2004 Accomplishments Presentation Spokane Valley ''''''''''' c''''' oripl�Shrnents • Nina Regor Deputy City Manager Ken Thompson; Finance Director ; Nell Kersten, Public Works Director ■ Mike Jackson, Parks& Recreation Director ■ Marina Sukup, Community Development Director 2004 1 Accomplishments Legislative Branch • 2004 2 Accomplishments 1 2004 Council Goals • Experiment with a Managed Competition program r■ Develop a 5-Year Strategic Financial C Plan • Develop an approach for long-term iwastewater services S: 2004 f xr p:s f�� aka 3rau ti<cr 3 Accomplishments Goals continued: Initiate the Development of Spokane Valley's First Comprehensive Plan • Created a draft vision: A community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play, and businesses will flourish and prosper ■ Conducted a scientifically valid survey • Conducted neighborhood and citizen participation meetings 2004 4 r Accomplishments 2 Goals, continued: Continuously Improve Overall Communication • Launched City's official web site • Hosted six Conversations with the Community • Formed a Student Advisory Council • Conducted two retreats that are open to the public to review and adopt City work plans 2004 5 Accomplishments Goals continued: Develop and Strengthen External Relations • Council members served on 27 regional boards and commissions • CouncH..and .staff interacted with local, state and national counterparts about the issues that matter most to Spokane Valley 2004 6 Accomplishments 3 Operations & Administrative Services 2004 7 Accomplishments City Administration Annexation to Fire Districts 1 8 i Managed:Competition Pilot Project Contract Adrr�nrsation ! ■ Administrative:;Podes and. Procedures =; Erriployee`T�a�n�ng u } Codification of City Code • City Web Site tr:ZI . Accomplishments 4 DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN FOR COMPUTER SYSTEM ®Anticipates hardware failure ®Anticipates software ` ' failure ‘ a l gat`.A ®Anticipates loss of tit*--' access to building 2004 9 Accomplishments COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT a - ■Displays`financial status , Iriticlo":471 Builds c• redibilit in y ' financial arena :Provides financial data • to bond buyers 2004 10 Accomplishments 5 Five-Year Financial Plan 5 ■Prot=ed jeca es tax, property tax p '' . : -.m 4 r. .: and other ilk . revenues r:_ -._- .Projected costs e ; : . ■Identified • r potential financial Accomplishments problems UNQUALIFIED FINANCIAL STATEMENT OPINION x •Accurate financial ii.,-.'::zio41‘440,1/44—.;7'.'"-s:s,,,,7-: statements . ■Legal - ----compliance compliance rg 1k0.-(.4:::: t4 ` :_ ■Resource ,f= . Accountabilitya 2DD4 2. Accomplishments 6 Public Works 2004 13 Accomplishments Development • 85 Commercial Applications & 57 Residential Applications ■ Typical Projects: ■ Ponderosa PUD - 182 Lots • View Ranch Estates — 68Lots • Walgreens, Starbucks & Taco Time ■ ITT Technical Institute L. Hooter's Restaurant 2004 14 Accomplishments 7 Stormwater + ■ Developed 6 Year Financia Ptah �` Corplefed Swalo Design SIS J ramp ement4, -�wa�e+ii:Ordnance ° ■ Plamm�� Gomm�sston on Dec 9 _. � Nt T f aii:0 ct�on n January� o05 T-i:: : ■ �u:-xen � wor...................................h the o�n '.M.7.1..:-::d C� okarie 1 = Y 9tY: tY P l _on a regional Ston. _, titer Desig• n'I Manual based upon ;*T -newTStormwafer manual— Completion in late L' -- : 2005 ■ Updating 2005 tax roles & developing transition plan to move operations to in-house staff_:(2004 15 Accomplishments Street Maintenance F■ Pothole patching, crack sealing, pavement replacement. $793,000 ■ Deicing, sanding, snow removal. $287,000 ■ Sweeping, brushing, weed control. $518,000 ■ Stormwater repair & maintenance. $129,000 ■ Traffic signals;signs & striping. $403,000 4 ■ Total of $2,130,000 through November 2004 2004 16 i Accomplishments 8 IDavertr-,Grit Replacement • •-•• - 2 2: . • . - ii Btafe4`Rbativ...if . t Ella Road.. 447' - _ 7 . 77: - - . ' 2004 17 Accomplishments Capital Projects : • Planning • Completed 6 Year-TIP • Submitted projects applications to TIB, CDBG and SRTC for Funding • Funded: • Pines/Mansfield Upgrade $1,160,000 Argonne Road Overlay-- $ 274,000 • • Dishman-Mica Road Rehab. $ 49,400 • Broadway Avenue Overlay $ 703,000 I • Appleway Reconstruction $2,764,928 2004 18 Accomplishments 9 Capital Projects Design ■ Completed 24th Avenue Sidewalk Design In- house • Barker Road Reconstruction design contract approved -T • Barker Road Bridge RFQ has been advertised 2004 19 Accomplishments Capital Projects ■ Construction - Sewer Paveback Projects • South Green Acres Sewer project is complete. $15,367 • Weatherwood/Owens Sewer project is complete. $394,000 • Veradale Sewer project is complete. $ 315,000 Carnahan Se`iver'project will be completed in 2005. $110,000 • Sipple Sewer project is complete. $141,000 2004 20 Accomplishments 10 South Greenaees r . °' / }- Ly F4 u 1 - y. •. • rte- --,....-:,;.;74... .."'.,e''..,- t k. ,77.7.4.---,--:-.4,-...-rY . r ' Yx • .-..-n.—•�v ^.. ''..._ istx .s. -. - �F • uy : �p�' .'"•7;40'1:4•,°4''''' a �� `: :-')';_-s 3r , ' .a4 ' t _ Weatherwood/Owens ki,SYt e \3 t .--1..,- -.44 •- J ...d _ Ems. .. `a!'«- '—'rs -ice 4 • 11 Capital Projects • Construction - Buildings & Streets ■ CenterPlace 67%complete. $9,667,163 • 16th Avenue is complete. $1,973,888 P, • Park Road is 80% complete and is open for the winter. $598,902 1 • 24th Avenue Sidewalk project is complee. $-0270-4-6- ■ Evergreen Road project is complete. $1,573,321 • • Sullivan &4th Signal is complete. $75,917 2004 23 i 'Accomplishments Evergreen Road Upgrade kt= Project Budget $1,573,321 .. _- I ,y y.�, ,-t.',:. o-g 5 s "-.7: � is - t .1; . tP''t�5} ✓� '� l. ,':;';‘,.."-j. `4: t �'� ati' .v 3 _"p,2.�.,, _. •' tri '- RyJj ,. i4 �f: 2. s -� 3TC i1 r t kr ":-''ix h : Ot ` 12 Cees[rRac - tscg000 ©© D Project Budget $9,667,163 3._ _ Parks and Recreation • • s a ; a.• . • B a= Y -. 3# - mak • fi• x� _ b , •�v'? ^'--- -- ~` may~ • - -v....t-c -.fd. 2004 26 Accomplishments 13 CenterPlace • Bid savings allowed upstairs of Conference Wing to be completed l• Scheduling software in place and ready to accept r reservations • Communications and data systems selected I■ Furnishings selection underway = • CenterPlace landscape maintenance incorporated into Park Maintenance Contract 2009 27 Accomplishments Parks Administration • Reservation system was refined • Alcohol policy was developed r• Brochures and applications were developed for facilities and programs • Mirabeau Meadows construction was completed and a dedication ceremony was held in conjunction with ValleyFest 2009 28 Accomplishments 14 ValleyFest 2004 Mirabeau Meadows Park k- r �. 1ti N 1 a ;iy i . , =M ot IT " 14-:. 'I-, .`...1. bf‘--., -•_,_-..:_..• ,_ 3 ' '1.1. ' J - iii . N. _ - ._ i liR ir„'e�x +... m„,L. \ - ' ' ••,1•44i",_:, 1cs. �' ?; - pq is 2004 29 Accomplishments Fi• rst "Official" Tree Planting .,,_, -4,..,,,,,.....,,,,,-„,,,,-....05;: X �' IMIt .?'S ::AQ/' ^4Y�K ,.'...-, ..,,,,,,...1..; ' Y� '�4. A -F i y'0%,.-.441-4',44s,,.`,4`..- - 1 1 - i 93" 204 !' i 1,--, T; .may �e,_� C .. 1:-VC:.. :,- .! 'a �'h �T �" • a ,el 2004 30 Accomplishments 15 New Stage ..4110A,... . .,�( [� 7 'Rrw•� � N-.',:.4hzt: kT'a. • , :�T -4 T L - y ` « 'fir ^ti j4E .. a,;.:71.., .:ilr ^ Iia ( ,� .-.d ( . , 11\'‘..' Y�1 smit _ 3r k 44, moi ' k o a - � '414 w/ y u 4 tS S't:R� -a. ,ct 'Gm �'4,_, `'' " +'. 2004 31 i ' Accomplishments Picnic Shelter Reservations Month 2003 2004 April 3 3 IMay 3 12 June 12 35 July 19 33 August 36 37 September 14 25 Oct./Nov. 0 1 — Total Park Reservations 87 146 (70% Increase) r Horse Arena Reservations 6 9 i 2004 32 I1 Accomplishments 16 2004 Youth Programs '" . -- tti i QAB, g.► r: I•-�3 -SMO'' .... ilk , l fUY+ 2004 33 Accomplishments Summer Day Camp . 2003 Programs 6 8 weeks of Day Camp were offered Averaged 17 children each week i 2004 Programs L.. ........9_weeks of Day Camp were offered j Averaged 29 children each week 71% Increase i }2004 • 34 Accomplishments 17 Started Data Base of Area Service Providers (Over 325 Providers Identified) • Pools • '"Golf•Courses ti .w w,.,.. r <. ■ Camps _ i • Fitness Centers s',T • : Tennis Courts - ■ T. Sports Complexes • . Sports Providers • ' Community Centers&Senior Centers • ;Arts and Crafts • I Computer Training •r I.--i Martial Arts ------7-----_,_ - Dance • Gymnastics • i • Day Care 2004 35 Accomplishments Senior Center . ' ,..1,:,,„-,,, „i tr ,:::'.,,,_ ,.,...1,.;,..„.4., , ,_, ,i E 2. ■ Transferred ownership '•-; (.� r �.� ;z t;cr Citizen Association ., = 2 ' ■ Worked with Ad Hoc Committee to resolve ` issues regarding the move to CenterPlace ■ Partnered with the Association to include a wooden dance floor at CenterPlace 2004 36 I ,Accomplishments 18 Aquatics r -- :-.-,....i.-_,z . s� ti v: '',...;.-72.-hof .4..'^dA ,%t „iy- ,, ,._ ._. ® Pools operated from. June 19 — Aug 14, 2004 ■ Terrace View remained open through Labor Day 2004 37 Accomplishments 20000 _, 18000 -4 51 16000 co 14000 .. co 0 1X)00 -t(t) C 10000 8000 A 6000 4000 c to co N 2000 -eati,Polke del, Admission Admission Swim Swim Team • Regular------Extended -.- Lessons Season Season ❑2003 Visits ■2004 Visits *The pools were closed for vandalism 6 days in 2003 and 17 days in 2004 2004 38 Accomplishments 19 Managed c®rnpetition Parks Maintenance flit Met objective to identify alternative service providers at more economical rates than accorded by the current service providers ■ Selected a private firm-Senske Lawn _i. ___and Tree-Care rfo.r-.park maintenance 2004 39 Accomplishments Leases/Agreements Negotiated by the Parks & Recreation Dept ■ Spo ceTey Senor Cifizens fiI :-:i",-0-i0V.i:-:...,,1:..p,.A-iR.._ '-' :._':4:,.a„.. Association = it? ■ Spokane Community College (in progress Teasing fve classrooms at en erPlace • Radio Control Car Club leasing track at ':iiil7i .,::...:::,„11,4.1„ „ Sullivan . ark ; 14420,41 ■ Western Dance Hall Association — leasing '' premises at Sullivan Park Splashdown Water Park zona go Accomplishments 20 Psir[1. 0 RecTeatgoH Ifdasey Man Moore lacofano and Goltsman, Inc. (MIG) was selected to'dev-elo-p the Parks-and Recreation Master Plan: Focus groups and the public attended workshops on November 4, 2004. Chamber of Commerce • Youth sports providers • Other government agencies • Adult sports • Cultural arts SCOPE " • 0. Surveys have been delivered to random households. The pool assessment is complete. i• 2004 41 Accomplishments Laying Groundwork o Master Plan • Set clear goals for parks and•recreation facilities • . •.• • and OTograrris. • " 4.04-EIR CentOrPlace strategic plarimina,„L.:. •:• • Determining future Seniper4017,44. 1 with Spokane Valley-Senior Citizen ASgocifiriti Identifying alternative provider to operate and maintain the City's three outdoor pools. 2004 42 Accomplishments 21 Community Development F r ' 't r - ,; swi t 2004 43 Accomplishments t< "t.fi.� �x�s.cd`Yti ; Community - % : sk , t.L , r4-f ` '2` rJ Development s 4 g `-, -1-.,', ..-4.-.:1-,-,,o, c '4 -Ar " LWi spm yv • , ■ New Ordinances Adopted t *V. • Grading & Excavation ;a. ` J '`; • Floodplain • Clear View Triangles ■ Planned Unit Development(PUD) • Administrative ExceptionlAdministrative Variance • Dimensional Standards update %' 'Admitted to National Flood Insurance Program ■ Hazard Inventory &Vulnerability Analysis Draft (;f • Ad Hoc Sign Committee • Community Development Webpage -- . ' 2004 44 f; Accomplishments 22 Long Range • Planning � 4 • Draft Comprehensive Plan 95% complete ■ Participated in the Countywide Planning Policies update • Served on Shorelines Program Update Committee and Central Valley School District's Linkages Committee • ' Grants: • CDBG: $396,000 -. • Growth Management Act(GMA): $90,305 • Completed Sprague-Appleway Corridor Economic Analysis 2004 45 Accomplishments Long Range Planning ■ Held Eight Comprehensive Plan Community Meetings • Completed Community-Survey- • ■ Eight Comp Plan Amendments & one Area-Wide Rezone • Held 20 Planning Commission meetings, and conducted more than 15 Public Hearings • Completed Land Capacity Analysis/Population Allocation aan fhh° .�..�r -I-1- -1-1.- -I-I- L.., Ik..I-1., .) Dpuncll wp01ev91 4292003 51132005 - ]� G;-Dpv9lopmknl pvpul9upnf 12)2004 _ 62113005 _ 4).3w - ' 2004 Where webe - . Accomplishments- 23 - z Current Planning i.. A '' By the Numbers J 7 • 25new land use actions as of'f 1/301041 • ,• •,:-,1--Isued '�47 nev►l er its and licenses as of 11/30/04 ■ Reviewed '13'(''Cotprnercial B.ur[cding Permit applications • Conducted•30 Public Hearings•before the Hearing -:,r__ Examiner ._ ■ "Answered 2,776 phone calls at Planning Counter between 3/1-11/30 % Served 2,500 walk-in customers at Planning Counter _ ;between 3/1-11/30 ,..,::.::,..,:,• 2004 47 Accomplishments Current Planning - Revenue CURRENT PLANNING REVENUE — CURRENT PLANNING ACTIVITY COMPAF3SON OF 2003-2004 COMPARISON OF 2003 TO 2004 5250,000 400 011..11MPri+A " S200 000 . 300/ ; , 1150000 I 200 stu0000 too°Will �°,yt 550,000 ) ® 'Y a 50 �N. LF1 va Ocensesarrnis Land 151 A1300 Utak ("'--^ 0 2003(3131.12/31)■2001(10-1100) .'O 0200:1(331-12/31)I 2004(10.11/30) 1 i Exceeded 2004 projected revenue by 120% as of 11/30/04 I . E 20D4 48 • ( Accomplishments 24 2004 GIS Projects • Aerial ps illustratin prgject areas._ • Custom layer/rr apldata'expoWcreation Examples .. • Bike and Arterial Road Plan ■ GMA Land Quantity'Analysis Evergreen Corridor Land Use Inventory ■ Comprehensive Plan Amendments ■ Billboards — current and proposed spacing Industrial/commercial zoning class acres ■ Appleway Corridor aerial and economic impact data 2004 49 Accomplishments Building t Er..?BIsl • Implemented 2003 • International Building and l ttKV�r Residential Codes on July 1, .,� � f� 2004 ■ Implemented PLUS/Padal/PRISM system • , _ applications o Developed informational H s431t L pamphlets 2004 50 Accomplishments 25 Building Division ® j, pit By the Numbers Y • Issued 2,622 permits (Jan 1 — Nov 30) ■ Completed 9,094 building inspections in 231 working days (Jan 1 - Nov 30) - -_' ■ Reduced.commercial plans review time by 75% 2004 51 Accomplishments Building Division - Revenue Cm'OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BUILDING PERMIT VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT VALUATION Comparison,02003149.12J311102924(111.1100) Comparison of 2003(44.1271)to 2004(111-11!30) 5150,000,[W 5150,008000 $108000010 5108000,000 11111.1111111. SSO,f100,1001 � SSO,000,OW rpnlIF AN .y411 so11""''.1 02ro3Ema 320.600,125 542,271858 02003 021,671,735 $20.100,125 $42.71750 =I$53638751 555,698700 CM= =1 557,806,691 $55,600,700 $109,775751 • Revenue 1/1-11/30 totaled $1,311,532, exceeding the Division's annual revenue estimate by 48%.. - ■ Valuation of property involved in 2004 transactions totaled $109,779,591 by the end of November. 2004 52 Accomplishments 26 0 Co' t o g o a a ® Reduced number of pending. cases significantly from June-November with addition of second Code Enforcement Officer CODE ENFORCEMENT STATUS -prop luiTritrirrimm hi , , • 1 , 1 . 1 - h ithibiltillitillinl , 7 , r i • T : r r 0 Violations Reported a Abatements 0 File Transfers 6 Fending Files 2004 53 Accomplishments Code Violations Reported By Type Jan - Nov 2004 n Complaint—No Violation 134 Solid Waste 198 Junk Auto 205 Property 176 Environmental 146 Total 859 k c . Between 1/1-11/30: 859 violations were reported, 444 violations were abated, and 62 files were transferred 2004 54 Accomplishments 27 Code Enforcement at Work: Before and After :a.... y n ti .. �' ' � * Y£ _ . k •� -:!..:'..::.-i 71.-•:1-:1 •''!''•17'2-r•-:-. -. . .•-• -.7`-----••. •:,_- , .••' . 11...t:44•'-'.,.''''..':.-v•' '' "-^'-.....v. :.... ...:.i..,„ ,..,,,,, -••� f-�^ Wig: �q? f'. . ..,_,........,.....:_._:,,,,.„,,,,,..„,,..,,..s_,„....e - 1R r. r w. .P.-X-:-7•1":501,-. 7' ...-... i i f 2004 55 Accomplishments F �-�-"`}._y,-'-+--t_ c�� — il -..^gym '-'J }4�S y,y t-E i- 'rte t 1+-t f- ‘i,1-_!,+.,•,0,-...„,,..;.:-..tif,..:450;.,t-1 .4.2 • : „. aliciy.:,4!.mpwramptilort _}'^I_-'.":1i.1'1iM1Et'�'�t 4i..-4,17 +'� ix�� �'�_,441..1 }mi� -4 _ �im'�IM1•3-li,71l.}lW#i:-.71,45.!.2,4', 7.. -.._ E HappyNew li !.`J , .., „, . Year! ,•,.,,.,..„,,., ............, .„„,!:,::•,.,. s' -.2004 55 Accomplishments 28