15-062.02 Inland Asphalt Company: Mansfield Ave Connection cn' eq,, 40000 '_ Ie I CHANGE ORDER NO: 2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 15-062 PROJECT: Mansfield Avenue Connection Project CONTRACT DATE: 7/14/2015 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Inland Asphalt Company CIP NO: 156 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order pertains to Bid Schedule: A This Change Order caps the stub to the demolished Six-Plex at 2200 Houk Rd.(Parcel 45703.0405)just upstream of the Tee fitting on the sewer main. See Change Order 2 Exhibit. The Change Order also pays for relocating the Sewer Cleanout serving 2120 N Houk Sixplex approximately 10 feet east so that the cap will be approximately 1'to 2'behind the proposed sidewalk. The relocated sewer cleanout will be constructed in accordance with ther attached Std U-13 except pipe diameter shall match existing.The cost of the Change Order will be calculated in accordance with WSDOT Specification 1-09.6 Force Account procedures. Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total CO2.1(A) Cap 6 Inch Sanitary Sewer service LS 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): $ 2,500.00 PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 30 Revision By This Change Orden ........1 ..... Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 2 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 33 - CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 516,455.00 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(through CO# 1) $ 6,471.10 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 522,926.10 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 2,500.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCL ING THI CH a '. o RDER $ 525,426.10 11111 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: ( DATE: i2'�[.,5 iS i The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment uu•••the rms of Section 1-04.4 of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: ' DATE: J•Zs--.-/5 J Project Manager APPROVED BY: 11,6110 DATE: A/25/5— Public 25/5Public Works Director APPROVED BY: N/4 DATE: City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,PW Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department COS{Form 91512::id