k7RAPY SFitlRES AIfU tlR~lfES lAIC0. (HC UF 172 [rfCH MA%1NUl. B15Efl5 5Fi4I.L BE SL(PEQ OR f1E INpERS[Of QF T!E tqSIIC i I SSfiiJC~UHE [5 COMPI.ETER. SH~1L1 W44E N+ ~WCL~ Uf +I[IT LE55 TH~1il 60 l1fCREfS FI~OH iN( HUplllklir4L. , r„~,~. _ ~ ' i. Name af Prn~ect: :~FL T11Lk A.t11G aate: Oatr: Ix]SIlCS ~NLL ~I3U7El'I 110IqNE fFWt lJ [~~CIiES. AT LE-55i ONEWi1101ih11 5i4~1t I~ ~ • 5 0145 OA SUi~STIT11Ti0H5 AAE IH)f E'l1ElID NaT LE55 fYlNl I2 IlC1f5 6EYDN0 fFIE TOP NOA LE55 TiiUi x) 111CHE$ E1~9fY~a0 ~w f ONF SS W ...r i~ ~ ~ 2. DFFICIAI Sttrrt Nddreee ; SCE TIT~E 9L4CK YFA[FM ;1LL BLI~EH51f1~5 Ad S[TE, CNl~HGES i~ Bc]TTC1H A[SEA ( l2 INCFIES PLUS drE TxLAA wlnTri F.~pS SruLL uE Hk~UAr~Ep , PE(~fUiED Y[TNOUT tMtiTTEt~ APPAWk. CF ~HC Ni[~ilSECi, ri~ r pft SNAII dE TERI[IlAiEO 1N IEMEL Pp5T5 Ofl S~4Ff1Y TEHNINAI.S, •~~:r ~p~~ i~u~,w°~:~'°' I 3. leq~l Desceipt~mi: S[E SL1C PLAII REFEA ~0 WIITTEN SPECli~[CAi1q1+!$ F~Yi RXIfiI~R FIfWtAEi1EN~5 i.k.,,.~„a„J■ s ■F~6:~XidN ; OESICN ~ED pN AN ASSI~D 301L BEAN1kG ~NfSS~iE Ui 20W P5F. 90T- + r~. ~~r s~ww.+ {Nrae) (1Wdre~a} ~P DE31CH l,{~% i SHGw ~SIA4 =~0 p5i, ~`I~ M~NG = 2~ pSF, SIESI+IC lQAOS ~L ftl01IFGS PO BEAA ~1 HAiI1Nk~ 1NOHCMIlC, INUESTLR&ED 5tl#L~ 1~-~" ~~•►r•~ `~'~"a. a..., rsa} (Phane) ~ ~ ~ ~,1~:C. 20HE , SEC PlANS FOR SPEf1A1 lEfriWICA~ UfffT LOAaING, FLauN k1N, BELOM EtISTIIG CIUIfE. E:~TFN~ ALL FOO11tC5 SUd~CF i0 fNQSi 3'-U" NiN N0p~""~,t`~,r~ ~w 4. Arc~ikett; $t.k 1lTLf ~OfK L~ Ai PEN U.ii.C. B~LOI A0.7hCEHT E%~ER[OA Flw~lSH CMOF. fIk)TIIIC DEFiliS `r1i01M 9H QMWUGS ~itE ix pr,o,..~~.~r..r-" NIN[!IUli 1 SWILL 9E CMTF1idE0 AS REQUINEO 9Y S17E CU+I~IFION5. Ni0 FOt)~[Nf. SIIALL i'4 w rr•~•F "••~~~e}••"`I 5. Ornrr {rw! ent}: FA1;- ;~~.~`TCsUCiI~N 7~iD.EP,~G9[-~tti^~V -)42 ~ !1 s APPR4YE6 hppAESSES 9R Nl~l~fi5 5NhL1. BE HiW[OE~ #OR Ald 9UIL611~5 IN 9EhR HICF~R TWW h YfAT]CAL 1 TO 1.5 H{lRRIZd~IIAL SLI}Pf ABW£ ,YIY E%Cd4AJlOH ,~y~ ~ iu.u-~w..~s...r~.+.y. ~ A P05ITIOH AS ~0 BE PLAINLY YESiBIE H~ LECI9LE FRq~! 7FIE S1REfT DR EXISTING'QR GLaN1ED. YEiIIfY FOpiING UF!'YN r1 ~CH[TECi AfT[fl S1TE E~.CAY~1f[aH I~ or....~~~ " B, Enq~neer{al: ~ L~ r LLJ R~1D FRGNiIHC ThE PfkOPEATY. ~1lr~' STCP f0ai11G5 1 YERf ~ 2 HOHI2 MFEAE RfQIIIRE~ i° ~-L" ~ r I 7. Conaultanl{~1: ~b' r ~ E%II'I1~ c NEGAAOLE55 OF OCCUP+Wt LMD, TFFAE SFNLL BE A FLWfl OR LANDIIC qN F.riCH I~~ ~ ~QF A pOqR. CQNfIIACTOA SFW.L FROVIpE TEFPfAAAY SIqHIFG TO PAEYE]+F MOYf111ENT OF MAI.I.SIi in ~ W~~,r~ m ~ 9. CoMraclorrs}: f~~l:'~'~i.~~lJ''"C~~.,'~ „ &tCKFILL IS RACfi~ ~fORE FLWA SYSTfN I5 IN PLACE. I;~ I.'~~[..~+~ ~p~p I SU~E UISABIffl PARMING ~ i f L€55 1WW M[ATH ~ TF£ S~~IERMAY 8A ilf ~~~••r`~~`~ id.v „n..~., 9. ContiCt Persan: I i I I'~ L W 1 0 1 1 C S S I i 4 L~ H A 4( A M I O T H N d ~ C~ O A S L A E i, S G V G R A D E S F W t L B E P L A C E D M I 4" L A Y f A ( F C R U S I f 4 N U C t( U k C A AY EL ~ n ry~•°•••• ~ P F A~ I I T ~ R'~ I MIDTH t~ TFiE OWA, WFIICF~VEA [S f.AEATFA. 0I30A5 lH T►E FULLY ~EN PflSITIClV S U B- I I N S E, C O I' P h G ~ E l 3 T O A N I N C M I k O F 9 5! ( A. A. S. H. f 1. I I f 1 U l f I E 1 1 ) N I+~fi•wrr. e~.~rou ~~,4ir A1tlfGtlQfl 1-1 • 5iWll FIdT RE[11CE +1 AEQU[Rm DIMENSION 6Y F10RE TH~W 1 INCfl~S MIEH A trWl~l~C 10. Her E~I AeTUfie! ~ l Addll IQ^ I R ~ A lters t~q HW MI H ~ SEN9E5 AN OCCt1PMlf LflM QF i0 Ofl MOIIE, OOON5 fN NIY P0511IUN SINLL NOi na•ui~,~r, r~~~•,•~•~ _ ~ AEpuCE TF# WIOtIC DIaE115I0N TD ~ESS IWW W1LF LT'S REpUTAEU 1'1dFfl. lANIDItGS: rC~~aETE ~ MCHft ~0 9E lU ACCpiO MIIN ~1£ LATE5T EOITffH Qf A~£.I. )RL,"SThMIN~R~ ~ n~ ~ ~~.p ~ ' 11. Cwistin la~lbuslda u'e: ~.~_,}}_7 r tJ;.TH NFASUflE~ IN ThE 0(REffION OF TRAYEL, OF Nfli ~CrITICN FOA $TRUICIl1fiAL. C~ICRETE FON tlliWI1C5". CUIiCRETE 51S1LL AiThlll ~•ww W •lNfEiIH1+110F+AL SYHBOI 9 ~ l,ulpSlCS 5Fi~LL HAV€ h Lf , wF• ti; _ L£SS 1WW 44 iNCt1E5. ( ~.d.C. Sec lOG4,10, E~~06.T R l'DXW1E54VE STAENCTN ( f~ 26 0~1k5 IF ; sn`~ . ~W~,"p ~'~'~E~~ }2. Propased uae{a~= Numher aF dwelling ~nita U►~EIhFO~€D F00TIM+G~ ~ C01FfCi~A~US i~0ArI0N W~LL5 = 250q PSI LiJ C OF LYYlllln9 Jnl[3: - Nf~N AftE55 F4~i C#E PNYSICALLY IWtOIG~FA IS A~~I1IAE~ BY Sx 3~1l~s~~ 1~ RE11i~CEp RECTNC~AR FQDTS~S =~p p~l E4,.+~+~+.`:r.. ww.r~~~••,n,~++ - .{~IlE -0H 1NITE 8~1~C!(G'D R'•'-~. ~.w i7. (kcupancy Groupox ~l, a~, ~ rl~ `~J, ii ~ a, r~ R P R E- Z h 5 T t f l 1 C R E T ~ 3~ 0 P S I o~ ~ ~ F L O G A O R L A I O t N G T M~~ T N A N 1~ 2 I H C H L O ti E fl T W W T I E F W f E S F~ fl n~rr ..ai~ 1❑~ H C~~ R❑~ 5 C), U`] ~ ~ ` Y ~ U F R I I I-H: , I~ 1Hf pUfANU1Y. IIFEN Si1CH ACCESS [5?~1T REpLITAED, Sl1CH UIME115FON SWILL NOf A u 1~ A B t E ~ S l~, S L A B S ~ W O F@ O r I E i C S L L S = 4 n y^•~~"" w !0. Cu+~Struct~an ~ y pr ra q u~ted: I F,R, I I ~I ~'I R~,~,,,~. I1 Y I'I ill t-Hr. I I 1[I ~ E n 4 s A, e A ~ ~~.9 ~ H A N a N C A P P E Q S I G N .R. I_I 11 i-h.-. U) Hr. I I [[I H I I ~M•io~ ..n~~ IY H. 1. ~ I w 1- Hr~ Ir ~ 4. M~ EXITS SEIN.I. BE [LLUMIiUTEp AS PEA ( U.B.C. Sec lull i 701) I EtTERId1R {'UhGRETE 5flALL BE AIR ENfAA1NED TYPE WI1N d T~ 6x fOTaL A[B C011#ENi, ~,,,F - OTI~R CfltVCREiE MAY BE AIA FNTAAII~D TYPE, w„•a~ wn.~ Auto Fire EKtrr~gnisntnq Sretam I_I w Hr. Irl v.N. I~Cf ~ - - E%(T UAOPS SFMI.I BE OFEMABL~ FRAM THf iNSIOf W[thqU~ IHE USE aF ~ KEY bk pqp~ttl [ONCNE~E f89N FAEETtNC MlD OTnER 11~F9u5 ACTI6N5 (~F 'fHE Ei.F.NE1tf5. "r;-1-'~ I ACtual C¢nstfuCt~an Type: ANY SPEC]AL WIAMLE~CE f~1 EFF[1Ri. I U,6.C. Sec 1Wq~l I. RROYIFIE 7aa5YEWET fl~fIINC pEAIDD FGN hL1 ft~HHCCH£f~, F I "•rvs:µ w 1 B'•0" 5'-0" ~ ~ AY EHTLY 4 QR 1~~14 AlL ~X]T 0(]DRS SiATIhIL : ~w+~w~%~"t~i,.'"~w~.'"~."~'"i:."'".~~..~..~w. ~ ~ i• r 1S. Allowa6le Neigh~: `T-~~~~ f"~'~ A S I L l I 5 1 1~ f, D I S R I. E D P E A H M1 F I µ ,",M „ w.' R,.~ d~°"~ r.% w - P, Eq~ I f 9 E U S T G V . i Y P I D AUV I{ I E C O F~ R E T E C Y L l H~ A f E S f R E S I IL T S A S R E{~ l l[ H E D B U I L O~ N G O i F 1 C[ A L. F"".~,,,, .n.a.,.x.n~.~w~...r+P..r•.,•••~••w• ~ f ~ ' THIS OOf1H SHiLL REIiAIN 1R10C1(~D INA[PG ~15[HE53 tlMOl~HS " ,y~ w Y ~ 1 6. ~ I I9 w9 6 1! Ar e~; ~ x-' N-~'~~"'- h SIGN SiIALL 8E ~t5PL1YEd1 PEfitMhlEliTlY [~1 [1H NE~1R ALL REW[RE~ F[AE ~UOkS ~`~~'ti IMSP€CILBN OF C0~lCAETE 1N C(IHR.fe41Cf Wl7H U.9.C. SEC II)blal ~~P+{t11T[D WIEITE LINE - `0 ~ " e" wI W1DTH 17. Aulldlnq Ntiqht ~BOlh 4n f!!t uid number o' atoreee] i fat ~ 13_ ~ret ~ Starsec 5rxiTIC : r1~.S~..r~.rrn,...r~.~.."rpr~w+~~~n~..~.~.~..x.... ~ ~ - ■NASOW~Y ; LNfTS : AS~N C90 f1iADE N. llOkiAR i o~TM CZ70 TYPE X(200~ PSII. Y~~~ ~~~~+~'h-+~~-^~~'~~-~ z~ ' Flfff UqOH - UO N01 Q&SiRIJCT " ~"~~~~~~+v~~+•+~ i9. Bue~ent flamr areo md pccupant load: Flaar ua~ Uccupmt le Gl~lfa ASTH C476 Y[TW HIH C(14PAESSIVE SiRE1CCN Gf 20~Q PSI, d~.+~~u~~ tlccupant laad ~ $(f~HS Si$1LL ~f iN LEl?~AS FX7~ LESr TiIAH 1" HICH ON A CGNTRAST[PC 9ACNCROlN6. ~+.wrvi ti ~:~'~;~.eia~~+. e:w~c~~.w~ua:~ : i~ ~ ~ ~ I~ Ri I'~", I EF.i°~"~ SEi'I +~PGN ~"'W • fILL CHOUTEO CEL1S IN L1FT5 NOi TO E!lCEEO 4'-p" [H NQCNT, ~w~~~..,o..u~tw,.viu«na..~~....»».,w.~..m....r.~r~. ~ P 19. Cround flaar orap ~nd qcrup~tnl la~di ~ Flaar ~res ~4~}~ Occup~nt l~ ~~a :SE,#'I • r.Pi'm i- 5z 3ES - F,!~ rF_r.:.=-,.~c. 9"$5 Occuprnt LaW 5' COFpLY Y11N ~'L1CA6_E "57ASE f7lLES AFiD RELIl- PAU4Il1E Si~LIO CROUT : 2'-0" EICN SIOE ~ GPEN[YCS ..r...~ c.~.u~.'~a~.~nu.~i.~.ti..rt.wi~..~.~. ~~-1 N~~ ■►uHpfC.WPE~ A~ YpQ#NTS : 5~11. , _~,.~,,.,,~.,,,,,.~e~..r~..r~..~ou..,.r.~w++~~ ~ 24, f1oar ars~ of Rosh atnr a6ave round floor and accupant lo~d {li~t ea aE51Civ NNSCN lilCl.u~, 8UT ME ROT L1MlTE[] ip ; 2-0" OVEA OPEN[hC5 ..r ' Y 9- Ai.l, ~S CONiAININC flETrFa1CIdC r, ~ 'E~ •IN►Ef~i~,fl[k~RL 5171E1Ot OF indiwidu~l 1y1: - ~ - uParat load {lsr# eaeh atary Rt.D4 I - IF~ 1H9'EAlillTIOlIN. SYFIBqI (f ACCE55 5liU.l ~ OISPLAYED ltl 10fNTIFY +lCCE55[BlE _ I~ hCCE55 P+UNTE6 ilN PA4;h~ FE1fUAf5, IHCLWII~, BI1T Ilki LlHITfD d4 THE FfH.Ld!MIII~ : CdNTAAGTOR SHALI PR~YIQE TEFf~OAhRY BNA,CING FOlC H450NR1 MALLS AS R€QUIRCO liFI1IL •.i4ti "r`~ I I 21. fot~i fEoor ~rea, ~nctudinp pastment~ ~nd oceupiad roof~t " 2- •,af- ~ ~ P_K..GCy 1 - 52?,2F5 raOflt ~SNMY PUBLiC 3IlE fNTApNCES fcMNIECTI~II Tu FLO0N5 UN AA~F plhPlf~CM N~,S 9EE~r CaXNLETEp. ~••~-~r•••"~^ . ~ ~ R~ 22. Y~lu~tian; B) ~1CC£SSI~E PMK]rC FAdCIIlTIES ~ T~ ~ ,ry CI PRINAAY PI~.IC 9UILD]►G EH~AANLES ■AE1NF[1ACINC 5TEt1 t DEF~A &W5 ~ ASIN A61S CA+VIE 66, EACEPT AS OTtfA115E I~" I ~ I r-l ACCC.S~IEL~ :f?~Ct D) tifCESSIB,E ~OILEI RO(Y~tS ~~IE IN F'LACE kITH ~Oll~E MI~EALEO Id qa YIAE QR APPAUYECI i~ ~w~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ■9~ 2{~IIMC INFORNAfIQN: RE IR€D ACCES519LE E3FE5 CLIGS. SUt~OAf R[INFCHCCNG 0~R5 IN 5U65 AND 9EhHS OH eEll C7Jfi~A CoHfAEiE w.d. .`"..+sw..~,..~+~.:~°~"e~:~'~'`11i~"n"~' ~ E1 Q~1 w:i.,.n~.~w:r. B'-0" ~ 8'-U' I BI.OCIfS QR APPHflYED 1E7~ CIiAIAS, PRGVI~f HEIFFOAC[NC 6MS MITH HIIFINUi ~ 1. Lsst d~tes af heir~nge dursr+g rf+~ch aoy af the ~al low~nq were qr~nted: WV+OfCAP PMIQHC SP,ACE 5EE OIL fH[S SIEET (1~i1H Fl6Ef11~N1 AS F91.LON5 : ~ I oNLnq were qeanted: ~ - . ~ - Ey}7ty ~W1p[Crp pMtf[~C SPACE ~N,L1 9E IOEIITIFIEO BY A SIC~i fENiERW AT TNE IlEAO BOTTOH Cf FOGTTHGS s 3", F6~D 3UAFACES ACAIHST SO1L : 2", FORMEU I I"~ane change ka eons~ruct i~pecific plan: - IF THE PNtKIK: SF'A~E. OTL THIS SHfET 1 SIIRFACE'S ~%POSEO TO MEqTtf_N ; I~", M~V.LS rqT ECPOS~D Tq tiE,iiliER ~ •AISLE W4RK[NG - si.nes a~ ccuoc : H". ~ a a~es - iz° wi~ - fNU1C OF TriE BUELPGC Sf4tll ; G , I_I Special Perm~t I1~at1: RE SI.ORE OF AA1~pS €RdN TNE PHilII1+G +UtEA TO iF~ FN E ~ NQi STEEPEA TW1t1 1 YEAT1fW. Fd lt 1qRI10MihY lN fl~ pIH~tT]ix1 QF TR~IYEI, SU9lIT SHOP ORA1MilL5 ff RE1hF+aAACINC STEEL Ftllt +IVPq0YA1 B4 ARCHITECI. ~ ~ ~i ~'I Yarunce ilistla - ' w w. N(1R L VE7iTFC~1 TO 48 IM1AIZONT~. TNN{SYFRSf T~ iF~ DIAECTION OF 1RaiVEL. AuIPS ■ fiE MtiXIkUI f1N~-SPRFa~ CLtiSSIFICATIaN OF FENISN , T HhVI1G SLOPES STEEPEA TMhFI 1 YERTIGL TA 20 HUHIbONTrl, 514ALL F414rf WWON~tiilS STALCTI1WiL STEEL ~ RDLLEA $ECfIpHS Af#1 PLITfS : ASTN A~36 ~y : 3y KSI, iTAUCTUi.1t MAfFR[11L5 USfD ON [NTERIOR iMALLS NID CQLIICS I~~r ~ I"l" Agrement; ~ A5 REQIIIRFD FbA STAIAtMAV3, E1~CWT TV4U IHTEA71EL41ATE Hr1F~f1AA1~5 AS HEQU[AED BY 'W'~~'(NC d111~~E COLS : ASTN A5(11 fy -]d NSI, BOL1S ASiN A-]~7 Fy =!d k51 Sk45LL H9( E%CEED TMHP 5€Y ipITH Ik Tlf TiBlES BEi.011: ~ {I.9.C. Sectlan SflA StIAIL NQT ~ REQUfAED. E.VfEPT H,5.N.B, f0 ~ ASTM 1-325. ~ g~i gperi~l A~gul~tiane: Nol~ ~+y af thr foSluw~ng peru~ty, ~pprunl~ ar ~ eeeti~c~iona: tC ~t NIN1M~1 OF 18 INCNES EAECiIUl1 AN7 FA9AICATIpd i0 9E SN ALCdiO 1ITH AISC 'SPECIFiChT[DMS F4H OE$[CN ~ r ~ ~ I •tty, rpprowal■ or ~r•',~ A 5PA(:E IM T1E ACCE$SI~E ROUTE ~ TAAVEl, E7ITENQI ~Mfk17 NID 1'0 TI£ SiDE OFiHE STRIKE ]AMB SNA1L 6E PROVIt~U AT ALL Qd(1RS dF10 EAEC1'[OH 4F STAUCTIflAL STEEI f~A 911ILOiNCS". ` ' ~ - ~ I lH~ ~ _ 1 I~I ~eeign 2ar+ee: n - . L6t)CSETS N~1 IATCH5Ed5 SFULL NAYE LEYER ~ ~1HEA OEY[CES y'f€ICM YFAMIT 41PER- 5U9NII 5110P IXlA1YING5 OF STHIICTINW, STEEL T4 ANCHtdECT F4A MPROMAL. M i ,.r. li ( ~ ShareimrfRiveefront Diet~tst: Art~+ er ~~s1 aa ~+h a~ess~ o~ +~riox, ~~VA N aCCEySI ELE ~-ACE - MELDIHC : tYE1.DINC SIW.L ~ IN ACt0A0 wIiH h.W.5. STN10N105, lACEST E4I1IW ANO ~ ~ I~' I~w~tl I MlNIM1H YEAT CLEARMICE - ii4" ~,I Nright ptetrlct: OPf14'4~E Y11~01' FNAD~WE SFIAII fNUE LEVER TYPE OA afk~R HAIIq,ES ~FJ7ABLE BY ~'fIFiE~ iMELOEAS fY1Y. A - 1/IIST ARM~ UR SFqIiLOFA. ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ "Q~ : y~ d ~ ' - ■LUiBEN : SiYM M4Q0 FNW[AC s M.K.P.A. HO 2 dR BETTEfl ~OUC ~IR OR LMCH, NA% ~ I i l e I ~ - - h ~_I Any ha:afd ore0o ~~1ltpart, Slide, Flaqd): C~APfi'[tC AHU FL~ MATS [H AftE55I9LE hNfAS SkW.L BE ~CUAELY FR5TFNED ~u NUT~IAi£ 19i. RL11(1pp ~5 PEA pRAYlHCS. , ~ , + + ~ ~ I^I lu~y pravfaus envtrorvnmfol dectarat~one nn praJect: ° ~ ect : ~ l!If IR~~EALYINC SUNfACE, Ali~ SIW.~ PRQYIDE A FIpl1, S4f10lM Slk1~iVCE. ~ arrrr i ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ " • PAf~+18 W40D fAli55E3 : l5 PER AAAYlI~C5! SPhCE Z4" O.C. IRLE55 H6TE~ 4TFEA- ~i ~ i I ~ I i~ ~ ~ 1R. ?c". f'~.~P~4E t_+ ~ ~ ~ HEQlF1AFA~ RESTRqONS SfiAI,L S4~ISFY 114E HItIIhI!! AEQII[Hf]~FNTS CF It~ ~'1SE. TflU55 d1ES1fN NtD EICINECRIIC BY lFR.. SVII~11[1 pETAELS +WD EIlC311[ENIIG ~ rv ~ ~ m, f i llee 2ane of l6t(4~: ~ a zz "flEIX~.,tiC(ON3 FdR 9AAAIER FAEE fACI~C~CES'", ANlfN IIICLIJ~E, &JT ~1HE HOT ~INIT~p T0: f7Aih PO ARCliITECi k10 91I'LDINC DEPT, . iHSCALL~fIOW iil BE IN ACC~RO i1TH u ~ 1FA'S R~CpWEHDAT10hL5. BAACE PROPfHLY Dt~ilfG CDiHSTAI~T7d11, ~+r ' +~r.~.,bmi~a ba~r..,~.~ ~ ~ 4• Ih! Ia~ee od edjaeent latn: Iforthu~i7'L r~~hi'Z1WW'rA(~d~UL'3.5 y NI tlN065TRpCTEA FL8(iR SP.~fE 51Y1Li. 9E PRflYSOE~ kITHIH THE ~OIEET AOOH OF ~ r+~~ ~•••,~+a••~~+~ ,i rt'+ - - !7( ~r.~..r.~.w.~w wv n[aar u e 3. lrrat Eur, c r) ~ - - r" S~FF[C~E~T SI2E TO [NSfAIBE A C[ACLE kI18 ~ OCM£~FR 4i NOT LESS TWw 6~ a~~~.•~ ~ ~'1 1 ~ FRAHCN(: AHCWRS ~'°SI}P5504" OR APPBOVEO, F~55TEN AS PEA NFR'S SPECIiSCATI0Mt5 a~w~~,...rW~~F hpr~YrYwty~AwwM[nu>~lY~~ L S~ lqk ftee I~quaee ftet}~ t I- i5s; f. .;~:I ~ INC}ES. OOOftS IH k1Y POSITT{MI HhY DICROACFI IM16 THIS SPi4CE HQf FI9FlE rhNH ~y ~~~~-~~~~+.~.+.+e..~.n~~.~ww~r~►.. r.. -F, ~ 12 [YICI~S. Nh111~C t AS PER U.B.C, TA~E 23-1-p{k1TACl~D1, C.Y,B. 7h9.E 2SC, 25N, 25[ '~~r~~~wr.~.~..+....r~,.r~.a...~~,~, r- ~ 6. Pr~crnt al lat covrrrd by ~urldarq(e), :.I ~.;n ~liQ! CLOSEiS 3F1ALL BE NOUITED N'ITH TiE TOP i~ TIf SE.iT 17 iQ 19 Ih~S CLII-LAMS : L~P • V1 OA BE~IEA S 7. Arrp af lat coverrd by httd a~faclrq af my ktnd: ~K_U:,°l~ . ~ i ~-#.Y: ; Ek,:_i~ . •I _.,.I. ~ ! ~ f3~p11 iNE F]N15H fLllOR, AND 5lNll 9E fHE ELlAICl4TEp BtlMI IYPf. INO~ IN Ca4TAC1 wI1H CikICRETE SPW.L 9E €~IE5SURE TREATfO IM ACfORD MITH U,B.C. A. p~rklnq rai Inadinq et~116: Requered: 5i~,'.,}-_~ C~ Pravrdeds ?i 'u Pravided; GAAB 6~WS SFIAII 9E PIIOYlpQI ATUlIESiOfN[HI#SpA~IY€ AlIOKPNIALEfI. TO T1E,~LQON, SIP 2317 AHO SHALL BE 9~LhttlED 8Y AN MPRiX+ED ~4.Y'.?.B, NCEMCY. 5ECiIRElY ATT~I~Q AT 3} I~ICFES TO ~ i I~D~U~LE ACCF~:]iE'_~ ~FACF Barr~er Frsa Parkinq: kequireds ~ Pravtdrd: c CR,~B fbtNS AT Tt~ SIO€ SwuL4 ~ 02 F~1C~f5 w~FH iHE FRtlwT Eko POSitI01iED ~Gi~t55 : CLASS !N DqUltS.di IIEAA DE?QNS ~1 fll4dR5, SIl1~,L BE S{F~'fY C1~t55 AS PEA PrawldeC: FI~i LE55 ]H+W 1B ltCHES IN FRQHI' ~f 1'1E wATEH CLQSET. CAAB 8~A5 Ar (~BA$k ~~C. S~o 24D6, ,tlL CLqLUrC i0 tlE tNM#1LC GLASS, 1f1LkS5 NUCEA UTHFRYISF 9, Set6eckq and P~rde: Ser eurrmr 2oning prd~narue 100 5ecttpna. See 2', y{~~ gE N4~ ~ES.S ~P4~P 35 IlCFES I.OMG Fql AQp~t 1NSrA1LATlOMS r1t~ J6 h~~[C~fB~ ~p~~/Iln''I~^ Sectlane Por conA~rucR~an in eetohl~~hed ~reaa mW pther apectal r~quid IO Secttpna. See 230 ither special r+rquirrieenta. ~ 1.01C NIERE lilE MrITER CI,QSE7 95 IHSieIIED fM A STN.~., Ar~A 51wL1. BE +~iif0 ~FaN[SiES : 5EE FLNlE SPAEAO AEWlC~FFfS ATfAQiEO TMfS 91EET. r /~'ti LJ I ~ i ~f\ V r ~ ~or wx~E rww 4 Xr~~s e~Hrnu ~r~ . ~ Li~t re srRd y~tde fflr e~eh 6urldin~ ~hawn qn plut~ PU9L]C TaYLET AOOX F10~R5 S~LL NAwE 91DtlTff, W~R, NON-ABS~RBEHT S~FACE Si1CN ~ T1~~hI~1 ~}nC~ FGOnt g~ S ri Sidr .~Y deaF - ~ien: aF NOT LE55 Sk INCrES rpA ~ I h I v J. ~ I~ L,~7 ~Ah~ ~AS 51NL1 F4lVE hH Q~1i~1~ DI~~ h5 R7RtI.A1~ t~f~HT, CO~iETE, C~R~lFlf r14E ~i O~t ARPAfNEa MATEAf~. ~il1CN HORE fk41ii 1~ IIiClES ANA `+1fA11 h~~E ~ lI lHCIIES BETWEFJi ~h~ Exl{NU5 IPNWi~ ONTO fl~ IIALLS ~If LE.LST 5 INC11E`. IYN.Li N7THiH N'ATEH fLQ5E1 W, ~LY IT1 l~at prav~ded fr~nt, ~tde r~d reer r~rdd A! drfterent (rpm ~hare, erent frqm ahove. ~ O CAAB B41 ANp TNE 4u1. C~ BE fAPAF~E (F SIN'f~Adll+~ A 7~ L9 CA!liPAHTN~NfS M1NU 1fhLL5 1lITH[N 2 fEE] Oi TFE FAONT ANA S[OES OF UAIHhlS SFiAI.L Front ~c> ~ ~E S~de ZO" Rear 8?~ I.IYE LOAD YfTiqUi PEAIw~EnT OEFLECf[OH. fiE SIHIIMLY F[H[SHEU TD A I£ICH1 OF 4 FEET OF' w1TERlALS MklCrl AAE N~T AWEASLY ~~T SIN1T-flFF1 V,~ftAAi BREAKE~ - AFFECTfO BY Iq[STUAE. ( ~,B.C. See &67.~.1 t tlI17.1.2 ! T.i P.JIEL. 4hlVE I I Liet Sprcirl 5ettc~YS aa shown on 2anln qata. Rear Lall)° AS LEhSP ONE LhYA[17NY SI4VLl H~IYE A R[N fE1CH1 [t' )3 INCHES Tp J4 f1C~S r - 9 P C.Mf, 111L£T ' kl~ SIl1Lt lN4E h CI.FaAhMCf fAal4 TIE dOfTOM PF 1HE MADN TOBE NUFLF~E TWltl ■ FIAE EKiTFC11I5FEA5 ; SFNLL 9E PROYIOEO ANO INSTALLEO AS PER N.F.?,A, I+b ld. r M.M', 3UPP1Y ~ 29 INCIfS. fA1iCETS SPiALI HAYE BE THE LEVEA TYPE +WQ~SYNI.L ~E MpIER TEFw- ~ ~ 17 EI~CFES FBON iFE FRONT EDCE UF TtE UVATOA p1 C ` ~[SOtATIOx 4hL4E5 a EW1TIAE EXCEE~S 12~° F~~~n ( 49° C€LSCUS 1, E%PI15ED tBAIN PIPES ~N~ ■~~ICAL : 1FIE HECfi~1N[CALLY OPFA+ITEO 4EHTILATIaN SY51p! SFIALI, BF GIpABLE OF ~Ef€SSfD CNSIAAfED 9fl GWYi~EU ~ ~4~TSI[E AIR AS ~£(1'~ OY ~'ASHINGTOFI 5(hTE~YfNT1LAT10N PNO iNUqON A1R ~r FIOT tlMTEA PiWES 1lIOFR TNE Lh1A1GtY 914LL BuE . p~~L~Y fOf~E1CH. 51-13 IYAC. 70 PRE4ENT CONIACT. A!R GAP~~ - N.1. T~WI 5 ANE PN[MiEIEn, AT LEAST ~ SH~U.~ BC [NSfALIID 50 ~ ~~~5 ~`'~Y~ ■ FIRE- S1SIPi~T hNTE~IIAE.3 AMP COfISTRl1CT10N t hiL FIRE-RESISII4E ASSC'4~.iE5 ~41LL N iFN7 THE BfITT~l1 ~F TFf !1[RAdi (MI iFE T~ OF 1NE SFtFlf f5 YdTH[H 46 IPC1f5 N h. ,-f, ALL PE]~EifIA1Si~J5 f-~~;i~n;M NIY J§ , ~ OAAIH TU ElITERIOH OF &.OC 1.=.' ~'y e 1' QF TFE FL60A, (lC~1R-('EfLIMC Oil kU(1F-CEILIIIC SHALL E~E IM AfCG7LWifiE IM1TH SEC 710. ,WY ABpyE ptI,QE pp FLOOR OR,41M t I.~.~LI Y~~ PE~E7RAT[~'~$ If1EQUCH A N41L1 LW PRA~ITION SfWtL qE IN ACCOR~MICE W[TH ~~`~Y,, ,rr 'Y'F~AE CRY[!1C fWIPFENT, TOYfI UA OT1#R ~I~ ~SERiIOIRIT~ED SQ~AS NDT~1UT~YrrcFn SFf ItJ4. ' HOTE; lF AELI~ ORAINS AHE J°~ ~~~I I~~ AAE PRQI'IPE~, AT LEAST flNE OF fACH 5~V16 ~ ~ • M ~ IG INCf£5 ABDYE TfE F190R TD 1NY W!Cli. OP~Aii1C CQNlRdL, RECfPTAtLE ~1 C011B1HEA, ENLMGE AS FdILQY".s U' ~ ~f h U l TAW( + 3!4" OISPEHSEA. 2 TMKS . l" L1LHlZ1~ ANO VfIiTIlA710H S'Y[TCHEi SFCALL BE LOCATEU NOi FqHE TfWI 48 1NCNF5 1 TNY[5 = 1 1J4" r r~ ~~V V t A80YE TFE FINISH FI.Odt. 1F ppA]HED TO Ei~TfRSON,lEIGHT I €LECTRICAI. C~/VEHIENCE flUTCETS SIIhU ~ L~CAfED NOT LESS fH41 24 [IKHES 5lIhLL BE HIN 6", !lU 24" F90kE TIIE FIHISH FLOON. , ~YE ~ ~ [)i •__=7 ~i Oh~ SIWl ~ PROYIOEA, wNEEAE AEOUTAED. TQ NEEi ~.~r r~ I h~yIft f~~~ I f~RI n~ F~r~~. ~T ~ ~ ~.v-, H OT WAT~P, TA N K DTL ~~ION ~F~ B il~ ~ N H GHEA TWW 36 INCHES A90VE sa ~ a _ L ~ II~L7 1~1y~ ~d~Y11~~I1Y . C Q ~ 3D WIxOiGpPEO REW1RfNF.NTS. ThE SP4U1 SIi~LL BE Q[ ,o ~ fi1C FllliSlEU FLDOR. S! ~ . ~ • ~ In RECE IVEI r ~f ~AN~ IEcEIv~D j Y ~r AN E COUN1Y Q ~ _J 4 :~I i L ~J~~ ~0 r ~ I , , ~ A N2 0 ZOQQ < i' o,, I , ~ I ~ r~ ' _ _ _ , - ~ cu~r~ P~,~i~a $ HR~-}a~'~~har ~ - - . . ~ ~ , T Pl.AWNING DI11'1S1ON ~ ~ - ~ ~ yk- - ~ ~w ~ BAlU( Gr(7UMD COV6N ~ ~ rut~u+ r~au~mi~ -uNaar h►rn~ > >l~•! ~4'•~' _ ~ a rtpRw 7'A~W1111Y -ra~JL~liM W}M , 7i~.p ~ ' a ~ ~ c lIq1Y1 I~NL1►a •w~1'A1 ~q~7' + ~ . . . - ~ C ctm[ma ntClreipl -uww~1 Fc4~w1 ~ ~ . . . lg' ' ~ ~ wnrutn~ . ~ II ppnr, } r rurcMw rpwrivAe~u -aar aw x~-r `~~I ~ I I I IVIF~$`" ~ ~ a J~ M. qti~at: -~nrwti iwtr! 1 w. Wc r/4+ ~ . ~ 3'p~lx 6ilOIJN~GQY~R ~ uru~k~ea,~a ~ru~ +~wmi • • . h!{i ~~dL~ ~ c, rnrru:nu -rr:rui ~wues~ • • • ~ ~ •Y 7Y' ~ ~ • • . .~n,aoiy ,ww ~nn m~vu • , • m~ SIT M T 0 N ~ K~ L • , • •OLL4G• •tU•6~iiM JWts~~ • • • ~ ~ 4 ' ITE PLAN ~ ~ 1~1l: Y4i! TdEE6 ~ t'-'' ■ c. •aeu~tsow' -+~r~vara awiru . . . TYlL I - BL~E 91TC ~ wr ~ FI + ' ' .~,a+" .ca~a ~wacrrs avM, ~ 0. . . . EC d •W JLwIM6~ ~ . ~ii: J. C. 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Broadway Avenue Spolcane; vVashington Prepared For PANCO CONSTItUCTION Spokane, WA By ' TECHCON, INC. East 1230 Front Avenue Spokane, WA 99202-2148 Tel(509) 536-0406 - Fag (509) 536-0565 Profess4onal Engineers • Certified Envfronmental SpecYalists • Project Managers E Q. oF wASyZ ~ ' co t, 29194 ~PFC1sr,EUK~p /4L ERPiRES 7-//- O/ DP:AINAGE REPORT PANCO CONSTRUCTION 7903 E. BROADWAY SPOKANE COLINTY, WASHINGTON Proposed unprovements to the PANCO Construction site at 7903 East Broadway Avenue trigger the need for storm water runoff disposal improvements by Spokane County regulation The calculanon sheets followmg this narrative include details of the analysis showuig that the proposed dramage unprovements are adequate to control runoff on the site for a 10-year event, and safely discharge runoff for larger events at a rate equivalent to or less than the discharge rate m the pre-developed condition for the srte Key assumptions made for the site include assuming that the soils are Gamson gravely loam wrth an effective permeabihty equal to or greater than one inch per hour (1 0"/hr ) Another key assumption is that the mtensity-durarion-frequency (IDF) curves for the site conform to the IDF curves for Spokane as publlshed in Chart 34 of the Washington State Department of Transportahon (WSDO'I) Hydraulics Manual The two new drainage areas in the development both include only new asphalt parkmg and dnve areas An existmg eastem drainage azea includes the existing metal roof and new metal roof for a new addition to the existuig buildmg The dramage areas are shown as "Maui Drainage" for the more north-easterly drainage, "SE Drainage" for the new dramage area in the southeast porhon of the site, and "Existing Drainage" for the existing dramage azea on the west end of the site on Plan Sheet A 1 The SCS TR55 method analysis was performed usmg SMADA software produced by the Universrty of Central Flonda In both of the swales, the controllmg volume requirement is denved from the Spokane County Requirement for a muumum of %z" of rauifall runoff in a maximum depth of 6" retained m the swale area Both of the swales meet or exc,eed Spokane County's muumum re.quu-ement for 208 mfiltrarion area aad on-srte storage volume The existing hydrologlc condinons for the new porhon of the site are pre-developed The calculated peak runoff for the pre-developed site, usmg the SCS method, follows Q=(P - 0 2S)2/ (P + 0 8S), where Q= runoff in cfs, P= total storm rainfall, S= potenrial abstrachon in inches S =1000/CN -10 CN = curve number In tlus case, the CN = 70, since the soil group is Gamson, an "B" hydrologic soil The land use is approximately the same as pasture in fair condihon, thus the 70 ratmg ~ r , S= 4 29 P= 3 04 mches in 24 hours for a 100 year storm Q= 1 030 inches over the site The site drainage basm for the newly developed porhon of the site is approxunately 0 51 acres, sulce the drauiage is bounded on the north by an aparhnent complex, wluch has its own dra.inage system, on the east by another adjacent development, on the south by Broadway, and on the west edge by Ella Therefore the total pre-developed runoff from a 100 year event is predicted to be 1,911 cubic feet For the peak runoff, the hydrauhc length is 139 feet, which equates to an equivalent area of 0 51 acres Usmg the Type II storm curve, the estimated peak runoff for a CN70 is 0 77 cfs/m of runoff This equates to 0 79 cfs allowable peak runoff for the 100-year event For a 10 year storm, P= 2 12, and Q= 0 287 mches over the site, therefore theFallowable peak runoff is 0 22 cfs for a 10 year storm The predicted pealc discharge amount is 0 cfs for the site, unless a runoff-over- ice condirion develops that fills over 570 cubic feet of storage, in which case up to 0 47 cfs would be dischazged from the site . ~ Panco Office Addiuon 7903 E Broadway for Panco ConstrucNon Alan E Gay P E Civil Engtneer Ewing M Micken Archdect TechCon. Inc 19-0ct-99 Site Hydrology Study Design to 10 year storm (for revlew by Spokane Co PubGc Works) Use conserwative 5 min intensity E= 3 2 inlhr Oisposal Capacity Gamson Gravely Loam Estimated True infiltration Capacity q= 1 mlhr Ratio of i/q 32 Maximum Storage Depth 6 In 10 year one hour intensdy 0 6 in/hr 10 year 24 hour totai 2 12 In Type A dryweil capacity 4 33 FEET 0 3 cfs 5445 cf Type B drywell capacdy 8 67 FEET 1 cfs 108 91 cf Main Basin (Drains to Svvale In Northeast comer of site) Roof Impenlous Area 0 (sheet metal roof) Asphalt Area 6801 Other Impervlous 560 Total Improved Impervious Surface Area 7361 square feet Udlize btofiltratlon swales (grassy) for disposal Assume antecedant saturated so(I condiqons 1161iae Spokane County Type A dryweils for overflow Include storage volume of drywells as well as dryweil infiltratton capacity Availabte Grassy Area 4884 square feet Planned Depressed Inflitration Area Swale Areas 600 square feet cuttivvated surface deptfi sq ft acres Addidonal available irffiltradon volume on side slopes 0 600 0013774 Assume 31 slopes 02 6636 0015234 3 feet wide strip around depression 04 7272 0016694 Slrale Edge Area 05 759 0017424 336 square feeL 1/2 available for storage 06 7944 0018237 168 square feet credit 08 8652 0019862 Total Available for InfittraUon 1 936 0021488 788 square fee = 384 00 1113 Total Required Under County Standard 283 375 0 OK Hydrology Check Rafional Method SCS Method Peak Runoff 10-year stomn Q=CIA 24 hour storm Impervious Surface C 09 Tc = 4 0 minutes Perofous Surface C 04 Total Area 0 281107 acres 10-year intensity 3 2 iNhour Area Impervious 7361 square feet SCS curve No 83 Area Pervious 4884 square feet 10-year 24 hour storm Peak Q 0 63 cfs 2 12 inches SCS Type 11 Stonn Hqhyd A 1 Pancc Office Addition 7903 E Broadway for Panco ConsUuction Alan E Gay P E Cwd Engineer Ewing M Mtcken Archibect TechCon, lnc 19-Oct 99 Peak Infiltration Rate 1 iNhour SCS 100 Hydrograph Pervious Surface non swale 4116 square feet simulate capacity of dryweils as Peak Q, perv non swale 0 75 foot diameter orrfices 012 cfs InflltraGon capacity perv non swale Capacity is adequate 010 cfs Hydrautlc Capacity of Dryweils is 03 Hydraulic Capacity of Grass Infiltration is Peak Q remainder 0 02 cfs total 0 32 0 53 cfs Peak flow 0 22 cfs OK Swale Infiltration Capacity Is Peak Levek= 10 feet? Yes 0 02 cfs Peak levei = 0 68 feet Drywrell Capacity 0 30 cfs Storage Requlred + Drywell 5 mtnute Storm 63 97 cubic teet Storage Available Slnrale Oniy 384 00 cubEc feet OK Peak Runoff 100-year storm (5 minute) 100-year intensity 51 irdhour Peak Q 100 cfs 176 23 cubic feet OK SouthEast Basin (Drains to Swales on Either side of Drroeway) Roof Imperrious Anea 1125 (sheet metal rooQ north 3140 Asphait Area 1680 Other Impervious 6825 Total Improved Impervious SuiFace Area 6627 5 square feet Uhtize biofiitraGon swales (grassy) for disposai Assume antecedant saturated soii condmons Utti¢e Spokane County Type A drywelis for overflow Inciude storage volume of dryweqs es wep as dryweil infiltration capacity Availabie Grassy Area 2470 75 square feet addibonal perWous 0 square feet totai pervious 2470 75 square feet Planned Depressed Infiltration Area Slnrale Areas 77 93142 square feet cuftlvated surface depth sq ft. acres Addibonal available Infiltration volume on side slopes 0 77 93142 0001789 Assume 31 siopes 02 1079314 0002478 3 feet wide strip around depresslon 04 i 37 9314 0003166 Swale 05 1529314 0003511 175 0686 square feet 1!2 available for storage 06 1729451 000397 87 53429 square feet cxedit 08 2129726 0004889 Total Available for Infiltration 1 253 0005808 72.25885 ft3 Total Required Under County Standard 70 0 OK Hydrology Check Ratlonal Method SCS Method Peak Runoff 10 year stoRn (,kCIA 24 hour storm Impervious Surface C 09 Tc = 5 3 minutes Pervious Surface C 04 Total Area 0 208867 acres 10-year intensity 3 2 in/hour Area Impenrious 6627 5 square feet SCS curve No 88 Hqhyd A 2 Panco Oflice Additlon 7903 E Broadway for Panco Construc6on Alan E Gay P E Civil Engineer Ewing M Mtcken Architect TechCon, lnc 19-Oct-99 Area Pervious 2470 75 square feet 10-year 24 hour stonn Peak Q 0 51 cfs 212 inches SCS Type II Storm Peak infiltratlon Rate 1 in/hour SCS 100 Hydrograph Pervious Surface non swale 2398 491 square feet simulate capacity of drywells as Peak Q perv non-swale 0 75 foot diameter orrfices 0 07 cfs Infiltrabon capacdy perv non swale Capacity is adequate 0 06 cfs Hydraulic Capacdy of DryweAs is 0 30 Hydraullc Capacity of Grass InfiltraUon is Peak Q remairtder 0 01 cfs total 0 31 0 46 cfs Peak flovw 0 25 cfs OK Swale IMiltraUon Capacity Is Peak Level<= 10 feet? Yes 0 01 cfs Peak level = 0 93 feet Drywell Capacity 0 30 cfs (TYPE A) Storage Required 5 mmute Stortn 44 82 cubic feet Storage Available, Swale Only 7225885 cubic feet OK Peak Runoff 100-year storm (5 minute) 100-year intensdy 51 iNhour Peak Q 0 81 cfs Storage Required 5 minute Storm 135 81 cubIc feet NG 12" Swate Only 190 04 cubic feet OK Exisbng West Basin (Drains to Drywell on east end of exist Parlcing) New Roof Impernous j 798 (sheet metal rooQ Asphalt Area 6300 Existing Other Impervious 2183 ExisBng Total Improved Impervfous Surface Area 9281 square feet Utllize Spokane County Type A drywells for overftow Include storage volume of drywells as well as drywell tnfiltratlon capacity Hydrology Check Rational Method Peak Runoff 10-year storm Q=CIA Impervious Surface C 09 Pervious Surface C 04 10 year intensity 32 iNhour Area (mpervious 9281 square feet Area Pervious 0 square teet Peak Q 0 61 cfs Peak IrdiftraUon Rate 1 in/hour Drywell Cepacity 100 cfs (TYPE B) Addibonal Storage Requtred 5 minute Storm -115 91 cubic feet OK Peak Runoff 100-year storm (5 minute) 100-year intensdy 51 in/hour Peak Q 0 98 cfs OK Hqhyd A 3 r Panco Office Addition 7903 E Broadway for Panco Construction Alan E Gay. P EQvil Engineer Emnng M Micken, Architect TechCon, Inc 19-Oct-99 1 Roof Dramage-E end exst buddmg Totai Roof 798 sq ft Drain single pipe to exst drywell TC 2 minute Raional I 3 2, inches/hr, 10-yr storm 4 6 incheslhr, 50-yr storm C 09 010 0 053 cfs Q50 0 076 cfs Dram pipe to Drywell 35 LF 24 inch min bunal Crown up 985 ie 9816667 Crown dowr 97 5 ie 9716667 s= 0 029 ff/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch pipe req 0 322,cfs OK Drain pipe to Drywell 17 LF 24' inch, min bunal Crown up 97 5 ie 9716667 Crown dowr 954 ie 9506667 s= 0124 ft/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch pipe req 0 669 cfs OK 2 Roof Drainage-SW New bullding Total Roof 1125 sq ft Drain, single pipe to exst drywell TC 2 mtnute Raional I 3 2 inches/hr, 10-yr storm 4 6 inches/hr, 50-yr storm C 09 010 0 074 cfs Q50 0107 cfs Drain pipe to Junction 37 LF 24 mch min bunal Crown up 975 ie 9716667 Crown dowr 954 ie 9506667 Hqhyd-6-1 Panco Office Additon 7903 E Broadway for Panco Construcbon Alan E Gay, P E, Croil Engmeer Ewing M Micken, Architect TechCon, Inc 19-Oct-99 s= 0 057 ft/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch pipe req 0 453 cfs OK 3 Roof Drainage-E&NNew building to S drywell Roof, this pc 3140 sq ft (East side) Drain two roof secfions to new drywell TC 2 minute Raional I 3 2 inches/hr, 10-yr storm 4 6 inches/hr, 50-yr storm C 09 010 0 208 cfs Q50 0 298 cfs Drain pipe to Comer 37 LF 24 inch min bunal Crown up 97 5 ie 9716667 Crown dowr 966 ie 9626667 s= 0 024 ft/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 mch pipe req 0 297 cfs OK Drain pipe to JuncUon 47 LF 24 inch min bunal Crown up 966 ie 9626667 Crown dowr 954 ie 9506667 s= 0 026 fffft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch pipe req 0 304 ~cfs OK Combined Dram pipe to Drywell 10 LF 24 inch min burial Crown up 954 ie 9506667 Crown dowr 93 35 ie 9301667 s= 0 205 ft/ft Use PVC 0 013 =n 4 inch pipe req 0 862 cfs OK Hqhyd-6-2 TR-55 WORKSHEET 3 Time of Concentration or Travel Tune ro]ect Panco Construction Addi1 By AEG Date 0-18-99 ocation 7903 E Broadway Checked Date ircle One Present Developed ircle One Tc Tt through subarea otes Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet Inlcude a map, schematic, or description of flow seqtnents HEET FLOW (ppplicable to Tc only) 5egment ID SWasphalt 1 Surface Description (table 3-1) asphalt 2 Manning's roughness coeff n (table 3-1) 02 0 3 Flow Length, L(total L<= 300 ft) ft 157 4 10-yr 29-hr rainfall, P2 in 2 1 0 5 Land slope s ft/ft 0 014 0 6 Tt = 0 007(nL)^ 8/P211 5 s^ 4 Compute Tt hr 0 0665 0 0 0665 HALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW Segment ID swale edqe 7 Surface Description (paved or unpaved) grass 8 Flow I.ength, L ft 3 9 Watercourse Slope, s ft/ft 0 3333 0 0 Average Velocity, v(from figure) ft/s 1 0 1 Tt = I,/(3600V) Compute Tt hr 0 0008 0 0 0008 HAHIdEL FLOW 3egment ID 2 Cross Sectional Flow Area, ft^2 0 0 3 Wetted Perimeter, Pw ft 4 HydraulYC Radius r= a/Pw ft 5 Channel Slope, s ft/ft 0 0 6 Manninq's roughness coeff n 0 7 V=1 49 r^2/3 s^1/2 / n Compute V ft/s 0 0 6 Flow Length, L ft 9 Tt = L/(3600V) Compute Tt hr 0 0 0 0 Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt add Tc in steps 6,11, and 19 hr 0 067 \c1ients\panco\main1t55 txt SMADA 6 0 for windows Watershed Informat . ~ Watershed Total Area (acres) 0 2811 Impervious Area (acres) 0 1690 Time of Concentration (min) 9 0 Impervious Directly Connected 92 00 Additional Abstraction Over Pervious Area (inches) 0 10 Over Impervious Area (inches) OS01 Infiltration Characteristics Max Infiltration Capacity (in) 999 00 SCS Curve Number for Pervious 61 Initial Abstraction Factor 0 20 e \client\panco\mainl shd i 4` - Watershed HydrogTaph 025 0 20 ~ _ Flow o 15 (cfs) O 1`0 . - 005 ~ 0 00 0 ~ 10 15 2'0 ~ 25 Time (hours) Hydrograph Type SCS 100 ograph Time Tiae Rain C Rain ltration Excess Excess Outfl (hr) HHMM (in) (in) (in) (in) (cfs) (cfs) 0 250 00015 0 009 0 009 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 500 00030 0 006 0 O10 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 750 00045 0 006 0 017 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 002 1 000 00100 0 006 0 023 0 000 0 003 0 009 0 003 1 250 00115 0 006 0 029 0 000 0 003 0 009 0 004 1 500 00130 0 006 0 036 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 009 1 750 00145 0 006 0 042 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 004 2 000 00200 0 006 0 048 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 009 2 250 00215 0 006 0 O55 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 004 2 500 00230 U 006 0 061 0 000 0 003 0 009 0 004 2 750 00295 0 006 0 067 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 004 3 000 00300 0 006 0 073 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 004 3 250 00315 0 006 0 060 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 004 3 500 00330 0 006 0 086 0 000 0 003 0 004 0 004 3 750 00395 0 006 0 092 0 001 0 003 0 004 0 009 4 000 00400 0 008 0 101 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 4 250 00415 0 008 0 109 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 9 500 00430 0 008 0 118 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 4 750 00995 0 008 0 126 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 5 000 00500 0 OOB 0 139 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 5 250 00515 0 008 0 143 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 5 500 00530 0 008 0 151 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 5 750 00545 0 006 0 160 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 6 000 00600 0 008 0 168 0 004 0 005 0 005 0 005 6 250 00615 0 O11 0 178 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 006 6 500 00630 0 O11 0 189 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 006 6 750 00645 0 O10 0 199 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 7 000 00700 0 O11 0 210 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 7 250 00715 0 O10 0 220 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 7 500 00730 0 O11 0 231 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 7 750 00745 0 O11 0 242 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 8 000 00800 0 O10 0 252 0 005 0 006 0 007 0 007 8 250 00815 0 013 0 265 0 006 0 007 0 008 0 007 8 500 00830 0 015 0 279 0 007 0 008 0 009 0 008 8 750 00845 0 O15 0 299 0 007 0 008 0 009 0 009 9 000 00900 0 015 0 309 0 007 0 008 0 009 U 009 9 250 00915 0 017 0 325 0 008 0 009 0 O11 0 O10 9 500 00930 0 017 0 342 0 008 0 009 0 011 0 O10 9 750 00945 0 019 0 361 0 008 0 O10 0 012 0 O11 10 00 01400 0 019 0 380 0 008 0 O10 0 012 0 012 10 25 01015 0 021 0 401 0 009 0 012 0 013 0 012 10 50 01030 0 025 0 426 0 O11 0 019 0 016 0 014 10 75 01095 0 032 0 458 0 019 0 017 0 020 0 017 11 00 01100 0 038 0 496 0 017 0 021 0 029 0 021 11 25 01115 0 044 0 540 0 020 0 024 0 028 0 025 11 50 01130 0 055 0 594 0 024 0 030 0 034 0 030 11 75 01145 0 218 0 613 0 098 0 121 0 137 0 081 12 00 01200 0 580 1 392 0 257 0 323 0 366 0 229 12 25 01215 0 092 1 965 0 038 0 054 0 061 0 173 12 50 01230 0 059 1 543 0 024 0 035 0 040 0 106 12 75 01245 0 098 1 592 0 019 0 029 0 033 0 049 13 00 01300 0 038 1 630 0 015 0 023 0 026 0 032 13 25 01315 0 031 1 661 0 012 0 019 0 022 0 026 13 50 01330 0 027 1 688 0 O11 0 017 0 019 0 022 13 75 01345 0 023 1 711 0 009 0 014 0 016 0 018 19 00 01400 0 021 1 732 0 008 0 013 0 015 0 016 14 25 01415 0 019 1 751 0 007 0 012 0 013 0 019 19 50 01430 0 017 1 768 0 006 0 O11 0 012 0 013 19 75 01945 0 O15 1 783 0 005 0 009 0 O10 0 012 15 00 01500 0 O15 1 798 0 005 0 009 0 O10 0 O11 15 25 01515 0 015 1 812 0 005 0 009 0 O11 0 O11 15 50 01530 0 013 1 825 0 005 0 008 0 009 0 O10 15 75 01545 0 013 1 837 0 005 0 008 0 009 0 009 16 00 01600 0 013 1 850 0 005 0 008 0 009 0 009 16 25 01615 0 013 1 863 0 005 0 008 0 009 0 009 16 50 01630 0 013 1 875 0 005 0 008 0 009 0 009 16 75 01695 0 O10 1 886 0 004 0 007 0 006 0 008 17 00 01700 0 O10 1 896 0 009 0 007 0 008 0 008 17 25 01715 0 010 1 907 0 004 0 007 0 008 0 008 17 50 01730 0 O10 1 917 0 004 0 007 0 008 0 008 17 75 01745 0 O10 1 928 0 004 0 007 0 008 0 008 18 00 01800 0 008 1 936 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 007 18 25 01815 0 008 1 945 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 18 50 01830 0 008 1 953 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 18 75 01845 0 008 1 961 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 19 00 01900 0 008 1 970 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 19 25 01915 0 008 1 978 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 19 50 01930 0 008 1 987 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 19 75 01945 0 008 1 995 0 003 0 005 0 006 0 006 20 00 02000 0 006 2 001 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 20 25 02015 0 006 2 008 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 20 50 02030 0 006 2 014 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 20 75 02045 0 006 2 020 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 21 00 02100 0 006 2 026 0 002 0 009 0 005 0___ 21 25 02115 0 006 2 033 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 21 50 02130 0 006 2 039 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 21 75 02195 0 006 2 045 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 22 00 02200 0 006 2 052 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 22 25 02215 0 006 2 058 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 22 50 02230 0 006 2 064 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 22 75 02245 0 006 2 071 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 23 00 02300 0 006 2 077 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 23 25 02315 0 006 2 083 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 23 50 02330 0 006 2 089 0 002 0 004 0 005 0 005 23 75 02395 0 006 2 096 0 002 0 009 0 005 0 005 24 00 00000 0 004 2 100 0 001 0 003 0 003 0 009 24 25 00015 0 000 2 100 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 002 29 50 00030 0 000 2 100 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 001 2 100 0 847 1 207 1 207 Totals for Watershed in inches over 0 28 acres Rational Coefficient = 0 597 Peak Flow (cfs) = 00 22 e \clients\panco\mainl hyd , Stage Storage Weir 1 Q 2 Q Discharge ~ (ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) fs) (cfs) - 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 40 0 01 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 01 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 60 0 01 0 01 0 00 0 01 0 80 0 01 (y 09 0 00 0 09 1 00 0 02 0 33t 0 00 0f 33 Weir Numberl Type Circular Orifice Equation Q = C*A*2g^ 5*H^n Weir Invert (ft) 0 50 C 0 60 n 0 50 Orifice Diameter (ft) 0 75 e \clients\panco\mainl pnd i Pond Routing 0 25 I 020 n II I I F10W 0 15 ' Pond Flow In (cfs) ► i 0 10 I I ii II II 005 Pond Flow Out I~ 0000 ~ 1'0 1'S 10 25 Time (hours) Time Inflow Outflow Stage Storage (hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ac-ft) 0 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 300 000 000 000 000 3 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 375 000 000 000 000 900 000 000 000 000 9 25 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 450 001 000 000 000 4 75 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 500 001 000 000 000 525 001 000 000 000 550 001 000 000 000 5 75 0 01 0 00 0 00 0 00 6 00 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 6 25 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 6 50 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 675 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 7 00 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 7 25 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 7 50 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 775 001 000 000 000 8 00 0 Ol 0 00 0 00 0 00 6 25 0 01 0 00 0 00 0 00 8 50 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 875 001 000 000 000 900 001 000 000 000 9 25 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 9 50 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 9 75 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 10 00 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 10 25 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 10 50 0 O1 0 00 0 00 0 00 10 75 0 02 0 00 0 O1 0 00 11 00 0 02 0 00 0 O1 0 00 11 25 0 02 0 00 0 03 0 00 11 50 0 03 0 00 0 OS 0 00 11 75 0 08 0 00 0 13 0 00 12 OU 0 22 0 00 0 40 0 O1 12 25 0 17 0 02 0 62 0 O1 12 50 0 11 0 04 0 68 0 O1 12 75 0 OS 0 04 0 67 0 O1 13 00 0 03 0 03 0 65 0 01 13 25 0 03 0 02 0 63 0 01 13 50 0 02 0 02 0 62 0 O1 13 75 0 02 0 O1 0 60 0 Ol 14 00 0 02 0 O1 0 58 0 O1 19 25 0 O1 0 O1 0 56 0 O1 14 50 0 O1 0 00 0 54 0 O1 19 75 0 Ol 0 00 0 52 0 O1 15 00 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 O1 15 25 0 O1 0 00 0 50 0 O1 15 50 0 O1 0 00 0 49 0 O1 15 75 0 O1 0 00 0 48 0 O1 16 00 0 O1 0 00 0 97 0 O1 16 25 0 O1 0 00 0 46 0 O1 16 50 0 O1 0 00 0 46 0 O1 16 75 0 O1 0 00 0 45 0 O1 17 00 0 O1 0 00 0 49 0 O1 17 25 0 O1 0 00 0 43 0 O1 17 50 0 O1 0 00 0 92 0 O1 17 75 0 O1 0 00 0 91 0 O1 18 00 0 O1 0 00 0 90 0 O1 18 25 0 O1 0 00 0 39 0 O1 18 50 0 O1 0 00 0 38 0 O1 16 75 0 O1 0 00 0 36 0 O1 19 00 0 O1 0 00 0 35 0 O1 19 25 0 O1 0 00 0 34 0 O1 19 50 0 O1 0 00 0 32 0 00 19 75 0 O1 0 00 0 31 0 00 20 00 0 O1 0 00 0 30 0 00 20 25 0 00 0 00 0 28 0 00 20 50 0 00 0 00 0 27 0 00 2c) 75 0 00 0 00 0 25 0 00 21 00 0 00 0 00 0 29 0 00 21 25 0 00 0 00 0 22 0 00 21 50 0 00 0 00 0 21 0 00 21 75 0 00 0 00 0 19 0 00 22 00 0 00 0 00 0 18 0 00 22 25 0 00 0 00 0 17 0 00 22 50 0 00 0 00 0 15 0 00 22 75 0 00 0 00 0 19 0 00 23 00 0 00 0 00 0 12 0 00 23 25 0 00 0 00 0 11 0 00 23 50 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 23 75 0 00 0 00 0 08 0 00 24 00 0 00 0 00 0 07 0 00 24 25 0 00 0 00 0 OS 0 00 24 50 0 00 0 00 0 03 0 00 24 75 0 00 0 00 0 01 0 00 Max 0 22 0 09 0 68 0 01 Initial Pond Volume 000 000 ac-ft + Total Inflow Volume 000 028 ac-ft Total Outflow Volume 000 004 ac-ft Total Percolation Volume 000 029 ac-ft Final Pond Volume (stage) 000 000 ac-ft Final Pond Volume (calc) 000 000 ac-ft Difference (error) 000 000 ac-ft e \clients\panco\mainl rte TR-55 WORKSHEET 3 T f Concentration or Travel Time Project Panco Construction ion By AEG D--- 10-19-99 Location 7903 E Broadway Checked Date Circle One Present Developed Circle One Tc Tt through subarea Notes Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet Inlcude a map, schematic, or description of flow segments SHEET FLOW (Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID N access 1 Surface Description (table 3-1) asphalt 2 Manning's roughness coeff n (table 3-1) 02 0 3 Flow Length, L(total L<= 300 ft) ft 60 4 10-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 2 1 0 5 Land slope s ft/ft 1 75 0 6 Tt = 0 007(nL)^ 8/P2^ 5 s^ 9 Compute Tt hr 0 0045 0 0 0045 SHALLOA CONCENTRATED FLOA Segment ID swale edge 7 Surface Description (paved or unpaved) grass 6 Flow Zength, L ft 3 9 Watercourse Slope, s ft/ft 0 3333 0 10 Averaqe Velocity, v(from figure) ft/s 1 0 11 Tt = L(3600V) Compute Tt hr 0 0008 0 0 0008 CHANNEL FLOW Segment ID 12 Cross Sectional Flow Area, ft^2 0 0 13 Wetted Perimeter, Pw ft 14 Hydraulic Radius r= a/Pw ft 15 Channel Slope, s ft/ft 0 0 16 Manning's rouqhness coeff n 0 17 V=1 99 r^2/3 s^1/2 / n Compute V ft/s 0 0 18 Flow Length, L ft 19 Tt = I,(3600V) Compute Tt hr 0 0 0 20 Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt add Tc in steps 6,11, and 19 hr 0 005 e \clients\panco\set55 txt SMADA '6 0 for Windows Watershed Informatj Watershed Total Area (acres) 0 2089 Impervious Area (acres) 0 1520 Time of Concentration (min) 0 3 $ Impervious Directly Connected 25 00 Additional Abstraction Over Pervious Area (inches) 0 10 Over Impervious Area (inches) 0 01 Infiltration Characteristics Max Infiltration Capacity (in) 999 00 SCS Curve Number for Pervious 61 Initial Abstraction Factor 0 20 e \clients\panco\se shd 1 ~ I , Watershed HydrogTap'--i 025 0 20 FIOW 0 15 (cfs) 010 - 005 1 z15 ,0 ~ 115 20 0006, ~ Tlme (hours) Hydrograph Type SCS 100 ograph Time Time Rain C Rain - a-ltration Excess Excess Outflvw (hr) HHMM (in) (in) (in) (in) (cfs) (cfs) 0 250 00015 0 004 0 004 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 500 00030 0 006 0 010 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 750 00045 0 006 0 017 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 001 1 000 OOlUO 0 006 0 023 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 001 1 250 00115 0 006 0 029 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 001 1 500 00130 0 006 0 036 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 001 1 750 00145 0 006 0 042 0 002 0 001 0 001 0 001 2 000 00200 0 006 0 048 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 2 250 00215 0 006 0 055 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 2 500 00230 0 006 0 061 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 2 750 00245 0 006 0 067 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 3 000 00300 0 006 0 073 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 3 250 00315 0 006 0 080 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 3 500 00330 0 006 0 086 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 3 750 00345 0 006 0 092 0 005 0 001 0 001 0 001 4 000 00900 0 008 0 101 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 4 250 00415 0 008 0 109 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 9 500 00930 0 008 0 118 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 9 750 00445 0 008 0 126 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 5 000 00500 0 008 0 134 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 5 250 00515 0 008 0 193 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 5 500 00530 0 008 0 151 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 5 750 00595 0 008 0 160 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 6 000 00600 0 008 0 168 0 007 0 002 0 001 0 001 6 250 00615 0 O11 0 178 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 6 500 00630 0 O11 0 189 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 6 750 00645 0 010 0 199 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 7 000 00700 0 O11 0 210 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 7 250 00715 0 010 0 220 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 7 500 00730 0 O11 0 231 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 7 750 00745 0 O11 0 242 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 8 000 00800 0 010 0 252 0 009 0 002 0 002 0 002 8 250 00815 0 013 0 265 0 010 0 002 0 002 0 002 8 500 00830 0 015 0 279 0 012 0 003 0 002 0 002 8 750 00845 0 015 0 294 0 012 0 003 0 002 0 002 9 000 00900 0 015 0 309 0 012 0 003 0 002 0 002 9 250 00915 0 017 0 325 0 014 0 003 0 003 0 003 9 500 00930 0 017 0 392 0 019 0 003 0 003 0 003 9 750 00945 0 019 0 361 0 015 0 003 0 003 0 003 10 00 01000 0 019 0 380 0 015 0 003 0 003 0 003 10 25 01015 0 021 0 401 0 017 0 009 0 003 0 003 10 50 01030 0 025 0 426 0 021 0 005 0 004 0 009 10 75 01045 0 032 0 958 0 026 0 006 0 005 0 005 11 00 01100 0 038 0 496 0 031 0 007 0 006 0 006 11 25 01115 0 094 0 590 0 039 0 010 0 008 0 008 11 50 01130 0 055 0 599 0 041 0 019 0 012 0 012 11 75 01195 0 218 0 813 0 145 0 079 0 062 0 062 12 00 01200 0 580 1 392 0 284 0 296 0 299 0 249 12 25 01215 0 092 1 485 0 036 0 057 0 048 0 098 12 50 01230 0 059 1 543 0 022 0 037 0 031 0 031 12 75 01245 0 098 1 592 0 017 0 031 0 026 0 026 13 00 01300 0 038 1 630 0 013 0 025 0 021 0 021 13 25 01315 0 031 1 661 0 O11 0 021 0 018 0 018 13 50 01330 0 027 1 688 0 009 0 018 0 015 0 015 13 75 01345 0 023 1 711 0 008 0 016 0 013 0 013 14 00 01400 0 021 1 732 0 007 0 014 0 012 0 012 14 25 01915 0 019 1 751 0 006 0 013 0 O11 0 O11 14 50 01430 0 017 1768 0 005 0 011 0 010 0 010 14 75 01445 0 015 1 783 0 005 0 010 0 008 0 008 15 00 01500 0 015 1 798 0 005 0 010 0 009 0 009 15 25 01515 0 015 1 812 0 005 0 010 0 009 0 009 15 50 01530 0 013 1 825 0 004 0 009 0 007 0 007 15 75 01545 0 013 1 837 0 009 0 009 0 007 0 007 16 00 01600 0 013 1 850 0 004 0 009 0 007 0 007 16 25 01615 0 013 1 863 0 004 0 009 0 007 0 007 16 50 01630 0 013 1 875 0 009 0 009 0 007 0 007 16 75 01695 0 010 1 886 0 003 0 007 0 006 0 006 17 00 01700 0 010 1 896 0 003 0 007 0 006 0 006 17 25 01715 0 010 1 907 0 003 0 007 0 006 0 006 17 50 01730 0 010 1 917 0 003 0 007 0 006 0 006 17 75 01795 0 010 1 928 0 003 0 007 0 006 0 006 18 00 01800 0 008 1 936 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 18 25 01815 0 008 1 945 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 18 50 01830 0 008 1 953 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 18 75 01845 0 008 1 961 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 19 00 01900 0 008 1 970 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 19 25 01915 0 008 1 978 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 19 50 01930 0 008 1 987 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 19 75 01945 0 008 1 995 0 002 0 006 0 005 0 005 20 00 02000 0 006 2 001 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 004 20 35 02015 0 006 2 008 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 004 20 50 02030 0 006 2 014 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 20 75 02045 0 006 2 020 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 21 00 02100 0 006 2 026 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 21 25 02115 0 006 2 033 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 004 21 50 02130 0 006 2 039 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 004 21 75 02145 0 006 2 095 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 009 22 00 02200 0 006 2 052 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 004 22 25 02215 0 006 2 058 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 004 22 50 02230 0 006 2 064 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 004 22 75 02245 0 006 2 071 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 009 23 00 02300 0 006 2 077 0 002 0 005 0 009 0 004 23 25 02315 0 006 2 083 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 009 23 50 02330 0 006 2 089 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 004 23 75 02345 0 006 2 096 0 002 0 005 0 004 0 009 24 00 00000 0 009 2 100 0 001 0 003 0 003 0 003 29 25 00015 0 000 2 100 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 2 100 1 105 0 961 0 961 Totals for Watershed in inches over 0 21 acres Rational Coefficient = 0 974 Peak Flow (cfs) = 00 25 e \clients\panco\se hyd Stage Storage Weir 1 Q 2 Q Discharge ' (ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) fs) (cfs) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 80 0 00 0 09 0 00 0 09 1 00 0 00 0 33 0 00 0 33 Weir Numberl Type Circular Orifice Equation Q = C*A*2g^ 5*H^n Weir Invert (ft) 0 50 C 0 60 n 0 50 Orifice Diameter (ft) 0 75 e \clients\panco\sacs pnd Pond Routing 0 25 i 0 20 I~ I I~ FlOW 015 Pond Flow In (cfs) 0 10 - ~ fj 005 ~I Pond Flow Out 0000 1 ^ ~ 1'0 1'5 10 25 Time (hours) ~ Time Inflow Outflow Stage Storage (hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ac-ft) 0 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 1 25 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 1 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 1 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 25 000 000 oao 000 Zso 000 000 020 000 275 000 000 000 000 3 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 3 75 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 9 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 4 25 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 9 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 4 75 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 5 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 5 25 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 550 000 000 020 000 5 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 600 000 000 020 000 6 25 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 6 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 6 75 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 7 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 725 000 000 020 000 7 50 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 775 000 000 020 000 8 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 8 25 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 850 000 000 020 000 B 75 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 900 000 000 020 000 9 25 0 00 0 00 0 21 0 00 9 50 0 00 0 00 0 21 0 00 9 75 0 00 0 00 0 22 0 00 10 00 0 00 0 00 0 22 0 00 10 25 0 00 0 00 0 23 0 00 10 50 0 00 0 00 0 29 0 00 10 75 0 00 0 00 0 25 0 00 11 00 0 O1 0 00 0 28 0 00 11 25 0 O1 0 00 0 31 0 00 11 50 0 O1 0 00 0 37 0 00 11 75 0 06 0 04 0 63 0 00 12 00 0 25 0 24 0 93 0 00 12 25 0 OS 0 06 0 68 0 00 12 50 0 03 0 03 0 61 0 00 12 75 0 03 0 02 0 58 0 00 1300 002 002 056 000 13 25 0 02 0 O1 0 55 0 00 1350 002 001 054 000 13 75 0 O1 0 Ol 0 53 0 00 14 00 0 O1 0 O1 0 53 0 00 14 as o oi o oi o 53 o 00 19 50 0 O1 0 O1 0 52 0 00 14 75 0 O1 0 O1 0 52 0 00 15 00 0 O1 0 O1 0 52 0 00 15 25 0 O1 0 O1 0 52 0 00 15 50 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 15 75 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 1600 001 000 051 000 16 25 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 1650 001 000 O51 000 16 75 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 17 00 0 O1 0 00 0 51 0 00 17 25 0 O1 0 00 0 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000 ac-ft Difference (error) 000 000 ac-ft e \clients\panco\se rte RANDALL & DANSKIN, P S ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS 1500 BANK OF AMERICA FINANCIAL CENTER KEfI'H U BROWN (WA, ID) 601 V1/F.ST RIVERSIDE AVENUE PAUI. J. AI.LLSON (►NA) ANTTFiONY E GRABICKI (WA, ID) SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99201-0653 ROBERTT CARTER (WA, ID OR) PETER] GRABICKI(WA,ID TX) 'j'$L$Pj-jONE (509) 747-2052 OFCOUNSEL ROBERT P HAILEY (WA, ID CA) TELECOPIER (50916242528 DAVID A. KULLSCH (WA, CA) b1lCHAEL j MYERS (4yA, [D) DONALD K QUERNA (WA, ID) CAROLE L ROLANDO (WA) RECEIVED CD RANDALL(188r1%7) DOUGLAS j SIDDOWAY (WA iD Nl) F B. DANSKIIV (1889-1971) LAUREL H SIDDOWAY (WA, [D Nl) SPOKANE COUNW A A. LUIVDIlV (19141976) MICHAEL l. WOLFE (WA CA) G L. IQIvCER (1918-1988) JAN 10 2008 January 7, 2000 BUILUAG HND COGk ENFORCEMENT 8Y Ms Francine Shaw Division of Buildmg & Plaruung 1026 W Broadway Spokane, Washulgton 99260-0050 Re ZE-1 A-71 Our File No 32371 Dear Ms Shaw Enclosed are copies of the vanous deeds by which Brad-M acquired title to the property wluch was tax parce145182 9145, a porhon of which was sold to Ronald A and Lynda A Sahnow It is my understandmg that at our next meeting you will clanfy the zone wluch must be notified of the public hearing I understand that you will give me a map wluch shows the parcels, the owners of which must be nohfied of the publtc heanng Very truly yours, RANDALL ANS , P S / r Pa J P Enc Three Qwt Claim Deeds dated December 6,1996 Quit Claim Deed dated November 16, 1998 cc Mr Ron Sahnow (w/o enc) Mr Ewmg 1Vlikken (w/o enc) \32371\Shaw01 dl 01/07/00 FRI 14 20 FA% W '47 2781 FIRST AMERICAN TITT F rSi fM002 , t' 'd Wheg ~oooadod tetutn m 4~D650~6! R 7 ~ 6~h~IP , Nam AQd(ma 2m a n* ~ . CRY ed br.-*noun IIuit Clebn Deod ORAMRR{S). PARic PI.AC6 PAR71vEMM. as pn ad tp coddwdo af apu=rft Onksim subjw to ancasHt 376(l)tfl ofted02731, - 1end pWarhtW. Ui qtialit I I 10brv14pmoo bm tealemasracewmoea RCVY 8343 010, cwMa aad qQ ddms ov BRAOM INC. (a AdaoAa - apa- tc-. ~morkleb ttftp pa am (5096) tang m mc Mowtug detcUtwl emc. dwod m tlx Cmdy as %d= BEn of Washiasm wederift di eft aoquW tlda of tha pmtmw tbecft hBQswWWR 8A°I$'4lo'p'"ov ~B~r'mwi/ Daoed "I 6waM .1996 a Rd. .a~rta~ 911v COUKiY OF WKA'~C~bi O~od~d~Pa~oemlbyDenedbam~e tmaa~ m 60 om ~oQivid~4 ~aAee b+ a~d rDv =c~ed B~ w~ ma~ sa~tA~ p~$ dBaod o~o mm ea hiel6a Fno md Molamy a~t ead Oad. 4►r ft W aoai md pe~sao ~ 8*ao•hw~ Olm umdar roy ma aad olNW sed ft aay at ~ m 00 ~0 6ee Ao0 %olu" m 04 44od eff "Id aotpe~adea~o0p~meafbrdaeo~esaad~ tl~om~od ,10 W a ow AoeO ft M" *am b aammoma m am u edQll ad ft mo as1 ~ 6ft aw P0~1oo*0 of W4 pp~ agomwp 1 1e os ~ A~ 1'~ punxa~ ' -do~td~~a1 ~ame~r~adyr~► M" PiM m fa lb aWo cr %bWA ndft m ee11W, aaum on* WWWPM , a t~aa Aoau~~e ta.ndto~mcsmGa~~ 1999 ~ ~ ltovp~a ~10. ~ t Order GB Desa#tptsan 1996 4065051 Page 1 ot 2 Cmmmat • :;uw=vD z &TO Z armd 160090r 966I ZMT.?dT.=BaQ W xiiippzO ~ dp3gm a3 Wt stLO~ ~ .LdB~OC~ iHaw~snrm ~ ''~re~.csvawa~'~aan~at~~~a'~~~►nDs~r,~tuae~c Bu dro MUmD NMUMs 8scdo Mrfct0 MMUWeui da =MMO aevMas a"dD Aaad tet sMMt dmm1ijm Ot BJ=N gLL ~ mImKBvlo'J4wm gOMAi VMM RMLU%'8 t K01,G7A8 ~ jgWt1d j2ffgffi==LeWVUb-VAbjgVSg10f 81LLdD~11~ '~tmit OH 8'II►! &~O~toti~l ~'~t 16 A'i[1t QBQ~O?~ IWBd~'11dNM ~ O~LAI~OQ IiC~Od 2VELL OMdAB~7~ C~tV :dDf= Md 96tI 3SBIIA OLd0 AM Cmt NlnOS HU laMM M1/,da8ffil1Li SaRd o►d i!lA09 RMt.1AHM mmV ;gwa9N1 tm s omba imu iA aw+r umm= nu a =A Su uEpxa moiemmm'Aug= mrvm ea'-na' upstom xtm 99 amranoa, e1 ~s,~~tgvnaa~u~~xr.~o~starn►a~av~u~ase~uao~t~vrr~uno~~u~o~vx.is~e~c _ ~ wx"mpgp7 , . , cOU o TSO a LZIZ NdOIEW ZS?II3 T9LZ L3 & vJ5 YVd 03 VT I2ia 00/LO/TO 01/07/00 FRI 14 21 FA% 5('^ "47 2701 FIRST A3IERICAN TIT' v '"31 0004 • Wbmroaotdod xgnm NAmac 400~. i Aa4 Z~ ~ ~r ~ smR BorASIM, ~ . ~ Dah cleim aed i~(~• 11~1V~lb~1T9 p~tC.. ~ Waeht~on ~Owdor~. t~aad ~f co~ ofdu ao~ °°d aoat~►s m~ ~tt af~ m BRAD.l4.1NC.. tm Admaa ~po~ado~, !ca ~dkr ) ~am~►~a0aoa~~ ~a~~eo~~~,~ =PW 0 of dw pWmW fte $m Deb6d • J DLM1189MM m(:. ~ /Sr1 Smp ~ BTAT$ OF WASt@QOTp~ ~ STJ►TB C~ WA~~f J ~ ~ COUNlY aP ~IL~'1p0~1 j~ OORwffOP Wi►Ib'= ~btn a~e ~ a~aruNa~➢a~e04~Om0~a Qnmb,..0.4R7od ~60 m~albee ~ om mma e~opeesd dm ~ ~ ~ a Nmty Ftibile. ia ~ca Por tM ~ " ~OU~m, ~e0 lc~OtEedBld 15tt tdde wmmDP°• IW mudkeame0 od mmm pajwupf► aDpoo. etgne4 W e en u eluAar ftno tad rahm~ ~ct m0 Ibr t~e ~ b me ~ m bo Qie ~aa elJ 1~ a~t p~o~a ~a~lD ~ae1. ~'(r~ ft COPormho 0l1 pP Fbftd pe ONBN mtet mD► A~0 end ofttel mallbi, ~~~•~~~~~~~~8 dw4f ~e~taddemo~~d~Port~e~ae~ ,19 O~v~a m°i ~ an o~ ~ 6e m~00 io ~ ~~~~edmnme ~1 a9~d u 6~e oorpQ~ ~ ~~►p~tdeada~d ~ h~pp~~diq►aod~ev ' bru ~bo+~ vrloRm Mm~y PuOae b oe4 !br ~e 8ase M Wibbo,. rowft at Bdimmawa mmom CMW Waftgoaa. 91 ~t+a Etmmml9t Jim n, 1496 ordex C8 Descrs,ptson 1996 4065055 Page 1 of 2 Ccmorettt: 01/07/00 FRI 14 21 FA% 5`" '47 2781 FIR9T AMERICAN TIr T~S1 I@005 , ~ ~B►D~~ 'It[B Wp8'r MA~.g OF'TN~$t11f14l~I~SY' Q~ ~~~~OF'At8 NOit'f~~? Q~1ART~t~~PPiOt'1 l8. TQ'MS1W al 1OM• SAN= 44 BAST. WJL, DJ 8P01QMiA CONAI'!~. WA~ ' HlmgP? nmWBBf mmr 7WmPAND =W7'WHOM3D mr=UlXlnAmD HXC9pt mBQtMt 2mnuT 7RWmAKA CICBPtmSOU1'H I4a.9 rBST OP 7R6 WW I1u 1M"t11mop' ~LBo~o t~►T F~~C~VB~ ia ~WtA~ r0lAtin 6Y p==&MlU4Yl.1968 t=RAWDMZ'§ M.B liQ. 8730i1C~ ~P'~EiB ~tl'~1'~' WAAi~ 0V?OBONTJMABP Q011R'l W TltB t10~119V8Sf QilAffT~ 1~ 19C~~A8~~AR't~ OA 88f.'1'DDA1 !8 'I+O~ 29 NOBTI~. ~8 44 BABP. V.~.. M ~ ~ WA~QIt EiCi4'! TAa IVOm n PW 7nnaw 1'HB BAST 133 FBAf Op Z~8 8~ ~Stl'A~97' Q~lA1R~t ~~8 ~lPts~ QNAM"0p"M mvxrwssr qopxasR. ~ sB~Ct~t sk 70wmm 2s urnc. LUM44 &W. WJ4. P SPOLVa coMattr aAMaRaat, excmor Tue WM IN mm -,prder C'B Descriptsoa 1996 4065055 Paga 2 of 2 Ccnmmt s 01/07/00 FRI 14 21 FA% 5r" '47 2781 FIR9T AMERICAN TIT'^ ^S1 0006 ~ ~ ~ecaa6et i~ to N=oc tk D=b 6mtu orlr-,tni 40860~: Add~e 2214 t ~ ~k~P lamthminammim ~`~a . . Quh a6oim D0ed Yt~ aRAMWM MUGM WtMUM NsN. AtC. G OoTofnu aMPOO" tw vW W oooddeoft of dLe octrptadoa oE ~~RC 1~1 Roebap dsd oon mumoft po~v~ mA 1p* Cft v $RAm. M. ft Aram cap, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c ~ ~ t~ea a ~ba cou~► o~ Mo(qtaliQd WO °A° ip r~iao~r emb oM*W Dad-.! ~Ito ~AL PROPS= (ttBUy, tLft ElosTnown. e~oo1~s~r ~ sr o~► l ~ afATa as wP"oM I erAID oF Y ~ cour orvamowe ; 4 ooaavr~r o~ oaotftpm* moobomaaroelf ,~mme ftIOJL kft MM to ed ft Weop dderM [a .ae aft amfud ft NA n~ d,a Of a z~pcd M aao tdrW4 6MA md ah,odedpd dms 4efte o m oe er ~taem die Op~ ~ ~ Yo1~ry 0 md daed. ~ d~e ~ e! BRCi'bAL ~ ~C.. ~1 ampon~ mn mm0 40 ~ ~ WO o10 MM uft eay kd ad a1M41 mal 10 diy of bola" m Qetlte n0 w4Mv at1 aw of am aVIU*% !br ge =ad porpas WO =odO¢d oa ouA 1a~~~~~~eteeeteaa~me~tmI~smdodft tid 1~In0 b me ooephmumt crud opanlao. Wbo N~ a00~ ~~1 ~~t 0~ ~ ~ 4m ~yaa~y~ar Mry ~na~a le ~ad t4~ me m BeQlcem ~116eeeom Cb~mb► Wu~..taAY~ t~r Com+aWfoa 8VIN ~qge ~ AtE 8?p "99 prder CB Descssption 1996 9065056 Page 1 of' 2 Ca==at 01/09/00 FRI 14 22 ,FAg 5` "47 2761 FIR9T AMERICAN TIT"^'"Si 1@007 i . r - - • . f i ~Z ~ ' - ~p~,~,,,~ ~ ~ vY . ~w OL ~ fliBW68'!' LAiMQI+TI~MUMMQUAgTaQPauA~Bl~A8i~0~9~8~ QW1mD48ftRQm 16► TGWNWlIP 23 N08M pAM 44 M4l.' W.ML IN 8OWAM CXMYi WANEMM SiDC.WTM111B8r omr"1wAWAlfD ztCBpt'1'jMNC"l0 mR 11m=AND OOCM 1'9680VI8l9A RM9MMM AM ~'~880UY8 3~t! ~0~ ~8~' ~7~9 p8~'fil~8~ /1=MMW=79iATP=1WCW9VNM 1O SUMPA CayN~.BY~A~00~~122~0 [sO8.~A1AfflnR'8 inSND Mm - ~8NOA7lII~Aq~- C~tu81~VB~QOAtt~aRl~B~iffiA9taOMqPS'88H~Qpp~l~A OP MQN A. WWVMjWWMOMj, Ma8448A$YWaMI. N WGLMM . IWASUMdM , Mt4'8P! T~KO~'fR?0 ~Tl~'L mw l~1 I~@BP ~M ?f~ 80UT~118'i QUI1~1~C~1~ 0~'i~ ~D~A3~ QVpR'1~R0~ T~ NOa~$TQUA~1'A~.II+i~Ptl6►'10~~ IV~BA~Qt~$14$A$!'.~iL~,~~CO~Y WA!!lOQQf~ 81i~ ?!ffi 8D~1'li 16a f~'1' f~A Order C,e DeBoxipt.3.oa 1996 9065056 Payie 2 of 2 Camncat 01/07/00 FRI 14 22 FA% 5' -47 2761 FIR9T AMERICAN TI7"- "S1 lmo08 ~ r s Ow! !Or Rssaa'8 ad AeqtrW ori O. J+BNN1S14RCNF.t ANtb Ji1SSWIATSS. PS AFTM RECORD~C UAAQL Tft O DBNNf S NtCH gZt AND ASSflCEATE5. PS 1BnD jaaon 5crm Eo11ivgMo,WashIngean 9= t0# 3 MOM ai It~ mcm nn~ 113 Z soma co ~ QUff CLAM L1IED Griator AYtK pJ.AL'e PARTNERSHIP Grmgre HRAt'6101. 1NC l.eW Dmdptlm, THB WL$T NALF GP THE SpUTHWM QUAjiTSli OF THP. SOU'tFigAST QUARTER OP THB NpR7HVMST QUARTER ISV SECTI041f IB. ?DWNSHfP 29 MORTN. fiANQGS 44 EAS7'. W M.. 11Y SP'GiCANE CDUN'rY WARHINO'CON AmeNW*& TOS Pand M 945182 910 Regestcr tva& o!' Decwaeais Admwa oe Aulped- Nla Tt3$ CiP.4N'!'t7lt PARM PLACB pAMERSHiP. &s patt dnd 1n rcmqlderarion of a pxtaee8i+lp dtssntutEvQ. does Imty convay =d qtdt clnym to BRAb M GRANTEE. a11 its rIg,ht cltle aW tatrn;9s In the traI esteW doctltred ttt fsxtllbti `A" 0aehed Imv. sstuiiWd in the Crnmty of 5pvkaae. Swe ot WaWngtm SFF F'XKUtf' "A" ATTACH= HLRF.'tO A" BY THIS RLPF.RL4NCE ZNCORPQitA7'$p MRM A5 TmLloH FL'LL'!f m F'pR'1'N. ~ r~ 0 ~ TAX PAR4'L►L 140. 4511135 9145 ~ a av ~ aarED thoA,~.. day nr oa ~ • c ~ ro ~ a ~ ~ a m ~ Qu~l C~dsat bppsl t'~r 1~+~ 1 ~ N ~ Order C8 Descrspt:oa 1998 4285108 Page 1 Ccmm=t 01/07/00 FRI 14 22 FA% 5"" '4? 2781 FIR9T AMERICAN TIT'--`uS1 0009 ~ . it ~295`~ ~ ~OP ~i~r A~tGNp t ~t~B t~ 43 nLE I ~ 3iG 00 Sc~e OO ~ SrArE op waMtMaroN , cvuaqr oP wHHATCom ) Olt W, day peram&allX Vpchrd Ad1L'HAti. QIULlAidf, ta ms kpo~p tQ ba tho! IndJvidual dcibcd in lmd wbo g.vted siw withts Snd famgvt"g ttauueau, aeu! arkawkdgad tbat he aigord tbe 2mm a 6is [m, Nd volMtary art ad doed ior dw ueea sad urpom tbarein meatlaatd. Givett unwer nqr haad md o~Itc~at ~1 dhis ~ day ot _%ap. .tp~+'~ , e y a v~~e NcxraRY pu81.tc ir, sW ris-r tbc staoe oe waswam Midttg at Beu,"I".. My appolnunns eapstrst Novmnbrr iQ I9$9 8080%- " ~~ldQtAFi~~~ ~ -i- e ~.~i.Jv bJ w ~ d1~ e♦ • rw ^~1 ~ • ~I~p• ~ ~1 ``~i Qllit CUIiff Prell 1+f 1 Order Ge Dg--ac=ipt.3on 1998 4295108 Page 2 of 3 cammeat 01/07/00 FRI 14 22 FAX 5`" -47 2781 FIR9T A3'ERICAN TIT-- _'S1 0010 ' ~ , , 1 II tl91 4t;~~P ~ 11144 ~V mUuc ti c~ D & y0 t(1 saoeaw x RxHmI'r °A" THS WUr HAI.P pP T[i8 sOU'THWBST QUART6h OFTH$ BdUYHPAsT oUARTBR Op 't'E3S NOR'i'fiWEBr QUNRTER m SP.,L'TIdN 18 T4WAlSH2P 29 NORl'fl, RAntQB 44 EASr. w M. aN spoKANe couPM, wAaHnNorort, EXrEK THB wNr 30 PERr THWoF: A14a EXCLPT THIS N0kTH 30 FU7' THh'kEOF: A1t0 ECGTsA'TT1iE SpljYft Z'r1S FBHT'1'HERBOPi AMb BXCEPT THE 50VM 142.5 FSST OF Y'!-t8 WBST 179 E P66T THEREOP. ALSd £XCEPi'!NO TNA7 ppjtTiON CONnYtp TO SPEJKAN$ CpUKi'Y, SY DEp REC{7RDati 3ULY 9, l968. UlbDHR AUM'TOR S FILfi NO MZ21C TFIB r10It'CNBAST QVARTHR OF THE SCtV7'HW$S1' QUApTBR OF THE SDUTHBAW QUAIt78R OP THE NOWTKWfi.4f QUA1t'f`IR OF SECTIoM 3S. TaW'NSHtP 25 NOkTH RANae 44 gAS7. W M. nN sFOxAHE COUNTY. wASHiNOTOro 8XG"EPT THE NOk'1'H 30 FEET THEREOF T145 sASr 132 Psgl' aF THE sotrrHEASt auARIIM op THI satrtxvlEsr puARTM ap THE sourxRABr QuAaTER oP THE rorn;TMM aunRrMt. rH sScrtOrc TOVYN5H1P aS ppRTH RANCiE 44 F.AST. W M. f111 SpOiCANE COUNTY, WA5HINGTON, FXCF..PT THE SpUxH 165 FEBT TliEtiEOF ~ Qurt CLaut L7a-tJ Pga )uf j order C8 Deacr.zptfosts 1998 4293208 Page 3 of 3 Ca=mmt ! SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING CIIANGE OI+' CONDITIONS TOR A P12EVIOUSLY APPROVED ZQNE CHANGE Date ~ - q.GL Application No A-1, Name Of ApplieanURepresencafiive PAUL J ALLISON / EWING M MICKEN Mailing Address 601 W RIVERSIDE AVE., SUITE 1500 City SPOKANE State Wi4. Zlp 99201 Phone (509) 747-2052 (Work) (509) 924-2868 (14ome) Existing Zone Classification UR 22 Ce Date Existing Zone Classification Establislied May 22 , 1975 Legal Description of Property see attached Section 18 Township 25N Range 44Ewrt Source of Legal Charles Simpson, Simpson Engineers, Inc Parcel No 45182 91449 45182 9145 PROPOSE, D CHANGE OT CONDITIONS Reference specific "Condition(s)" of original approval (Cite the applicable condition fiom the rlndings and Order of the I-learing Examiner Committee's public hearing) Resolution No 75 362 in ZE-1-71 adopted May 22, 1975 applicable to a nortion of thP i rnpQrrT attarbpa certain conditions.,sopy attarhPri _ Give detailed explanation of request for change in status of the nroposal We request a change as to condition "4" approving the plot plan submitted herewith and allowing the construc.t-iorLaf co mPrrmal hui 1 rii nvc cbnym_ on said p1_0t n~,l an - . 1 f development of the site will be changed substantially by this request, or the propei ty has boundaries different than originally proposed, a revised development plan must be submitted r, 601 W. RivPrcirlP, ~~1S.1nn i n re of Applicant or Agent Address if difi'erent than Applicant Spokane, WA 99201 RECEIVED SPOKANE C4UNTY M IZcv 8/93, sanl Z E am' IA~ D E C 0 91999 pIV1SI0N OF BUILDlNG ANQ PLANNINO I w AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that any development on the above-described property shall be subject to the following conditions: 1) Improvements of the advertised property along Ella Road and Cataldo Avenue. (Improvements shall include curb, sidalk, paving to existing oil, and drainage control. ) 2) a. Off-street parking facilitiea and connecting roadways shall not occupy any area within 5 feet of an ad joining Agricultural or Residential Zone outside the apartment proiect area. b. A screen forty--two (42) inches in height shall be pcovided along the periphery of any off-street parking facility or connecting roadways adioining a residential or Agricultural Zone. Such screen shall be constructed of ornamental masoncy. The Director of Planning may approve a planted screen or ornamental fence in lieu of said ornamental masonry wall. c. Any portion of the pro j ect which i s to be occupied or traveled by automobiles shall be maintained in hard surface paving. d. Parking areas shall be unliqhted except that dciveways, walkways, and landscaped traffic islands may be illuminated by low-intensity lighting on standards not exceeding ten (10) feet in height. e. The design, location, and arrangement of parking stalls and driveways shall be in accordance with standard engineering practices; planting strips or landscaped traffic-lslands may be required by the Director of Planning for parking lot s which contain more than 20 parking s talls . . 3) All land areas not occupied by buildings, parkinq and circulation shall be landscaped, planted and maintained in appropriate tucf and shrubbery. If the project is developed in states, this requirement shall apply as each succeeding area is developed, e 4) The propecty shall be developed in substantial confotYnance with the "approved ~i plot plan", i.e., I) the apartment project ehall not contain more than 65 units ~Won the advet•tised area, 2) structures on the perimeter of the proiect shall not exceed one story in height; 3) townhouse units toward the interior of the proiect shall not exceed two stories in height. ~~h o 5) Provisions ghall be made for fire hydrants in accordance with the requirements G~ of the Valley Fire MarBhal. RECEIVED SPOKANE COUNTY ZE 1AM" DEC 0 91999 , 7 1 DMSION OE BUILDING AND PLANNING , ~T= - IA • APR-15-1999 14 32 SIMPSON ENGINEERS 509 926 1323 P 04/04 ♦ , . T Ibimpson GNIneens.Inc. C~R~~~ E~ MP80N RICHARD L SIMPSON CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYGRS CMARLES E SIMPSON Founmeo 1946 Lwancad in Washlhgbn and Mlaho IU 909 Arganne Road Spokane,lNA 99212 (509) 926-1322 Fax 926-1323 PAvoo NEw L~GAL That portLOn of the Wlh of the SW ~Ya of t6e SE %of the NW V4 of Section 182 T?.,5 N, R 44 E W M described as fdllows Iicgm at the SR/ oorner of the SE ~Ya af the NW ~1a of Section 18; thenae N 01°00'4S"E, along the West line of the SE 1/4 of the NW ~la, a dLstaztce of 147 52 feet to the North tine of the South 142 SO feet of said NW Y4, thence S 89055'11"E, parallel with South line of satd NW 1/4, a d3stance of 30 00 fieet to the True Poiut of Beginning, thenoc commuing S 89°55'll"E a distance 197 22 feet, the= N 39°44'15"E a dLstance of 101 18 feet, thence S 89°55' 11''E a distance of 41.00 feet tQ the East ltne of the W% of the SW 3/4 of the SE iia of said NW ~/s, thence S 01°07'04"W, along said East luie, e distance of 192 93 feet ta a pouit 27 50 teet North of the South luie of sgud 1VVN ~/o, tbenoe N 8905511 Z"VV, paraltel wtth said Sovth lme, a dntance of 2$0 84 Eeet to the begmnmg of a cuive cancave to the Northeast with a radius of 20 00 feet, thence Northwesterly, through a central angle of 90°55'S9", an arc distanoe of 3174 feet to the end of curve, said end being 30 QO feet East of t6c West hne of the SE Kof said NW ~/4, thence N 01°Ob'43"E, along said F.ast hne, a dLsta,nce of 94 69 f+eet to the True Pomt of Beguining SLtuate in the County of Spokane, State of Washmgtoa titis F . ~ ~'¢~GTS'~/~•• Emn IA=m Yl ExPUiEa ~-rn 99 RECEIVED SPOKANE CDUN D E C 0 91999 TOTAL P 04 DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNINC T~ ~--7 APR-15-1999 14 32 SIWSON ENGINEERS ' 509 926 1323 P 04i04 Z ~ CLARENCE E SIMPSON 05impson GincOneem lnc.. , 90, 98, RICHARO L $IMPSON CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYQRS CMARLES E SIMPSQN r-ounmEo 1eas Lkaenced rn Weshinglbn anod Idaho ti 909 Argonne Road Spokane, WA 89212 1509} 926-1322 Fiax 926-1323 PAN04 NLW LECrAL That portion of the W lh of the SW ~Ya of the SE Y4 of the NW of Section 18, T?5 N, R 44 E w.1VI descnbed as follows Begin at the SW oorner of the SE ~/a af the NW ~1a of Secaon 18, thence N 01600948AE, elong the West line of the SE '/4 of the N'Vlt Y49 a distartce of 142 52 feet to the North tine of the South 142 50 feet af said NW V4, thence S 89055' Z Z"E, parailel w3th South luie of said NW V4, a distance of 30 00 feet ta the True Point of Beginning, thencc cominuing S 89°55'll"E a distance 197 22 f,eet, thence N 39°44'15"E a distance of 101 18 feet, thence S$9°55' 11 "B a distance of 41.00 feet tQ the East lu~e of the V N~i of the SW ~/a of the SE ~/a of said NW thence S 01°0?'04"W, along said East lme, a dist$nce of 192 93 feet to a point 27 50 feet North of the South IuYe of said NW ~/a, tbence N 89°55'1 1"W, pazaltel vcith sazd South lme, a dLstance of 280 84 feei to the begmnmg of a curve cancave to the Northeast with a radius of 20 00 feei; ihence Narthwesterly, through a central angle of 90°55'S9", an arc distance of 3174 feet to the end of curve, said cnd bemg 30 00 feet East of the West line of the SE ~/a of said NVt> thence N 41°00'43"E, alon,g said East hne, a distance of 94 69 feet to the True Pomt of Beguinmg Situate in the Couaty of Spokane, State of Washington tiws F , ~ f ~ JNINNVld ONd JN(allfl8 i0 NOISWa E"P'=',", .99 666t 6 0330 ~ TOTAL P 04 Z 1A 71 ,JU.Nf10o ~Nt~IOdS Mni~~3td ~ ~-1~- _ 10/28/99 THL 10 21 FAY 509 2528 RA.VDALI.&DANSI{IN ro 001 RAL MALL & DANSKIN9 P.S. 601 West Rlverside Avenue, Suite 1500 Spokane, Washulgton 99201-0653 Phone (509) 747-2052 NIEIVIOItAIYDUM TO - Spokane County FROM. Ronald A Sahnow and Linda J Sahnow DATE: 10/28/99 RE A portaon of 15-25-44 W 1/2 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4, Tax parcE145182-9145 and 9144 We recently purchased a porhoa of the property included m parcel 45182-9145 We already owned pazce145182-9144 We have been advised that parce145182-9I45 is zoned UR-22 vvith conditions We hereby authonze Paul J Allison, attorney, and aiiy member of the firm of RANDALL & DANSKIN, P S, to represent us in a11 maYters related to this property including lts zoning and the conditions of the zon1ng, and to take on our behal f any achon wluch he deems ap ropnatc with regard to the zoning of such property I ~ , Ronald A Sahiiow ~ ~ RECEIVED SPOKANE CC)UfVTY DEC 0 91999 ~ ~ DIVISION OF BUILDING A11lD PLANNING Zk2Z4 OCT 28 1999 10 23 2528 PAGE 01 ~.,ao2 i.ioo~~~ ~ . r=: s ~ ~ 2.os~a ~ ~ J I 220~5'~'9C : . - u' . . ~ ~au M r z a~o9 ~.osio z os 3 ~.05~ , , ~ , . ~ ~s~a 2.0530 ~ r J,~ ' T . . 2. o6z5 ~ L ~ . . ~3'~ _ I i~ _ 4 1.IOd7 • ~ . - 2 9 I 5 3 _ ~ . - 2,4i2r 2.Obi3 ~,q•i , i~ 2.o51s 2.o5t5 2.0526 26 r . a?2C, ► . b71 1 ' - _ - _ _ ~ 2 2 06 `rr Q_ - ' _ 2.~626 2.b621 2.062$ 2,G52 . l _ . ' I ~.ir ~ 2.G523 a5 ! IOq6 ;z _ , . . _ sa'q C - ~ - <f~ \ J J ~ . w ' _ . . . . ~~';J'~+CR._~'47~'~fai M~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ . . - ~r'.- ' ~ - - = T +~a ' . . . _ ~ ~ :,i {3 Boone ~ ~wr. ~ a~n ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ~ t = ; ; : . ~ : _ ' $ o o n e ~ o a n e , , _ o n e } Boonel ~ i~ ~ + • . . _ - - " , - _ _ ~ _ i= , • sa .r't _ } - , 1' ~ _ -r , ; ~ ~ - ~ . ~ w J $ ` ~ ~•9171 - 2-0~1; _ ' _ ~ " _ ~,ti - ~ , ; ° , , _ = _ 2-a713 ~ , , • u=a 2.903t 2.9030 2,9128.3~13~ 2.9133 2.9142 _ z=, 2.0710 2.0J06 7,4105 2.0i04 2.0703 Y' - ~ - - 4 . . ~ ] . - _ 1 _ - ~FY4.'_ . . ~ . a . 0703 1 . fl9(37 ' I ' ` ^ . . .f'~ . I ~ , r - _ ' = 1~ - t, ~ a r ~ ~ i.~ 'e I ;,,~3..e nq r`t` j~~(~~( - _ 1p I A~ F - F E F,~ ~Et .t;.i~.l~ (icl~l. ~:1`~~~!kFt~~ - ~ c ~ ~.0714 C.~908 1.C ~ _ : _ ; 1; ,:i', - 2 902.. r'J . _ ~ _ .L - - _ ~ _ ' 2.g~~e ~ - ~ w . ~ z.ari i ~.orar ~C~~ - - _ z ~ ~ , ~ I~sw~- ~ 2• 91 a 3? ~ 2. 1 _ ~ : ~ , 2. 13T 2.9134 0 0 09 . . r~' ~I ili _ _ _ ' - r ~ ~ ~I~ ❑ , , , ri , _ ~ _ _ 2.0112 2,OT48 2.OT09 1.0908 ' , e u r;~ n~~~~~_~~r - D e s m P F~ ~ - ~3,~ 56 59 I UK-3.5' r-. ~--t~: i, . . r-.w ~ 2.08d8 2.0801 2.10~1 2.IQO~i ~ u~ 2, 9141 2.0819 ~ ~i«e 2.9141 1.0921 , C 2,OSOr ' 2.fl820 ` ~.io02 2.1093 ~ Q i ~elli Add ~5~ . . F 0 3 148 , ~ ~ 'i z. c+ v I.D91Q I - . ~ ~ 2•9017 ~ - . ~ ~ 2.9017 _ ~f ..WAS ~f~ 2,0821 2.48~ •b8132.OB1~ 2,flBi6 2 0811 2.g023 2.90~2 2.9021 2,9020 2.9019 ~ ~ ~ ~ . 91/ T : Q~ ~ ~ . " 1,0922 • ~ ~ 2.9016 . s ~ SP-10~ -94 2.3416 • x~.~ . . ~ ~ ~ - ~ ; d • 1~7i Cataldo C8t8Id0 - Catelda R p :Y n f~ : ~ . ~ 9 ~ 9961 ti 2.091 1 i I A8 ~~f ` QE ` 2.9~45 2.9139 2.913 . crs~ ~ 2.0904 ~ 1.1607 n s~,~~ - , , , „ NA~, l,p4T+~ ~ L90' . ~90: 090~ • ~ j; ! 2. 091 ?.090zi • ~ 3.~ ~ ~g 2.964d n EKPIRCS T 17~(~ r 2•904T 2.0905 1.1508 1.1606 I•II47 2.09G ' 1.1604 2.0906 c i . lfa}U 3: 2.9D43 . _ 2,9132 ~ ~ ,a~ _ ~ s - . UR-~i 71C ~der a : , . _ 2. saaa ~+e • 2. 91 ~5 2. ~9L r Z z.os4~ ~~#}96 , ~.9042 ~ 2.0913 ~ 1.1609 1.1605 ~ ~R-34; ; ~ 6 1~ m c 2.9049 2.09C 2.0308 59 2.0909 ~ 1.1611 _ ~ ~ L ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ 2.9041 0 r ~ e 79 5654 z.ago ~ 1.11A3 ~ 2.4040 a~ ~ 6. ~ 2.9a12 ~ 2.9115 2,9135 2.9035 2.09I~ ~ , 2 9610 . 2.9039 2.9051 2.9650 2.0914 0911 1.+612 ~.#14~ ; ~ ~ i ' 2•Q9l2 2.091I _ ~ # ~ 2.9q11 ~~912~ ~22 ~ ~ 2.9037 ~ ~ 2. 144 c~~- 2. 90J8 2.091; 2 915 .0 3.1141 ~ y ~ • 1 m ` • ' 1' ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ • , _ -----fr --~e-~-~c+--~. ~i : : r , .~"r~o a~w~ y ~ c c~ ~ , r i w-~-~ , _ _ _ , . r~ , . ~ r_ , n i ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ` ,1~ ` ` ~ ~ e~_ Cj~ASSjFj~!A ► 114 SectlOn Lir~es S 'I~vnsh Rn ZQNI~IG TIONS ~ ~ NORTH ~ ry I ~ Long Plat ~utline A-AwA UR-3.5 UR-22 SRR-S EA B- ~ IUIZ 1 I-1 Shart Plat Outlrne . ~f► ~ ~ BPS Bindin Site Plan Outltne ~ g 1 Appna~►ed Pr ' ~Y~ , . )utltne ; N ~-t UR-7 SR-1 SRR-2 GA ~ B- FZ MHP ~Manf. Home Park) Outline 2 I2 Outline IV ~ 1 ' ~ ~-r-r Historieal I.~o ^ p ng Plat Outtu~e ~ ~ e UR.-12 SR-xl~ RS RR~.10 ~ 3 I-3 Revisicm D~ate: l /9r Mep area ot, , Parcei: 45182.9145 Owner: SAHNOW, RONALD A 8 LYNDA A CoOwner: l t74 8~0 >~6t.u rl. 451E1.09 451b9. 9133 ~18ZDOwner Address 151~7 9175 45181.9111 1819D ~j82 94 ~82.91 ! 45 8I 9 2 182.071 + I.D906 PO BOX 133$8 SPOKANE WA 99213 As'a2.9' ts~ aats1o9o 45 82.9 , 5181.0709 , S1d2.9134 162.Site Address ia~ a~o9~i 45182.D801 t45187.4141 916 N ELLA RD SPOKANE 4s1s2.oaoa . 5167.081 182451~ 45182Ob10 Legal Description I ~s a~v 44sta2voi7 A iai ov1I 0910 ~ 11181,5 82~083 ~~~1,0 B 6 a2 15181.08 451E1.9016 1&25-44 W1I2 OF SW1/4 OF SE114 OF NW114 EXC S142.5 OF W1 4 ~ 79.2' & NE114 OF SW1l4 OF SE1/4 OF NW114 8 N1/2 OF S20R OF g 4 18~ 09 i8~.~s 45181.9176 S $iy 5 2.0 0 E8R OF SW114 OF SE1l4 OF NW1/4 EXC RDS Fb 81.9D9 8l9 1t9 518 16D6 4 451 2. 4 182.09 S 181.160 ' 182.904 45162.9047 187.09 6 181.161 i ~ iy~!:i, X~~{~°`fi~, •~y- l87048 I82.9041 4 181•09 01 X 18290a 1 45182.0913 4 t87.09 8 41~R.9099 • 182.901 4'. 182.09 4 ~ ~ ~~~;✓•k.:• Mltai 1e11 187.9041 1~182.09; ~ 451829035 , ~ 82'~1~.9 50 ~ 45181,9123 45 829 19451879135 X~ 82 4^IB2.O ~82.09, 45182 9012 ~r~~~'''• 5182.90 ~ 4 i 181.09~ ~ . 45829 4;1E291~ a 1E7.9071 4 ~~/5183.0179 1183,012 i 183.OIN ,1 , 184.04 1 ` 4 183.0 . 024 181.0 183 0 45183.0147 45183.0127 I ~I 4 183.D4 14183 0419 4 I83.041 183.0~ ~5 4 8 d145 )830? ,~183.04 ~0 ~s3.01~6 4 183.04 6 kd163A2i l Sl ;3 146 45163.0148 45184.0409 I 45183.0115 45194.0410 I -1:::~ 4, 183 0311 / 183.01 8 845183.02674 183.0108 45183.0123 I 4,183.02#9 1 0132 5183A131 4SlB1.Wl4 r4)1*83 I DM 45164.0115 I ~~1830312 /51630 8i.0 81 45187.0259 45183.0137 ~ 183r.11 4183.0133 451839601 i-45183.0251 3.018D 4!183.06 4 191.024 4 BI.O 4~y ~ 1 I ~ ~ 18303'3 ~S I 3 6d51 16).O1 4~ 83.015 ~ ~I ~ ~S I ~34 83 02 r~ 1 45 3.0 9 I I I I I I Notice: This is not a legal document. Data depicted on this map is general & subject to constant revision. It is intended I for reference use only. Legal documents should be obtained from the appropriate agency. ' Parcel: 45182.9144 Owner: SAHNOW, R A& L J CoOwner: S1071 ~ 81.0 6 3 45184. `3p 111 g 1181071, Z45181. OwnerAddress 4S182.9t11 4:181900 51829113 4iZO 540.:N 10906 4518 19175 5181.90:1 4 18191! PO BOX 13388 SPOKANE WA 99213-3388 USA u.a2 or s2o7i 01~► iai 090 f 451819136 45 45182.0109 Si te Address ~t siaz 9i3a a~.o7i ! - o7os1 ~ 45187.0862.100, 21 004 451829141 7903 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE 45182.0808 45187.0807 lb1 .097 18210 ~S182.100' 1-0910 .S181081 451820810 . ~ 45 82,9 3 a, 82 4 82.9 a Legal Description 45 182.0 245 8~ $ ~s's~ 90" ~ isi o9~ ~ Ae~ 0 ~S181 9016 18-25-44 S142.5' OF W119.2' OF W112 OF SW1/4 OF SE114 OF 15182.0821 45 82 a 13 ,1~l.os 8~ 4 a NW1l4 EXC RDS 451819116 5 82.y 4 181.09 A 181.160 1183.90A 81904 ; 45.0 01 87.D S I8 I d06 48791(9 451 2.0 24 182.09 S 181.160 . 1 #5162 9047 187,09 6 181.161) 451829145 1829041 162 648 4.182.09 0) 162901 ~ 9~9 45162.09134 181.09 d i 181904 411820919 181904 ~ ,41 ZS 1 1611 45, 2.9150 4'~162A9& 45I829039 ~i 82.9~1 1 4' 82.09 : 45162.9123 45 82.9 1945 181 9 135 182 451b2.0~ 451849011 .•..<r;, 5112.90 1 4;182.0915 45 87.9 H 41tEIAt' dwayj I82 .903'~~ ~ ~ 45183.0129 ~$t83Al~.J1lE4.041 ~ 0 4;~ 4 1830- 3~ ~183012i ~ 41830,4 4183.0 4 4518JAUT 45183.0127 4 183A4 14183M~9 4~183.04 4183.0415I. 8 i51871053 4~183.04 ~0 , 18304 84 183.D46 1q83.0141 51 llN6 451810148 451E4.0409 1 45 83,0 7 45183.0125 /~183.0311 45184.0410 4' 183 q 8 845163.0261, 183.0748 t~45183.0128 4,183,01#9 . 0] ~ 5183.0131 45184.0414 4 1830137 4M83.03 12 45 63D.62 45183.0259 45183.0137 45184.0415 IS 183.0 1 183.014 l~^` 183.0133 451839601 ~45187015 3.0 80 F3-016547~ 163.0245 30 .45 83.0 4i4 183.O11 83A l 4183.0 3 4545113i183.01 4~1~3.01 0 45 ~ I 15 3.0 9 ~~6~.07~ , Notice: This is not a legal document. Data depicted on this map is general & subject to constant revision. It is intentled for reference use only. Legal documents should be obtained from the appropriate agency. • SPOKANC COUNTY DiViSION Oi= C3UILDING AND PLANNING SU(3MITTAL CI-ICC«LIST ZONE RLCLASSIf=1CAT{ON TI-IC ITCMS CF-IL= Cf<CD (3CLOW MUST C3C SUf3MITTED WIT!-I YOUR AP['LICA710N ('RCLIMlNl~RY CONFCRENCC ~`jl,~ ld- ( q ! ~ 7T!',L Ci-ICCKLIST 0-68~9bO rUt3Ml ~ ~ AT10N F O R M NId 9 ! ~ c:l~ 1 C /~('l'LIC Submit compietecl apnlication on the altached form wilh all signature blocics compfeted. C~ ASSCSS R'S SECTION MA('s ~ ~4,S~ a Suum' 2 onies of current County A:,sessor maps sliowing the suUject property oLitlined in red - d adjacent property owned or urider option to the owner or sponsor (inciicate adjacent properly with a red daslied line). Acijacenl includes properiy located across roacis and rivers, etc. Assessor maps are available at the County Assessor's Office ancl must be currenk (less than 30 c{ays ofd) at the timo o( submilta{. Plalteci (1 "=200') and range (1"=400') parcel maps must be obtainecf, -cls you may neocd botli sets, depending on your property location. The mans are used for {egal notiflcatlon uf nroperty owners wikhfn 400 feet of the houndary of the totai contiguous ownershlp anc!/or controllecl property (shown in red). Label ancl show in red line tlie 400 foot boundary froi» the total contiguous ownersliip. ~ ZONING SCCTION MA1' H'/,~ -O~ V y~ s ~ Submi 1 'opy of the official Zoning niap with the houndary of (lie pronosecl zone change s) indicated in rec1, with the proposec( zoning labeled on the property. The zoning boundary shall be st mped bv a lic~nsed land survevor. Copies of official zoninc~ maps are obtainable from t~ie County Division of Building and Planning. (The writlen legal descripfion(s) on the apnlicafion forrr, and the zoning boundary(s) shown on (he map shall coincide, verified by the surveyor's stamr), Note: Thv property does not liave to be surveyecf at this tIme. The map stamped by a licensed Ianci surveyor verifies the wr(tten legal descrinlion for ihe nroposecl zone change is accurate{y manped on the zoning i-nc-in. ~ CNGINCCR'S SECTlON MAf'S Stthmi 2 urrent copies of tiie section map(s) sl~owing the sul~ject property outlined in recf. L ~i~~;er section inaps are availahle: -cit the County Engineer's of(ice. U ZONING f L.AN AND/OR SITC 13LAN J~ "tp I)-?-q? Subn ~t J 1Lieline copies of the developme~~l proposal cli-~wn to scale ai~d •1 zoning planls' ~~Ian reductioi) (4 1/2" x 1*I" or 11" x'17") indicaling the fo4lowing information in a clear -cinci concise mannt::i. ' Cl. Scafe of drawing; norlh arrow; Jimensions of the site boundaries and area in snuare I feet or acres; corporation, firm or irdividual preparing the site plan --wilh d-cite; ancl a srliall vicinity mz4). I). Ti7e following c{ata in table foriYi ori the site p{an: 1_:<fstlng Lone(s) f'ropc•seci Lone(s) Acres ar 6q. (--t. [301cling Informalion: ~~Cz~ ^prj P G s,~~ ~ , ~ ~ -c Wo ~ ~ 1C'~ ~ - - - - - Z-E I . ~ ' . ~ - . ZONE RECLASS{FICATION C{-ICCKL4ST i'a6e ?of'~ c. lndicate the following: 1. Indicate right of way width -cind names of streets adjacent to tiie site. 2. Existing buildings and other improvements; indicate wfiich ones are to remain, which ones are to be removed. 3. Proposed buildings and dimensions. 4. I-leight of all buildings, structures and signs. 5. Access points and driveways. 6. {'roposed or existing easements nroviding access to the site. 7. Interior circulation patterris. 8. Parking areas and spaces. 9. Building sekbacks to properly (ines, and to center line of acljacent private and public roads. 10. 1"ype anci location of landscaping, fencing, ligllling and signage. ❑ PUD PLAN AND NARRAYIVE SLibmit a F'UD plan and narrative which meets the requirements o Secii n . 0.1 ~10 of i Spol< n County- oning C cl . The P Dlan s includ ui ing eleva ' n nd V)Cand ion ~nd e n rr.t e sh inc ide a etai e d ti Xon f the ~ osed P D'plan pose intent Section ls a de crition o ho tlle P D eets tl~e ur 14.70 . I~10. S attache e UD Che kl'..t Worksheet. .121 ENVIRONMCNTnL C1-ICC1<L1ST Id 9! t A complefed environmental cliecl<list is required for all zone changes, planned unit cievelopments and subclivision requests. Short plats, binding site plans and other land use applications may require a checl;list ;jnder SEPA rules unless exemptecl by WAC 197- 11-II00. Note: If previous environmerital checl<list exists for tfie property, it may be adequafe to address environmental issues. ~ OL SLIOC ND L l1TOR MAF' S~ b' it to 1 sli es f tli pr Je t slt an adja nt rrou ding ro ert . N mber the sli e to oi cide itE locat r map w ich s ws from w er ancf i w, iich irection the sli s we aken. lJ COUNTY DIV1SiON OF QUILDING AivD PLANN{NG FECS ZONE RECLASSIFICATION (Due at application acceptance meeting) From any Zone to the EA or GA zone $ From any zone ko the RR-10, SR(:-5, SRR-2 and S(;-1 zone $ From any zone to the SR-1/2 and Uf:-3.5 zones $ ~j { d' From any zone to the RS, UR••7, UR-12 and UR-22 zones $ C)~ ✓ ~ ~v! From any zone to tiie B-1, B-2, and t3-3 Zones $ From any zone to the 1-1, 1-2 and I-3 zones $ From any zone to tiie Mining zone $ From any zone to any zone not listecl above ~ IOQ . Gnvironmental Checl<list s ~ Zero Lof (_ine ~ co 00 ~ Ot~~er .7 m . i ar +~i . ZONE RECLASSIFICATION CHECF<LIST 1'a 6e 3 o!* 3 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Preliminary PUD $ Change of Conditions Site plan review witli public hearing $ _..i ' TC)TAL DUE AT SUBMl7TAl. OTt-IER GO'JCRNMENTAL PROCESSING FEES The County Engineer, County Regional F,ealth District and County Division of Utilities typically charge fees In con}Ljnctlon with your proposal. i'{ease contact these departments for their cLirrent fee schedules for yotir proposal. (Tfiese fees are dLtie at tlle time the denartmerits sign your application). u REQUIRED PUBLIC N071CC (See attached notice requirements) ❑ OTI-IER CXHIQITS OR APPLICATIONS Date Planner RIi?Cltlli ;1I11,ill-1'AI. CII(:CI<LIST K.IS 4•97 ~ ~ ~ r: ~ SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING li ~in ffinuu PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE FOR: ❑ PLAT a SHORT PLAT ❑ BINDING SITE PLAN ❑ TEMPORARY USE ❑ VARIANCE ❑ CONOITIONAL USE ❑ ZONE CHANGE 4d'C:HANGE OF CONDITIONS ❑ OTHER ~ PROJECT /NFORMA T/ON APPlicant: I~t' ; • ~ . . Applicant's Address: ~ t Parcel number(s). 1~ -1 0 Q. (CE-- ~ u 944 ~ ~I- ProPertY Owner(s): Project location & address: _da_5 F' ~ ~ r' ~aneral project description: ~ rd Type of Access: ~~o _LL_ • Proposed land use: ~ t Sewage Disposal Method: , Proposed no. of lot: Proposed zone (if rezone): Site size:f~__ S/TE /NFORMA TION Existin9 Zone: rc71~' Comp. Plan Categary: Fire District: o. School District: Water District: Neighbor J d Assoc.: _ Roadway Classif' ation(s): ' ~ • ~~'J~ PSSA inside outside a A A ins' e utside a UGA inside outside ❑ ~ Joint Planning Area? Yes ❑ No If yes, which cit town? Environmental or cultural resources? Yes a No If yes, which type? Designated shoreline area? Yes Li No C~i~yes, which designation? Affected by floodplain? Yes a No 0~ . ~age 1 of 3 • s- Pre-conference form revised 3/99 . SPOKANE COUNTY i~ DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING ~ PRE-APPUCATION CONFERENCE Within 1000' notification boundary of designated Natural Resource Lands? ~ Yes No 1. Wetlands? Yes ❑ No U/ ❑ Category 1(200 foot minimum buffer) ❑ Category 2(150 foof minimum buffer) a Category 3(75 foot minimum buffer) 0 Category 4(25 foot minimum buffer) 0 Unknown Comments: II. Fish and Wildlife Habitat? Yes ❑ No U-" Priority Habitat Species: ~ liI. Miter bodies? Yes a No U""' J Type I(250 foot minimum buffer area) J Type 2(100 foot minimum buffer area) J Type 3(100 foot minimum buffer area) C] Type 4(75 foot minimum buffer area) D Type 5(25 foot minimum buffer area)* ' No buffering requirement for Type 5 streams when there is no connection to Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 streams Comments: ~ IV. Geotogically Hazardous Areas? Yes a No 2"' If yes, indicate type of hazard(s) C] A slope of 30% or greater C] Frodible soils IJ Hydraulic factors (i.e. existing on-site surface and groundwater) ❑ Prone to landsliding ❑ Area of uncompacted fill ❑ Unstable areas due to rapid stream or stream bank erosion Comments: PRE-CONFERENCE SUMMARY Planning Issues (landscaping, buffer areas, land use compatibility, traffic etc.): Special project requirements (plans, studies, permit, etc.): ~ General comments: 11'v - - Page 2 of 3 Pre-conference form revised 3/99 SPOKANE COUNTY ii OIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING ~ PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE Handouts provided: AGENCIES TO CONTAC r A check mark indicates those agencies you are encouraged to contact regarding your proposal: Spokane County Public Works a Division of Building and Planning 477-3675 ❑ Division of Utilities 477-3604 Sewer/Water Resources Storm Water ❑ Division of Engineering 477-3600 Drainage Transportation a Division of Long Range Planning 477-2294 a Spokane Regional Health District 324-1560 a Spokane County Parks 477-4730 ❑ Department of Transportation 324-6000 Cl Department of Ecology 456-2926 a Department of Fish and Wildlife 456-4082 ❑ Fire District No. ❑ Water District No. ❑ Other Agencies: I, the applicant, acknowledge receipt of and understand the content of this document and submittal checklist: Date: , ~ h Kd Staff Planner: I, 191,Alt ~ Date: 3- Amount Paid: Receipt No. L Page 3 of 3 Pre-conference form revised 3/99 . . Spokane County Public Works Department Divison of Building & Planning Receipt Receipt Number: 10793 Customer Number Projects Ful! Proiect Nbr Inv Nbr Fee An:t Inv An:t Owi►ig PAID Pmt 99010659 2 $1,297.00 $1,297.00 $1,297.00 $1,297.00 Total: $1,297.00 $1,297.00 $1,297.00 $1,297.00 Miscellaneous Items Total PAID: $1,297.00 Tender y,pe Clieck Acct Balance CC Nbr Exp Date TENDERED T Check1 2568 1,297.00 Total TENDERED: 1,297.00 Over / (Short) $0.00 C/range $0.00 Notes: Tran Date / Time: 12/09/1999 3:06:01 PM By: FHintz Logon User: gwende) Station: GWENDEL Override By: ~ ` . , Printed: 1210911999 3:06:35 PM Page 1 of 1 . ZONIlVG AND LAND USE FEES RECEIPT INFORMATION ~ ~ - . ~ ~j(~ • Date: File Number. Parcel Number: Name: Q- ' Pbone Number: ~ . Company N3rne (if applicable): Address: ; > ~ • City/State/Zip --Y- ~ , f-,------ , , , ~ FEE IIVFORMATION IT£AI DE.SCRIPTION ITE'v1 (INiultiplied by fi (equals total) NO. AMOLTNT of items TOTAL A1ti10UNT DUE ► 5 gy; Transaction No. 199 -/1 Receipt No. . . s Spokane County Public Works Department Divison of Building & Planning Receipt Receipt Number: 9770 Customer Number Projects Full Proiect Nbr Inv Nbr Fee Amt Inv Ami Owing PAID Pmt 99010659 1 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 ~ Total: $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 Miscellaneous Items Total PAID: $36.00 Tender ~e Check Acct Balance CC Nbr Exp Date TENDERED Check1 2621 36.00 Total TENDERED: 36.00 Over / (Sliort) $0.00 Claange $0.00 Notes: Tran Date / Time: 11 /03/1999 12:03:13 P By: GWendel Logon User: gwendel Station: GWENDEL Override By: L ~ "c, ~ L- ~ , S~ ✓ , C"+ ~ ~ I Printed: 111031199912:03:39 PM Page 1 of 1 FILE NO. ZE-1A-71 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Spokane ) (Print Name:) pl~vb J '141, L/S v'.-) being first duly sworn on oath, depose(s) and say(s): I am a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of eighteen years. On the day of Hd-fzc# , 2000, I personally deposited in the United States mail at with sufficient postage prepaid, a true and correct copy of the PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to the recorded real property owners andlor taxpayers, as shown on the Spokane County Treasurer's records as of the ~3~~~ day of 2000, who have been found to own property within a four hundred (400)- foot periphery of the applicant's (and/or his/her agents) owned, controlled or under-option property. The notices were addressed to those individuals and sent to those addresses indicated on the attached list, incorporated herein by reference. In the event an address was not available in the official records, I used the current local telephone directory to attempt to locate a valid address. Notices to property owners and/or taxpayers adjacent (or directly across a street or road) to the proposal (including land owned or optioned) by the applicant and/or his/her agent) were by CERTIFIED MAIL as indicated by the attached certified mail receipts. ; Signatur ~ Date: cro 0 R Signed and sworn to before me this Zg ` day of e i-- , 2000. ~ ~~111111//~j •4 NOT Y PUBLIC IN AND FOR &THE STATEOF WASHINGTON N • V e ssicn ~ r Residing at e~' ~ f . ~ r10A/?y~,: ~ - ~ . - pUBIIG My appointment expires: oo . .,t0 : ~i~~•.G ~ 5 20~• i;41,O~~p~►~~~'I' FILL OUT AND SIGN BEFORE A NOTARY AND RETURN TO DIVISION OF PLANNING) FILE NO. ZE-1 A-71 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) PAuL J. ALLI SON , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: At all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of eighteen years. caused a ign to be . On the 1 s t day of Ap r i 1 . 2000, I persona~ly/posted4s-~as required in the Spokane County Subdivision/Zoning land use regulations at the following location(s) in Spokane County: On the North side of Broadway approximately 260 feet East of Ella facing Broadway. ~ ~ Signif re of Applicant or Agent il 4, 2000 Date Signed and sworn to before me this 4th day of April , 2000. . `A~~IIIIit/j~~~ -1kO\~~ss~c . ~c•~ F+,~ • cr,~ ~ ' - : ~:~°NpTqRy ~,•_'G: _ , . NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATYOF WASHINGTON ~ • -o-- _ ~•9G PUELI:; Residing at: Spokane •'9 c ~i~~• : rs. _ 0,` My appointment expires: ~-15- Z)O (APPLICAIYT FILL OUT AND SIGN BEFORE A NOTARY AND RETURN TO THE DIVISION OF PLANN[NG) FILE NO. ZE-1 A-71 TITLE COMPANY CERTIFICATION AND APPLICANT CERTIFICATION TITLE COMPANY CERTIFICATION I do hereby certify that the following list of names and addresses, consisting of the attached pages, has been prepared from the Spokane County Assessor's or Treasurer's most current computer records, is to tlle best of my knowledge correct, and is current within thirty (30) days of the April 19, 2000 hearing date. I also certify I have provided loan numbers, if possible, when the owner is listed as a finance company. Signed by: Date: i For: AI'U-f/~1(Ccu-k ~ (Title Company) APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I, the applicant or agent for the applicant, have verified the attached ownership list with the attached Assessor's map(s) and find that all tax parcel numbers within 400 feet of the project site, including owned or optioned land as shown on the Assessor's map(s) have been listed by the Title Company. Also, I certify that all property immediately adjacent to the proposal location (including any property immediately across a street or road from the proposal and such property as may be othe owner/applicant andlor his/her agent) has been mailed CERTIFIED. owned or ME: - -_p ~ . 1-TL (So~ PRINTED ~ ..9L ~ Signed b • Date. ~ ZONIlVG AND LAND USE FEES ' j RECEIPT INFORMAIION , . Date: File Nwnber.~.- A Parcel Number, ~c. . ~~-a1` ' / ~ ~ l _ C- Company Name: Phone Number. Name (if applicable): ps~ ~ ~ ~ • Address: City/State/Zip , • / ~ FEE ORMATION ITEM DFSCRII'TION ITF.M (Multiplied by rr (equals total) NO. AMOUNT of items -33 S _ r~ V rCh, F CAhja- 7^$h ~ g ~kr, o TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ► / ~ fi 17, S BY~ Transaction No. T99 - 1 Receipt No. f~~/ 3 - - y_ SpoKANE COiTl~ x j~ DIVISION OF BUILI3uNG AND PLANNING ~ 1026 W. BROADWAY • SrolcAvE, wA 99260-0050 ~ (509) 477-3675 . STTE INFORMATION PRO CT INFORMATION Site Address: 7903 E BROADWAY AVE Project Nnmber: 99010659 Inv: 2 Issue Date: SPOKANE, WA 99212 ermit Use: Change of conditions- Z.E- 1-71 Parcel Number: 45182.9144 Applicant: PANCO CONSTRUCTION Subdivision: RANGE Phone: (509) 922-0600 Zoning: UR-2 Urban Residential-22 Address: P.O. BOX 3765 Owner: PANCO CONSTRUCTION SPOKANE, WA 99220 Address: P.O. BOX 3765 Contact: Paul Allison Phone: (509) 924-2868 SPOKANE, WA 99220 11315 E. 44th Inspector: SR INSPECTOR Spokane, WA 99206 Water Dist: UNKNOWN Set6acks - FYont: Left: Right: Rear: PERM1'T(S) Znne Chan,~e Contractor: License i#: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $75.00 ENGINEERS MISC REVIEW $50.00 CHANGE OF CONDITIONS 1E+05 $1,072.00 UTILITIES REVIEW $100.00 Total Permit Fee: $1,297.00 PAYMENf SUMMARY Pa e 1 of 1 NOTFS PERMIT By: WRIGHT, RAE Tran Date Receipt # Pavment Amt 2/09/1999 10793 $1,297.00 Total Fees AmountPaid AmountOwing $1,297.00 $1,297.00 $0.00 Shaw, Francine From: Miller, Katherine Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 1:52 PM To: Shaw, Francine Subject: ZE-1A-71 If any of the original conditions elude to using the Guidelines for Stormwater Managment prior to 1998 then we would recommend a new condition that states the current road and drainage standards are required. Thanks. Page 1 ~ Apr-17-00 02:40pm From-ECOLOGY +5094565056 T-370 P.01/02 F-644 . ~ c,~......co K O~ 4 ~ ~ - ~ C .C STATE OF WASHINGTQ` ~ QEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY 3601 N. Monrur, Suiir ZOZ • Spolcane, WaWngion 99205-1295 •(509) 456-2y26 April 17, 2000 Ms. Francine Shaw Spokan.e Counry Division of Planuing 1 026 W. 8roadway Avzuue Spokane, WA 99260-0050 Dear Ms. Sbaw: Thank you for the opportunity to coinment on the cirtermination of nonsigruficance for _ the reclassification to allow che construcuon of an offue complex in lieu of an apar¢uent complex as progosed by Pau1 Allision. We reviewed the eAVironmenual checklist and have the following comments. The applicant should consider designing che faciliry so oppornuiicies [o recycle are at least as convenient as waste disposal. Try co provide adequa.[z, properly located space inside and ouuide the facility to aeeommociate equipmwnt and eontainers for processing and storage of recyclables. Plan to rreycle itenzs sucb as paper, glass, aluminum anci other metals, corrugated containers and plasrics. Contact Jim Haynes at (509) 625- 6536. We encourage the applicant to use construction prociucu coD[aining recycled materials whenever possible_ We encourage the applieant to reuse or reeycle all possiblr leftover corsaurcion I marerials and reduce waste generated. Recycling c:onsuucnon debns is oftrn less expensive dh,an landfill disposal. Lanciscaping should incorporace waste preveiuion measures and the use of organic materials. Water neecis are reduced by use of droughL toleranc plantings, compost ma[erial, mulch, and drip irrigauon. Pesucide needs are reduced by use of pest resismu plaiuings. Compost is also an effective soil amendmcnt. Chipped woody debris can be used io mulch ornamenTal beds, suppress weeds, retain moisture, control erosion, and provide a base tor paLhways. We also recommend usiug organic debris generated on-site if possible for landseaping. 1 -4p►- 0 /Ylc~ l ~e #E c~l ZH7-00 jk_ Apr-17-00 02:40Pm From-ECOLOGY +5094565056 T-370 P.OZ/QZ F-644 I ,j . During daily operations of the faciliry, we recommend using praiucu and supplies ihat are recyclable and/or made fram recycled materials. Use of low-toxic or non-toxic producrs for cleaning, mairuenance, and other purposed is encauraged. Praclicing waste preventaiion methods is also importaui. If you have any quesrions, piease concact Niarni Solheiin at (309) 456- ; Sincerely, ~ ' - Heidi J. Renz EPA Coordinator ijr J4002142 r-- f I I . . Ri-- SPOKAI`'~ SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION APR ~ INTEROFFICE MEMO CURAEW P►-MN1Nt'[)1,~~ - DATE: March 31, 2000 , ~ TO: Francine Shaw, Senior Planner, Spokane County Division of Current Planning FROM: Donald T. Lynch EHS II - EHD, SRHD SUBJECT- ZE-1A-71 (Allision) Pubfic waier and pliblic sea"✓Cr arP rPqLlIf Ed fOf this action lNe offer rio acidiizonal comment. planning.ltrl r bu ~ . ~ U~ ~ SPOKANE COUNTY WATEf2 015TiZICT No. 3 P0. Box 11187 • 5pokane, Washington 99211-1187 •(509) 536-0121 • FAX (509) 534-3760 March 27, 2000 Ms. Francine Shaw, Senior Planner -i 026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260-0240 RE: FfLE # ZE-1A-71 Cear Ms. Shaw: I have attempted to review the project proposed above; which is located within the water service boundaries of Spokane County Water District # 3. However, I am unable to provide substantive comment on the proposal because the conceptual site plan does not address public water or fire pratection services to the property. Spokane County Engineers may prohibit access;ng the existing water main in Broad,"Vay Avenue thirouqh the iECently installed Qsphalt pavement. Alternatively, water and fire protection servic:e may be available from an existing water main in Ella Road dependent upon the required fire ftow. !f you have any questions or comments relating to this project, please contact me at 536- 0121. Sincerely Yo`urs, y ick e eral Manager P(;: Randaii & Danskin, P.S., Mr. Paul Allision, 601 W Riverside Avenue, Ste 1500 Spokane, WA 99201 Shaw, Francine From: Davis, Tom B&P Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 8:25 AM To: Shaw, Francine Subject: ZE-1A-71 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF BUILDING AND CODE ENFORCEMENT: • The applicant will need to apply and be issued the appropriate building permit from this Office. Page 1 1 Shaw, Francine From: Hemmings, Bill Sent: Thursday, December 30, 1999 12:24 PM To: Shaw, Francine Cc: Engelhard, Scott; Kimball, Sandy; Sims, Brenda; Miller, Katherine; Darrell, Virginia; Davis, Tom 6&P Subject: ZE-1A-71 - Paul Allison 12-30-99 I received the above referenced application on December 30, 1999. I have no comment at this point in time. ow qe.x.:4l~w, ps Page 1 Az ~l 01/12/00 WED 09 : 05 FAX 509 892 4125 SPORANE VALLEY FIRE DEPT PLANNING 9002 ' SPOKANE VAIIEY FIRE DEPARTMENT Spokane County Flre District 1 10319 EASf SPRAGUE AVE. • SPOKANE, WA 99206-3676 •(509) 928-1700 • FAX (509) 892-4125 R. Pat Humphrlea January 12, 2000 Francine Shaw I Department of Building & Planning 1026 W. Broadway Spokane, WA 99260 RE: Change of Conditions ZE-1 A-71 Dear Ms_ Shaw; The Spokane Valley Fire Department has no objections to this change of conditions. We will have requirements at pre-constructiorJ permit time. Sincerel evin iIler Fire Inspector KM/dc ~a At/ J-W~ t- / I 1 1~ . To: FRANCINE SHAW (Current Planning) CC: From: JIM RED (Utilities) Date: 3/27/00 Subject: ZE-0001-71 Stage: Hearing Examiner Phase: Chg of Conditions, ZE-1A-71 fa14 The Division of Utilities has no new comments for the above project. All previous conditions apply. To: FRANCINE SHAW (Building & Planning) CC: From: JIM RED (Utilities) Date: 01/10/2000 Subject: ZE-0001-71 Stage: Technical Review Phase: Chg of Conditions, ZE-1A-71 ss09 A wet (live) sewer connection to the area-wide Public Sewer System is to be constructed. Sewer connection permit is required. Commercial developments shall submit historical and or estimated water usage prior to the issuance of the connection permit in order to establish sewer fees. ss12a Applicant shall submit expressly to Spokane County Division of Utilities "under separate cover", only those plan sheets showing sewer plans and specifications for the public sewer connections and facilities for review and approval. Commercial developments shall submit historical and or estimated water usage as part of the sewer plan submittal. ss12f Sewer plans acceptable to the Division of Utilities shall be submitted prior to the issuance of the sewer construction permit. ss15a Arrangements for payment of applicable sewer charges must be made prior to issuance of sewer connection permit. Sewer charges may include special connection charges and general facilities charges. Charges may be substantial depending upon the nature of the development. ws01 Any water service for this project shall be provided in accordance with the Coordinated Water System Plan for Spokane County, as amended. 01 YA/i/in ~ J.AN-04-00 09:55AM FROM-SCAPCA T-921 P.03/06 F-702 . SPOKANf COUNTY 1~1 C11AAIR - AIR POIlUTION g P o K A N E CONTROI AUTHORITY WEST 1101 COILEGE. SUiTE 403 ~ SPO}cANE, wA 99207 •(509) 477-4727 fax (509) 477-697R Date: / - Ll o d To: Q Mr. Jeff Forry ti§Ms. Francine Shaw Spokane County Division of Buitdings & Planning 1026 W. Broadway Ave. Spokane, WA 99260 From: Mr. Charles E. Studer Re: SCAPCA REQUIREMENTS FOR: File No. z E " /A- `7 / . ProponentlProject Name: A4 NC 00~~ ~ ❑ Rce uest for Comments on I ❑ LComments on Hea_ r,,,_ ing„s Examiner Public Meeting on ~ ❑ Comments on De ernnination of Nonsignifii;ance Issued on ~ -4 ! _ o/ ~ Z= The Spokane Counry Air PoJlution Contro! Autnorily (SCAPC4) was formed under tho authority o! Ehe 1967 Clean Air Act of Washington (RCIM. Tha1 Act requiteal counties, like Spokane Counry, co activate iocal air pollation control agencies. To meet the r+equitamanls of that Acr, SCAPCA adopred regulatlons to concrol the emissions of air ooncsmfnants from sources within Spokene County. Portions of Spokane Coiinty fail to meet federal heahh standards fw paRicWate emissions (dusr and smoke) and caAbor► moiwide• Numerous strategies have been lmplemented to rea►uoe au poUuhan emissans so that vre can improve eir quatlty and movt hsahh I standaros. . Following is a lisf of conoemsifssues 1hat, at a mlnImum, need fo be addresseo for propo.sed proVecrs. Addiiti~onal comments may rosult after more detailed information of tAe prqject is suppliod. SCAPCA enrou,sges pnqponenta to oontect their offSoes at 1101 West Col/ege, Spokane, WA 99201 for additional informstion. The following conditions are retevant to proposed project • Harvesting of timber creates silvicultutal debris. Consistent with Stabe policies and regulaaons, altematives to buming should be examined. The preferred altemate disposal methods in the following order are; slash production minimization, siash utilizafion, non-buming disposal and silvicultural buming. If buming is the only reasanable disposal method then it must be done in accordance with all applicable regulations, and conducted in a manner that minimizes smoke related nuisances and air pollution impacts. • Washington State Regulation 173-400-110 requires that a Nofice of Construction and Application for Approval be submitted to and approved by our Agency prior to the construction, installation or establishment of an 2ir poNution source. It is possible that the following air potlution sources may be present at the propo"d facility: ~ One or more fossil fuel (natural gas, propane, butana, diesel, fuet oil, or waste o[I) Qr wood burning heat souroes. Natural gas/propane/butano burning boilers, heating units, or hot S ~~n`df11~GG1~~(. C0*IMEwT6.voe ~~~52•~-~'/-~ /''v~'G~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JAN-04-00 09:55AM FROM-SCAPCA T-921 P.04/06 F-702 water heaters, or combinations thereof, with a total heat input of 41000,000 Stuslhr are required to appfy for a Notice of Construction. Other units are required to appiy for a NOC when the total heat input exceeds 400,000 Btuslhr. In addition, additional requirements such as controts for Nitrogen Oxide emissions (NOx) and sour+ce testin9 may be r+equired depending upon the size of the unit. a One or mor+e Stand by Generators. SCAPCA requires a Notice of Construction for all Stand by Generators that ars rated greater than or equal to 600 mechanlcal horsopower (375 Kilowatts). • There are numerous businesses that are allowed in a commercial and industrial zoning that aro air pvllution sources. Before any business is established at the ske, SCAPCA should be contacted to determine if a Notice of Construction is requfred. A copV of this letter shauld be qiven to_each new tenant. • All air pollution regulations must be mek • Air pollution regulations require that dust emissions during demolition, oonstruction and excavafion projects be cvntro(led. This may require the use of water sprays, tarps, sprinklets or suspension of activity during certain weather conditions. Haul roads should be treated and emissions from the transfer of earthen meterisl must be controlled as well as emissions from all other oonstruetion related activities. • SCAPCA strongy recommends that all traveled surtaces (i.e. ingress, egress, paricing areas, acoess roaas) should be paved and fcept clean to minimize emissions. , • Measures must be taken to avoid the deposition of dirt and mud from unpaved surfaces onto paved surfaoes. If tracking or spills occur on paved surfaces, measures must be taken immediatety to clean these surtaces. • SCAPCA Reguladon I, Article IV may require registration with this sgency depending upon the type of business that may be estabCshed at the site. An approved Notice of Construc.tion suffice.s to meet this requirement • SCAPCA Regula6on I, Article Vl, and SCAPCA Regulation II, Ardc(e N, address air pollution emission standards. All emission standards must be met • Debris generated as a result of this project must be disposed of by means other than buming (i.e. oons#ruction waste, vegetative waste etc.). • Ar1 asbestos survey must be done by an AHERA oertified irtspecb~r prior to demolidon or renovation of building(s), to detetmine if asbestos-containing material is present at tlhe site. Demolition and renovation projects must oomply with the requir+ements of CFR 40, Psrt 61, Subpart M, SCAPCA Regulation I, Artide IX 8 Artide X Section 10.09, and Washington State Regulations (VNAC 296-$2, -65, & -155). Notice of Intent to Perform Asbestos Removal and/ar Demolidon forms are available at the SCAPCA office. Asbestos-confaining maberial must be ramoved in acoordance with Federal, State, Loc-al mgulations and disposed of at a lioensed fdClllty. • Depending upon the type of business or equipment estabtished on site, some objectionable odors may result from this project. SCAPCA's regulations state that etfedive cantrol apparatua and measures must be used to reduce odors to a minimum. • All solid fuel buming devioes (fireplaoes wood stoves, peltet stoves, etc.) must comply with iocal, state, and federal rules and regulations. Fireplace emission standards became effecdve January 1, 1997. New fimptaoes must be tested and labeled in accordance with procedur+es and crTteria specified in the UBC Standard 31-2. SCAPCA ffMulati 1 A,rtlcle VIII Section 8.10 does not allow th• i~stallation of non-eertifed sotid fusl purninsLdevicss Ifl sr►Y new or aYistin4 bullding or structuh. u less the solld fue urnin4 dav'ce t-S s gulatian 1 Articl• Vlll. Section 8.031or a non cook stove, flreotace., or furnace as defined bv §.CAPCA Re certified solfd fuel buminq device which has been render+ed_oerm_anendv inooerable. • If the proponent or anyone else has questions conceming the above, please contae# Charles E. Studer (509) 477-4727 ext 107, Apnl Mitler ext. 105, or Kelle Vigeland ext. 106 at SCAPCA's office during the hours of 8:00 am 8 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Failure to meet SCAPCA riequtations may resu/t !n delan, closure and civil andlar criminsl sanctions. CLEAN AIR IS UP TO ALL OF US PAGE 2 C~ f r~~'~~~~ 1~q~~~:kk;~,~c~l~C~.? c~ ~ ,jL' ~L~~.~1 ~ ~ ~ TECHNICAL REVIEW SUMMARY AND DETERMINATION FOR A ZE-1 A-71 i-nng LSPC~~~ CDj~II~ITY DIVISION OF CURRENT PLANNING Technical Review Meeting Date: January 6, 2000 Time: 2:15 p.m. Location: Spokane County Public Works Building, 1026 W. Broadway, 1 St Floor Conference Room Project Planner: Francine Shaw, Senior Planner File ZE-1A-71 Project Description: A Change of Conditions to a previously approved zone reclassification (file no. ZE-1-71) to allow the construction of an office complex in place of an apartment complex. Applicant: Paul Allison, 601 W. Riverside, Suite 1500, Spokane, WA. 99201 (509) 747-2052 Date Accepted (Counter Complete): December 9, 1999 The following items need to be satisfied before this projecUproposal can be considered technically complete: Spokane County: 0 Division of Current Planning Comments attached: Dated # of pages ~ 0 Division of Long Range Planning Comments attached: Dated # of pages O Division of Utilities O Sewer Comments attached: Dated # of pages (~ater Resources Comments attached: Dated I-~-~ # of pages j O Division of Engineering and Roads O Drainage Comments attached: Dated # of pages 4''Fransportation Comments attached: Dated _ # of pages 0 Boundary Review Board Comments attached: Dated # of pages ~ Other Agencies: O Regional Health District Comments attached: Dated # of pages 0 School District # Comments attached: Dated # of pages O Fire District # Comments attached: Dated # of pages O Department of Transportation Comments attached: Dated # of pages 0 Water District Comments attached: Dated # of pages O Department of Ecology Comments attached: Dated # of pages O Comments attached: Dated # of pages 0 Comments attached: Dated # of pages 0 Comments attached: Dated # of pages Technically Complete Application: 0 Yes M~-~o If yes, see attached D termination of Completeness Date: ,.-ID"(30 Signature: ~ Rev. 8/18/97 IcarveNdophhome/handouts I . ~ DIVISION OF 6UILDING AND PLANNING 1 , 1 TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS FOR ZE-1A-81 spowe couwy DIVISION OF CURRENT PLANNING The Spokane County Division of Current Planning has reviewed the proposed zone reclassification, preliminary plat and Planned Unit Development applications submitted to this office on December 9, 1999. Our review has determined that the proposal is technically incomplete and additional information is required in order for this Division to proceed with project review. Please find our comments below. 1. The Assessor's map does not illustrate adjacent ownership that is identified by County Assessor's records as belonging to the property owners of the subject site, Ronald and Lynda Sahnow. The Assessor's map is being returned so that the entire adjacent ownership is illustrated on the map (by a dashed red line). The 400 foot notification boundary shall be revised to encompass the subject site and the adjacent ownership as identified in the application procedures. In addition, I 2. A second set of the Assessor,s maps shall be submitted which will be retained in the project file when the first set is given to the applicant for use in obtaining addresses from a title company for public notice. 3. Please submit nine (9) copies and an 11" X 17" reduction of a revised site development plan illustrating the following: a. All property dimensions b. Date of when the plan was prepared c. Data Table (see hand out) d. Right-of-way widths of both Ella Road and Broadway Avenue e. Any Future Acquisition Area (FAA) that may be required by the Division of Engineering for road way improvements f. Building setback lines from all property lines except the west property line. g. Building height in feet and stories h. A twenty (20)-foot-wide strip of Type I landscaping along the east property line i. Include a note indicating the fence located along the east property line is sight-obscuring as per Section 14.622.365 of the Spokane County Zoning Code If proposed site improvements exceed 50% of the assessed value of site improvements existing on site, then the five (5)-foot-wide strip of Type III landscaping identified on the site development plan shall extend along the full width of the site frontage along Broadway Avenue and Ella Road. This issue will be discussed in the staff report prepared for the public hearing. Also, be aware, parking cannot be determined at this time. Parking will be calculated at the time a building permit is requested for the site. Additional off-street parking stalls may be required at that time. Because of the above missing information, the technically complete review process has been suspended as of the delivery of this statement. If the additional information is not received by January 6, 2001, a complete resubmission and commencement of a new pre-application process is required. The continuing review will only restart upon receipt of the above missing information. You may apply to extend the deadline by contacting the designated division contact and arranging for an extension. Rev. 8/18/97 Icanrer/dophhome/handouts . M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 6, 2000 T0: Francine Sha«, Uivision ot' Buildi~i_g aild P timlin, FROM: Ka.therine Miller, E.I.T. and Virgtiii arrell, P.E.;Storniwater UtilitN RE: ZE-1A-71, Change of conditions CC: As part of the change of conditions reguest, we recommend that this land-use action be required to conform to the current road and drainage standards for the new construction. If the proposed addition exceeds 50% of the assessed value of the property, then the 50% rule applies. The rule requires that the entire site be brought up to current drainage standards. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. K:\StormlKatlxrinelDESIGN\.ze1 a71.doc - OFFICE OF THE SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER 1026 W Broadway Ave, Spokane, WA 99260-0170 (509)477-3600 Fax (509)477-2243 sl-~ *.~~o.-1-Y "ENGINEER'S CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL" TR ZONE TO: Spokane County Building and Pla ning Depa en FROM: Division of Engineering & Roads ~6 z DATE: January 6, 2000 PROJECT: UR-22 CHG OF COND NEW PLOT PLAN FILE -ZE-0001A-71/ ) Hearing Date: @ Review Date SponsorlApplicant: FRANCINE SHAW Section Township Range: 18-25-44 Planner: FRANCINE SHAW Technical/Review Date: (01/06/200 @ 2:15) The Spokane County Engineering Department has reviewed the above referenced application. The following "Conditions of Approval" are submitted to the Spokane County Planning Department for inclusion in the "Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order/Decision" should the request be approved. Prior to release of a building permit or use of property as proposed: 1. Spokane County Engineering has no objection to the proposed Change of Condition. 2. Access permits for approaches to the County Road System shall be obtained from the County Engineer. 3. A parking plan and traffic circulation plan shall be submitted and approved by the Spokane County Engineer. The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls shall be in accordance with standard engineering practices. Paving or surfacing as approved by the County Engineer will be required for any portion of the project which is to be occupied or traveled by vehicles. 4. Roadway standards, typical roadway sections and drainage plan requirements are found in Spokane Board of County Commissioners resolution 99-0265 as amended and are applicable to this proposal. 5. No construction work is to be performed within the existing or proposed right of way until a permit has been issued by the County Engineer. All work within the public road right of way is subject to inspection and approval by the County Engineer. CC: apolicant PAUL J ALLISOr; Engineer/Survelor PlaI=zer FRANCZNE SHA'r7 ReaU~&aJJ4?hiW '.0y 1a4011--6 ~ . . ~ ~ Page 2 O1/06/200 OOOlA 6. The County Arterial Road plan identifies Broadway Avenue as a 100 foot Principal Arterial. The existing right of way width of 27.5 feet measured from centerline is not consistent with that specified in the plan. In order to implement the Arterial Road Plan it is recommended that a strip of property 22.5 in width along the Broadway Avenue frontage be set aside in reserve. This property may be acquired by Spokane County at the time when Arterial Improvements are made to Broadway Avenue. 7. The applicant should be advised that there may exist utilities either underground or overhead affecting the applicants property, including property to be dedicated or set aside future acquisition. Spokane County will assume no financial obligation for adjustments or relocation regarding these utilities. The applicant should check with the applicable utilities and Spokane County Engineer to determine whether the applicant or utility is responsible for adjustment or relocation costs and to make arrangements for any necessary work. 8. The applicant shall grant applicable border easements adjacent to Spokane County Right of Way per Spokane County Standards. END ~ i a ~ ~ ~ . 4 s . i s  a u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t f'. ~ e ~ a . , ~ .uv~' >x i 3 y.4 w p 9 .....W m 4 a ,M... ~ t 's: . v J d ~ w. . ~ ! d j1 0 r F' E ~ 4 E: ~,t r , . Msp w~.. ,~°:„~:rv ~ w ~ ; ~ + F R ~ ~ r dpi z,:,. ' r ~ > ~ J r x 4 B . a q. ~ " 'a'i . t ''a„ ,~,,8 ✓ 1' d° X ~w~., _ . e ~ A F c n -w"..» I `'q 1  1 ; ~ _ . _ . ~a..~ ~ .b I I / I i I ! I a~. . a. _ _ ~ s ~ . ~ a. s .w w . # w , . ro ~ ~ s M ~ ~ „ M ~ . , ..,~M~; 3 ' " ' ' r xx... " x.. ~ x:. $ " r „~~x. fpm Y~~I.d r ~x w px ~ r.. '.fir d": .r x ~^~F a 4>.. a a .:w I ~ " .w m W . I I ~ I I s ~ t y A r E  . E t r _ _ I I  I . ~ ~ " ~ . , . s. ~ . =a ~ ,•e., p ~ . K _M,. , . ~ ~ w . w. ~ r. a ~ . . ~ r . ~ . • ~s ~ ~i'. t'~° " ~ ~w„•': ^ a ' m.: ~ 4n.., a.......... n ti.w" ~.:q *X . a: d. d .a.y. a ~ i rv ...y w.= y ~ .a w . w w.. n,:' r , yam. a. ' ~ a» . . . Y,:, s M1w a; r' " .q M,' Q 98.' ~ ~ r y~..,. ~ e• k~ ~ "mow' ~ ~ 3° .d s.. 'r y". Z. ; ~F.•, " w Y.... 5.: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , .....~M . ..s , µ , k