Agenda 01/28/2010 Sibliane Valleyx Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. January 28, 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No Minutes VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: STUDY SESSION-CTA-08-09,CLEARVIEW TRIANGLES- STAFF:MARTY PALANIUK STUDY SESSION-CTA-01-10,CONDITIONAL RETAIL IN AN I-1 STAFF:KAREN KENDALL X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF JOHN G.CARROLL,CHAIR KATHY MCCLUNG,CD DIRECTOR CRAIG EGGLESTON GREG MCCORMICK,PLANNING MGR,AICP RUSTIN HALL SCOTT KUHTA,SR.LONG RANGE PLANNER,AICP JOE MANN MIKE BASINGER,SENIOR PLANNER,AICP MARCIA SANDS,VICE CHAIR CARY DRISKELL,DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY ART SHARPE DEANNA GRIFFITH,ADMIN ARNE WOODARD WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: January 28, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code as follows: Chapter 17.80, Permit Processing Procedures — Amend Table 17.80-2, Permit Type and Land Use Application to require pre-application conferences for commercial building permits. Chapter 22.70.020 (A), General provisions, Fencing — Remove language in order to restrict the height of fencing placed in the required front yard of all residential, commercial, mixed use and industrial lots. Chapter 22.70.020 (B), General provisions, Fencing — Consolidate language regulating fencing height in all zoning districts. Allow fence heights of up to eight feet in any zoning district. Chapter 22.70.020 (C) (1) General provisions, Fencing, Clearview Triangle — Refine the definition of an Uncontrolled Intersection. Replace City traffic engineer with City's designated traffic engineer to allow more flexibility when staffing clearview triangle issues. Reverse the illustrations to correctly match the preceding illustration. Chapter 22.70.020 Table 22.70-1 Two Way Stop Controlled Intersection — Correct the title and correct the distance in feet. Chapter 22.70.020 (D) General provisions, Fencing, Exemption from Clearview requirements — Required trees to be living, added retaining walls under 30 inches or in existence prior to October 10th, 2004, added structures other than fences and signs, added the intersection of two private streets. Chapter 22.70.020 (E) General provisions, Fencing — Eliminated this section of language restricting fence height as it is now restricted in Section 22.70.020 (B). Chapter 22.70.020 (E) General provisions, Fencing — Changed from section F to section E. Barbed, razor or concertina wire is allowed in mixed-use, commercial and industrial zones absent a residential component or when not adjacent to a residential use or zone. The use is restricted to the upper one-quarter of the fence. Barbed, razor and concertina wire are not allowed in residential zones. Chapter 22.70.020 (F) General provisions, Fencing —Changed from section G to section F. Chapter 22.70.020 (G) General provisions, Fencing - Added provisions allowing the use of electric and barbed wire for confining animals in a residential district. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220 PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Uniform Development Code was adopted in September, 2007 and was effective October 28th, 2007. Errors and omissions were discovered following the codes adoption while other issues were not clearly or fully addressed. These amendments will correct errors and omissions, resolve ambiguity and clarify standards. ANALYSIS: Amendments of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code must meet the following approval criteria contained in Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 17.80.150(6): 1. The proposed amendment(s) are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Staff Comment: Staff continually reviews public comments regarding Code provisions in an effort to make grammatical corrections, rework code that does not achieve intended results, account for errors of omission, and remove provisions that our experience shows us are unnecessary. A number of potential changes are included in the attachment. SVMC 17.80.150(F) states that the City may approve amendments to the UDC if they are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The proposed amendments relate directly to the following Comprehensive Plan goals: LUP-1.1 - Maintain and protect the character of existing and future residential neighborhoods through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. The clearview triangle is a safety requirement and directly impacts the residential character. A safer environment enhances pedestrian, bicycle, and recreation activity within the neighborhood. LUP-1.2 - Protect residential areas from impacts of adjacent non-residential uses and/or higher intensity uses through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. Barbed, razor, and concertina wire fences can be detrimental to residential activity. Restricting their use near residential areas will increase public safety and enhance the residential environment. LUP-1.4 - Encourage the development of transportation routes and facilities to serve residential neighborhoods. Special attention should be given to pedestrian circulation. Clearview triangles are essential to safe traffic flow in all areas. These are even more critical to pedestrian and bicycle safety in residential neighborhoods. LUP-7.3 - Require clear and safe pedestrian paths to enhance the pedestrian network. Clearview triangles are a necessary component of clear and safe pedestrian pathways. LUG-14 - Improve the appearance and function of the built environment. Development standards require front yards for all residential and commercial projects. Restricting fence height to 36 to 48 inches in this required front yard enhances the appearance of the built environment. Currently businesses are permitted to erect 8 foot fences up to the property line within the front yard. TG-1 - Establish appropriate design standards for transportation facilities. The amendment establishes a standard for fences within the clearview triangle as it relates to street and driveways. NG-2 - Preserve and protect the character of Spokane Valley's residential neighborhoods. Restricting the use of barbed, razor and concertina wire serves to protect the residential character of a neighborhood. Establishing safe clearview triangles enhances pedestrian, bicycle and recreational activity in neighborhoods. The remaining amendments are being proposed strictly to correct errors or inconsistencies as follows: Requiring a pre-application conference for all commercial building permit applications is consistent with actual policy and procedures. The proposed amendments to the Municipal Code meet the above outlined goals, and are thus consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff's opinion is that the proposed amendments meets the above noted criteria and recommend that the Planning Commission hold a Public Hearing for these proposed amendments. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Martin Palaniuk, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: (1) Amended Text 22.70.020 General provisions — Fencing. A. No sight-obstructing fence more than 36 inches in height, nor any non-sight- obstructing fence (cyclone) more than 48 inches in height may be erected and/or maintained within the required front yard of any lot. cf ar.y !ct ,ccc' for rcc!dont!o! rpOSE.o B. Any fence or wall, erected or placed behind the minimum required front yard line may be erected or maintained to a maximum height of eight feet above the adjacent grade in roc!dant!c! any zoning districts. Lots with double street frontage may have a fence constructed on the property line around the yard not used as the main point of access (the apparent backyard). C. Neither residential, commercial or industrial fencing, nor any sight obstruction including vegetation, which constitutes a hazard to the traveling public shall be permitted on any corner lot in any zone within the area designated as the "clearview triangle" as set forth below: 1. A clearview triangle is a measurement applied at the intersection of two streets or the intersection of an alley or commercial driveway and a street to ensure unobstructed vision of motorists and pedestrians. Within the clearview triangle, the space between three and one-half feet and seven feet above the street, or three feet above the sidewalk, must be unobstructed and calculated as follows: Figure 22.70-1 Clearview Requirements s >'EGLTATLON %MEIN CLLA&\TE•tt TRLiNGLE• •' 4 l r� GOf1NL[ 7 EIAC1I4d -- 14+,7 NU 5DEWALK Si1EE' a. Uncontrolled Intersection. The right isosceles triangle having sides of 50 feet measure along the curb line of each intersecting local access street (or five feet I from edge of pavement for a street with no curbs), alley or ccmrnorcic! dr!vevray (see Figure 22.70-2); or Figure 22.70-2 Uncontrolled Intersection sow I — 50 Fr. .\ LOCAL ACCES5STREEr LOCAL ACCESS STREET / f CURB / si,!/ li i .1 CI Y ROFT- --WAY /'/ f, J/f;�'r/ d 4„,PROPERTY UNE \ -42,r7/4.9/;" i / \ // . /•/ g . ',//, --,./. i . _ . ,\ , . ;' — C1pTE FMO CURB IS PRESENT,MEASURE PI 5 TOWARDS THE PROPERTY LIQ FROCA The EDGE OF Tt E ROADWAY I ` 3/'' \-.-cuRe--`'i \I ' CITY MI-R.-OF-WAY CfTY RIGHT-OFWAY b. Two-Way Stop Controlled Intersection. The right triangle having a 16-foot side measured along the curb line of a local access street (or five feet from edge of pavement for a street with no curbs), alley or commercial driveway, and the distance shown on Table 22.70-1 based on posted speed along the side along the curb line of the intersecting street (or five feet from edge of pavement for a street with no curbs) (see Figure 22.70-3); or Figure 22.70-3 Two-Way Stop Controlled Intersection SEE WILE 7001_....- —____- 't : ., , .. T�b.E 70Ri THIG 1/7i r ,� TMa101tll�f � ,,,//,,:",..y///,,.//,„ '".�f!J---'-' —f l f I I f \•\`. \�\ \ *�`� \�yr�i anPnr c 'r�Y :/i%/ ////// a I \t\.`\\ *,\\\ •i, `-n►atitrc u& { ' I tJ:E I-noC413eI 1.1.E 9-'±N5-TOWN T1E tt t 4 scrum i.rc FTCn e EDGE CF DE ROADWAY r , U CON Infr-ONWAY CR W tT Or WAT Table 22.70-1 —Yield Controlled Two Way Stop Controlled Intersection Posted Speed (in Distance (in Feet) MPH) 25 X110 30 X130 35 X160 c. In cases including, but not limited to, arterials with posted speeds in excess of 35 miles per hour, one-way streets, steep grades and charphorizontal or vertical curves, the C4-tfCity's designated -traffic engineer will determine the appropriate measurement; or d. Yield-Controlled Intersection. For intersections of local streets with 25 mile per hour speed limits, the right triangle having a 35-foot side measured along the curb line or edge of pavement of the yield-controlled street, and an 80-foot side measured along the curb line or edge of pavement of the intersecting street. Triangles for yield-controlled intersections on collectors or arterials, or streets with speeds higher I than 25 miles per hour, will be determined by the ; City's designated traffic engineer (see Figure 22.70-4); or e. All-Way Stop Controlled. The triangle determined by the C;:y City's designated traffic engineer using AASHTO sight distance requirements for all-way stop controlled intersections; or Figure 22.70-4 Yield-Controlled Intersection 'THROUGH MEET THROUGH SWEET - I— !C�.iB 1 f, PFOPEeTY LINE 1 I \`--aye-'! \ CM'fiGHT-CF-WAY QT!FIGHT-CF-WAY t. _ - - uFr •• ♦, 16 Fr i. BTFCET _ - • BiREET i,.,' - Cl.fi[7 •01Y 43111-0.--WAT ff,sfi�/� : 1 / \ If Ify- Psic'ERrT LINE „ 1 '''' S: n• • - . , 1 �'' •tiller I N• . 1./ N.,„ .. , t . f. Signal-Controlled Intersection. The triangle determined by the C;tyCity's designated-traffic engineer using AASHTO sight distance requirements for signalized intersections; or g. Noncommercial Driveway Serving Threc or More Residences. The right isosceles triangle having sides of 15 feet measured along the curb line of the street and the edge of the driveway (see Figure 22.70-5). Figure 22.70-5 Noncommercial Driveway r «no l- YJ7Y F�]HI-CA�lVA7 �� r / PRCPF.RTY LAB • N .40 15 711110031 S THnouotiS -CLVB • CRY FIGHT-OF-WAY ?.y \ PFCPERTY UNE 4 ---ate-= i CITY FIGHT-CF-WAY CITY r4 4T-G-WAY D. Exemptions. Clearview triangle regulations of this chapter shall not apply to: 1. Public utility poles; 2. Living t rees, so long as they are not planted in the form of a hedge and are trimmed to a height of at least seven feet above the street surface; 3. Properties where the natural ground contour penetrates the clearview triangle; and 4. Traffic control devices installed by the City. 5. New retaining walls under thirty (30) inches in height or retaining walls in existence prior to October 10th, 2004. 6. Structures other than fences and signs (as provided in Section 22.110.090 Sign location and front setbacks). 7. The intersection of two private streets. E. Fonces in nonresid ntial, commercial, mixed use and industrial zoning districts shall net '.xcecd eight feet in height. E4. Barbed, razor, wire or concertinarozor wire may be used for security purposes in mixed use, commercial, and industrial zones in the absence of a residential component, !or when not adjacent to a residence or residential zoning district. The use of barbed. razor, or concertina wire in these zones is restricted to cniy on the upper one-quarter of the fence. nd stria! `oninry cEst o c rn`or _ n ,..�... .. �. .,.....y ,. .., .., Barbed=�, razor, or concertina cr ... ., wire shall not be permitted in any residential zoning district (except for confining animals, see section 22.70.020 (H)) or in any mixed use or commercial zoning district adjacent to any public right-of-way. FQ. Electric fences may be used for the confinement of animals; provided, however, that: 1. The fence is marked with warning signs at least 24 square inches in area located every 150 feet; and 2. The electric fence is located not less than 24 inches from the property line; and 3. Access to the fence is limited by conventional fencing or enclosure. G. In any residential zoning district, electric and/or barbed wire fences may be used to confine animals, provided however, that: 1. The lot or tract meets the requirements contained in section 19.40.150 Animal raising and keeping, and; 2. Electric fences meet the requirements in section 22.70.020 (F). H. A combination of sight-obscuring fences and landscaping shall be required between incompatible land uses as established in SVMC 22.70.030. I. Fencing shall not block the view of fire protection equipment from approach. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Table 17.80-2 — Permit Type and Land Use Application Pre- Counter- Fully complete Notice of Notice of Final Application application complete determination application public decision Type conference determination 17.80.100 17.80.110 hearing and notice 17.80.080 17.80.090 17.80.120 17.80.130 I ***O X X N/A N/A X *II **O X X X N/A X III X X X X X X X Required 0 Optional N/A Not Applicable *Does not apply to SEPA threshold determinations. Refer to SVMC 21.20.070(B)(2) for noticing requirements. **Except for short subdivisions and binding site plans which require a pre-application meeting. ***Except for commercial building permits. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Review Meeting Date: January 28, 2010 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA-01-10 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session —Amendment to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: A privately initiated text amendment proposing to amend Sections 19.70.010 and 19.120 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) to conditionally allow secondhand stores and consignment sales in the Light Industrial (L-1) zone. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 19.30.040 development regulation text amendments. PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The applicant, Dwight Hume had preliminary discussions with staff regarding the proposed text amendment, prior to a formal submittal. The following is a summary of the applicant's reasoning as stated in the text amendment application. 1. Larger secondhand stores process larger volumes of merchandise and may distribute unused inventory to other locations; and 2. The larger stores will require bigger warehouse spaces and additional loading spaces for shipping and receiving; and 3. Real estate costs in commercial zoned properties are often 4 to 5 times more expensive, and the retail price of goods must remain competitive with the smaller thrift store operators who do not need to lease or buy larger facilities. Staff consulted with the applicant following the application submittal to clarify a few items with the proposed 'conditions' associated with code amendment. As modified, the privately initiated text amendment is proposing for"secondhand stores and consignment sales" to be allowed in the light industrial (I-1) zone with the following conditions; 1. The subject parcel must have frontage on an arterial; and 2. Minimum building size of 15,000 gross square feet (gsf). APPROVAL CRITERIA: Section 17.80.150(6) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code provides approval criteria for text amendments to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. The criterion stipulates that the proposed amendment(s) must be consistent with the RPCA Study Session for CTA-01-10 1 of 2 applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission hold a Public Hearing for the proposed text amendment. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Application Materials Exhibit 2: PowerPoint Presentation for Study Session RPCA Study Session for CTA-01-10 2 of 2 EXHIBIT 1 Spokane CITY OF SPOKAN 'ALLEY ( 'or Staff Use Only) Community Developent Department .0001s Valley Current Planning DivisionmDATE SUBMITTED: '/5/tb RECEIVED BY: 71 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Sulte 106 FILE No./NAME: STA -0 I~/0 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000 /00o002,9 Fax: (509) 921-10081.- 35e:, SFPA planningC@spokanevalley.orq CURRENT PLANNING FEE: /SOD ENGINEERING FEE: CODE AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I —APPLICATION TYPE sPO' No ve0"- (Check One) 0001) X Zoning Code Amendment 0 Subdivision Code Amendment 0 Other(List Code): PART II —APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: DWIGHT J HUME MAILING ADDRESS: 9101 N MT.VIEW LANE CITY: Spokane STATE: WA ZIP: 99218 PHONE: (HOME) (Wont) (cELL) 435-3108 SECTION(S)OF CODE TO BE AMENDED(GIVE CODE CITATIONS): SVMC 19.120.010 4533 SECONDHAND STORES CONSIGNMENT STORES SUMMARY OF REQUESTED CODE AMENDMENT(S): See Attached REASON(S)FOR REQUESTED CODE AMENDMENTS: SEE ATTACHED Rev 04/08 1 PART II — CODE AMENDMENT REQUEST Please either type or write the requested code amendment(s) below. For all code amendment proposals please underline proposed new language and strike out proposed revisions or deletions. Please use additional sheets of paper if necessary.) Amended language in bold. SVMC 19.120.010 Appendix LI 4533 Secondhand_Store Consignment Store "5" k)lZl la " 1k „s5, eLi�� �5, 1 -SMC No consignment stores permitted F.- • Store must have frontage on and visibility from an arterial • Minimum gross square footage is 15000 gsf. Rev 04/08 2 Text Amendment Request Supplement Summary of Requested Code Amendment This request would allow larger secondhand stores to be located within the Light Industrial zone whereas they are not currently permitted. The use would have an"S"and the conditions would limit the possible location,size and type of secondhand store to ones that front along arterials;have a minimum of 15,000 gsf and does not allow "consignment"stores. Reasons for Requested Code Amendment: 1) Larger secondhand stores process larger volumes of merchandise and typically export unusable inventory to other recycler's whereas, smaller stores discard unusable merchandise and donations without exporting to a recycler. 2) These larger volumes require both larger warehouse space for processing,more loading docks for shipping and receiving and more floor space for retail sales. 3) The cost of real estate in commercial zoned property is often 4 or 5 times more expensive and the retail price of goods must remain competitive with the smaller thrift store operators who do not need to lease or buy such large facility's. %The exclusion of consignment stores is intended since such stores do not need the shipping and handling areas of a thrift store and can compete competitively from a commercial location. 12- ,aieci emat,t *eked Oil io PART III APPLICANT SIGNATURE I, -DR /7q U e--- , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ZABOVE RESPs A MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. �J/ re) / � 'f0 (Sig /Ziyiie_./ (�t ) NOTARY (For Part 1111 above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) • SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this s, ) day of, c Sr)V.cj , 20 \b NOTARY SEAL O IGNATURE Notary Public in and fo the State of Washington \\,\\\‘‘""i111 Residing at: R r,, 'L,013\C- e- CC3u,\A -- - 1 \�n�A _='.4 . A-74, My appointment expires: C1 \1r C4 .c _•_ 7, -A i [/S wed = Z :; 72,il, O9 "0 �° Rev 04108 3 U UH Utyng Land Use Planning Services 9101 N. MT. VIEW LANE Spokane, WA 99218 509-435-3108 (V) 509-467-0229 (F) 12-31-09 Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Community Development Department E. 11707 Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ref: Text Amendment Request SVMC Chapter 19.120.010 Secondhand Stores Dear Greg: I am hereby submitting a requested amendment to the Zone Code to allow some secondhand stores within the Light Industrial zone. I choose the word "some" purposely, because I believe that there is a difference between secondhand stores and certainly between secondhand stores and consignment stores. Accordingly, I offer this amendment as one in which conditions apply to only allow those secondhand stores that are, by their nature of particular size and function to have many characteristics and needs of other light industrial uses. And it is because of this need for more space and more loading dock capabilities for shipping and handling, that the cost of commercial space renders this scale of operation non-competitive with its smaller counterparts in the market place. Will this amendment increase the availability of commercial retail space within the city? The simple and quick answer is no for the following reasons: a) It is a limited use of secondhand stores and above 15000 gsf; b) The use must be on and exposed to an arterial c) No other derivatives of this use classification are allowed Will this amendment set a precedent for other future retail amendments in this zone?The simple and quick answer to this is no because the proposed amendment attends to an intensity of use that truly has more characteristics and needs of other light industrial use in terms of size and shipping and receiving and processing requirements. That cannot be said of other retail commercial uses and should they exist, they must be amended and approved on their own merits and public scrutiny and if they too have merit, what difference does this make? I am available for any questions of staff as this is being considered for adoption. As you know, my client can meet these requirements and restrictions and has an urgent need to "set up shop" as soon as possible since the tenant's profits benefit 1 . so many other organizations and a facility such as this can improve their production levels for that purpose. Thank you for your assistance and coordination of this request. -spe ully subm' ed, 'I Iwcgh J Hume Land Use Planning Services Enclosure: Amendment Application, SEPA Checklist Application Fee Karen Kendall From: Dwight Hume[dhume@spokane-landuse.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 12,2010 8:12 AM To: Karen Kendall Subject: RE: CTA-01-10(Text Amendment to Section 19.120 of SVMC) Yes Dwight J Hume Land Use Planning Services 9101 N.Mt.View Lane Spokane,WA 99218-2140 509-435-3108(V) From: Karen Kendall [mailto:kkendall@spokanevalley.org] Sent:Tuesday,January 12, 2010 7:23 AM To: Dwight Hume Subject: RE: CTA-01-10(Text Amendment to Section 19.120 of SVMC) Dwight, Thank you foryour response. To clarify Item i in my email below;you are ok removing the criteria stating 'No consignment stores permitted"? KAREN K.eNA4LL Assistar.tPia w er,CowLn.uwitj Aevetopwit int Aepartwtevt cttj of spottave vatlej 11707 east Sprague Avevue,suite io6 sponawe vatlej, WA99206 509.J 2o.so26 direct 599921.1008 fax arww.spoavevatleu.ora Covtevts of tilts ewtait ar1J.avt reply are subjeot to?Atte.d.iselosvre. From: Dwight Hume [mailto:dhume©spokane-landuse.com] Sent: Monday,January 11, 2010 12:02 PM To: Karen Kendall Subject: RE: CTA-01-10 (Text Amendment to Section 19.120 of SVMC) Thank you Karen, I'm in agreement with the comments stated below. It is OK to use the full label of Secondhand stores and consignment sales and delete the phrase"visibility to and from an arterial". Dwight J Hume Land Use Planning Services 9101 N. Mt.View Lane Spokane,WA 99218-2140 509-435-3108(V) 1 • ( From: Karen Kendall f mailto:kkendall@spokanevalley,org] Sent: Friday,January 08, 2010 11:21 AM To: Dwight Hume Subject: CTA-01-10 (Text Amendment to Section 19.120 of SVMC) Dwight, Thank you fora little more than the 5 minutes you had to spare to speak with me today. Jam following up with our discussion. ror clarification purposes,please send me confirmation of your acknowledgement and/or agreement to the following. . We discussed the possibility of removing one proposed criteria from the text amendment,which is; 'No consignment storespernated."As we talked,keeping this criteria would require additional changes to the Municipal Code not proposed in your text amendment. Staff feels the two remaining criteria would limit the number of secondhand and consignment stores and would not potentially open the doors for increased retail type uses. f 2.. We also discussed the second criteria ",jtore must have frontage on and visibi/uty from an arterial'We discussed the possibility of removing"...and visibility from..."for the reason J mentioned of being too subject to clearly administer. I looked in the City's definitions and found keeping the proposed criteria, minus what's mentioned above,that"frontage"is defined clearly to meet the intent. 3. Lastly,I forgot to mention on the phone,but just wanted clarification. The Schedule of Permitted(Jses (19.1 zo)states;"secondhand store,consignment sales." just want to make sure the title of the use is not being changed. I'll look forward to your discussion and responses to the above items. Lastly, I've listed below all the Planning Commission and City Council dates for the proposed amendment. 1. Planning Commission(PC)5tudy 5ession=January 28,2010 2.. PC Public hearing=lebruary 1 1,2010 3. Administrative Report to City Council(CC) =rebruary 23,201 O 4. 1`°Reading of Ordinance with CC=March 9,2010 5. 2"d Reading of Ordinance with CC=March 23,2010 KAREN IceNDALL Assistawt Piav v er,Cowcw+uKtt j Deveiopwtev,.t DepartwtietAt city of spokav,e vaiieu 1107 East Sprague Avenue,suite 106 spo2aKe vaiieki,wA_992o6 5O9.y 20.5026 direct 509921.1008 fax www.spoleavevaLL .org CoKtev is of this evtaii av 4 avod repid nee subject to 1 L c d isc!osu're. 2 i . •°*:•--. """""' ""' Department of Community Development _ . 'k`' "a �* • Planning Division y� I -� Planning Study Session January 28, 2010 Text Amendment to the SVMC CTA-01-10 ® % . "`Y"A °`hNFv Department of Community Development '" Spokane .._:"� ,. 00Vall• Planning Division n Chapter 19.120 PERMITTED AND ACCESSORY USES Sections: 19 120 010 Q 1 ... CD q ami ;. v c 113Z.R a = -:: C ° N e- N �' N 'a x :. a� a=i o `m a`� p m O U t m . th d' �: 4' Z s E ...5 a) _x U 'a _ Z1 lz a o E E [L' E :i3 55 as u) = a) 0 tin 8 a 2 c) 8 zU 0U U a T N v a 433 Secondhand stores, P P P P P P S SVMC �- 19.70.010(B)(9)I P Permitted Use consignment sales Afr;Eit 1 Adding in I-1 zone with conditions C.TYHAI It.SPC K.A,:r; -- �� Department of Community Development �`'c" s Spokane �... . �. . ti Walley .. Planning Division ' • : „__ v 7,,,,,,00.i oc i r., , .. ,, „,_,,,77....., .7.,:ei:4,1 t r 1.''.';..S:,..S\'''Z':,\..::1\,1,•i, is 1! ll 1 i 111111 V I i /r-. R�� li Oily. .tl`avcd .Nr .—.._ '' . 00 I1!. 11,11r11 ll��r ..111 .11.Il I 'IIl_.���� 1 �� \L 4'^" ,c"' _l�fN 11. :' _ – l' Vii.'" i, I 1"li; fi+ 7 r' _ ,1 '"`I y 1 ;, 'City at Spa lana va 1cylit ti .'•aHu'sr.�`• -li - �' ��'4. '/1`,:Y'GyT���G(lj� +"�"� fr Section 19.70.010.B (Light Industrial) 9. The following shall apply to all secondhand stores, consignment sales; a. The subject property must have frontage on an arterial; b. Minimum building size of 15,000 gross square feet (gsf). ::Iil.Ihl;� ' "%Hey Department of Community Development •k i. . -- .,.: ..:..: • :,.Planning Division ., Questions ?