Agenda 02/25/2010 Sjö1t ' ane Valley Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. February 25, 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER H. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE M. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VH. COMIVIISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMIVIISSION BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS:PUBLIC HEARING—2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS—MIKE BASINGER,CHRISTINA JANSSEN X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER M. ADJOURNMENT CO l 9 -SIGNERS CITY STAFF , JOHN G.CARROLL,CHAIR KATHY MCCLUNG,CD DIRECTOR CRAIG EGGLESTON GREG MCCORMICK,PLANNING MGR,MCP RUSTIN HALL SCOTT KUHTA,SR.LONG RANGE PLANNER,AICP JOE MANN MIKE BASINGER,SENIOR PLANNER,AICP MARCIA SANDS,VICE CHAIR CARY DRISKELL,DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY ART SHARPE DEANNA GRIFFITH,ADMIN ARNE WOODARD WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: February 25,2010 Item: Check all that apply: D consent 0 old business 0 new business ®public hearing ❑ information 0 admin.report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments- Public Hearing PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: Planning Commission had a study session on February 11, 2010 BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from November 2nd to November 1st of the following year. Applications received prior to November 1st are considered by the Planning Commission in late spring of the following year,with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. All parts of the Comprehensive Plan can be amended during the annual cycle. The Community Development Department received one (1) request for a site-specific Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 2010. The City initiated two site-specific Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Sites approved for a Comprehensive Plan amendment will automatically receive a zoning designation consistent with the new nd use designation. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan text amendments include amendments to five Comprehensive Plan Elements: Chapter 2 -Land Use, Chapter 3 -Transportation, Chapter 4- Capital Facilities and Public Services,Chapter 7-Economic Development, and Chapter 8-Natural Environment. The amendments may also entail minor changes to other elements referencing the proposed amendments. NOTICE: Notice for the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on February 5, 2010 and the site specific amendment was posted with a"Notice of Public Hearing" signand a description of the proposal. Individual notice of the proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the proposed amendment. Notice for the text amendments was provided consistent with applicable provisions of Title 17. SEPA REVIEW: Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA- RCW 43.21C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan amendments. Under SEPA,amendments to the comprehensive plan are considered"non-project actions" defined as actions involving decisions on policies,plans, or programs that contain standards controlling use or modification of the environment. Additional environmental review maybe required for the physical development of the subject properties. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each proposed comprehensive plan amendment. Determinations of Non-significance (DNS)were issued for the proposed amendments on February 5, 2010 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental :dinance. 1 of 2 iMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSALS: Comprehensive plan amendment proposals are organized into individual reports consisting of application materials, staff reports, comprehensive plan maps,zoning maps, aerial maps,vicinity maps,transportation maps, and comments submitted to date to assist the Commission's review. OPTIONS: Planning Commission may recommend approval as presented; recommend approval of modified proposal,recommend the proposal not be adopted, or forward no recommendation to City Council. RECOMMENDED MOTION(S): CPA-01-10 (Park Rd. and Broadway Avenue) The Planning Commission finds CPA-01-10 to be consistent with Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The Planning Commission adopts the findings in the staff report and recommends approval of CPA-01-10, a change to Neighborhood Commercial with a subsequent zone change to Neighborhood Commercial(NC). CPA-02-10 (North Sullivan Road) The Planning Commission finds CPA-02-10 to be consistent with Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The Planning Commission adopts the findings in the staff report and recommends approval of CPA-02-10, change to Heavy Industrial with a subsequent zone change to Heavy Industrial(I-2) _PA-03-10 (Spokane Valley Industrial Park) The Planning Commission finds CPA-03-10 to be consistent with Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The Planning Commission adopts the findings in the staff report and recommends approval of CPA-03-10, a change to Heavy Industrial and a subsequent zone change to Heavy Industrial(1-2). CPA-04-10 through CPA-08-10 (Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments) The Planning Commission finds the 2010 Comprehensive Plan text amendments to be consistent with Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The Planning Commission adopts the findings in the staff report and recommends approval of CPA-04-10 through CPA-08-10, amendments to the comprehensive plan text. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger,AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Individual Staff Reports and Planning Commission Findings 2 of 2 2010 Proposed Site-Specific Map Amendments CPA-01 - 10 Thru. CPA-03- 10 Planner: Christina Janssen, Assistant Planner CPA-0110 Site-Specific Map Amendment Proposed Amendment: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to change the designation on parcel 45182.9010 from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial with a corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). Staff Planner: Christina Janssen COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION Spo`Skane STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE 4110* Valley PLANNING COMMISSION CPA-01-10 STAFF REPORT DATE: February 1,2010 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: February 25, 2010, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers,Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley,Washington 99206. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to change the designation on parcel 45182.9010 from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial with a corresponding zoning change from Single- family Residential District (R-3) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. PROPOSAL LOCATION: Parcels 45182.9010;located on the northeast corner of Park Road and Broadway Avenue; further located in the south half of the northwest quarter of Section 18,Township 25 North,Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian,Spokane County,Washington. OWNER/APPLICANT: Headwaters Development Group,LLC 12402 N.Division Suite 209 Spokane,WA 99201 Estate of Joe and Ida M.Guarisco 1108 N.Sherwood Spokane,WA 99201 APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVE: Gary Bernardo Bernardo Wills Architects 107 S.Howard Suite 420 Spokane,WA 99201 APPROVAL CRITERIA: Chapter 2 (Urban Land Use) of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, Title 17 (General Provision),Title 19 (Zoning Regulations),and Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division, after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria,recommends that the Planning Commission approve CPA-01-10. STAFF PLANNER:Christina Janssen,Assistant Planner,Community Development Department REVIEWED BY:Greg McCormick,AICP,Planning Manager,Community Development Department ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map Exhibit 2 Zoning Map Exhibit 3: 2008 Aerial Map Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map Exhibit 5: Transportation Map Exhibit 6: Application Submittal Exhibit 7: SEPA Determination Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-01-10 Page 1 of 7 BACKGROUND INFORMATION APPLICATION PROCESSING: Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The following summarizes key application procedures for the proposal. Pre-Application Meeting August 4, 2009 Application Submitted.'; November 2,2009 Determination of Completeness: November 17,2009 Issuance of Determination of Non-Significance (DNS): February 5,2010 End of Appeal Period for DNS: February 19,2010 Date of Published Notice of Public Hearing: February 5,2010 Date of Mailed Notice of Public Hearing: February 5,2010 PROPERTY INFORMATION: Size and Characteristics` The site is approximately 2.11 acres in size. The SEPA checklist states the site is flat with an estimated slope of 5 percent. Comprehensive Plan: Low Density Residential Zoning: Single Family Residential District(R-3) Existing Land Use: There is one (1) single family dwelling and several detached structures located on the subject parcel. SURROUNDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,ZONING,AND LAND USES: 'North Comprehensive Plan-Parks/Open Space Zoning-Parks/Open Space (P/OS) Existing Land Uses-City owned public swimming pool South`' Comprehensive Plan-Neighborhood Commercial(NC) and Low Density Residential(LDR) Zoning-Neighborhood Commercial(NC) and Single Family Residential District(R-3) Existing Land Uses-Convenience store and single family residential East Comprehensive Plan-Low Density Residential Zoning-Single Family Residential District(R-3) Existing Land Uses-Single-family residences and Centennial Middle School West Comprehensive Plan-Low Density Residential(LDR) and Heavy Industrial (HI) Zoning-Single Family Residential District(R-3) and Heavy Industrial (I-2) Existing Land Uses-Single family residential and industrial uses II. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO SEPA Findings: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC),the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The Planning Division issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the proposal. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Conclusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and Title 21 of the SVMC have been fulfilled by the applicant's submittal of the required SEPA Checklist, and the issuance of the City's threshold determination consisting of a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). No appeals were received. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-01-10 Page 2 of 7 .II. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT A. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 17(GENERAL PROVISIONS)OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Findings: Section 17.80.140 H. (Comprehensive Plan Amendment Approval Criteria) Spokane Valley Municipal Code 1. The City may approve Comprehensive Plan amendments and area-wide zone map amendments if it finds that(analysis is italicized): a. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health,safety,welfare, and protection of the environment; Staff Comment: The City's adopted policies of the Comprehensive Plan state in part "the economic development strategy is to promote a more diverse economy[that]would achieve a better balance between jobs, housing and support the City's desired quality of life" (Section 2.3.1). The proposed amendment offers additional opportunities to achieve the balance by expanding the land use available for further diverse development. b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; Staff Comment: The proposed location is served by all necessary urban services and provides for appropriate in-fill development with the City of Spokane Valley. The City has adopted development regulations that are designed to address specific impacts related to new development such as off- street parking,landscaping,lighting,setbacks, and height. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Growth Management Act. Adjacent land use designations are consistent with the proposed amendment. c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; Staff Comment: The proposed amendment responds to a change in conditions. Commercial and industrial development is prominent to the south and southwest of the property. The property has been vacant in the current zoning classification of Single-family Residential District(R-3)for several years. The proposed amendment will allow for small-scale retail and office uses serving the single- family development to northwest and southeast. d. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error; or Staff Comment: The proposed amendment does not correct a mapping error. e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. a. Staff Comment: The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan; however expanding the neighborhood commercial designation would allow additional small-scale retail to serve the neighborhood. 2. The City must also consider the following factors prior to approving Comprehensive Plan amendments: a. The effect upon the physical environment; Staff Comment: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls)of the City of Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code, the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. The comprehensive plan amendment is a non-project action under SEPA. At the time of the submittal of the building permit application, an additional SEPA review would likely be required to evaluate the impacts of the use(s)and proposed structure(s)on the physical environment. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-01-10 Page 3 of 7 b: The effect on open space,streams,rivers,and lakes; Staff Comment: The SEPA checklist states that there is no surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of site. Water,in varying amounts, is located southwest of the site at the Central Pre-Mix gravel pit. c. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; Staff Comment: The proposed amendment is contiguous to a Neighborhood Commercial Comprehensive Plan designation. At the time of development,standards in Title 22(Design and Development Standards),specifically 22.70(Fencing,Screening,and Landscaping)will reduce impacts on adjacent low density residential designated properties by providing visual separation and physical buffers between land uses. d. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities,roads,public transportation,parks,recreation,and schools; Staff Comment: The City of Spokane Valley addresses adequacy of community facilities on a citywide basis through capital facilities planning. Policy CFP-9.1 of the Comprehensive Plan recommends a concurrency management system for transportation,sewer,and water facilities. The City of Spokane Valley's Parks and Recreation Plan outlines an implementation strategy including a capital facilities plan,which identifies costs and revenue sources for new parks. At the time of development, the proposed amendment may have an impact on transportation. At the time of the submittal of any building permit applications, an additional SEPA review may likely be required to evaluate the impacts of the use(s)and proposed structure(s)on the physical environment in regards to transportation. e. The benefit to the neighborhood,City,and region; Staff Comment: The proposal is consistent with the existing character of the neighborhood. The parcel proposed to change is in a neighborhood that has existing commercial/industrial on two sides as well as single family residential to the northwest and southeast. f. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land; Staff Comment: The proposed amendment is approximately 2.11 acres in size and has the potential of a variety of commercial uses. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will have minimal impact on other aspects of the plan. g. The current and projected population density in the area; and Staff Comment: The proposed comprehensive plan amendment will not increase the population density. The proposed comprehensive plan amendment does not demand population analysis. h. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: The proposed comprehensive plan amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan and will have minimal impact on other aspects of the plan. B. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 19(ZONING REGULATIONS)OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Findings: Section 19.60.040 (Neighborhood Commercial District) Spokane Valley Municipal Code The Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment is from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Neighborhood Commercial(NC). Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-01-10 Page 4 of 7 The Neighborhood Commercial designation is intended to provide a limited number of commercial goods and services to surrounding residential neighborhoods. Conclusion(s): The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment is contiguous to Neighborhood Commercial and Low Density Residential properties and will provide a wider variety of commercial uses to the existing neighborhood. At the time of development,standards in Title 22 (Design and Development Standards), specifically 22.70 (Fencing,Screening,and Landscaping)will reduce impacts on adjacent low density residential designated properties by providing visual separation and physical buffers between land uses. Any future development would be consistent with the intention of the Neighborhood Commercial designation. C. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive plan states that the Neighborhood Commercial designation provides areas for small-scale neighborhoods serving retail and office uses located in clustered development. 1. LUG-4 of the Comprehensive Plan recommends providing neighborhood and community scale retail centers for the City's neighborhoods. Staff Comment: The Neighborhood Commercial designation is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood. There is public transportation route along both Park Road and Broadway Avenue adjacent to the proposed amendment. 2. LUP-4.1 of the Comprehensive Plan encourages the integration of retail developments into surrounding residential areas. Staff Comment: The Neighborhood Commercial designation will allow the introduction of a variety of commercial uses that would service the surrounding residential neighborhood. D. PUBLIC FACILITIES Findings: The property is currently served with public water and sewer. Park Road and Broadway Avenue provide access and are designated as Minor Arterials in the Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). E. FINDING AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO PUBLIC COMMENTS Findings: Staff has received no public comment concerning the proposal to date. Conclusion(s): Adequate public noticing was conducted for CPA-01-10 in accordance with adopted public noticing procedures. F. FINDING AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO AGENCY COMMENTS Findings: Staff has received no agency comments to date. Conclusion(s): No concerns are noted. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-01-10 Page 5 of 7 V. OVERALL CONCLUSION The proposed Comprehensive Plan designation to Neighborhood Commercial and change in zoning classification to NC is consistent with the Comprehensive Plans policies and goals. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of CPA-01-10. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS The Planning Commission is required to adopt findings of fact(Sections 17.80.140)when recommending changes to the Comprehensive Plan. At the conclusion of the hearing for the Comprehensive Plan amendments, the Planning Commission,by separate motion,should adopt findings of fact. Findings: Staff has prepared the following findings for the Planning Commission in the event there is concurrence with the recommended approval. Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) provides approval criteria that must be considered when the City amends the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Commission Findings and Factors(Section 17.180.140H of the SVMC): Findings b. The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment is furthered by ensuring economic diversity and a better balance between jobs, housing and support of the City's desired quality of life. c. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are consistent with Chapter 36.70A RCW (Growth Management Act). d. Commercial and industrial development is prominent to the south and southwest of the property. The property has been vacant in the current zoning classification of Single-family Residential District(R-3)for several years. The proposed amendment will allow for small-scale retail and office uses serving the single-family development to northwest and southeast. e. The proposed amendment does not correct a mapping error. f The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan, however expanding the neighborhood commercial designation would allow for additional small- scale retail to serve the neighborhood. Factors: a. Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code, the lead agency has determined that the proposed amendment does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. b. The proposed amendment is a non-project amendment and will not affect open space, streams, rivers,and lakes. c. The proposed amendment is contiguous to neighborhood commercial, heavy industrial, and low density residential properties. Any potential impact to adjacent properties will be addressed during the development of the property and can be mitigated with design and development standards. d. Future development of the site may impact traffic in the area. At the time of development, an additional SEPA review will be required to evaluate the impacts of increased traffic. e. The proposal is consistent with the character of the neighborhood and will provide a wider array of commercial uses serving the neighborhood. f The proposed amendment will not increase population densities and does not demand population analysis. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-01-10 Page 6 of 7 g. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will have minimal impact on other aspects of the plan. Recommended Motion: The Planning Commission finds CPA-02-10 to be consistent with Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The Planning Commission adopts the findings in the staff report and recommends approval of CPA-02-10, a change to Neighborhood Commercial with a subsequent zone change to Neighborhood Commercial(NC). Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-01-10 Page 7 of 7 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map ndustrial L `Ligt;I - . yyy X90 \.q0 Low Density Residential ti 4 o G r. E 3 0 W Low Density Residential 1 Cataldo Cataldo Centennial Middle S Park/Open Space c .1 't Road g c0. . C Low Density Residential CPA-01-10 Low Density Residential . ^,adway Broadway Broadway 1 Nei-OP-#.110 d • Commercial R 4/ g1 d • 1 I i CPA-01-10 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from LDR to NC; subsequent zoning Community Development Department change from R-3 to NC. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map /a‹ , m .„,... :=.„,:.,,=„.:.iF,,,,,,, N....."-'• -7=.H.::7:::'77r•-•ii•=7 =:::1-=•=._•••--1.,__=. 1=i... p., , ,-•-•-•=7,-=., :.:•,,, ,-7,—...-177:-=1:7-'-;77.- - .77-i_.•_•,::•7 .•,•••,7.7.- 7=-*=-"•:=•••;F..= i÷77• 77: : •71c777• 777 ='?=•i -=' .=i*,,-,= . -2.. z-_-:::=4,--„.- L7E ----17-• R-3 r- --- •••—.. _:.'777—... 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Exhibit 5: Transportation Map r • ��Sharpd Shaip I //��� (1 1 _TV:7' � to Boone— Boone Boone ra Q I 19 i3 190 Cazaldo Cataldo Centennial Middle • Park Road M ` CPA-01-10 c U 1r- I- O Broadway Broady,ay I I cv Legend Current Classification - State or Federal Principal Arterial Minor Arterial - Collector Proposed Principal Arterial • m ° Proposed Minor Arterial — Proposed Collector CPA-01-10 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from LDR to NC;subsequent zoning Community Development Department change from R-3 to NC. SpC1TY®kane 4'Valley. PART I - APPROVAL CRITERIA SVMC 17.80.140 establishes the following approval criteria for Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals. Proposed amendments must meet all applicable criteria to be considered for approval. The City may approve Comprehensive Plan amendments if it finds that: 1. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment; 2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; 3. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; 4. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error; and 5. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. PART II - MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS XI Completed Application Form 1] Application Fee (g SVMC 17.80.140 cites the following specific factors that must be addressed in order for Comprehensive Plan amendments to be approved. 1 On a separate sheet of paper describe amendment in relation to the following: ( � / —i ( J 1. The effect upon the physical environment; 2. The effect on open space, streams, rivers and lakes; 3. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; 4. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, parks, recreation and schools; 5. The benefit to the neighborhood, city and region; 6. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land; 7. The current and projected population density in the area; and 8. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MAP AMENDMENTS 1 K] One (1)copy of a narrative describing the following: (7' r b" i ) 1. State the reason for the Comprehensive plan Map Amendment. 2. Describe how the proposed change(s) meet the approval criteria contained in Part I of this application packet and adopted by SVMC 17.80.140. One (1) copy of a completed State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Checklist, including the Non-Project Action supplemental form. (Note: Any previous environmental documents that are relevant to this project should be included and may be adopted by reference.) ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Page 2 of 5 REVISED 04/21/09 0"\ariri. Spokane 4110 Valley MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TEXT AMENDMENTS ((f_rc, ❑ One (1) copy of the text proposed to be hanged, showing deletions by and additions by underline. ❑ One (1) copy of a written summar •f the proposed amendment that describes the following: 1. Why the change is ne-:ed and the potential land use impacts if approved; 2. How the propose. change(s) meet the approval criteria contained in Part III of this application packet and ado•ted by SVMC 17.80.140. Please submit only (1) unbound set of the above information. Spring binder clips are preferred. Do not spiral bind or staple your application packet or include dividers, 3-ring binders or plastic covers. ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Page 3 of 5 REVISED 04/21/09 simkane V�lley� Nov __ CO141 2."7-M-141--VA.t1 t i LLLY PART III= APPLICATION INFORMATION �,r,r._,\tlr}, t �pr 'R MAP AMENDMENT ❑ TEXT AMENDMENT (CHECK ONE) b,.�YIOVy T2j, =I/�v✓Pi�3'1��V ` C�2art LG APPLICANT NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: !21 22- /�- Q!Irl$1'(94/ 4 176= 2.09 CITY: 510, A-ITE STATE:W' ZIP: 6-02 C.,- -2523 /- 014Esr RS PHONE:2 6°q9- 2- � FAX: CELL: EMAIL: (9 00-(Yi/ -!L . Cpm **NOTE:IF APPLICANT IS NOT THE LEGALOWNER,INCLUDE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM OWNER** c �5( r.�--rc OF IPA ,14. Gude lsc a LEGAL OWNER: j . Grp ^ . (5C0 5' ---ReS? 'l!e 10 IV .91612-WOOP MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: 3 i7 STATE: Zip: 147-J1 PHONE: FAX: CELL: EMAIL: PROPERTY LOCATION: ASSESSOR PARCEL No.: S/ o2.. q vf CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: /Af� PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: BRIEFLY EXPLAIN THE REASON FOR THE MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT: ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Page 4 of 5 REVISED 04/21/09 4Valley� PART W o LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, S levF PA-0/ , (print name) swear or affirm that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. I further swear that I am the owner of record of the area proposed for the above-identified land use action, or, if not the owner, attached herewith is written permission from the owner authorizing my actions on his/her behalf. Address: t2 4-c22. /v/: ,O(nSlc n/ - E 203 Phone: 602 CvS3-(25-23 City: lj fprfi PE • State: vityi Zip: 2/g - --�—� �® ® (Signa ure (Date) NOTARY (For Part II above) STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 21 day of 0 6 ,20 NOTARY SEAL �tv.ct Et Et i UfQ„ �.0.4 Bd( Ro �`�i� I TARY SIGNATURE •:�� t• q•; Notary Public in and for the State of Washington t•� •• : �• Qom/ 0 • 0 _ v ,��tARy `"� — Residing at• � � FaLt�' z 472 ‘1/4• 1 1�"'�`� My appointment expires: {P 10, LO1 lll!ltri;tattll t STAFF USE ONLY Date Submitted: Ilizq061 Received by: IS PLUS Number: 09 O(73€5Z File#: (PA — 01 — l CU Planning Fee: I Soo SEPA Fee: ¢ ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Page 5 of 5 REVISED 04/21/09 10/30/2009 11:50 FAX 5032224812 FEDEX KINKOS NW 23RD X002/002 OWNER AUTHORIZATION STATEMENT I,JOSEPH F.GUARISCO,as personal representative of'ITIE ESTATE OF JOE AND IDA M. GUARISCO,hereby authorize HEADWATERS DEVELOPMENT GROUP ILC and its agents and consultants to file and process an application for a Comprehensive flan Amendment and Zone Reclassification for the property located at 506 N.Park Road,Spokane Valley, Wa,glpintresl,Tna Pasrrwl#451 R9 9010,fermi T Res•Tl city pi.dri,,no491 w,?J,..tkh +: 1 Commercial. Dated this.".` _day of October,2009. THE ESTATE OF JOE AND IDA M.GUARISCO 1 ......,1. _ JO-w-•' F.GUARISCO,personal representative 111: N.Sherwood Spokane WA 99201 STATE OF WASFIINe-TeN ) )ss. County of Sic ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that JOSEPH F. GUARISCO personally appe cti bcioie az, nail on bviit ezmvie illA Lc wea aue.iurai u iu chee.mic ill= Lasrxun=ii and acknowledged it to be his Erne and vrokintaiy act for the uses and purposes=named in the instatement. • DATED thic Z 9 day ofW. ,?.009. ,i..N.&..c__-; 3t-C.- aqA4YSAVVb MAL I �- . LAUREk FOCKAROWN* r Notary Public in and for the Stkte of t � . l � o,residing at/L�tr-th6— �r Co. riGUSAISIN BOWSd+.lEY tO, FBS My commission expires: 3-4.t., Ig 2013 . J City of Spokane Valley uilding Dept Receipt Receipt Number: 20661 Customer Number Projects Full Project Nbr Inv Nbr Fee Ante Inv Anti Owing PAID Pint 09003558 1 $1,850.00 $1,850.00 $1,850.00 $1,850.00 0 Total: $1,850.00 $1,850.00 $1,850.00 $1,850.00 Miscellaneous Items Total PAID: $1,850.00 Tender Type Check Acct Balance CCNbr Exp Date TENDERED Check/ 2181 1,500.00 Payer: Headwater Development Group VISA xxxxxxxxxxxx1313 08/2010 350.00 Payer: Total TENDERED: 1,850.00 Over /(Short) $0.00 Change $0.00 Notes: Trim Date/Tinze: 11/02/2009 1:54:06 PM By: HMORRIS Logon User: BldgCounter Station: CX SV00014A Override By: Printed: 11/02/2009 1:54:07 PM Page 1 of 1 2010 Annual Comprehensive Plan Sjökane Amendment Checklist & Application SVMC 17.80.140 4.00 Valley Community Development— Planning Division 11703E Sprague Ave_Suite_B-3 O Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688.0036 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 + planning@spokanevalley.org The City of Spokane Valley is accepting applications for map and text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the 2010 annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle. The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) allows Comprehensive Plan amendments only one (1) time per year. Any interested person, organization, agency or business may submit suggestions, proposals, or requests to the City for changes to the Comprehensive Plan, including map and text. Notice — Each year, the City will provide notice of the annual amendment cycle at least sixty (60) days prior to the application deadline via display ads in local newspapers, email to interested parties and on the City's website. Procedures 1. Pre-application Meeting(Required,SVMC 17.80.140(c.1)) 2. Application Period—Applications are due by November 1st of each year to be considered during the next calendar year amendment cycle. Submittals received after the deadline will be considered during the next annual amendment cycle. 3. Staff Review and Report — Spokane Valley Planning Staff will review all applications and will prepare a report and recommendation to the Spokane Valley Planning Commission. The report will analyze how each proposal addresses amendment criteria established by Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 17.80.140. All application documents and staff reports will be available for public review. 4. Notice of public hearings and public meetings will be provided to the public as set forth in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. At a minimum, notice will be provided to surrounding properties within 400 feet for site-specific Land Use Map amendments at least fifteen (15) days prior to any public hearing. Notice will also be posted on-site at least fifteen (15) days prior to any public hearing. Legal notice will also be published in the newspaper. 5. Planning Commission Public Hearing—The Spokane Valley Planning Commission will conduct a formal public hearing on all proposed amendments. The Commission will consider amendments individually and will examine the cumulative impacts of all amendments collectively. The Commission will prepare one recommendation to the Spokane Valley City Council, including findings on each individual proposed amendment. 6. City Council Review and Decision — Within sixty (60) days of receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation, City Council may choose to adopt the individual amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission, disapprove the amendments, or modify and adopt the proposal. If the Council chooses to substantially modify a proposal,they must either conduct a public hearing or refer the proposal back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. 7. Appeal Procedures — City Council decisions on Comprehensive Plan amendments may be appealed to the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board within 60 days of publication of notice of adoption, in accordance with RCW 36.70A.290(2). 8. Staff Contact — Questions may be directed to Mike Basinger, Senior Planner (mbasinger@sookanevallevorq) or Greg McCormick, Planning Manager (gmccormick@spokanevalleV.orq), 509-921-1000. ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Page 1 of 5 REVISED 04/21/09 • • 2010 Amendment Checklist & Application Form Attachment A Location: NEC Broadway«Park Ei =�•" Applicant: Steve Spady/Headwaters Development, LIC „ - Applicant s Representative: Bernardo-Wills Architects PC Date: November 2,2009 S-OK,INC Pre-Application Meeting: August 4,2009D`RRwF LLEy% � 1j-1-yn4VELOopr1 `SIT Amendment Checklist & Application Form Part I e Approval Criteria SVMC 17.80.140 establishes approval criteria for Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals. Proposed amendments must meet all applicable criteria to be considered for approval. The City may approve Comprehensive Plan amendments if it finds that: Criteria 1: The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare,and protection of the environment. Applicant's Response: The City's adopted policies of the Comprehensive Plan state in part ". . . Dependence on retail trade and service occupations stems primarily from the City's evolution into a regional shopping destination for eastern and southern Spokane County. Increased regional competition from other retail areas such as Post Falls, Coeur d'Alene, and the City of Spokane may impact the City's ability to capture future retail dollars. To improve Spokane Valley's economic outlook, the economic development strategy is to promote a more diverse economy. A diversified economy would achieve a better balance between jobs and housing and support the City's desired quality of life. .. " This proposal supports the public health, safety and welfare and protects the environment by expanding an existing Neighborhood Commercial center, providing additional goods and services available within the City, and retaining retail sales locally. Additionally, the public health, safety and welfare will be promoted by implementing the development standards established by the State and City of Spokane Valley. Criteria 2: The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A, and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment. Applicant's Response: State-wide planning requirements and policies provide the foundation for the City's Comprehensive Plan, and local planning goals and policies: ® State-Wide Planning Goal 1/Urban Growth: Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner. • State-Wide Planning Goal 2/Reduce Sprawl: Reduce the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling, low-density development. • State-Wide Planning Goal 5/Economic Development: Encourage economic development . . ., promote the retention and expansion of existing businesses, and recruitment of new businesses . . . ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Attachment A NEC E.Broadway Avenue and N.Park Road Page 1 of 5 Approval of the proposal will meet the referenced State-wide planning goals. The proposal is served by necessary urban services (public transportation, utilities, emergency services, roads, etc.), provides appropriate urban infill development within the City limits, encourages economic growth and employment, and is consistent with the Growth Management Act. Criteria 3: The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control,applicable to the area within which the subject property lies. Applicant's Response: Although the proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions in the area, the area continues to evolve in a manner that reinforces the appropriateness of the subject site as a Neighborhood Commercial use: recent construction of a medium-size industrial building across the street; designation of Broadway and Park as Minor Arterials, and intersection improvements that include full signalization; bridge/I-90 overpass improvements at Broadway and Park reinforcing their long- term use as major transportation resource; discontinued use of the subject site as a residential use; difficulty in selling the parcel as a residential site; and interest in the subject site for commercial use. Criteria 4:The proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error. Applicant's Response: The proposed map amendment is not in response to an obvious mapping error. Criteria 5: The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Applicant's Response: The proposed map amendment is not in response to an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Amendment Checklist & Application Form Part II o Minimum Submittal Requirements SVMC 17.30.140 cites the following specific factors that must be addressed in order for Comprehensive Plan amendments to be approved. Factor 1: The effect on the physical environment. Applicant's Response: A SEPA Checklist has been submitted as a part of this Application; however, a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment is a non-project action under SEPA so a complete environmental review at this time is not practical. At the time that an actual project is identified and building permits are applied for, it is likely a project-specific SEPA Checklist will need to be submitted and reviewed to evaluate the impact of the project on the physical environment and mitigating measures, if any, implemented. Factor 2:The effect on open space,streams, rivers and lakes: Applicant's Response: There are no designated open space, streams, rivers or lakes in the vicinity of the site. ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Attachment A NEC E.Broadway Avenue and N.Park Road Page 2 of 5 • Factor 3: The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods. Applicant's Response: The proposed amendment is adjacent an existing under-sized Neighborhood Commercial Center across Broadway to the south, and creates a Neighborhood Commercial Center cluster around the Park/Broadway intersection in lieu of a strip retail configuration. At the time of development, compliance with the City's development standards for setbacks, landscaping, fencing, buffering, lot coverage, etc., will reduce any impacts on the adjacent uses. Factor 4: The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation,parks,recreation,and schools. Applicant's Response: The City of Spokane Valley addresses the adequacy of community facilities using a citywide strategy of capital facilities planning. At the time of development, Individual projects are subject to a concurrency evaluation specifically for transportation issues, and further evaluation through the SEPA process which may result in the need to mitigate impacts. The adjacent park to the north would be appropriately screened and buffered, and will not be affected by the proposal. Factor 5: The benefit to the neighborhood,city and region. Applicant's Response: The neighborhood, City, and region will benefit by implementing selected goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Expanding the existing Neighborhood Commercial center will allow an increase in the goods and services available to the neighborhood, and the site is an appropriate location for infill development which can utilize existing infrastructure. Factor 6: The quantity and location of the land planned for the proposed land use type and density, and the demand for such land. Applicant's Response: The size of parcel is appropriate for a Neighborhood Commercial center type development, and is generally flat, located at a signalized intersection, and has frontage on two minor arterial streets. Additionally, the proposal expands an existing Neighborhood Commercial center to provide necessary goods and services to an existing residential neighborhood that is not otherwise available travelling to the Regional Commercial areas along Sprague (.75±miles to the south) or at the Argonne/l-90 overpass(1.25±miles to the northeast). Factor 7: The current and projected population density in the area. Applicant's Response: The current and projected population density in the area is unknown and the proposal does not add to or subtract from the housing inventory. Factor 8: The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. Applicant's Response: The proposal is an expansion of an existing undersized Neighborhood Commercial designation, and is in appropriate proximity to existing residential and business uses which will benefit from the goods and services that will be offered. It is appropriately sited along transportation corridors, is consistent with selected goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, and will have minimal impact on other aspects of the plan. ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Attachment A NEC E.Broadway Avenue and N.Park Road Page 3 of 5 MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MAP AMENDMENTS 1. Narrative describing the reason for the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment: Applicant's Response: In looking for development opportunities, the Applicant became aware that the subject parcel was on the market. Due diligence and market analysis indicated that the site appeared well suited for a neighborhood commercial project: very good access from two minor arterials and a signalized intersection; close proximity to an appropriate number of residential units for convenience, as well as proximity to heavy industrial users; relatively flat site, available utilities and infra structure, etc. 2. Describe how the proposed change meet the approval criteria contained in Part I of this application packet and adopted by SVMC 17.80.140: Applicant's Response: See narrative above responding to each criteria. 3. One copy of a completed State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Checklist, including the Non-Project Action supplemental form: Applicant's Response: See attached SEPA Checklist, including Non-Project Action supplemental form. Supplemental Supporting Information General Comprehensive Plan Analysis: The Comprehensive Plan states that Neighborhood Commercial designates areas for small-scale retail and office uses with a guideline suggesting an area of approximately 2 acres which are organized in business clusters rather than in a strip configuration along an arterial. It provides for Neighborhood Commercial designation through Comprehensive Plan amendments,such as this application or neighborhood plan(Reference Section 2.5.2). The proposal is a 2.08 acre site and is directly across Broadway from an existing .3-acre Convenience Store. The resulting combined Neighborhood Commercial totals 2.38-acres. However, it is expected that required street right-of-way dedications to comply with the City's street design standards will result in a .17-acre reduction, bringing the proposed total Neighborhood Commercial designation to 2.21- acres,well within the tolerance of the stated 2-acre aspirational (but not required) guideline. Selected Comprehensive Plan goals and policies addressing Neighborhood Commercial include: 1. LUG-4:Provide neighborhood and community scale retail centers for the City's neighborhoods. Applicant's Comments: Expanding an existing Neighborhood Commercial designation is consistent with the goal of providing appropriately-scaled retail and office uses near an existing neighborhood. The proposal will cluster retail and personal services together to allow ease of pedestrian movement (LUP-4.3), and compatibility between the proposal and existing adjacent uses will be assured by compliance with the City's development standards(LUP-4.5). ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Attachment A NEC E.Broadway Avenue and N.Park Road Page 4 of 5 2. LUG-11: A variety of strategically-located heavy-industrial areas should be designated and protected from conflicting land uses. Applicant's Comments: The proposal will provide some small-scale ancillary commercial for the existing adjacent industrial uses without converting existing industrial lands for non-industrial purposes, and to help ensure an adequate supply of industrial land(LUP-11.1 and CUP-11.2). 3. LUG-14: Improve the appearance and function of the built environment. Applicant's Comments: The proposal will transition an old, largely vacant and overgrown parcel of land at a key intersection into an attractive development complying with established community design standards (LUP-14.1) and with appropriately-scaled commercial and retail signage that minimizes visual clutter(LUP-14.3). 4. Goal NG-2: Preserve and protect the character of Spokane Valley's residential neighborhood. Applicant's Comments: At first glance, a Comprehensive Plan goal which encourages protection of residential neighborhoods would seem to be contrary to this application. However, several policies acknowledge that limited commercial uses can actually enhance the viability of neighborhoods by providing access to goods and services if adopted development standards and planning principals are followed. Policy NP-2.5 indicates that zone changes within the Low-Density Residential (LDR) category are appropriate if adequate facilities and services such as sewer, water, transportation, etc. are available and if the subject parcel meets these criteria. Additionally, NP-2.5 indicates that zone changes within the LDR designation should be considered if consistent with densities in the vicinity. Although the subject parcel is designated LDR, there really is no consistent density to be consistent with. The uses to the north include a school and park facility transitioning to light industrial;to the west is heavy industrial including a large regional gravel pit, to the south is a small spot of Neighborhood Commercial and additional heavy industrial, and to the east is low and high-density residential and office. Policy NP-2.9 acknowledges that retail developments can be integrated into surrounding neighborhoods through attention to quality design, and actually encourages commercial development at appropriate sites such as this. Summary In summary, the proposal should be approved because: • The site is well suited based on topography and location, and is well positioned in the marketplace to serve both residents and adjacent industrial users. • Implements the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. • Would serve as a buffer and transition between existing Heavy Industrial and Low Density Residential ### ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Attachment A NEC E.Broadway Avenue and N.Park Road Page 5 of 5 Oftkar COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT sloclikane PLANNING DIVISION 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org mom Immo DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE File Number: CPA-01-10 Description of proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to change the designation on parcel 45182.9010 from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial with a corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. Proponent: Headwater Development Group,LLC Location of proposal: Parcels 45182.9010; located on the northeast corner of Park Road and Broadway Avenue;further located in the south half of the northwest quarter of Section 18,Township 25 North,Range 44 East,Willamette Meridian, Spokane County,Washington. Lead Agency: City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department,Planning Division Determination: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, the lead agency determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The threshold determination is available to the public upon request. DNS issued under WAC 197-11-340(2) Responsible Official: Staff Contact: Kathy McClung,Community Development Director Mike Basinger,AICP—Senior Planner n•� Spokane of Spokane Valley Community Development City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department Department Valley Redwood Plaza, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite Valley Redwood Plaza, 11707 E.Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley,WA 99206 106, Spokane Valley,WA 99206 PH: (509) 688-0030/FX: (509)921-1008 PH: (509)688-0045/FX: (509)921-1008 kmcclung@spokanevalley.org mbasinger@spokanevalley.org/ Date issued: February 5,2010 Signature: 7 / f (-1 APPEAL: An appeal of this determination must be submitted to the Community Develop nt Department within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date issued. The appeal must be written and make specific factual objections to the City's threshold determination. Appeals shall be in conformance with Section 17.90 (Appeals)of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. At the time of appeal submittal, required fees are due pursuant to the City's adopted Fee Schedule. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-680,appeals shall be limited to a review of a final threshold determination. r � AGENCY ROUTING: City of Liberty Take,Community Development City of Spokane,Planning Services Spokane County,Boundary Review Board Spokane County,Building and Planning Spokane County,Division of Utilities-Information Services Spokane County,Clean Air Agency Spokane County,Fire District No.1 Spokane County,Fire District No.8 Spokane County,Regional Health District Spokane Transit Authority(STA) Spokane Regional Transportation Council(SRTC) Washington State Department of Ecology(Olympia) Washington State Department of Ecology(Spokane) CPA-02 - 10 Site-Specific Map Amendment Proposed Amendment: Comprehensive Plan map amendment from Parks/Open Space (P/OS) to Heavy Industrial (HI) with a corresponding zoning change from Parks/Open Space (P/OS) to Heavy Industrial (I-2) Staff Planner: Christina Janssen COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION Spanole\I'ne STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE ./OValley PLANNING COMMISSION CPA-02-10 STAFF REPORT DATE: February 1,2010 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: February 25, 2010, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers,Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley,Washington 99206. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: City initiated site specific Comprehensive Plan map amendment on parcel 45114.9009 from Parks/Open Space (P/OS)to Heavy Industrial(HI)with a corresponding zoning change from Parks/Open Space (P/OS)to Heavy Industrial (I-2). This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. PROPOSAL LOCATION:The proposed site is located on the west side of Sullivan Road,approximately 1600 feet north of Indiana Avenue;further located in the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 11,Township 25 North, Range 44 East,Willamette Meridian,Spokane County,Washington. OWNER: State of Washington 2824 N.Mayfair St Spokane,WA 99207-2051 APPROVAL CRITERIA: Chapter 2 (Urban Land Use) of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, Title 17 (General Provision),Title 19 (Zoning Regulations),and Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC). SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division, after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria,recommends that the Planning Commission approve CPA-02-10. STAFF PLANNER:Christina Janssen,Assistant Planner,Community Development Department REVIEWED BY:Greg McCormick,AICP,Planning Manager, Community Development Department ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map Exhibit 2 Zoning Map Exhibit 3: 2007 Aerial Map Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map Exhibit 5: Transportation Map Exhibit 6: SEPA Determination I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION APPLICATION PROCESSING: Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The following summarizes key application procedures for the proposal. Pre Application Meeting '.. N/A Application Submitted: N/A Determination of Completeness: N/A Issuance of Determination of Non-Significance (DNS): February 5,2010 Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-02-10 Page 1 of 6 End of Appeal Period for DNS:'. February 19,2010 Date of Published Notice of Public Hearing: February 5,2010 Date of Mailed Notice of Public Hearing: February 5,2010 PROPERTY INFORMATION: Size ndClaracterstics = :'' The site is approximately 15.40 acres in size. The SEPA checklist states the site is generally flat. Comprehensive Plan: Parks/Open Space Zoning: Parks/Open Space(P/OS) Existing Land Use: Vacant SURROUNDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,ZONING,AND LAND USES: N orth Comprehensive Plan-Heavy Industrial _ Zoning-Heavy Industrial(I-2) Existing Land Uses-Industrial South' Comprehensive Plan-Parks/Open Space Zoning-Parks/Open Space (P/OS) Existing Land Uses-Spokane Valley City Park East Comprehensive Plan-Heavy Industrial Zoning-Heavy Industrial(I-2) Existing Land Uses-Central Pre-Mix gravel pit West Comprehensive Plan-Heavy Industrial and Parks/Open Space Zoning-Heavy Industrial(I-2) and Parks/Open Space(P/OS) Existing Land Uses-Vacant industrial land and Spokane Valley City Park IL FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO SEPA Findings: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC),the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The Planning Division issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the proposal. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Conclusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and Title 21 of the SVMC have been fulfilled by the applicant's submittal of the required SEPA Checklist, and the issuance of the City's threshold determination consisting of a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). No appeals were received. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-02-10 Page 2 of 6 III. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT A. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 17(GENERAL PROVISIONS)OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Findings: Section 17.80.140 H. (Comprehensive Plan Amendment Approval Criteria) Spokane Valley Municinal Code 1. The City may approve Comprehensive Plan amendments and area-wide zone map amendments if it finds that(analysis is italicized): a. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health,safety,welfare, and protection of the environment; Staff Comment: The public health, safety, and general welfare will be promoted in accordance with standards established by the state and the City of Spokane Valley's regulations. b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; Staff Comment: The proposed amendment is consistent with the Growth Management Act. Adjacent land use designations are consistent with the proposed amendment. c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; Staff Comment: The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions. d. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error; or Staff Comment: The proposed amendment corrects a mapping error e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The City must also consider the following factors prior to approving Comprehensive Plan amendments: a. The effect upon the physical environment; Staff Comment: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls)of the City of Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code, the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. The comprehensive plan amendment is a non-project action under SEPA. At the time of the submittal of the building permit application,an additional SEPA review would likely be required to evaluate the impacts of the use(s)and proposed structure(s)on the physical environment. b. The effect on open space,streams,rivers,and lakes; Staff Comment: The site is located approximately 350 feet north of the Spokane River. The proposed amendment will have no effect on the river. However,review of potential future impacts will occur when a building permit application is submitted. c. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; Staff Comment: The proposed amendment is contiguous to both Heavy Industrial and Parks/Open Space designations. Any future industrial development would include landscape buffering between the Industrial use and the land designated Parks/Open Space. d. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities,roads,public transportation,parks,recreation,and schools; Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-02-10 Page 3 of 6 Staff Comment: The City of Spokane Valley addresses adequacy of community facilities on a citywide basis through capital facilities planning. Policy CFP-9.1 of the Comprehensive Plan recommends a concurrency management system for transportation,sewer,and water facilities. The City of Spokane Valley'sParks and Recreation Plan outlines an implementation strategy including a capital facilities plan,which identifies costs and revenue sources for new parks. At the time of development, the proposed amendment may have an impact on transportation. At the time of the submittal of the building permit application,an additional SEPA review will be required to evaluate the impacts of the use(s)and proposed structure(s)on the physical environment in regards to transportation. e. The benefit to the neighborhood,City,and region; Staff Comment: The proposal would be consistent with the existing character of the surrounding parcels. f. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land; Staff Comment: The amendment will correct a mapping error. There is no defined need for more Industrial land;however, the amendment is consistent with surrounding land uses and designations. The current and projected population density in the area; and Staff Comment: The proposed comprehensive plan amendment will not increase the population density. The proposed comprehensive plan amendment does not demand population analysis. g. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: The proposed comprehensive plan amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan and will have minimal impact on other aspects of the plan. B. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 19(ZONING REGULATIONS)OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Findings: Section 19.70.020 (Heavy Industrial District) Spokane Valley Municipal Code The Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment is from Parks/Open Space to Heavy industrial and corresponding zoning map amendment from Parks/Open Space (P/OS)to Heavy Industrial(I-2). The Heavy Industrial designation supports intense industrial activities which include manufacturing, processing,fabrication,assembly,freight handling,and similar operations. Conclusion(s): The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment is contiguous to other Heavy Industrial development. CPA-02- 10 is consistent with the intention of the High Density Residential designation. C. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive plan states that Heavy Industry is characterized by intense industrial activities which include,but are not limited to,manufacturing,processing,fabrication,assembly/disassembly,freight-handling and similar operations. Staff analysis is italicized. 1. LUG-10 of the Comprehensive Plan recommends providing well-planned industrial areas with parcel sizes adequate to allow for future development of industrial uses. Staff Comment: The Heavy Industrial designation is consistent with the surrounding parcels and the size of the parcel will provide for a wide variety of potential industrial uses. StafFReport and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-02-10 Page 4 of 6 2. LUP-11.3 2 ofthe Comprehensive Plan en co rages appropriate buffering;landscaping;and other -a-- rr r - - o, development standards for industrial areas. Staff Comment: When development is initiated,landscaping buffering would be required to buffer any industrial use from the adjacent Parks/Open Space land. D. PUBLIC FACILITIES Findings: The property is currently served with public water and sewer. Access is provided from Sullivan Avenue designated a Principal Arterial in the Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). E. FINDING AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO PUBLIC COMMENTS Findings: Staff has received no public comment concerning the proposal to date. Conclusion(s): Adequate public noticing was conducted for CPA-02-10 in accordance with adopted public noticing procedures. F. FINDING AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO AGENCY COMMENTS Findings: Staff has not received any agency comments to date. Conclusion(s): No concerns are noted. IV. OVERALL CONCLUSION The proposed Comprehensive Plan designation to Heavy Industrial and change in zoning classification to I-2 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plans policies and goals. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of CPA-02-10. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS The Planning Commission is required to adopt findings of fact(Sections 17.80.140)when recommending changes to the Comprehensive Plan. At the conclusion of the hearing for the Comprehensive Plan amendments, the Planning Commission,by separate motion,should adopt findings of fact. Findings: Staff has prepared the following findings for the Planning Commission in the event there is concurrence with the recommended approval. Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) provides approval criteria that must be considered when the City amends the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Commission Findings and Factors(Section 17.180.140H of the SVMC): Findings Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-02-10 Page 5 of 6 a. The public health,safety,welfare,and protection of the environment will be promoted in accordance with standards established by the state and the City of Spokane Valley's regulations. b. The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is consistent with Chapter 36.70A RCW (Growth Management Act). c. The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions. d. The proposed amendment corrects a mapping error. e. The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Factors: a. Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code, the lead agency has determined that the proposed text amendment does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. b. The propose amendment is a non-project amendments and will not affect open space, streams, rivers,and lakes. c. The proposed amendment is non-project amendment and will not impact adjacent land uses or surrounding neighborhoods. Future development of the site will include an analysis of impacts and mitigation through use of design and development standards. d. The proposed amendment will not affect the City's capital facilities. Impacts to these facilities and the mitigation of impacts will be addressed at the time of development. e. The proposed amendment is consistent with the existing character of the surrounding parcels. f The proposed amendment will not increase population density and no population analysis is required. g. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will have minimal impact on other aspects of the plan. Recommended Motion: The Planning Commission finds CPA-02-10 to be consistent with Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The Planning Commission adopts the findings in the staff report and recommends approval of CPA-02-10,a change to Heavy Industrial with a subsequent zone change to Heavy Industrial(I-2). Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-02-10 Page 6 of 6 Exhibit 1° Comprehensive Plan Map E 1 1 CI 1 1 ) 7 ! L . d !il3rr 4. 4- Ei E F: ' i1 _ fL --� jI a`�`na *' HeavyIndustr al' :Mariet• ariettaLM rietta i4.#c_. ,i' � F i'. �" + ' w � `s S-FD1 � li ,,, ' Shu and 1 o raining FD - ' ___ ---- Olt. Park/Openpace.P --""�� I. CPA-02-10 1111 ti ��� Ems... I ;SZued Use _ '._` �' 'tib -r / 1,1 / lndiaoa 111 . '9,(4,-,6\ \---, P;..,-.-idOper,Spzz-,z 1 /: Heavy Industria ti 9 iii van,y:iri i 1 1Regional. Itis` i{yI` ;Commercial:_ 2.141 �_� ` .Flora ri 1` If9,6 9p, -lana; - -0 Or`�: z� ; lig q1� Indlan \. Water BOdy �_ 1lIedFucn/ p JI�yl,c _ s. ti�ry a� I9p -y. i �� F 2 �zON1W299Q L �ICi' m o,,,,397,....,_____________1_ � 'P p iDen�ity, �� ��< � ,� �> 9 ark/Q en S ace r.-----,---e,---....47,:i. ///��`` �.07VF-: E 111.O_ _ FF '�,�o: Residentta -_ j�o � • �a } o. .into_1S o m, , ', Office _ � � • 190`_; ,� }- I= i= 1� 0.� j__: . '-$ ltiaed Use. �� H gh Dens_ty Residentia�� 90; t= "� 19 %y h..oaa Sh. . ShazP LSh �' �1��; �� 12�i11 •,� �r�''„..r -: X29^ lndiaba. 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' ' ' 1 ____-----i r uED amid ,/ 1 P/OS I-3 Ham, .. • _ ' CPA-02-10 1 % P70 ' ____ _ . /1,4 ! 1 , i Ioa Sullivan Park :, ?)a 1 IRG I . 0 lir , Nios = Ply. , !,' va I9p� '-291 29p ON gI OFF`_ RC' , 0 I90 I90 In ,.,a 19-6-w-2,97,6;, '''.\,;'(' �W291 � � � I 9� �,- J"` �N1,19)76 ---.... 9 p�` /� jge.. °*291 ON—I:0:0E291 ON ; OFF Zo C �/ �Z I9' 9IO 0 I90 \: F f MF;;2� _ � .� ISS Ibll �O _ N � arri; ,••. aim ,,� Vii'-- � I9 �— \.. sharp Aram SSlcd, 0 I ^ O I90 t90.:; 1 ,, II. i m ' kg,Ion ��� OFF E291 a .29 1-90...E.2„1�ON OF iii 1 .. c R-4 ¢ .1 ■ N' i\WIFu2O>F . LIiSs;.. a RC? I9a I. 3 fit• R-3 ��� ►/t `°a_��. /� a� __ ®e s CPA-02-10 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from P/OS to HI;subsequent zoning Community Development Department change from P/OS to I-2. Exhibit 3: 2008 Aerial Map t - '!L it• ' . , 5• _ �1 J }t!• „. lat.. , `-. 1 -� { • -1a-,..,..,-- F3 s � A,) ,,I S.+ n c,. } •,•,...,. ,. i S' r„. ■ 1 it.w I' /� Uc3d •4 v'' T rl ' t.'---TiCki ."': 0/ 1f 7Fa• rl W F. 1 wJ� +� ,�:. .i' _t1 , •*'y� ' 6`34, ( i c f,�lr 1 r(p T-,... t FF •f , .Y 1+ ;• .�>� 1. - ,{ S R 1' t . ' ,- - Off{ f :, .ylc:}.ixN`� Y I e •' 2 ', v��,. ' r; 11,y - .. - r-,-...,-,.-..,„'.7-'.4---;‹,,,_.-3k.',,,,,.•.;� . p a,��4• i 1 *•' ` �,, I. i I f F ( — - - -r�i �� i gyp.,1 it. ....,`. �f_J_ � w..,.. L ♦ h 4 ' S .--`ir ..7 s� L.. h� Yv7- �' al� I f i f 1¢` .+ ys�r '°` .Waj#''' t...Y y e,„:7„..., ! I }' I.:i _Q'x.11 �''S,~1+°? , ® - ,t\\\�l li 4. `tea f:, e i_r :.F.,. .,.:44.„,,4_, r. 1 _i L _:rF.• I f ( ett-,....v51,-,...--,� r r, Manette�J M etta— .--M i tt Man „ .. tyR c +:.;* 7. % t�`i i `r` .I ; „r.,..1„,„:_....,,___'___,;,4„,,, ww, -: —''. T5t4t 1`714 yr • \,,_..,.... ..▪ „'...,--_,-r---=',. *r • ' r a. 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Exhibit 5 : Transportation Map v -Industrial Park D• E . 0. c- _ " 8 6 ✓"6 . . to { I I { { {-r. ti ` �Industrial Park E � eowo / ---t, - Euclid -s - L 1 I y _ Fairview Fairview '9 Euclid ./- /7-----'' in I I I 4 ^ J tT�` TIN ir' z _ C Station:5_ ll:1- �' nhaC�erta r'1 c It q }_ 011110111111.1.- - - 11 CPA-02-101 as illellili000. ."'. S6Ifl kmP2eti. N Ig , 0 yy � Pr? r L......: -go F. it 1 410__I94 _ ° ., _ Flora Pit 290 aN i, ', ,.� -- ,r. \gb O'w291:p . . z. 13,g1 IvW29 j ON • r W 291 ON Legend aOlg Lg I9D- 291 ON I9 `' 0 li Current Classification 19 I90 r ,t,9 L �� Ioo�W'29LOly olkjsJO Indiana Indiana -- State or Federal ,. 29 r <_ Principal Arterial ? , 'd�isslo ro�� F� l90, n . 190E2910 "`� , Wg L — Minor Arterial EMI Ilk _1,I 190tE29j9I opt, tam F �-_-_� Collector •.�,�� �� >♦ E III� T -- '- Proposed Principal Arterial o IN� at .8118.A r , Proposed Minor Arterial 11 ''r c`t�1:� t— — Proposed Collector p a f' I aldO 11 ufar - • II�R1 Mallon -� car' ==Mall \�1�. CPA-02-10 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from P/OSto HI; subsequent zoning Community Development Department change from P/OS to I-2. I I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT S., l :iie PLANNING DIVISION /sMt11eym 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE File Number: CPA-02-10 Description of proposal: City initiated site specific Comprehensive Plan map amendment on parcels 45114.9009 from Parks/Open Space(P/OS)to Heavy Industrial(HI)with a corresponding zoning change from Parks/Open Space(P/OS)to Heavy Industrial(1-2). This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C.. Location of proposal: The proposed site is located on the west side of Sullivan Road,approximately 1600 feet north of Indiana Avenue;further located in the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 11,Township 25 North,Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County,Washington. Lead Agency: City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department,Planning Division Determination: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The threshold determination is available to the public upon request. DNS issued under WAC 197-11-340(2) Responsible Official: Staff Contact: Kathy McClung,Community Development Director Mike Basinger,AICP—Senior Planner City of Spokane Valley Community Development City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department Department Valley Redwood Plaza, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite Valley Redwood Plaza, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley,WA 99206 106, Spokane Valley,WA 99206 PH: (509)688-0030/FX: (509)921-1008 PH: (509)688-0045/FX: (509)921-1008 kmcclung@spokanevalley.org mbasinger@spokanevalley.org Date issued: February 5,2010 Signature: / "( APPEAL: An appeal of this determination must be submitted to the Community Develop ent Department within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date issued. The appeal must be written and make specific factual objections to the City's threshold determination. Appeals shall be in conformance with Section 17.90(Appeals)of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. At the time of appeal submittal, required fees are due pursuant to the City's adopted Fee Schedule. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-680,appeals shall be limited to a review of a final threshold determination. • • ra.iENCY ROUTING: City of Liberty Lake,Community Development City of Spokane,Planning Services Spokane County,Boundary Review Board Spokane County,Building and Planning Spokane County,Division of Utilities-Information Services Spokane County,Clean Air Agency Spokane County,Fire District No.1 Spokane County,Fire District No.8 Spokane County,Regional Health District Spokane Transit Authority(STA) Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) Washington State Department of Ecology(Olympia) Washington State Department of Ecology(Spokane) CPA-0310 Site-Specific Map Amendment Proposed Amendment: Comprehensive Plan map amendment from Community Commercial (C) to Heavy Industrial (HI) with a corresponding zoning change from Community Commercial (C) to Heavy Industrial (I-2) Staff Planner: Christina Janssen COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT' PLANNING DIVISION SParYokae . STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO TIM 400 Valley PLANNING COMMISSION CPA-03-10 STAFF REPORT DATE: February 1,2010 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: February 25, 2010, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to change the designation on parcels 45013.9104& 45013.9105 from Community Commercial to Heavy Industrial with a corresponding zoning change from Community Commercial(C)to Heavy Industrial(1-2). This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. PROPOSAL LOCATION:Parcels 45013.9104&45013.9105;The proposal site is located between Sullivan Road and Industrial park 15t in the Spokane Valley Industrial Park. It is further located in the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 01,Township 25,Range 44,East Willamette Meridian, Spokane County,Washington. OWNER/APPLICANT: Crown West Realty,LLC 3808 N. Sullivan Rd. Spokane,WA 99216 APPROVAL CRITERIA: Chapter 2 (Urban Land Use) of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, Title 17 (General Provision), Title 19 (Zoning Regulations), and Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC). SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division, after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria,recommends that the Planning Commission approve CPA-03-10. STAFF PLANNER:Karen Kendall,Assistant Planner, Community Development Depai linent REVIEWED BY: Greg McCormick,MCP,Planning Manager,Community Development Department ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map Exhibit 2 Zoning Map Exhibit 3: 2007 Aerial Map Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map Exhibit 5: Transportation Map Exhibit 6: SEPA Determination I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION APPLICATION PROCESSING: Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The following summarizes key application procedures for the proposal. Pre Application Meeting: ApplicatiorSubmitted;:.: N/A Determination of Completeness: N/A Issuance of Determination of Non-Significance(DNS): February 5,2010 Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-03-10 Page 1 of 6 End of Appeal Period for DNS: February 19,2010 Date of Published Notice of Public Hearing: February 5,2010 Date of Mailed Notice of Public Hearing: February 5,2010 PROPERTY INFORMATION: Size_and'Characteristics: ' ""` ` `" The site is approximately 12.19 acres in size. The SEPA checklist states the site is flat. ,Comprehensive Plan: Community Commercial o Zning: Community Commercial(C) EXsting Land Use: There are two (2) industrial warehouse buildings located in the proposed project area. SURROUNDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,ZONING,AND LAND USES: North Comprehensive Plan—Community Commercial and Heavy Industrial Zoning—Community Commercial(C)and Heavy Industrial(1-2) Existing Land Uses—Commercial and Industrial 'South Comprehensive Plan—Heavy Industrial Zoning—Heavy Industrial(1-2) Existing Land Uses—Heavy Industrial East Comprehensive Plan—Heavy Industrial Zoning—Heavy Industrial(I-2) Existing Land Uses—Heavy Industrial West Comprehensive Plan—Community Commercial and Heavy Industrial Zoning—Community Commercial(C)and Heavy Industrial(I-2) Existing Land Uses—Commercial and Industrial H. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO SEPA Findings: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls)of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC),the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The Planning Division issued a Determination of Non-Significance(DNS) for the proposal. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Conclusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and Title 21 of the SVMC have been fulfilled by the applicant's submittal of the required SEPA Checklist, and the issuance of the City's threshold determination consisting of a Determination of Non-Significance(DNS). No appeals were received. III. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT A. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 17(GENERAL PROVISIONS)OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Findings: Section 17.80.140 H. (Comprehensive Plan Amendment Approval Criteria)Spokane Valley Municipal Code 1. The City may approve Comprehensive Plan amendments and area-wide zone map amendments if it fmds that (analysis is italicized): a. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety,welfare,and protection of the environment; Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-03-10 Page 2 of 6 Staff Comment: The public health,safety, and general welfare will be promoted in accordance with standards established by the state and the City of Spokane Valley's regulations. b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; Staff Comment:The proposed amendment is consistent with the Growth Management Act. Adjacent land use designations are consistent with the proposed amendment. c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; Staff Comment:The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions. d. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error;or Staff Comment:The proposed amendment corrects a mapping error. e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment:The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The City must also consider the following factors prior to approving Comprehensive Plan amendments: a. The effect upon the physical environment; Staff Comment:Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code, the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable sign f cant adverse impact on the environment. The comprehensive plan amendment is anon-project action under SEPA. At the time of the submittal of the building permit application, an additional SEPA review would likely be required to evaluate the impacts of the use(s) and proposed structure(s) on the physical environment. b. The effect on open space, streams,rivers, and lakes; Staff Comment:The SEPA checklist states that there is no surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of site. c. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; Staff Comment: The proposed amendment is contiguous to both Community Commercial and Heavy Industrial Comprehensive Plan designations. No potential impacts to adjacent properties are anticipated as the site is currently built out. d. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities,roads,public transportation, parks,recreation,and schools; Staff Comment:The City of Spokane Valley addresses adequacy of community facilities on a citywide basis through capital facilities planning. Policy CFP-9.1 of the Comprehensive Plan recommends a concurrency management system for transportation, sewer, and water facilities. The City of Spokane Valley's Parks and Recreation Plan outlines an implementation strategy including a capital facilities plan, which identifies costs and revenue sources for new parks. No additional impacts to community facilities are anticipated as the site is currently built out. e. The benefit to the neighborhood, City, and region; Staff Comment:The proposed amendment is contiguous to both Community Commercial and Heavy Industrial designations. No changes are anticipated as the site is well established and functioning in an industrial capacity. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-03-10 Page 3 of 6 f. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land; Staff Comment:The amendment is being proposed to correct a mapping error. The site is located inside the Spokane Valley Industrial Park for industrial uses. g. The current and projected population density in the area; and Staff Comment: The proposed comprehensive plan amendment will not increase the population density. The proposed comprehensive plan amendment does not demand population analysis. h. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: The proposed comprehensive plan amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan and will have minimal impact on other aspects of the plan. B. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 19(ZONING REGULATIONS)OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Findings: Section 19.40.080(Multifamily High Density Residential District) Spokane Valley Municipal Code The Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment is from Community Commercial to Heavy Industrial and corresponding zoning map amendment from Community Commercial(C)to Heavy Industrial(1-2). The Heavy Industrial designation is intended to support intense industrial activities which include manufacturing, processing,fabrication, assembly,freight handling and similar operations. Conclusion(s): The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment is contiguous to other Heavy Industrial development. CPA-03-10 is consistent with the intention of the High Density Residential designation. C. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive plan states that Heavy Industry is characterized by intense industrial activities which include,but are not limited to,manufacturing,processing,fabrication,assembly/disassembly,freight-handling and similar operations. Staff analysis is italicized. 1. LUG-10 of the Comprehensive Plan recommends providing well-planned industrial areas with parcel sizes adequate to allow for future development of industrial uses. Staff Comment: The Heavy Industrial designation is consistent with the surrounding parcels and the size of the parcel will provide for a wide variety of potential industrial uses. 2. LUP-10.2 of the Comprehensive Plan encourages a diverse array of industries to locate in Spokane Valley Staff Comment: The High Industrial designation being proposed will allow a variety of industrial uses to locate in Spokane Valley, and within the Spokane Valley Industrial Park, an established industrial area. D. PUBLIC FACILITIES Findings: The property has public water and sewer service. Access is provided from Sullivan Avenue designated a Principal ' Arterial in the Arterial Street Plan(Exhibit 5). Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-03-10 Page 4 of 6 E. FINDING AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO PUBLIC COMMENTS Findings: Staff has received no public comment concerning the proposal to date. Conclusion(s): Adequate public noticing was conducted for CPA-03-10 in accordance with adopted public noticing procedures. F. FINDING AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO AGENCY COMMENTS Findings: Staff has not received any agency comments to date. Conclusion(s): No concerns are noted. IV. OVERALL CONCLUSION The proposed Comprehensive Plan designation to Heavy Industrial and change in zoning classification to I-2 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plans policies and goals. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of CPA-03-10. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS The Planning Commission is required to adopt findings of fact(Sections 17.80.140)when recommending changes to the Comprehensive Plan. At the conclusion of the hearing for the Comprehensive Plan amendments, the Planning Commission,by separate motion,should adopt findings of fact. Findings: Staff has prepared the following findings for the Planning Commission in the event there is concurrence with the recommended approval. Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) provides approval criteria that must be considered when the City amends the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Commission Findings and Factors(Section 17.180.140H of the SVMC): Findings a. The public health,safety,welfare,and protection of the environment will be promoted in accordance with standards established by the state and the City of Spokane Valley's regulations. b. The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions. c. The proposed amendment corrects a mapping error. d. The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Factors: a. Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code, the lead agency has determined that the proposed text amendment does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. b. The propose amendment is a non-project amendment and will not affect open space, streams, rivers, and lakes. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-03-10 Page 5 of 6 c. The proposed amendment is non-project amendment and will not impact adjacent land uses or surrounding neighborhoods. The site is currently functioning in an industrial capacity. d. The proposed amendment will not affect the City's capital facilities. e. The proposed amendment is consistent with the existing character of the surrounding parcels. f The proposed amendment will not increase population density and no population analysis is required. g. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will have no impact on other aspects of the plan. Recommended Motion: The Planning Commission finds CPA-03-10 to be consistent with Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The Planning Commission adopts the findings in the staff report and recommends approval of CPA-03-10,a change to Heavy Industrial with a subsequent zone change to Heavy Industrial(1-2). Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission for CPA-03-10 Page 6 of 6 Exhibit 1° Comprehensive Plan Map -ow=u egst• -•es►s enti' " ' .- - z Densi Reside i tial —� _ 1V�ediu�D`ensi<ty� � "�.1� � ,.,I '�t'�� 41° �� '. ._ Resrdelptta,,�. Light+Industrial � �- \�'� \� � Corridor•Miied Use��� r� ��.y+�� --_- - ti` ,- «mac.. S ' ------ —~--- Heavy Indu trial __--_—_--0. i N,. r :fidustreal P,arkjr\`'- r•`Industrnai Pa-k7,A•. I.7dustricalt� ck;;„ 1• .CI ,- .L Fj fa :. \ r-'N--z Ki nah Industrialian14Bs fed irstrial'Park I – ;In ustnal Park l3' Indus :` ' .`] B € ; I ' ' CPA-O3-10 tx; ', \ t l. j; '_Community ° 1------ c0-- $1 In_d`u"stnai P=k C y'. 1d-tlkiili lls?' v ;2Iustiial l'�`i5 --- .,. .4.4.1: ,,, ---,,_ ...... . c__ Ti. F,__ -.-_:_r:_,. } -fir 90 r dusts 1----.1 1 .t��4 el-- Indust�alPe"B, ndisnair il TAD r 1.y— _ — iC' y ., Industrial k — 7,q 1gg �N.__.. — _ml_ Ind stnaltPtarkzt: : I InBuSFi al(li.ai t:.• •••.. —Eu?lidr --1-`- Ete[id: – 21'' -----1n , .t Industrial IR; , fd Fai view, -�� .„Ed+ I""`"'-`_ } rvievd //-- 7 ! _i—,. /Z. _..--__ LA, .._. 1 1v-4 tr- CPA-03-10 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from CC to HI; subsequent zoning Community Development Department change from C to I-2. Exhibit 2° Zoning Map 111 - -.-i _ \ 1gaMENSES:: "! h -fit'' c �R-3 1VIF=1 � '�h —•:I Rich �. • • R-3 II 1111111■ � � ��� --. .-. --.‘„iii ,,�\\\� \ ��� �� \ Treq 77. \\ a Trent _— B off g P a -„ ar2 alliej .6k.a. ,...Atak 5111 c 3 y . 11111111 '4A11111111111111111111111. 7 in5'nalPR:A 1 Iiaut..lgr p f-I,LI14.11:si • hl NN •: as J i I ,'Pi f1;tllfls`c1:a1?.rd�r) �! /Pre :I Park�13 - 411717t7fierals�,;l ' CPA-03-10 ..t -a• r Lisiaaalawommiiho CO , IVL1 : : ; 1 -rl • t 1 II r 4 }3i<En9 4 r..'• It © F".- SIu,: 9} 0t l I 1170/77/r,t iL -A."1 1 J Thar, r`li`V• i 9-A`hi� tls�' L: - r. • a VW E J Y S. a Q C/, , ti - CPA-03-10 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from CC to HI;subsequent zoning Community Development Department change from C to I-2. Exhibit 3° 2008 Aerial Map t ao ,Tent_ n '''''.....:..;1;':f.-.4.:.,•- t"' n r - I. w•7'i4!' yr -,I,I, ...^s-.._ ' .. 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CPA-03-10 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from CC to HI;subsequent zoning change from C to I-2. Community Development Department Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map Lacrosse R 4 o m o r Industrial Park A Industrial Park A l ti y c N R 4 a a 1 t t t t t E a ti c Kiernan 1 Industrial.P.ark_B.. Industrial Park B Industrial Park B I 5 a a CFA-03-10 a °y Ili t i s 7.4 C VI rn .o 0 Industrial Park C Industrial Park C i c N r a- > 71 f I ! f —{ - I I; ii : t i i 1 1 y r CA -0 b F-I ti Industrial Park D Industrial Park D C w N R 0. H R t i I I I I ( f f ( 1 II t t PI b a ti b G h I--1 4 Industrial Park E Industrial Park E ) R 1 Euclid Euclizl •E / G \ 4. N W R R 1 ti c. R cn 04� ublid_ R Fairview Fairview 4). c„ 4y CPA-03-10 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from CC to HI;subsequent zoning Community Development Department change from C to I-2 Exhibit 5: Transportation Map , r; oI T. C Industrial Park A Indui ial Park A �� i t t I t , t Kieman Kiernan 1 Industrial Park B Industrial Park B M ,,,././0://////7, CPA-03-101 N x ////11-1 -• Industrial Park C Industrial Parl:C - cN 7 .c3 I i 1 { ; i el"� Industrial Park D Industrial Park D C,_ (4 I 1 I I I 4 i I 1 i I t i f I I Industrial Park E Industrial Park E t Legend _�- Current Classification - , State or Federal Principal Arterial - - Minor Arterial Collector •c. = Proposed Principal Arterial72 Proposed Minor Arterial o Proposed Collector �" Fairview Fairview 400 CPA-03-10 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from CC to HI subsequent zoning Community Development Department change from C to I-2. err COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Spokane PLANNING DIVISION fey® 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org mum err DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE File Number: CPA-03-10 Description of proposal: : City initiated site-specific Comprehensive Plan map amendment on parcels 45013.9104 and 45013.9105 from Community Commercial(C)to Heavy Industrial(HI)with a corresponding zoning change from Community Commercial(C)to Heavy Industrial(1-2).This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. Location of proposal: The proposal site is located between Sullivan Road and Industrial park 1st in the Spokane Valley Industrial Park. It is further located in the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 01,Township 25,Range 44,East Willamette Meridian, Spokane County,Washington. Lead Agency: City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department,Planning Division Determination: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code,the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The threshold determination is available to the public upon request. DNS issued under WAC 197-11-340(2) Responsible Official: Staff Contact: Kathy McClung,Community Development Director Mike Basinger,AICP—Senior Planner City of Spokane Valley Community Development City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department Department Valley Redwood Plaza, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite Valley Redwood Plaza, 11707 E.Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley,WA 99206 106,Spokane Valley,WA 99206 PH: (509)688-0030/FX:(509)921-1008 PH: (509) 688-0045/FX:(509) 921-1008 kmcclung@spokanevalley.org mbasinger@spokanevalley.org Date issued: February 5,2010 Signature: `K • APPEAL: An appeal of this determination must be submitted to the Community Developmen Department within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date issued. The appeal must be written and make specific factual objections to the City's threshold determination. Appeals shall be in conformance with Section 17.90 (Appeals)of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. At the time of appeal submittal, required fees are due pursuant to the City's adopted Fee Schedule. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-680,appeals shall be limited to a review of a final threshold determination. AGENCY ROUTING: of Liberty Lake,Community Development City of Spokane;Planning Services Spokane County,Boundary Review Board Spokane County,Building and Planning Spokane County,Division of Utilities-Information Services Spokane County,Clean Air Agency Spokane County,Fire District No.1 Spokane County,Fire District No.8 Spokane County,Regional Health District Spokane Transit Authority(STA) Spokane Regional Transportation Council(SRTC) Washington State Department of Ecology(Olympia) Washington State Department of Ecology(Spokane) 2010 Proposed Text Amendments CPA-04- 10 Thru CPA-08- 10 Project Planner: Mike Basinger, Senior Planner, AICP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 1-1-CITV 10111"\111.04, NoAmite STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE 4010 Valley PLANNING COMMISSION 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENTS I STAFF REPORT DATE:February 1,2010 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: February 25, 2010, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers,Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley,Washington 99206. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: The 2010 Comprehensive Plan amendments include: CITY INITIATED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENTS File Number Map or Text Summary of Amendment CPA-04-10 Text Chapter 2-Land Use: New policy language will address development Map 2.1 agreements in association with site-specific comprehensive plan map amendments. Text edits will also integrate policy language to supplement existing goals to support acquiring open space,publicizing the community's heritage,and connecting neighborhoods. CPA-05-10 Text Chapter 3-Transportation:Map 3.1,Arterial Street Plan,will display Map 3.1 the federal reclassification of Conklin Street(Urban Local Access to Map 3.2 Urban Minor Arterial) and Indiana Avenue(Urban Local Access to Map 3.7 CLASP) Urban Minor Arterial). Map 3.2,Bike and Pedestrian System,will display newly developed bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Map 3.7, Local Access Street Plan,is a new map identifying future access streets within the City of Spokane Valley to improve connectivity and emergency access. Text edits will integrate policy language to supplement existing goals to support linking facilities with non- motorized transportation routes,increasing the percent of total miles of bike lanes in the City,and encouraging fuel-efficient vehicles in the public transportation system. CPA-06-10 Text Chapter 4-Amendments will incorporate changes in the 6-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)into the Capital Facilities Plan to ensure consistency. The Level of Service(LOS)table will identify the current six-year and twenty-year level of service analysis for all arterial intersections in the City of Spokane Valley. Amendments will also update the growth assumptions to reflect population allocation numbers approved by the Spokane County Board of Commissioners. New text will integrate policy language to supplement existing goals to support water conservation,recycling,limiting harmful chemicals,and education programs that result in local employment. CPA-07-10 Text Chapter 7-Economic Development: Amendments will integrate Map 7.1 policy language to supplement existing goals to support local businesses,living wages,efficient practices,and clean technologies. Map,7.1,Development Activity,will display 2009 development activity. CPA-08-10 Text Chapter 8-Natural Environment: New text will integrate policy language to supplement existing goals to protect the aquifer, groundwater,and priority habit species. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission Page 1 of 6 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, the lead agency has determined that the proposed text amendments to the comprehensive plan do not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. After a thorough review of the completed environmental checklist, the lead agency has determined that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). PROPOSAL LOCATION:The proposal affects the entire City of Spokane Valley,Washington. APPLICANT:City of Spokane Valley,WA APPROVAL CRITERIA: Title 17 (General Provisions) and Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC). SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission approve the proposed text amendments to the adopted Comprehensive Plan. STAFF PLANNER: Mike Basinger,AICP,Senior Planner,Community Development Department ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Chapter 2-Land Use Exhibit 2: Chapter 3-Transportation Exhibit 3: Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Exhibit 4: Chapter 7-Economic Development Exhibit 5: Chapter 8-Natural Environment Exhibit 6: SEPA Determination Exhibit 7: Agency Comments and Public Comments BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. APPLICATION PROCESSING Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The following summarizes key application procedures for the proposal. Application Submitted: November 1,2009 Determination of Completeness: November 1, 2009 Issuance of Determination of Non-Significance(DNS): February 5, 2010 End of Appeal Period for DNS: February 19,2010 Date of Published Notice of Public Hearing: February 5,2010 Date of Mailed Notice of Public Hearing: February 5,2010 Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission Page 2 of 6 13. SUMMARY OF TEXT AMENDMENTS II. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO SEPA Findings: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC),the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The Planning Division issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the proposal. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Conclusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and Title 21 of the SVMC have been fulfilled by the applicant's submittal of the required SEPA Checklist, and the issuance of the City's threshold determination consisting of a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). No appeals were received. III. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS A. COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 17 (GENERAL PROVISIONS)OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Findings: Section 17.80.140(H) of the SVMC provides approval criteria that must be considered when the City amends the Comprehensive Plan. The criteria are listed below along with staff comments. 1. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment; Staff Response: The Washington State Growth Management Act limits the City to amending the Comprehensive Plan to once a year. The City provides a process each year for individuals, groups, City departments,and elected officials to propose updates to address changing conditions so the plan will reflect ongoing work or new information. The proposed text amendments add or modify policy direction in specific policy areas and update information in the plan. The 2010 proposed text amendments are minor in nature and ensure that the Comprehensive Plan is consistent with other internal plans within the City. The public health,safety,welfare, and protection of the environment is furthered by ensuring the Comprehensive Plan is reflective of regional policy and current with other internal plans. 2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; Staff Response: The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are not in conflict with Chapter 36.70A RCW (Growth Management Act) and do not result in internal inconsistencies within the plan itself. 3. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; Staff Response: The proposed text amendments are not site or property specific. This approval criterion does not apply. 4. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error; Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission Page 3 of 6 Staff Response: The proposed text amendments will not result in changes to specific properties. 5. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The majority of the proposed text amendments either update or correct information contained in the plan. At this point, staff has not identified any deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Section 17.80.140(H) of the SVMC provides the following factors that must be considered when the City amends the Comprehensive Plan. The factors are listed below along with staff comments. 1. The effect of the physical environment; Staff Response: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code, the lead agency has determined that the proposed text amendments do not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The effect on open space,streams,rivers,and lakes; Staff Response: The proposed text amendments are policy oriented and non-project amendments. 3. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; Staff Response: The proposed text amendments are policy oriented and non-project amendments. 4. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, parks,recreation,and schools; Staff Response: The City of Spokane Valley addresses adequacy of community facilities on a citywide basis through capital facilities planning. The Comprehensive Plan recommends a concurrency management system for transportation, sewer, and water facilities. The Parks and Recreation Plan provide an implementation strategy including a capital facilities plan, which identifies costs and revenue sources for new parks. 5. The benefit to the neighborhood,City,and region; Staff Response: The proposed text amendments add or modify policy direction in specific policy areas and update information in the plan to ensure consistency with other internal plans within the City. The public benefit is furthered by ensuring the Comprehensive Plan is reflective of regional policy and current with other internal plans. 6. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land; Staff Response: The proposed text amendments are policy oriented and do not address land quantity or land use designations. 7. The current and projected population density in the area;and Staff Response: The proposed text amendments are policy oriented and non-project amendments. The proposed amendments do not demand population analysis. 8. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission Page 4 of 6 Staff Analysis: The proposed amendments are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will have minimal impact on other aspects of the plan. Conclusion(s): The proposed Comprehensive Plan text amendments are consistent with the approval criteria and factors contained in the SVMC. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division after review and consideration of the proposed amendments and applicable approval criteria and factors recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of CPA-04-10 through CPA-08-10. V. PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS The Planning Commission is required to adopt findings of fact(Sections 17.80.140)when recommending changes to the Comprehensive Plan. At the conclusion of the hearing for the Comprehensive Plan amendments, the Planning Commission,by separate motion,should adopt findings of fact. Findings: Staff has prepared the following findings for the Planning Commission in the event there is concurrence with the recommended approval. Section 17.80.140 (H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) provides approval criteria that must be considered when the City amends the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Commission Findings and Factors(Section 17.180.1401 of the SVMC): Findings a. The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment is furthered by ensuring the Comprehensive Plan is reflective of regional policy and current with other internal plans. b. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are consistent with Chapter 36.70A RCW (Growth Management Act). c. The proposed text amendments are not site or property specific and do not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies. This approval criterion does not apply. d. The proposed text amendments are not site or property specific and do not correct mapping errors. This approval criterion does not apply. e. The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. The majority of the proposed text amendments either update or correct information contained in the plan. At this point,staff has not identified any deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Factors: a. Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code, the lead agency has determined that the proposed text amendments do not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. b. The proposed text amendments are policy oriented non-project amendments and will not affect open space,streams, rivers,and lakes. c. The proposed text amendments are policy oriented non-project amendments and will not impact adjacent land uses or surrounding neighborhoods d. The adequacy of community facilities is determined on a citywide basis through capital facilities planning. e. The proposed text amendments are policy oriented and do not address land quantity or land use designations. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission Page 5 of 6 f. The proposed text amendments are policy oriented and non-project amendments. The proposed amendments do not demand population analysis. g. The proposed amendments are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will have minimal impact on other aspects of the plan. Recommended Motion: The Planning Commission finds the 2010 Comprehensive Plan text amendments to be consistent with Section 17.80.140(H) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC). The Planning Commission adopts the findings in the staff report and recommends approval of CPA-04-10 through CPA-08-10, amendments to the comprehensive plan text. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission Page 6 of 6 Exhibit 1 Chapter 2 - Land Use City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan 2.11 Goals and Policies Residential Goals &Policies Goal LUG-1 Preserve and protect the character of Spokane Valley's residential neighborhoods. Policies LUP-1.1 Maintain and protect the character of existing and future residential neighborhoods through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. LUP-1.2 Protect residential areas from impacts of adjacent non-residential uses and/or higher intensity uses through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. LUP-1.3 Review and revise as necessary, existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new residential developments, accessory dwelling units and in-fill development. LUP-1.4 Encourage the development of transportation routes and facilities to serve residential neighborhoods. Special attention should be given to pedestrian circulation. LUP-1.5 Encourage the development of parks and the dedication of open space in and adjacent to residential areas. Open space dedication shall be proportionate to the size of the development. LUP-1.6 Preserve site characteristics that enhance residential development(trees, bodies of water, vistas, and similar features) using site planning techniques such as clustering, planned unit developments, transfer of development rights and lot size averaging. LUP-1.7 Allow zone changes within the Low Density Residential category only when specific criteria are met. Criteria may include: a Substantial changes within zone change area. Clear mapping errors. c Adequate facilities and services (e.g. sewer,water capacity). G Consistency with densities in the vicinity of the zone change. LUP-1.8 Development agreements in conjunction with comprehensive plan amendments may be used where the project is laraer in scope and has potentially larder impacts than normal. or where the city council may desire to place certain restrictions on proposal. LUP-1.9 Development agreements in conjunction with comprehensive plan amendments shall not be used to waive reouirements associated with a proposed use. Goal LUG-2 Encourage a wide range of housing types and densities commensurate with the community's needs and preferences. Policies LUP-2.1 Allow and encourage a variety of housing types in designated Mixed-use areas, especially in the City Center area. LUP-2.2 Use design and performance standards for residential developments to achieve integration in commercial and Mixed-use developments. Performance standards should focus on scale, appearance, and compatibility. Encourage variations in facades and rooflines to add character and interest to multi-family developments. Adopted April 25,2006 (Updated 12-31-2009) Chapter 2—Land Use Page 28 of 36 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan LUP-2.3 Encourage the development of transportation routes and facilities to serve residential neighborhoods. Special attention should be given to walking, biking and transit uses. LUP-2.4 Residential development should be designed to provide privacy and common open space. Open space areas shall be proportionate to the size of the residential development. LUP-2.5 Consider special development techniques (e.g., zero lot lines, lot size averaging, and planned unit developments) in single-family areas, provided they result in residential development consistent with the quality and character of existing neighborhoods. LUP-2.7 Consider and possibly implement proarams facilitating purchase or retention of existing open space lands. such as transfer of development rights (TDR) or purchase of development riahts (PDR). Commercial Goals & Policies Goal LUG-3 Transform various commercial business areas into vital, attractive, easily accessible mixed use areas that appeal to investors, consumers and residents and enhance the community image and economic vitality. Policies LUP-3.1 Encourage transformation of Sprague Avenue Regional/Community Commercial corridor into a quality mixed-use retail area. Retail development along the corridor, exclusive of the City Center, should be concentrated at arterial intersections and designed to integrate auto, pedestrian, and transit circulation. Integration of public amenities and open space into retail and office development should also be encouraged. LUP-3.2 Encourage large bulk retailers to locate in the designated Regional Commercial nodes around arterial intersections. LUP-3.3 Development aareements in conjunction with comprehensive plan amendments may be used to ensure compatibility between non-residential developments and residential zones by regulating heioht. scale. setbacks. and buffers. Goal LUG-4 Provide neighborhood and community scale retail centers for the City's neighborhoods. Policies LUP-4.1 Integrate retail developments into surrounding residential areas with attention to quality design and function. LUP-4.2 Encourage pedestrian and bicycle access to neighborhood shopping and services. LUP-4.3 Encourage retail and personal services to group together within planned centers to allow for ease of pedestrian movement. LUP-4.4 Encourage Mixed-use residential and commercial and office development in Neighborhood Commercial designations where compatibility with nearby uses can be demonstrated. LUP-4.5 Ensure compatibility between mixed-use developments and residential areas by regulating height, scale, setbacks, and buffers. Adopted April 25, 2006(Updated 12-31-2009) Chapter 2—Land Use Page 29 of 36 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan LUP-15.3 Establish and maintain relations with Native American tribes for the preservation of archaeological sites and traditional cultural properties. LUP-15.4 Publicize the community's heritage through interpretive trails. historic plagues. art and other public displays. Land Use/Transportation Connection Goals &Policies Goal LUG-16 Provide a street system that connects neighborhoods. Policies LUP-16.1 Encourage new developments, including multifamily projects, to be arranged in a pattern of connecting streets and blocks to allow people to safely get around easily by foot, bicycle, bus,or car. LUP-16.2 Develop street, pedestrian path and bike path standards that contribute to a system of fully connected routes. LUP-16.3 Require adequate emergency evacuation routes prior to approving new development or redevelopment. LUP-16.4 Connect neighborhood services. public open space and parks with multi-modal paths., Joint Planning Goals and Policies Goal LUG-17 The City of Spokane Valley should continue to coordinate with Spokane County and neighboring cities for adjacent urban growth areas. Policies LUP-17.1 The City should coordinate with Spokane County to ensure appropriate service provision and land development prior to City annexation. Methods to allow for coordination may include, but are not limited to, execution of an interlocal agreement between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County to: • Establish guidelines for development plan review, impact fees and SEPA mitigation;and • Define service delivery responsibilities, level of service standards and capital facility implementation consistent with the goals and policies of this Plan. LUP-17.2 Through regional planning efforts, the City and County should ensure that planning is compatible with the Cities of Spokane and Liberty Lake. LUP-17.3 The City should continue coordinated planning efforts between Spokane County, appropriate fire districts, school districts, and water service providers to assure managed growth in urban growth areas. Potential Annexation Area Goals and Policies Goal LUG-18 Identify Potential Annexation Areas for the City of Spokane Valley that are consistent with the Spokane County regional urban growth area boundary. Policies LUP-18.1 Within the existing urban growth area, identify potential annexation areas that are contiguous to the city limits and not assigned to another city. Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 12-31-2009) Chapter 2—Land Use Page 34 of 36 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan LUP-18.2 Coordinate with adjacent cities and Spokane County to review and update the regional urban growth area boundary consistent with the Countywide Planning � Policies and RCW 36.70. LUP-18.3 Propose changes to the regional urban growth area boundary necessary to accommodate Spokane Valley's 20—year population allocation. LUP-18.4 The City will not accept requests to annex unincorporated territory located outside the designated urban growth area. LUP-18.5 Complete necessary capital facilities planning for any newly proposed urban growth areas in accordance with the Countywide Planning Policies. Goal LUG-19 Collaborate with adjacent cities, Spokane County, and affected residents. Policies LUP-19.1 Pursue interlocal agreements with Spokane County to support collaborative joint planning within potential annexation areas to ensure consistent development. LUP-19.2 Inform affected residents, property owners, and businesses in the annexation process. LUP-19.3 Include language in an interlocal agreement utilizing the tool of annexation, prior to urban development, to control the type, quality, and location of development in potential annexation areas. LUP-19.4 Coordinate with Spokane County to work with affected neighborhoods upon annexation to provide a smooth transition from Spokane County to the City of Spokane Valley administration. Goal LUG-20 Promote orderly growth within potential annexation areas. Policies LUP-20.1 Perform a fiscal analysis and provide a service plan for all areas proposed for annexation. Lup-20.2 Incorporate potential annexation areas in the Capital Facilities Plan including proposed locations for new capital facilities. LUP-20.3 Strive to retain neighborhood integrity in adjusting potential annexation areas boundaries. Goal LUG-2i Develop an annexation process for potential annexation areas Policies LUP-21.1 Evaluate annexations within the potential annexation areas based on the following criteria: • The City's ability, either in house, by contract, or by special purpose district, to provide public services at the City's adopted level of service • The annexation boundary should provide a contiguous and regular boundary with current City limits • The annexation boundary, where appropriate should use physical boundaries, including but not limited to, bodies of water, existing or future right-of-way, roads, and topography • Assessment of staff time and expense involved in processing the annexation request Adopted April 25, 2006(Updated 12-31-2009) Chapter 2—Land Use Page 35 of 36 Exhibit 2 Chapter 3 - Transportation City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan TP-4.5 Reduce the amount of vehicle idling within the City through implementation of signal synchronization and driver awareness. Transportation System Management(TSM) Goals &Policies Goal TG-6 Extend the functional life of the existing transportation system and increase its safe and efficient operation through the application of TSM strategies. Policies TP-5.1 Implement traffic signal synchronization projects as the primary component of a TSM program. As funding permits, monitoring or traffic operation should be carried out to assure efficient timing of traffic signals. TP-5.2 Use Access Management measures, such as placing restriction on left turns across major arterial streets to reduce accident rates and extend capacity of major arterials. TP-5.3 Consider grade-separated railroad crossinas where appropriate. TP-5.4 Ensure that pedestrians. bicyclists and the physically handicapped are taken into account when developing signalized intersections. Transportation Demand Management(TDM) Goals & Policies Goal TG-6 Encourage all Commute Trip Reduction affected and voluntary employers in Spokane Valley to achieve the CTR Act travel reduction goals. Policies TP-6.1 Encourage car-and van-pooling, telecommuting, flexible work schedules and other strategies identified in the CTR to reduce overall travel demand. TP-6.2 Use video-conferencing and conference callina for off-site meetings where feasible. Freight&Goods Goals &Policies Goal TG-7 Provide for safe and efficient freight mobility. Policies TP-7.1 Discourage development of low-density residential development in close proximity to designated freight corridors and intermodal freight facilities. TP-7.2 Designate appropriate truck routes in the City of Spokane Valley. TP-7.3 Design designated freight corridors to improve traffic flow and freight mobility. TP-7.4 Disperse traffic throughout commercial districts rather than concentrating it on a sinale arterial. Goal TG-8 Adapt street and roadway design and facilities to manage traffic demand, address the need for freight movement, resolve traffic conflicts, and complement land use and urban features. Policies TP-8.1 Use the City's transportation system and infrastructure to support desired land uses and development patterns. TP-8.2 Allow for variety of services within neighborhoods that are convenient to and meet the needs of neighborhood residents, decreasing the need for driving. Adopted April 25, 2006(Updated 7-31-2008) Chapter 3—Transportation Page 27 of 30 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Non-motorized Transportation Goals & Policies Goal TG-9 Enhance community livability and transportation by encouraging a connected system of pedestrian and bicycle ways that is integrated into a coordinated regional network. Policies TP-9.1 Encourage non-motorized improvements which minimize the need for residents to use motorized modes by providing: 1) access to activity centers; 2) linkage to transit, park & ride lots and school bus routes; and 3) designating a network of streets that can safely and efficiently accommodate bicycles. TP-9.2 :7,c, :Coordinate development of the non-motorized system with surrounding jurisdictions and regional system extensions. TP-9.32- Provide sidewalks on both sides of all arterial streets as funding allows. TP-9.4; Incorporate pedestrian and bicycle features as design elements in the City Center. TP-9.54 Work with other agencies, particularly relating to regionally significant facilities to pursue funding for pedestrian and bicycle facilities. TP-9.6 Ensure that sidewalks, shared use paths and bike lanes are safe, clearly marked and well maintained. TP-9.7C' Include bicycle facilities where practical along arterial roadways. TP-9.8 Prioritize schools. parks. City Center. libraries and other civic destinations as non-motorized routes for the transportation network. TP-9.97- Include convenient and secure bicycle parking at major destinations and transportation centers. TP-9.109 Include pedestrian friendly facilities such as sidewalks (separated where feasible) in city street reconstruction and improvement projects, and require pedestrian friendly facilities such as sidewalks and/or multi-use trails in all new development. TP-9.1112 Reduce obstructions and conflicts between bicycle/pedestrian facilities and vehicular transportation routes. TP-9.12- Develop street, pedestrian path and bike path standards that contribute to a system of fully connected routes for all transportation choices. TP-9.13! --s-:-d Develop an integrated Bicycle Master Plan that defines the goals and design elements for bicycling in the City. TP-9.14 Increase the percent of total miles of bike lanes in the City. TP-9.152 -p.o :Accommodate bicyclists, pedestrians and the physically handicapped in the design of interchanges and intersections in a manner that is safe, accessible and convenient. TP-9.163 Tho CV) :."!!! %Work with the CTR Program to provide incentive programs and develop facilities to encourage employees to bicycle to work. Transit Goals & Policies Goal TG-10 Support the provision of a safe, efficient, and cost-effective public transportation system. TP-10.1 Work with STA to ensure that transit shelters. bus benches and other amenities that support transit use are provided in appropriate locations for users of the system. Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 7-31-2008) Chapter 3-Transportation Page 28 of 30 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan TP-10.2 Work with STA in planning and developing safe and efficient bus loading and unloading points. TP-10.3 Support the continued Dlannina and development of other transit options, including but not limited to a high-capacity transit system. TP-10.4 Encourage use of fuel-efficient vehicles in the public transportation system. Goal TG-11 Encourage land uses that will support a high-capacity transportation system. Policies TP-11.1 Ensure that street standards, land uses, densities and building placement support the facilities and services needed along transit routes to make transit viable. TO 11." EAI...1. al. OTA to -. V thzt tra.o .I-.!-= L- -. bcr,ohoz TD X14 1 1nin1. OTA fr. p!cn.In n,-1 ,J..,,.!op!-.-, n 1 h.-,,: .+.. +A- fcr -In n TP-11. 2 Work with STA to facilitate":-neighborhood business areas ". are served by transit :_ ' ..,...:h -._..arc.._:, ,. =!cmor.t. TP-11. 3 Ensure that Appleway Boulevard right-of-way is the minimum width necessary to accommodate future street and high-capacity transit improvements. Aviation Goals & Policies Goal TG-12 Support the expansion of general aviation and freight uses at Felts Field in accordance with the approved Airport Master Plan. Policies TP-12.1 Encourage the full development and utilization of airport properties at Felts Field. TP-12.2 Encourage commercial, educational and logistical support industry in close proximity to the airport. Goal TG-13 Encourage land use and development compatible with airport uses and regulated airspace. Policies TP-13.1 Enforce regulations protecting airspace from encroachment. TP-13.2 Discourage incompatible land uses and residential densities adjacent to the airport. Rail Goals &Policies Goal TG-14 Support and encourage the continued viability of the passenger and freight rail system in the region. Policies TP-14.1 Participate with other jurisdictions to facilitate safe and efficient rail systems. Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 7-31-2008) Chapter 3—Transportation Page 29 of 30 .rr-- �� ^te,_a�—t■ttttttt—rr .� —^ �— T� i gym;;, IT11 min ': , Map 3.1 411 s • If E III1 {IN ., a Arterial Street Plan rryifi !maga c a 4t,1710111:e C ,til I";'a AFF:- I., ,' s..... a c�.�. ��>:.:aY� t� }il�I' IY�'E� •r't.� i Iv.m.nv.Ity �C• In, 3 a t41144_ I e £� � 'I 1 a n-��Ifi-��� � Legend lye � � � Qi"tynf it� t!� h. ..,-^�� .immariLerC,imiL.ANia .� Current Classification r.E-0Spnfcanc • ,�k. w a+hitt'' ,^ - -a � d,. State or Federal .141.—lima.■ . +s. l G-E _moor ,,vW- cJ r r -� Principal Arterial F., r ,it. T. 3 / bate nn : ,,. 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Map 3.7 Local Access . lit ' F. i 3�e I� ,:ems� !IL_ :Street Plan t7.iQt0L Wen vle`' rEi' Spot carte /--).' il'��r 41 � = t_ Legend ��'EEE��� euanr� Platted Right-of-Way ripiimoure.v.Z1iI"�� ;■ ^- ��.� � � � . : ®4 ONO 'i -0 Q Proposed Local Access Streets _ p' �' ms- ..Fn 1cL S kung *'� tmsn. ‘00„ppr-� � �� Tt)vn of 1Vl;ll vootl��..== � �� � H+wf++ Railroads i�l�Ct1L4■F! !� � � ��w ���xra atL337P►���.,-- VIM . u'C97ITA �aSvicets .Y r' iFi� .+ City of Spokane Valley rIM.-■ �MIIM'`ilso - IP' het aII �W1111 � l� ��4 tt$ LJ Other Municipalities _ _}� jei ►.17_AlF----coukc _ ign � Water bodies implowz,...._. �' w-xlv INN. - IlL_I ___ '2411=111,________ .: .. 617,,,E.Emo g®i��jig m..4�iii�Rpm :> , 0 �- 1 iii = � �. ilaeoleitillilaumin11111 -414.111fi&Ai NMI Ewa iiim inumulr-r4-- ...i1.1 LW _ 2,1%,.pjp-d- II NOUN I miefraps .imporAiem.miiri MI .' 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'Al44 M1 am aau ■ r .d i �� ®la .!noq. t aei u 0 0.4 0.8 1.6 Miles e� 1 I t t t 1 t ii I �' ri Nnt/ret She 1iJl■rnafon Mewl in this mop f]rnngdledflnm reptant - ' mom.,atdLt.nthfeetfnamity',mitenn.Vie(IV Mmkttnndainty fflti5 '.c` '>rtv .. $ tM Rlnntltlrrf Am,the R'H1117N IN rnnextry middy IIY1P MO R ry4k ,. Ain elptr:tIV tfheldmt llehllltyFn'error-sand tnnittltmt IN lit Meath. 1� . a„ 7h r mJfmt arttmry rewrrct the City ry/,1jx lvnr Valley,Cmnmtmtry IJetrtnlmtrnt lkparnnent,!Whim of Miming,(1 00 177)911.10 1� w* 1 �. 11t+du1•fth•tl1rNS..YeVag,e VJ ,[Yrw+b h Jml•fmt■It•f■mm�■ torr.• h. Exhibit 3 Chapter 4 — Capital Facilities and Public Services City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Public Safety - Fire and Police Goal CFG-3 Provide police protection efficiently and cost effectively to Spokane Valley residents. Coordinate with fire districts to ensure adequate fire protection and emergency services for Spokane Valley citizens. Policies CFP-3.1 Encourage inter jurisdictional cooperation among law enforcement agencies and fire districts to further develop,where practical, shared service and facility use. CFP-3.2 Develop a comprehensive emergency management plan that meets the needs of the City and coordinates with regional emergency planning efforts. CFP-3.3 Require adequate emergency vehicle road access and water supply/pressure for new development within the City. CFP-3.4 Encourage property owners to create a defensible space between structures and adjacent fuels and require that fire rated roofing materials are used on buildings in forested areas. Water and Sewer Goal CFG-4 Plans for water and sewer service should be consistent with the SVCP. Policies CFP-4.1 Review water and sewer plans to determine consistency with anticipated population growth, future land uses, comprehensive plan land use policies and development regulations. CFP-4.2 Coordinate sewer planning with appropriate jurisdictions for consistency with the SVCP. CFP-4.3 Support continued planning for domestic water needs in partnership with water purveyors, the Joint Aquifer Board, Washington State Department of Health and the Washington State Department of Ecology. CFP-4.4 Encourage public and private efforts to conserve water and to provide public education reaardina the safe and appropriate use of the waste treatment system (i.e.. NOT using drains and toilets for pharmaceuticals, grease. diapers. etc.). CFP-4.5 Discourage new, private domestic wells within the Spokane Valley City limits. CFP-4.6 New development must connect to public sewer and water. CFP-4.7 Consider grey water re-use and rainwater harvesting technology when and where appropriate and feasible. CFP-4.8 Encourage use of less water-intensive. native vegetation where possible. Solid Waste Goal CFG-5 Promote the reduction, re-use and recycling of solid waste. Policies CFP-5.1 Establish a City Hall recycling program to present a positive example of civic and environmental responsibility. CFP-5.2 Participate in updates to the Spokane County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management plan and support its implementation. CFP-5.3 Work toward reducing waste at City-sponsored events through the provision of recycling canisters and other means. Adopted April 25, 2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 9 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan CFP-5.4 Provide links to reduction. re-use and recycling information on the City web site. CFP-5.5 Encourage the recycling of construction site waste. Stormwater Goal CFG-6 Ensure the provision of stormwater facilities and related management programs that protect surface and groundwater quality, prevent chronic flooding from stormwater, maintain natural stream hydrology, and protect aquatic resources. Policies CFP-6.1 Require stormwater management systems for new development. CFP-6.2 Create and implement a stormwater management plan to reduce impacts from urban runoff. CFP-6.3 Best management practices should be utilized to treat stormwater runoff prior to absorption of runoff into the ground. CFP-6.4 New development should include the multiple uses of facilities, such as the integration of stormwater facilities with recreation and/or open space areas,when possible. CFP-6.5 Encourage the use of alternatives to impervious surfaces. including permeable pavers. pervious pavement. subsurface drainage chambers and Garden roofs. CFP-6.6 Consider programs limiting the use of herbicides. pesticides and fertilizers containing phosphates or other harmful chemicals. Library Service Goal CFG-7 Promote efficient and cost effective library service to Spokane Valley residents. Policies CFP-7.1 Encourage continued free, reciprocal library services among all libraries within the Spokane region. CFP-7.2 Land use regulations should allow siting of library facilities in locations convenient to residential areas. CFP-7.3 Work collaboratively with the Spokane County Library District to develop long- range library plans consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Schools Goal CFG-8 School sites and facilities should meet the education needs of Spokane Valley citizens. Policies CFP-8.1 Develop land use designations that allow new schools where they will best serve the community. CFP-8.2 Consider the adequacy of school facilities when reviewing new residential development. CFP-8.3 Assist school districts in their planning processes. CFP-8.4 Encourage educational and vocational institutions to develop programs that will result in local employment opportunities for araduates. Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 10 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan CFP-8.5 Coordinate with school districts to use school facilities as community centers where appropriate. Concurrency Goal CFG-9 New development shall be served with adequate facilities and services at the time of development, or within the time frame consistent with state law. Policies CFP-9.1 Implement a concurrency management system for transportation, water and sewer facilities. Financing Growth Goal CFG-10 Consider a variety of revenue sources and funding mechanisms including, but not limited to, impact fees. Policies CFP-10.1 Identify and pursue sources of revenue for financing public facilities. Essential Public Facilities Goal CFG-11 Collaborate with all Spokane County jurisdictions in determining the best locations for public and private essential public facilities. Policies CFP-11.1 Follow the process for siting essential public facilities as set forth in the Spokane County Regional Siting Process for Essential Public Facilities. Potential Annexation Areas Goal CFG-12 Provide capital facilities to serve and direct future growth within the City of Spokane Valley Potential Annexation Areas Policies CFP-12.1 Plan and coordinate the location of public facilities and utilities in the potential annexation areas CFP-12.2 Considering, in advance, property acquisition opportunities for future facilities including but not limited to parks, police facilities, stormwater facilities, greenbelts, open space, and street connections CFP-12.3 Coordinate with adjacent jurisdictions in developing capital improvement programs and studies addressing multi-jurisdictional issues 4.4 Capital Facilities Plan 4.4.1 Introduction The Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) provides an analysis of the facilities and services required to support the future land use and growth projected in the Comprehensive Plan. The CFP includes a six year capital projects and a financing plan for facilities provided by the City. The finance plan identifies specific revenue sources that the City reasonably anticipates will be available in the year the project is scheduled to be constructed. The CFP includes Level of Service(LOS) standards for each public facility or service and requires that new development be served by adequate facilities. The purpose of the CFP is to use sound fiscal policies to provide adequate public facilities consistent with the land use element and concurrent with, or prior to, the impacts of development. Adopted April 25, 2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 11 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan 4.4.2 Growth Assumption On 20, 2004.June 9. 2009, the Spokane County Board of Commissioners (BoCC) approved a Spc!:cr:c'.'=!!oy'c 7e=`=:-.!population allocation of 20,ee5l 8,746 people for the City of Spokane Valley. The allocation is the amount of people the City can accommodate within its current municipal boundary. In addition, the BoCC approved a population allocation of 8.138 people for the unincorporated Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) adjacent to the City of Spokane Valley. \/..II.,,. ,.....:.-I:��i!'.�� '�' ,,::,::r:... _!!,,.......,,, ;}:!�:'-=�. ....r tcat,-,,-. 'occ `!ty.;.,,... or= ..,... .... .,� \/..!1... .l:.JM..+ n V+ .,IL. ..t:,.r. ^.+Vi,-L. of -- !"`:+ ,I:mtn_ r^o:!!.:o.. r::�!.��. .w y �'., r't cnc1. .I the .,I.,n �;c"� Procc ria:... ;�.th., ~!cd!ct.o., „f Spc!.c.�, ^rn.. +y; thc:-c-cr cThe City of Spokane Valley has identified the adjacent UGAs as Potential AnnexationAreas (PAAs). The City has identified existing service providers to help determine the effects on existing levels of service in the event of annexation. Capital facilities planning activities within these UGAs ,:'!!! c:-.}!=continue to be the County's responsibility. The following population data is used for capital facilities planning purposes: Table 4.4 Population Projection Year 2—n432009 7,J.44-2.2015 V.452031 PopulationC'2,'22089.440 C2,2!-93.854 105,C75106.720 4.4.3 Level of Service Cities are often defined by the quality of facilities and services that are provided to its residents. Good road, sewer and water infrastructure are typical criteria used by businesses considering relocation. Park and recreation facilities are increasingly used to judge the quality of a City. Businesses want to locate where they can attract the best employees, and quality of life issues are often the deciding factor for a person to move to a new area. Level of service standards are quantifiable measures, such as acres of parks per 1000 people, or the amount of time it takes to travel a road segment during peak morning and afternoon "rush hours," the higher the level of service the higher the cost. This element establishes levels of service which will be used to evaluate the adequacy and future cost of urban facilities and services. 4.4.3 Concurrency The Growth Management Act introduces the concept of concurrency, which requires new development to be served with adequate urban services at the time of development, or within a specified time thereafter. The GMA allows six years for necessary transportation improvements to be constructed as long as a financial commitment is made at the time of development. The GMA strongly encourages concurrency for water and sewer, and it is good public policy to require the same. 4.4.4 Financing Facilities and Services The City is limited in its ability to finance all desired capital facility projects. Options must be available for addressing funding shortfalls or decisions must be made to lower levels of service for public facilities. In deciding how to address a particular shortfall, the City will need to balance current needs versus future growth requirements; existing deficiencies versus future expansions. Capital facilities plans must be balanced. When funding shortfalls occur, the following options should be considered: a. Increase revenues, b. decrease level of service standards, c. decrease the cost of the service or facility, d. decrease the demand for the service or facility, Adopted April 25, 2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 12 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan e. or some combination of the above. Adopted April 25,2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 13 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Ty41€4-R[-t-.-- O--=CTL. :-:'-c r.- _2222_._ _ . _.. _•,,• ,- 2=�_5 ,,,,A_2 -2-2;3 2211 ?-`._. _.. 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Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 20142030 2010-2015 Intersection Count Control 2008 2014 Mitigated 2000 Mitiaated Project LOS LOSLOS LOS LOS Identifier 4th/Adams 2007 4-way stoo A A _ A - - 4th/Bovdish 2007 2-way stoo D D _ E - - 4th/Carnahan EST-2008 2-way stoo A A - A _ - 4th I Dishman Mica EST-2008 2-way stoo C DD - - 4th/Everoresn 2006 2-way stop E E _ F _ 4th/Farr EST-2008 2-way stop B B _ B _ 4th/McDonald 2007 2-way stoo C D - F _ 4th/Park 2008 2-way stop B C F - - 4th/SR 27 EST-2008 2-way stoo D D _ E - - 4th/Sullivan 2007 Sional B B _ B - - 4th/Thierman 2007 4-way stoo A A B - - 4th/University 2008 Sional B B _ B _ - 8th/Adams 2007 4-way stop A A _ A - 8th/Barker 2005 2-way stop B B - C - Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 49 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan --- ------------- ----- Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 20142Q3Q 203 2010-2015 2008 2014 Intersection Count Control Mitigated INitleated Protect LOS LOS LOS LOS LOS Identifier 8th/Bettman EST-2008 2-way stop C C _ C _ _ Bowdish 8th/Bowdish EST-2008 2-way stoo C D D D D TWLTL from 8th-32nd 8th/Carnahan 2005 4-way stop B B _ F _ - 8th/Dishman Mica 2008 Signal B B _ B _ - 8th/Evergreen 2006 Sianal A A _ A _ 8th/Farr 2007 2-way stop B B _ C_ _ - 8th/McDonald 2007 2-way stop C D - F _ - 8th/Park 2008 2-way stop B B _ E - 8th/SR 27 2001 2-way stop C D E _ - 8th/Sullivan 2007 Signal B B _ _B - - 8th/Thierman EST-2008 2-way sfoo C C - C 8th/University 2008 Signal A A _ A _ _ 16th/Adams 2008 4-way stoo A A _ A - _ Bowdish 16th/Bowdish 2008 4-way stoo B C C D C TWLTL from 8th-32nd 16th/Carnahan EST-2008 2-way stop B B _ B - - 16th/Dishman Mica 2004 Sianal B B _ C _ - 16th/Evergreen 2006 Signal A A _ A - _ Adopted April 25,2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 50 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 2008 2014 2014 2030 2030 2010-2015 Intersection Count Control LOS LOS hlitloated WS INProitioated ect LOS LOS Identifier 16th!McDonald 2008 4-way stoo A A - C _ - 16th/Pines 2008 2-way stop E F A F B TBD"` 16th/Saltese EST-2008 2-wav stoo B BB - - 16th/SR 27 2008 Sianal C C A E B TBD* 16th!Sullivan 2004 Sianal B BC - 16th/University 2009 Sianal B B - C - 24th/Adams 2007 4-way Ston A A _ A - - 24th/Blake EST-2003 4-way stop A A - A - - Bavdish 2007 2-way stop C C C C C 1WLTL from 24th/Bowdish 8th-32nd Everareen 208 4-way stop A A A B A 1WLTL from 24th/Everareen 16th-32nd 24th/McDonald EST-2008 2-way stop B B - B - 24th/Pines EST-2008 2-way stop B BB - - 24th/SR 27 2007 2-way stop C C - E - - 24th/Sullivan 2008 Sianal B C - C - _ 24th/University EST-2008 2-way stop A A - A _ 32nd/Bowdish 2005 Sianal B B B B B - 32nd/Dishman Mica EST-2008 2-way stop B B _ B - - Adopted April 25, 2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 51 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 2014 2030 g0� 2010-2015 2008 Intersection Count Control Mitigated Mitigated Prosect LOS LO5LOS LdS LOS Identifier 32nd/Everareen EST-2008 2-way stop B C C C E _ 32nd/Pines 2005 Signal B B _ C _ _ 32nd/SR 27 2005 Signal B C _ E _ _ 32nd/University 2005 Sianal A B _ B - _ 44th/Schafer EST-2008 4-way stoo A A _ A _ _ Applewav /Barker 2005 Sianal C D E - Applewav /Dishman Mica 2008 Sianal B B _ B - _ Applewav /Farr 2008 Sianal A A _ A _ _ Applewav /Park 2008 Sianal B B _ C _ _ Applewav /Thierman 2005 Sianal D D _ F _ - Applewav /University 2008 Sianal B B .. B .. _ Anolawav /Vista 2008 Sianal A A _ A _ _ Blake/SR 27 EST-2008 2-way stop B B _ B _ _ Broadway/Adams 2005 2-way stop D D _ E _ _ Broadway/Argonne 2008 Sianal B P.D _ - Broadway/Barker EST-2008 2-way stoo B B _ B _ - Broadway/Bowdish 2005 Signal A A _ A - _ Broadway/Conklin 2009 2-way stop C C E _ - Adopted April 25, 2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 52 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 2014 2_� 2010-2015 2008 2014 2030 Count Control intersection LOS LOS MintedLOS Nlitiaatod Prct o e LOS LOS Identifier Broadway/Everareen 2005 Sianal D D - D - Broadway/Fancher 2007 Sianal C C_ - A - Broadway/Farr EST-2008 2-way stoo C C - C - - Roundabout Broadway/Flora 2008 2-way stoo C F A F B Moore to Flora Broadway/Heacox 2009 2-way stoo C C - D - Broadway/McDonald 2005 Sianal A A - Broadway/Mullan 2008 Sianal. 3 C - D - - Park Road Broadway/Park 2008 Sianal D D C F D Broadway- Indiana Broadway/Pines 2009 Sional C C C - Broadway I Sullivan 2007 Sianai C C C Broadway/University 2007 Sianal A A - A - - Broadway/Vista 2007 Siorwi A A - A - - Broadway!Yardley 2006 2-way stc:J B B C - Buckeye/Park EST-2008 2-way sten A B - B - Buckeye/Vista EST-2008 2-way stoo B B - B - Dishman Mica/Bowdish 2005 Sianal B B - C - - Euclid/Park 2005 2-way stop B B - B - - Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 53 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 2014 2030 2010-2015 Intersection Count Control 2008 2014 21-24-4 Mii MitioatedN1ltiaated Protect LOS LOSLOS LbS LOS Identifier Euclid/Sullivan 2006 4-way stop C C _ C _ _ Euclid-West/Barker 2004 2-way stop B B _ E _ - Euclid-East/Barker EST-2008 2-way stop B B _ B _ _ Euclid-West/Flora 2007 2-way stop B B _ B _ _ Euclid-East/Flora 2007 2-way stop B B _ C _ _ Indiana/Evergreen 2009 Signal B B - B _ _ Indiana/Mirabeau 2009 Sional A B _ B _ _ Knox/Argonne 2008 Signal C C _ D _ - Knox/Vista EST-2008 2-way stop B B _ B - Mansfield/Mirabeau 2009 2-way stop C C _ C - - Mansfield/Pines 2008 Signal C C _ D _ _ Mirabeau/Pines 2008 2-way stop F F A F B Install Sianal Mission/Adams 2005 2-way stoo B B _ B _ _ Mission/Argonne 2005 Sional B B _ C _ _ Mission/Bowdish 2005 2-way stoo D D _ F - _ Roundabout Mission/Flora 2009 2-way stop A F A F A Indiana Extension Mission/McDonald 2006 Signal A A _ A _ - Mission/Mission Conn. 2008 2-way stoo B C _ C _ - Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 54 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan . Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis I' 2014 2030 Intersection Count Control 20a 2010-2015 2008 2014 Mitigated Mitigated Prolect LOS LOS LOS L05 LOS identifier Mission/Mullen 2005 Signal B B - B - Park Road Mission/Park 2006 Signal B C B D C Broadway- Indiana Mission/Pines 2007 Signal D D - E - - Mission/Sullivan 2005 Signal B B - B Mission/Thierman EST-2008 2-way stoo B B - B - - Mission/University 2008 2-way stop C D - F - - Mission Conn./Evergreen 2007 Signal A A - A - I Argonne Montocmery/Argonne 2008 Signal D D D E D 1-90 to Trent Monioomery/Mansfield 2008 RDB A C - C - - Montocmery/University 2007 2-way stoo C D - E - Rutter/Park 2003 2-way stop B B - C - - Saltese/McDonald EST-2008 4-way stoo A DE - - Saitese/Sullivan 2008 2-way stop C F B F B Install Sional Schafer/Dishman Mica 2008 Signal B B - F - - Sprague/Adams 2008 Signal B B _ B - - Sprague/Aoolewav 2006 Signal A BB - - Soreoue/Argonne 2008 Signal B B _ B - - Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 55 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 2014 030 2010-2015 2006 2014 Intersection Count Control Mitirsated r"b30 Mitigated Prolect LOS L05 LOS LOS LOS Identifier Spraaue/Barker 2008 4-way stop A F B F C Install Sianal Soraaue/Bowdish 2008 Sianal C C C _ _ Soraaue/Conklin 2009 Signal A A _ A _ _ Soraaue I Everareen 2006 Signal C C _ C _ Soraaue/Fancher 2007 Sianal D D - D _ _ Soraaue/Farr 2008 Signal A A - A _ _ Soraaue/Flora 2005 Sional B B _ D _ - Soraaue/1-90 WB On Ramo EST-2008 Sianal A A _ A _ Soraaue I McDonald 2009 Sianal C C _ D _ Soraaue/Mullan 2008 Sional B B _ B _ - Soraaue/Park 2008 Sianal B B - A _ - Soraaue/Pines 2008 Sional D D _ D - Soraaue/Proaress 2008 Signal B B _ B _ _ Soraaue/Sullivan 2008 Sional D D E _ _ Soraaue/Thierman 2005 Sianal B B _ B _ - Soraaue l University 2008 Sional D D _ D _ Soraaue l Vista 2008 Sional B B _ A _ Thorne/Dishman Mica EST-2008 2-way stop B B _ B - Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 56 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 2008 x014 2014 2030 2030 2010-2015 Intersection Count ControlLOS LOS Mitigated LOS Mitlaated Pro ect LOS LOS Identifier Thoroe/Madison 2007 2-way stop A A _ B - Trent/Argonne 2008 Signal D D E - IFFIB West Trent D Trent/Barker 2007 2-way stoo D TWLTL Trent/Everareen 2008 Sianal B B _ B - - BTV- Trent/Flora 2003 2-way stop E EF F Eliminate NB Movement Trent/McDonald 2007 2-way stoo C D - F - BTV- Trent/Park 2008 Sianal B B _ F B/C Reconfiaure Intersection Trent/Pines 2009 Sianal C D _ F - - Trent/Prooress 2007 2-way stoo C C _ E - - Trent/Sullivan-N Ramo 2007 Sianal A A _ A - - Treat/Sullivan-S Ramo 2007 Signal A AA - - - BTV Trent/University 2008 2-way stop C C _ Eliminate Intersection Trent/Vista 2008 Sianal B B _ B - - Wellesley/Everareen 2005 4-way stoo A B _ B - Wellesley/McDonald 2009 4-way stop D E _ F - - Bigelow Wellesley/Progress 2007 4-way stoo B B A C A Gulch Biaelow Wellesley/Sullivan 2007 4-way stop C C B D C Gulch Install Slane! Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 57 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 204 2000 2010-2015 • intersection Count Control 2008 25 Mitigated 2030 Mitiaated Protect LOS LtSSLOS LOS LCOS Identifier State Controlled Intersections Broadway/Thierman 2009 Sianal A A - A_ _ _ Broadway/1-90 WB Ramo 2009 Sianal A A A _ Broadway/1-90 EB Ramo 2009 Sianal B B _ B _ _ Aroonne/1-90 WB Ramo 2008 Sianal B B _ C _ _ Aroonne/1-90 EB Ramo 2008 Sianal B B - C - _ Mullan/1-90 WB Ramo 2008 Sianal B B _ B _ _ Mullan/I-90 EB Ramo 2008 Sianal C C _ C _ _ Indiana/Pines 2008 Sianal D D _ E _ Pines/1-90 EB Ramo 2008 Sianal C E _ E _ Evergreen/1-90 WB Ramo 2009 Signal C B _ B _ _ Evergreen/I-90 EB Ramo 2009 Sianal B B _ B _ _ Indiana/Sullivan 2007 Sianal C D _ D _ _ Sullivan/1-90 WB Ramo 2006 Signal B B C - Sullivan/1-90 EB Ramo 2006 Sianal E E _ F _ - Indiana/1-90 WB Ramo 2006 Sianal B B _ B _ - Barker/1-90 WB Ramo EST-2008 Sianal A F _ F - _ Barker/1-90 EB Ramo EST-2008 Sianal B D _ E - _ Adopted April 25,2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 58 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Table 4.36 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 2014 2030 2010-2015 2008 2014 2030 Intersection Count Control Mitlaated Mitigated Pro ect LOS LOS L05 LOS LOS Identifier Note: See Table 4.38 for a listing of capital improvement projects. - .Includes volumes from Bigelow Gulch Road project - - - - Intersection may be impacted by Aooleway Extension project.but analysis was not completed due to uncertainty of ROW - - - - - - ‘``k Improvement options are still under evaluation - - - BTV:Bridaina the Valley Regional Level of Service The Countywide Planning Policies require that LOS standards be adopted in accordance with the regional minimum level of service standards set by the Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials. The Steering Committee approved the use of corridor travel time for use in establishing the regional transportation system. The Spokane Regional Transportation Council is determining annual average corridor travel time through a travel time study. This study is still in progress and corridor travel time Level of Service standards will be adopted upon its completion. Uses of Level of Service Standards As measures of transportation effectiveness, LOS standards can help jurisdictions identify where and when transportation improvements are needed, and when development or growth will affect system operation. Level of service provides a standard below which a transportation facility or system is not considered adequate. Level of service standards can be used to evaluate the impact of proposed developments on the surrounding road system. They can also be used to identify problems, suggest remedial actions and apportion costs between public and private sources. LOS standards are a cornerstone in the development of equitable traffic impact fee systems, which makes development pay some of the costs for improvements to the transportation infrastructure. The Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) performed traffic modeling for the urban area, considering future population growth and distribution. This model examines the performance of the entire urban transportation system. Improvements to provide for the increased traffic volumes shown by the model at the adopted level of service standards, are included in this plan. More information on the transportation modeling based on future land use assumptions is contained in Chapter 3,Transportation. Relationship to Concurrency Management Concurrency involves matching public facilities and new development. The concept of concurrency predates the Growth Management Act for some public facilities, specifically through SEPA mitigation requirements. The GMA extends concurrency to transportation facilities by requiring that new development be served by adequate roads and public transportation service, and that development is not permitted to cause these transportation facilities to operate below level of service standards that are adopted by local governments in their comprehensive plans. "Adequate capacity refers to the maintenance of concurrency" (WAC 365-195-835). Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 59 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan State Transportation Facilities The Growth Management Act requires local jurisdictions to include inventory and Level of Service information for state transportation facilities in their Comprehensive Plans. State facilities are divided into two categories: Highways of Statewide Significance (HSS), and Regionally Significant Highways (non-HSS). The Growth Management Act requires non-HSS facilities to be subject to concurrency. The following table lists State highways serving Spokane County. State Transportation Level of Service The Washington State Department of Transportation ' Table 4.37 State Highways (WSDOT) requires state transportation facilities in Highway Description Designation urban areas(inside the UGA)to maintain a minimum Level of Service standard "D." In rural areas 1-90 (triterstate-" fHSS (outside the UGA), the minimum LOS standard is "C." Those areas lying outside the UGA that may SR-27 Pines Road Non-HSS have urban characteristics can be evaluated by the SR-290 `Trent Avenue Non-HSS WSDOT in conjunction with the City on a case-by- .HSS=Highway of Statewide Significance case basis to determine which standard is the most Non-HSS=Regionally Significant Highway appropriate fit. Intergovernmental Coordination Transportation plans were distributed for comment to all jurisdictions that may be impacted by, or impact, Spokane Valley's transportation system, including adjacent towns and cities, Spokane County, Spokane Transit Authority, Washington State DOT, and Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC). SRTC has overall responsibility for intergovernmental coordination of transportation plans. Each jurisdiction in the region must submit transportation plans to SRTC for inclusion in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan. SRTC responsibilities include: 1) Certifying the transportation elements of comprehensive plans adopted by the County, cities and towns in the region for consistency with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan; 2) Maintaining consistency between infrastructure plans and land use development plans, and 3) Reviewing LOS thresholds for transportation facilities in the Spokane Region. SRTC is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating the performance of regional transportation facilities as affected by land use and transportation improvement decisions. Concurrency management is linked to the planning process. Any amendments to the comprehensive plans require a concurrency management system analysis and must meet thresholds before their adoption. SRTC will annually assess the regional transportation system with respect to regional concurrency. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing Capital Projects Table 4.38 contains a complete list of transportation related capital projects for the years 2008 through 2013, totaling over$95 million. The City updates the six year TIP throughout the year as project priorities and funding changes. This Plan adopts by reference any updates to the TIP occurring between Plan update cycles. The current TIP is available for viewing online at www.spokanevalley.org. These projects address capacity issues at intersections and safety improvements. Following is a discussion of potential funding sources. Funding Sources Funding for the operation and expansion of the City's transportation system falls into several categories, which include federal, state and city funds. Some sources consist of reliable annual funds while others are periodic, such as grants. The use, availability and applicability of these various sources are not always at the discretion of the City. Spokane Valley will develop a track record with funding agencies as time goes on, which will help make to make more reliable funding assumptions. Adopted April 25,2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 60 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan A summary of expected federal, state and local funding sources for the City's six year Capital 1 following of transportation Improvement Program is shown in Table 4.39. The following is a summary ll anspoltatio, funding options. Federal Assistance These funds are authorized under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act for the 21St Century (SAFETEA-21) and are administered by the Federal Highway Administration through Washington State Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Planning Organization (Spokane Regional Transportation Council). Federal funding programs include Bridge Replacement (BR), Congestion Management and Air Quality (CMAQ) and the Surface Transportation Program (STP). State Assistance The Washington State Transportation Improvement Board administers State transportation programs, including the Urban Corridor Program (UCP), the Urban Arterial Program (UAP), and the Sidewalk Program (SP). City Funds Spokane Valley contributes revenues from the General Fund and the Real Estate Excise Tax funds for transportation projects. The City also receives State Motor Fuel Tax and Restricted State Fuel Tax. nnnp 2fa.n r ;.t y..a .., fS) :F:i:==rc ...J.u..,r n..-..n-Q_'_a,a Ivry do= n0'. 4 .. '.1:....:7..l.t Tom..;-+ 2.41'.3 1,72S n I h n..pI..,......IC.....n, ..1111..L......... ._ ..... 90 ,t ..3` 59 5-7-37 t,".:7, ;TS -1,2'."4-1..- .�, 44 9 9 V [1.J..l1,. .r... n::-7l.23. .!-. ..__...� Fii� r, ..4 ,!t ^n 42 59 v x.n lOnnT I I_i.....a----.'r:-.:..:.7.:: O/M 1722 j7...yV1C...:..,...I..a........::..n F-..-TA 447 7A0 P s5 4eesti, v.:Pati-w:::y ^._ .. -Pe) 4e 2=4 p.��.J.. 1 n/y y,a.y.c. ..IrY" _ na 2:- .A'.....--.3=M::::=Flo:-.:.'s_..-' F_..,e...,.o ., -H:....,.....,..,. c-nn oo2o .� n .. ..Iv) 2...x.-1..,....n......,,V 1:,--•.. ._.. 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Otho 49 e,509 22 .un.,zr R::4 E;:._..,.fort 5,,;:!..:Cul h O -55 02 I T o II!'Y.'Re:.a'nr..^: _: .'., OR 0 ',05S 20 tc^.:.^..".fb:1.".vX13 tea P:ter 'P 044 1,551 02 12:1c.De: ^.pp!^w:% E're::!..'.'% u^O ioo 2nO 2 Pe.,.Ra::.4. �2(rn,r..,:-.1y) o.^^.,.' I^''!a^s CTD( !) - '11 2,325 10" 2.lNd- p nn E'..zree.J22r STP(U) 7=3 7,5E1 w ! r,, .E ...,. e;F SR 27 Adopted April 25,2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 64 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan 29 ........... ...- 49 S:ii.z..Rcc_.'(RW'O` r',7) E:..I,d 3N..l—V�^, CTP\U) _y^^ 013 .,.c ,;. 45" Qn1,nn 105 7°5 2 Pines Cor-ger ITS S ._,I_a R 5 1....11.... 11-- ETP(P) 22 433 4-5 „_3�")'3 n o'1-.,.c3 n:.l-....._r.n1!o -S1-2:2---'7 STP 7) 23 242 ,.. I 8475g9r'1,2'..S 34 n.7 n Pr .-y^ .Q�,cct C .. vn 2: tt STP(.%) 30 7033 _;449 43 S:Sni,.2...R,.... (RW1CN cr.!.) __ciid lrtrencic� STP(IU) 5-45 2,-.---L-25 42 SuitIvan Recd R.:::5 .. ira.:71z E�:cii-ii TIFF) 4=4 045 5 82"a n„_..,. Di:l.m:::,Minta SR 27 ETP(P) 442 449g 4-7 Applcway rt n.zic-t E_V.,.,.--- ._....._, 2 ST-R 443 484 J,5" 4a STR(P) ES 444 ti Un:y-_,�',tj l7:_a 1..1_1 4-9 Un'xz.zIty R:.-I Irl-, 1 Died:.-.r:Mica 4.3' STP(P) 20 22 .../•..-._ OTD(11) 42 4.44 „i, R:, -1-4=-_,--A.. STP',I) Fir:Euclid Euct:dTp -n n l� s1 E.:ci:d Ficra £.rkc. Table 4.38 Six-Year Transportation Capital Facilities and Financing Flan 2010 (dollars in thousands) Item Project Description Primary City Total Source Amount Amount 1 Barker Road Bridge, BR 55 407 68 2.465 2 Broadway Ave 180 ft E.of Moore to Flora UAP 34 246 3 Park Road-#2(PE Onlyl-Broadway to Indiana, STP(U) 4 Broadway Avenue Safety Project-Pines(SR-271 to Park UAP 167 834 5 Indiana Ave Extension-3600'e/o Sullivan Rd to Mission&Flora UCP 264 1.874 6 Argonne Road-190 to Trent. CMAQ 77 576 7 Broadway/Sullivan Intersection PCC STA 253 1.230 8 Indiana/Sullivan Intersection PCC STA 275 1.342 Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 65 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan 9 I Sullivan Road(PE only)-Euclid to Wellesley STP(U) 40 298 10 Sullivan/Soraaue Intersection PCC City 933 1.678 11 Pavement Management Program-Arterials Other Fed 2.000 4.000 12 Pavement Manaaement Program-Local Access City 2.000 2.000 13 STEP Paveback City 3.543 3.543_ 2010 Totals: I 9.709 20.493 Table 4.38 Six-Year Transportation Capital Facilities and Financino Plan 2011 dollars in thousands Item Project Descriotion Primary City Total Source Amount Amount 6 Araonne Road-190 to Trent, CMAQ 101 713 9 Sullivan Road(PE only)-Euclid to Wellesley STP(U) 40 298 11 Pavement Management Proaram-Arterials Other Fed _ 2.000 4.000 12 Pavement Management Program-Local Access City 2.000 2.000 13 STEP Paveback City __ 757 757 14 Pines Corridor ITS:Soraaue to Trent CMAQ _ 280 2.081 15 Sullivan Road West Bridoe BR 147 735 16 Mission Ave.-Flora to Barker STP(U) _ 128 949 2011 Totals: 5.453 11.533 Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 66 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Table 4.38 Six-Year Transportation Capital Facilities and Financing Plan 2012 {_dollars in thousandsi Item Project Description Primary City Total Source Amount Amount x11 Pavement Manaaement Program-Arterials Other Fed 2.000 4.000 12_ Pavement Manaaement Proaram-Local Access City 2.000 2.000 15_ Sullivan Road West Bridae BR 147 735 16 Mission Ave.-Flora to Barker STP(U_) 671 4.967 17 Park Road-#2(CN Only)-Broadway to Indiana STP(U) 262 , 1.942 18 _Bowdish Road-32nd to 8th _STP(U)_____ _116 862 2012 Totals: 5.196 14.506 Table 4.38 Six-Year Transportation Capital Facilities and Financinct Plan 2013 (dollars in thousands) Item Project Description Primary City Total Source Amount Amount r11 _Pavement Management Proaram-Arterials Other Fed _ 2.000 4.000 12_Pavement Manaaement Proaram-Local Access City 2.000 2.000 15 Sullivan Road West Bridae BR 1.300 w.6.500 17 Park Road-#2(CN Only)-Broadway to Indiana STP(U) - 509 3.767 18 Bowdish Road-32nd to 8th STP(U) 89 655 19 Park Road-Bridaina the Valley/BNSF Grade Separation Other Fed 31 750 20 Saltese/Sullivan Sianal Developers 62 250 2013 Totals: _ 5.991 17.922 - Table 4.38 Six-Year Transportation Capital Facilities and Financing Plan 2014 (dollars in thousands' Item Project Description Primary City Total Source Amount Amount x11 Pavement Management Proaram-Arterials Other Fed _2.000 4.000 12 Pavement Management Proaram-Local Access City 2.000 2.000 15 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 1.300 6.500 18 Bowdish Road-32nd to 8th STP(U) 1.051 7.782 19 Park Road-Bridain.the Valley/BNSF Grade Separation Other Fed 90 2.150 21 Spracue/Barker Traffic Signal Developers 15 i5 2014 Totals: 6.456 22.507 I Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 67 of 72 • City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan I Table 4.38 Six-Year Transportation Capital Facilities and Financing Plan 2015 (dollars in thousands). Item Project Description Primary City Total Source Amount Amount 11 Pavement Management Program-Arterials Other Fed 2.000 4.000 12 Pavement Management Proaram-Local Access City 2.000 2.000 19 Park Road-Bridaina the Valley/BNSF Grade Separation Other Fed 286 6.809 21 Soraaue/Barker Traffic Signal Developers 74 370 22 Aooleway Extension-University to Everareen STP 64 205 23 Barker Road-Aoolewav to Broadway Avenue UAP 52 259 24 Mansfield Extension-Pines(SR27)to 300-ft East of Houk Rd UAP 73 367 25 Sullivan Road(RW/CN only)-Euclid to Wellesley STP(U) 54 400 26 Sullivan Road North Extension(Bioelow Gulch) City 55 55 27 Trent(SR290)-Del Ray to Barker Turn Lane Developer 133_ 532_ 28 Park/Soraaue Intersection PCC STP(P) _ 19 138 29_ Sullivan Rd ITS.Broadway to 24th CMAQ 150 1.108 30 Citywide ITS Improvements CMAQ 95 700 31 Everareen/32nd-16th to 32nd.Everareen to SR-27 STP(U) 164 1.215 2015 Totals: 5.219 18.158 .:.:.._.c-17:.:::,°:/.-.3 :o: ;,��..:..�.�. i -T•OTl1iS. V J.._- C 4 V. F-.4eF- �. t I :.E..-.. 11th.. City .,.Yt €__.� _-`�-3 �'^=^^''F QV: -Tv=�l ,--r11 �3 �'v:� a'.f -�, �,.__,_l .�`._-`.9 �,sr TT 2000 6-4;4' 1,527 344-663 413-0 3,e,22:. 4^9 4 4,2-.74 414499 47940 4 3,155 44; 12,134 2210 1,755 ,,1 55 2,2/1 3,235 240 2,152 1,750 444 3,45524?'3 3,424 3,125 3,591 7,220 43,"27 3044 2,1130 8 '.. 1-2;-73 :5 6 5 '4 2,135 444 1,759 17,65- 5,255 _n 143 444 kg'_ 2012 9 0 9 3,392_- 2494 944 8 15 4041._.4-/'_421,224 0,514 3,555 444 4,513 23,943 2 8 9 9 242 ,22 i4003 5,120 444 :4-20 X2447. 10005 6442 4444 4,02-0 -204,2"3 2914 0 0 9 2594 2321 5124 47450 402 1,7A7 -194445,723 41464 427. 1,133 4.4,2:—a,.... 1-9T.^LS 6,7o3 24;43 541,-7 .7,c...-,3:12 ec43 K-172-41 'f5 n3 2,775 11,723 �o /2,527 29,721 4,202 22,123 112,203 Table 4.39 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Summary 2010 through 2015 fin 51,000) Secured Projects Planned Projects Totals Year Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other C Total Federal State_ Other C Total 2010 S2.053 53.826 S2.905 S2,166 S10.950 S2.000 SO SO 57.543 S9.543 54.053 53.826 52.905 59.709 S20.493 2011 S2,671 SO SO S421 S3.092 53.409 SO SO S5.032 58.441 56.080 SO SO 55.453 511.533 2012 SO SO SO 50 SO S9.310 SO SO 55.196 514.506 S9.310 SO SO 55.196 514.506 2013 SO SO SO SO SO 511.388 S318 S225 55.991 517,922 511.388 S318 5225 55.991 S17.922 2014 SO SO SO SO SO 514.976 5911 5164 56 456 $22.507 514.976 5911 S164 SO 456 522.507 20 5 SO SO SO SO SO S8 477 53.389 S1.025 55,211 S18.102 58.477 53.389 51.025 55.211 S18.102 Totals 54,724 53,826 52.905 52,587 514.042 549.560 54,618 51414 535,429 591.021 554,284 58.444 54.319 538.016 5105,063 Adopted April 25,2006 (Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 68 of 72 • City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan P:-:-.1::::.V!t:_a I _: !M1r1=t:4.".:::!::..5::!:".;!:::,. ::::-:._:._:: 9th l'::::-.1.:^Ph::: 1 r:..,:h:r..: -1.. n-k Dn ntr n+O+L. A. n an n t{.. In !? `. - - - - - - �'i' ..... :'�: �,t._, .n.J h:!:..!w..__. - - G D+ nF Ott-. A..n nein t n t4..... I..nn n $9,1ES - - - - - - G:... ,c! :v.o.!!;_on.+no!=•.:o - - Otp,.A::::7'.22, nl. Ph:::o ln r ... h.o} � o. _.,_.._ :of �: .._:�� t .yv IYn f:_a.I:.. .....,__:h, $2,911 - - - - - - r-_u.. !d:..:!!;.:yn.J h:!;:!_.._o - D:.l, 0.,o.7 Dnl.J ..,i. 02..x1 to - - - - - - ___t._n;r!-y^.:.'+n_. ...t} - Dn..,.J;vh Po:d Dohob 07n4 to 9th V.,5.03 - 07nv 2!:-.ch ...J n,-1 ..1.+ :cod C0 1 0'l E F 27!D!n:.:me,,. Int.. `nnt;n-} +' , __ -.. .- ._ . ,- l.nn _. ..._ t: :t.!�. ;"�-�!!_.. ,__n c n -, - - — ..........' - .. . .=...,.....=.. - Dnnl^1,;_. n1.Ylt.. ......_:.a:..aL. ^+IMn.I,........ ...._..... .: - - ;'^? ^!; — — — — — — — — !noenn Table 4.40 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2010 Through 2015(in 51,000) Protects without Local Match within Existing Resources Pro ect Name Pro'ect Descri•tion Total Cos 32nd Avenue-Evergreen to Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with Best curbs and sidewalks. 2.237.00 8th Avenue Phase 1-Carnahan Reconstruct 8th Ave.to a three-lane section to Havana with curb cutter sidewalks and bike lanes. 3,483.00 8th Avenue Phase 2-Park to Reconstruct 8th Ave.to a three-lane section Dicke with curb,gutter.sidewalks and bike lanes. 5.120.00 8th Avenue Phase 3-Dickey to Reconstruct 8th Ave.to a three-lane section Carnahan with curb.clutter.sidewalks and bike lanes. 4.667.00 Aoolewav Extension-Evarareen Extend Aooleway Blvd.with a multi-lane to Tshiriey facility includina curbs and sidewalks. 13.219.00 Reconstruct to 3-lane roadway w/center turn lane.sidewalks,curb&°utter and Barker Road-8th to Aopleway _ _ 5 475.00 Barker Road-Spokane River to Trent Reconstruct to a 2-lane curbed arterial 6.530.00 Broadway(@,,Araonne/Mullan Intersections PCC Reconstruct intersections in PCC 1.556.00 Broadway Ave-Flora to Barker Reconstruct to 3-lanes.Flora to Barker 6.824.00 Camahan Truck Lane-8th to City Limits. Add SB truck Lane to road 5.973.00 Adopted April 25, 2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 69 of 72 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Euclid Ave!Flora Rd-Flora Euclid to Euclid.Euclid Flora to Reconstruct to provide a 2-lane.shouldered Barker arterial 5.408.00_ Flora Road-Sprague to Mission Reconstruct&widen to 3-lane roadway 5,175.00 _Kiernan&Sullivan PCC Reconstruct Intersection in PCC 1,350.00_ Park Road-#3-Sprague to Reconstruct and widen to a standard three- Broadway lane arterial street with curbs and sidewalks 4.244.00_ Pines Corridor ITS:Spraque to 16th Traffic Signal Control System for Corridor 785.00 - Improvements to intersection(Dual lane SR27/Pines/16th Intersection Roundabout) 3,189.00_ University/Sprague Intersection Replace asphalt pavement with portland PCC cement concrete pavement. 1,642.00 TOTAL - 76,877.00 Potential Annexation Areas/Urban Services The Growth Management Act requires that counties designate urban growth areas (UGAs). The City of Spokane Valley identified lands adjacent to the City within existing UGAs that would likely be developed for urban uses and potentially be annexed to the City. In order to assess the need for capital facilities,the City has identified existing service providers within the Potential Annexation Areas (PAAs). This assessment should help identify the effects a potential annexation area will have on existing levels of service. l Table 4.41 Existing Urban Service Providers within Potential Annexation Areas(PAAS) j PAM I Northwood f Northeast East Southeast I South I Ponderosa Edgecliff Domestic Water Pasadena Park I Consolidated Consolidated Vera Vera S.C.W.D.No.3 East Spokane Hutton Settlement Consolidated S.C.W.D.No.3 Fire&Emergency Services F.D.No.1&9 F.D.No.1 F.D.No.1 F.D.No.1&8 F.D.No.1&8 F.D.No.8 F.D.No.1&8 Law Enforcement Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Libraries S.C.Library Dist S.C.Library Dist S.C.Library Dist S.C.Library Dist S.C.Library Dist. S.C.Library Dist S.C.Library Dist Parks&Open Space Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Public Schools W.V.S.D.&S.D.81 E.V.S.D C.V.S.D. C.V.S.D. C.V.S.D. C.V.S.D. W.V.S.D.&S.D.81 Public Transit Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Sanitary Sewer Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Not Sawered Spokane County Solid Waste/Recycle Waste Mgmt Waste Mgmt Waste Mgmt Waste Mgmt Waste Mgmt Waste Mgmt Waste Mgmt Storm water Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Street Cleaning Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Transportation Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County Spokane County The City of Spokane Valley has adopted Levels of Service (LOS)to measure a public facility or service's operational characteristics to gauge its performance. The following analysis will assess current levels of service in the PAAs to provide a context of how annexation could affect the City's LOS and provide guidance for phasing of annexations. Additionally, the analysis will provide City staff and elected officials information to assist in the planning and budgeting of public service delivery as a result of annexation to the City of Spokane Valley. The following study includes LOS analysis for sanitary sewer and parks and open space. Analysis is not provided for services where the City has adopted the minimum regional LOS. Services excluded from this analysis are domestic water, fire protection, law enforcement, libraries, public schools, public transit, sanitary sewer, solid waste/recycle, storm water, street cleaning, and transportation. Adopted April 25,2006(Updated 05-27-2009) Chapter 4-Capital Facilities Page 70 of 72 Exhibit 4 Chapter 7 - economic Development City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Policies EDP-2.1 Develop appropriate urban design and infrastructure standards for the City Center area. EDP-2.2 Develop zoning, permitting, and incentives that encourage prioritized development consistent with the SVCP. EDP-2.3 Focus economic development resources through specific redevelopment areas as appropriate. Goal EDG-3 Promote the development of a qualified labor force that is globally competitive and responds to the changing needs of the workplace. Policies EDP-3.1 Encourage the region's world-class education consortium. EDP-3.2 Encourage post-secondary education and technical schools to locate and expand offerings within the City of Spokane Valley. EDP-3.3 Encourage community colleges and technical schools in the development of customized training programs for businesses. EDP-3.4 Encourage K-12 education to include skills-based training and creative partnerships with business. EDP-3.5 Encourage public/private partnerships in training and education, through continuing employee education. EDP-3.6 Encourage cooperation among businesses, schools, labor unions and other organizations in developing job training through apprenticeships, mentoring and other programs. EDP-3.7 Promote opportunities that employ Spokane Valley residents in Spokane Valley. Goal EDG-4 Encourage regional tourism as a sustainable provider of jobs and markets. Policies EDP-4.1 Encourage the development of a comprehensive tourism promotion plan that supports the marketing efforts of regional tourism agencies, attractions and events. EDP-4.2 Encourage the development of local attractions, recreational, cultural and sports events which take advantage of the four seasons. EDP-4.3 Encourage and promote the marketing of appropriate facilities that are consistent with Spokane Valley's tourism objectives. EDP-4.4 Expand and develop neighborhood and regional linkages and improvements to the Centennial Trail and Spokane River frontage. Goal EDG-5 Collaborate with other governmental agencies and the business community to promote a sustainable, strong, diverse and healthy regional economy. Policies EDP-5.1 Improve the effectiveness of capital improvement programs by encouraging greater communication and coordination between local governments and the private sector. EDP-5.2 Develop and implement strategies to identify and use appropriate Federal, State and regional economic resources and incentives. Adopted April 25, 2006(Update 7-31-2008) Chapter 7—Economic Development Page 15 of 16 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan EDP-5.3 Encourage the continued support and funding of active duty, reserves and National Guard components of the United States Armed Forces. EDP-5.4 Collaborate with other local governments and business organizations in promoting legislation in support of economic development when appropriate. EDP-5.5 Encourage development of and participation in a recognition/certification program for businesses and non-profits moving toward local. sustainable practices in their operations. EDP-5.6 Encourage development of and participation in a"buy local" campaign. Goal EDG-6 Establish a balanced approach to environmental sustainability which complements the utilization of area resources and economic growth. Policies EDP-6.1 Encourage the retention, development and recruitment of environmentally friendly businesses. EDP-6.2 Encourage programs that foster and promote sustainable business practices. EDP-6.3 Encourage the development of clean technologies. Goal EDG-7_ Maintain a regulatory environment that offers flexibility, consistency, predictability and clear direction. Policies EDP-7.1 Evaluate, monitor and improve development standards to promote compatibility between adjacent land uses; and update permitting processes to ensure that they are equitable, cost-effective, and expeditious. EDP-7.2 Review development regulations periodically to ensure clarity, consistency and predictability. Adopted April 25, 2006 (Update 7-31-2008) Chapter 7—Economic Development Page 16 of 16 . Limit! �-►— ,-r\_`-' -r\ -, , Map 7.1 L-- / . ,f 4sF !r .- �'. 2009 ' n° �/ Development Activity 1 r Ci If :(4441/ �� ! i Fylr---", , 1�- a [a�.l" a Legend 196' ta Ind] Tr7.73A Permits it- r ./ "' r..M I kc v, c _ f Commercial'/ ,.!W -� -e�LZ-VG �Ci`�r.. e'"u'n �1 '°d.d.1.T�, na."..8 A. �� ,/' s i,1g4,,,,:?�,'�' • _ L O I n� L Residential r I IW r 0 Fn 114� i e r... r.,.ia Stena • Ex e if -• 1. l G' , ee._ e . ,.,, s� 1 `, _c�( � -9�.I. i It.l� 'r":- Q Plato Recorded •11 ,n � � E 1 - q — -. Y ''.�i. .i.� /� i I Plata w/Mdlmmny Approval '1,1-1 A,_ _ ., $1 " laillit," V ,a �' ASL,9 • -n • �+' - I`• �;, �11•� n._.......I Plat&BSP Applications /. a o .11.10111,10,. .t---1.,,I.% 1 ,mown ! --1 I /nn //a .... a r • mal... a,_ i6 .. 'L N'i!}/ • Urban Growth Boundary lz Ogyuwwtt�, J ° 1 _ I.�I Lam. .. .. _ f.. FI° a a. N'E �'�f;ls� =GII f$Spokane Volley p� i [. i Y o pn Y / „ ;Plc - le..; lu �lt-I't 1r ,'.w°,. - 7411.1.-11;•1- ml• `,,,r.4 _ .I,C .E Ir .i e7 Za other Municipalities •c. ry liric: n,mal_et "? ■• : ° °�, _� „ki , • :_ r gig nieledil • ira,. °I lQ • Ila7 �Cla�t• 7 it w Irl'iYY' _ Jl' ►;js1' Zanine Changes l 1 /� '�Ti/S r NCT �?MF-2 7 O nal it a f I. 2,. it u , ,1,5,71,,..,,.-- I . 'm e S 9,,.i s �j�• ,;..•,� r�y' ..r:I. r� n y I r I � �IE1�- w S + s `'•— ; u.uA � Y/ MUA GO �+i ,l 4 ' bn� h . e--...... yn' r 5n •1a �w' - Vit. �. -� �Y. .'1'�r��- .a • _ MI ®t ..�� !r� 5 j-. ' _ )„� +. NE ” I� • 9i© i1. 1�,NII GCC O 1,i�e..1.mos1,. . '.. LT ,,-t ���"/4.. ,---;71-',..2'., f .f�''- a J �' •� .ii I'4f„ , 4. "-yk un f,,,,,*J r ir GCA CMU ` l -It ;.. 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II /r . r i/ ,1 � , ® (7 , : � t12 , Effective Date: �- Ordinanro No.:70C-300( E,-,,p- k7';') ) I � 1T / ; D 1,°r Cv . .00.14 ;nes- T oc 11 ---.-+- iiii i !, -.-7.0_ ' W ;_ m s" w. ��1 r �/ 0 0.5 1 2 Mies CI _ Fir ���111 1�• v t 1 I I 1 _; s Mitre:enhe d shown no INl Nrnphn ily111l1.1 nw rleat dull f/ ll�"'` _- _ • nwnrs Mtd h luG/em In emoted'erWllon.Thr Cily111441.1 No ddns y4Mil-n 1 MRnMInuel eked Ihr ercur epw rerrory RI Ms Mair and '-‘,/,./r -1 , error,i.dtreteln,IMIIIINf r men end o.sh11en1 IN Ill remise& r 7beer.s uamemo emo lhr City of5)sokenr Katy,Cefeenn IIV /� ! `r'' 1r'\, lkwkpnrnt Mlrm9srrN1,()Name gtI'Im,olo,(SiN)071•I004 •V•/ l Nf%Aid of Me CV,atRW pne Vag%ONwnWnnJ ry •poona nNn enrw Exhibit 5 Chapter 8 - Natural Environment City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan NEP-8.5 Land use regulations/decisions should consider density transfers, transfer of development rights, bonus density, natural wetland preserves, wetland banking or other mechanisms to retain wetlands whenever possible. NEP-8.6 Encourage public and private groups to consider protection and/or acquisition of wetlands and their buffer areas. NEP-8.7 Encourage the preservation of wetlands associated with wildlife habitat corridors identified by accepted scientific standards. Aquifer/Groundwater Goal NEG-9 Strive to prevent water quality degradation of the Spokane Valley/Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. NEP-9.1 Encourage the development of an inter-jurisdictional. lona range plan to manage and protect the Spokane Valley/Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. Goal NEG-10 Endeavor to protect groundwater quality from adverse development impacts; Policies NEP-10.1 Participate in cooperative surface and groundwater management efforts with other affected jurisdictions in the region. NEP-10.2 Consider adopting regulations to reduce or eliminate the impact of land uses that pose a risk to groundwater. NEP-10..-23 Strive to retain floodplains and associated wetlands in its natural condition. Fish and Wildlife. Goal NEG-11 Strive to preserve, protect, and enhance fish and wildlife habitat. Goal NEG-12 Strive to minimize the impact on priority species from habitat alteration and other human activities. Policies NEP-12.1 Utilize best available science in managing wildlife habitat. NEP-12.2 Strive to preserve and enhance native vegetation in riparian habitats. NEP-12.3 Encourage the use and preservation of native plants in residential and nonresidential landscaping. NEP-12.4 Foster the protection of wildlife corridors in publicly owned open space where appropriate. These areas should use native plants that support native species of birds and animals where appropriate. NEP-12.5 Encourage informational and educational programs and activities dealing with the protection of wildlife. NEP-12.6 Land use regulations and decisions will consider density transfers, bonus density, nature area preservation or other innovative mechanisms to retain fish and wildlife habitat areas. NEP-12.7 Development proposals and their design shall consider the retention and maintenance of critical fish and wildlife habitat areas and will provide buffers to protect corridors and water habitats. NEP-12.8 Coordinate with Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife in planning and management of fish and wildlife habitat resources. Adopted April 25,2006 (Updated 7-31-2008) Chapter 8—Natural Environment Page 22 of 24 City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan NEP-12.9 Encourage the public acquisition and/or protection of sensitive habitats including but not limited to wetlands and shorelines. Flood Areas Goal NEG-18 Work to identify watershed characteristics that affect frequently flooded areas. Goal NEG-14 Assist in the management of frequently flooded areas to enhance environmental quality and to minimize the risks to life and property. Policies NEP-14.1 Frequently flooded areas and marshes should be used as forest, wildlife habitat, open space, recreation and other appropriate uses whenever practical. NEP-14.2 Require the maintenance, protection or restoration of natural drainage systems and use bioengineering techniques rather than structural solutions where possible. NEP-14.3 Development should meet the objectives and requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program for reducing floods hazards and minimizing flood losses within a 100-year floodplain.. Geologically Hazardous Areas Goal NEG-15 Development should be discouraged in geologically hazardous areas unless it can be demonstrated that a hazard area can be developed consistent with public health and safety. Development permits should be conditioned to mitigate certain hazards. Goal NEG-16 Geologically hazardous areas may be used as open space for recreation, forest,wildlife habitat and other uses as appropriate. Policies NEP-16.1 Limit clearing and grading activities in geologically hazardous areas. NEP-16.2 Development proposals within geologically hazardous areas should include an erosion control plan and/or stabilization plan prior to receiving approval. NEP-16.3 Land use regulations and decisions should consider density transfers, bonus density, nature belt preservation or other innovative mechanisms to retain geologically hazardous areas in a natural state whenever appropriate. Surface Water Goal NEG-17 Encourage the continued provision of both adequate quantity and quality of surface water for Spokane Valley. Goal NEG..18 Encourage land uses that are consistent with long-term protection of surface water quality and quantity in Spokane Valley. Goal NEG-19 Collaborate with appropriate public and private entities to help restore the water quality of the Spokane River. Policies NEP-19.1 Impacts of a development proposal upon surface water quality shall be considered before development is approved. Conditioning proposals may be necessary to protect water quality (e.g. biofiltration measures), manage runoff and address erosion control and sedimentation. NEP-19.2 Update the City's interim shoreline management program. Adopted April 25, 2006(Updated 7-31-2008) Chapter 8—Natural Environment Page 23 of 24 Exhibit 6 SEPA Determination COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT p�� 1e! PLANNING DIVISION 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax:509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) This DNS is issued using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the DNS. File No.: CPA-04-10,CPA-05-10,CPA-06-10,CPA-07-10,and CPA-08-10 Description of proposal: The 2010 Comprehensive Plan amendments include amendments to five Comprehensive Plan Elements: Chapter 2 -Land Use, Chapter 3 -Transportation, Chapter 4- Capital Facilities and Public Services, Chapter 7 -Economic Development,and Chapter 8-Natural Environment. The amendments may also entail minor changes to other elements referencing the proposed amendments. Chapter 2 - Land Use: New policy language will address development agreements in association with site-specific comprehensive plan map amendments. Text edits will also integrate policy language to supplement existing goals to support acquiring open space,publicizing the community's heritage,and connecting neighborhoods. Chapter 3 - Transportation: Map 3.1, Arterial Street Plan, will display the federal reclassification of Conklin Street and Indiana Avenue. Map 3.2, Bike and Pedestrian System, will display newly developed bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Map 3.7, Local Access Street Plan, is new map identifying future access streets within the City of Spokane Valley to improve connectivity and emergency access. Text edits will integrate policy language to supplement existing goals to support linking facilities with non-motorized transportation routes, increasing the percent of total miles of bike lanes in the City, and encouraging fuel-efficient vehicles in the public transportation system. Chapter 4-Capital Facilities and Public Services: Amendments will incorporate changes in the 6-year Transportation Improvement Plan(TIP)into the Capital Facilities Plan to ensure consistency. The Level of Service(LOS)table will be updated to identify a six-year and twenty-year level of service analysis for all arterial intersections in the City of Spokane Valley. Amendments will also update the growth assumptions to reflect population allocation numbers approved by the Spokane County Board of Commissioners. New text will integrate policy language to supplement existing goals to support water conservation, recycling, limiting harmful chemicals, and education programs that result in local employment. Chapter 7 - Economic Development: Amendments will integrate policy language to supplement existing goals to support local businesses,living wages,efficient practices,and clean technologies. Chapter 8-Natural Environment: New text will integrate policy language to supplement existing goals to protect the aquifer,groundwater,and priority habit species. This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. Proponent: City of Spokane Valley Location of proposal: N/A Lead Agency: City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department,Planning Division Determination: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, the lead agency has determined that the proposed text amendments to the comprehensive plan do not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. After a thorough review of the completed environmental Page 1 checklists, the lead agency has determined that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This information is available to the public on request. DNS issued under WAC 197-11-355 Responsible Official: Staff Contact: Kathy McClung,Community Development Director Mike Basinger,AI CP-Senior Planner City of Spokane Valley Community Development City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department Department Valley Redwood Plaza,11707 E.Sprague Avenue,Suite Valley Redwood Plaza,11707 E.Sprague Avenue,Suite 106,Spokane Valley,WA 99206 106,Spokane Valley,WA 99206 PH: (509) 688-0030/FX: (509) 921-1008 PH: (509) 688-0045/FX: (509) 921-1008 kmcclung@spokanevalley.org mbasinger@spokanevalley.org Date issued: February 5,2010 Signature: her APPEAL: An appeal of this determination must be submitted to the Community Development Department within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date issued. The appeal must be written and make specific factual objections to the City's threshold determination. Appeals shall be in conformance with Section 17.90 (Appeals) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. At the time of appeal submittal, required fees are due pursuant to the City's adopted Fee Schedule. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-680, appeals shall be limited to a review of a final threshold determination. AGENCY ROUTING: City of Liberty Lake,Community Development City of Spokane,Planning Services Spokane County,Boundary Review Board Spokane County,Building and Planning Spokane County,Division of Utilities-Information Services Spokane County,Clean Air Agency Spokane County,Fire District No. 1 Spokane County,Fire District No.8 Spokane County,Regional Health District Spokane Transit Authority(STA) Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) Washington State Department of Ecology(Olympia) Washington State Department of Ecology(Spokane) Page 2 WITHERSPOON•KELLEY Attorneys&Counselors SPOKANF I SEATTLE I COEUR D'ALENE I PORTLAND F.J.Dullanty,Jr. jjjd a witherspoonkelley.cam RECEIVED February 25, 2010 FEB 25 2010 kmcclungnspokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Kathy McClung Community Development Director City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda/Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing Dear Kathy: Thank you for providing us with the Agenda, together with the copies in electronic format of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments to be discussed at the February 25th at 6:00 p.m. hearing of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission. The first Agenda provided by email on February 23rd did not contain the attachments, followed by another email of February 24`h,which did contain the proposed Amendments. We have been asked by Centennial Properties to comment on the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan. We appreciate the opportunity to comment,but due to the size of the document (approximately 100 pages)we have been unable to adequately and appropriately review the documents in the amount of time prior to the hearing in order to provide any meaningful comment. Accordingly, we respectfully request that the public record be kept open with respect to comments to the Planning Commission in order to allow us an adequate time to not only review the documents,but to comment where we deem appropriate. What we did notice, in a quick review of the material, is that we believe there is not sufficient reference to existing private property rights and the protection thereof as required by the Growth Management Act. We therefore suggest that there be an analysis or acknowledgement that not withstanding any rule or policy to the contrary that private property rights will be protected and that no property will be required to be dedicated or restricted unless, the project being proposed is directly effected. 422 W.Riverside Avenue,Suite 1100 Phone:509 1624.5265 Spokane,Washington 99201-0300 Fax:509 1 458-2728 www.wi t herspoon kel ley.com Kathy McClung February 25, 2010 Page 2 Thank you for the opportunity to supply you this letter, and while we will not be in attendance at tonight's February 25` hearing at 6:00,we do again wish to have the opportunity to within the next couple weeks provide a meaningful comment subsequent to our review. Very truly yours, WITHE' 'SON /Y 1/14 LA / Y, JR. FJD cc: Deanne Logan Bob Smith Deanna Griffith L:\wdocs\spokmain\30]20\0004\S0103546.DOC L0 WITHERSPOON•KELLEY Attorneys &Counselors SPOKANE I SEATTLE I COEURD'ALENE I PORTLAND F.J.Dullanty,Jr. jjd@witherspoonkelley.com February 25, 2010 RECEIVED kmcclung@spokanevalley.org ;is Eli 2010 Kathy McClung SPOKANE VALLEY Community Development Director DEPARTMENT OF City of Spokane Valley COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda/Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing Dear Kathy: Thank you for providing us with the Agenda, together with the copies in electronic format of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments to be discussed at the February 25th at 6:00 p.m. hearing of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission. The first Agenda provided by email on February 23rd did not contain the attachments, followed by another email of February 24th, which did contain the proposed Amendments. We have been asked by Centennial Properties to comment on the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan. We appreciate the opportunity to comment, but due to the size of the document (approximately 100 pages)we have been unable to adequately and appropriately review the documents in the amount of time prior to the hearing in order to provide any meaningful comment. Accordingly,we respectfully request that the public record be kept open with respect to comments to the Planning Commission in order to allow us an adequate time to not only review the documents, but to comment where we deem appropriate. What we did notice, in a quick review of the material, is that we believe there is not sufficient reference to existing private property rights and the protection thereof as required by the Growth Management Act. We therefore suggest that there be an analysis or acknowledgement that not withstanding any rule or policy to the contrary that private property rights will be protected and that no property will be required to be dedicated or restricted unless, the project being proposed is directly effected. • 422 W.Riverside Avenue,Suite 1100 Phone:5091624-5265 Spokane,Washington 99201-0300 Fax:509 1458-2728 www.witherspoonkel ley.com Kathy McClung February 25, 2010 Page 2 Thank you for the opportunity to supply you this letter, and while we will not be in attendance at tonight's February 25` hearing at 6:00, we do again wish to have the opportunity to within the next couple weeks provide a meaningful comment subsequent to our review. Very truly yours, WITHE' ' •ON BEY F. - . BULLA Y, JR. FJD cc: Deanne Logan Bob Smith Deanna Griffith L:\wdocs\spokmain\30120\0004\S0103546.DOC